Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 May 1902, p. 1

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DAILY BRIT % hs \ SH WHI KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1902 LAST EDITION COL SHIRTS. 0 BST he" 1c. wick iy mown for dress wd ain ction viens nr th the stork for 7TSe 3S JENKINS 114 PRINCESS STREET. IN ART EVENT Important Sale of Pictures. mend SELECTION OF FINE ol the ies street, the Whit" Building No, $36 AY AND SATUKDAY, hot at 2:30 ard 7:30 o'clock 0 be gold comprise artists steel engravinew, HE or ..... water color fee , dn oulors. carbon forming the res ever oity. On . view Wel bs 11 Auctioneer, : LI ie MERCHANT TAILOR % Corner Princess and Baan Streets , "rvene "'- = ¥ ¥ ¥ TELEPNHO) 276 Oatarie Street, Kingston. "NOTICE. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK am Chmutury Company Cir Ban. x. the Bet dae te THE The Daily Note Book For Whig sire, 8 LOCAL MEMORANDA. | Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkins mv batter. Bove' first commmpion suite at Jenkins Hibwernt rully, commitia vooms, Primes pi, Lots of peuple who arg waktiee for dead men's shoes will Sad they don't fa There ame mothers and mothers. One turn their children into the stret ww the house tidy, When s man thinks be knows it all be seklom tikes time to luvestigute the worth of bis supposed Rucwlndge, Literal rally. Prifwess rooms, 8 pm Attend Books are desirable. companions, when they bore sou HM in an sey eater to shut thet up without giviug offense. This day in the world's history © Oraoge Free Siste gnnewd by Gremt Britain, 1900; Willimms Pit, born, 175%; Earl Rumell dod, 1578; Glasistone buried at Westmineior Abr bey, 1898; big Quebes fire, 18458; Paris burn od, 1871, "House-laning Ore," You Need a New CHAMBER SET. Come To Us and Save 0 Per CENT. ROBERTSON BROS. kind keep srt commitive RALLY liberal, should be a worker, RE- FORM COMMITTEE! ROOMS, wm uy 28h WEDNESDAY at 8 o'clock. EVENING All Liberal workers are urged to attend. E. C, DEAN, Secretary. RACED TO KLONDYKE. Followed The Ice Down the River. Tacoma, Wash, May 28.--Dawson despatches via Skaguay state that a great race down the Yukon oecurred ten: days ago between the first boats which left Lower for the Klondyke. They followed he ice down the river, ana five arrived in Dawson in a bunch. The steamer Sibyl ar- rivegl at Dawson at six o'clock in She morning of the 18th, winnin race. She was followed a by the four. other steamers. All Dawson turned out, and devoted "the day to rejoicing that the city was aghin con- i with the outside world. The AT Minds of oooked seats 'for Victoria MYERS" PORK MARKET, Brock stoner Batley left Dawson that night for White orse, bringing the first crowd of miners Who winterea in Daw son and théir gold The greatest nugget ever found in the Klondyke was taken from a hill- side claim. Jt weighed %20 ounces ani is valowd at 84,500, The Gold Casket Received. London, May 28.--At the Mansion house, yesterday, Wrs. Chamberlain, wife 'of the colonial = secretary, was resented Rion the 'gold. casket, con: taining the address presented by the corporation ot the ¢ity of London' to Of Liberal workers, and every' MAKING BIG EFFORTS To Reach Markets For Canadian Produce HAS CLOSED ARRANGEMENTS FOR NEW SYSTEM OF STEAM- ER COLD STORAGE. Sir Wilfrid Will Vote in Ottawa-- An Old Resident Who Retains His Vigor--Capital Notes. Ottawa, May 25. While Canada making special efforts this yeat to se cure emigrants from tne united king dom, she is making equally strenuous efforts for the extension of markets for ber products. The dominion gov ernment has just closed arrangements with the five large Canadian lines Allsn, Elder Dempster, Thomson, Don aldson and Manchester--for the in stallation of an entirely new system of cold storage on their steamers. A new service is being opened up be tween Prince Edward Jiland and Man chester direct and from this connec: tion great results are anticipated. At the present time W. A. MacKinnon, chief of the fruit division of the de partment of agriculture, is in Man chester, and there he will remain through the summer, to find. out what it best suited for that market, and how Canadian agriculturists can best present it to the trade in Manchester At London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol and Glasgow, the Canadian government aow has a responsible of fiver to watch how all Canadian pro duets are handled on their discharge from the ship, and the condition in which they are landed. This first hand information will be used by the department in an educational cam paign among the farmers. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will return noon on Thursday in time to vote the provincial elections. Monday was the seventy first anni versary of the birth of Mrs. H. J. Friel, who has resided in Ottawa all her life, and was the first white child born in this city. She is the widow of 8. H. Friel, who was three times mayor of Ottawa. The lady still re tains all her facultios, and possesses a fund of information on afiairs relat ing to the city. Senator Clemow o'clock this morning, Senator Clemow rallied somewhat last night, but took a turn for the worse this morning and passed away with remarkable suddenness. Hon. Francis Clemow was a son of Capt. John Clemow, of HM, 41st regiment. He was born in May, 1521. He was educated at Upper Canada college, To- ronto, and in 1840 settled in Otiawa. He was a director of the Ottawa sleo- ric company and the Ottawa gas com- pany, and was prominently identified with the business affairs of the city. He was chairman of the Ottawa col logiate institute board for twenty-five years. He was grand master of the Orange lodge of Carleton county for cight years and was one of the stal wart supporters of the order in East- ern Ontario. In recognition of his eminent abilities he was called to the senate in 1885 and rapidly forged to the front as a man of sound judgment and practical ideas. Tn 1802 his abil ity was recognized in his appointment as chairman of the committer of the whole on the bill to codify the erimi nal laws of Canada. He was staunch conservative in politics and intensely imperialistic in sentiment. He married, in 1547, the daughter of the late Col. Powell, of H. M. 10Ist regiment, Chief Powell, of the city police force is a Ja a nephew. : is at at died at 10:30 BOLE IN WE IN WEST INDIES. Went Before Ross Became Presi. dent Of Company. W. E. Young, general agent of the Manufacturers' life insurance company for the West Indies and Spanish Amer- ica, bas written a letter to the district inspectors of the company, in which he says that Duncan Bole was appointed agent for the company in 1599, when the late" Sir John A. Macdonald was president of the company. His first West Indian trip was completed, says the writer = before premier Ross' con nection with the company. He econ tines: "Duncan Bole was authorized by me to do business here before 1 con sulted anyone, and our president, pre- med Ross, hal no means of knowing Nr. Bole's whereabouts until the arti- cle appeared in the Mail. | might add that | hgve always been a conserva tive, and have promised my vote to a ser vative candidate at this be -------- JUDGE RECALLED. Because He Had Been Talking X Politics. ™A St John's, Mail and Empire, @ PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled Fiom All Over The World. Hon. Clifiord Sifton has purchased H. Corby's steamyacht Skylark The citizens of Avr, Seotland. have voted in favor of Sumlay cars. President Loubet landed at kirk on his return from Russia. Jean Joseph Benjamin Constant, the celebrated French painter ix dead Fifty-three new lawyers have just graduated at Usgoode Hall, Toronto The Queber newspaper, L Evenement, has been purchased by S. Demers, for $19,850, John Fmpey, Thamesdord, Ont. has been appointed geologist for the Sud bury district. The citizens of Winnipeg have sent a train load of flonr to the sufierers in the West Indies. Eight inches of min fell at town, St. Vincent, and Monday The Cardston, NWT. election, it reported, is void ewing to high wat er and other difficulties, Two immigrants from Nebraska were robbed of large sums of money on their way to Winnipeg. William Mason, one of the oldest re sidents of Toronto East, and a promi nent Orangeman, is dead. The new depot to be built Dun Kings between Saturday by the €CCLCLLCCCCLcL Remembrancer. The liberal candidate pre- sents his compliments to the electors and hopes for cordial support to-morrow from ' all lovers of good government and of loyalty and attachment to good old Kingston and its best interests. -- Edw. J. B Pense. €CCCCCCCCececl 0 Canadian Northern railway, at Port age La Prairie will cost $60,000 A wild broncho jumped an fence and destroyed Winnipeg's halljs flower beds on Friday last. Michael White, a British army vet eran, died in London, Ont. in his sixty-sixth year, Saturday night. The license of the Glehe hotel, Tor onto, sold for 319.000, the highest price paid in Canalla for such a pri vilege, °° A Whitby landmark, a brick build ing, erected some sixty years agoy and belonging to the Ames' estate, has been burned down. Lieut.-Col. Ellis, of the 27 ment, was presented at Sarnia, with a gold watch on retiring command of the regiment. It is stated that the city of Toron- to will buy the quarry of limestone at Longford, near Orillia. The sup- ply is sufficient for two generations, 2. Jameson wild return to South Africa in a fortnight. He regards tha war as practically over, and expects to remain two vears in South Africa. The Hamburg-American steamship G. Ferdinand Laeise sailed from Thameshaven, at the mouth of the Thames, on Tuesday, for China. She will use oil fuel only. Mr. Chamberlain is suffering gout, but is in aggressive form tull of confidence in the future of South Africa and the political for tunes of the unionist party A despatch from Cherbourg, Frafice, says the warship Trehouart, while ab ont to start for Dudkirk, lost a live torpedo which was not recovered. It is a dangerous mepace to steamships William Leépgy, convicted of murder in Huntington county; Que., Is te have a new trial, the court of king's bench holding that the admission of evidence against his character was improper. The mimister for the colonies and Pr. Jameson met for the first time gt the Garrick club, where they were guests of Charles W. Boyd, son of the talented St Andrew's parson: -- They nt side by side, and got on pleasant ly. in Liverpool shipping circles the agreement made by the Atlantic com bine with the German lines is regard ed as a very davorable one for Mr. Morgan, although the financial re- sponsibility which he undertakes to warde the companies may be a suffi cient equivalent. The king will give a dinner to the members of the jockey club at Buck ingham palace on the evening before Derby day. The duchess of Devon shire will entertain queen Alex: andria at dinner at Devon shire house on Derby day. The king will attend a dance there later on. On June 10th, the university of Cambridge will confer honorary de grees on Tadasu Hayashi, the Japan ese minister to Great Britain, the duke of Argvil, H. W. P. Battell, of Yale university, Robert Bell, of the Canadian geological survey, and nine oth The first undress rehearsal of the coronation procession was conducted on Tuesdgy by the duke of Portiami and the chief commissio of police. Hrakes were substituted for roval car riages, but the horses, blacks and were reserved for the iron city th regi Ont., from from and be fiftesn oquipsges 'in the royal pro- cession from the palace to the abbey. King Christian, after a jong sanfer- once with. the promier, ON SIPPY ENPRE Gold. West Can Provide All Required IN ABOUT FIVE YEARS TIME THE WHEAT BRI- WILL NEED. = dh sre Robert Meighen Upon the Condi- tion and Prospects Of the Northwest--The Influx of Peo- ple From the United States. Montreal, May 28. Robert Meighen, president of. the Lake the Woods willing company, has just returned from a trip to the north-west and the Pacifi® coast, with faith stimulated the future of this great country saw settlers pouring in from all parts of the world; he noted numbers from the other of the line who had sold their lands, and who had de termived to become settlers in the great north-west, which offered such splendid opportunities for acquiring sn independence; he saw towns tending and improving; he witnessed the beginnings of new. wettlements, which would speedily become towns and he made the calculation that if the influx of population eontinued at this ratio which marked it at the present, the north-west in five years from the present date would be able to supply the British empire with all the wheat it needed In regard to the influx of settlers, Mr. Meichen rather that in many instances these were really Canadians who had for years in the western states who, finding that they lands at enhanced rates, had done and then bought lands in the north west equally fertile at about one third the price of those in the western states. Coming back, then, to Can ada, and occupying admirable lands, they woula, with money in their pock ets, from the sale of their former pos be in a position settlers. The first grains, second year WITH ALL TISH of side ox American thought people lived and coyld sell their 80, to become vear they as he had sessions, valuable would seen, raise coarse but the they would wheat, and thus the great wheat would go on extenaing. raise hekt WILL NOT SURRENDER. The Minority Refuse to be Recon- ciled. London, May There is a tinet set back this morning in the cont optimism concerning the con clusion of peade. Doth the cables from Pretoria, and political despatches dealing with the cabinet, concur in declaring that the questions raised by the Boer delegates constitute a grave difficulty that will possibly lead to the breaking up of the conference. A despatch from Pretoria, dated Tues day, refers to the irreconcilable mino rity. leadery, as opposing surrender unless they receive important assurances, which Jord Milner has been informed are impossible, The Daily Mail's Pretoria correspon- dent wove there is little cnce of sur render unless the leaders, who. have accepted the British terms, succeed in bringing pressure on of their colleagues. The delegates are still in | Pretoria, awaiting Great Britain's { final reply. It is stated in Londlon that a majority of the delegates at Vereniging probably include a ma jority in favor of peace, but if the minority is lage and determined enough, the majority will not detach themselves therefrom. The Standard says it understands that the delay in announcing the sult of the peace negotiations caused some disappointment. A report was current, last night, that a serious hitch had arisen. While there ix some difficulty on certain points, there no reason to think it an insuperable obstacle to peace. The Daily Telegraph notes that the tock exchange was disappointed by the dejay, but does not expect that it will exceed a few*days, b.R dis re rome re is SMUGGLED SEALSKINS. Sold by Auction at Boston Cus- tom House May 28.---A lot of Canadian sealsking seized by United States treasury agents while being smuggled into this country were gold by auction at the Boston customs house. The sale brought about $1, 300. It is said that the skins were all shipped from Montreal, - Had they been treated bere as smuggled © seal skine ordinarily are treated they would have heen destroyed, but 'under a special decision of the treasary de: partment, they were sold to partly reimbicse_ the government for ite out fay: in connection: with the proseen tion of the smugglers last sumuper. Boston, Mass, Queen To Be A Nun. London, May 2%. According to ad vices from Romie, queen Margherita of Ttaly bas decided 1) become a mun Rumors of such a step on the part of the widowed queen have been mare or less prevalent since king Humibert's including several well known Boer BRITISH INVESTORS. Being Sought to Develop British Columbia. Mav Stysauous aN ansadians are efforts to sonviace that -- they un South African won and are ting no the nent tritish Columbia, F. ( KC prose London, making Hritish duly futeris ed in ing props OPPOrtaniti Hives are ries neg le for develo Wade, for i® the originator of a WhO Was or nto Yukon, and who Lew WRT series of schemes Jor district of the northern tery with seeking to opening vast has and engineers, the interest spectators South Africa to the Yukon liversd an illustrated lecture day, under the auspices of the ial institute, on the mineral wealth of the He avoided discussing the tier question, but that ii that vestors ory, consulting and of been divert He de vester colon resources and Alaska fron. Fave a warning British in theniselves and that to bestir quarter ought A TERRIBLE DISASTER. A Train Crashed Through a Rail- way Bridge. St, John, NB. May terviole railway disaster the Central railway and Chipman, on the ing, in which fireman ton, was kitled. From ticulars which have in learned that the was coming from the through . to Norton, forty miles rong St CR, and while the trestle bridges moak, feil through about twenty feet in a swollen stream said to have saved himseli drowning by breaking through eab window and swimming ashore Po apeprred between river, this morn Brand, of Nor the meagre par a mixed one gion, is about John, on the 1 Crossing over one o Washades train, up river which re near a sinking partially The engineer distance this hour UNDER AN ASSUMED NAME. lin at Noriolk, York, Mav 25. Walter Dolger eighicen vear-old son of Paul S of Yonkers, his home on Novessber has been found hy his father af ter of the most remarkable searches in history. The young was located on the Franklin, at Norfolk, the mother of the young man his voice over the long distance tel phone from Washington Ever the disappearance tives have conducted the parts of the world, Mr, ing none them. A clue Washington and the and found his som on under an assumed name New the Bolger, from last, one Va., and later since dete was at last the WRECKED HIS PLACE. Donald Downie Time in Paris. New York, May 28. Th Exchange has heen smashed hy gry mob the American and Journal. The prietor, Donald Downie, formerly New York, had an altercation one of his French employees. The slightly intoxicated and the premises, whereup caned him severely An angry mob quickly gathered, is usual in Paris, flowing from a Frenchman, the began by smashing the windows finally wrecked the place During the excitement collected in the Rue Seribe an an pro lat er was re fused to leave on Mr. Downie FERRIES TIED UP Boats Cannot Coal. New Yoik, May ferry company has ning a number of ite boats because the coal strike. It has only enough coal on hand to laxt thirty days, and when, that is used there is fear that it will be impossible to get more Conl operators in this city the jon that there will be eral strike in the hituminous Herbert, of Herbert & Co, that owns the Metamora West Virginia, and a number thracite as well, would undertake to take on a large bet that there will be no general strike ofthe, bituminous miners. Brooklyn 23 The to discontinue run LXPregs opin no Len fields the firm Hines m of an mines raid Pear! Fedorus. The swell American shapox in the best qualities bound or raw edge, $1 82, $2.50. Jenkins, Ping Pong Ties And pure silk stocks, 0c 0H. DD. thy Co. A sample of the eold shoulder King | ston will give Whitney and his emis sarice. struck here this morning The | thermometer registered forty degrees. | Tomorrow wight Whitney will need | hix fur coat mad cap, for the shivers will run down his back The only ties and «ilk stocks, 50¢. Bilby's. assassination. apd it is r as probable that the present announce "The Appar of of the a capitalists from Yukon valley. Americans were Hisplaying energy Another on Norton leaked through, it of is from the No further word has been received up to Located On Training Ship Frank- wha disappeared 19th man training ship heard search in all Bolger wpar- of his wealth in emplovine found in father went there Franklin Had an Exciting American says n Paris despatch to of with as and secipg blood crowd and | 1,000 peop ! Secure |v rook | of | First in the market with Ping Pong ! WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ont, May 2% torte wish rly (10 amo-Frosh westerly winds Thursday fale ww wml We Are Sole Agents For "Blenheim" Pirle, Finish Dress Goods. We show them in all the new colors, guaranteed not to . spot, cockle or wrinkle. NELSON--AL Ganson Mrs Mav aretom, 2st. tn Mn, smd ou how GORDON OSTLF% nurch On the 64h May: 1902 Kate, second daughier ol University avmmag, Lower Gordon Ostler St Eregliand TO-LET. HOE, CORNER COLBORNE AND BARRIR nels davlling asached Apply to Wiliam Fee, corner Quen ond Borrie. God HOUSES ond 203 Mra AND STORES, Welling on Allen, 297 Divis NOS street 197, 200 Buunivy of i HOUSE w 18, COINER QUEEN AND CLENGY vard &d good stable fn cedinen Apply to Bloncy & Stemey or J: 8, Mel gan | THREE EMBASSY VACANCIES. and Macdonell Retiring. London, May He co te sor to lord Lords Currie are po] here ting are many the there WOH FoR] Panneelote, | thority the I beg lawver rather than a di English barristers find the bench the great the crown, rather than poste. The foreign of three vacancies to fill, retiving from Rowe, Macdonell from Lis of tranders probably in the service after the and the Washinrton pot filled prematurely, Hoes in for statement that ' alist their way to offices of o diplomatic | will- have { tor Jord Currie | and Six. Hagh { bon A Fowl he Aw or ju a | male on oi will be broke two the Toronta for throwing e-pod hammer, standing | throw, at Emiro on Mowlsy. The Lone hand throw wis 131 feet 8 inches, Land two-hand throw 12% ert seven | inéhes i Charles Harkness, grocer { fruit dealer, Tro Ont., died | morning, aged thirty four yonrs, fit of despondency that she took {own life | Miss Sarah { i Flanagan id's records towed E wand this in a her ois, Grav, a maiden Indy Norwich, Ont. tom he taking poison. Khe poor health for some schooner Thistle, of Quebee ashore on Rt, Paul's Island. Ceew | Ie bt vessel and cargo of coal la totn) Joss A whe lived near mit tend enieidde | had. i tune The beens in { 1@ saan | 'WEDDING RING Is Worn For a Lifetime. The correctness of shape is 2 ma'ter of com- fort and aprearance, which we consi ber large Iv in our manu'acturiog, | | s ue SinsTon ¢ 0.

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