ALY BRITISH waIG, TUESDAY MAY 20. RETURR Jokers WiLL SINGLE FARE GOOD' GOING MAY 23rd AND 24th. until May 2618, 1902. wii Rel J: ad O. P..R ay WRLER, LB. RAR Doon THE BAY OF RUE RAILWAY N LINE FOR oad all loos pointe 'Train Neves Oty Hall Depot at 4 as ki LAGE, O22. Tdepwh OF Lake b Onfaro & % s Bay of Quinte Bberisi Mle "Aletha" Mandar. April 1h er vile louve Eid the le, Northport and Bwin' Om Mon wi X i ee .oall at Kigston-Rochoster Sr r. "North King' M:iT BREAKEAST FOO) The Only Perfect Health Foo For Young and Old. Malt Breakfast Food i# now recog nized by food experts and physicians as the only tte health food for voung cud old. It possesses all the impo: tant virtues that are lacking in olor prepared breakfast foods. It is partially eooked unt predigested therefore adapted for the weakest sto mach. It is the most delicious to the taste of all grain foods. It the most nourishing, most appetizing and mont economical of foods; one pack age makes a meal for at least twen ty-five people, Malt Breakfast Food is doing a wonderful work for dyspeptics and those suffering from stomach derange ments, The use of Malt Breakfast Food for a month will banish the dys: peptic's woes and sufferings. It is al ways refreshing to the stomach. and tolerated when all other forme of food are rejected. It in the ideal food at all ed, for growing children and olde, Your, grocer can spl your wan a APICLINE (CHAPOTEAUT) DIES Oxvy. RELIEVES PAIN AND IS A SAFE, RELIABLE MONTHLY REGULATOR Saperior to Apiol, Penuyroyal and Tansy, Agents: Lyuax, Sons & Co., Morireal, oure Piles and 3nd avery fod of fiend PRR. Lv. 3 SAT es tr orally yess 8 bos what they think o/ it, our Moncy k if not all dey tors or BO Tne & Dr. Chase's Ointment is yrova to you that Dy des. 8 Jour} iy on ean use ox a Ei i E ing on Fk at 10 am. AAR baie] 1} alii Ri Between All Stations in Canada. ood on May 231d or 24. Valid rot from destinution on or before May 26th, 1902. J, 2 i Taotsy Paser. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamships. J ppg Service. eo] une Lath naar . Hn an iw A Gekher Ca ea ANID opmors marked do sot erry passers: 4 steamer Boston to the Mediterranean. July 2nd NEW 'SERVICE Cambroman, May 21st Cambroman, "Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. Suomen 'Mave Kingston, Wedaesday wd GING EAST Coming Jone 1st will jenve ss above, Wedne Sundays, TORONTO-MONTREAL LINE. Steamers lave Kingston June 4th to 15th inclusive, Wednesdays, Fridave and Sundays GOING RAXT GOING WEST ao AM 500 PM Frio: he" Fh, hilt dilly ovorpit Moiduve. Dar: ing daily servin from hi an Ling: and Mon tread. GOING 1130 P, tri-weekly service ewdaye, Frey s and WEST M Arent. Live and ok es ont OB a 38 REE) Standard an TREAT ye nde Biadder Troubles, "we Me SL. oeumd ; REE! Ehren PENNYROYAL TEA. Shri use uw erring iy oy rect ght yah TORONTO CA? send aan ES, miina "very mor! hot 4nd acy ands uf ballon, wee ab THE T. A, S1L.OCTTM EC SHANKAR AIAN AK A Hot Time Coming, That suit you bave on will be warm for the Hot Weather. Wo have somethin~ choieg in light weight woollens, Give us & eall. J: J. CRAWFORD, £ REMANT TAILOR, Corndr Prigcess and Bagot Streets WHHIAOIHOINAA NACHNA {OUR STOCK: ' 1s In Good Order. IT COMPRISES dine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods, . ANGLIN .& €O..; Fool ol Welithgton Street. eNR00E000E0S00000NTS Elephant' That rame stands for the BEST READY-MIXED PAINT on the market. : You get itat STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. Auction Sales Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, "© Auctioneers. W. NEWLANDS, "= © ARCHITECT. Denon Tha Bo FLOOR OXER Re Sires SNTRANCE wm BAGOT RTREFY STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMES OF ALL KIND XINDS,_SELY SELY a STORES TO-LET. hi oe ® HERE Le Brom. too IIR RAN FHF . * Ld & . ° * . * o * * . ® La » * ¥ » * » ° ' v » * Jihe 4 & Mme L0 died 'at ttlevitln on Sumiay. Two cured. Oca Boxy ad Ca, Teronto, NEWS FROM OUR RON OR NEIGHBORS HAT OUR CORRESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL US, In Eastern Ontario--What Peo- Are Saying. Clairview Brevities. Clarview, May 19 --Farmers are through sowing. Last Sunday Alexan der MeDonald dell off a log ana struck his back op a stone. Ne bones were broken. Thomas F. Gibson and Fred erick Wagar made a flying trip to view cheese factofy is cight cheese a day, turning out Oates Occurrences. Oates, hee at W. Cosgrove, ill for some time, is to be around again. Visitors : D. Ca- | rey at Mrs. C. Brady's; N. Carey, at T. 0./Connor's; George Sullivan at of. Burne'; 8. MpDonald, at Mrs. Cos- grove's; Maggie Burns and Ethel O'- Connor, Sydenham high school, spent Sunday at home. -- Latimer Happenings. Latimer, May 19.--George Smith met with an aceident while playing foot ball, by injuring one of his limbs ; be is improving. Mr.- and Mrs. Atchen- son and little Fdith spent a few days at T. Sherwood's. Misses Pearl Tay- lor, and Ida Hughson, spent Sunday at their homes. The ladies of this ace will meet at Mrs. Taylor's, on iday afternoon, to organize a la- dies' aid. : Vennachar Views, Vemnachar, May 17. --Miss Malinda Bebee has gone to Tamworth, to learn millinery. A box social is to be held in about two weeks. The Ep- worth league has been reorganized, also the Sunday school. G. M. Belee is superintendent again this term. Mrs, (i. F. Bebee has returned home from Seeley"s Bay. Our cheese factory has been closed on account of the hoiler not being safe, Mrs, Andrew Wilson was taken to the Kingston hospital this week, suffering with measles. Spring Valley Visitors. Spring Valley, May 19.-Mr. Sliter, stage driver between Brockville and Athens, had the misfortune to get one of hig horse's legs broken on Satur day. TW. A. Layng sold a horse re cently for a good priee. Mrs. Walter Fulford, very ill for some time, "is slowly recovering. N. Donnelly, Fair field, is making.great hmprovements on the farm which he recently pwr chased. Mr. Gilroy is slowly recover: ing. Mies A. M. Donuelly is finishing ap some beautiful oil paintings, which will be a credit to her. Visitors: M N. Davis, Brockville, and Joseph Parker, Spring Valley, at R. J. Park Seeley"s Corners; Mrs, J. Parker at N. Donnelly's; Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Rowsom, at D. Thom gon's on Sunday. or', ap -- Cushendall Considerations. Cushendall, May 20. The equipment in the few 'cheesé factory (Pine Hill), is considered to be as 'firodern as any in the country. The output is now In a Plaster -- OF ~~ Paris Jacket To Relieve Excruciating pains the Back and Lions -- When Doctors Failed a Cure Was Found in * Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills. ---------- in We leave Mr. Demers to describe his own case as be wrote it in a letter to us. Few human beings are ever ealled upon to suffer as he did from kidney disease. You cannot wonder at it that he iz now enthusiastic in the praise of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They have given him a new lease of life. 8. 0. Demers, Conception Station, Labelle county, Que., writes: "1 am writing you in order that others wha suffer as I did may profit by my ex- perience. For three years | was liged to give 'up all work on account of severe pains in my loins, back, and sides. 1 had become so stiff in my body that 1 could not lean over with out: suffering the most excruciating paing, #1 eonmulted soveral doi tors awd spe cialists, but all of them phononnced me incurable, and could not oven give me relief. Une had me encased in plakter in order to support the body, for IT suffered dreadfully, but this only gave me temporary relief, and | thought myself condemned to Jie with ont being ahle to find a curd "About this time 1 received one of Dr. Chase's books, and found my case deseribed exactly. "The sample of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills which came ob J with this book gave me marked relic, so 1 bought some more, and 'continued Gradunlly the sharp pains in my back and widey grew less severe and my bowels became regular and active--constipation had been one of ~ worst symptoms, 1 had also sulferad from indiges- tion and gas on the stomach, pains betwen the shoulders, in the the. bach. Toins and sides, frequent desire to uri: naté and pain in making water, stiff ness of the body and all the sufferings acchmpanying derangements of the Bakes, aged seventy Sten liver and kidneys. "have entirely disappeared, hex dence in Dr. sey Kidney Se Joa uo sash for again, wonder, for my cure has _ miraculous." *targe. there 'being about fifty patrons. injuries while working on a rolling i Che Tidings From Various Points | ple Are Doing and What They | iB Friday next, on account of the i Frontenac { carnng at |W. J i at | week, | IR. Tamworth on Tuesday evening. Clare- | ave guests of Mrs. May 9.-- Several attended the | turned home after spending the past Kitledge's last week. Miss | two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Daniel able | Beach. Mr. Welsh, Lyndhurst, is paint | W. Woods, jr, who received interndl machine on -Saturday, is improving There will be several entrance candi dates from school No. 9. Miss Volume is paying particalar attention to them, even devoting a portion of each Saturday, to their training. The school will be closed on Thursday | teachers' convention, Kingston on those dave Shibley is expected to speak Jowperille, on Friday or next ot Charleston Jottings. Charleston, May 19. --Mr. and Mes. Steacy and daughter, Warburton, and [Miss Green Miss Bertha Slack is vi Ring friends at Long Point. Miss M."A. Foster is spending a few davs with her sister at Cardinal. Mise Ida Beach has re ing for D. Beach. Mpmps are very prevalent. The hotels are doing a rushing biwipess, aml the oarsmen are kept busy. George Webster did some paper hanging for E. Curry last week. at the Riverside grocery, C. J. Slack is'. working at fe pew house. The nanghty mosquito has put in ite ap pearance. Some of our residents at tended the funeral of the late, Thomas McNamee, at Toledo on Saturday. Mrs. Taylor has returned after visit ing her parents at Harlem. Desmond Doings. Pesmond, May 19.-Jobn Hannah lost a very valuable cow on Saturday. Miss A. A. Jrvine has héen engaged as clerk and bookkeeper for Henry Paul, Newburgh. Miss Feith Bell is spend ing a few days visiting ib Kingston. Coleman Switzer has Mr. Sutton asd son," Colebrook, engaged to do the carpenter work on his barn. + Migs Myrtle Lake, Moscow, was the guest oi Miss Edna Carscailen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Tra Salsbury. and Mise lena Salsbury, Bethel, were guests of Mrs. 1. B. Switzer on Sunaay. W. Prown spent Sunday at his home in Wilton. Our young men ave talking of organizing a baseball team. Mr and Mrs, A Snider, Fair View, were the guests of Coleman Switzer on Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paul, Newburgh, spent Sunday, the guests Mrs. J. W. Bell. Mr. and Mre Amos = Huffman, Moscow, ealled on Mr. and Mrs, A. M, Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Lewis, Hinch, visited at John Hannah's ? of Willetsholme Warblings. Willetsholme, May 17.--~Much surprise and sorrow was expressed by every one on hearing of the death of Hugh Gillespie, Atkinson. Deceased had been wiling for seme time, but in spite of this, his sudden and peaceful ending came as a great shock to his relatives and many friends. Hig widow and family mourn the loss of a truly kind and aficetionate husband and father. Having resided neat us for many vears, we have had many instances of hiz kindness and integrity. The funeral occurred from his late residence on Thursday, 15th, and was largely at tended. Rev. Mr. Davy conducted the funeral service and in his address spoke rome very comforting words for the bereavea ones. J. Parke, now of Watertown, formerly of Woodbum, visited among ue recently, He still has a great interest in the place where, for so long, he lived. Mrs. Ben nett has recovered from what threat ened to he a serious illuess, Mes. Sherbipean, city, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Wilson. A lttle girl stranger had arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson Quarterly meeting, postponed . from two weeks ago, on account of the in clement weather, will be held on Sun- dav, Rev, Mr. Oliver and Mr. Snider officiating. © The time ig approaching for conference, when we lose either one or both of our ministers, Mr. Oliver, on the circuit for several years, enjoys a wide popularity among the who are unanimous in wishing his recall. Mr, Snider, who has Lieen with us a year, has proved to be truly a =ervant of his Master. Seldom, if ever, has there heen 5 more earnest afd conscientious minister here than he. people, for A Colebrook Wedding. Colebrook, May 14.--Stanley Hart, an enterprising Vvoung man of this place, was married on the 7th inst. to Miss Estella Garrison, of Petworth. Miss Garrison was a very highly es teemiedl voung ' laay. The ¥oung couple have the good wishes of the commimunity, They will reside=hore where the bridegroom has putchased a fine residence. . Mra. Charity Trackey will leave next week to spend the enmimier with friends in the United States. Misa Gertrude Jackson _ in tends leaving Saturday to visit her father, . Rufus Jackson, Watertown N.Y. Rufus Wagar, Enterprise, has moved on the farm formerly occupied hy -Hizam Wagar. Albers Tompkins ie re-shingling his house. The rev mains of the late James Lowe were mterred at the White church cemetery vestérday. A young son has come to stay at Cyras Suttons. Milton Hulman is howe, ill with pleurisy. George Riddell, while working at Now- burgh, had the misfortune to ron go mail in his foot. Comsequently he was compelled to come home for a few days. A.C. Warner bas mecgived word from Winnipeg that his son Arthur is in quaraniiie iu that city with a mild attack of © smallpox. Later pwws reports him doing well. A num bor from here attended the concert at Harrowsmith on Monday evening. The Infies' aid held the monthly meeting at Mre. Zelotas Brown's on Wednesday. - Visitors : A, man, at Wilbur Wartman's; cock, Wilton, at Jol Cora Fetey. Newhurgh, "at Wes € rackev's: Mrs. Will Warner, Trenton, re. James Young and Mrs. F.D Miller, Napence, and Mrs Mortimer Lochhead. Centreville, at P. 8. Wart man's; Mr. and Mrs. Powley at C. Sutton's. WHERE QUEEN'S EXCEL. A MONTREAL "OFPINICT OF PRINCIPAL GRANT. Due to Him That Queen's is Noted for Developing Personality and a Spirit of Investigation Among its Students. Tatler, in Montreal Herald. Lofty as have been the tributes paid during the past week to the late prin cipal Grant, 1 do not believe that his worth has been overstated. The spirit pi patriotism which he breathed was of the right sort calculated to stimu late to more strenuous endeavor, ra ther than to lull into the sleep of self complacency, and with the bright op timism of his prophetic vision, was mingled a healthy pessimism as to past achievements and present pr gress, The energizing influence of sporadic p ublic utterances is, however, in the ok nature of things somewhat ephemeral apd difficult to estimau with eny degree of accuracy. it ther to his work in and through Queen's university that we must look for the deepest and most abiding effects of his influenes upor th national life of Canada. Great as was his eminence as an ecclesiastic, a a statesman, as a patriot, the ruliog re, passion in the life of principal - Grapt was his devotiva to the iastitution of which he was both head md = heart Such a sentiment is, of gourse, hy nc Means rare among men in similar po sitions; but the extraordinary featur of Dr. Grant's devotion was his facal ty for ipspiring others with it. Bh its magnetic influence he was able to draw from the pockets of private in dividuals, the greater part of the fands required for the maintenance of an educational institution which, tech nically and theoretically speaking, had reason for existing, and to rota in ite professional chairs, men of con tinental reputations, in the face of re peated opportunities afforded to then of exchanging the meagre remunerg tion of poverty-stricken the fat professoriates in the leading universities of the United States; whil he imparted to the wo, hi themselves an esprit de corps such as exists i neither of the larger universities of the domgnion, Wien 1 say that technically and theoretically, Queen's university ha no reason for existing, it is because ] feel as many university men in Canads must feel, that, if the university ¢! Toronto were what it ought to be, it would meet the entire needs of the province: and a university at Kings ton. would be like the fifth wheel of waggon. As Toronto university ig however; and as Queen's university is I believe that the latter amply jue tifies its existence. If one may judg the character of an educational = sve tem by the character of the men produces, and if 1 have gauged aright the mental equipment of the Queen's men with whom I have come in con tact, there are certain characteristic which Queen's seems calculated to de velop; and in regard to which, in re cent vears at any rate, both McGil and Toronto appear to be deficient. These are strength of personality and the spirit of enquiry. The im portance of both of these qualitie must be seli-evident, and yet the seem to be left out of consideratior almost entirely, in the leading eduen tional institutions of this country Whatever may be the reason of it as a matter of fact I am inclined $« think that it is the absence to a great extent of any outstanding strength of personality on the part of the n bers of the teaching faeulties--present educational methods seem to have the effect, in far of mere ly enabling a sort of Queen's for 16g many cases, the student an external quaintance with a certain facts, very much in the one would acquire a any other external my objection is not that the range of these facte is not broad enough. apd not that the knowledge acquired is not deep enough; but that they arc not as similated hy the student, lo npt enter inseparately into his inmust per sonality I remember a high school master who onee taught me His spe cilty was English grammar, and he was an honor graduate of Toronto university. But when the mis' ehayvior of certain unraly pupils' ad irritate him beyond endurance wuld bps out with some such "Now, understand,, stand no more of this foolin' The other point to which 1 refer is the tendency of the instructor to limit his "instruction to pumping his stn dents full of the opinions of the lead ing authorities on a without training them form opinions of their to be unwilling the verdict even if the authority on a question factorily demonstrated, all things, holding which i good It is in these thet 1 believe Queen's university td be super jor to any other university in Canada. Stirred to emulation by a principal of outstanding individuality, nnd fearless independence of thou ght, there has been engendered among its students a strength of personality and healthy skepticism of traditional ideas which warks them wherever they go, and which will make the influence of George Munro Grant, a lasting power in the nation' » dife. to acquire, Nn waY, an ac array same way a suit of clothes or possession Now oh and subject, to own, to accept most eminent unless satis and to fast only prow € that two respects The Passing Of By-Laws. A special meeting of the city council was held last evening for the purpose of passing several by-laws. There wen present: Mavor Shaw, aldermen Knapp, Wipson. Craham, King, Far rell, Harkness, Walkem, White. Sears, McCammon, Kent, Tait, Mallen, Bell, Meleard, Abbott and Dunlop. The passing of seven by laws for purposes of raising various loans for constraction of draing, walks, ste, Todd a Cao went + judge Laiontaine. a i 8 - Te Montreal on MW, by follows : % onday by in Gheic, ew habeas: corpus onder actived from ITLTS; total, RATA. is country. Quebec ri The "eal th well the two men were handed over return w Quebec K. Sua oman Short, Mader writer on the tl Wittess, died on Saterday < from, paralysis He war a lad born in 1554 He was a clever was taken wp and. disposed of in the ii 5 Were av $17, $206.72, $177.90, £57 60, $62.68. E220, $20.53, nsolidate these w ane ope wr eo after whith a bylaw Tor the 1 building of an it walk on Earl street, and an by-law to raise $1,630.9¢ Jor somatriction of mewers, were pasad, goed and sealed in the presence of the oomneil. This bneiness completed, the council adjourned about tn o'dock, R240 5Y - They body and restor] ing perfe with Rervou g Faint and Dizoy Epalls, Listis Anaemia, Cinna troubles av! prongs ne. SET sa recalpl of pe The T . Sleaplessness, Nervous Prost gsness, Palpitation of the Heart, eitity, Aftor Effects of (La Grippe and all g{» ma rua down system, S HEART AND NERVE PILLS aro E35. per bag or 3 box 35 for $1.95 at all druggists, or will be sens Mt kL srl ke _. Are an invalupble résbily far all o Gissases and disorders arisin girom: 4 § Weak Heart, Worn Out Nerves or ¥ t Watery Blood. L- po gro a {rue heart tonle, § Ni fips Tm Fa rem nerve food and blood enricher, bui'ding up and renewing all the warn out and wasted tissues of the aot health to those who are troubled atlow, Brain Fay, *> | EILRUAN C0., Limited, Toronto, Ont. RISK... There is absolutely no risk in purchasing your watches, fine jewelry and silverware from us. We guarantee safe delivery; we prepay charges and cheerfully refund money in full if desired. Our handsomely (llus- trated catalogue will assist you very materially and may be had upon application. DIAMOND HALL, Established 1854. RYRIE BROS, Yoage and Adelaide Sts., TORONTO. The Ale that's always good. AT ALL DEALERS. Sols agent for Kingston, J. 8. diffiesity of Draathies. the chest; waning' ww ay of fey -- coughs, catarth ey A i Sea er pe, und' 3g centy for | small bottle, or direct from DR, C. E. 0°CONNOR plas robot Bowen, Rew York, Bre sud | ond Office, . - 279 King Sh I ------------------ MONEY AND BUSINESS, dUNKY TO LUAN SMaLle IN LARGE OR suns, 8% ow teres rates Investment Oftice the Poet Office. WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IW sums from ewe phossand 0 ten thous an. sollan For QGODWINS INSUJ over bapress Offica, Liverpool, London and Globe Fire Insurance Company. Availaiile assis. $61187.218. ln w which the policy holders ve for ity the unlimited Fiabitiny ol all the in SPEITY po Society. ioulars apply 58 i) EMPORIUM, Market Square. holdnrs FARM AND CITY PRC lowest possible rales. or giving sew husitess get rates STRANGE & STRANGE Agente. UNDERTARERS. 8. Ts. CORBETT, DIREOTOK, "81 PRINCESS Kisgvion, Suosesor wo W, WREST FUNERAL Hireet, Drensan. ---- -- JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, 204-38 Prinoess Sun Telephone 1478, Opes day and night. T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, 233-235 Princess 9%, Quality and efficiency the best. Frises i lowest. "Phones--Warerooms, 90, T. # BR KE ARCHITECTS. TOREY, ARCHITECT, OFFICE 178 All placa, designs, sp stialaciion genres on -- JARRISON, nl, Hille, & BON ARCHITEOTS, MARCH. Jk Hullding, cogeer Brock sol o streets. 'Thome 213. THUR is, ARCRITECT, orvien site of New Drill Hell, sorver of Queen snd Montreal Btrita 0 BR 1x7. RT CT TEI ET a aa GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS wiry OR without board, 101 Queen street a FOUR GOOD PURNISHED ROGNS Wi bourd, with all modern convenissoss, ob 191 University Avenue 165 KING Eaton, ww IABLE RESIDE? oconpied by Major once. For terms siply Rogers & Nickie THAT DES wireet, Intely Pomeramon at Kirkpatrick ames ---------------- ON THE let OF MAY, THAT VERY DE wirahie house, 117 Bagot sirset, corner of (lore, nenr the Park large Me all modern pouvenisnoss, Iarge weer fines. Apply Ww Felix Shaw, 4] Bagot Btreet., ~ THINKING OF COAL ? Of course vou am. It's a satursl at any semeun. You wart, sosl, ter serves fhe fost Purposs, that going So the best. advantage More's won! slean, clone ohonks bik will provide fell valus Tof what it THE ~RATHBUN CO. NOTICE . Tee fre = Is hereby given the public that I propose making it warm for all { persons Hsing fy coal next win THE PUL-MO CO., TORONTO: ONT. fo: «Your order ie solicited, % P. Walsh, 55.57 Barrack