Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1902, p. 7

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, MAY 17. EE -- - but all with age, be . BEE HE aBster FINE SHOES, Just Arrived From Boston. A. ABERNETHY, Headquarters for 0 IO ©9000 £00000 eco he Problem - JUST Qecause you can get a second-hand ® Wheel for ten dollars less than a new one--is that ) an excuse ?. A second-hand wheel is dear at any price Now a good wheel : 8 one third what it did three years ago, and bree times better every way. Is it wise to fold wheel > That's the problem. You IVE the facti-- "CLEVELAND" is one of the best whe.ls made, and it doesn't cost any more than a poor one. x £1. H. SUTHERLAND, KINGSTON. Canada Cycle & Motor Company, Limited, ° 2 ' Toronto. D.& A. Stuajgit Fron The picture shows you the effect. Last = The Very Latest Thing in Trunks and Valises. » © s ® : i : -- - WORDS OF TOPE A VERY SUDDEN DEATH ly A po ml : +At Napanee--A Wedding To Take TO ALL WHO SUFFER FROM A | _ Blase Bn, oaetdss Nay Ne, ay [a Ty § t RUN DOWN SYSTEM. | tus in North Fredericks Ibargh on Thursday, May 15th, when I Mes, Mabel Arvilla Files, daughter of Levi Pose, died at her father's resi dence, after but a few hours' illness. Mrs. Files came home from Brown ville, N.Y., on Saturday to visit her parents. She was but twenty-two years of age. Jobn Platt, Brighton, has purchas ed the interest in the Paisley house from A. E. Douglas, which includes furniture, fixtures, ete. The new pro- prietor will take possession on the 20d June. Mr. Platt is an experi- enced man, and will no doubt keep the reputation of the Paisley house where it has always been. W. N. Gordainer left yesterday for Peterboro, where 'he has secured a po- sition in the electrical department of the General electric company. W, A. Daly removed this week to the newly- fitted house on John street, formerly owned by D. 8S. Warner. J. B. Daioe is erecting a new verandah around the east side of his residence, Thomas slreet, Mrs. J. Gibson will remove shortly into ber new house on Thomas street, near the Roman Catholic church. A generous friend presented her with the dead of this neat little home, Invitations are out for the marriage of, Miss Georgie J. Jamieson and Dr. Ralph Waldron Huffman on Wed- nesday, May 28th, at the residence of her uncle, Thomas Jamieson, John street. Thomas H. Whelan expects to leave in a day or two for Fernie, B. C., where he has a lucrative position with a mining firm. Messrs, George B. and James Thomson have purchas- ed the paper mill at Thomsonville, near Camden Fast, and will fit it up and run it as in the past. They are practical men, well known to the trade. Mrs. Harriet "A. Farr, Fenwick, Ont, Tells How She Obtained & Cure After Sufféring for Two Years. 1 Thousands throughout this country suffer sesiously from general debility ~the result of impoverished blood and shattered nerves. To all such the story of Mrs. Harriet Farr, widow of the late Rev. Richard Farr, Fen- wick, Ont, a lady well known t the Niagara district, will int the means of renewed health. rs. Farr says: "For a couple of years prior to 18999, 1 was a great sufferer from a run-down system, My digestion was bad: I had tittle or no appetite pd was in a very poor state; I suffered from heart palpita- tion and a feeling of continmal ex- haustion, Doctors' treatment failed to benefit me and I gradually got worse until I was finally unable to do the least work. 1 then began using Dr Williams' Pink Pills and from the very first 1 noted an improvement in wy condition. The severity of my trouble gradually lessened and by the time I had taken eight boxes I agsin enjoying the best despite my sixty years. 1 believe that Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pills saved my life and would strongly all sufferers' to give m a trial, ieving they will be of great benefit." When your blood is poor and wat- ery, when your nerves are unstrung, when you suffer from headnches and dizziness, when you are pale, Jan- Rud and completely run down, Dr. filliams' Pink Pills will promptly re- store your health by renewing and enriching the blood. They are a prompt and certain cure for all troubles having their origin in a poor or watery "condition of the blood. But only the genuine cure and these bear the full name, "Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Bold Ly all dealess in medicine or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ---------------- The Soft Front Shirt. We are the agents for the best fit- ting shirts in Canada, 'one trial is all we ask. The H. D. Bibby Co, Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like ville; Ont. . gold, tin like silver, crockery like marble, i ga and windows like crystal. 3 FATHER FALLON'S ESTIMATE. All our excellent stock of chamois a Tribute He Pays To Late Princi- doik price. Roche's old stand, E. pal Grant. Ottawa Jourml n response to the Journal's re- quest, Rev. Dr. Fallon, O.M.1., head of Holy. Angels college, Bufialo, sends the following appreciation of the life of the late pringipal Grant : "If it were ever true in the history of edupation that individual charac- ter, unfiagyi energy and the power of persona fy: built up a great insti tution from humble beginnings, it is so in the ease of the late principal Grant and the educational establish- ment with which his name for so many years has been--and forever will be--inseparably connected. Only those who know what Queen's was twenty years ago, and who fully understand what Queen's is to-day, can realize the stupendous results of one man's efforts. - Poor in students, poor in professors, poor in endowment, poor in buildings and equipment, poor in intellectual life and influence, was the Queen's university of which principal Grant was given charge. He has left it one of the great powers of a great and growing country. He lifted it from a mere local, sectarian college into the honored position of a nati- onal university, His work increased ite. students five-fold; trebled its staff of professors in numbers, and incalou- lably ephanced their power as centres of intellectual influence; erected a col- lection of splendid buildings with ap- propriate equipment; and---greatest service of all to the national welfare of the province of Ontafio-- prevents | bis university at a critical moment from being swallowed up in the disas- trous project of centralizing all high- er edugation in the state-controlled umiversity of Toronto. "It is no unfair reflection on the ability, the energy or the devotedness of the excellent body of men who pre. side over the different departments of Kingston's university to say that, for the country at large, the name of principal Grant was synonymous with that of Queen's. The principal was wedded te his work with his whole heart's strength and with all the pow- ets of his mind; for Queen's he lived, and it is not too much to say that for Queen's he died. What Sir Daniel Wilson was to Toronto and Sir Wil- liam Dawson to McGill, that; in & more fundamental sense, principal Grant was to Queen's. "There were many points in prin- cipal Grant's career from which even his warmest admirers might reason- ably dissent; with some of his views we should not unnaturally refuse to be considered in accord. But as a suc- cessful educator and as a true Cana dian we are not apt to soon look up- on his like again. Queen's and Cana- da owe him & heavy debt of gratitude. 'For almost a quarter of a century he has been a poweriul agent in arousing intellectual activity, in developing the best features of national character, are an effective, but gentle, laxafive; therefore an imme- diately perceptible effect upon the bowels must not be ex- pected from themi. Therein ies their great merit, QUICK ACTION A violent medicine is some- times necessary, but it is a necessary evil, Never Forget that IRON-OX TABLETS ARE NOT A CATHARTIC 50 Tablets, 25 Cents Strawberries, Pineapples, Bananas, Grape Fruits. A. J. REES', Princess Street. "Phone 58. Pine, Meiloek, , Maple, Oak ---- ee THE MUD THAT CARSCALLEN THREW AT RENFREW. Accusations That Have Been Quickly Disproved For Every Shade of Politics Have Borne Testimony to the Man's Worth. Hamilton Times. The Renfrew Journal, of May Sth, thus reports Mr. C 's speech, at the nominmtion of the comserva- tive candidate at Renfrew : "Now the liberal party has been making promises. Mr. Ross made pro. mises, but he has not foved it con venient 'when the time came 10 ful: fil these promises. This alone is suf- ficient reason to turn him out. In the matter of temperance and prohibition, Mr. Rose has had one arm around the temperance men hugging them, while the other hand was in the pockets of the liquor men for funds to keep him in power. The er then took up principal Grant's advocacy of Mr. Ross, and anything he does. The principal is eontinmally knocking at the door of parliament for grants to Queen's university, and jn return he is Supporting every grit government of Ontario. He supported Sir Oliver Mo- wat, the late ie Hardy, and Jw he is supporti . Ross and the re- ferendum. When Bir Wilfrid Laurier went 4c London in 1897, he had no title, but the queen insisted he should have a title, and so she chased him all round London till he wad foreed to pt the honor. Now w the duke of York, came to Canada last fall he bunted up principal Grant, who was then in his bed ill and gave him a title. How did the duke fand principal Grant * How did he hunt up the principal any more than any of the rest of us? Simply because the principal's friend, George W. Ross, whispered to the duke, saying that his friend, principal Grant, who was ill just then, was longing for a knighthood. And so the duke hunged up the principal. Now the principal is paying back Mr. Ross for all those favors. Dr. Potts, of Victoria univer sity, is another dear friend of premier Ross, evidently for reasons similar to those which are actuating prineip- al Grant." Since that ungenerous speech was made by Mr. Carscallen, principal Grant has been borne to an honored grave. Canadians of all shades of politics, residents of every province in the dominion, have united : to bear testimony to his worth. But the slander uttered by Henry Carscallen a few days ago stands in cold print..He alone among Canadians was mean en- ough to charge that Dr. Grant sold his vote and influence in Ontario poli- tics to the liberal government for "grants to Queen's university," and for a title. He applied his slander to Rev. Dr. Potts, who is yet living, as well as to principal Grant, who is dead. Methodists and Presbyterians will remember Mr. Carscallen's Ren- frew speech when they go to the pells on May 29th. The Old Psalms. Joseph Hamilton, Moatrval. There's lots of music iu the Psalms, Peale of long ago, Awl when the mimisser reads out spme one 1 weed 0 know I want to join with all the rest who swell the note SF Praise, "All lads to Gi in joviul sounds aloft your voices raise." the There's lots of music in the Pealoe, those deme, sweet Palms of With visions bright of lauds light, and shining wirwets of gold I hear them ringing, wsingiog oflll, In me mory soft wid clear, "Such pity av a fother bath wuto bis old) dren dear." They som to sing for evermore of better, sweeter dave, When the bles of the love of God bludmed white in all the ways: And still 1 bear the solemn strain bn the auaint old meeting Now "0 greatly blessed the people ave the. Jos ful sound that mow." No sifting books we needed then, for very ell we. bow The tunes amd words we loved so well the deur old Psalm book through: To "Coleshill" at the sacrament we saag, av tears would fall, . "I'l of salvation take the cup, on God's same will I call." And so I love the dear when my time shall come Before the light his left wy eves, and my singing lips are dumb, MH Iocan only hear then I'll gladly soar way, a my longing soul. 0 God, that may." old Psalms, 'and Brain Food Nonsense. Another ridiculous food fad has been branded by she most competent authorities, A dorrect diet will not only nourish a particular «part of the ly, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion ur dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appearance or pre- vent their coming by taking regular doses of Green's August Flower, 'the favorite medicine of the healthy mil- lions. A few doses aids digestion, sti- mulates the liver to 'healthy setion, purifies the blood, and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at Wade's doug store. Though 4 ket, if their blood is poorith sick unhappy mortals: A pallid and wrinkled skin result from smpov- )r. Pitcher PERMANENTLY CURES A C.P.R.BRAKESMAN. Two Years Ago Wm. Reynolds, Havelock, Ont, a Well-Known C.P.R. Brakesman, Suffered so From" Lumbago That He Could Hardly Move. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets Made Such a Complete and Permanent Cure That He Hasn't Had a Twinge of Pain Since. A. C. Deaike, The Havelock Druggist, Vouches For The Accure won "acy of The Statements Made. MRWD. There are very few people in Havelock, Ont., or vicinity, who do not know William Reymolds, the popular C.P.R. brakesman, whose pictur ap: pears here, "About two years ago he was laid up with g very severe attack of lum >, which caused him excruciating pain, so that to stoop over or tara was agony. - . He heard ti Dr. Pitcher's Backach @¢ Kidney Tablets being 8 apy medy for such complaints as his. He took the Tablets and they cured . Since then Mr. Reynoids has had no return of his old trouble, and has re commentled Dr. Pitcher's Tablets to m any men on the roa, os firemen, engineers, condlibtors and fellow-brak esmen, all of whom, from the nature of stheir ootupation, are liable to bad backs aad kishwy trouble, and ir every instance the Tablets have done good. Mr. Reynolds' Statement, May 31st, 1900. This is what William Reynolds had to say about Dr. Pitcher's Back. ache Kidney Tablets, on May 3lst, 1900, just alter he wae coord : ' "I bad lumbego so batl when 1 got Dr, Pitel®¥'s Backeshe Kidney Tab- Jets from A. C. , the druggiet, that I could hardly move. Is wae most painful to turn in bed. There was a dill, nagging aching in the small of my back continually, and to stoop or to assume an t after sitting was extremely painful. This waa not the only time that I suffered that way; my case was becom ing chronic. antl the thas formerly gave me relief dil not help me now in the least. I found, Ahargh, that as soon as I started taking Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets helped me at once. They 'have removed the whole trouble. I have neither pain nor lameness now. I cannot say too much for them, ang I heart Bh end them. TE (Signea) WM. REYN Mr. Reynolds' Statement, March 39th, 1903, { When our representalive called on Mr. Reynolds recently he did not hesitate to speak in the highest terms of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Tablets, and the permanent cure they had made in his cose. Said he: have never had any return of that lu mbago andl kiliney trouble which at- tacked me so severely in the spring of 1900. Dr. Pitcher's Baskuihe i Kid- Tablets made a complete and thorough cure then, and 1 have heves been bothered since." -- Endorsation Ot A. C. Denike, Druggist. Although anyone who knows Mr. Reymolds, would not dohbt his state ments for a moment, still, for the benefit of gutsiders antl wo give the confirmatory statement of A.C. Denike, Ph. B., the nown druggist and optivian of Havelock, who sold Mr. Revaolds the Tablets. am aogpainted with William Reynolds. brakeeman in 8.2 R and know that about two years ago he greatly from an kidney 'trouble. He puechmsed Dr. Pitcher's Badkmche Kidney Tablets from me, and claime that they were the means of caring him, and T believe t} is to be the case. I untlerstood from him thet since Dr. Pi Tablets cured him be has bad no return of the trouble." a (Signed) A. C, DENIRE. We would ask you to bear in mind that Dr. Pitcher's Bankache Kidhe Tablets are not a patent medicine or "quack" remedy, but the formulas of the eminent kidney specialist, Dr. Zina Pitcher, who for years ocomgied the position of professor of Materia Medica and Genito Urinary Diseases in Michigan College of Medicine, Detroit, Mich. They give prompt relief amd permanently cure backacke, Jame or 'weak back, bloating, swelling of the feet and logs, Brights dicense and digbetes {except in the last stages), gravel, brick dist deposits in the urine, scald ing or irritation, frequent calls during the day er might, of the biadtler; high-colored and foul-smelting urine, dribbling, ol wiring; theu: matism, heavy feeling or pain in the head, mist or the eyes, unnatural drowsiness, sense of weigh esas in the rt the bladder, kidney weakness of ald people angl children, kithey of women antl all forms of kidney disease or ¢ nt, 3 The Tablets are small, chocolate roatal and easy to take. Ope Teliles a dose. Fifty Tablets in a bottle. Price 30 cents, or three bottles for $1.25, at all druggists, or sent by wail. The Ur. Zina Pitcher Co., Teronto., Ont. in '

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