Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1902, p. 1

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89TH YEAR. NO. 131. « KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1902, LAST EDITION, Sideboards. Who Weald Be With- oat One ? You can purchas a Golden Ozk Snishod sideboard with liamn drawer, from $8.50 w 8s : . 3 > J. REDS, 2 Doors Above The Opera House. The bent vais on the market BACH sie High Class Water Color PAINTINGS BY W. JOSEPH WADHAM, Ex-presidint of the South Australien Society * of Artists, and A. SINCLAIR, Ex-vieopresident of the South Australian So Slory of Artin; 10 be held at Kirk: patcick's Art Gallery, 169 Prints Survet. The Exhibition will open Wednesday, June 4h, ot two o'clock, ml the pictures will on show day sud evening, until Fri THE AUCTION SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON une Oth, 1002, at three py t_ o'clock. EN, J. H. MILLS, personal guarantee. of its quality, protect you by our judgment io buying. R. "JOHNSTON, TAILOR, K lens, call and sxaming our sock. Our E prices ore rifht. Fitting qualitics are i% style is avo right, and vou do right to trade with , J. CRAWFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR oetner and Baget Streets 'Phone 487. Owe BOARD WANTED. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WANT BOARD with » airy rou, close to Mac - tousld Rant teat the water. Sate ¥ ow. jewel fon, ad apm or Box 482 Belleville it. LOST WEDNESDAY LAST, ON on amd Sydenham EARL, NURSE GIRL. APPLY TO MRS, Wi A Chive aoy venue 2. 4 COOK, GOOD WAGES 10 COMPETENT I mn the evening to Mew. B -------------- pang A NURSE, BY MRS. MACNAUGHTON, 107 noe a in the i F THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS - and sorting. A; 3. A Gould 0 WH i MAN OR WOMAN OF GOOD ADDRESS A wo Us of neowsity in every Ad te arr Boal od rer A ERR > The Daily Note Beok For Whig evening. owns until he moves. wind up some of your bad habits. be should bear io wind thet iu is osly part of the dressihy day sod tomorrow. | Benedict died, 1885, Cancdioms defested Uni: 6) 20 Years First Mortgage Bonds LOCAL MEMORANDA, Readers to Post Themselves By. Portsmouth public school board, ® p.m. St John's lodge, A PF. & A. MN, this No man ever realizes bow much trash be Man has very little use for advice that dowsar's confirms his owa orinion. When vour lwalth rues dows vou should When a men finds a button is bis soled a Exhibition of water color paintiogs ot Kirkpatrick's art gallery, Princess street, to Mistrows - What "makes your potatces so soggy ! New cook~Phaw, mum, the water they was boiled in was very wet This day in the world's Metory i: Coansdan fubiles comvingent left Quebec, 1697; lord Roberts ocoupies Pretoria, 1900. Sie Julius ted States troops at batile of Biony Cresk. 1818; frst balloon ascension, 178% count Cavour of Italy died, "1861. -- DINNER. SETS. patterns amd colofs, to please Any ome. Prices twenty per cent. less than elewwhere. ROBRETSON BROS. FIRST POPULAR ExcursioN OF THE SEASON FRIDAY, JUNE 6th. Grand Searchlight excursion to Clayton, N.Y, on the palatial, upper cabin, steel stoner AMERICA. Musie by 14h Band, One hour at Clayton. Stenmer lonves Folgers' wharl as 7:30 pom. sharp. Tickets 35¢ ¥ Real Estate BARGAINS ! $1,500 will buy a double brick dwelling rental $168 peor sunfim: 6 rooms in each Some tmaot in house for sight years $725 will bay a single brick dwelling: rooms. Lot 830x100 $2,200 will buy five dwelliags. $325 per annum; 6 rovms in $2,700 will buy a brick, detached, 9-rodn dwelling. Hot water heating; good looulity $2,100 will buy a double brick dwelling: § rooms in . Restal 8314. MH vou are swking a home or & peal in vestment it will pay you to coll med ex amine our lat J. S. R. McCANN, 81 Brogk St., Ground Floor. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO otill BUYERS THE RETAIL SHOE MERCHANTS AS sociation of Kingston has decided that on and after July lst, 1902, the present AP- PROBATION snd CREDIT svstem must be wutirely done sway with, We therelore desire te nouify the shoe buying public of Kingston of this important change. We cannot, after July let sexs, continge doing business onder the old system. Cash alome will be accept od amd all shoe purchasers will be treated alike; inv no case whusever will thre be amv diverimination in favor of snv-one person or family. We will, however, cheerfully return the money when goods are returned In good order. A. Abernethy, W. Sawyer, J. Hi. Sutherland & Bro., W. D: Carey, H. Jennings, F. G. Lockett, Armstrong & Co., D. J. McDermott. Kington, Juve 5th, 1902, NOTICE ! Bonds s for Sale. Rental 4 SHOULD BE 1S EQUAL The Parfiameatary Grant To Lord Kitchener. i, ten ERRED ON THE SIDE OF PAR- SIMON ¥. The Speech of Kitchener at the Boer Gathering--Should Unite as Fellow Citizens and Heal All Wounds--Boer Leaders Go- ing to Europe. London, June 5.~The amount of the grant that it is proposed to make 0 don. Kitchener has aroused contro- versy. Henry Labouchere, the well- known radical member of the house of commons, has given notice that he will move its rejection as being un necessary. Other members, including a number of liberals, declare that the amount ought to have been at least ual to that voted to earl Roberts, which was £100,000. Mr. Leyd- George, a Welsh nationalist, declared that if earl Roberts was entitled to £100,000 then lord Kitchener had earned £250,000. He had done hard work, and he had brought peace. The Standard says there is a general feeling that the government erred on the side of parsimony in the matter of the grant. Even the radicals think that Cen. Kitchener's proposal, taet, and humanity in the closing stages of the war did much to render it ensier for the Boers to acknowledge defeat. The radicals are much more favorable to Gen. Kitchener than to lord Mil ner, Fuller reports from Pretoria of speech made by Gen. Kitchener, at Vereniging, states. that he said he was pleased to meet so many brave men. They had fought admirably. None could have fought better, and he doubted whether others could have fought as well. The struggle had heen a long one, but it had 'been marked by good conduct. He felt sure that as soldiers, the British and Boers pect ed each other, Now the strife was ended, they should unite as fellow- siibjects and heal all wounds. Gen. Botha and Gen. Dewet responded, en- the Jdorsing what Gen. Kitchener had said, and adding that his conduct had been honorable and generous. They offered a toast to good comradeship. Tt iw #tated that Gens. Botha, Delamy and Dewet intend to proceed to Barope to obtain pecuniary assistance fo re es tablish their ruined farms. There is much comparison between the formal coolness of the king's tele- gram to Gen. Kitchener and the warmth of prime minister Salisbury, who telegraphed : "Accept my hearty congratulations for your brilliant achievement which hus brought the war to so satisfactory a conclusion." Today's newspapers pay glowing tributes to lord Kitchener's skill as a soldier and a diplomatist. It is ad- mitted on all hands that he has em erged from the trying ordeal with the great enhancement of reputation and that he has splendidly deserved his honors and rewards, BUNKOED OUT OF $31,000. Wealthy Indiana Farmer Loses Money On Race. Indianapolis, Ind., June 5---The ar- rest of Tyler Crothers at Noblesville develops the fact that Lucius Stout, a wealthy farmer, of Hamilton county, was bunkoed out of 1,000 a few days ago. It appears that Crothers entered a running race, on which Stout won a few dollars, and the two agreed to make a fake race with a man from Springfield, 11, Crothers said if Stout would bet his money on the Springfield man he would allow the latter to win the race and Stout the money. Stout secWred. $31.000 by mortgaging his farm. The race start ed all right, "but Crothers won it. Stout charges that he was the vie tim of a conspiracy. Will Not Appeal To Country. Toronto, June 5.~There is no con firmation of the report that the On tary. government intend to appeal to the people, The politicians are await ing the result of the recounts in the close constituencies of North Perth, Centre Bruce, Halton, lennox and North Grey before any definite state ments as to the policy of either party at the present momemt will be made. President Nominates Consuls. Washington, June 5 The president sent the following nominations to the senate ; Consuls; Benjamin H. Ridge ly, Kentucky, at Nantes, France: doseph L. Brittain, Ohio, at Kehl, Germany; Ross E. Holaday, Ohio, at Santiago, Cuba; Max J. Bache, Ne a, at Cienfuegos, Cuba. New British Minister At Lisbon. London, June 5.-S8ir Martin 1 Marchant Habeley Gonselin, minister plenipotentiary in the diplomatic ser- vice, has been appointed British win- ister at Lishon. We've Got It. The best white®ehirt in the land, at $1. Tey one. The H. D. Bibty Co. is being tried New York for shooting James McCoy a raid on a poolroom, NO SERIOUS TROUBLE. The Way Matters Are Progressing At Pittson. Pittson, Pa., June 5. Stopping non- union men on their way to work in endeavoring to persuade them to join their ranks, placing a big pile of stones on the Erie track and hanging a few effigies in front of houses of non union men, constituted the work of strikers here this morning. There was no violence. Al of the pumps are said to be in: operation and no damage has thus far reswlted to the mines. To Quell A Riot. Harrisburg, a., June 5.---Sheriff Rife left herdPhis morning for Lyk ens with a dozen deputies to quell a riot at the Lykens mines. The miners stopped the men going to work. There was a big demonstration last night Trouble is feared. dni May Name Commissioner. Washington, June 5. -- President Roose- velt is considering the proposition of the New York board of trade and transportation that he appoint a com: missioner to investigate the strike situation in the anthracite region with a view to effeciily an arbitration of the differences between the miners and operators. I a commissioner is ap pointed the president, it is stated, will look to senator Hanna to under take the work. UPROARIOUS CHEERING. By Boers To a Toast In Honor Of Chamberlain. Bloemfontein, June 4.-- The Orange River delegates who attended the peace conference at Vereniging arriv ed home Tuesday. A great crowd met them at the station, but there was no cheering or other demonstration. The delegates rode to the refugee camp, where they rgeeived an extrav agant welcome, men and women weep ing and laughing simultaneously. Commandant Pretorius told the Dutch pastor that all might be satis fied with the terms of surrender. He expressed pleasure at finding the burghers' families so well looked af ter. The delegates left to-day to bring in their respective commandoes. A dinner in celebration of the con clusion of peace was given Monday night, at the Bloemfontein club. The Dutch and English members vied in their cheering. A toast to colonial se cretary Chamberlain was the signal for uproarious cheering. THE SENATE VACANCY. Will Likely Be Filled By F. T. Frost. Ottawa, June B&~It is as good as bottled that the sebate vacancy, caused hy the recent death of the Hon. by the appointment of Frank T. Frost, ex-M.P., Smith's Falls, head of the well-known {ape wplement manu- facturing concern of Frost & Wood. Mr. Frost is fifty-eight years of age, and has long been known as one of the most prominent liberals of eastern Ontario. He was an unsugcessiul can didate in Leeds and Grenville at the general elections of 1879, 1882 and 1591. In 1896 he carried the seat and sat throughout the last parliament, acting as Ontario whip during the last session. Hon. Mr. Fielding has received ae knowledgment from M. Decrais, French minister for the colonies, of the $25, 000 voted for the Martinique sufferers. He states that the French people were deeply touched by the gift and coming from a country like Canada, it would go deep to the heart of overy French man. Kuiser Attends etry: ration. Berlin, June 5.-- Kaiser William at tended by several Prussian princes and by grand duke Frederick Francis IV of Mecklenburg-Schiwerin, grand duke William Ernest of Saxe-Weimer, the hereditary grand duke Frederick of Baden, prince Herbert Von Bis marck, aud other membeys of ruling and noble houses, went to Boon to day to attend the celebration of the foundation of the Borussia corps at the university of Boon. The crown prince, who is a student at Boon, be longs to the Borussia corps, as did his father kaiser William. The corps in a famous and select students' so ciety or club at Boon, and has in: cluded in its membership a number of teigning princes of Germany and many distinguished men throughout the world Brave Girl Rescues Children. Kenosha, Wis., June 5.----Miss Sadie Bacon has won the entire village of Brital by her bravery. When her school was struck by lightning yes terday the young woman saved the lives of seventeen pupils. When the bolt struck the building the walls fell in. Miss Bacon walked among the desks and carried every one of the pupils to a place of safety. After she had rescued the last child from the burning ruins the voumg teacher col lapsed and was carried to a place of safety. The resitlents of the village will give the young woman a medal. Takes Wild Leap To Liberty. Carbondale, Ill., June 5---While heavily ironed with handcufis and leg irons, and in charge of Kentucky of ficers, en route south, Harry ley, one of the most successful barglars in this section of the west, jumped from an Illinois Central passenger trainn few miles north of this city. It is sup posed some of the knew of the attempt atl escape, were pasent to help him elude the officers. He was in ve motes Tor & series of crimes which are supposed to have net- ted him thousands of dollars. : Condition Critical. Amsterdam, June 5. The health of former presi Kruger is _breaki down. Ris condition today is sai to be ex eritien). a , BRITISH COMBINATION Cunard Stcamship Company is The Origisator WILL BAVE OTRER HELPERS APPROVED OF BY THE BRIT- ISH COLONIAL OFFICE. i A Fast Service To Canada is One of The Objects of The Scheme ~--There Will Be Keen Fight For Freight--An Offer For The Cunard Line. Liverpool, June 5.--The report 1s fully confirmed = that the Cunard steamship company has commenced the formation of a British shipping combination. The Heaver line, of which Sir Alired L. Jones is the head, will join forces with the Cun ard line. Sir Alfred is the most ener getic organizer of British shipping He is the head of the Elder Dempster line and the initiator of the recent line of steamers to the British West Indies. The Allans will support the new combination which meets with the warm approval of the colonial office, The objects of the scheme are two fold, firstly, to meet the Morgan com bination on Amerfean ground: and, secondly, Yo arrange a new amd fast service to Cansila, which will be largely subsidized by both the British and Canadian goyernments. Nothing will be done regarding the subsidy question, however, until the meeting of the colonial premiers on the ocea sion of the coromation. The leaders of the new scheme say they recognize that the fight for freight will he se vere, The British combination will not be hampered so much by Mr. Mor gan's control of American railways as by the fact that the principal freight steamers are in the hands of iw op ponents. It is denied that Mr. Morgan offered the Cunards £11 000,000 for the compuny. The offers did not ap proach that figure. A Hamburg correspondent tele graphs that shipping men there be lieve that Cunard company will come to a working arrangement with the Union and Castle lines in order to secure a monopoly of African trade and that the result will be the estab- lishment of pew lines from the United States to Africa. Francis Clemow, Ottawa, will be filled | Is Highly Regarded. | Dawson, Y.T., June § | Ross arrived yesterday on the steam | er Susie, with 300 of the most promi | nent citizens of Dawson, who went up | the Yukon twenty miles to meet him | He was received by the band plaving the national anthem, accompanied hy | Maj. Wood and a large reception com mittee. Ross is the most popular man in the Yukon, baving the perfect con fidence "of every. one, and his actions have greatly strengthened the gov ernment here. Governor May Be Outlined. : June 5.~The provincial executive of the dominion alliance, |- embracing repwesentations from all parts of the province, will meet here this afternoon. It is expected the fu ture policy of the alliance in this pro vince will be outlimed at the meeting A real estate firm here has just com pleted a deal by which a party of Un ited States capitalists paid $200,000 cash for 70,000 acres of land west and north-west of Yorkton, Assa. Winnipeg, i Baseball On Wednesday. : league--At Cleveland, 4; At Philadelphia, 0; Chica: | 2:1 St. Louis, | Detroit, 6. < York, 4; {i 5 Cinein- |; American Bost 3. go, At Baltimore, 6 Washington, 13; league-- At New Chieago, 3. At Brooklyn, nati, 2. At Philadelphia, 4; Pitts burg, 7. At Boston, 7; St. Louis, 3 Eastern league--At Bufialo, ®; Mon treal, I. At Toronto, 12; Rochester, 3 At Providence, 7; Worcester, 6 At Newark, 5; Jersey City, 2. wm, 3. At National t A Deserter Arrested. ¢ Sault Ste. Marie, June 5.--A desert er from the 3rd Canadian special ser vice battalion, garrisoning Halifax, named Martineau, was arrested here, and will be taken back hy escort, to arrive there on Eriday evening. Mar tineau, who had been a member of a Montreal compeny, was identified here by a former member of the regiment, and arrested on the request of the commanding officer at Halifax. t ¥ . ( t A Partial Victory. Chicago," June 5. ~The packing Fouse teamsters' strike came to an end at 1:15 o'clock this morning as a result of a secret conference between repre sentatives of the packers and team sters. The agreement is a partial vie tory for the teamsters, .in that the packers have declared they will not discriminate against members of the union, « w t A Divorce For Mrs. Acer. New York, June 5-The supreme court has grasted a divorce to Mra Addie Acer, who Kidnapped her child ren and fled to Toronto, a year ago. Mrs. Acer is awarded the cugtody of n in section four migrant Buffalo. May 21th was assaulted by DeBarry at the join her brother, Haland Stevewson, a | resident of authority, and the tell him seized her and tried to put her off the car, but the passengers came to rescue, ooe blew the safe at the post office 8300 in 'cash after by blacksmith shop and timed the ex nank, Methodist conference, the appeal superannuated refused ed a call from the Berkeley street Me department at a warrant for the surrender 10 Cana about £3,000, son, of this city will return to this city and rum for at the next election." are now completed by the state of Hamburg and leased by it to the Hamburg American Te Deum to be su as the end of the war. Roche's old stand. CANADIAN GETS AWARD. Compensation | Allowed for Infor-'! mation Regarding Smuggling. Washington, June 5.--~Acting attor ney general Richards has given an op- union to the secretary of the treasury in which he holds that the depart ment is authorized to award compen sation to a Canadian esstoms officer who Yurnishes which the seizure of smuggled goods the information upon is made, notwithstanding the absence if the court certificate provided for of the act of June nh, 1574 In the case in point and as a result of the information given by the Can ahian officer, this government secured about $31,000 from the forfeiture of certain diamonds smugghsl into this country from Canada in 1899, The beneficiary is Henry McLaughiin, Ca padian customs officer at Moatreal, ASSAULTED YOUNG LADY. An Immigrant Inspector Is In- vestigating. Torodto, June "Dr, Gallagher, im inspector, Washington, i» in town investigating a charge of over stepping authority preferred against | of | Bertha Stevenson; on | the notorious inspector deBarry, Miss border 'while on her way to of Boston. The inspector wore no badge, and showed ne emblem where she was going He the It is to hear the statement of them, Henry Bediington, of that Dr. Gallagher is in of this city, town, BURGLARS LOOT POST OFFICE Street Fight With Nightwatchman And Escape, Maine, 5 5.--Burglars here and Lubeck, June and escaped with 8500 in stamps an exciting street duel with the one night watchman of the town. The burglars forced an en trance with tools stolen from a pear when night watchman losion to #ighton was at the other end of the town, 'hey were walking down the street with their plunder when the watchman accosted them. The reply was a revolver shot at close range The officer fired back and the exchange was continued until ammunition was exhausted. None of the shots took of fect aml the robhers disappeared FOUND THE VESSEL. ------ Which Sunk Canadian Schooner On St. Clair River. Dytroit, Mich, June 5. ~The pteam er Admiral, now at Cloveland, was the steel freighter which collided with dnd sank the Capadian schooner tienifier, in the American channel at St. Clair flats on Monday night. The Admiral is in command of Capt. John Ivors, of Detroit. Hugh McMillan, of this city, is her manager and owner The sunken schooner lies in the chan nel about 108 feet from American and is somewhat of a menace to mavigation. Toronto Methodists. 5.---At the Toronto for he reinstatement of Rev. Dr, Hunter, by the Montreal erence years ago, ese before he ministers, and the spplication was Rev. Dr. Hunter had receiv Toronto, June con some and wished There was an ihtere:ting liscussion on the subject, but the was practically unanimous ts decigion. hodist church, Toronto, Oo accept it con erence in To Surrender The Man. Detroit, Mich., June 5--The Washington has state inne ian authorities of John R. Peckham of Niagara Falls, Ont. with the embezzlement and committed for ex radition by commissioner P. J. Daw reasurer harged of To Try For Senate. Momtaomery, Ala, June 5A die. atch from Greensboro, Ala., save 'It is anthoritatively announced hat 'apt. Richmond P. Hobson, USN he Alabama senate from this district Complete Great Docks. Berlin, June B.--After twelve vears of labor the great docks at Cuahaven They were hLuilt were team packet company for a period of wenty-five years. Archbishop Brovhesi has ordered 5 nf Jn all the Ro san Catholic churches next Sunday an evidence of thankiulness for each Best Englivh trusses for 50c. her children for eleven months each vear, and Acer is to bave them for the other month. No alimony is aw- arded Russel Cord Coats. Rummer coats, suminer coats, $1.25 and $1.50, special at $1.95, in lustre or Russel cord. Bibby's. C. H. Halcomb bas resigned from the i of the Crucible steel company of America. Reuben Miller succeeds hin. Haleomb's policy was not satisfuctory to the steel kings. The London police whe arrested John Barkley. when he was breaking into the house of J. Pierpunt Morgan, Boys' soft shirts, Me. inl Te Bib- by's. sg LA i AI A Ri Sn it A ir, believe him to Iv a sotorious criminal. Particular Work, tion. You will not be disap- pointed in the way we do your Binen up. Our materials are the best, and appliances the latest. Kingston Steam Our work commends admira. girl refused to | | WEATHER PROBABILITES, Ont, (10 am): Juss & Moder Friday fine and o lithe warmer, 'The Scribe Is Willing=- But the limited. This weed thine | owe i Toronto, t tnd space is we've so many 'good clamoring for publicity that know sot how to choose or where begin. The very abundance bewil- ders us. The stage is too small for the actors. The canvas i» too nar row for the multitade of figures. So discriminate we must. But how? What shall be mentioned ? What omitted ? Aye, there's the rub, for they're all important. No matter, choive must be made. But rememk that for every item thus ------ there are a hundred slighted. Can't do impossibilities. The scribe is willing but the space is lmited and heve goes for Dress | Muslins. to We never had such a bewildering | display of these goods before, as to prices they're lower than ever. Dainty Musling, Se. 10c., 120, 180. Fine French Muslin, 25¢., 30c., Me. up. Even Printer's Ink Has Limitations. Wish we could dis. tribute samples. - Would that we could uss samples in lieu of printer's ink to advertise theses offerings In that event this store, big though it be, would not begin te house the people. No matter--sce the goods, CLEMENT COLLINS At Sydesham, June ho by Kev. Mr Shorey atl she resis bride's. parce, Churles W. Kingston to Carrie, okiosd Jams Coline ALLOS--Av St. Mary's onthe June 4th, 1902, by the } Nebormott to Yolion, lower daughter of WDHERNOTY 7 irv dnineliber atiom ol Ja GTR 1 dey DIED. Kingwion, FORSYTILIn av Fr - v June 4h, Sark M nd « Sara » i | Yormih, 1 the late reside ao Street, vous Ww Vietwrin Ter Thoms Hailie, Hugh Noibie Funeral puis ate Artistic Picture | Framing i MISS HANNAY WILL Br AT HOME 70 ber old customers and as BRGY sew as de sire exclusive wiviieh and arise wiliisery, All orders will reonive prompt sitention MISS HANNAY'S 214 william 2 Doors Below Bacriv Street, BOARD. LARGE, FRONT HOOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE ra TL 8 SunYetidatons, Spe ral, wot far from Cliy aed Purke. Suitable lor a party of fr to five 108 Farl streer on Ahuse TO-LET. STOKES, NOS, ngion street 7 Divishon street, HOUSES AND and 208 Wek Mrs. Allen, 29 197, 201 Enumire od HOUSE. CONNER QUEEN AND CLERGY atreits, sard aud sable a tio R E Avidy 10 Btency & Sumer or J, 8. MoCanm rrsescecssscescsnel A Silver Pudding Dish Makes a Very Acceptable Girt for a Bride. The plain finish in graceful shapes combines style and convenience. The prices range from $510 81275. TELEPHONE 12 2d A C. JONNSTON & 980. PL a

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