Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Jun 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY WRIG, THURSDA:, JUNE 12 INFORMING THE PREMIER] === "===z=e=== (DEATH OF ROBERT CARROLL The Centres of Population, and OF RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED How to Better Them. HE HAD PASSED THE FOUR. A problem which vitally confronts AT TORONTO. our present day civilization is the SCORE MILESTONE. city problem. The present tendency of - ? 1 n The Hong Kong Contingent Ar- Population in ay nore holly Shvitia- One of Kingston's Oldest and fee in a restaurant. Is Claes wn rives at Montreal--The Coast | td coummtry is to flock toward the eit- Most Highly Respected Citi- i yt : : : d | es. And so essentially is the tendency A Comes East, Accompanied bY | derlie our civilisation that w may Whole-Souled Man. i t oat. & Fourteen Bluejackets. look for its continuance. Dr. Josiah Resting peacefully, as though in wif cen! a-cup Lr Montreal, June 11.--Alexander Me- | Strong hae estimated that if 2he rate | calm slumber, the form of Robert home ? Give your . ol ' P, esicent of the Montreal board | of migration city-ward of the past | Carroll, Kingston's octogenarian, ' coffee \Y Fue, phe hac be Rotert Mun quarter of a century continues, by the | rests gently on the bosom of death at Chase & Sanborn Ss high grade 4 wd ro, treasurer, and George Hadrill, sec { Jour i the cities of the United the home of his son-in law, E. C. His of { tary, left for Ott thi orping | States will embrace a majority of the cock, Barrie street. The period mark- exquisite el in or nt ne de haa popadation of the whole nation. What ing dissolution came at an early hour You will know the flavor the rhie ill lay before Sir Wilfrid 1 is true in the case of the nited | this morning, when the spirit of one ) which will lay before Sie. Wiltric a States is true of Canada and of oth- | of nature's true noblemen took flight finest coffee obtainable. You cant save rier the resolutions adopted at i r recent conference of the boards of | er _countires as well. The date may | to its eternal reward. trade held at Toronto. differ, the fact remains the same. The ; The late Robert Carroll was born i "YT want it understood," announced |. The Hong Kong coronation contin Spreme Jhltriee which She city is in the sounty of Dow, Jar Baifast, half a cent by drinking poor, low grade cot the large, fat gentleman, who was cast | gent proved objects of much interest | desti NS Lo exercise: In hear | lrelana, in 180. He had long passed ' v od in the streets to-day. The Indian | future, makes the elevation of the | the mile stone marking 'the three ee Chase Sanbom 4 cheap for Faleall, shat 1 am he star: of pimbely ially, attracted much | character of city He a_question of | score and ten miles of life's journey. f & s is : enough "gs A : ttention in their picturesque head- | national importance. is wi ac- | Six months ago he celebrated the Ea a re 1 oar a (hey are ail six. | count for the fact that those who |vighty-second anniversary of his| J for everybody to drink. Yet it is the leading soubrette. "You spread out enough to | gear and khaki. 'They are all six- be a nebula." footers and look like giants beside the | have given their attention and emer- | birth, and received the congratula- 0 od hula. English members of the contingent. | gies to the solution of those prob- | tions of his many friends upon his f fee of id. He i " ancy cof the wor They will be fittingly entertained dur- | lems, are claimed in a sense by the vigor and alertness. He enjoved per COMMERCIAL MATTERS. ing their stay in the city by the local | whole mation. 3 fect health up to ten days ago, when Besknellors, 14] Princess Street. militia. Hugh Price Hughes, for instance, | signs of a4 general breaking up began What Is Going On In the Business The coast section of the Bisley team | the eminent Wesleyan minister of Lon- | to appear. The brave spirit hore up World--The Market News. has arrivea in the city. Fourteen don, Eng., has impressed himself up- strongly, however, but was unable to . blue ackets and one marine, ffom dif° | on the public wind, not through his | overcome the final.struggle, and this The farmers of Keneas are confident that § 0 00" cote" of the Pacific coast | brilliance only, not even mainly, nor | morning took its flight to a brighter they will 'havn a hundred million bushels of squadron, came across with the con- | through his ecclesiastical prominence, | and better world. His faculties re- whent wh up: Brandon, M - 5 tingent on the same train. Eight are | but because his work has so vitally | mained clear and sharp up to almost _--. indoass: Beam ' Ham. is Takin 8 men whose terms of service have ex- tonched the very fountain head of the last moment. . wheot iat New Zunland pired, while the others are being in: | the nation's future life. Fiiteen years Sixty vears ago the late Mr. Car John Brand, the Rimira. N.Y. tobaoes valided home. They left to-day for | ago, be inaugurated what has been roll settled in Kingston, coming here v . OTe ODOT Halifax, where they will take passage | called the West London mission. He | direct from his native heath, where he grower, will uge 45,000 yards of cloth for 3 $ Riberi i o0 v ' : : for Glasgow on the 8S. Siberian. has employed every kind of agency, | had served a long and faithful ap San. Whig summa, under which he will grow clerical pa lay, male snd female, prenticeship to the art of Patio A Duluth Commercial Rerord correspond. RUSSELL RETAINS HIS SEAT. | seeking by every method, educational, making, a which field he had few, if % oh Duty Commertinl_ re evangelistic, special, musical, flower | any, superiors. He was a skilled ma Vv: river farmers are- planting | or. Majority Cut Down to Thirty- | services, clubs, fescue homes and what chinist and engineer, and his opinions ¥ » more flax than ever before, and he predicts a not, in order to reach every class of | on these matters were sought from 40,000,000 erop this year. Six. b : : : : : ; : : t being reached | distant points in Canada and the F The Salmon canvers of Washingt tate . 2] S i-§ PerSon that Wag pols Tui : reba beee 4 say they Hare recrdved the mnt of : - evils: Juus My Pa Hon and inspired to higher ideals by ex- Ueaited States He was the inventor THEE S200 0000 0000 0000 0000000 ote | - : ' E worn- | 4 : . of many labor-saving vices, and » Canadian authorities to build a big salmon | ing. Judge Lazier's official decisi n isting agencies, * : x oh i : hatchery on the Fraser river, British Colum: : that 8 Mr Russell (Lib.) received Not only has his plan su led in gained a wide _feputation as the in- y > : N . the city of London, until it has very | ventor of the Carroll propellor wheel, bia, for the purpose of perpetuating the sal- | 1 962 legal votes, and Mr. Richardson : in s " : S62 tes, al - HK f th eat | now in feneral use on the great | 4 mon industry om Poget Sound. The Cama | (Cons.), 1,926, giving a liberal ma- markedly aflected the life of the grea For' sixty vears, with Syne lajeh vo 5 4 1% ) n J J : . | metropolis, but it has become the mo- the exception dian government declined to build hatcheries | jority of thirty-six, or a reduction of del op which like efforts have been | of a very short period, he was identi , and an the Puget Sound tr fd & vel on fi y Rl ! ° . . % aii hat they all say after ueing our ey he v8. Buu ay ag . sv from the returning officer's organized by his own and other | fied with the Kingston foundry, part Is OSinelves aod guarantes i6 8 the conners mind trap owners decked fn or | churches in other great centres, such | of the time as foreman, partner; 'and der to prevent the industry from being | North G R + as Manchester, Liverpool and Edin- | in various positions of trust and re : Fla 5, vernish stains, carriage patil, to punt tho buildin Rh a or Tey Recount. : burgh. Rev. George Jackson, is a | sponsibility, and he ever gave satis ; . : v per a Jub i for the Jos "| Owen Sognd, Ont., June 11.--The re- | man. who though still a young man, | faction to his employers and assoei com ' for AN 3 : : , ) > Mitchell's Hardware irs benefits wan comotte fowla | count for North Grey is still on. | hag sheen related to the movement al- | ates. He was a general favorite with . . McKay's (Lib.) majority was reduced mos€ since its inception, having charge his workmen, among whom he count- S-- from nine to four "Abofit one-half of | of the mission in Edinburgh, and who | #6 some of his warmest friends. He w. NEWLANDS INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. the poll is yet To be gone over. has come prominently before the pub- | Was ever ready to give advice and to 3 > (1:30 p.m.)--The North Grey re |}ic as an author as well as in this con- | assist his fellow-workmen on troubled Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | count is ahout finished. McKay's ma- nection, will to-day visit our city. He Pojiite in connection with their work, Reporters On Their Rounds. jority is now reduced to two. is anmounced to address a mass meet- | He had no liking for public life, OG ing in the Queen street Methodist though he was a member of the pub- Fin pounds good rice for 25c., at The Final Result. church to-night, and' all students of lic school board when the municipali- : 3 ain 8. Owen Sound, Ont., June 11.---The | these vital problems, which centre ah- | t¥ built. the first school house in { Us in i A ; BOARD. pa LSI svepehsaties a half North Grey recount is over, McKay, | out the rapid growth of cities will Kingston, and he continued to serve 3 y " ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE | chell sonvenlonces, oon | Foint, Manzanilla olives, 15¢. per gn Clty and, Memlosald bottle, at Mullin's. WHERE THE RANSOM WENT. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from : Chickering, New York. Orders received Was Used to Stir 'up the Mace- dulgent father; the: is- at MoAuley's book store. donians, The Very Latest News Culled cock, Barrie flay 270 Yong 5. 0 Bs Steamer North King leaves King-| Salonica, Roumelia, June 11.--The From All Over the World. Carroll, Brooklyn, N.Y. . The aged ston, Sundays, a 10.17 ain, fot 1.910 ound, a pewapapcr published at | Sidi Ali, the boy of Tunis, died this | partner of his life's joys and vicissi islands, and at 5 p.m., for Rochester, ostendil, Bulgaria, says it has trans- | morning. tudes is also a mourner at the hier of N. ¥. pired that a secret congress of dele- | The town of = Laurel, in Marshall | a devoted husband. In politics he was Back combs, marked 3Bc., 40c., | gates from Kostendil, Dubnitza, ju county, lowa,' was destroyed by a |a staunch reformer and in religion a 60c., : T5e., all going for 10c. each. | elsewhere met in Sofia at the end of | tornado. last night. : Presbyterian, an attendant at St. Roche's old stand. KE. O, Mitchell. March and arranged for the disposi- More than 2,000 liberal soldiers have | Andrew's church, of which he was for Mixed, hack, | or uncolored Japan | tion of the money received as ransom | laid down their arms since the gov- | years an elder. tea, usua 80 at 2c. per pound, | for Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American | ernment victory in Colombia. The late Mr. Carroll retained the this week 3 ode for 25¢., at Mul- | missionary, and her companion, Ma- The St. Lawrence terminal steam- | respect and good-will of all classes of lin's grocery, corner Johnston and [dame Tsilka. Karapeoff, alias Toher- | ship company has been organized at | citizens. He was a loyal Kingstonian, Division streets, nopeoff, the leader of the band of bri- | Montreal with a capital of $1,000,000. one who took a deep interest in all gands which captured the missionaries, The high court of Canada, Canadian | measures tending towards the ad Ode To The Catfish. was among the delegates, who decided | order of Foresters, is in session at | vancement of the city. He took a keen Som. Hunter,' in The Moon, to send bands into Macedonia on a |Owem Sound. About 250 delegates | interest in athletic sports, and his Dinpinat by: the: haughty. who ale: for: bi secret mission, are in attendamce. genial face 'was to be seen at almost Uncanny of figure and voted "low clase," Judge Sumuel W. Pennypacker, | every football, hockey and baseball Bivhendexd, bewhiskered, when skinned on the Killed B Philadelphia, is the nominee for gov- [ match played here. He was a good ih, i y The Train. § i sonven- | eiti ; A A tl in acl ta our' ical the cab Enteiptiss, June 10.-Byr Scant brig of eh Mivbliean #tate conven- | citizen and his departure, even at 3 a » e <ohyron Scant | tion for Pennsylvania. co] i i i fish. ia, T wand, arrived here yesterday. Norman DD. Plass, Worthington, ouch » Pe age, will be. ised, Democratic all over from tail to the peck; idward Potter is at Moscow, visiting. | Mass. slected + ond. Co No Tait he refuses, he's alwavs om deck: . Fred. Brezee and wife are visiting at M. Herrick hy inh fg Washing. BE MUST SWIKG: By shoals and by dotets--by triplets aan his father's. A weddin party passed pollege, Topek K . twing-- g YF wn college, Topeka, Kas. Unless Executive Cl He swallows what's offered on hooks or bent | through here yesterday; that of Tim- The estimated expenditure of the ie ° emency is ; pine. othy Joalise sod Mary Dillon. Quite British government for 190203 will Ott Sav Atoied. N thor foo stormy for him to be | 8 number from here attended. Walter | (otal $881,705,000, and the revenue Jutawa, June 11.~~1he supreme court ® ht. Arm asi 8 o Fenwick is at the station learping to | will amount to 762,175,000. this morning refused the application Hos A an. Meant on be an operator. Edward Clandy lost The south wall of the Ball building, | of T. C. Robinette, Toronto, for leave trout, a valuable horse last week. Grace | Patterson, N.J., which remainea | to appeal from the decision of the There nothing't all scaly, 'bout our friend, Harkness, Tamwarth, is visiting here. standing after the recent fire, fell this | Ontario court of appeals in the case of Mr. Pout. To-night, as the cows was being driv- | morning, burying eight men. All were | Fred. Lee Rice, convicted of murder, AH Balt to the Dullimod. fair tvoe of our]eR from Mr. Card 8 pasture field, the | injured, two probably fatally. Rice will now have to swing unless Tad: ee he evening train killed one of them. It A moh broke into the jail at Salis | executive clemency is shown which is He getioth there safly, he's "chuck" full of | had strayed a few fet up the track | bury, N.C., this morning, took out | highly improbable. : : : g ghiy ing sd the ain Struck 3 aad, henking iwa negro boys. Harris and James mp rie worm, its back, tossed it off the brid into | Gilespie, charged with murdering a A Very Sudden Death. And roe not to be et on, not at least very | the creek. The cow belonged to Jeth- | white girl, and lynched them. Black River Bridge, June 9.--Farm h ro Card, Miss May Weatherill is able | Premier Ross has determined to | ere are all through planting. William -------- Cl, His Farewsll Sermon ins with pmecamonia. Mes. Melvin | vet fro No "Fock on ny and will | Van Dusen has finished painting the | & 1 wail, | . . | ines . - A | Ba Ne on Sa ¥. He | cheese factory. J y v 5 i Prestonvale, June 10.--Miss Naomi | Copeland returned to her home at | will mot learn of the result in the Bay, age aly ees, South J I AlDI AW ip ik Horning, Newmanville, is visiting her | Fifth Lake yesterday. Lennox appeal until he reaches the here on Sunday, Rev. BR. N Adams . al ltr, ris ie MoS | The Marriage Aomunced, | Hocutt lo (he Westminster Go. | S76 A. oparis conferecn i clair is spending a few weeks with ber iia . gette, the capital of the now British | ora omta delivered a. vory fine I~ ALAS PN NARI i ® Erinsville, June 11.<The death of | ~ "a: : H | and instructive discourse, William LEE sister, Mrs. Hendry, of Ottawa. Miss < : Canadian steamship combine will be { : : . Edi , Rev. Father (Brien, of Madoc, was 3 : a 4 Mack is ill at his home here. Mr, po--. ith Richards left for Renfrew yes much retted in this vicinit h 850,000,000. It will build six twenty: iM G Ack a " TT ---- terday to attend the wedding of "her | ™ ng Ih GME VICHLY, af he | foe-knot liners dn a dozen sixteen. | AD 8. earge Ackerman, South : a : : : was well known. Rev. Father Carey : , : Bay, spent Sunday at E. Grimmon' abu Ae im Borys Richasds. Mrs. attended the funeral. The marriage of A ash boats. Canada will give Flection passed off quie tly i this slo 0 ce | A 7 or. i q : ' Fk subsi : *. d Lis n © i Atlieck, or hark, a i. ah Martin Way and Mary Ann Killorin Britain 82 000.000 idy and great tion. This polling sub-division gave . nl n @r eat {5 y oA was announced in the Roman Catholic LLY Currie nine joris here. Rev, J. Wilkison, the past three 8. aloniby. ; Joa * church here on Sunday. A number Harry and Howard Grimmon spent 2 Whil WV Mi doubtless welcome the distinguished | On the board for many vears, bearing the respect and good-will of his col leagues. PITH OF THE NEWS. Of a family of six only two are left to mourn the departure of an in- liberal, has a majority of five. stranger. . Hemstitched and Lace Trimmed, of fine Muslin Embroidered Insertions. Many Novelties, Including the S0c¢., 75¢., 89c., 95c., $i, $2 $169, $1.75, $2, $1.99 Butterick Patterns © jut, Also JULY DELINEATOR sand, His voice is for peace, but he's open for ONT NTN Nf Np ING NLS CONN INI INP NOI Py ig pastor of the Nashodin church from here attended the party at Rob- COL. LYNCH ARRAIGNED. Sunday at their home here. Harvie or, eal og Dis _forons Willison: lin on Friday. Visitors: M. McAlpine Grimmon wears a pleasant smile; it's iy Reh ads ng Fiend Tah 8 and M. Doyle. and Misses A. Doyle | He Was Taken To London :And|a girl. Miss Daisy McDonald, Pic 4 stay A : Anany frie; bh bong and A. MeAlpine, of Marysville; Mich- Remanded ton, spent Monday in this seetio Who § me son *, g regret Separture. Ye wis of iy asl Walsh, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. W. London, June 11.--Col. Arthur | Mrs. Edward Rose, Picton, is visiting 0 [or 80 reason Sox bor. A Reid, ingston; iss Beatrice Kouber, | 1 nob who fought with the Boers in | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph } to wear the Slater Boot, K 0 South Africa, and who, in, November Hughes, taste of th T i 5 last, was elected to represent Gal- | A very sudden and unexpected death ese we have ad : as el t en a nexpec t GENTS' FINE a apanee. Ope Killed; Others Wounded. Noy, do the house of commons, wns {occurred ot. _Sovih Bay on Sunday BOOTS: > » a-{ arrested, morning, on his arrival | morning, rew Welbanks, son ~~ of ) 1 rd + collapse of a idge, over the Kent | at Newhaven from Dieppe, F . | Thomas Welbanks, retired Saturday celebrated WILLI AM KNE} river, thirty-five miles west of Forest, | Col. _mocompanied by his wife, | evening at his usual hour and in ap \ & CO., of Boston Th an en which about fift was t to London. Subsequently | parently the best of health. He was » "* - esc care ! Col., Lynch 'was arraigned at the low called on Sunday morning by sirable shoes, made in Box Cal street police court on the charge of | wife, but receivi " ; Enamel : ali high treason, and was remanded until | went to his i i nal and Patent Leather id | Saturdny, June 14th, after jormal , Rr Aiden of his arrest bas iwen # was absent at Big Rapids, Wich. vis- iting his son Walter and will ot ar 'Neat Patterns' el oN , the i og od hand | 5s ll tak, pa Wola 1 eather. Cool in hot weather and |i a employment. of FOR | CANADA MEFAL COT: i F iF ar

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