Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1902, p. 2

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» _--- IHR PALLY WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 30. Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczemd. LAY, A déplay 'that we are justly proud of. 'Every new design and 'color « 'combination. I We would be more tha® pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ing our prices are the lowest. We would also draw your attent- ion to our large stock "asf | oon Be e BRR. 2 Lae -- Mat Allthe newest pat- terns in widths from oae-half yard to eight yards wide. We can ) save you from 10 to 15 on these 'R. McFAUL * ® aaa Carpot Warehouse. : Parlor Suite * Specials. 8 Buite-Silk or handsome welours, usual $25. We offer for $30. Sols, arm. rucker, 2 reception. Thess are bargeins. BRUSSELS CARPRT-Uood renee wt 680. 88a, $1, $113, worth swing. Thay weer on : a a sew iden, 8 5, end 0c. with 81 TWAS A GRAND VLTORY. ----_"_r» sn -- -- _ PENSE WAS ELECTED | literals retired well contented with ' -- He Defeated | Shaw By 157 Majority. THY TORIES WERE TERRIBLY DISAPPOINTED. The Liberal Workers Put Up a Magnificent Fight--Story of the Day and of the Returns -- Speeches at the City Hall. Tor the fourth successive time, Kingston sends a liberal as her repr: senitutive to the Ontario legislature, On Thursday, Fdw. J. Bh Pense de the day's battle, and sure of success. An immense crowd of people ed in front of the Whig ce shortly five o'clock to see the returns bulletined, Inside were many of those who had borne the burden of the day's fighting. A quarter past five o'clock came, but no returns were to hand. At twenty winutes after five, the result of Ontarig, No. 3, arrived, 16 to 26 in Pense's favor. Then fol lowed in rapid succession Nos. 4, 5 gather alter 5 6 ana 16, all showing majorities for the liberal standard-bearer, and being re eéived with loud cheers. Then came No. 14 with a majority for Shaw, but as the other returns follows rapidly, there was never a doubt as to the ul- timate result. When Portsmouth's magnificent majority of fifty-one, or a vote of over two to one in Pense's fa- vor, arrived, it was' thought the cheering would never cease. Ports- month nobly did its duty, Finally only No. 8 remained to be bulletined, feated: the conservative candidate, but it turned in a majority of twen- nsimsssss-- -- EDW. J. B. PENSE, Member-Elect mayor Shaw, by a majority of 157. That Mr. Pense would win the King ston seat was thought by the tory campaigners to be too ridiculous for serious contemplation. But the. libe- rals knew better, They had sized up the whole situation, and with their, admirable organization, figured out a final majority of 150 -- an estimate | which was remarkably close to that, actually received. The conservatives counted upon winning by from 100 to | 200 majority, but, like many other people they proved to be very bad #t | arithmetic. They failed to realize | that they had run up against one of the strongest candidates the grit party could put forth, and that an election eannot be won by abuse or by the glad hand. The liberals of Kingston have every reason to feel proud of their victory, and so has the member-elect. Not since the days of Sir John A Macdonald has there been such a keen- ly contested election in Kingston. Op- posed to Mr. Pense was the strongest and most popular man the conserva tive party could find in ite ranks. He was chief magistrate of the city, and actively engaged in political warfare for years, And it is this tory Goliath that the liberal standard-bearer has made to bite the dust, and by, so do- ing proved to the enemy that the Kingston grits were a united body. Remarkably quiet was the contest until a few days ago when the elec tion wrath began to break out. = On Tuesday and Wednesday many bets were made, most of them even, but in some cases a few of the enthusiasts on either side giving odds. The tory gathering on Wednesday night made the Whitneyites very cocky. But they didn't count upon the strength of their opponents, and they did count upon the support of people who mever intended to give their votes. And on election day there was an awful sur prise. Before eleven o'clock in the morning it was clearly seen that Pense was in the lead, and keeping up a good pace. At noon, the liberals were confident that they had the 'tory candidate beaten. Voting was very brisk in the morning at the majority of the sub- divisions, and in some, few votes re- mai to be polled after four o'clock. When the polls closed, the The Election Returns Miy please some but disappoint others, but our shoes please every: body. We control the agencies in this city for such excellent shoes as the "TOPROUND' for men, and " REED'S,"" for ladies. These lines are the finest goods on the for Kingston. rd rn. nels St ; ty-nine, showing that the soldiers who reside in that section had stood by Pense. Then when the final result was announced, the joy of the people knew no bounds. The result by subdivisions are : Election Returns. Sydenham Ward. PENSE. SHAW, oe 9 69 92 93 Ontario Ward. 46 - i" 0 69 St. Lawrence Ward. ' 68 46 30 Cataraqui Ward, PEL 418 109 77 H7 112 114 126 101 96 id Rideau Ward. . ae 108 94 ar one. 391 . 118 129 46 45 85 Victoria Ward. PORTSMOUTH Totals. . Returns By Wards. PENSE. . 184 .. 198 07 | 963 Sydenham Ontario St. Lawrence .. Cataraqui ... Frontenac . ""Ridean Victoria ... .. Portsmouth In 1898, Hon, Mr. Harty defeated E. H. Smythe by 239 votes. The result by wards was : . SMYTHE. as | never saw it work before in my life: « Bvery poll was manned, every man did his best. Our oppon- ents brought oot the strongest they couid get, and had behind them all the material for a good fight, I thank you ever so heartily for my elo tion, and promjse to be faithinl to Kingston's interests in every way, with every bit of ahility in my power (ap plause) I want to thank the men who stood by the Rosa government, and | pever will forget each and all of you so long as my memory lasts." The speech was finished amid hearty applause, and then the andience called for Hon. Willism Harty. -- Ha there, and was most enthusiastically received. "Of all .the victories we have ever had," he said, " none com- pare for a moment with that which we have achieved to-day. Both sides worked. Neither asked for quarter, or gave it. Both chose their best man. I never saw sich a straight party fight. I am proud that you stood by your candidate, by your friends and by the best government Ontario ever had. Give our opponents a penny whistle, and they will make more noise in five minutes than we could in five weeks. They have a number of men and a newspaper, and a set of} writers who are wholly careless of the truth. In fact, as far as the news paper is cdncerned, it prefers to print lies instead of the truth." ©" Harty, how are ye?" voice in the crowd. S All right, my boy," was the re ply. Going back to his theme, the speaker said: "A cleaner election and a cleaner paper than the never seen, (cheers). I am proud of the men who handle the pen in that office. We have a combination here," as he swung his hand over the audi ence, "* and great efforts were made to break it. 'The reform party has con trol of this city. Divisions 22 and 22a, Victoria ward, were hard spots. The. conservatives declared they would have a majority of from sixty to cighty there, but we held that down to only eleven against us. 1 am prouder of the good old grits of King- ston than I ever was before." The erowd next called for one of its old fighters--ex-alderman John Me Kelvey He, too, was given a splen did ovation. '1 pever was so proud of the reiorm party as I am to-night," he declared, " but 1 am too tired to make mich. of a speech at present. | never saw such hard work done in my life. As long as we stick together we can down the tories every time I thank you all for the splendid way in which you worked to-day." Michael Sullivan next mounted the platioem in response to a hearty call. Ho characterized this as a Harty-Pense election, a combination which the tories couldn't beat. They could cir culate all the lies they liked, but we will offset them wit our ballots. " The flags ave at hali-mast now for Morgan, all right," concluded Mr, Sullivan amid applause. Robert Crawford was the last speak er. All that the liberals required to elect their candidate was concentrated effort. The majority the boys had rolled up was a proof of his statement. The liberals have a combination which can win Kingston every time At the close of the addresses, the men gathered around Mr. Pense, and heartily , congratulated him. B.C. Dean, 'the energetic secretary of the campaign, also came in for many warm congratulations on the good work he accomplished. shouted A Pathetic Scene. Let us turn aside a moment to an- other scene. It was a sorrowful crowd that stood around the News' office as the hour of six approached. Silence prevailed, Inside were gathered the tory chiefs who but twenty-four hours previous had been so defiant. When the final returns were in, only a few remained with the man who had borne the burden for them Mayor Shaw stood upon the office steps and made a brief speech in which he said: "Boys, T have been defeated, but by the most unserupu- lous methods « ever practised by a political party in Kingston. We have had some of the pluggers here, but we plugged some of them before they got away. If Mr. Whitney gains power, we intend to have something done to stop these unscrupulous prac tices. I regret that I am not at the head of the polls today. I haven't had the support promised me, but 1 feel sure I have at least many friends." The mayor was cheered when he concluded. Contest Jottings. Thanks. Ross did win. We told you so. The liberals buckled in. Kingston remembered Ross Kingston is satisfied with Ross. Some prominent conservatives voted for Pense. The Whig extra was on the streets 4 at an early hour. Frontenac was the only ward give a majority against Pense. Frontenac will be in the liberal col- um at next general election. The Whig will now resume its work, to help build up Kingston and On tano.. We will put away for future refer ence the prophecies Whitney and other partiés, Both candidates reside in Sydenham ward, but Pense carried off the honors in that section. Tet us say that the Whig is never an aggressor, It hits, and hits hard, when attacked. Mayor Shaw told the le why 'be was Pe elected. He atid he didn't get support promi im. - Mr. Pense is grateful to the liberal 'workers who toiled nobly. Their | equals would be bard to find. The mayor will continue to wear his gold chain of offier, and rule the naughty grits in the city council. | Yesterday there were 3971 : ast. In 1598 the total vote was! to snl | mal, WE Whig was «4 had been as active yesterday, as the battalion workers behind Mr Pense, nothing would have been heard of Whitney to-day Pettypiece, Graham, Patullo, Pres ton, Pepse, Auld Russell, are amoung ture Downey, Guelph, is the conservative 'publisher Whitney said i be only believed for tv per cent. of what came to him of victory he would have a He will now ealeulate that the news should have been discounted 158 per cent, Mr. Quinn said a meeting Weds know Mr. Tense, | know him.'" Last night a grit to him: "1 guess, Mr. Quinn, would like to know Mr. Pense night." With =n troubled look walked away. The veieran William Robinson ex M.P.P., yesterday registered the first vote in No. 7 sub-division, Cataraqui ward, for the thirty-seventh consecu tive year. Who'll beat that record ? Mr. Robinson was ill yesterday, but the grit instinct was strong within him, and he came out to take a hand old friend, Mr. Pense ard ha past Miss Mrs. JM James short | to be the conservative you he in electing his Cover! turne: friend £2 ae Erid (row the liberal journalists in the legisia- | only | majority. | to-1 INCIDENTS OF THE BAY. - ' PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The Spice of Every Day Life -- | What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Fancy socks 25¢, Leather belts 2c. | Braces 205¢. Peak caps 20¢. Jenkins ro Stock ties, pure silk, 50c. Bibby's one-price house Soaps! Soaps! Big bargains at Roche's old stand. E. C. Mitchell, proprietor. In washing woollens and flannels, Levers { Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very | satisfactory. 9. Mrs. Walker Powell, Ottawa, is at Picton, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Farmer Mr. Pense will present Portsmouth with 5 flag in recognition of the hand some majority given bim there yester day. James Stewart deft, to-day for Co tean, after spending the past week in the city. His family joins him on Tuesday next. Marvels of beauty, ping pong ties, only at The H. D. Bibby Co. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mable Agnes Gracey, Ganano que, to Charles Alexander Watt, on June 11th, at St. Andrew's church. Best sheeps wool carriage sponges, toughest sponge that grows. Special price by the pound. E. C. Mitchell, -- Satud MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Happening Along the Wa- ter Front. Craig's wharf : Steamer Alexandria irom Montreal. Swift's wharf : King from Ottawa. The steamer India and consoris cleared for Port Colborne to-day The steamir Bothnia and consorts, coal-laden, for Montreal, passed down Booth's wharf Schooners Fleet wing and Acacia, from Charlotte with coal. M. T. company elevator: Tug Thomson arrived from Montreal with five light barges. The steambarge Clinton and sort arrived at Garden Island Toronto with timber. Steamer Rideau con from Two Years In The Pen. "Driver" Burke, remanded from yesterday for being drunk, stood up jn the police court, and heard his sen tence read this morning. He was al- lowed twenty minutes in which to get out of town, and he at once shook the dust of the city from his foot. He lost the other foot years ago. George Parks, remanded on the charge of stealing a horse from L Guess' livery stables, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary A citizen, arrested yesterday when intoxicated, was let go in the after noon. Court was just over when another drunk wandered to 'the police station door, was arrested and locked up. ------ Heard The Returns. Al large crowd gathered in the city hall last evening to hear the returns as announced by the local managers of the C.P.R. and G.N.W. telegraph companies." There was plenty of en thusinsmn shown, and the various gains and losses were hailed with de light by the party followers. (reat interest was manifested in the result in Frontenac county, on which many large bets were placed. The complete returns were not all in when the in struments stopped clicking at 10:30 p-m. Men Were Disappointed. The rank and file of the 14th regi ment feel very indignant that the offi cers did not turn out the battalion on Monday. "Why," said ome of them, "it was discourteous treatment of the United States troops. Besides, it lookea as if we had to import troops from another country to Rr celebrate the birth of our, geeat queen." ol Men Are Still Out. It was reported about the streets yesterday that the machinists' strike at the locomotive works had been set tled, but the statement was incorrect, The men are still out, and the other unions are resting on their oars, as it were, waiting for instructions from headquarters Ready Lunch Beef. Simply prepgted and wasjly digest: ed. Different better than any oth- or canned beef. Made only by Walliam Clark, Montreal.' Night Robes. Night Shirts. Fancy and plain 50c., 75¢c., 81, silk finish, 82. The H. D. Bibby Co. Boys' First Communion Suits. Special grades of black serges, from $2.95 to $1.50. Jenkins. All Right shirts. Bibby's. GET YOUR SHARE. Blackmeén, whitemen, ted- 'men, yellowmen,--all are busy eating away at the world's food supply--every day-~three times a day. Every bne is entitled to a share. Are you getting yours? Does it do you good? If not, take Scott's Emulsion. It is a concentrated, predigest- ed food--much nourishmentin small space--and all usable by the weakest system. It restores the flesh of young and old. ; Send tur Free Sample. SCOTT & SOWME, Chasis, Tumate. J Hoche's old stand. Rev. J. Cornell, Elginburg, is placed by the first draft of the Methodist conference at Lacolle, Que., and Rev. I. L. Richardson at Sherbrooke, Que. Mrs. and the Misses Montizambert, Kingston, spending the winter in Ger many, have sailed for home, and will spend the summer at Little Metis Samuel Marshall, one of Kingston's respected old liberals, drove from Watson's corners, eighty miles, tak ing two full days, in order to vote in Kingston The new stocks, Samples in our window, Sc. and 23c. Bibby's The 14th regiment will drill at the armouries this evening, after which the boys will go to the depot to give a hearty send-off to the Kingston members of the coronation. contingent. Allen Derry and "Jack" Conley, who lately established a plumbing business in Reafrew, were visitors in the city yesteraay. The boys are meeting with success in their new ven ture All Enema and fountain syringes and water bottles at exactly half price. All the latest goods. Rapid flow foun tain, KE. & OG. autocheck fountains Roche's old stand After the polls closed last evening a liberal and a conservative got into an argument at sub-division Neo. 19, about the government's Jat titude toward Queen's college, which led to blows. The liberal seenad to have got the worst of it. Collars, 2 for 3, ouffs, 15c., "@0., 25¢. pair, The §. D. Bibby Co A Washington despatch said : Col Kitson, military attache of the British embassy, called on president Roose volt on Tuesday and presented Capt Rell, Ottawa, who represented the do minion government at the funeral of lord Pauncefote, GALLAGHER ELECTED. Defeated Shibley By Only Fifty Votes. The election in Frontenac was the keenest ever contested in that riding. In 1808, Gallagher's majority was 269. In this contest, Mr. Shibley al- most succeeded in blotting it out, be ing defeated by only fifty votes, after a hard struggle. For a time the re sult was very much in doubt, but it that Gallagher is thewe - returns - have returning officer Daw conceded So lar to is now elected been made son CALLAGHER SHIBLEY Bedford, No. 1 Ki) 70 Bedford, No. 2 Bedford, No. 3, maj. 10 Bedford, No. 4 20 Garden d=land Howe Island, maj Kingston, No. }, ma) Kingston, No. 2, maj. Kingston, No. 3, ma} & Kingston, No. 4, maj . Kingston, No.5, maj. Kingston, No. 6, maj. Loborongh, No. 1 Loboréugh, No. 3 Loborough, No. 3 ma) Pittebure, No. ma). Pittsburg, No maj. Pittsburg, No 3 Pittshurg, No. Portland, maj Storrisgton, 2, maj Storrington, 3, maj, Storrington, 4, ' Wolfe 1s., No. 1, maj Wolfe Is., No. 2, maj 00 Wolfe Is.. No. 4, maj. 1} It was said at Cataraqui by Mr. Gallagher that to elect Shibley would be simply to elect B. W. Folger "King Ben' to-day is rather jubilant, and says that though he has not won he can claim the credit of bringing the tory majority down so much that in the next election a liberal will be elected for Frontenac. » 3 00 69 43 1, 2, 1 > Is It A Success ? The phenomenal growth of the Scranton schools is ome of the won ders of the century. The secret of their successes is due largely to the specially prey texthooke writien by experts. Write for free cirular. J. P Healy, representative, 170 Welling ton street. -------- ment To Choose From. You can try it. FREE. Beery mother who sends as her address on u post card will receive a generous free sample--enough for eight menls- of Nestlé's Food LEEMING, MILES & CO. Monvatay I Wish To Correct The Impression That Is Going Around I sm sot going to leave my present deus IM Princess street for Roth's old stand, Tam polo 1 patronage the public ba past two weeks, and oy both places. A qualified of the King strovt stor ve accorded the same thay have always ho ally 1 will be found wt store, and the publie courtgpus tren at my stare, BP 124 Priboess st E. C. Mitchell. DR. A. W, CHASE'S CATARRN CURE .,. 8 sent direct to diseased s by the Tay Blower. cals the ulcers, clears the alr Bt Eonar to a mn Taiah and Re over, j dealers. or AWC ne Co. Toronto yo FA ll? Our Coal Is as Clean as Though It Wera Washed and Brushed. EACH STANDS B solid coal wueh solid vrenches the surface of mines, Impurities are Thereafter ii is sorsene is you, and dirt, Bave 00 chanos, il te dealers are cartel. We are very careiul -- SHPO OLIIIINS For Even Heat Swift's Scranton $ Coal Ask Cook! JAMES SWIFT & 0. 'Phone 135.

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