THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 27 SI ---------- TE 5 PA EDIT ON LIBERALS HELP KINGSTON INSTITUTIONS. ' For eighteen years under Conservative rule at Ottawa no growth of the Military College establishment took place ; rather the institu- i tions ran down low. Under Ey La five years of, Liberal admin- ; R. UGLOW & 00. istration it has been reviv- AY Np *9 ed greatly, a fine hospital | Weshistions, 14) Princess Sreet. [pie and $16,000 has been > ~ voted for a drill hall and : ; gymnasium, Who are Kingston's friends ? Conservative Rally A Meeting of the Electors win Held in the City Hall on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 26th May At 8 O'clock. Addresses will be dilivered by J. P conservative lender, M. Eh En of Montreal, snd J. HowaWell, It Looks!! as platiorm. GOD SAVE THE KING 6 they oll say after using our a and guarantee it the po x ao staing, caerisge Mitchell's Hardware. W. NEWLANDS 'By A OC. Laut, author of "Lords of the North." 12 wo. Clow, $1.25. Laut bas writtea the most charming doy. This, in some quariers, Whit J. F Morgan the gL ¥ BULK TENDERS ARE INVITED UP TO § pm., WEDNESDAY, May 28th, for the seve ral trades' work required in the erection of a Presbytery Building for the parish of the Sacred Heart, Wolle Island, Ont. Jans aud specilications mav be H. P. SMITH, Architoew Anchor Building, Market Square. ---- ee -------------------- FOR SALE. SECOND HAND LAUNIRY WAGGON SUIT- able for wrovery. lwperinl Laundry seem ot my ini vm Jelvet Rugs, Tapestry Squares. * Another shipment of these high class goods just _ passed into stock. These goods are made up with bor der on all sides and can be fitted to any room. Sizes gx9, 9x12 12x12, 12 X 13%. * Prices---$6.50 to $22 Each. hy % Carpets 7." In small designs for halls with stairs to match. i Tapestry and Balmoral, "In neat floral effects for bedrooms, with or Tt v ithoiit borders. it 4 ar Brussels * '." In geometrical designs, dark and light grounds, for drawing rooms and libraries, 54 border to match. ; aay ~ Cocoa Matting For steps and landings, made of long fibre, : very firmly woven, only the one quality + carried in stock, and that is always the best, 1343 1, 1) yaras wide. na Mattings " For bedrooms, Etc., 1 selection, . old stock, every Piose porfeen ; pion a cn ws ade WE & 156, 18c., 20c., 25¢. yard. _Frilled Muslins, A FEARFUL DROUGHT CAUSES MUCH SUFFERING. Cattle in Australia Are Dying by the Million--No Early Change Expected in Weather Condi- tions. Loudon, May 27-Cabling from Sydney, N.S. W., the correspondent of the Daily Mail gives an account of the terrible drought from which, as a olimax to seven dry vears, Australia is now soffering. The correspondent says that the losses in stock in Aus tralia since 1808 amount to £15,000, 000. Unemployed men are drifting into the dities by the thousands, and there the state governments are providing them with relief. : The only districts that have escaped the drought are the northern rivers district of New South Wales, and parts of the Rivering district. The situation bas been aggravated by the federal duties on fodder, which pre vent its importation. Communication in the interior has been paralyzed as the waterways are unnavigable. Owing to the expense of fodder, the firm. which had the contract has ab andoned the hauling of the mail in (Queensland, the cost of this transpor- tation having arisen from £6,000 io £30,000 annually. The sheep are dying by the million, continues the correspondent, and even the rabbits are starving. Animals have striped the bark from the trees for food. A common method of treat: ing exhausted horses is to slit the animal's palate with a knife; the horse is revived by swallowing his own blood. Numbers of "sun down ers" and "swagmen" have been found dend by the waysides. The governments are doing every. thing possible to alleviate these con- ditions, but meteorologists despair of an eatly change in the weather con- ditions, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over the World. A big &trike is on at stock yards ib Chicago, which is likely to close up business completely. Queen Withelmina will shortly coed for Germany to recuperate the effects of her recent illness, Ansténlia has had seven dry years, The tories of Ontario have had thirty and that's why they are howling. The British torpedo boat destroyer Recruit, which grounded off cape Corn wall, this morning, has been floated. C. W. Ray, Sharon, Pa., who under- went the newly-discovered for the cure of Bright's disease, on Monday. Toronto is showing up well. Jt will strengthen Mr. Ross' hands in the new house." It wants to be in the gov- ernment column. Btorm warnings are the Atlantic coast from Hattras tc Eastport and on the great' lakes fron Oswego to Port Huron. Generals Corbin, pro from died MANO res guests, The met and acxt fall as his persona New Sooth organized to-day. Especia woman's suffrage bill occupies a pro minent place in the legislative pro gramme. During the past' ten lynchings have oceurred in the Unite States. Of these 121 had péourred ir in the south and fourteén' in north, the remainder in other parts o the country The judiciary committee UU. 8. senate may make gation into the subject of the an investi of lynch of ascertaining whether remedy for them, emperor William's proposed gift statue of Frederick the Groat United States, any special efforts on the part majesty to win the good will United States. The British admiralty preparations under the initiative the prince of Wales to enable the Brit ish fleet, all over the world, to join the coronation celebrations. Warships ie each station. The charge'laid against a wheel-of- forwme mmnipplator of unlawfully taking' $38 from an American spldier who hailed from Watertown, N.Y. was settled this afternoon. A sum of money was given the plaintiff and he left for home on this afternoon's boat. SET KINGSTON MONEY MAD. Ee -- Offers Ten Cents a Jar For The Pests. Kingston, N.Y., May' 27.-Hewitt Boyes, un wealthy and well-known resi dent of this section of the sate, ad- vertised last Friday to pay ten cents for each fruit jar caterpillars which are infesting hundreds of shade trees hore. The jars were to be delivered at his barn. . Up to fast night he had paid ont negrly $100 to 500 persons, ranging wn grandiathers to five-year-old children. He says he expected 83 or $1 would cover the cost. The caterpillars were destroyed as soon as paid for. z g jh I 4 4 i E i i i creation displayed on Young and Wood have been formally invited by emperor William to attend the German military Wales parliament interest attaches to the session as the years 2,658 the ings in the United States, with a view there is any The pan-Germans do not approve of of a to the nor, for that matter, of of his of the making of will he sent to the principal ports of f Ea Newman Sentenced--Big Batch at Court. The usual big batch of prisoners following a holiday appeared in the police "court this morning. Two drunks, who were fighting on the fair grounds, were fined ¥1V and costs or a wonth in jail. Another citizen said be bad not been donk for five vears, but that his brothes-inJaw came to visit him yesterday; they took a few drinks to gether, and it was wore than the citi zen could stand. . "You had better keep away from your brother-in-law, or keep him away from you," remarked the mag strate. "You may go." The driver of the cab containing | the Watertown young men who creat ed such a disturbance on Sunday, was fined $10 and costs or a month in J Young all. . A wheel of fortune man, who was on the fair grounds yesterday, was charged this morning with stealing $35 from an American soldier who hails from Watertown. Another charge was also laid, late this morning against the defendant, charging him with vonducting a gaming table on the grounds. The case was enlarged until to-morrow, bail being accpeted. George Parks, arrested at Napanee with a horse from L. Guess' livery, which he is charged with stealing, ap peared again this morning. He put up a splendid defence for himself, and fired question after question at chief of police Rankin, Napanee, who was in the box. The magistrate stated he would consider the case, favorably to the prisoner, if possible. Parks will be up again on Friday. Walter Newman, alias McKenna, alias Nicholson, again stood up in the court this morning to answer the charge of stealing jewelery from a popular lady on Barrie street. The magistrate had looked up his re- cord, and found that it was an especi ally bad one, he being an ex-convict. Prisoner acknowledged that he was the chum of young Egan, Brockville, who has just been sentenced to five years in the penitentiary for theft, put. Newman < 1 anv knowledge of that erime. H pleady guilty to stealing the jowoiery. The magistrate gave him the opportunity of joining his chum in the penitentiary, where he will serve a similar term. - Was Killed In Idaho. John H. Williams, of Pittsburg township, received the sad message on Saturday night, of the accidental death of his brother, near: Boise, lda- ho. No particulars were given. The deceased left for the west about six years ago, and was employed as a brakesman on & railway there. It is supposed that he met death while working on a train. A brother, Mel- ville H. Millions, of Montana, has gone to Idaho, and will accompany the remaing home. The deceased was home on a visit to his relatives in the township about three years ago. ------ ' 4 Married On Monday. On Monday morning a quiet wedding becurred at the Catholic Apostolic church, when H. P. L. Leger Gordon, of Garden Island, and Miss Katie 1 { Ostler, daughter of Frederick Ostler, University avenue, were united in matrimony. The ceremony was per | | formed by the minister in charge of the church, the bride heing given away by her father. After the wedding - | breakfast at the bride's home, couple went to their home on Garden Island. Hearty congratulations 1 | extended. The bride was a 1 | with Kingstoniaus. favorite f They Followed His Cortege. The funeral of the William Little took place on Saturday after- noon from his late residence on King street to Cataraqui cemetery. The pallbearers were ex-chief Bateson, of the fire brigade, P. Smith, J. Lem mon, William MeCammon, H. Hunter and PP. Moncrief. The service was condhicted by Rev. James Wallace, B. D., now supplying the pulpit in St. Andrew's church. The funeral was largely attended, a great many - me- chanics and other friends of the de ceased following his remains to their last resting place. Liberals Stake Their Money. Inthe Strathcona Hotel, Brock- ville, last night, several interesting wagers were made. Mr, MeCarthy, brewer, of Prescott, bit 850 even that the Ross government would be tained hy over fifteen majority. = An other bet 825 to $15 that George P. Graham would have 200 majority in Brockville. Two thousand dollars are in the hands of the Brockville liberals to hack Graham at two to one for over [00 majority. *us- A Financial Success. The financial suceess of the Vietoria day demonstration gives great satis faction. The receipts at the fair grounds were 81.350, to which has to added the $700 subscribed. This will much more than cover all expen- The various committees worked well, and no one will grudge special mention being made of A. Chadwick, D. BE. Starr, W. H. Godwin, J. Me- Parland, and Sergt. Maj. O'Hagan, who were most energetic in their la hors. S08, Made The Firemen Work. The false alarm of fire the tories rang in on Saturday night caused m labor to the firemen who had the ey t all ready for Monday's parade The run dirtied up the - and wagons and gave the staff addi- tional toil. The malignity of the Are always "values, none but the best fur felt wend, excelsior styles, $1, $1.50, $2. Senking, the are * CRATER AT THE SCENE OF MARTINI QUE CATASTROPHE. What a Scientist Reports--Three Well Marked Scenes--A Dar- ing Investigation. Fort De France, May 36.--Prof. Rob ert LL. Hill, United States government geologist and head of the expedition sent by the National geographical survey has just come in from a dar ing and prolonged investigation of the volcanic activity in Mgrtinigue. He is the fiest and only man who has set foot in the area of craters, fis- sures and fumes voles and because of his high position as a scientist, his parrative is valugble. He reports as follows : The scene of the catastrophe in Mar tinigue forms an elongated oval con taining, on land, about eight square miles of destruction. This oval is par tly over the sea. . The land part is bounded by lines nmning from La Precheur to the peak of Mont Pelee, thence curving round to Carba. There were three well marked sceves : First, a centre of annihilation in which all life vegetable amd animal was utterly destroyed. The greater northern part of St. Pierre was in this scene. Sec- ond, a zone of singing, blistering flame, which also was fatal to life, killing all men and animals, burning the leaves on the trees and scorching, but not utterly destroying the trees themselves. Third, a large outer non destrugtive zone of ashes, 'wherein some vegetation was injured. The fo cus of amghilation was the vew crater midway between the sea and the peak of Mont Pelee, where now exists a new area of active vulean jsm, with hundreds of fume roles or miniature volcanoes." ------ 9 p.m.--~The volcano is again in eruption; huge ink-black clouds are rolling over Fort De France in great nee. and there are peculiar light ning flashes in the clouds. The inhab- itants are now flocking into the great square of the town. i the demon stration increases a panic is imminent. A very heavy suri has been beating on the shore for the last two hours, and an ENOrmoeus grevish-yellow cloud, at great height, is dimly vis- ible in the direction of Mont Pelee. The night is intensely dark and the stars are only faintly visible. Fort De France is in no danger from the volcano, but there is considerable, ap prehension of a panic in the might time should the greyish-yellow cloud veach here and ashes and stone begin to fall. len ---- Sunday Proceedings Criticized. Representatives of the local Lord's dav alliance, evangelical alliance, and W.C.T.U. met last evening. A commit tee was appointed to consider the best course to take in regard to proceed ings against the street railway com: pany to prevent a recurrence of Sun day cars, A protest was drawn up m the name of the three societies repre sented to place on record "the strong feeling aroused by the disgraceful pro ceedings carried on in the city on Sunday last." ---- Set Fire To Her Dress. While a little daughter of Mr. Bear ance, an employee of the Imperial steam laundry, was riding on a street car down Princess street last evening, threw a lighted firecracker onto the car It alighted on the lit tle girl, set fire to her dress and then rolled to the street, where it exploded. Callman John Burns, of the fire de partment, who saw the occurrence, hastily went to the little girl, and ex- tinguished the fire. But for his prompt assistance, the little girl might have been badly burned. e---- Has Done Well. Stuart McDiarmid, after passing his examinations successfully at the school of mining, Kingston, went up for the government examinations and made application for a position with the govermment for the summer, ana alter passing most successfully, received an appointment, with orders | to report at. Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. He will receive 83 a day, and all ex penses, from the day he left some one Canagian Supremacy. The corn beef in tins packed by Wil liam Clark, Montreal, is recognized in Europe as the finest on the market. Have you ever tried it? The Ping-Pong Scarf The latest craze in neckties in New York and Chicago for ladies or gen tlemen, 0c., at Jenkins, The silent vote, whick is for 'Pense, woes things as they are, it knows the record of the government and the po sition of the province under its rule, aml sees no need for a change. It does not believe in changing the sub stance for the shadow. And next Thursday will demonstrate the faith that is in it. The matched ram between Joseph McConneil's black trotting horse and J. M. Theoball's Witch, took place Inst Friday. McConnell's horse won the purse. Time 2.524. McConnell ix now after another race for 80 aside. The regular meeting of the city comcil fell on Monday might, but aldermen White and Walkem were the only members to put in an appear- ance. There was no important busi: ness to trapsact, Smoking concert in the town hall, Portsmouth, to-night. All attend. SUPERBA CABLE Woven Wire Beds Patented Ist May, 1900. MOTHER HENDY'S *" ict mene SEE EOE a "PRICE, 25c. I -------- 8 Seal Coffe (1 >.and 2 1b. cans) IS PICKED PURITY Strong ia Purity. Fragrant in Strength. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL AnD BOSTON. BLACK DRESS GOODS We have an unusually attractive stock of Black Dress Materials both in light weight Summer Goods and a little heavier for present wear. IMITATORS Black India Twill, All Wool, 49¢. and 88. yard. Slack Alma Cloths, Black Barrietz Cloths, Plain Black Cloths, 78¢., 69¢., 680. 95¢., 81, $1 85, Black Crepeloines, Black Voiles, Black Cashmere, 48e., 7060. 490, 8#8e., 90e, Black Lustres, For Bkirts snd Buils, extra good value, at 20e., 860 , 46¢., 490,, B66, 750. Each of the above you will find special value. Priestley's Black Goods In A Great Variety of New Materials. This famous English manu- facturer of Black 'Dress Material has produced medium priced Dress Goods for his spring and summer Hage and we have now the pick of them. J. LAIDLAW & SON. PARAS ALAA ASA SHOES PERFECTLY FITTED sme AT ween THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE PARLOR SETT And Fancy _ Chairs, you wast after Dorian. "JAMES Yiog en 'REID,