THE DAILY WHIG, BT T------ THE SURGEON'S KNIFE Eek | Stevenson of Salt fon Ror Ovarian Troi "DEAR Mus. Pryxuay:--I suffered ih efammation of the ovaries and over six years,enduring aches and pains which none can Sreanct but those who have had the same expe- rience. Hundreds of dollars went tothe doctor and the druggist. 1 was simply Being medicine chest and a phys- . My sister residing in Ohio wrote me she had been enred of womb double using Lydia E. Pinkham! anata le Com-~ pound, and me to try it. then discontinued all other med icines and gave your ¥egetable Compound a thorough tri ithin four weeks nearly sll pain had left me; 1 rarely had es, and my nerves were in » much better eondifion, and 1 was cured in three ths, and thisavoided 1 operation." -- Mus. Eoxis Stevesson, 250 Ho. State St, Salt Lake City, Utah.---$5000 forfeit if above testimonial fs not genuine. Remember every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does not "Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. THE HAPPY LIBERALS. Garnish For Solid Meats of Poli- ties. Toronto Globe. : Premier: Ross is evidently in his best form these days. No public man in the dominion knows better how to garnish' the solid meats of politics with the watercress and peppermint ol fun. In the introductory passages ol the Midland: meting he said © *'You have sent Mr) Miscampbell to us for a goon many years, | do not know whether he did you much good or not. He didn't do us much good (lnughter)--and | may say he didn't do us much harm. (Laughter) He tried, but then he was helpless in the face of the good sense of the major ity of the He, He has thought perhaps you would not elect him again, and © he has gone to fairer fields, and T do not think they are go i to eledt him there from what I 3 {Cheers} sah hear. Another jnuntily sentences were these; "Of course we have been in power for thirty years That is no fault of ours-{iaughter) you have kept us there, and we wer willing to stey, and we are unwilling to go if the majority of the peopl wish us to remain, We are the most aodile government you ever saw-(r newee Jenghterk--if you want us we will serve you, if you don't want u wit don't want to serve' The humor of this must be appreciated by iriend or foe. MINISTERS MEET. jocular--sevies of easy Methodist District Meeting Held - To-day. A meeting of the ministerial scssion of the Kingston district of the Metho dist church opoted this morning in the Queen. strect Methodist church. Rev. J.-C. Anthift, chairman of the district, wesided, thers were present 8. Shibley, E. Bawson, Philp, 1 f. Craig, J. A. Wellwood, ve, Meredith, GC. ( Wood: Wo J. Wood, A. M. Delong, R F. Oliver, W. PF. Parlay, T. C. Brown, Ww. joo, BE. 8. Shogy. W. Sander MH, Richards, W. T. Brown and J. i , ., a The 'characters of all the clergymen pasead, and some routine business a. "Tho resignation of Mr. Snider, a tioner travelling on the Titts burg circuit, was accepted, ns he de wired $0 go into another denomination, It was resolved that an adjourned dis trict meeting be held at conference to consider the enses of Bros. (VHala and Brown, who are not able to be pres ont, and other cases that may be re Jove. to it. The mes bing adjourned at twelve w'olock to meet again this afternoon. , : May 20.--A number from ended the sale at the residence Denyes, at Ernesttown, A little boy has come at the home of James Gates. 8 has purchased a fine anovan, Three Rivers, panied hy his sister, Mea v oooand Mes. J. Noreis, recent Visitors in this le Howie is ill, Mro. F. ill, is slowly recover ix making great SECRET PACT WITH RUSSIA CHINESE MINISTERS ACCUS- ED OF DOUBLE DEALING. Grant Special Privileges -- Czar's Government Accorded Right of Deciding Questions Which May Come up in Manchuria. B.C, May 21.~The stedin and Shingno Mare rived to-day from Yokohama and Chi na ports, There exists, according to the correspondent of the Tokyo Asa histo, n secret agrevment between the Chinese plenipotentiurics and the Rus sian minister in Pekin for the. grant to Russia of certaid privileges in the three eastern provinces. which is not tipulatea in the Manchurian agro ment, 'fhe Asahisco says Russia and Ching witered into a verbal agreement through their representatives whereby the former obtained a right of ing elope any question which 1 arise in Manchuria in the future with out giving ear to the voice of the Pe kin govermnent, Despatches from Pekin to Tokyo newspapers kay that the Russians wore not making any preparations to withdraw from Manchuria, although it stipulated in the Manchurian treaty that they will do sosin the conrse of eighteen months, Further details were received of the rebellion in Kwang Si, where the re bels are still gaining and hola scores of towns) They had been plundering steamers on the West river until ali trafic was stopped. The troops lost heavily in engagements with the re hele, and the viceroy on one occasion hdd a narrow escape, his carriage le ing riddled with bullets. The gebels are committing wholesale massacres, killing all who do not sub swovibe to their demands and swear giance to their flag. There has been heavy slaughter at some points Over 1,000 men, women and ehildren were indiscriminately killea at Chun Shan Hui gnd Yat Tao Shi. The rebels were engaged in besioring Nan Ning at last reports, which place making a desperate resistance One of the rebel joints in Canton was aided by the authorities, and six mandaring, who were sealing brother with the rebels ' hy "mixing blood," were captured and executed Documents which. aimed at the mas ol Manchu officials were found on them. Victoria, srs Glenogle ar al ol was hood ROETO THIS 1S NERVE. Displayed by Canadians at Hart's River Battle. ' Ottawa Jourpal Lhe most phenomenal case of nerve ever known on the American continent is reported from Wichita. A rug pediar called several, times at a house and found the people away from home. At last he wrote and pinned this note on the door: "Madam-- Kindly remain at home to-morrow forenoon, I want to sll you a rug." Kansas City Jour nal That is all very well for a joke, as it probably is. Yet joke or no joke, it 1s discounted by the idea of one of those boys whom Canada has been let ting loose on Africa. In age ice tell ing of the fight at Little "Hart river, private Walter Buchanan, an Otiawa lad in the Canadian mounted rifles SAYS © "We were attacked very suddenly. We had just got our horses tied down when fifteen-pound shells began to drop round us, We all picked up our rifles and ran to the outside of our camp, which was devoid of auy shelter, and we were at once subjected to 'an awful shell. and rifle eross-fire coming in on us from all points of a circle, the loors, having surrounded as. We waited until they closed in within close range, and then let them have it. We certainly did gpod execution, for the enemy began to fall back, our fire being too hot to face. "1 thet pulled out and played 'The Maple The boys all join®l in andl poured in another the retreating Boers." This was equivalent to posting up a notice to the Beggs, in the alleged Wichita "style, as follows : " "Dear Sis, ~Kindly keep on shoot ing for a while. I want to play you our Canadian music." my harmonica Leal Forever.' with the song deadly fire on Ii any of the Journal's readers think § they know where this can be beaten in the annals of war or peace or Kan sas, we would like to hear of the case. I§ private Buchanan's effort does not fill the bill for the Victoria Cross, it is the fault of the conditions of the Cross, One element of trouble possibly bas mingled in South-Africa with they memory: of this remarkable 'instrumen tal performance. As-all reports of the fight tends to indicate that most of private Buchanan's comrades as much much nerve" as himself, We foar that some of them may have since taken the liberty of suggesting to him that the Boers made off, not from the Can gidian bullets, but from. Buchanan's music. We suppose there is no keep ing thése CMLR, fellows quiet, Blanche Walsh--~Thursday. Miss Blanche Walsh and 4 large supporting company will present at the Grand) on Thursday. an ehtirely new emotional dramg entitled " La Madeleine." The author is a New York newspaper man, long resident in Paris. Mr. Pam is said 10. have given Miss Walsh in the title role of ite worthy of CHILDREN OF THE THRONE. XIII One of to Wear a Crown. Alfonso X11 Spain, when be takes the oath of allegiance to the constitution, will be the only unmar ried king in Burope and the youngest king in the world. The south-western peninsula of the continent of Europe has. produced its full quota of the potentates in pina fores who have helped rule the world. In the last sixty-nine counting Alonso in the ranks: of interesting little company, n and Portugal between them have n two guesns in tiny short drogses and two kings in Eton jackets Modern history numbers such small monarchs, Brazil, Frame, England, Scotland, Sweden and Austria each contributing to the total of twenty-five roval girls, most of whom lived unhappy lives, and many of whom met untimely or vie lent deaths. Alionso's own -granamother, Isabella I, was one oi those into whose life came much sorrow, She came to the throne when a child of three and ac pually took up 'the reins of govern ment ten years later Her troubles zhen began, to be steadily. continued throughout her life. First her mother, Maria Cristina, trind to foree her to marry a man sh did not love. Then the enmity of her mother made trouble for her after uu little queen had 'been wedded to her eousin Francisco de Assisi. Then there was an uprising of the populace against Marin, which drove her into France, and then, a dozen years later, a similar outbreak of the mercurial Spanish temper forced Isabella herself to follow her mother. She abdicated two vears later in favor of her son, Alfonso XH, the father of the present king In the meantime, across the line in rtugal Mari, whose father, Dom Pedro 1V, had her. the throne when she was but a slip of a child not yet "seven, was trying init an illaffected people and a s ministry to bold the power for herself, while in Brazil her bro ther, Pedro, of the most charm- ing of men, was doing his childish to satisly the demanas of a rebellious people. Masia of Portugal died of discowr agement, it is said Pedro of Brazil driven from his kingdom, died of a broken heart. When, in 1833, Isabell was queen of Spain, at the age of three, and Maria Portugal, at the age of seven, anu Pedro was emperor of Bry zil at the mature Age of eight, Greece was in the Alfonso Many ot wo thirty-six Greece, Pe I, queen given over one young best was gueen ol rule of a boy not yet ont of his prince Otho of Bavaria. He sat on the throne at Athens dun ing twenty-nine years of almost con stant disaffection and turbulence, and then, in 1862, was expelled, only to be succeeded by another « young man of eighteen, prinen of Denmark, brother of queen Alexandra oi Eng land. ' England has entered upon ber chron icles the names of ten child monarchs, the latest of whom was Victoria her self, who was but eighteen on that historic June night when she was awakened from her sleep in the palace at Kensington to hear that the king was dead and that the queen ruled. Henry 11 to the English throne when he was ten, Edward 11 when he was fifteen, and Richard 11 when he was eleven, Two of the kings in whose reigns the island was rent and torn by the wars of the Roses, Henry VI and Edward IV, began their ruling when little more than mere boys; Edward IV at twenty, and Henry V1 when scarcely eight. The next Edward never lived even to be crowned, for Edward V, right fully succeedifig to the throne when thirteen, spent the twelve weeks of his mockery of a reign as the prisoner of his uncle of Gloucester in the tower of London, where he was murdered. Henry VHI began his reign - when eighteen, and when the throne descend ed to his son, Edward VI, that boy was in hid tenth vear; he died before he sixteen. Lady Jane Grey Englana's queen for just = eleven months, which measured for her forty five weeks of plots and eounterplots, strife and 'sugpicion; ending in her execution before her. 'nineteenth birth teens, George came was was Five of the seven potentates in pina fores who sat upon the ancient stone of Seone in the neighboring kingdom of -Seotland met untimely deaths James J, who began to rule when twelve, was murdersd 'when forty three, and his son, James II, was ae cidentally killed when thirty, having worn the crown of his father twenty three vearg. ? The third James, coming to the throne at the age of pine, was mur dered when forty fives she fourth, who began to rulecwhen fifteen, was slain in battle when forty-one; the fifth, only sixteen months when his little head was first weighed down. by the crown, was dead at thirly, while James VI, uncer whom the two Kis doms were at lass united, was § only one of all the lind of whom if may be said that he lived out tha na tural span of life. He came to the throne when only a month more than one year old, and died when fifty nine. : His mother, the ill-fated Mary Queen of Scots, found in her portion all the sorrow that has come to be associated with "the liver of infant monarchs. Sheiwas crowned eight days after her birth; she was a widow at vwhteen. When twenty-three she married Darnley, Bothwell when twenty-five, and throngh all these years her hopes were constantly disappointed and her plans turned to nanght. Foreed to ab- dicate the throne that was hers Fright, she was beheaded in the end. in the continent eight kings have the A of government A SAMTORIUN BURNED.! MRS. M. L. GODDARD BURNED TO DEATH, The Other Inmates Escape--A Heavy Loss -- A Prominent Montreal Merchant Dead -- Corea's Ambassador Arrives. Montreal, May 21.--The Laurentian safitorium at Ste. Agate Des Monts, in the Laurentian mountains, north of this city, was destroyed by fire this motning, resulting" in the death of Mrs Malvina L. Goddard The institution was the leading place mn the province of iubereulosis patients, nnd Mrs. Goddard was there with her daughter, Mrs. J. Bruce Pavoe, Gran- by. who was onder treatment. All the other patients, numbering seventeen, escaped, and were cared for, in hotels and houses in the village. The build- ing was destroyed; causing a loss of £15,000: insurance $10,000. John Cassils, of the firm of Shaw Bros. & Cassils, leather merchants, died this morning of heart disease at his home, having been taken ili only yesterday. He was in the prime of life. and was one of the best known merchants of the city. Besides the larger mercantile houses with which he was connected, the aligirs of a number of industrial companies ab- sorbed a large amount: of his spare attention. He was vice-president of the merchants bank of Canada, presi dent=of the Dominion express com pany, vice-president of the Laurentide pulp company, and a director of the Guarantee company eof North Ameri ca The anibassador of Corea to the cor- onation of king Edward arrived in the city from the Orient this a.m. and will remsin here until Saturday, when he sails by the Tunisian for Liv- erpool. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up my Reporters on Their Rounds. Sweet Valencia oranges are only 20e. a dozen at Carnovsky's Chief Mefiowan, of the Smith's Falls police force, has been dismissed The indications are that West Dur ham will return to the liberal ranks Fine sweet oravges, only 15e a dozen--Jumbo sweets, 2c. 5 dozen. Ww. J. Crothers E. IL. Godkin, formerly editor of the New York Fvening 'Post, died last night in England Chicago's population this year, the eity directory census, will proximate 2,149,000. The nominations occur tomorrow in the city hall. The electors should hear the candidates, The number of United States troops coming to Kingston next Sunday evening will togal 300. President Roosevelt addressed the Presbyterian assembly at New York in the interests of home missions, R. 8. Bell, until 1898 editor of the Belleville Intelligencer,. left to-day for Chicago, where he will manage the Chicagoan The called to meet lock, and the hogrd of four p.m. te morrow, Mrs. Stephen (Garratt, Belleville, died on Monday, leaving a husband sand four children She always very active in charitable work. The English steamer Abbotsford, to day, landed eighteen of the crew of the French schooner Ifiane. The Li ane was wrecked in the North sea. Members of St. Mary's cathedral are responding liberally to a fund for the renovation of that magnificent edifice. Over 325.000 will be raised James Johnston, University avenue, in the hospital for time suffer ing with rheumatism, has improved sufficiently in health. to be removed to his home D. P. Bramnigan, stage manager of the Grand opera house; arranged the settings at the city Lull entertain ment last night. Scene sy from the Vie toria theatre was usd. Wa can collar you 2 for, } by's. "Oak Hall Mrs. Hudgin, relict of the late Capt Lewis Hudgin-for many vears light keeper at Salmon point--died on Sun day at Cherry Valley, aged eighty = ven years, highly respected. Mrs. J. BD. Thompson, Colborne strect, has returned from Regina, NWT, whore she puid an extended visit to ber daughter, Mrs, Pettigrew, wife of a prosperous druggist and stationer of that place. 7 The court of appeals, under the manhood suffrage act, met in the po lice eourt room this morning. A cow ple of appeals were allowed, and a few raore were struck off. The sourt sat again this afternoon. Sullivan received miseraple support from the. Providencd tedm vesterday, and, though he allowed on- dv six hits, Montreal won by 8 to 3 Providence made ten errors, which gave Montrest the match; These officers of the 17th regiment will be recommended to have confer red upon them the colonial auxiliary forces' officers' decorations : (Quarter: master ¥ and honorary major .G. Thompson; captaing, C. 8. Irvine and A. Shary. Becanse the head chief at Guthrie, Okla, refused to sign the: land deeds jsswed by the Dawes commission, great dissatisfaction exists among the freed men and mixed bloods of the Creek Nation and civil war is imminent. - Resp, Wo T. G. Brown. attending collode in Toronto, is seriously ill in a hospital in that city, He will be reme peed as the eldguent vohng clergyman who lately filled the pulpit cof the Princess street Methodist juiey hy ap committee was four at c¢ivie property this afternoon at works was some at Bib George o-morrow will be nomination day, ana there ought to be a good attend: ance of liberals at all the nomination meetings. The liberal: parses never had a better sor of candidates in the feild in a provincial elevtion, and they e sorve all the encouragement their sup porters ive them. v With the completion of the Marequi wireless station at Sagspowack. L.1., next Saturday. gt is expected that ships 'will be ih constant colpmunicn- Tt -- hey by on Nae they are pi up by tuck® station. The WEDNESDAY. MAY 21 ---- PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Standard Rates -- Governing The Local Markets. Kingston, May 20.--The revisal' quo- tations. of the local produce markets ye: © Meat-- Beef, hindquarters, Se. Se. a lb; foreguarters, Je. Ww th; choice ents, 15c¢. a Th; 'western beef, Te. to 13¢. a lb; mution, Ge. to 7c. a tbe; yearling lamb, hy the car case, Se. to le a. lb forequarters, 0c. a Ib; hindquarters, =10c. to ¥e. a lb; hogs, live weight, Se. a ih: dressed, 7c. to 5c. a Ib} vesl, by the eatoase, Be. 5 lh. tongues, 35¢. each. Fish White fish, 12¢. a 1b; brook salmon, 2c. a lb; Seattle salmon, 25. a Ib: salt salmon, salt trout; salt mackerelland smoked ciscoes, 10c. a Jb: salt codfish, Te. to 15¢. a 3 kippered herring, 30e. a dozen; lob sters, 10c. to 15c. each; perch, 2e. a aozen; . Spanish mackerel, 15¢. a lh; bull beads, 10¢c, a Ih; pike, 6c. a Ib; smelts, 10c. a Ib; halibut, 13¢. a Ib; bloaters, 20¢. a dozen: finnan haddie, ioe. a Ib; salmon trous, 12. a Tb; shad, 12¢. a Ib; blue fish, 12§c. a Ib, Poultry--Chickens and fowl, 6c. to 85¢. a pair; turkeys $1 to 81.50 each. Vegetables--Potatoes, 90c. to 81 a bag; turnips, 40c. to Sc. 5 bag: beets, Sc. a bushel; colery, Oe to 10c. bunch; cabbage, 3c, to Ge. a head: lettuce, Be. a bunch; radishes, be, a bunch; green onions, 5¢. a bunch; rhubarb, 5¢. a bunch. Grain.--Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1, 73¢. to "Tic. a bushel; white winter and Canadian spring 63c. to 72. a bushel; locgd soft wheat, 65c. a bush- el: Northern No. 1, 75¢. to Tic. a hus hel; buckwheat, 50c. a bushel; barley, 43e. to Sle. a bushel; peas, 72¢. a bus- hel; oats, 43¢. a bushel; rve, 25¢. a bushel. Flour and feed to Bakers' strong and farmers' flour, £2 to 32.10 a owt; Hungarian patent, £2.20 to $230 a ewl.: oatmeal and rolled oats, #1 to 85.50 a bbl; corn weal, 81.40 to $1.60 a ¢wt.; bran, $22 a ton; shorts, $21 to £25 a toa; hay, $9.50 to SI050 a ton: straw, £5 to'%7 a"ton Fruit---Bananas, 20c. to 23e. a doz. lemons, 20¢. to 25¢c. a doz.; apples, $5 a bbl; Valencia oranges, 25¢ Lorrento oranges, 3c, a doz Je. a doz; a doz; Jamai strawberries, 124 CA Oranges, 15¢. to 25¢. a box to 13c. a quart Hides--These prices John McKay, Brock skins. 60c. to 63c. each; deer skins, lc a lb; beef hides, No. 1, 6c. a b.: beef hides, No. 2, 5c. a b.; horse hides, $2 to $2.25 each; render ed tallow, 3¢. a Ib.; unwashed wool, Se. a Ih.; washed wool, 13¢. a lb. -- Dairy Wholesale. Butter~Creameryy 22¢. to 23c. a lb; farmers', prints, 18¢. to 20c. a Ib; in rolls, 17¢. to 1S¢. a Ib; baking buts ter, 144c. a Ib. Cheese--11c cranberries, given by street; © Dekin are a lb Dairy Retail. Butter--Creamery, 25¢. a 1b; farm- ers', in prints, 2c. a lb, in rolls, 18. to 20c. a lb. Cheese--124c. to 15¢, a lb. Eggs. Wholesale--Fresh, 12e. dozen Retail~Fresh, 15c. a dozen. Markets Elsewhere. May 19.-~Wheat, white, per hush.; wheat, red, 5, bash.; wheat, spring, 72 4c. per bush.; wheat, goose, G%e, 68%c. per bush; oats, 47c. per bush.; bariey, dc. to 55¢. pet bush. ; peas, Se. per bush; rye, 39e. per bush.: hay, timothy, $12 to 813 per ton: straw, 88 to 39 per tom; dressed hogs, £89.25 to 89.60; butter, in pound rolls, 16 18 butter, oreamery, 18¢. to 22. per lh; chickens, to 81 per pair; turkeys, 12}e. to 15c. per th; ducks, per pair, She. to SEIU egus, new laid, Die. to lde. per doven apples, per bbl, $1 to £6; per b S80: to Ye; turmps, bag, 30e.; carrots, per bag, Ade. 0c. per bag, Hc. to BO ons, per bag, 90¢. to $1; parsnips, per bag, Alc. to 90c¢.: new, Gtk to' 81 yer dozen; beef, forequarters, 86 to beef; - hindquarters, - $9.50 to 50: beef, medium, carcase, $6.50 to : beef. choice, 83.50 to 89; lamb, R10 to R12; mutton, 8 veal, choice, 88 to ¥ Montreal, May ahout: 600 head of butchers' cattle, 700 ealves and 250 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End ghat toir to-day. The butchers were in large numbers and trade was good with wightly lower price for common to medium cattle, but the best cattle brought firm rates, owing to the de mand for shipments to Britain. Prime hesves sold at from 5c. to Gfe. per h.; pretty good eattle from 4c. to I and the common stock from 3 fie. per Ib Three of the best calves were sold for 830, the others brought from £1.50 to 88 each. Ship pers paid de. per Ib. for good large sheep and the butchers paid from to 3c. per th. for the others. Year Tings sold at trom de. to dhe--per i Lambs sold at from $2.50 to 34.50 each. Fat hogs sold at from Te. to Tic. per ih. weighed off the cars. Toronto, They to Ne to Tc. per to to to potatoes, por to beets, oni cabbage, to @ 19. There wer wut Quite A Scheme. When his wife died, the late J. Ster ling Morton had erected over he grave a fombstone bearing the inscrip tion : "Caroline French, wile of J. Sterling Morton and mother of Joy, Paul, Cari ana Mark Morton." "Why did you pul the boys'. names in?" in quired a friend of him one day. "I took my hows out to the cemetery," said Mr. Morton. "and showed them their mother's grave. 'Boys,' | sai 'your mother is buried here. If one of you does anything dishonorable or anvihing of which she would. we ashamed if she were alive, 1 will chis el your name from her tombstone." fer T mw | | F al said, | Amal Prof. W. Hod to the inicn Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst Government, reports that Sunlight Soap contains "no un saponified fat,"--that means no iwaste. REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar Me Choice of Thoughtiul Men and Women, Paine's Celery Compound A POSITIVE CURE FOR DISEASE It Has a Fame and Reputation That No Other Medicine , Can Boast ol. It is not what is said in the news papers about Paine's Celery Compound but what it does--its lile-saving work, that explains its worklb-wide fame and popularity. It is well that afl should know that Paine's Celery Compound is not an or dinary patent medicine rankiog with the vines, sarsaparillas, bitters and pills of dhe day. Paine's Celery Oom pound 4 as far beyond these common remedies! as the effulgent. light pi the mid-day sun i= superior to the tallow candle Paine's Celery Compound possgsses extraordinary virtues and powers = for health building and life lengthening. Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M.D., LL, D., its discoverer, gave this marvellous nedicine to his profession as a positive tor wasting cure slooplessness, strength NErVOUS Ness, dyspepsia, rhewma tism, neuralgia, kidney and liver throu bles Since ite introduction, tems: of thousands have been raised from fick ness and disease to peviect health and vigor.. No other medicine in the world ever highly honored and re commended; no other has accomplinhed such a blessed mission amongst the sick When the honest physician is called upon to prescribe for weak, run down, overworked, debilitated and ail ing men and women, he commends the was $0 variably re- ure of Paine's Caolery Cgmpound At this time no household can aft ord without Celery within reach the sick permanent Com all and Strengthen, purtfy and regulate the system at once with this and of al? re medics, and vou will be in a condition all invasion of disease. to be Paine's = ot pound. " well makes cure Are greatest best to resist Ta ---- -- 0 BB LET, GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR board, Queen sirent. withous 101 FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, with all modern convenieaces, ab 191 Usiversity Avenue THAT DESIRABLE RESIDE! J 168 KING street, Intely occupied by Major Eaton. Possession at once. For terms ie Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickie. OB ------------------------ TE ey 11 Ae wires, carer of Gore, sear the ea an modern con venianoes, furnace, Apply to Breet. Liverpool, London' and Globe Fire Insurance Company. In sddition oowr € a STOREY, ARCHITECT, OFFICER 178 Telephone, 808. PONFR & SON, ARCHITROTS ants' Bank Hei corner Wellington streets. -- COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL PRODUCE MARKETS. 21 ~Fiour receipt $350 Ww FU. ment spring, 34 to $4.20; suaicht roller, $3.50 to g83.00; swrong bakers, $3.60 w $3.903 Un tario bags, $1.00 10 $1.70; wheat, Na. 2 Manitoba Sie. to 82¢.; corn, Wa Ww ile to 89 outa, 470. to A bariey to bile rye, 62 to de. buck wheat, 6c. to B8c.; onunsal, $2.20 to $080; al, $1.40 to $1.50; pork, $21 to $21 to 160. lsams, to 1 butter, Grea Hay 000 bbls. patint winter, bard, , Bi townships Lig; opus, llc. to MONTREAL S'rOCKS. May Sellers "Pay 1393 18 Montreal Cot Dominion Cot Mine Toromo nl M.rohanis H Roval F Quebee Ran Union Beak Company NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, Open May Union Pacific 1044 St. Paul Manhattan B. R. Traasit Sugar People UB g. 8 Ts Gas Sec) Buel, Pid Tem. Coal & Jrom Mine. Pacific Sosthern Pac Ontario & stern Western Union Erie Heading XY. C Wabash Rock Island Lowis & Nash Permovivania RH Tesue & Pacific Avchivon Am. lee Baltimore... . Col. 1 ®& F. © Ammrican Loco Copper Circumstances Alter Cases. nis story is told of Rudyard Kip- ling's maternal grandfather, « Rev George B. McDonald, When he was enurtivg the * Indy whom be after wards married, the father inlaw to he--with extremely strict notions in regard to propecties--was inpudi- cious enough to enter the parlor with omit giving warning of his approach. The consequence was that be found the sweethearts ing a single ele, the old mun solemnly said: "Mr. MeDonald, when T was court- ing Mrs. Brown she sai on one side of the room and I on the other." MeDonald's reply was © "That's what | should have done if 1 had been courting Mrs. Brown." Hate for hot beads, 81, 81.50, 82. i Bilbhy's. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFI site of New Drill Hall, sear ocoroer Queen and Montreal Streets IF You are not buying your shoes mow, you will need some polish to keep the old ones bright, and WE ARE THE PEOPLE who can supply you. We have a stock of almost every polish made in Cans ada, and the principal American lines, such as WHITTEMORE'S "GILT EDGE," Ete. BUI When you do want your shoes show some. wisdom by going to the place where you can get qual. ity, price and style combined our shoes are noted for these qualities, only the price, and that is the only thing we are low in. Inspection invited. ARMSTRONG'S, oie Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Osk ; and other Woods. S. ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street. 2 0000000000000000000000 Kingston Business Collage, KINGSTON. eee PR RRNOTY