Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 May 1902, p. 5

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BI No Respector of Rank.'A TRAGEDY IV FLORIDA n " uiches or sleaplessne. Diserse Lays Lis Hoafy Hood Kings, Princess, ' Presidents, {he Noble and Wgalthy Is the "Great Restcrer of Health for the Ruler and His Humblest Subject. i a-- Sickness, disealle and suffering res pect nejth ler or subject. The.not ed horn Rave their trials fad hpliviuk uw Jike those in mie stations, wial standing and wealth 4annot bar the progress ih sease WwW the. common rules of health are violated, Impure blood weal, netves are responsible for re ok the demon diseases of life, experiagoed phy siclan will tell you that men and wo- men with pure, clear coursing blood , and well braced nerves, can never be Abtitns of 'rhowmatien, neural liver troubles, debility, becd come gin, . It follows therefore, that sufferers from any of the silments referred to, should at once take Proper measures to cleanse the blood ad feed the weak nervots ystems with proper nourishment, | * _ For the { decomplismient of this important w Paine's Celery Com pound is the o tule agent; the one great specifie; the only security againet deadly disease and death, During these spring days, Paine's Cell Compound guarantees a perfect regularity of the bowels, healthy ap petite, sound "sleep, good digestion, plre bide; nerves agd clear brain, #11 NE full afd ro- bust health. B. Hutohine, one of thp most pro minent real' estate on in Montreal, saya: "About five years ago I wrote you a Tetter' acknbwledging the won derful effdo: yous Paine s Celery Com: © pound bad upon me after I had giv en it a fair Arial; that it cubed me en tirely ja in the head from which 1 had suffered mist fearfully for over fifty years, and also that it cur ed me of rhenmatism in my: limbs. In fact it rémoyed pvery pein in my body and mide me feel 25 years younger. | have not had a return of my oll con: plaint, and therefore have to confirm all the statements | have ever made respecting your Compound." Rutter | Rubber Tie | Tiree For Ease and Comfort In driving you should have RUBBER TIRES put on 4 Wl you carriage by ~ LATURNEY $ STREE). Fv pa . That is AR impotent crn point with us--how © dean! We clarify" _ your milky and eur LAustin dead. The spark CRAZY YOUTH SLAYS FIVE AND HIMSELF. William Austin, of Hastings, Fla., Driven to Crime by Infatua- tion for a Little Girl. St. Auguitine, Fla. May. 20 ~Craz «od by infatuation for little Abitha McCullough, "a thirteen-year-old girl, William Austin, a voung man, killed her and four others and then commit ted suicide in a lonely farmhouse of William Wilkinson, near Hastings, vighteen miles from here, early on Monday morning. The dead are: William Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson, Miss Abitha McCul lough, Mine Wilkinson, sister of Wil lium Wilkinson; a child, name not lenrned; William Austin, the murder er and spicide, The MeCullough girl lived with the Wilkinson family. Jt is said that Aus tin kitted the = entire family because his degire to wed her was opposed. He went to the Wilkinson home Fri- day night and proposed marriage to Abitha. He was rejected, and, vow: ing he would marry her, came to this city 'and 'procured g marriage license. He went to ¢ on Sunday night and told every one. he met that he was to be married that night. Early next morning several pistol shots were heard, but no one went to inves tigate. Wilkinson failed to appear this morning at a neighbor's house, where he was employed, and a farmhand jound the whole family murdered and An infant chila of the Wilkinsons was found in bed unharmed beside its dead mother. STRAIGHTFORWARD POLICY. Ross Government Has Given Good Government. Toronto Globe. The Rows ministry have presented to the electors an rable record, and a dear, straightforward policy. This province has enjoyed unger Mr. Rows and his colleagues and their predeces- sors a system of government and leg- islation which is generally acknowl edged to be exceptionally 'good. It is the fashion of tory papers to say that the Mowat administration was excel- lent. but that it has degenerated. But in the old days Mowat, Fraser, Har dy 'and Pardes were assailed even more savagely than Ross and his col- leagues, ave to-day. They had to fight not only the Ontario opposition, but the eonservative government at Ottawa, which sought not only io strike down a ministry, but to rob the province of its territory and its resources. Reformers hold the names of Mowat, Fraser, Hardy and Par dee in something like veneration; buts it makes them sick to see these names paraded in tory newspapers for no other than to discredit their ens] odors. Of those ministers premier Rose was the honored and trusted colleagne, and be has not de parted frou their policy and their traditions, alghough he bas been open minded antl ready to accept new ideas #nd to adapt the old polity to new condition», -------------- The Finest Of God's Works. §.'W. Gillan, in Los Angeles Herald, God made the streptus that gurgle down the mountaiy side; the gorgeous coloring with which ho sunsct's dyed: hills and covered them with | de edit ops and the flecks of HOW che. hg, knowing ail varth needed was a climax for her Tins, . He made a litle woman with a beby in her arms. He made the arching rainbow that is thrown 3 h ky: te Ee be Dot se is flow'rs timt mod end mil we go by: He mate. tha ball room beauty st she bowe ith queeniy grace: Bat wwontest ol them oll He made the Jove light in the face rial Theat bends above s baby, warding off the arid's © alarms That dairy little woman with her baby in ber arms. A soft pink weap embellished with: a vine in vilken thread: A filsiy snow while cap upon » downy little A dren would make the inter drift, look dusky Lv its side; Two cheeks with pure Tose : ble eves wonder wide: i. a And, bending o'er, that mother face imbued th heav'n's own chaeme= : Cod bier the little woman with her baby in her arms. pital tht, two ------ An Impressive Fact. Independent, voter : Let us state an ¢ impressive fact. ie started with a clean sheet i 1807; Aorday it has a debt of 'over $22,000,000. ; ror on the other hana not only does not owe anything hut has a subs stantial balance. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec all have "per head' debts of $%, $13 and $1 vo spectively. 5 WIYHERE IS NO DERT ON YOUR HEAD AS A RESIDENT OF ON TARIO. : That such is the case is due to the sareful administration of the liberal sovernmenta of the past. Would you yah to turn out a government which has the vince in such a proud and satistactory tion, and slace in power. a man who 18 untriva aml who may rum the province into u orion financial condition. Think it aver carefully. Walter Baker &-. Co. Dorchester, I~ the Gracin von expaeition, of ox Mads jot, prive, 8 d medal, for 3 of their breakfast co their and sweet choco rg » a iy thie ninth iohest award. recel _ By this com: pe iro Jilusteinl and |. pEE-DAWLY wm. WERE PLENTY OF BUYERS INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, ; bine Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up my Reporters on Their Rounds. Vaseline 2¢ a bottle. Roche's old stand. fl. 8 Volger returned to-aay from New York. A large number of Cape Vincent people visited the city to-day. The steamer Ramong leaves to-mor row for Clayton to begin the season's trips. v. 0. G. and Mrs. Dobbs, Brock- ville, are guests of Mrs. Walkem, at "Calderwood." Peter Milne and J. Podrick, Ottawa, are in the city writing on the Ontario medical college examinations. The commitiees of the Ontario synod TEI seawitn to-day, and will con- tinue to-morrow and Thursday. The property committee of the board of edvcation met last night, and ar ranged for seme repairs to the public schools, Think Hard electors before you mark your ballots, Who will nelp Kings ton the sost swith a liberal govern: ment in power ? RB An organizer for the Canadian Of: dew of Ocdddellows ix here, from Mont: No Change Needed. + Thisis no time for a whange. Business men never make ' experiments when times are good. When business is bad and profits are shrinking business men try experiments. There is nothing shrinking about Ontario. Everything in booming. . €CCLLCCCCCLLLX real, working in the interest of the local lodge. An elegant lot of chamois were 40c,, Bbc, Oe, and 81, Half price buys thom. Roche's old stand. W. J. Shibley ' held an enthusiastic meeting at Battersea last night. The brass band met him outside the vill age, and éseorted him to the hall. The candidate made a good address, as did also J. L. Haveock. The best Antibilious pills that were ever made, the demand for whick hes fallen off om account of not advertis ing them--former - prices, 25¢c., 3be., and 450. box--our price 10c. a box while thoy last. Roche's old stand. The. Ponies team, which will play ite first game in Gananoque, Satur. day, will be composed as follows : Elliott, e; Ambrose, p.; J. Hant, Ib; Quigley, 2b; lelin, ss; Dervy, 3h. Easton, Li; Daly, cf; Tilton, ri. The : Thousand . Island - steamboat company expect: to carry 2,000 people to Kingston for the Victoria day cele. bration. There will be exeursions from Watertown, Utiea, Herchimer, Ogdens burg aml Cape Vincent, N.Y., and from Brockville, amd other river points. h British Mail Notes. Livapool will open corporation baths, the first in England, portly. London children are to get sand to play with in the pmblic parks. The tobaseo stmggle has caused the British to talk of gwewing their own tobaceo. About £500 worth of gold watches have been stolen from a stall in the mbtor car exhibition, in London. A man * admitted to the Lambeth workhouse was in possession of £1, 000. A 'woman appeared before the York guardians who had just buried her seventh husbantl, A Newpastle pawnhroker charged 1,700 per cent. interest in some busi ness transactions. The new. battleship "The Queen' will . represent a cost of £1,100,000, apart from her armament. Lord Iveagh, the great brewer, pro- poses to build a market for the sale a old clothes, and present it to Dub- in. The king's half-million poor guests are to be regaled on cold roast beef and hot potatoes, plum pudding-- drinkables, beer, lemonade, tea, or coffee. Speaking at a diocesan conference, the bishop of Norwich favored the playing of out-door, games befween the services on Sundays. The appeal on behalf of the family of Dr. W, Smyth, who lost his life in rendering service to a typhoid patient in County Donegal, bas realized £7, 620. " The distinction of being the living elorgyman: who wears the Vie toria Cross belongs to Rev. JW Atlams; Stow Bardo, Norfolk: The inebriates' bill, "which gives power to sheriffs to commit habitual drunkards to homes has been a dead letter in Sootlamd, but a central in chriates reformatory is to be built for the norfh of Seotland. : onlv Streets Of The World. The longesy paved street in the workl is Washipgton street. Bosten, Mass., which is seventeen and a half miles Jong. The shortest street is the Rue Ble, Paris, which is barely twen- therefore consefemtiously oy eorpulent persons. The highest street i& Main street, Domver, Colo; the lowest street, which is below the level of the sea, Main street, George town, British Guiana; the cleanest street j8 possibly Regent street, Lon- dons the dirtiest street, Tchang-Tai Nankin. The street with the houses is the Via Cnstile, Se in: the street with the black: €CLLLLCCLLCCLLKL 4 dh i uk TUESI FOR THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RR. STOCK OFFERED. --pe-- The Advance Began in Londen Before Canadians Were Awake --Rumors Afloat as to the Cause For the Rise. Montreal, May 20. Siguitancous with the rise to 1204 'of Cantdlian Pa cific, in the stock market to-day, the street was full 'of rumors of buying for control in New York, a bonus for shareholders in the next half yearly dividend disbursement, or & straight increase coupled with a revival of the glowing conditions in the northwest, practically all the stage settings of previous bull performances in the same stock, Tis pt ine opened at 1254 compared with 1274, at the close yes tertiny. Movement up in Lon don before Canmla was awake and the stedngth gave a tone to the whole American stock Jist in that market, Roth Wall street and the local ket followed snit, and some 7.000 shares changed hands in this market, there heing apparently plenty of buy- ers for all the offerings and there is talk of the stock runming beyond 130. fhe managers of the bull movement have extensive ramifications. {| The record time for the shipment of a grain cargo from Chivago to Mont. xeal has heen broken by the des patch of 17,000 bushels of grain, be- tween these two cities in five days, seven days being the usnal time con sumed. The cargo was shipped from Chicago to Depot Harbor by pro pellor Yale, and from that port to Montreal, over the Canada Atlantic railway: SLAYS A RELIGIOUS FANATIC een Mine Superintendent Shoots Man in Self-Defence. Dawson, Yukon, May 10.--Joseph McDonald, superintendent of the Treadwell mines on Douglass Island, Alaska, shot antl killed Nick Jones, a religions fanatic. Jones claimed that God hard appointed him to have Me Donald close the mines on Sunday, and MeDonald was warned. When the men met, Jones told McDonald that his time bad come, and attempted to pull his gun. Before he could do so, however, McDonald shot him. He died within an hour. The coroner's jury exonerated the slayer. Resolution Adopted. The following communication has been handed in for publication : "The trades and labor coumcil, on Thursday, appointed a committee to confer with the building trades' coun ¢il, Friday last, re the repeated at tacks on the labor unions, made by Prof. Martin at the board of edu cation : A joint resolution passed reads as follows : #(1) The two central organizations representing the union men of King ston note the repeated insulting at tacks meade upon them by the indi vidual, who although coming from the labor ranks (he being the son of a iarmer), is now evidently seeking a cheap notoriety by senseless attacks upon a section of the community to which he should properly belong ; 42) They also note the motives ac tuating the member who (smarting under stripes, administered a few days previous), with much difficulty, se conded the amendment to the proper ty committee's report, also of the other two miembers who voted for it (3) The members of the board, who are also. union ten, best served the cause of unionism, by treating as they did this wanton insult with the contempt it deserved, and calling for the yeas and nays. "(4) We also desire to publicly ex press our appreciation of the fair aml business-like conduct of the ten members, and the property committee, who voted in support of a communi cation addresserl to {he hoard by a respectable body of taxpayers, who are public school supporters ' -------------- The Latest Out. Smart Set, Mistress--Now, Bridget, how have 1 cautioned you against break ing the ninth commandment ? Bridget--Inaade, mum, an' it must 'a' been the eat done it. often I guess Mrs, Jones] don't sec what she wanteapto marry han for; he has u cork leg, a glass eve and false tooth Mrs, Smith<Well, my dear, know women always did have a han kering after remnants. -- Attorney for the deienee--~You are a blackguard and a bluff, wir! Attorney jor the prosecution--And you, sir, are a shyster and a rogue! The court--Come, come, gentlemen Let us get down to the disputed points of this case. you . De Sivie--Have you ever heard of ping-pong ? Gunhueta (innocently)--Oh, yes: 1 frequently take my laundry to him. -------- Latest Business Freaks. An enterprising firm in South Lon- don, advertises its willingness to sup ply not only furniture, carpets, and the entire contents of a home, but al so clothes for husband and wiie--all on the ipstalnent plan. This is An extension of the prevalent system of credit advertising. and the adveriisers of the scheme invitingly head their an nouncement with the demand, "Want od. 50.000 Jadies to marcy 50.000 men." It will certainly excite attention where attention is wanted. The same firm not long ago placed fteeli on, re cord as offering to refund the instal ments paid and write off the rest of the t that couple, married during a gives month, which should first be sable to announce to the ad vertisers the birth of a child. . Fi -peven. pairs of B. Laurance's i bl price £1.50, $2, 83 your ice jor 35¢. BE. C. Mitchell, Roche's old stand. The of a melodramas being played in Chicago guarantees that it will _ "raise bair upon the baldest You can take a lary man fo pask, but you can't make him work. Most men like to be told they are working too hard. Ins man race the bool trust holds the steaks © . 5 ¥. MAY 20. Frontenac May be Redeemed by the Liberals. Toromto Globe. The campaign in the county of Frontenac, in the interests of W. J. Shibley, the liberal candidate, is pro gressing favorably. Everywhere the meetings are well attended, and much enthusiasm prevails. Mr. Shibley's own popularity, and the fact thas he is assisted by such able speakers as Col. Hegler, of Ingersoll, J. L. Hay cock, the fopmer patron leader, and several local © gentlemen, gives his friemls every confidence that be will be elected, while the recora of the Ross administration so directly ap peals to the people of the county that in their own interest, and in the infer est of good, honest and progressive government, it is firmly believid that Frontenac will be found on the Mh clecting Mr, Shibley as their represen J tative. Meetings have been hela this week at Bellrock, Howe Island, Verom, Fermoy, Collins Bay and Perth Road, at all of which there have Leen large attendances and the ' utmost enthusi asm. provailed. At Fermoy a joint meeting was held on Thursday even ing, at which Col. Hegler had the op portunity of meeting Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Avery, M.P. The general feel ing of the meeting was that the argu ments of the opposition were effective ly answoved. Col. Hegler has proved of great assistance to Mr. Shibley ps a most forcible and eloquent cam paiguer; 'and where argument fails to convince the opposition he has the happy faculty of turning the tahles upon them by his fund of anecdotes, told in his own inimitable fashion, which always has the effect of bring ing down the house, and it is to he hoped that he will remain in the con stituency until after the election Howard Revnolds has algo rendered valuable assistance in explaining and makes a most con vincing and forgible address. On the whole it looks as if Frontenac will be redecined in the liberal interest. most local issues, Whitney's Record. Toronto Globe, What have been the issues presented on the other side ? First, we have the ballot frauds. Fair eléctiong are ol the very first importance; it is bhupes sible to exaggerate their importance But these are not to be seeurad by turning Mr. Ross out and putting Mr Whitney in. Mr many man. He Mr. Whitney, and to kill the reptile of electoral and corruption. Om the other hand Mr. Whitney t# not pre-emiinently a champion of free and fair The idea i# an afterthought with him He was never troubled about it until he wantea #n election ery. He not shocked hy the gerrymander He wae not shocked by the revelations of bribery in dominion ele was not shocked by the gonetitucney of Queen's, reformer Ross ix not a vam is just as honest as just as determinod fraud eleciigns was wholesale tions. He theft of the N.B. There is no look back at M with gratitude and say : "There man who always stood by the dom and fairness of elections regard Tess of party." ) who cin Whitney's care: 5 a fris To Greet French Visitors Washington, D.C. May 20. vessels of the North Atlantic squad ron left to-day to meet the French warship Gaulois, which has on board the distinguished delegations appoint ed to represent the French govern ment at the Rochambeau o deaication. The Gaulois will be ed from the capes to Hampton to be met by the remainder North Atlantic squadron, whic donyoys her to Annapolis French Vessel arr y sched the visitors will be formally wele at Annapolis to morrow hy the prosi dents, commission, and . the following day will come to this eity, Several ynment Life Worth Living, Why not have the free uss of your arms and legs. Drive out the rheuins tism ant feel that life is worth liv ing. Wm. Lee, gardener, No. 793 Prin cons street, Kingston, Ont. suffered for years with rheumatism in the shoulders and arms. Three bottles of Dr. Hall's Rhessngtic Cure made a new man of him, This great blood pw vifier, is put up in bottles containing ten daye treatment, 50 cents, at Wade's drug store, President Will Attend. New York, May 20.-At the great mass meeting in Carnegie ball to night, in cétebration of the centennial of Presbyterian homie mission effort, the speakers include president Roose volt and other men of world wide fume. The mecting marks the culmi nation of the home mission celebration which has formed an laportant jes ture of the lreshyvisrian general as sembly in session at the Filth avenne Preshyterian church. Serious Results Follow. ki, clammy hoods and feet, and i back result from Tmpos- erished hlood. Serious consequences follow weglest. Tron Tonic Pills make new, rich blood, tone up the system, add vitality to wasting tissues and strengthen weak nerves. Fach box Sook { cose. up snd r ABERNETHY'S. DO NOT TAKE SUBSTITUTE. = = Whigs you ask for MONSOON:be sure you get it. 4oc. grade; itis the mest delicious tea you y Try ad SS Sweat is the sewerage of the system. The foot soles are umong its chief outlets, and shoe. soleswshould be its . scavenger. | i a Accumulated: sweal 1 gn jreftant --a sort O fausth which gnaws the foot; and burns the leather. The RESILIA is the only shoe having 2 draidage system to, carry off foot moisture as created dirk Ty In it the perspiration down leather wy to the Cross Bs or sewers beneath, where i is carried off and dried up by contact with the air. This ents the concentration of sweat, and with the ventilating device clean, bardy and f-ceps the feet dry, Observe crosschannels in centre-sole. * % age i TA pl A La XX bo 4 2 oy yi oy YL FLL YL Lat HLS Ct a SRR No ¥ AA AD ATASATAS AS AS ATATATATAT) healthy. a CAR PUTTER hi Aa A AAA eating dp A ole Local Ag ent Straight Front is Hygienic. It does mbt strain the abdomen nor compress the bust, The lungs and digestive' organs have full play." Pressure of lacing is all ptit upon the hips and back muscles, forcing the shoul ders erect. Price $1.00 fo $2.00 per pair) ye ye N V 1m and V 1g0or ; NR aA vohiness of Wheat Marrow for breakfast You gain is mestsl Pesides the drticlons thd that quickly cowed 10 you aise. ny lgelive § A heat Mbefow iV 8610 erent Food betause it contains fous. fe. 16 ame ated Fou will get generous snmples fro Bimefove, Wheat Marrow for breakfast. Rent Grocers sell it: ALP. TIPPETT & CR. SELLING ROENTE, MONTREAL. PECIAL SALE Of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Boots and Shoes Thursday, Friday, Saturday OF THIS WEEK, Off All 109% °" "cas nl Re TRUNKS AND YALIS Sales J ES,

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