Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1902, p. 3

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May 2618, 1902. HANLEY, t, FROM MONTREA MONTREAL LINE, Pe A A EV FARAH 3 A AS WELL AS LIBERALS IN FAVOR OF MR. PENSE. {The Testimony of Editors Who v Have Followed the Course of the Liberals' Candidate in Kingston -- Quite Commenda- tory. The. News objects to the Whig's praise of Mr. Pense, and written by men who have lived and labored with J him for twenty, twenty-five and for- men with truth and public ' de However to meet the views our contempo , we sub mit the following pe swe f Tow xs changes, written by men who have followed Mr. Pense's career and whuse ributes transcend anything the Whig has said in his favor : " 2 Toronto News, conservative: E.. J, Bf Pense, will make a good represent ative, He has public spirit and ex- perience. Napanee Beaver, comseryative : We doubt if the liberals could have made 8 better or more judicious nomina- tion. Mr. Pensé has good business ab- lity and Jarge experience in public affuirs. He wil ey presentative, Ottawa Journal, independent: Can- didates of that kind are s good party preparation for an. election. Ottawa Citizen, conservative : Could not do better, unless Kingston should decide on a conservative. Picton Gazette, conservative: King- ston liberals did a wise aot in noim- inating Mr. Pense. He has done yeo- man service for the party and is weil does not see eve to with him, but it is no part of its Ty to withhold a mead of praise from ope who has persistently put forward views ¢ . Slieved to be in the interest of the "| conntry. Belleville Ontario 4 A ost desirable representative for t imestone gity-- ane who bas taken a oy art in ev ng for the benefit of King- ston; Bis unbounded patriotism for Kingston has been marked by out- siders. London News : Mr. Pense in inc od in no small measure for the hon to his old friend, RE.C.OM. Pence. Collingwood Bulletin: A stalwart li- beral, of fine personality, and one the limestone city should be proud to have as her representative. Galt Reformer: Mr. Pense in a pro. gressive, ndent liberal, and would be a decided acquisition to the legislative assembly. nomination was a deserving tribute to a capable journalist and public spirited citizen, Toronto Globe : Mr. Pense has done a great deal to mote the interests of the city and his paper is a credit to journmlism. It has given a strong but intelligent and independent sup- port to the liberal cause, and'it has disenssed public affairs with dignity and moderation. His election would be an advantage not only to King ston but to the province. London Advertiser : E. J. B, Pense will make a capital metnber, being of character and ability. provided him with a very fair sup KB of initials, but as member for Fon ar otherwise, we believe will do credit to them all. Ottawa Free Press: He is level headed and enterprising and in public affairs has taken a position as promi nent as it has been correct. He will be a valuable adlition to the minis terial following. ---------- Wilton Whis; 8. Wilton, May 21.<Rav, Mr. Teasdale, Fredericton, © N.B., .is visiting his daughter, Mrs, Bernard Mills. N. B. McKim, Napanee, is putting up some Page wire fence for Wesley Parrott. The dwelling ocoupied by Charles Babcock, together with a greater por- tion of ita contents, consumed by fire last Thursday afternoon. The fire is supposed to have started from a spark alighting on the dry shingles. The house belonged 3. Rows gr he having purchased arm this spring. al Bahooek ki claima bis low to be about w. as £300 There was. also $300 insurance on the house, Harrowsmith aud Silton_tootball toams played a friendly geme, y after noon, on the tio' rine, Wilton + winning by. a. score wo to noth- ing. Frank a ree, ney i in. the t ant Suniny. morning. dale will next will: preach e . a8 o entire satisfaction. Rev. ied an excellent re- | equipped for the position. The Gazette ! | Stratford Beacon: The unanimous ; i for" Mr. | Many ladies were present. i copadered go good omen, His forbears , I veral years eoftes ani Fé Fs eit, ORS OF USAIN _ The More This is Discussed the Better. Toronto Star. The question is asked why the On tario government does not sell the pulp areas by auction, y The apswer is that the government has devised a wiser method. Its pol- icy in thix respect camnol receive too much discussion and too close an ex amination by the public to suit Hon, G. W. Ross. The suggestion that the pulp areas should be auctioned will only deceive those who do not under stand the question. Timber Dmits can be and are sold at public auction because the time is-something that the public can buy and sell. Baw-mills abound, and new ones can be started, but pulp mills do pot abound, and an outlay of $400. 000. or $500,000 js required to start one. The policy of Mr. Ross has these lages over the auction system: | that (1) it brings new pulp mills in to existence. on spol, thus opening up the country; (2) gives the public exchequer the benefit of increases in value; and (3) leaves it in the power of government to see that no. pulp mill shall hold more spruce thas it can manufactdre while another mill cannot get enough to keep it run- ning. It is murprising to find a newspaper that professes so much faith in the inciple of public ownership filing fault with Hon. G. W. Ross for thus retaining in the hands of the province control of the pulpwood supply of the future, while afionling to enterprising men all suck material as they can now make use of. A ROUSING MEETING. A Fine Gathering Was Held at Battersea. Battersea, May 20.<ProBably the largest amd most successful political meeting which. was ever held here | took place last evening on the occas- jon of the liberal candidates appear ance, It was held Jn VanLuvin's vall, wich wax packed to the doors, The veteran chairman and hbeal, Isaac Holder, presided. W. J. Shib» ley was presented with a pretiy boguet by Miss May Lake. His ad- dress was full of interest, and he made 5 ood impression. ok Haycock then came forward. We have pad the pleasure of listening to many able 'addresses from Mr. Hay cock, but on this oreasion he excelled himself. For two hours he discussed the questions of the day, interspersed with little bits of humor and elo- quence, He clearly showed that Mr, Gallagher had not even' gttempred to advance any legislation in the inter t2 of the larmers, but on several important questions had = voted oguarely against them. Mr. Hay. cock hax a wonderful grasp of pile affairs. The meeting closed with cheers for the, king, the candidate and Haycock. The Battersea Brase Band rendered efficient service. This was M¢. Shib Jey will corwminly have a good majori- ty here, and reports from all over the riding are most encouraging. ------ Moré About Pickling. Hamilton Times. The Spectator's blather about the farmers of this neighborhood selling cucumbers to the Heintz people is ra- (ther amusing. Does it think it is a wiong to let the farmers have a mar ket for their vegetables ! There is a duty of thirty-five per cent. on pickles now; how much more does it think the consamer ought to be faxed to "en: courage' capital to go into pickle making so extensively as to shut out all demand for the vegetables from outside 7 The duty is just as high now as it was when its heaven-born legis lators controlled the parliament. Sure ly that must be right. Suppose there were not a pickle put up here, would the Spectator contend that the farmer should not be allowed to have a mar- ket outside of Canada? And suppose that there were hundreds of pickle fac- tories here, would it wish 10 prevent them from having one more customer from outside ? It is very silly. LACK COW SENSE. People Get Willful, A cow or horse, or even a dog will vefupe to est or drink what the ani- mal wa to be ,.but man- } kintl will persist in Pouring in colfee ully even after having been | assared that it is steadily killing him. Once in a 'while they wake up and do the Rib "Why will people wait as long as EL whan It a eat save oneself the suffering caused by coffee drinking } After using coffee se- discovered I was breaking down nsrvously. I consulted several doctors, but in spite of ev- erything, steadily grew worse. Une phywician ised Jue to quit I tried quitting by the use of will 'power, but every time it was was in dreadful shape was unable to sleep at night ag about. : minister's if I £ inks i tl { What the Conservative Leader Declares and What He Does-- His Actions on Various Plat- forms. paign, and Mr. Ross bas noted and coanmented upon them, thus : At his meeting in Toronto last Au- gust. he announced what he declared was his policy, snd what the party newspapers paraded ax the very thing the country needed in order that its political redemption might be accom- plished At Port Hope a few week ago he declared the opposition bad'nothing to offer except good intentions. The Clérgue grant = of land be de- clared 'a phenomenal steal,' when he was in the house, of course. A steal implied a thief, the thief in this case being Mr. Clergue; Clergue deserved the grant, and also the credit for the marvelious develop ment which Mr. Whitney saw. At Owen Sound he declared he was always in favor of developing new Ontario. At the "Soo" he admitted that be was not able to see farther than his nose, with respect to the government's schemes of aevelopment. At New Hamburg he was opposed to taxing corporations, and declared he would repeal the supplementary re- venue hill proposing this tax if he got into power At Uxbridge and other places he de- claved that the statement that he fa- vored the repeal of the corporation tax was an absolute falsehooa. He is in iaver of a minister for New Ontario and he opposed a minister of education ond g minister of agricul ture. colleges, and has school for western Ontario and some of the ordinary expenditures in con- pection with agriculture, ana has sup- ported. measures which would inter: cultural college we have. He speaks from the same platform with Mr. Foy at various public meet- ings, and then speaks in support of P. Do MeCallum, who struck the heaviest blow at separate schools ever attempted in the legislature. He declares himself as opposed to corruption, yet sits with William Bmith, of South Ontario, on the same platiorms. He supports Calder, whose seat was bought for him by Billy Smith and others. He sug Macdiarmid in West Elgin, who was elected by persona: tion; Brower in East Elgin, who we unseated for corrupt practices, and Lackner in North Waterloo. He condemns tampering, with ballot boxes, and yet supported the conser vative party in the infamous gerry- mander of half the province of Un- tario., He opposes prohibition, and yet he speaks for candidates who are pledyg- ed in favor of prohibition. He calls for the clergy to help him elect his prohibition candidates, yet he himself declares against prohibition. He declares that the electors should be allowed to express their opinion without undue influence, and Jot in big northern Ontario trip he offered the settlers custom smelters for their ore, talked mysteriously about the ne- cessity of amending the regulations of the crown lands department, ro that settlers might have the timber on-theie-land. orts A Fine Woman Dead. The death took place at Portsmouth this morning of Mrs. Edwin J. Adams, wife of architect Adams, of the peni tentiary stafi. She had been il for some time. The deceased was born about thirty years ago, her maiden name being Adelina Schultz. She lived for many years with her uncle, de- puty. warden of the -Dorchester,, N.B,, penitentiary. Last September she was married to Mr. Adams, the ceremony being performed by her friend, Rev, A. Laird, who knew her when he was a student at Dorchester, and who was also present with her in her last mo- ments, The deceased was a particul- ary fine woman, and highly es oc for many _good qualities. , Sh a member of Cooke's church. The fu- neral will take place on Friday. Grand Military Spectacle. There will be a military tournament in the skating rink, under the juspic- es of the garrison, on Tuesday even- ing, the 27th. There will be a musical ride by the Royal Canadian field ae- tillery, Col. Reade, commandant of the Royal military college, has ind- ly consented to allow the cadets to give some of their athletic exercises. The band of the 14th regiment, by the kinduess of Col. Skinner, will be in poe. The proceeds go to the South African memorial fund. -------------------------------- Progressing Favorably. St. Petersburg, May 21.--The bul lots shot in the left hand and right foot of Lieut. Gen. Von Wahl, the governor of Wilna, at about midnight on May 15th, have been extracted and | the wounded official is ing la vorably. The attack on Gen. Wahl was evidently due to political motives. The assailant 'will be tried by court martial. Minnesota Miners, About forty per cenit of the men em- now he says Mr. He favors half a dozen agricultural | opposed the dairy ! fere with the success of the only agri | | Betts, He Gave a Fine Address to Fron- tenac Electcrs. On Tuesday evening, Hon. John Dryden, minister of agrienltnre, visit: ed Sydenham, and was received on ar rival at the railway station, in com- pany with W. J. Shibley, the liberal candidate, by the Sydenham brass band. He was escorted to Switzer's | hotel, and there called upon by many Strange emotions have passed over' of the solid men of4he township Mr. Whitney since be entered the cam- ! The town hall was crowded for the mesting. For hours many elect ors held even standing room, with pa- tience and interest. After adtiresses by Messrs. Penise and Shibley, the chairman, Dr. Tovell, gave Mr. Dry dena cordial welcome, for this. was his first visit northward in Fronte nac. The minister of agriculture re viewed the work of his department, the steady advance of scientific effort, the good effect upon the farmers' in terests, and the high mark Canada has secured in the agrienltural mar kets and expositions, The forward le gislation of the government, the key- stpne of Outario's great and growine progress, was detailed and sucessful criticism challenged. Then were given in rotation the number of reforms and | advances which the late member, J. L. Gallagher, had opposed, and the con servative cry applied effectively to his case--"dt's time for a change.' The meeting was one of the best ever held in the county, and was most encour aging to the Shibley cause. Hon. Mr, Dryden left at midnight for North Waterloo, for a meeting there Wed: nesday evening, thence for his own county, for nomination, Thursday. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf: Steamer from Toronto, Richardsons' Oliver Mowat, Barley. Swift's wharf from Montreal; from Hamilton. M. TF. company elevator: Tug Thomson arrived from Mentreal with one light barge, and cleared "for Charlotte with two barges to load coal, Persig, elevator: Schooner from Whithy, with Steamer steamer Spartan, Hamilton, At The Police Court. The trouble which yesterday arose among some of the members of the Assyrian colony on Ontario street, was told in the police court this morning. Shagua Harb charged Nis, who lives next door to her, with assault on her little girl. Asa Malack, a venerable patriarch with flowing black whiskers, gave evidence through an interpreter, to the effect that he Fad seen Mrs. Botts slap the child, Mrs. Betts owned up that she had done so, four times in fact. She said she had no peace at all, and that the child had hit her own child, thrown the earth out of flower pots on her stairs, thrown dirt upon the clothes she hung on the line and many other acts which exhausted her patience, Then she caught the child and slapped her. The magistrate enlarged the case, awaiting further information. All Over Town. Mothers, all' over town, good things about our clothing. Oak Hall. are saying children's The India legislative council has been 'sudtlenly summoned to meet at Simla and this fact hes given rise to excited comment. It is rumored that legislation is contemplated either agaihst trusts or for the purpose of raising the tariff duties. Some of the big South African houses in London are said to have re- ceived private information indicating that the peace negotiations have tak en a favorable turn, Ellis and Goltermann's rapid flow autocheck fountain syringe--the best syringe made. Half price at Roche's old stand. E. C. Mitchell. The Southampton board has re ceived a proposal to dredge the deep water channel to the docks five feet, thus giving a depth of thirty-five feet of water. Alexander WH. Gardener, Hamilton, is dead. He was born in Scotland, | and was with the first Royal Canadi- an rifles at Kingston. Evervhody turn in and make Vic toria day one of enjoyment. The hap py liberals can spare the day. The London World snnounces that king Edward will go to Hamburg this season. A new dock is to be built in Belfast harbor. I Will Cure You of RHEUMATISM No Pay Until You Know Iti, After 2.000 experiments, T bave learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not to turn bony joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage, and [sr bt ih LEE : : : fal 1 = = i + bands of the § i A WORDTO THE NEW VOTERS WHY THEY SHOULD SUPPORT ROSS GOVERNMENT. What Would You do, Young Man if You Were a Minister of the Crown -- Surely Develop the Country. Young man, Wf you have thought enough of "the franchise to take the trowsle to get enrolled, plegse remem ber when you vote, thai by voting for the Hosa govern ment you do wot only mark your recognition of the: government which enfranchised you, but you vote for the retention for another tym, of 4 party under whosé long vears of care fal, Bonest and progressive adminis tration the province of Ontario has taken first place among the provindes of the dominion. Young man, do vou see anyvibing wrong with the province of Ontario; any cogent. reason why there should be a chan of govkrnment, especially at this time when & policy of "Ad vance Ontario" is in full swing; when the northern portion of the proviace is being opened up and developed, Mr, Whithey was opgosed to the de velopment of the new Untario. Why then should be be put into power to enjoy the fruit of the hard work of the liberals in this respect ? Young man, if vou were a minister of the ¢rown in Ontario would you not develop the province god he up to-date. Certainly vou would. And now because Hon, G. W, Ross " the hoy premier," aus the conservatives term him want to adopt o go-ahead policy which will give the province population awl open up its wealth, the Whitney element are endeavoring to block the 'train of progress. Young man, vote for Ross and pro- gross. Vote lor Pense and Kingston's terests Build up Ontario STYLISH SPRING COSTUMES, Proper Style of Skirts--Decidedly Novel Sleeve. This gown condbines all the new features of the current mode. The Eton has logse fronts that open over a vest emMroidered with beige and pale blue Cortideli Filo silk, similar embroidery adorning the deep pelerine collar. The sleeve is decidedly novel and deserves special mention. It is cut with a point edged with 5 band in of stitched voile and is. completed with a kind of under sleeve of cream liberty silk formed into puffs with straps of beige velvet Beige velvet ribbon in a darker shade adorns both the jacket nd skirt. The latter shows the fashionable sheath effect and in addition to the velvet 5 trim: ming of straps in inverted seollops stitched with Corticelli silk. The new skirts gre fitted closely at the hips. but flare very much indeed below the knives A great many skirts with hip yoke are shown, «ith er of shirring, tueking or tiny bands, joind with & fancy open stitch. Some very' attractive skirt models in sheer materiais are laid in narrow box-plaits from the waist to the knees ond elow that there is a pret tily shaped flounce with insertions of cream lace and 4 garniture of narrow gathered rild,on. Currie A Strong Man, Belleville. Ontario, The liberals in Prince Edward coun: tv are greatly pleased with their can. didate, Dr, Currie, and the progress he is moking io his campuign. An en thusiastic meeting wad held in his be ball at Picton on Ssturdsy, when a stirring adilress was delivered by R C. Clute. Everything points to Dr. Cuxrie as a swe winger. He is un man who is very popular with all classes, he is a good speaker, sid be has behind him the support of a united party. All the meetings that have been held throughout Prince Edward on his be ball have been well attended, and the people have at all times been enthusi- astic, A report from the county says: "Not fur a dozen years has the re form party in Prince Edward county been in seh a good position to win as they are today, and they expect to carry the county by a big majori- ow." Dr. Currie will make Prince Edward county a good representative and the people ought to make cectain his of Always At The Front. Tovmto (Hobe. ; The liberal government of Ontario bas always been not only a working but a fighting organization. Mowat, Fraser, Partie and Hardy were mag pificent administrators, but when the enemy were laid on the territory, resources sod sstonomy of Ontario they showed other qualities. Even so old a campaigner a# Bir John was a little surprised by No matter how capable the cook the best baking cannot be done without EMPIRE SODA Best for Baking. It makes light, whole some, delicious food. It is pure and of unvar ying strength. All grocers sell Empire Soda or can get it for you from their whole saler. sc. a packet. HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Whe Cures Her Husband of {iis Drinking Habits Writes of Her Struggle to Save Her Home. A PATHETIC LETTER. an . "1 had fora long time been thinking of trring the Tasteless Samaria Prescrl treatment on my husband for his drink- ing habits, but I was afraid he won cover that I was giving him malice, and the thought unnerved me. I ta red for nearly a week, bus one da; Jhon he came home very much intovicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home frota the ruin ksaw coming, at all hazards. I sent for Tasteless Bamaria Presoription, Jus it in his coffee as directed next morn oe and watched and prayed for the vesul Atnoon I gave him more and also at sup- per. He never suspected » thing, and 1 then boldly kept right on giving rege larly, as I had discusaered someting seb every nerve In my my Ix with hope and happiness, and Pn ne s bright future spread out before mea ul, happy home, a share iu the thi of life, an attentive, loving hus and everything else dear ws womrn's heart; for my hushand had told me shat whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to jb. It was only 100 true, for before 1 hal giv a4 him tull course he had stopped drinking alto gether, bus I kept giving him the cine till it was gone, and then sens for ane other lot, to have on hand if he should re- inpse, as he had done from promises be fore. He never has. and I am writh this letter to tell you how thank! 1 honestly believe is will cure cases FREE SAMPLE mondale aed vomt in Se hes comfo ~r ETA NRT OF as Jordan Breet That name stands for the BEST READY-MIXED PAINT on th- market. You getitat

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