Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 May 1902, p. 4

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SERVICE and covering capacity are what show the cconomy of paint--not the price per gallon. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PalsT wears ..-gest ond covers most. It is the i est paint economy. Made to paint buildings with. SOLD BY Corbett's Hardware. hie ; If You are not buying your shoes now, you will need some polish to keep the old ones bright, and WE ARE THE PEOPLE who can supply you. We hdve a stock of almost every polish made in Can- ada, and the principal American lines, such as WHITTEMORE'S "GILT EDGE," Ete. BUT When you do want your shoes show some wisdom by going to thi place where you can get Yual- ity, 'price and' style combined-- our "shoes are noted for these ties, only the price, and that only thing we are low in. Inspection invited. 4 ARMSTBONG'S, mzizcees emt ore PROOF Is EASY TO FIND. a-- + One thing of great importance * dis covered by the manufacturers of Malt Breakfast Food is a practical way of combining the vegetable digestive ag- ent, Malt Diastase with the choicest quality of wheat, The action of the Malt on the starch of 'the grain supplies the action in which the weakened stomach is de fective, amd the resalt is restored di gestion, pew health and greater wirength. While thousands of dyspeptics and strong people have given the most gonvincing testimony as to the super jority of Malt Breakfast Food over all other breakfast foods, the follow ing lettof from the celebrated «wo ster Kdgerly, president of the Ralston Hentth Club, is worthy of the special Sotiop! of all who would eat to live ' Malt Breakfast Food was duly rece] yer and tested, We think vou have the best breakfast food for im- parting strength that has 'yet been made. We wish all you can send us to : give away for trial. We will soon dis place all oatmeal and other foods in the market within our reach." that vou have tried ati you ame tind, but if wou buve not tried CLARKE'S Ko LA COMPOUND it's a duty vou It's the remedy cured thousands of worsh cases Why wot you All that ia required in for you to wive # a wood Honest treatment. Then comes relief. Think of ft. Semi the Yow, for ple. 8 Bottles for 5, trom. The Griffis & Mae pherson Co, Limited, Toronto, All Drugwists. ---------------------- et oe PUL-M WILL CURE remedies difficuly of breathing, tightness of > T WOME TO 5 Ene a THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, each evenfog, at SUG-B810 King Street, at $6 per year Edinioms at 250 sad. 4 o'clock. : w WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, published every Thursday morning at $l a year. Attached is one of the best Job Frintisg Officns in Canada; rapid, stylish and chosp work, wie fmproved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. tHE DAILY WHIG. MB WHITNEY'S CONFE Hon. Me. Rows, in the specch which he made at Stratford, exposed the mockery of Mr. Whitney the Algoma splendid in his attitude towards Central railway. "We proposed," said Mr. Ross, ferrins to the attitude of the govern went, "te build the Algoma Central railway, and said he would give: a grant of land toward it. Mr. Clergue wanted the railway to open up the country and get material for his mills. In return for the land grant the land was to be settled, smelting works established and other indus tries undertaken. Mr. Whitney oppos ed it, and denounced it as the most { henomenal steal, the greatest at- tempt to public robbery. What did he say three or four years go? He said. We voted against the grant, &w cause 'so far as we could see, and we could not see farther than our noses,' it did not seem to be a good bargain. 'Hore 8 a man who aspired to he 'premier of Ontario," declared Mr Ross, amid loud cheers, 'who admits he could pot see any farther than his nose." Mr. Whitney further said at the Soa the other night that he was amazed at the marvellous develop ment there. He was the man who conld not see farther than his nose, is he must got a can see far re and nll I can say longer pose, so that he ther." The point was well taken. When a person is referred to as the ond who cannot see beyond thé boundaries of his own person it is meant that pow: er of penetration is exceedingly = limit «d. Mr. Whitney does not wait until his shortness of vision is demonstra ted by some one else. He candidly admits his defects, and offers it as an apology for the blunders he has committed, Is he the man the people should put in the pldee of Mr. Ross, who is undeniahly keen and gggres- sive and far-seeing ? A ------ FACTS OF THE CASE. The first sod of the Temiskaming and Northern Ontarip railway has been turned near North Bay. As the engineer's survey of the line is not yet 'completed, nor the money for con- struction raised, the function may be set down as of political rather than industrial intent. Humbug is a great force in Ontario's public affairs. --Mon- treal Gazette, This indifferent representation, is hardly to be expect- ed of a paper which has the standing of the Gazette. It has been suppress. ing in place of elevating the truth. Hon. Mr. Latchiord, the minister of public works, in the speech which he made at, or near North Bay, on the 10th (last Saturday) told how that a week before the engineer who was con- ductihg survey was met jn Tovotito.' We had then," said he, "full data to en- able us to compare the two routes, and it did not take one half hour te of the eastern statement, or mis determine in favour route. As soon as that was sctiled a report was submitted by the council urging construction. The council ap- proved, and we took steps to advertise for tenders for the clearing of the right of way. I can assure you that so far ns I am concerned, and the gov: ernment of which I am a member is concerned, and any other government, is concerned, the construction of this railway must go on. I rejoice with you to-day, and while public life has not many attractions 1 would like to be in public life long enough to attend with you in the other interesting cere mony of driving the last spike. When we have built, and built successfully, as 1 know we shall, thers will be a demand. that the government will continue the work, and after we get to the million of acres. of agriéultural land at Lake Tewmiskaming, proceed to the sixteen million acres of agricul: tural land to the north and north west, and which is for the most part south of the southerly boundary of Manitoba." bi What about the cost of construe tion ? The Gazette infimates. that it has not been provided for. The act, i authorizes the public work, _-- ment are necessary and independent of any election. "Humbug is the great foree in On- tario's public afiairs," says the Ga- zette, It is limited to the opposition, which repudiated the railway in par liament, now supports it, and plains that it ix not being rushed fast com enough. A PARTY MUCH MIXED, Mr. Whitney is hedging. He Leen very severe upon the government for daring to tax the rich corpora tions. Mr, Ross has explained that the tax i» not peculiar to Ontario, and that it does not hurt any jany which pays it. Mr. Ross has further pointed out that when the get suthorizing the collection passed three years ago there was no objection to it. Thé corporations did not "kick." Bat Mr. Whitney has discovered that they should not he For days he denounced the law and gave the peo ple to believe that it should not be tolerated. He certainly gave the party he leads to imderstand that it ought to go. The fol lows that if he had he would repeal it. He suddenly stopped his talk gbout the matter, however.) That was signi fioant. Then he declared that he was not opposed to the tax (this was at Uxbridge), and branded 5 -tatement which reached bim to that effect as an "sbsolute' ard deliberate false hopd."' At the same meeting, and while the echoes of Mr. Whitney's voice could still he heard, Mr. Carstallen, of Hamilton, mtacked the corporations which, he said, dominated the ernment and did not pay their share of the taxes! Here we have the leader of the op- position and the fiith lieutenant ap: pealing to the electors from different platforms. Mr. Whitney has been de- sirous of sparing the corporations, of has com was taxed. inference the chance gov saving them the quarter of a million dollars taxes which they pay anual ly, and Mr. Carscallen has been com plaining that the same corporations are not "soaked" to a very siderable extent. Hadn't the pair better halt in their touring long enough to enijuire where con they are at? WHITNEY AS A DODGER. At Unbridge Mr. Whitney, we told, "assailed the tax gn corpora- tions." He sid, further, that "the government had, by imposing this tax, taken away from the municipali ties a portion of the revenue which they derived corporations. That was one reason why the conser vatives had opposed the bill" Did Mr. Whitnay have his own vote 'and that of his friends in the legisla this hill? Not is correct. 'The law was passed and took effect hy unanimous consent of the house. - Did the municipalities enjoy of the taxes referred to in this law, and did the province hy it, appropri ate any of the revenue formerly going these municipalities ? Not at all That is at once x misconception and are from ture polled against if our information any a misdirection of ideas. "Mr. Whitney has declared against the provincial tax on eorporations," eays the Weekly Sun, "and says that if placed in office he will repeal it. It is not clear whether he would wipe out the tax altogether or whether he proposes simply to, change its destin- ation and provide for its payment in the future to the municipalities in stead of to province, * * H Mr. Whit: ney's proposal is to relieve from fur ther taxation the corporate property which now contributes to the provin cial treasury he will find that public opinion will not support him. * * The principal work of the legislature at its next sepsion should be to adjust them, and put all property-owners, both great and small, upon 5n egal footing." ° Clearly, Mr. Whitney has bad occa: sion to hedge on this question, amd be is doing it with great celerity. AGAINST THE BREAD TAX. The result of the Bury election in England--the defeat of the conserva: tive candidate by an overwhelming majority--is not at all promising to the party. This bye-election was in- fluenced by the tax on wheat and flour. The ery of the opposition was, "Down with the party that will tax our bread." That it has been a po pular cry, that it has permeated and affected the masses, that it is likely [They have" discovered that Mr. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, MAY 15 and the English encaged. It may be said feeling will pass away. Perhaps will. But protection remains-in menti fied flour are concerned--and tae agitation is bound The Sumiay demonstration in London, and parti gipated in by thousands, as a pro- test against the bread tax, imlicates the drift of public opinion. Free trade is the issue in England, and it quite evident it is to remain, and the population has been that the present it a to continue. government of the day will have to | recede from the position it has tak en on wheat and flour or go under in the next election. EMTORIAL NOTES. The country is going liberal. So the city. is Mr. Whitney opposes an export duty on nickel." Mr. Carscallen favours it. Who is running the party anyway ? ---- The registration of voters is not all There fun serious business. is some octgsionally, and it is not all on one} side, dr---- Why should Fort Erie tolerate the prize fights that are illegal in Bui- falo ? Is there no law which can stop A this scandal ? ---- West Middlesex has stood by Mr. Ross for thirty years, and it takes no stock in the conservative ory, "It's time for u change." government began the Ross the "The Ross Temiskaming railway and the government will finish it" says Advertiser. That's right. ------ One day Mr. Whitney against the tax on corporations. The be is not. It is London says he is next day he pretty near time he settled these dif says ferences of opinion, ------ about given up the Whitney has fight. He is going on with his tour, but it is becoming more and more ap parent that be is going to experience the defeat of his life. ---- Mr. Colquhown, late member West Hamilton, the party meeting in Burlington, and was per- to go away back and sit Mr. Whitney failed to see him, " for attended mitted down. The Spectator wanis & "duty on pickles so that Heinz will not send his products into Canada. In which case he will not buy the Burlington vegetables, and the people who grow them may something of a grievance, develop reception at East scene of Mr. Ross' Wil liams, his old home, the his boyhood, of his manhood, his early political life and triamphs, was very And the speech he made was one of the most eloquent of the touching. campaign. People thought they felt a slight jar of earthquake a couple of nights ago. St. John spoke at Weston and threw off voice, which have with several sections of been tearing through the land cyclonic effect. # a------ A happy thought comes from Hamil ton, andl the Spectator office. It is to the effect that the Whig go into the pickling business. The Whig is in it It is pickling the yarns and putting them away so already. every day, that they may keep from spoiling. A candidate The Ontario, threat in North in Mr. Whitney's presence, clared that with a change of govern ment hali the public officials would be dismissed. He might have added, "but they will be replaced with con servatives !" new conservative a speech in de- Made A Good Address. St. Catharioes Journal Rev, A. bk. Lavell, BA. delivered 4 splendid lecture in the Methodist church, Thorold, on "Life in Kingston Penitentiary." The clever speaker was Hstenod to by a very appreciative audience. He went into the different phases of the Huily lives of the con- victs and * shownd wha was being done for them socially and morally, to better their condition. How They View It. Premier Ross was right when at Stratfond, referring to the liberal vie tory in the prowinge, he said "Tow world rolls into Tht, Tin davireak everywhere," The Ottawa Citigen on the other hand bewailing the sad fate of con servatives, ceomrks, 'Work for the wight is coming." BR JAAR Shirts Are The Test. Of a man's temper] Ours are made right in every way. White or colored, stiff or soft, S0c,, 75c., $1. The H. D. Bibby Co. -------------- enry Canniff, Belleville, died on Woineday, at FP here he had is | -- THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR | QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read And Remembered by the Deas Public. The U.P.R. steamer Hartney, was | burned, Wednesday night. Jacob Hoffman, a respected citizen of Port Hope dropped dead. Maj Snelgrove, Cobourg, was elect ted grand regent of the Royal Arcan um, grand coupcil for Omtario. It is announced that Frank A Mun sev, of New York, is to be the Brom ley lecturer at Yale umiversity in the coming academic year, It is said the government is negoti ating with tie U.1.R. for the estab lishment of a ling of fast Atlaniic steamers to compete with the Morgan combine. : An estimate of the voting of the local unions of the Pennsylvania coal miners on the guestion of the strise states that 95.500 favored striking, form, so far as wheat and | {and 48.100 opposed this course. The bill to incorporate the Ortho- dox-Russo-Greek church was killed in the senate on Wednesday, the speakers ruling against the acceptance of pe titions fo patisthent from aliens. Marquis Li, eldest son and heir of the late Li Hung Chang, is dead at the age of forty, leaving a son, aged twenty-one, to inherit the uitle and great wealth of the first marquis A despatch from Rangoon, British RBurmah, says that a lifeboat belong ing to the British steamer Camorta, overdue at that port from Madras, has been picked up in the Bay of Pen gal. The Gerjan steamship Sakkarah. Capt. Peduning; from Valparaiso, for Hamburg, is a total wreck on Huani blin island. Chili. The cargo includes £1.500,000, which the government of Chili had remitted to financial agents in Europe. Daring the progress of the fete in honor of cardinal Bacilieri, of Rar dolino, near Verona, on Wednesday, an anarchist fired a shot from a rifle at the cardinal, who was stand ing at a window of Guerrieri palace watching the procession, but failed to hit him. The would-be assassin was arrested. TIDAL WAVE AT PICTON. Witnessed By Judge Merrill While Out in the Afternoon. Picton Gazette On Tuesday, 6th inst., about 5:30 p.m., standing on the walk near my boat house I noticed the tide coming in very fast. In about five minutes the water of the harbor had risen about twenty inches. It was shove the end of my water walk, and nearly level with my boat house floor, a height not before reached in many years. The harbor presented a rather unusual appearance, the water reach ing nearly to the tops of the wharves in some places. At about 535, or a very few minutes after that, the water to recede, and séon the tide was rushing out with considerable force, the harbor having more the character of a rapid running river than of a quiet bay a= usual. In about twenty minutes or hy six o'clock, the water had gone down fullyptdhizty in ches by actual measurement, the like of which, 1 will venture to say, has not happened here bejore in thirty wears. Considerable stretches of mud were suddenly left exposed along the inner part of the harbor near my tim ber frontage, the water being lower than at any time since the lowest last fall. In about five minutes more the tide began to return, but the water of the harbor did not again reach normal Jevel for a couple of honrs or so. The wind was moderate, about north-east erly The sky was mostly clouded over and had the appearance of a coming storm. A heavy storm of wind and rain did actually follow in the night. began \ Ending Of A Double Life. Lewiston, Idaho, May 15.-<A special from Orofino, lduho, tells of the death there, by suicide, of Dr. ¥. J. Lead prook and Miss Minnie Booth, the n'ntécn-year-old daughter of Rev G. M. Booth, Moscow, Idaho The couple arrived there and spent the night at the hotel. On the following evening they attended the Epworth league meeting and returned to the hotel. They did not appear the next morning, and when their room was woken open at noon the girl was found dead on the bed. Leadbrook was a married man and wealthy. He was the physician of the girl's family. He came from Minne ota about a year ago and became acquainted with Miss Booth. She was a school teacher It Cost Money. Many 'a man has spent all his earn ings in trying to get rid of rheuma- tism, It cost James Davison, Ocon to, Ont., between $1,000 and $2,000 before he tried Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure. He was a helpless invalid for six years but suffered from sciatica in his hip joint for ten years. Six bot: thes cured him completely and he is now working his farm. This great blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten days' treatment. Price 50 conts at Wade's drug store. To Give Greater Protection. Glasgow, May 15.-The preparations for laying down the keels of four Bri tish cruisers have been stopped for the {present as the admiralty has decided to lengthen the vessels with a view of following greater thickness of armour protection. The change will be made, of corse, of wewly invented forged steel caps for a armour-piercing shells. ------_--_---- "2 For }. Bibby's at $6.50, $7.00, $10. The HB. D. Bibby Con Friday and Saturday We Offer Greater Inducements Thaa Ever, A Big Dress Goods Sale. 5 SPECIAL LOTS, 50c, and 756¢ Fancy Goods for 25c¢, 50¢ Cashmeres for $] 25and 81.50 su 35¢. itings for $1. $2 Black Suitings for $1 50 yard. 75¢. Fancy Biack Goods for 50c. Tweed Tailor-made Suits, Skirt Flare Fiowtses; Women's Jacket Lined, Lined, $3. Women's Black Rateen Underskirts, Frills Pleats, $1.25. 81.50. $1.75 cach. and Embroideries, 27 Pieces, value 8c. yd. for Se. yd. Regular Leather Chatelaine Bags, big value at dbo, 63, 750, $1, Boy's Hdavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, 13. 180. 2e., 25c., ghair. 3 Special Lots of F age, 25¢. for 124 for Ble. wers and Poli. bbe, for 2We., $1 Trimmed Hate, 82. 82275 £3.50 each, vik White and Colored Taffeta Rilibon 4 in. wide, 124c 36 in. Dress. Muglips, 6e vl Women's Neckware 81 jor Be. See our lines in Women's yand Chik dren's Cashmere and Cotton Hose. Velvet Bolts, 10 STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, Hs and Ss pn ti Don't Get the Idea Inte Your head that we can't fit you with a suit. Many Stout men give up "ready-made" cloth- We bring them re- and Slim ing in despair. lief. We promise to fit everyone, diréctly from our stock--possibly 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, _-- a little alteration in ticularly severe cases some, par. We'll sur- prise you with the clothes, well as with the prices Suits at $6.50, $7.50, $10 and $12.50. in Mr. Odd Sise and see what we can do for you. Come SLL LL0t00N TH E [SRE PRICE) H. D. BIBBY CO., "OAK HALL] Springs and -- Mattresses For Comfort and Ease. JAMES RE THERE'S COMFORT In good fitting clothes. We are very careful when measuring. That's why our garments look and fit well. J. R. Johnston, «+4 TAILOR. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OR CANADA. A NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY IS NOW in oovres preparation. Orders for pew | additions! eqmipunent, shanows of firm pemes, duplicate nutes, eto. shouki be Dace at. oven to insure sertion in this H. W. SNELLING, Local Mansewr 1902 Kingston, May Tih, Dr, Cowan PILES spodily become a mat ter of history, alter this les! I oihviment is spplied. Al you have to do is 0 bup the fowls reguine wend v the owiment. 14 eure Pa discussing farther Tey it e. wt Droggiete or owt The Gridiths o& . mw Coo Lindted, Toronto. . REAL ESTATE. a on a LL Hard To Get Along Without that spring top coat, cold what we can do for you Suith's White Liniment is the mont Iason Yhoumativn, , Be. at It ix estimated that 12000 ~ Paria: ge Try our oslobrated Lock Weave Bpring, two grades, 32.50 and 84 50 Algo our Laundry Beagrase and Wool Map frasses, in fancy stripe tickin wiv $2.50. These are noted for durability For Polishing Furniture use Restorer. Have votir repairing Herculea out Furniieere and upholstering done mera Af mins 1D'S, The Leading Undertaker. oo -- AjMatter Of Wisdom. It le foolish to wear glace raed them It is worse than il vou do The latter course fmve more or less serious | noo nature of the eyes' defec We will wil you whether glasses you do not foolish not to wear them rived or not SMITH BROS.. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. -- Qe - A wn -~ = OQ A Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES » Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak : and other Woods. is. ANGLIN & CO, Foot of Wellington Street, 0000000000000 00000 A--------------_ "Elephant" That name stands for the BEST READY-MIXED PAINT on th: market. You get it at STRACHAN'S HAKDW ss W. NEWLANDS, REE gia, Se ee em 2 - Store, semmer Priccess snd

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