ree Pictures, Pictures. 'SALE OF NEW FRAMED PICTURES. ow Bak Fone, Low Prices. 11] YOU ARE LOSING MONEY. 'ts ase HAMSAY'S PAINT for aod CAMPBELLS VARNISH any interior work % things thew are the Gest goods to-day. Mitchell's Hardware. 'STRAIGHT BUSINESS "W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Me Dr. 0, W. Daly's Dental Office Sa r in May whew he returns COMMERCIAL, AL PRODUCE MARKETS. weal, Que, May 15.--Flour receipts 600 i b Winter, $3.50 0 $4.00; patent spring, $3.90 wr $4.10; straight roller, $8.50 . $5.60 to $3.90; On wheat, : turn, Neo, 4, oye. THE DAILY WHIG, Tovar MAY 156 abr [HE 5 PX. EOI: SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSC ON PAGE MIVE, And Then He Regretted. "1 should dearly love to attend the coronation," remarked the young lady who was fat and fair if she wasn't forty, . "I read in the papers," said the thoughtless person, "that they could allow but sixteen square inches of floor space to each spectator. And then he regretted and regretted and regretted. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News, Kt New York all grades of refined wery revhuend five ponte In Toroows thee hop trade in goiet, prices stessly at J8e.; yearlings am Me Cheese sales: Ingersoll, lie: Picton, Woodstock, 1000; April stocks sold at to 10fe The Canadian Pacific compeny has com pleted the sale of 600,000 acres of land for 82.200,000, snd the beling with regard the stock is very bullish, The. output of the metalliferone mines and works 'throughout the province for the first taree monihs of the present vear was $1. 254,086 os against $RIL0T6 for the Best quarter of 1901, an increase of Bfty two. per cent, The Saskatchewan lamd company. with » capital of $3,500,000, has been organized LO0OO,OV0 acres of hand in Saskat The mwn composing the cor Mirmeapolis, Duluth snd Chien capitalists, A. D. Davison, Duluth, is prevident. The puacchase is ome of the larg wt ever recorded in Canuda suger with He 10}e purchase chewsn valley poration are wo THE OTHER SIDE. What the Oswego Longshoremen Say of the Matter. Oswego, N.Y., May 11th, 1902 "James Nolan, president L..S. wn ion, Kingston, Ont, "My Dear Sir--dn regard to the statements wade by Capt. De Wette of the sshoomer DD, Freeman, that he was obligetl to walk two miles to con fer with, me regarding unloading of his boat, I would say that the cap tain was mistaken when making thht statement, for the fact of the matter was that we were on the spot and no walk was necessary. While there the captain called the dock boss to him and when Mr. De Wette returned, he informed the president of the umion that he comdl not unload his boat, and also bragged that he need not go to doy union port, while the fine re main! Thereupon we placed the fine The hme was five cents a thousand on the first, ten cents on the next, fifteen on the next and twenty on the next and he was very lucky in escaping in the manner in which he did, If Mr, De Wette makes any more remarks re garding our actions in this matter we will. certainly place another fine Please give this answer to the King: ston Whig to place ourselves right. Yours very truly, P. HICKEY. president L. 8. union, Oswego, N.Y." i Victoria Order Of Nurses. At a special meeting of the com- mittée of the Victorian order of nurses held yesterday, it was decided out of respect to the memory & the late principal Grant to hold no public meeting. A repbrt of the work done for the last year will be vead at the meeting of the women's council to be beld in 8¢. George's hall to-morrow at 3 pom. Tt has been proposed that the annual meeting of the -association shall herepiter be held in December to conform to the date laid down and followed hy the central committee. ------------ Attempted A Criminal Act. Amos Hardwick, Mountain Grove, committed for trial by justice of the peace Flynn, for attempting a crimi- nal act upon a sixteen-year-old girl, appeared before judlge Price in cham- bers this morning. His trial was fixed for June 10th, at the court of gener al sessions. e Improving Every Day. The quality of the strawberries re- ceived by Carnovsky to-day was sim- ply, slogant and the prices only 15¢. by the very nature of condi- chance to ol re. - order a pair of PARLIANENT PROROCUED. HIS EXCELLENCY READ THE SPEECH FROM THRONE. '| Reference to the Progress Canada | is Making in Wealth and Pros- perity--The Increased Revenue of the Country. Ottawa, May 15.--The house of com mons was finally prorogued by lord Minto, this afternoon. The speech from the throne was brief expressing gratitutle for general prosperity. Tt was as follows : Honorable gentlemen gentlemen the mons ; In relieving you from further at tendance in parliament, 1 desire to thank you for the care and attention given to your important duties. The unusual number of acts that have passed incorporating industrial and railway companies may be taken ax an evidence of the rapid progress that Canada in making in wealth and pros perity. Further proof of that satis factory condition is afforded by in- creased revenue of the country. The agreement entered into with the Can- adian Pacific railway company, when authorizing an increase of its capital to expend over nine million dollars in providing additional rolling stock, will, it is hoped, materially diminish in the future the serious losses that have arisen from the insufficient sup- ply of cars to carry the products of the west to eastern ports. The amendments made to Manitoba, authorizing the farmers in Manitoba and in the north-west territories to erect flat warchouses for storing grain at railways, will, it is believed, be found to serve useful purposes and leieat any attempt to depress prices by combinations. The growing population in the Ya kon territory and the rapid develop ment in the trade of that section of Canada amply justify the act granting to its residents a representative in parliament who will be authorized to speak for his constituency in all mat ters affording the more important in- terests of that remote part of the do minion, Gentlemen of the house of commons, I thank you in his majesty's name for the liberal supplies you have granted for the public service. Honorable gentlemen of senate, gentlemen of the house of commons, in bidding you farewell, I desire to ex press the hope that when we meet next year we shall be able to again re tire in the continued prosperity which now prevails over this wide dominion. of the senate, of house of com: -------- VENEERED WITH BUTTER. Truck Formed the Centre of the Rolls. Guelph, May 15--~High constable Merewether, Guelph, was in Drayton the other day in connection with a butter case, and brought back a case of butter with him. At least, it is a ease of what purports to be butter. The case comtaine twa rolls, and to the depth of about an inch the rolls are composed of bona-fide butter Bug the interior of these rolls is composed of old newspapers, bacon rinds, egos of uncertain age but certain odor, binder twine, and other things nimerous to mention. The butter was made by a Mary. borough woman, who made and sold several lots of the same style. . A SPLIT MAY OCCUR. too As the Free Staters Want the War To Go On. London, May 15.~The Bradiord Ob- server's London correspondent says he has trustworthy news from Hwullamd to the effect that the South African peace negotiations have broken down completely. The 'burghers, he says, have resolved to continue the war be- 'cause amnesty for the Cape rebels had been refused. . Thé London correspondent of the Liverpool Post says a split between the Transvaal and Free State leaders is possible because of éx-president Steyn of the Free State favoring a continuance of the war, SEIZED THE MEN. And Put Aboard a Tug At Que- bee. Quebec, May 16--Cols. 8. Gaynor and Greene, who had escaped from Savannah; Ga., and who were diving in Quebec for two months, have Just been taken away by the Ameri can detectives. Greene was hustled in- to a cab at the Chateau Frontenac and Col. Gaynor was caught in the post office. They have been put into the tug 'Spray, which immediately left the city, going up the river. An- other tug containing their lawyers, Hon, Judes Tessier: and Alexander Taschereau, antl some Quebec detec- tives, has gone in chase. Irish Leaguers Sentenced. London, May 15.--A telegram frém Dublin to the Times says a special crimes act at Ennis, county Clare, has convicted seven members of the United Irish league of conspiring to murrender his farm. "Destroyed By Fire. Whithy, Ont., May 15.--A brick house at the comer of King and Henry CREMATING BODIES. i -- Burning Them Rather Than Bury- ing Them. New York, May 15.--In the destroyv- ed city of St. Pierre the work among the ruins i= being continued in gn un- satisfactory manner, save a Fort De France despatch to the Herald The dead sre being burned, the fires being fed with petrolepm and tar. Great fires gre kept going, which at night light up the entire island and which, being seen at St. Lucia, led to the belief that Fort De France had been burned. Although thousands have been burned, many 'bodies still re- main to be cremated Searchers while walking throug the ashes often step upon what ap pears to be a charred pillar of stone only to learn as it yields gruesomely under foot that it is the trunk of another unlortunate. Bome of the walls of bouses that still stand erum- We anc! fall at a touch. Some idea of the terribje heat that poured down from Mont Pelee may be had when it is known that rollers of the Prinella sugar mills were melted as thouch they had been passed throwgh a fur nace. Have Had To Leave, Marseilles, May 15.--A citizen nam- ed Guichard has received a telegram from Martinlyne, stating that his family bad beem compelled to leave as another violent volcanic eroption is expected. To Give Relief. New York, May 15.--Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Gould, who formally put their yacat, Helenits, into commis- sion yesterday, will sail on Friday for Martine in hope of rendering as sistance to the stricken refugees. Will It Again Come ? London, May 15.--The Times prints a despatch from Fort de France, say- ing that masses of burning cinders are near the voleano amd occasion much uneasiness. Laminous spots on the lower slopes. are thought to pressage further calamity. Generous Aid. London, May 15.~In the house of commons, to-day, the gpvernment leader, A. J. Balfour, after speaking of the measure proposed by the gov ernment for the relief of the Indian earthquake sufferers, referred to the expressed desire of the United States government to share in the work and said as to the manner in which this generous offer could be accepted, the government of the Winward islands had already heen consulted. Mr. Bal four also referred to the opening of the relief fund at the Mansion House, by the lord mayor, Sir Joseph Dims- dale, and said that Canada, Jamai- ca, and the other West Inthan Is lands, and the island of Mewritius (in the Indian ocean) had promised to help with money and goods. TERTHA MOON'S SENTENCE. Found Guilty Of The Death Of Her Babe. Toronto, May 15:--The Presbyterian synod of Toronto and Kingston, con cluded its sessions here last evening, with the adoption of resolutions of condolence in the death of principal Grant and of Rev. Dr. Robertson; that in reference to the late princi pal, alluded to his grand work in connection with Queen's university. The matter of missionary work in British Columbia received some at- tention from the synod and it was decided to prosecute the efforts in that connection with more vigor than in the past. The acting grandmaster of the grand lodge of Canada has cancelled the | appointment to lat the corner stone of | the Wiarton beet ropt sugar factory { on the ground that the ceremonies of | the grind lodge are confined to places of worship, education and municipal buildings. Bertha Mdon was found guilty of cavning the death of her infant child, and was sentemced by justice Britton to one month's imprisonment The jury was out for about twenty min- utes and returned a Perdict of guilty with a recommensic@ion to mercy James Alexander, treasurer of the Toronto opera house, was arrested yesterday, on a charge of theft; pre- ferreel by Ambrose Small, manager of the theatre. The amount involved is about 81,500, DREW ON IMAGINATION. CPR. is Not Now Conferring With Government. Montreal, May 15--8Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of the C.P R., states that the writer of the story about the C.P.R. and the fast Atlan- tie line evidently drew considerably on his imagination. The story is that the matter is now engaging the at- tention of the government and that the C.P.R. has been asked to go into the business. Sir Thomas added, however, that such things gre always possible. Dr. J. A. Bouchard, Pawtucket, Rhode Telund, was found dead this morning in the Jagges Cartier bo- tel, with pn bullet wound in his head: and a revolver in his hand. The de vensetl had been drinking heavily and stock are comi to Thursday, a wee meet directors and talk over matters Sannesied with the issuing of the new stock. HAVE A NEW PROPOANDA CHINESE REBELS PLAN TO OVERTHROW DYNASTY. Enemies of the Manchu Rule Issue an Ultimatum Declaring For Reform and the Protection of Trade. Victoria, B.C., May 15.--Chinese ad vices. received here give the following as the propaganda of the rebels First--The overthrowing of the pre sent dynasty. Second--The founding of a new dy nasty, with a Chinese emperor on the throne. Thind--The helping of the oppressed and needy. Fourth--The introduction of reform Fifth--The protection of trade. Sixth and last--The establishment of Kwang Si, Kwang Tung and Kwai Chow as the three seats of govern ment, with Canton as the capital, with an emperor and 4 viceroy for each province of Kwang Si and Kwa Chow. In conclusion be it known that the western people are not to be inter fered with; their lives are to he pro tected and their trade not to be med dled with. Let them go in peace. We are the enemies only of the Manchu dynasty. We have spoken. FRONTENAC, CHEESE BOARD. ---- Many Cheese Boarded--Small Sale At 1le. Kingston, May 15. --~There was a good attendance at the Frontenac cheese board meeting this afternoon. Some 810 cheese were boarded, of which numbers 275 were white and 535 colored. Ome new factory was added to the list, namely, Amherst Island, which makes a total of sixty-one fac tories now represented on the Fron tenae board. The following factories ofiered their make for sale : White--Forest, 45; Morning Star, 30; Model, 30; St. Lawrence, 25; Silver Spring, 40; McGrath's, 40; Hartington, 25; Cataraqui, 40. Colored--Glenburnie, 45; Granite Hill, 30; Keenan & Son, 30; Maple Leal, 30; Pine Hill, 60; Sand Hill, 35; Sunbury, 40; Elgin burg, 50; Rose Hill, 30; Cold Spring, 60; Amherst Island, 25; Arigan, 35. The highest and only bid was eleven cents, at which prices these sales were made : To 0. C. Bissell-Amherst Island, Glenvale, Fine Hill and Sand Hill. To D. J. Mackinnon ~Maple Leaf, St. Lawrence and Silver Spring, To L. W. Marphy--Morning Star. Most of the buyers refused to sell at lle. The same price was refused on the board a week ago, but every cheese was afterwards sold at that price. . William Pillar was appointed cheese marker at the cheese board at a sal ary of 85 a year. 60; Glenvale, -------------- TR. BOWMAN WOUNDED ------ In the Head at Battle of Hart's River. A letter from trooper William Bow man, of the second ( M.R., dated at Klatlefontein, April 11th, tells how he had been wounded in the head at Hart's River. At the time of writing he had been in the hospital three weeks, but was getting all right Again, He said it was a fight for life. There were a lot of Canadians killed and wounsled Mostly all of them be- longed to Lieut. Carruthers' troop. He stated in the last fight they cap tured four guns, two pom poms, and eighty-six Boers. They made seventy six miles in twenty-two hburs which they claim the best done vet. The writer stated lots of Boers were com ing in every day and surrendering I'rooper Bowman wished tobe re membered to all his Kingston friends. When the casualty list came in; trooper Bowman's name was not in it. Bo his people were much surprised when they got this letter on Tuesday saying he was wounded, : Midsummer Millinery Opening. From early morning Crumley Bros' millinery department was erowded with ladies eager to selept. their sum mer hats, which were very pretty in deed. The show rgyom was inviting, with little tables and easy chairs, and one could not help remarking how tastefully everything had heen arranged. - Almost the first hat be seen was an attractive creation in white and black. This hat is especial ly striking for being trimmed to the right side: the body is of white tape straw, while narrow velvet ribbon forms the brim and two graceful plumes fall to the side. One of the Parisian styles is the new French sailor, in fancy straw. The flat erow n is draped with Wack taffettas, while a bougnet of cream roses rests meminst the uplifted back. The Gibson hat is one of the leaders among the newest of the many resily-to-wear hats. A large ease of gwsorted children's hats show that the young people are not forgotten. to "Twas A Fine Presentation. A wellknown gentlemmn, who boards in a Princess street hotel, was the victim of a good joke yesterday, He had visited Cape Vincent, and a friend there had just made a fine catch of fish. Picking out the largest one, he presented it to the Kingston man, who proudly ped it home. He it over to the hotel proprie tor when he arrived here, with the remark that he would like some of it i a dog fish, and vot good to eat. The victim's friemis are having lots of sport over the matter. \'The Forepauugh & Sells Bros" circus train was wrecked during Wodnesday nicht at Marysville, seven miles west of Harridurg, Pa., and of , were hurt. Six were to the Harridhury hospital, one man on the way to it I iv Seal CHASE a t---- -------- You Want for your saving, Lace Curtains for Shade Coliee (11b.and 2 1b.cans) Every bean effuses fragrant Coffee of absolute purity. It I larsely imitated Examine your purchase closely. MONTREAL AND BOSTON. dfn ln New lace & SANBORN, - end - ce ASN Curtains Just At a Time When Them. We have received our complete Spring Stock and prices are decidedly' advantageous 'Lace Curtains for Parlors, - Bedrooms, Lace Curtains for Diningrooms. 25¢. to $9 Pair. 30 Prices Between, Cuan Poles; Bins, Foor Dilclohs. J. LAIDLAW & SON. Ts About This Col p:rs are not in yet. Overshoes shoe prices. THE LOCKETT S Sold Only By A, A flank To Know What to Talk d Weather Ourgmoccasins are all sold. Next year's felt slip- are all packed away, and it's most 100 cold yet for white canvass goods. LET'S TALK ABOUT TRUNKS AND TRA- VELLING BAGS. We've got some that are worth talking about and the prices are just as low as our HOE STORE S-- ll Sovereign Brand Fine Shoes &. FOR | Ladies: and Gentleman, bernethy.