Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1902, p. 3

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Te The Camadian North-West oA Return Fares. et see Eo LINE FUR NE {E FU oy Ty P.R. Telézrapk Of A ---- WINTERS pd Ga To North-West'and Return Via North Bay as Follows: Red Deer... Steatheona. |W Return on or Before : LIVERPOOL ". FROM PORTLAND. Joniy BOSTON. bap gn od 16th " June 2518 wroal amd Portland. Hamiltos, Bay of Quinte ------. {Y TORONTO-MONTREAL LINE. Brio doo Sundays. GOING WEST 8:00 P.M. Kiagston-Rochester 1000 Islands Sir. "North King" Comaweing June 13th, will leuve on Sun Shi Serie Sesdrs. wommaar, NY. ve y 217 Nore fur Teams sind Geman: 1, iaBanOGUe. Manitoba and Canadian | should be Nestlé's Food For more then 35 years Nestié's | Food' has besn the inverife of the Intelligent physician, and a bouse- Nestié"s Food makes vigorous, bealthy children and keeps them 50. No other food is so readily digested and assimi- lated. Nestié's Food is purity itself and requires the addition of water only (no milk) to pre- pare it for use. Sample free to any address. LEEMING MILES 4 GO.. MowTatac. Makes the hair soft and fluffy. It's a necessary luxury. difficulty of breat hing, throat 8, catarrh, PU Sy L-M wasting away of onsumpti the chest, PuL-Mo is for sale by all druggists at $1.00 per large Nolen 15 cents for small bottle, or direct from THE PUL-MO CO., TORONTO, ONT. Rubber | Rubber Tie | Tie For case and Comfort In driving you should have RUBBER TIRES put on ® your carriage by JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREE). reacans iat LrrevePITe + Delicious tlce Cream Made from Pure Milk. We recoms mend it. so [$A J. REES, "er... The ow cada Ugh YOTTO LAMPS ais BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS, ) { » lis too a 5p ---- Joyceville Jottings. dJoweville, . June 10.~Mra. Ben Smith, Washburn, sister of Daniel Me Carey, of this place, died this morn ing. Mrs. D. McCarey has been called to the bedside of her father, Mr. Mur phy, South Lake, who is very low. Albert. Donaldson, ill of pneumonia, hag quite regained hie usual health, ard bas retitned to Secley's Pay. Hartington Heraldings. Hartington," June 10.--~Mr. and Mrs. G. Bigeworth spent - Sunday with Hiriends at Deseromto.. lL. Spooner and wife, Flginburg, have heen renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. Lawsie Leonara' paid his parents g vidit this week. A wew boardwalk is nearing completion, much to' the son venience of the people, . Guard Me Quade"s wife is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Clow, Building A New House. Kaladar, June 10.--C. Keller and family have returned after spending o week on the front. William Campbell and wife, Flinton, at Mrs. Joneph Morteni's, on Sunday; also Mr. and Mri. James Reid, Northbrook. Mrs. Morten is pecovering from illness. Robert Bryden is ewwcting a new house on Main street. . B. Scouten is making some improvements in his house. A couple oi pigs running loose are likely to bé manufactured nto pork if not taken care of, Orangemen At Glenvale. Glenvale, June 11.--~The semi-annual meting of Loyal Orange association, Cataraqui distriet No. 2, was held in the Glenvale hall on Tuesday evening, and was largely attended. Mrs. Alice Binnington disposed of her Benton eolt recently for a high figure. HW. C, Orser intends opening wp an ice cream stand on Saturday evening. Visitors : Mes. H. P. Good, Toronto: Randolph P. Ellerbeck, Chicago, at J. D. Eller heck's: Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Oshawa, at John C. Gibson's; Frederick Grant, King#ton, at Mrs. Alice Binnington's His Farewell Sermon. Prestonvale, June 10.-Miss Naomi Horning, Newmanville, is visiting her parents here. George Blair is around again after a serious illpess, Miss Sin clair ix spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Hendry, of Ottawa. Miss Edith Richards left for Renfrew ves terday to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Bertie Richards. Mrs. Alfleck, Lanark, and Mrs. (Di) Reeve, Toronto, aré visiting friends here. Rev. J, Wilkison, the past three years pastor of the Methodist church here, preaches his farewell serthon next Sunday. Dufing Mr. Wilkison's stay he has made many friends who regret his departure, We wish him gery success in his new flold of la pr, Collins Bay Visitors. Collins 'Bay, June 10~Rev. Mr. Craig preached in the C. M. church on Sunday evening: 4 few from Cata- raqui. attended. Rev. Mr. Wellwood preaches his farewell sermon. next Sunday evening. Mrs. He Wood: cock still continues very ill. J. Purdy bas been painting his buildings. Farmers have finished anting. Visit ors: L. Wartman, festbrooke, at Bert Clement's; Frederick Finigan, Ernesttown, Station, at Alexander Woodeock's;, Mrs. 'McAuley and son, Railton. at P. Nugent's; Arthur Koves. Front Road, at George Marsh's: Mys. dobn: Purdy at DNeseronto; I. Speers, Parrott's Bay, at H, Bell's; Frederick Laioley and wife, Ernesttown Station, at A. Darragh's; Sherman Wartman BLEEDING PILES. Two: Letters From Mr. Walker Ex- plaining the 'Severity of 'His Case and the Permanency of His Cure by Using Dr. Chase's Ointment. Some people scerd to) think that it h to claim that Dr. Chase's Ointment will: cure every form of piles, but facts go to prove the truth ul this olaim. These are inter esting letters from ome who has suf fered gp and been cured, In Neo v 101, Sherwood Wal ker, a fireman on the Canada Atlan tic railway, living at Nadawaska, Ont, Hr "} g i fps fF Enki: ol! ; ise 234 at Stephen Fuirfield's; Miss Laws Clememt at Schdvier Smith's, Par roit's Bay. Marysville Musings, Marysville, Tyendinaga, June 10.-- A number from here attended the fun eral of the late Mrs. J. McAlister, Nepanee. Miss May Duboe has return ed to Belleville, after spending a few days with her amt, Mrs, George An derson. Miss Jaynes, Rochester, N.Y, is the guest of the Misses Toppings. James Mumon spent Sunday with his parents, Me. and Mes. Thomas Mamon, Napanee. S. H. Baker passed through here on Monday. Wm. Kel: ly lost a valuable black horse on Sat- urday. Thomas Tumble, Napanee, passed through bere on Thursday of last week. John Toppings has added to the appemrance of his house by treating it with a new coat of paint. Frankhn Brennan spent Sanddy even- ng in vi . Messrs, MoVicker and Tulloch, Lonsdale, agents for the McCormick binders called in the vil lage on Tuesday. Christy's Lake Notes. Christy's Lake, June 9.--Mesers. Mul line and Steers, the, busy landlords of the Christy's Lake house, are making every preparation and are putting this popular summer resort in good order. Joe and Alex. Marks, of the No. 1 compduy, arrived homo at "Lake View Farm" on May 26th, and have been enjoying. the lake breezes ever since. Alex. has purchased a very pretty canoe from Mr. Reid, Perth, and Joe has hiv sailing canoe "Marvel" in trim, and all that is required is warm weather and Christy's Lake stock will be at a preminm. R. W, Marks closed his season's run in Cornwall and he and Mrs. Marks have returned to their summer Wome, "Red Cedar Villa," where they will rest during the warm mouths. Mr. Smythe, mining en gineer of one of the largest mining companies of Capada, called on Fri- day at "Lake View Farm" for the purpose of examining the mines in that vicinity. He was well pleased with the prospect and declares that ere long the sound of the drill' and hammer will he heard. Thomas Ty sick's daughter has a very severe at tack of typhoid fever, but is recover ing. Messrs. Rogers and Fleming, hog speculators, are doing a rushing busi: ness, Frnie Marks will arrive at "Lake View Farm" on Monday to en- joy a few weeks. PF. H. Marks, play: ing through Michigan, will get home about the J&th inst to spend the sum mer at the lake, A Very Sudden Death. Black River Bridge, June 0.--Farm era wre ull through planting. William Van Dusen has finished painting the cheese, fwctory. Manly Dewetta, South Bay, occupied the pulpit in the church here on Sunday, . N. Adams being absent in Napanee at conference. Mr. Dewetta delivered a very fine and instructive discourse. William Mack is ill at his home here. Mr. and' Mrs. George Ackerman, South Bay, spent Sunday at E. Grimmon's. Election passed off quietly in this see- tion. "This polling sub-division gave Currie nine majority. Harry and' Howard Grimmon spent Sunday at their home here, Harvie Grimmon wears a pleasant smile: it's a girl. Miss Daisy McDonald, Pie- ton, spent Monday in this section. Mrs. Edward Rose, Picton, is visiting id parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph uj hk A vay sudden and unexpected death ocourred at South Bay on Sunday morning, Andrew Welbanks, son of Thomas Welbauks, retired Saturday Svening at his usual hour and in ap- parently the best of health. He was called on Sunday morning by his wife, but receiving no response she went to his bedside and was horrified to find him cold in death, Mr. Wel banks was a man highly esteemed and had a large circle of friends who will mourn his loss. He alse leaves five small children. Mr. Welbank's father was absent at Big Rapids, Mich., vis- iting his son Walter and will not ar rive home until to-morrow night. The funeral will take place Wednesday at 2:30 p.m, : Hinckinbrooke Council. Parham, May 31. Council met for court of revision. Members all pres- ent. No appeals ainst assessment. Added to the roll : B. Hawley and F. Tupah as tenants. NW. Hickey assessed for £ § 12, com. 1, istend of J. Shellington, and George Lake assessed id r = con. 3, instead of H. A. Carl. 'he council taki ul lar business: On petition of Allen rn and others, it was moved, Walker Finn, and 'resolved, that sixty dollars he granted on the road leading from the Allen Wagar road to C. Babeook's, providing the petitioners give twenty days' work free, Allen Wagar to lay out the money, Moved, Jeficey- Walk. er, and resglved, that the reeve and couneillors 'ach expend 50 in their re spective road divisions, this resolution to be considered a by-law. Voted for road work :' A. Reynolds, 82. T. . Sods 3 + ey, $825: J. N. Smith, 81; T. Howes, 84 J. ¥. Cam bell, 8180; C. Aviesworth, $2: Ww. Clow, 84: J." Moran, 85.50; J. Scant- lin, 88; George Gray, $12: acsesnor's salary, B. Davey, $i0. Moved. Finn Howes, and - resolved, that the clerk notify J. R. Howes and H. J. Wagar to move their fences from the road al- lowance between the Sth and Oth son. te lot 22, north from MH. gars house. M CONFIRMED - THIRTY CANDI- DATES ON JUNE 5TH. Welcomed by Crowded Churches-- --Able Addresses Delivered at Sevsral Places--Congratulates the Congregations. June Sth, wis a red letter day for the parish of Koslin, because of the visitation of the lord bishop. During the previous months great changes bad been made in the sacred ediuces. The ceiling of St. Paul's, Roslin, haa been recovered in wood, overlaid with a metallic ceiling in a most artistic manner. The side walls had been new- ly papered with ingrained paper, sar mounted with a border of Mosaic de vign. The rest of the fabric had been repainted. The fence at Moneymobre had been paisted as well as steps lgading to the entrances. Lamps, hangings, ele. bad been procured in the church since his lordship's previ ous visit. For this visiiotion arches of cedar bad been erected over the gates leading to the churchy these with numerous cedars planted by the walks presented a picturesque appear ance, The greatest change had been madé in Christ church, Thomasburg The structure had been remodelled, the vestry removed from the north to the south of the church sad a chancel had been built; pew. carpets, commun ion railing, stained windows bad been added, making this a church second to nope in the country Service was held in St. Paul's church, Roslin, in the morning. The sheds and every available spot for horses had to be utilized. Roslin, Ty endinaga and Hulloway, were well re presented. Bishop Mills arrived in private carriage from Belleville, where he had been the guest of W. B. North rup, M.P." He was accompanied hy Rev. "C. J. Hufton, who acted a» chaplain to his lordship. Precisely at 10.30, the rector of the parish, Rev J. de Pencier Wright, announced the processional hymn, "Soldiers of Chuist Arise." The procession of the clergy filed slow! up the aisle of the crowded chwch and his lordship hegan the holy communion service, The Kyrie Eleison was ably rendered by the choir to Tallis set ting. Rector acted as epistoler, and the bishop's chaplain read the gospel for the day. The Gloria Tibi was War rea's. As his lordship ascended the pulpit, hymn 320, 0, God, Unseen, Yet Forever Near," was sung. An able and scholarly addréss was delivered from the text, "I am the Resurrection and the Life."" After hymn 349, "0, God, Accept My Heart This Day,' the rector presented the candidates to the bishop in these words : "Right reverend father in God, | present un to you these candidates prevent to re ceive the seriptural and apostolic rite of confirmation."" The bishop replied : "Take heed that the persons whom ye present unto us be duly instructed for the worthy reception of the holy rite The rector then vouched for the candidates and the service proceeded. Hyman 157, "Veni Creator Spiritus," was rendered by the choir, kneeling during the confirmation ceremony Hymn 106 was sung as an offertorvium during the collection of the alms. The conmmunion service ended with the singin of the "Gloria in Excelsis Dee" Rie "Nune Dimittis,"" to Barn by's setting, was used as a recession- Luncheon was served at the resi dence of Miss Anderson, where the rector vesides! To this dejeuner a la fourchette mmple justice was done by the guests. Joseph Weir conaucted the bishop with his spirited pair of blacks to St. John's church, Moneymore, where everything was in keeping for the visit. The church was full so overflowing and his lordship, in ap- pealing language, graphically depicted the length, breadth, height and depth of the love of Christ as exemplilied by the outsivetthed arms on Calvary The flowers in the church were numer- our, showing the zeal of the King's Daughters in church work. "Wis Jord ship was the guest of Thompson Mor ton at a five o'clock tea at Thomas burg. At 7:30 evensong was said in Christ. church, Thomasburg, by the rector. The beautiful stained glass memorial window, erected over the al tar, threw a halo of light into the sanctuary, which produced a most celestial colored effect. The dossal be hind the altar was in good taste, as were the hangings in the church. The building was thronged to suffocation. The music was of a high order. The processional was hymn 542, 'Stand Up! Stand Up! For Jesus." Tnste.d of the "Magnificat Mea Anima," the "Cantate Domino' was rendered, and for the "Nunc Dimittis" the "Deus Misireatur" wae substituted. The can didates made exeellent appearance, the girls wearing white confirmation veils, and the bove a fillet of white ribhon on the right arm, a badge of purity. His lordship treated in a masterly manner Priesthood of Christ." He dwelt incidentally on the immaence ana transcendentalinm of Christ. He showad that although He could be localised, at God's right hand, still Te was ubiquitous. His lordship com plimented the three congregations on the improvements made in the churches, om the attentive congrega tions, excellent music and chaste de corations seen everywhere in the par ih. Mrs. WM. Coulter entertained his lordship at on v evening, and on Friday morning the bishop proceeded to the misvion of sro, leaving an indelible im pression for good on Roslin parish. A ------------ Leeds Farmers' Institute. At the annval meeting of farmers" metitute, held at Peita, Thursday, 6th mst. the following of -- PROFESSORS Liebreich, of BERLIN, Dogosiowsky, of MOSCOW, Althaus, of LONDON, Pouchet and Lancerzaus, of PARIS, the NEW YORK Medical Journal, Medical News, otc. etc. RECOMMEND "APENTA' Natural Aperient Water for systematic treatment in constipation, bilious troubles aad obesity, because # does not give rise to subsequent carstipation. WASH SILKS are the embroidery sof particalar loll. and tinted by Asiatic 'dyes -- abso. lutely fast colors, Exquisite true art . shades; stronger to the number than any other work silk in existence; mounted in our patent holders, which provide for single or double needlefulsinajiffy. No aging, kinking or knotting possible. Put ig faith in Corticelli B. & A. Wash Silks and be sale, Every Cook Knows that the only leavening agent to use is the one of undoubted purity an strength, bic BEST FOR BAKING is absolutely pure, clean and wholesome. Most satisfactory in results. Unvarying in strength. Ask your grocer for Em- pire Soda and insist on getting it. sc. a packet. or what is said in our advertise- ments that brings people to SUIHERLAND'S SHOE STORE. mama It is knowing Relied Upon. : that w hat is said can be 8 RLAND % BRO, Sho Men | RENEE de EES AND MARKERS. 253-298 Joins aad eicioncy the bust. Pris We «

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