PURE, FRAGRANT, CLEANSING. tis. A big improvement on the split bamboe shades. Weather 08 Foi - 5276 gg 4 - 840 "Don't think that because they are. inexpensive they are not good. Thay are the most satisfactory shade we know of for porch use. Porch Pillows and Porch Rugs in great variety." " wp to $10 each. We ¥ ure. J genial IS FEL : HOW THE GANANOQUE BASE- BALL TEAM STANDS. ; No More Sunday Baseball at Hull ~Black Watch Protest--Roch- ester Team Plays Ponies on July 2pd, The Gananogue baseball team is jwery evenly balaveed, and somewhat stronger than last year. 1f jortun stely bas been rid of a certain player whose abusive tongue was ever wag ging, and in his place as captain is the genial thi baseman O'Hara. Garnocks have two excellent pitchers in Duquette and Droban, both left fist od bowlers, Whether 'Davy' Drohan L has o little grey cap like "Duke," or Team eat us much chicken late at night, is not yet told. Catcher McCarthy is not by any means "Chaucer" Elliott's equal, but is a good man. The base men are three eéapable players. Brennan ot fist seldom makes a miss, hand Purke at second and O'Hara at third are equally alert. Short-stop Aikey is perhaps better than the monthy chap who did duty at that spot last year. In loft field, stands Randolph of last year's Ponies. "Randy" needs coach- ing in handling the ball, but nobody would give him pointers at rapping it, for he in the best batter Gananoque bas, "Curly" Ross is again doing patrol work in centre field, and a bet ter sentry for that district, or a more follow could not be fouid. married a Gananoque lady, and will soon he put forth for the mayoralty. In right field, Duquette Drohan both officiate, being pitch- ers and utility men. Little budgy Wiggins, the comical catcher of the teat lust vear, no longer prowls the streets of Gananogue looking for mid- night lunches. He's playing with a Toronto city league team this season. Gananogue will not be as heavy @ hitting team this season as their ri vals, the Ponies, Sport In General. There will be horse races at Seaforth on the 17th and 18th. Primes of $1,850 are offered. The Rochester, N.Y., baschall team plays tho Ponies here on July 2nd. On the preceding day it plays in Gan anogue. | It is aimed that the Toronto Ar igonaut rowing crew is the fastest ha the "Curly" wyer left America to contest at Henley regatta in England. The tailors and Orientals will play a gome of ball at the fair grounds this évening. Both teams have hee practising steadily for some time. The executive commiftee of the local baseball ue has been summoned to meet to-night at Congress hall for the transaction ol impetus business. The Eastern 1} league directors have informed president Powers that if he cannot pick up a capable Jot of um pires they will get some one who can. 'The teams are complaining bitterly. There are only Tour female riders contesting in e gix-nighis' bicycle race a4 Toronto, On the first night the leader covered Shirly miles in the hour and a half time limit of riding. The English and United States teams are now tied inthe international polo matches, 'ach having won ene, . The final will be played on Saturday when the king. and the queen will be pres. ent. The Montreal Shamrocks were bad: ly used up in the lacrosse match in Toronto Inst Saturday with the Te cumsehe whom the Gasette calle hea- thins and Turks because of their bru- ol X Hamilton . jockey the most succesaful. held in the history of the club. About $5600 more was re- evived this year than last, and last year's receipts were greater than pre vious years, It is not likely that there will be any more Sunday baschall games in Hull. The clergy and civic authori- ties, not only in Hull, but in Ottawa, have heen protesting vigorously against such desecration of the Sab- bath, and their protests have had some effect. At last Sunday's match there was a disorderly scene, - which culminated in several arrests. A meeting of the city baseball lea: gue executive will be held at Congress Hall this evening at eight o'clock. One matter to be discusses is protest of the Black Watch team inst last Saturday's match with the Oddfellows. They claim that the match should 'not have been called because thé grounds were too wet and muddy, that only five innings were played and that ihe match did not start till three o'clodk. Their objections are certainly good. S---- Baseball On Tuesday. American league. --At Cleveland, 10; Baltimore, 7. Ag Cl , 4 Wi ton, 3. At Detroit, 8; Philadelphia, Ramee (SLE A ER NDUCEM EN gh HIT THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 a -------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Richard Murray, Vine strevt, to-day for Watertown, N.Y. : Miss Jean Morrison, Brockville, visiting friends in the city. Miss Lola Reyner, Union street, leaves shortly for Pitwsborg, Pa. Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Victor Rivers, of Ottawa, are visiting New York for a few weeks. Pr. Workman, Toronto, is in the city, the guest for a few days of Prof. Maegiilivray. Ex-alderman R. H. Toye returned yesterday after a week's outing in To- ronto, St. Thomas snd other western points. The wedding of Mrs. Joseph Mulhol- lamd, 10 n Norton, Montreal, has been arranged to take place this month. Police constable Ballantyne, on Monday appointed city messenger, to- day tendered his resignation as con- stable. Miss Kathleen Harty and Miss Red den have retarned from New York where they visited during the past few weeks. Lady Cartwright and her danghters have arrived to spend the summer months at their beautiful coun- try place, "The Maples." H. C. St. Pierre, K.C., who has been appointed a judge of the superi- or court in Quebec, studied law in Kingston in 1862, with the late James Agnew. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Bessie C. Gill (daughter of John M. Gill, Brockville), to Edward Broome, Mus. Bac., of Montreal, in Brockville, on Jume 17th. Rev. James Elliott, will take up his residence "at 313 Pine avenue, Mont ved], in order to prepare to take up his work at Weslevan college at the opening of the fall session. A pontifical requiem mass will celebrated, by archbishop Gauthier, in St. Mary's cathedral to-morrow morning, for the repose of the soul of he late Rev. Fr. P. C. O'Brien, Ma- doe. Rev. Prof. Jordan, Rev. Prof. Mae naughton, Rev, A. Laird and G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., are the Kingston representatives to the . Preshyterian general assembly now im session in Toronto. H. H. Horsey and Burton T, Hor sey have arrived from Hong Kong, after a long business trip to the east, They spent some time in Hawaii, the Philippines, China and Japan, and their jaunts and experiences were pleasant indulgences. Edward Leshe, formerly clerk in J. S. R. McCann's real estate office, has returned from Hinton, West Virginia, whither he went about five months ago. He prefers Kingston to that rocky state, where hali the population are lazy, dishonest negroes, left is be THREE BOYS DISMISSED. Only One Lad Held For Injuring + Ockley's Horse. The four young lads who emjoyed a drive behind T. G. Ockley's horse on Sunday afternecn, again appeared in the police eourt this morning. The fourth boy, who was not present yes terday morning, was on hand to-day. He testified that he baa gotten into the rig on the street, and that be didn't know hut that Mr. Ockley had Jet the boy he employed have the horse. Bagisteate- Do you think it safe, Mr. Ockley, to trust your horse with a boy ? referring to the lad he em- ployed aud the one who took the horse out of the stable. Mr. Ockley--He was a good boy; I cap say that for him. "What do you expect to get from thie boy 7" "Well, your honor, we have to live by experience, and ----"' "Will you take back the boy, and try to make something out of him 7" Both Mr, Ockley and the boy's mo- ther ob'ected to this. "Thess boys are not properly taken care of," said. the magistrate, they are not better looked after they will get into trouble. There is no- thing against the other three boys, hut only against. the one, who drove the horse." The mother of this lad dia not know what she could do in the mat- ter. Her husband was working out of the city. and would be home Sa- turddy night. 3 "Very well," said bis honor. "I shall adjourn the ease until Monday, and we will see what the father can do. The other hoys can go." Now You Want Dyeing Done by the skilled methods em- ployed by R. Parker & Co., dyers and cleaners, with agency at Miss M. Woods' fancy store, Kingston, Ont. Dye or clean your summer suit; make @t look like new again. Delicious And Convenient. Clark's Lunch Yaugues are acknowl: edges to cymal the finest imported in every detail except price. Oak Hall Skirts. White or Just one of our HD. by Co. ---------- -he 47th végimental band has been Lenguged to go to Alexandria Bay and play at 4th of July celebration there. + will also play at the celebration in Gananoque, on Dominion day. try fancy colored. 81 shirts. The Bib- un PUBLIC HOUSES DRAW BET- TER THAN CHURCHES. An Able Address at Bay of Quinte Conference by Rev. George Jackson, of Edinburgh -- Men Way be Alienated From the Churches, But Not From Christ. On Tuesday - night an immense throng listenea to Kev. George Jack son, of Edinburgh. In a most happy and characteristic way, the president introduced the speaker, who maintain eG he was here simply to tell a story. The problem of reaching the masses in the mother comntry is WeIEnAous. It is said seventy-five per cent. of the population of the Britich izles is out oi touch with any denomination. Hin some dense regions from one to three per cent. only of the people attend church. In Glasgow, perhaps, 300.000 never enter a house of worship. More pass into public houses Saturday night in many places thar enter the house of God the next day. Worse than this, some great old churches of Methodism in congested centres were nearly empty on the Sabbath, A great statesman bas eaid there are lies, thundering lies and statistics, ana these facts may be overlooked or explained away by asserting that some have leit the churches to be- come christions. But this cheap and easy assumption of extra ecclesiastical christianity may casily become a snare. Unfortunately, the evangelist was lost in the teacher and tor, and the methods of the church were antiquated. That method is ideally best which has proved itself to be ac tually best, Ii we do not smocced in the methods we use, using reason, and soripture, and common sense, try some other way. He would like to be free to go up and down in the old isle to say we live in the year 1902 in- stead of 1802. The ola Englishmen sometimes contended that it is better to fail by rule than to succeed by apy innovation. But is it not true that the first rule of fishing is to con sult the taste of the fish ? Chuech or mo church, the people must be saved. The missions of this movement are in great buildings into which there stream thousands every night. The essential feature is the preaching of the word of God. "Thou art a munister of the wooed, mind thy business.' The average Methodist min ister who can do anything better than preach is outof his calling. Manches- ter wanted to sell a chapel in the heart of the city, and build suburb- an chapels. This was stopped by the conference, This is the begimming of the forward movement. Now, 14,000 members and officials deal with this institution every Sunday. It is more a question of non-going church than non-charch going. In Edipburgh the outlook was almost hopeless. The chawch here was built in the year of the battle of Waterloo, and it looked as if nothing would be done until the battle of Arm on. If you stand still eighty years you can find many reasons why you should not make any change. Its beginning was in a little building old and stifly in sununer and freezing in winter. Now & building holding two thousand peo: ple worth a quarter of a million dal- lars is built, and there are 700 class meeting, money-paying members. The methods are ordinary, but always ad- apted to the people. While the gin palaces throw open their doors, Sat- urday night, the church doors must be open alse. Pure, wholesome entertain- ment is given, Over a thousand come to these meetings. If you want to make a men what he ought to he, then you must deal with him as he is. In the Sunday aft- ernoon meetings for men only, a path- way is made for unwilling feet to the house of God at night. An "At Home" is held for those who are not at home. This for years has reached men and women, from all over the world, with home-life and fenced ab- out unguarded lives. This problem, terrible as it is, is mot beyond us. The workingmen may be alienated from the churches, but not from Christ. Women And Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man--that is the order of a woman's preferences. Pven that greatest of all jewels, health, is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to save the money to purchase them. If a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem, then let her for- tify herself against the Styne. of oo , colds chia! affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup. It will promptly in ite carly fiages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bron chial troubles. You can get this reli- able remedy at Wade's drug store, A Coronation Calendar. W. H. Pritchard, the Princess street eoufectioner, recently received from a friend in Ewgland a beautiful corona- tion calendar. It shows king Edward VII. and bis queen consort, seated un der a rich canopy, in the vi act of being crowned by the iahop. The dean of Westminster also stands in inent view. The coronation robes are beautiful in eolor and design, the out offers for the picture, i Ry price. i ; COUNTY COUNCIL. ret Wolfe Island Assesgment--Station- ery Bill Disputed. The county council met Wednesday morning at ten o'clock. appeared before the Frontenac repre: sentatives to ask for 'a pack license, but was told that no more were being issued. a by-law having been passed aginst foot peddlers. Jailer Corbett wrote, stating that the duties of jail surgeon Sands bad greaily increased The average vearly visits of the late Pr. Oliver were 157, while during the past two years Dr. Sands' average has been 235. Dr. Sands reported that since the January session of the council, he had made ninety-five vis its to the jail, and had found all the prisoners to be free from coutagions aisease. Councillor Toner raised the ques: tion of the Wolfe Island assessment, asking why that municipality had not paid taxes on the extra FR2.000 im- posed as an equivalent for its dues to the Sydenham high school. Tt seems that official notice of the increase was never given the Wolie Island authori ties, and furthermore the latter dis pute the right of the county council to make the levy of $32,000, as they claim there is no law requiring 'a mu: nieipality to be connected with any high school. Councillor Toner thought Wolie Island should be brought to time at once. Warden Spoor askea that the matter he left over till Thursday afternoon, when a Wolie Island deputation would wait upon the couneil. Auditor T. D. Minues appeared be fore the council with an account of 838.50 for stationery for the sherifi's office, which he objected to passing He claimed that by the legal sche- dule of sheriffs" fees, the sheriff was allowed 825 a quarter, or 3100 4 year, for supplies, ete. But notwithstand ing this, the sheriff put in his bill to | the county council. Warden Spoor asked why the sher ifi's stationery was bought in Toron to when it could be secured in Kings ton. Auditor Minnes stated that the bill had been paid by the treasurer, but that the sheriff had no right to get the money. Treamirer Purdy explained that it had been customary to pay such bills, but be finally came to the conclusion that the council was not liable, and he wanted a ruling on the mutter. Councillor Avery said that any such bills in future should go through the proper committed before being paid. This will be the rule in future. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. er What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Craig's wharf | Steamer Persia from Toronto. Richardsons' elevator : Sehooner Maggie L., from bay ports with pota- toes. Bwiit's what! : Stcamer Toronto down and up; steamer Hamilton from Montreal to-night, Louis Spencer is mate on the steam- er Pierrepont, in place of Charles Cummings, who is now captain. M. T. company elevator: Tug Thomson arrived frem Charlotte, and cleared for Montreal with two grain laden/barges. Capt. Carnegie went to Belleville yesterday to bring the steqsnyncht Skylark, sold to Hon. Mr. Sifton by H. Corby), to Brockville. Turn In The Books. All serutineers' books used by re formers in connection with the recent Ontario election, in Kingston, must be returned to the secretary without further delay, by order of the presi dent. That Carpet, How shabby. Let R. Parker & Co, with agency at Miss Woods' fancy store, Kingston, Ont,, dye H in our new cardinal or green, and you will be surprised how well it will look. The Little Man's Skirt. Boys' soft fromt, shirts, sizes 124, 13, 134 end 14. The H. D. Bibby Co. / e---------- Mrs Peter Kendrick, died on Mon day st her home in Lyndhurst, after an illness of but a few days. She was a sister of Wellington Jobnson, mer- chant, Lyndhurst, and Peter Job stom, Lansdowne. air pins I cent a package. Roche's old stand. Mitchell, gr WHY DON'T THEY GO ? A Way to Push Of the "Hang ons." Perhaps some day you will wake up to the fact that coffee is quickly ay surely doing the business for you You wonder why the symptoms of disense which grow more and more pronounced do not disappear, but hang on in spite of all the medicines you can take. Fixed organic disease may result if hyon keep up your present course, and yet it is an easy thing to give coffee and get well. Have your ny make Postum Food Cofiee strictly ac- cording to divections, and that is easy. Use enough of it and boil long enough to bring 'out the taste, then you will find that the famous food drink will satisfy your coffee taste and the old troubles gradu disappear. There " ie of are cases in America that prove the truth of thix statement. o A. says, "My wile had been am invelid for some time and dil not seem to vield to any sort of medicines. She could not eat anything without dis tress, and naturally was badl run down im every way. \ Finally we concluded that pyrhaps it was the sofige : that hurt bef, so she quit and went on to Pastum, slo be: A peddier i INGIDENTS OF THE MAY. RAPES BICKER i BY 'PAR | The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At tention. Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant--is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against infectious diseases. Artistie shirts, certain petiarns | of shirts have "an air' of artistic style. Keep your eve on owr $l shirt. Cuffs te match. The H. D. Eibhy Co. A representative of R. G. Dur & Co.., New York, is in the city, secur ing a new rating of the business mon for the firm's new reference directory. The firemen had a man to PD. Millan's | house on Earl street shout six o'clock last evening. There was a small blaze in & clothes closet, but a few pails of water extinguished it. The committee of management of the Kingston fair association has been called to meet to-night to trans act important business in' connection with the forthcoming fair. | thib aflernoon city messenger Ballantyne in his new position. A charge of assault will likely be in: urday, as a result of throwing a man out. of a Princess street store last Saturday afternoon. Bost Malt Extract, 10c. a bottle, Roche's old stand. E. C. Mitchell, Klectricians are to-day engaged in wiring Lake Ontario Park, which op: ens so-morrow night. J. E. Jones is again saperintendent of the grounds, and his mproy go-round will again sing the same old psalms. ss nelles," pure Egyptian ciga reltes, are fully appreciated by smok- ers. The enormous sale of this brand proves it. Packed in silver, cork and plain tips. Sold everywhere, 15c. per package. On Hallowe'en night, last autumn, hoys dismounted a cannon at the west corner of Frontenac park. No effort has yet been made to replace it. It is time the property committee looked after the matter, as a dismounted gun does not look very impressive to sum mer visitors. COUNTY COURT. A Conviction Quashed---Case Of Attempted Assault. The appeal of William R. Tolls, Bun bury, against the decision of justice of the peace Simpson in fining him for alleged illegal netting in Lobor- ough lake, was heard at the county court yesterday afternoon, and judg went given in favor of the appellant. Ewvidence - was given by Jobn A, Ferguson, Ermest Guess, John Perry and Robert Lake. Mr. Tolls swore that the only object he had in being on lake in on the night in question was to detect illegal fishing by others, and mot to catch amything himself. To destroy mets was his only pur jose. Judge Wilkison decided that the idence was sufficient to conviet Tp) and sccobding] be quashed Lhe magistrate's convict x - ib The promissory note case of Halli gan vs. Bradden was settled "between the parties, The mortgage case of Mona Deacon, Kingston, vs. Maria Webb, Pittsburg, was next heard. Judguent was given in favor of the plaintifi, the question of costs being reserved. Dr. Walkem, K.C., for plaintill; A. B. Cunvingham for defendant. The grand jury brought in a true bill against Damon Hardwick, Ken nebee, for attempted criminal assault upon Ina May Stone, a sixteen-year old girl, and the case was head be fore a jury this morning. Me. Whit ing. K.C., for the prosecution; and Mr. Mcintyre, K.C., for prisoner. DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig's Exchanges. Mrs. Almon Beistol, Picton, died on Monday. A husband and five children survive, Mes. George Watson died at Madi cine Hat, NW.T,, on Sunday. Deceas ed was formerly Miss Effie Ackerman, Piéton. Bruce W. Dancey, Picton, from maletas diabetes teen years of age The death of Dr. Thomas William Reynolds, assistont medical superin- tendent of the Hamilton asylum, teok place at Baltimore, He was a brother of E. J. Reynolds, K.C., Brockville, Pancey, son of Thomas died on Saturday, He was nine Mother In Her Wedding Gown, 8. ¥. Kiser, in Chicago Hecord-Herakd Here's & pioture of my moiber in her ding gown. Ab me, I wombs # there ever wes a feiver bride a wrinkle on her fordand, not ao line % than she Not denoting care Cant Be traced upon her Datures: what wealth of wavy bair Feli away from het fair temples ! And the smile she wore that day Was the smile of ote whom sorrows were forking for sway 1 can fancy that my lather, ns be gumd wp- on ber then, Must. finby bekd dis hetid up proudly, fsvoe- To " ! rr other oy And, heliding the sweet benuty of the fees depicted here. wed wiill standing sear Rave Sovpleamt | don se him as be camght her to his bressk, : Wien the strength of vouth wee in hie and Mis Nps on bers wery Dressed. The pirtese of my mother, token on her wed A meeting of the city property com: | mittee was called for threo o'clock | to formally install vestigated in the police court on Sat: § 1 imeine I oon sow him, vouny end avdmt, knows that all athletes west Suspensorios, Jette d protection ne creased nerve force they insure. Every sthicte and lover of out-door sports knows the value of an £.C. MITCHELL'S TWO STORES 114 Princess St. and Cor, Sarket Square. THINKING OF GOAL ? Of sours you are. Is a satarsl thought tat serves the best purposs, thet kews the fre going to (he best advantage Hews ooal ~= slap, slons chunke--wiich - will provide ll welue for what It oumis. Semanap-- [HE RATHBUN CO.