Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY W HIG, FRIDAY, MAY SO THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Varwisy Stam FOR FURNITURE AND WOODWORK Imitates the natural woods--stain~ ing and varnishing at the same operation. , . . ', There's no better article made for this purpose. 1t is easy to apply--works well under the brush. It wears well. It is right in every way. . Get a color card. SOLD BY CORBLIT'S MAKUWAKE HRST COMMUNION SHOES Our FIRST CU SHOFS better than ever and our assortment of MMUNION is larger and Prices always the low- est. M'Dermott's SHOE STORE. 000000000000 00000000 OUR STOCK: Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods. $¢S. ANGLIN & CO: Foot of Welllagten Street. er uum. $ hovennseee 2 The efficacy in rheuma- tism, stomach, liver and urinary troubles of the Caledonia Springs Waters and baths is unparalleled elsewhere. Season now open. Send for a guide. THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, mck evening, st 306-310 Kio Street, B your. Editions 2.30 sad WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 published Tharedlay at 4 paies, $l a At is ome of the best Job Printing Moss in Canad; rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved presses. EDW, J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR, HE DAILY WHIG. every woruiog at TT 1=IED | AND AP ROY ED Once more the government we given an aceovmt of i's steward hip, and the people have given it enewal of their confidence, The the people favourably because it and be its is progressive. Mr. Whitney talked much of Mr. Ross failures, Ho has not accomplished all that he had but he has made ddvances in that direction, he has that worthy of kim, Mr. Whitney (utario a Ross goternment has impressed hak heen trying to do something, aries record aimed at, and done something is contented himself with negativing could every proposal of the government. He and his friends only realized the neces of a policy' when the crisis was on, when they had to promise great things as an offset to the performance of the government in the development of New and Old Ontario. It was then The variation of argument has as far as he sity too late. and contradiction of terms only em phavized the fact that the leader of the party and hiz allies were talking for effect. The government has by a majority nearly as large as that which greeted it at the opening of the last legislature, as usual, if It may even increase with heen sustained and, will grow. in the vised returns of the voting come re to next few days as fuller or hand. How boastful was Mr. Whitney the city hall on Wednesday ! certain was the conservative that it would sweep the country ! The be keenly felt, Thirty years were considered' too long It will thirty years more unless the conserva- in How party disappointment must for eontinuoug liberal rule. be tive press and party mend their ways. MEMBER FOR KINGSTON. Mr. Pense had occasion to feel proud of the victory which was won by the liberal party of the city on Thurs- day. Inthe opinion of the stalwarts, no greater battle had ever been fought in the interegt of any man and ernment. Throughout the conducted a campaign wo free of | fence that now it is over he has thing to recall and nothing to gret, He accepted the nominion in the spirit in which it was offgred. He determined to do hie part, honorably and fairly, and he has the satisfac tion of knowing that he succeeded. govs « candidate of no- liberal re The liberal candidate, because he was backed unanimously by the liberal party, and because he had be- Lind him a magnificent organization, the, best this city has ever The result was apparent in the very full vote that was polled, the largest on record, and the bulk of if by noon. "We have," said a conservative, early in the day, "the best organization in the world, and we'll beat you out of sight,"" He miscaloulated the strength of liberal and within three hours from the time the voting be was virtually set won seen, forces, gan the election tled. The conservative candidate defeat however, an other accounts; con- viction was deep and abiding that the government would be sustained. The opposition, despite the reflections of its leaders, was not satisfied that the government had misruled Ontario; on the contrary it felt that the Ross government had been a good one, and deserved well of the people. It had, too, been most kind to . Kingston, and its voters were not unmindful of the fact. They remcmbered Ross, and to his great advantage. These considerations were not all. The conservative candidate suffered most severely through the awful sup- port of the conservative press, The member-clect can very well af ford to overlook the mistakes of the opposition, while he gives to his friends and supporters the assurance that as far as in him les he will, by his service, show his full appreciation of their confidence. suffered CHANGE AROUND HOME. Soin over J politically, uring re- t years ? "Prine Edward county bas doin re is very man, and amd fury were in vain against hin. He has not a large majority, but it iz as large as that of Monteth, in North Perth, and it | is probably quite as safe. conservative energy, force spent (Conservative), is somewhat uncertain at Mr last election Frontenac Gallagher's majority | has, 'how- | about disappeared. Last night were claiming a majority him; and he may § to have even that. The evidence convincing that he has heen | tried in the He ought to see that politics is his forte abandon them as The congrajulated up- | this writing of 29 in the ever, his of twenty-five for fail frienas balance and found want ing. not ana possible, liberals in he SOON as Frontenac must on their record. Addington remains conservative The activity but | not hopelessly. of the | liberals will in due season produce the desired change. Kingston's experience offers a proof upon this point. Loeds has undergone a shock in the interest of liberalism. Mr. Beatty has hoen re-elected, but with a largely re duced majority. ' on the wall Conservatism is going. Of the agencies at work in behall of the press occupies a fore place. The liberal papers in Picton, Napanee and Gananoque have been enlightening in their influence, and the Whig, which covers the King- ston district, has reason that it has contributed generally the liberals' The ness of this fact gives it satisfaction liberalism most to believe SUCRE, cCONSCIOS- . EDITORIAL NOTES Ross is a nine to conjure with. Everybody is tired of politics. Now for business. -- . Whitney will now have to go. Mr. Fey or Dr. Nesbitt will prolmbly succend him. Mr, That tour of the conservatives in New Ontario, and its ovations, count- ed for nothing. Kingston is no longer the citadel of conservatism. It cannot be redeemed by the memories of other days. The Whig discussed polities during the election and the people considered then. The result is apparent. The Ontario officials will not be changed, and some men will not getting the they had picked out. be offices Mr. Shaw in his address last even- ing referred to the unscrupulous me- thods of his opponents. The feats of his own party beggar description. A does not of slander and abuse pay. This i¥ the one lesson which the Kingston will learn and not forget, campaign great of conservatives Four out of the five seats in New Ontario have been carried by the lib erals, Manitoulin has not yet heard from but it is considered safe heen According. to . the conservatives every member of the govermment was in danger of defeat, especially Mr Gibson and Mr. Latchford. Note their majorities. the while pro- That final rally of the liberals hours spent in solid work the enemy sporteid--was a wise ceeding. It had a great deal to do with the final result. "We've got money and we're going to spend it, was the boast of a conservative leader during the re- cent registration of votes. The money flew yesterday, and it did not elect the conservative candidate. too," The prohibitionists had candidates in Lincoln, London, West Simcoe, South Wellington, and South Went- worth, but did not elect any of them. Prohibition 'cannot be consider- ed in a general election apart from other issues. The néwspaper men made a great run in their several constituencies. The elect are: Mr. Graham, Brock- ville; Mr, Preston, in South Brant; Mr. Auld, in South Essex; Mr. Pat- tullo, in North Oxford; Mr. Stratton, in West Peterboro; Mr. Pense, in ton; Russell, in Fast Hastings; Dow- ney, in West Wellington. Many people have expressed sur prise thas the Whig did not attack mayor Shaw. Why should it? He was the exponent of the conservative par- ty 8s Mr, Pense was for the liberal party. Jt was the policies not men, that were at issue and the argument was against Whitney's measures. I was believed the liberals bad the best policy and our campaign was to pre sent it with force and dignity. This { cently elected Big Three and the future | Charles {| ¥. McMahon 1s to have | those who umderstand the in i I BOW fainous Sr, The hand writing is | { has talked loudly of respectabilit) | perly emanate, to | | & year. Kingston; Pettypiece, in East Lamb- | if [HE WEEK IN NEW YORK.' FEELING THE EFFECTS OF THE BEEF TRUST. Criticism of Present City Rule -- Governor Odell to be Renomi- nated--Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. New Yors May 30.-~T3 tMauy yu se went of the orgamizer: a are e topics of greatest political In the metropolis. Aithough Murphy 8 cha man of the triumvirate which has dis placed the finance committee, Daniel the re lendagahip=S To r work Louis Halien, the kind interest tro! of the Big Theee ings of the who was the wigwam, third wember of is the emp les of a figurehead to lend a show Sf re spectability to the two. That Murpay was fot wade absolute leader is due solely to the fact that there was dire need at this time to propitiate the rank and file' of the organization and a good many of the leaders who re present them. Accordingly a pretense was made of selecting with Murphy a popular working district leader, Me Mahon. an equally thorough and fa- vorite district head, and Haffen, who of late. The meeting days of the big Three are Thursday and Friday oi each week, when they consult nomin ally and issue commands, which pro it is said from Want age across the water, New York feeling the effects of the increased prices of the beef trust and the coal strike fare more than it is generally thought, Nearly all the leading hotels have raised the price of meals because of the greater cost of beef, poultry and other necessaries of the dinner table. Several of the clubs have done likewise, and smaller es tablishment to whom an increase of price would mean ruin of business, are cutting off the more expensive from dein bills oi fare entirely. A city ordinance prohibits the use of soft conl, bit from present appearance this will soon be a dead ietter., The an thracite has already advanced the price of hard coal one dollar a ton, and unless the strike is soon broken, owing to the short supply, it is only a question of a short time, when the use of soft enal will be necessary. Business men are asking themselves and others what will be the effect of Mr. Morgan's great steamship bine on the commerce of this great city. Generally the answer is that it is quite possible, if the city pursues a liberal policy toward the trust, the consolidation will be the salvation of the export trade of the port, which has been declining during the. past few years. Plans for many new piers have been drawn for both the east and west side water fronts, New York needs nothing so badly as it does new terminal facilities and if it isto profit in any way by the American control of foreign steamship lines, it wust . provide these needed facilities Despite the fact that New Yorkers generally were delighted at the over throw of Tammany Hall jast fall they have found much to criticize in the present administration's rulings Dr. Parkhurst just before he sailed to Europe referred to Mr. Low as "An angel with nervous prostration.'" and now that smoking has been prohibit ed in the city hall, it is alleged by some that this is the greatest reform that has been instituted by the pres ent administration. . The regret which is felt for the short stay in America of ambassador to France Porter, after an absence of five years is being modified to a de gree by a series of dinvers which are being given in his honor. Monday night the Union league club will give a dinner for him, which will eclipse, if possible, the one given by the re publican club a few evenings ago. (On June 13th, Gen. Porter delivers the oration at the West Point contennial Speaking of the republican club brings to mind the fact that the re publican headquarters of the state of New York, are to be transferred there after the new club house shall have been dedicated next February. This will make a great change in the poli- tical geography of the state, for over a quarter of a century the political plans of New York, and in many cases of the country, have been laid at the famous Fifth avenue ho- tel. Although no final word has been spoken, it now appears that governor Odell"s renomination will be a cer: tainty, Two things operate in favor of his renomination, one is that the friction occasioned by 'some act of the Jogislature seems to have worn off the other, the 'uncertainty of affairs in Tammany Hall, but if governor (xlell decides to accept a remomination, be must decline an offer jn she world of railroads and finance that entails a salary which report names as $100,000 is meats com A sensation has been raised in musi- cal circles over the action of dock commissioner Hawkes in selecting only those hands to play on the seven re creation piers this summer which will furnish high class and classic music Commissioner Hawkes has in view the musican education of the masses and the tabooing of 'rag time" music will be appreciated by many of the frequenters of the piers who in Shuie native countries were accustomed hear the best music Played in the ve i § g i FRE hhh ijl i Nn 2g» $ultth i place of ex-police Devery. "Touching on and pertaining to the price," of this equippage, te use Mr. Devery's own language, the victoris is said to bave cost two thousemd doliars and the horses almost as much more. All of which is remarkable when the sal- of the ex-chiei for his many years service amounted Jess than twenty-five thousand dal The phenomenally successful run of "The Bleeping Beanty and the Beast." closes at the Broadway theatre to night. "A Modern Magdalen' at 'the Bijou, 'with Miss Amelin Bingham, 'Du Barry" with Mis. Leslie Car: at the Criterion, will also close this evening, so that June will be ushered in without a single serious play in town ary 10 lars and ter, NEWS FROM OLD LONDON. Elder-Dempster Company Outside the Combination. London. May $0.----The Daily icle announces this morning that Alfred Jones has declined the overtures of the Morgan shipping trust, and that the Kider Dempster company thus remains outside the combination. It believed that before entering upon discussion of the matter with Herr Ballyn and Mr. Wilding, Bir Alived sought the advice of Mr Chamberlain, and also of the Cana dian winistry at Ottawa. Both the imperial and Canadian authorities ad vised Sir Alfred Jones in the strong est possible terms to maintain for the Elder Dempster company its present position of isolation from the lines working under the: North Atlantic con ference agreement. The mercury Chron Sir is any in the stock mar- ket after Mr. Baliour's statement in the commons, which was regarded as a fairly certain indication that peac would be made early next weck. Busi ness remained light after a dull open ing, but there was inercased firmness m tone. Mr. Lowther's that the corn registration duties should be con verted from a war tax into an educa tion fund has found favor on the unionist side. If this policy be adopt ed the of education will be made a charge upon the national exchequer, and local tax payers will be materially relieved, A strong detachment photographers has arrived for the work of the coronation, and the em" bassy is besieged with applicants for special privileges Apart from police passes anh Sickets on the press boat provided BY the admiralty, for the naval review, they are not likely to ohtain many favors. The embassies have been promised a limited number of seats in the abbey for the torona tion, for the use of foreign correspon- dents, but these have not vet issued, ; The Shipping Gazette, ently speaks with authority, states that the White Star, Dominion and Holland-American agreements with the shipping combine have ratified The house of lords committees now practically dealt with all the London tube proposals, and the broad effect of their decisions is to authorize the principal parts of the of Morgan and Yerkes It is reported that the pneumatic tool company Chicago has obtained a purchase tion on the business of the interna tional tool company of London. The amalgamation of these interests would give the Chicago company a practical monopoly of the preumatic tool out pit in Europe. rose proposal cost of American been which appar been finally have schemes of op . ------------ Boys' First Communion Suits. Sei the our range portent fit, « £2 y OL. before you buy, the extra linings, 5 to 84.50, Jenkins, -------------- Wanted. Wanted. Crowds to see our new and ping pong ties. The Coe note good stock scarfs H. D. Bibhy ------------ The finest stock of nail brushes ever shown, prices from 5c. to $2.50 each All going at half regular price, Roche's old stand. FE. C. Mitchell Steamer "North King" leaves King ston, Sundays, at 5 p.m., for Roches ter, N.Y. J. P. Gildersleeve and Hanlev. agenta. Sammel -Alombrack, Thurlow, died on eighty-one years. lave. you seen our new ties, stocks, safe front shirts ? The H. I. Bibby o Lemon - Eclairs W. J. Crothers. Women In The Home. fhocssant Work, Worries and Cares Tell Severely on fhe Nervous ous System. Pp a resident Thursday, of aged and cream fingers Paine's s Celery Compound Women's System Builder and Health Giver. Incessant work, worry and household cares will, in time, weaken and wreck the nervous System of the strongest woman. of Perhaps the commonest symptom and warning of disease with women is headache with sharp and piercing pains; in some cases the pain may be dull and heavy. Recurring headache frequently arises from loss of sleep, fatigne, disordered digation, slugyivh Erequently a hvggioh fiver and ney tive kidneys produce agomi headaches. ne Paine"s Celery Compound should be used without delay The use of Paive's Celery Compound will quickly purify the blood, induce Ear and It's Coming in Hot Some Day CHa 7" = GOOD IDEA TO BE.READY. More Shirt Waists In To-Day + Newest Ideas and Styles, Extra Value, $1, $1 25, p1.50, $2 each. EXTRA VALUE IN HOSIERY--Good Hose, Hose that wears, goad value too. Cashmere, Cotton, Li-le, plain, ribbed and fancy stitch. Children's Misses' Hose, 10c., Boys' Hose, 10c, Women's Women's Children's Hose, 5¢, 8c, 121¢., 1234¢., 15¢C., Hose, 12%c,, Knit Cotton Underwear. Knit Cotton Underwear 10C, 12¢, I8C., 20c¢., 15C, 20C., 25c to 5c. Women's and Children White Cotton Underwear full assortment. Men's market. STARR & SUTCLIFF Colored Shirts, fitting and best made go d 75¢ and $1. The best s fr the money in the E'S, 118 and 130 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. ---- Your are Plate--is here, thinking ready to wear You'll admire yourseli and feel you---and they v.ill, too. It Don't take such an awful lot of money t : to trade. tailors dancing at your attendance, but none of them sign for you prettier garmen ts, than those Spring when you know where we are now showing at of getting--if ii's o n the Fashion the moment you put it on as though others admired i well, You may have corps of a can de- its which $6.56, $7.50, $8, $10, $12, $!3 and | $14: Your suit desire can be easily satisfied here. Co see THE H. D- BIBBY GO. One Price Clothiers, Oak Hall. WANAIN WII BPC PIL HRST GGMMURION SHOES We Carry The Rest and Cheapest. Call To-morrow and See Them. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE LEADING SHOE HOUSE ~ NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win ter. Your order is solicited. P. Walsh, 55-57 Barrack St. BCARD. WARE. | FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINC LE with modern | ghoboroboto ero : If you cut the ; The kind of a figu # depends largely clothes you we: Y made is the on 4 clothing $J. R. JOHNSTON, ¢ TAILOR. OeOeOuo One fe ofe 0fe : el BOROPOROTIROPOF pod ade : Sl ay aot far from ORY Mandom aid a To arty ot Dhandonatd Karl sures. to ve. 198 DR. C. E. O'CONNOR, Lass Sask. Susveon, Now York. Eve and infirmary. Specialist, Fye, Far, 279 King Office, st. . = SERS REAL ESTATE. GREAT BAN wirvet, AE CLIFY 18 ening in Whe Bow 118 Boys' First Communion Suits. Bee the special trim® we have in occasion Of First Importance The milk you be, above all ciean and pure Clarified Mak 8 'that. it health and gives | in using. CLARIFIED MiLK CO, Cor. Brock & Baget Sta. Phone 567. 'STORES TO-LET THE HANDSONE STORES ON privORSe #lrget, ooe lately osupied be Tigiow & Con, and tin tae BOW Gn PEATE. Dwyer Beos.. dothiors. Apo ot Wee e, should things, Oar alw, {neces x easure ---------------------------------------- i A AA De. 0. W. Daly's Dents! Office ies In Nay wi Tein ~

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