What shrunk your. woolens 2. NEWS FRON BATTLE GROUND Why did holes wear sGsoon? Two KINGSTON TROOPERS IN You used common soap. | SUNLIGHT REDUCES EXPENSE yy amels" Rugs Draperies A display that we are "justly * proud of. Every new & e¢sign and color combination. ! We would be more than pleased to show you. Truthfully speak- ¢ ing our prices are the $ lowest. We would also draw your attent- of to our large stock 0 All the newest pat- terns in widths from one-half yard to eight yards wide. - We can save you from 10 to 15 per cent. on these Joods. R. MeFAUL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. , w- i urmiture, Carpe, : EF Curtains, © PARLOR SUITES-Our $15 stvle is Foust value, but our $20 5 piece suite isa Wo have 4 suites o 3 rd each, »ilk rovers, 61 we will uh frames; they e538: "we I this age I Clear tis i oF. . Bring vour fricods on 24th and 20th. One repiving department is in full blast We upholster old Parlor Suites, eto, ree novate ard veuww Matiresecs, repair and polish old furditee. yok shirpctly imported from the Bev factories, alse English Floor its mond Lanolams. We these Inst wenr aid they have just come to hand from the Old Country Factories, They are good values. CARPETS AND range, lowcost price, CURTAINS Large SOUTH AFRICA WRITE, « Troopers Sutherland and Fleming and Hospital Sergeant Guy Recount Many Thrilling Inei- dents, This letter has heen received from trooper ¥, Sutherland, of the 2nd U. M.K., who wrote shortly after the battle of Hart's River : "It is some time since I have able to write to you, as | have a very bad time of it with my right hand. But, thanks to Dr. Dut] I am Eotung along all right. Had three esses on. ny hand, and had po have thew janced and carefully bandaged; it is suil sore, but 1 can use it enough to go on duty again. 1 will try and give you an account of what has taken place in the last few weeks, It has certainly been hot and fierce enough to satisty any ambitious young soldier, At our last camp inde ekadorp) we were ordered out at 6 pm. to make 4 bity mile ride be fore 4 a.m. This of cowse weant a stuf gallop almowt all of the way, and was very dangerous as many of the boys were thrown from their horses and badly hart, the trouble being that in the dark the horses stumbled over the namnerous ant hills, and got their. feet into holes. It is a wonder some were not killed by the troops in the rear riding over them, as you could seo absolutely nothing in the darkness, 7 "We made our destination Sn time, end then we had to turn arbund at 5 a.m., and return over the awe growul, only in extended order, work mg in company with two other re giments, our object being to try and round up Delarey's commando of I, 000 Boers, who were supposed to be in, the neighborhood. But we only suc ceeded in capturing 160 prisoners, and a convoy of fifteen wagpons, and |, 000 head of cattle, Sixteen of our re giment were captured and striped of their clothing, being left nothing but their underwear. Some of the boys were out on the veldt for sixty hours in that condition. Oh, the Boers are &. very warm-hearted lot! 1 was. re ported missing, but got in-safely thas night about eight o'clock, wet right vo the skin and very cold. 1 came in with the captured convoy. I could not keep up with the column on account of my horse playing out, so I just took my time aml saved my horse all 1 could and it was lucky 1 did, as 1 had a narrow escape in the after noon. 1 wae about six mjles behind the rear-guard, doing some scouting, on my own hook, whe n I was surpeis ed by a small party of Boers, whe very anxious to seture an intro duction to me. I don't believe, how ever, in picking up acquamiances of such short notjee, and the very first opening 1 got, 1 hustled along to try and overtake the rearguard. It was just about this time that I began to realize that 1 had used good judg ment in taking good care of my horse. The Boers kept after me un til we got in touch with our men, then they sneaked good and lively, "Our big night ride was a terrible one; just think of it, ninety miles in twenty-three hours. The British: of ficers say it was the fastest work done in the present war. We would have had the entire force of Boers in that vicinity had our scouts been more thorough in their work that night and had there not been spies in our col umn (not in the Canadian regiment though). Seven men were made pris oners the next day and sentenced to be shot. We have heard nothing more of them since their trial. "J will not describe the fight = of Easter Monday to-night, as my hand is very painful: We have been on the trek over since the night after | started to write you and I have not had any oppprtanity to finish. 1 will try and tell you abotit the battle of Little Hart's river. There was 1,600 British in the engagement and the loers numbered 3,000. The Canadians were all in it. Our squadron was the one that carried off the honors and suffered the most severely. The losses were principally in the two troops in our rear, Lieut, Carruthers is the ge nuine hero of the fight, and for his bravery in the face of terrible odds, "should receive the Victoria cross. In the teeth of the enemy he ordered his troop to destroy their rifles after they bad used up all gf dheir ammuni tion, and before rendered The Boers again showed their brother ly love by stripping them and leav ing them only their underwear to pro tect them from the cold air. The bat- te lasted about three hours and was inly very fierce. Many of those y should know; say it was the hot- test fire, while it lasted, of any fight they have had owt here, excepting perhaps, Spion Kop. There were thir teen C.M.R. killed and about forty wounded, Delarey is reported to have told one of our ' captured officers "that it was the brave Carruthers and the Canadians who saved the day." Guess we Kingston boys ave not proud of Bruce. Oh, no. * Our troop lost eighty horses in the gn agement. I knew all of the poor Yet ows who were killed and they were very fme fellows. a hear a lot of talk about peace and a great many think the war will goon cease, but we hear so many ru iors of this sort-that we believe no- thing but otr orders. It is getting along towards winter now and the nights are very cold. The dew is as fpeey as -- ond while it is un comfortable, still I am in good health | and that is the main thing our here. You shiowid see ws when all of our colin is ready to move together, 10.000 men mounted, Cape carts, Atanapotts. and all i of wagons, I~ all the world Tike a big cif ) Wo wenally move off at daw Give my regards to all t s been had were Boers "might be leading their enemy into a trap. This was exactly what happened, trooper Fleming seys, and the Canedians found themselves in a swamp, and surronnded. The Boers poured in a steauy fire, with good ef feet, for cozens of Canadians and their horses fell. = Trooper Fleming says he and "Scotty" were together pearly: all the time. Another of his comrades, namea West, who was lying between "Scotty" and himself, was dhot in the hip. The wounded young however, kept on firing for ten minutes, and then sank cown ex hausted. He bade his two -Kingstoa comrades good-bye, and then breathed hig last. Several others were wound ed around the Kingston boys, who seeme destined to escape the awful hail of bullets. Trooper Fleming says the Canadians fought like demons. He referred th the gallant stand made by Licut Bruce Carruthers and his men. Bruce's clothes, be says, were full of bullet holes. The lieutenant and his troop were the talk of the whole Fritish iy then, Tt was terrible, the writer wavs, to see how the Canadians fought for their lives. But they gained theic shject, vie, to got out of the trap in to which they had entered. After wards they chased the Boers, who fled like sheep. On the night of that me morable battle day, the Canadians re- mained awake in their trenches with the rain pouring down upon them. Trooper Fleming was heartily thank ful to escape with his life; He can not yet understand © how he es aped, when the bullets were flying all round him. He says that if those in soremand had allowed the Canadians to po ahead as they wanted to, they woitld have cuts the Boers to pieces. Nel British soldiers told trooper Flom- ng that it was the worst battle they aad ever been in, with the exception i that of the Soudan. Charles Bennett, he says, had a nar row escape. A bullet went through his hat, right over his eye, down through the shoulder of his serge, and killed his pony. soldier W. Guy's Letter. Claud Chadwick, Brock street, terday received an interesting letter rom W. Guy, who went out to South Africa with the second mounted rifles. The letter was written about ifty miles from Klerksdorp, and after a few preliminary remarks it proceeds "No doubt you watehed the news papers to see ii 1 was killed in the big ight. We lost heavily. It was a fine fight well fought. It raged for four hours, and then the Boers withdrew. hey attacked us when we were lrst pitching camp--3,000 of them, and there were only 1,000 of us. I ese sa ped tuckily, for we had eleven killed, forty tour wounded and two missing, be sdes any amount with tlesh wounds, some going right through the arms ind but + not sufficient to pul theni out of the business, 1 had my horse shot beside me, and a hullet nassed through my water bottle, | wae also covered with mad by a fif toen-pounder bursting. I tell you vou thére was hardly room to put vour head out to see what was going on. We had but little protection. "I'he Boers pounced upon us sudden ly, and if we had not had a cool lot i follows we would certainly have been captured. Not an order was given. Every man grabbed his rifle, and ran about fifteen vards from camp and let them have it. They fell in dozens. They are certainly desperate fighters. - They stripped our wounded Bruce Carrathers, I think, will get the P.S.0. How 1 escaped is a miracle, and I thank God for it, for the bul lots fell like rain all around we. Men were hit by my side, horses fell by the dozens, yet some of us came 'through without a scratch. "1 like it fine, although I often get fonosgme. We work hard at times, and then we have it fairly easy. 1 have been as much as four nights without sleep, with the exception of two or three hours, and three days without food. The time we had the big fight T had no sleep for days and was without food, When we struck eamp I went to bed about 8 pm. slept all that night, the next day and the next night till 5 a.m. 1 never felt hotter in my life, but we are sending big, rugged-looking fellows to hospital every day." yes re The "Imperial Edward." John Philip Sousa's new march, written in honor of the coronation of King Edward V1, and dedicated, hy special permission, (0 his majesty, has been given the title of "lTmperial Ed ward," and will be played for the first time at the forthcoming concert in Kingston of Sousa and his band. When Sousa played by command be fore the royal family at Sandringham on fhe queen's birthday, December Ist, king Edward complimented thy Am erican - composer - oi his music and gave. his consent for Mr. Sousa to write & march in his honor The march was composed a few weeks ago, and the dedication and title were sub mitted to his majesty. A cgblegram brought the royal approval, and the march has been arranged for military band and orchestra; has been engraved and printed in many thousand copies; has been rehearsed by the Sousa band under the "March King" himself. The Sousa concert here will be on Thurs day evening at the rink, Seats are selling fast. FAT VS, BRAINS, Food That Makes Brilliant News- papers. Nervous prostration cannot cons tinue if the right kind of food is us ed, bet food that will build fat does not always contain the elements ne cossary for rebwiding the soft gray matter in the nerve centres. tells how she got well from fast Food. I physi SIE ROSS AND PENSE THEY REPRESENT ONTARIO'S BEST POLICY. Mr. Pense Has Been as Loyal to ingelen as Mr. Ross Has en to Omtario--Both Should Returned Again. Whitney can't win. loss can't be beat, Kingston wants to be with the win ners, So it will return Pense as its mem ber. Roses' chariot along." Whitney--* behind Good fellowship vs. good benefits Which ioliey will Kingston accept ? The young wen will stand by the man who bas always stood by them Edw. J. B. Pense. Ontario is now in that happy con dition in which any important change must be for the Penge, progress and prosperity. In voting for Pense, the others are se- cured through liberal government. Gooa fellowship will never fill Rol the Ontario And we'll all hang on WOKE, the i sheeierieoir se odeofe fel sfecfeshofeddesfeseode A Belleville Wish. Wouldn't it be a fine thing to have a representa- tive at Toronto who would be in close touch with the government ? The election of the other fellow would give the Indians something to whoop about, but what good would it do the rid- ing ? The election of an opposition candidate here can have no effect on the government. y deeb odes derohk doll oe ob " ei i p----------------------------.c-- flour barrel; Kingston wants fits from the Ontario government aud will elect Pense Mr. Pense is a publie spirited citi zen, a man of zeal and énergy His work in Kingston has always been for the city's advantage. Vote for substance, for deeds not words, plished, not promises In words, for Ross, not Whitney. The only consideration of Kingston electors should be, who egn serve the constituency best in the legislature, with a liberal government in power The grits from the candidate down to the last grit registered voter are smiling. They know how it will end on May 2th. Liberalism will pre vail. The tario are inces Ontario them ? Important May 29th; ermmment to power, ney from 20th. Mankood franchise registration was given by the liberal party, and the voung men of Ontario will not forget that fact when they mark their bal lots on the 20th. Kingston has profited for ten years from having a liberal representative in the liberal parliament. Let the pro fit be continued and this can be:done by supporting Penso. On Oe tober 27th, © 1900, the Mail shonted "Tupper and Macdonald cer tain to win." They didn't, but Lau vier did with a tremendous majority. The tory prophets are false ones. Kingston can have the joys of good fellowship and no cash returns; or it can have good benefits flowing from sturdy advocacy of Kingston's claims by Mr. Pense with a liberal govern ment. - The liberal government is able, terprising, honest. It has a woll defined policy that is giving good re sults. Can as much be said for Whitney and the gation of which he is the head ? Some of the chief I#eralism have enjoyed of liberal ~ treatment ; they bave drawn support from the liberal gos ernments axl some of them have near rolatives in the liberal services let Kingston stand hy Pense and Pense will stand hy Kingston. He has served Kingston well, rybidv ways #0. He will yet do better He has not yet had one parliamentary erm Give him gnother chance. The reformers of Kingston, and all those who wish to see Mr. Pense giv en another term in the Ontario legis lature must keep up the good work Over-confidence is a positive danger, The enemy ave. wwake and working hard Take no chanees All over the ridings where opposi tionists were elected the people clamoring to get into govérnment touch, They appreciate the benefit oi being with the powers that be. Kings ton will sudivep' a good thing when it has it. 'Vote for Pense. Whitney and the are guilty of opposing by every means--fair or foul in their power, dvery measure colcnlated to ling profit or prosperity to this province. Have they the right to ask the people to jut them in power ? On February 24th, 1508, the Mail felt impelled tp. say "There is po longer the slightest a di of the 4s fat of the Hardy- Ross governme, Tuesday next" And-yot the sin -- was fale, for Hardy won. Outside of the' Mail, hot one of the conservative papers--Wotls, News and Telegram have a word to say, efi torially, in favor of the Tosonto can didiates. Tt seems ge though the papers in Toronto wanted liberal candidates elected, J. D. Grace, editor of United Cana da. Ottawa, is in Toronto, and pre dicts a clean-eweep for Whitney in eastern Ontario. Right you are, brother Graee! Whitney will be swept clean out of existence, ad King- ston will aid in the good work There is every resson to from indications that Hon. Mr. Ross will © in New Catario. And on OR a Tikely t to recover eight or {on host in Old Ontario last time by xity and dissension. The party time is united and enthusiastic. bene shadow, accom othe: not for for work laws and institutions of On being copied in other prov Why should the people of vote that they are tired of eles ton, Ross: go 20th; Whit dreams, May dates--onse's return of the May his roused en age demouncers of the bensfit eve are tory opposition + Vote for institu ment is bound to go back. Pense and more government tons, Both Sir Oliver Mowat Blake 'bave the satitiac recognition by the Mail For frown and Macke come too late, but it ta rellect "that they unich © ghout gur assertions The News is very wroth with a pol iceman, whom it charges with being 'very off * last week on behalf of the liberal cAmelidate. Well, if he was, ke has the same right to take part in politics 'as has city solicitor McIntyre, who is adding hiv mite on behalf the tory candidate The When the ganze it machine.' ORsery organize right fact, attitode, tp deny to. their opponents their evil rights, Pht the « liberals have their civil rights, and will excreise them without ask ng permission of the tory press. Whitney, the Mail, the News and the onservativdy were wrong in prophesies in 1598, They averred that "Whitney will win" "Liberals are doomed." "reign of the gevernment near a close, "people will put a stop te mel-adninistration," and yet Hardy won out in good fashion. Ross will do the same thing this time. in the past thirty years of Rockwood asvium, an Ontario in stitution, has caused an expenditure of over 3000000 in Kingston and Promtenac: With a good liberal to press Kingston's claims on the liberal government heveaiter the expenditure will go up to {0,000 or $100,000 per sear. Vote for Pense ! When it comes down practical things, when the voung men consider their provinee and their country, and their duty to provinee and country, the record of the liberal party and of its candidate, Penson record of deeds and sacrifices; not words and aspirations alonesclaims, and will their enthusiastic support. MENTION. Edward a Just and tion of and Empive pe Justice 'has is satisfactory never worried contemporary 's cious liberals or When the it. is all the old tory Gilodw wa ative It is, in namely, 1 the presence to get, PERSONAL Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs and daughter, Uni versity left te v to spend the summer ends at Mitchell Ont. tobert BB presentative Montreal, the city. A brother Grant v of 8t. Maudson avenue, with fi the popular re Rattray & Co, few days in Fairbairn, of J is spending a Inte Grant, the M Presbyterian tland "McMahon, former local branch of company, left vizit in West Huntington preaches in the First Prockville, He will also preach sermon on May JO0th, Almon, Halifax, is to be married on June 4th, in Derby shire, England, Reginald Ponson of the Reval engineers, Halifax. Invitations are ont for the wedding of Miss Radix Werrington, Belleville, and Mr. Murray, Toronto. . The cere mony will t place in 8t. Michael's harch, in Belleville, Ont Henry Downing, of the Metropolitan insurance company, has been promo ted to a superinten yin Toronto He has been doing good work in thi city the past five yoars Harry Taylor, Richard Chown and ('. 'W, Wormwith, attending the On tario college of pharmacy, where they were successful in their examinations, have returned to their homes in this city Edward vears the general agent treal auxiliary bible tired on an allowance "of 8400 per For twenty-two vears Mi Stacey served with the Kingston bi ble society The retiring official is a ivother of James Stacey, of this city. principal minister church, Dundes Miss FE of the stamp month' Prof. Presta ter June lst, preparatory Miss Rita lv manager the trading to-day for a Jordan ian church, tos by, for for twenty-seven of the Mon society, bas re Stacey, vear Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent anthorities, A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy mil lions. A few doses aids digestion, sti mul the liver to healthy action purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this 'reliable remedy at Ware's drug store, on Beautifying The Grounds. the K. & P. station are elaborately im oroved. © The lawn fronting the eity butidings has been sodded, and a num ber of Bower heds will be coustructed ft is pleasing to know that the rail way authorities are doing something to beautify the city, ana ir a place too, where beguty will be most seen and appreciated. The grounds surrounding being ' To Observe Empire Day. W. 6. Kidd, the schools, has received a Hon. Richard Harcourt, education, asking that Friday, 2%d inet, be served inv the: schools: Appropriate-ex ercives and Jevcons will be given. The day, however, will not be as conspicw ously marked as it has been in past roars. inspector of public letter from minister of Empire day, suitably ob Seized A Young Lady. A young lady, living in Williams ville, was accosted by a married man on her way home Sunday night. She resented his attentions; and be seized her. The young lady broke away frome © hie grasp, however, and ran biwae: Ay the door she fell in» faint, and was discovered in that con- dition some timé afterwards by her parents. Yesterday she was confined to her bed, and was in a hysterical condition. Where Oranges Flourish. Ferguson, the King street fruit deal: or, ix offering delicioas Oval oranges at only We. a dozen. Al and Mexican oranges snd ripe bana tins, cheaper than has been. All Enema awd Fouwtain ring hot water bottles, ete... at bali pre. 'E. C; Mitchell, Roche's old stand, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UF BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, The What the People Are Talking | About--Nothing Escapes At tention. The Y.M.C.A. car sight between seven and eight o'clock field hospital company No. 2, AMN.C will go int camp with the RC ¥ A. at Deseronto in July. Lever's V.Z {Wise Hoad) Disinfectant Soap Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. 1 Seoamer-- North bong leaves King: ston, Sundays, at 5 pn, for Roches- ter, N.Y. J, P. Giljersleeve and J P. Hawley, agents. Workmen ace engaged in and levelli She street railway on Prin-ess Street. | The whole will be put into first class shape Advertising 18 5 faithful gdvocate andl to the merchant whose trade is dull, and who des to increase his business, advertising is like a flame n a dark night. HH. Cunsingbazs, piano tuner from Chickering, New York, Orders ve- ceived at McAvley's book store. Orders hav received hy the K. & P. local authorities relating to the preparation for the extensive im provements that are to be made Ix tween Kingston and Sharbot Lake The Frontenac teaches' institute will meet at the court house on Thurs day and Friday of this week. Among the speakers will be Dlr. Bpankie, Di: Avkrovd, dentist, Miss Bowden and others Ministers, lawvers, teachers, and others whose cecupation gives but jit tle exercise, should use Carters Little Liver Pills for torpid liver and bili ousness. One is a dose. Try them. Numiiprs of KingPtonians daily visit Kingston Mills, und return well laden with fish, Fishing there is especially Just and nttracting crowds from surrounding writ club meets to repairing bed hine res e been Mood large points The junior will he taken to Saturday uw ing by The boys wil nd and roaming about romantic spot Derangement of the liver, with con stipation, injures the complexion, in duce pimples, skin. Remove the cause by useing Carter's Little Livor Pills, One a dose. Try them. 5 Sone merchants write their letters on stationery printed in other cities and enclose it nvelopes printed in the place That ig not Lo wing off em all thei with rchants, SOW, is members of the Y.M.C.A Kingston Mills on the secretary the day fishing this pretty and sallow in same fair whose earnings 1 SPORT IN GENERAL. Notes About the Varfous Sport. ing Filia, When the Argonaut eight to lenley, "Joe" Weis ht, the veteran, will accompany the in the capa city of stroke Pittsburg has struck an awful gait in the National baseball 1 Out of twenty-seven matches played, it has won twenty-three, and is far ahead of the second on the list, Chicago The Toronto lacrosse team has fin ished its old country tour, having won the sixteen matches played, "and ls towits opponents' sailed for Canada to goes crew win London Sportsman © If England could send a representative twelve to Canada in the summer of M03 a twelve that would take the trouble to get fit and to keep in condition, and that combine together, it would certainly not return without "a fow victories recorded. To be able to feel that--and players generally must feel it--means that the game, as a game, greatly improved, and that the of play is certain to ad vance Considering say, would is quality keen interest the in all descriptions is being freely ex says the London will honor year Hi at Henle v 1857, an? the king is displaying of spory, the hops pressed up river, World, that his majes Henley with a visit thi majesty's Appearance was as pines of Wales, this there would particular sppropriateness in the visit, or ' coumt of the raving at Henley of a Canadian crew. The king has watch ed with interest the play of a lacrosse team from Tore and would greatly appreciate the of his majesty oh one of the days on which the Argonaut eight, also from Toronto, is competing ty last in vear be mio rowing men presence The Best Kind To Use. # Saabs lor, "out of pati ence with the flies which invaded his room, got two of sticky fly paper which he placed on chairs near a window. Returning late that even ing, be forgot the sticky stuff and sat down in one of the chajrs. He soon got up and proceeded to pick the pa per off his trousers. As it was hard to et at, he took the pants off, and while cleaning them unconsciously wat down in the other chair and thea stood up and oeditated The above item elipped from an ex change would point the moral that it ix betier to use Wilson's Fly Pads ipoison) dean, sale and wore. One 10 vent package will kil more flies than 200 sheets of sticky fly paper, ------------------ Tearing Down The Bleecher. Caretaber Conley has completed the work of rebuilding that portion of the Tener Blown doen By the rerent honvy winds. He b= now engaged in fraring the blvecher next to the palace, as the city engineer has condemned it as tpsale Jt is not likely that 5" nw 'stand will be erect orl at the prévent time, ns the proper ty committee bas not the funds wherewith to do it A Lancaster sheets down ! 'House Cleaners. Use furniture restorer and save money and time. at James Reid's. i: Teo all who who suffer wi dev or di Wars Rate a. and wi wt Atel HE RE Don Hi oT i SAFE CURE ©0., #4 ward Bu, Toreste, Spice of Every Day Life -- | ys Sait in a glass of water shortly after rising wifl keep you in perfect health. It. "purifies the blood, keeps the head clear and stomach sweet. A positive cure for chronic constipation. ve Recommended by the. Medical Profession. WANT very good Tooth Brud Nell Bruch, Sbhavioy or Bath Toth Comb or Prebsing Co hore, ah Half Price. Mr. Rooke eatorad trovde and bomadie the in the above lmes--all goods marked in plain finres, hall of 'whieh is 'the price 0 You, Roche's Old Stand, E. C. Mitchell, Market Sguare Drug Store, Established 1819. 'Phone 230. Py wn oboe ge. ba Brush, , Fine foek 40 Hr Br wal, you moet ewelusive most expensive goods to the our Goal Is a5 Clean 2s Tigh It Were Washed 2nd Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITsELY. poop solid oonl-s0 much solid fife reaches the surface of te oosl mines, impurities are picked out by hand. Thetenlter it is sereenid several times before it reaches you, and dirt, state; ote; "renily have no chuaoe; Hf the dealers sre i We mre very onrelul. Foot of Queen St.-- Phone, ---------------------- For 3 Even Hat Swill's: ------------------------------ BRIGHT {3 PIRES FREE ™ ioe, Iso Valemcias | W. Murray, Jr, Auctioneer and Commission Mew sbaas, Market Fquain, -