WHIG. mm LAST EDITION S9TH YEAR. XO. 112. HALL RACKS KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1902 TENDENCY 10 CREDIT. ARE COMING 10 CANADA 3 Statement That Peace Prospects Some Fifty (Thousand Americans Not Very Rosy, The influx of Aricany in London To Move Over continues unabated. . ot Archbishop Corrigan is said to have WIICHENER 15 PREPARED ===: "0 CANADIAN TERRITORY All the anthracite cod! companies have stopped selling coal owing to the strike, WHAT IS THOUGHT TO BE IN STORE. wed --- - - WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronta, Oni, {10 san) May 18~Falv today on Wudnesday: stationary or slrghily LF Lomhiera Lee, 2 LACE. Somebody has aptly said, "ig the most poetic of all textile tise | In any event its praises have been sung in verse. So far from veiling beauty, it surrounds SURVIVED THE GALE. Could PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. King Oscar, of Sweden, is a popular guest in Paris. LOCAL MEMORANDA. -------- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Cramiey's wid sugitner millinery opening to morrow. Like u letter, & mas often Suds Mis place be merely Tollowjng directions. The sucess of what & man follows is de termined by the. Jide be Jepds. A man goes aod makes & name for bis wolf, aod thes be gives i t0 u woinas, Never do anvibiow wretis to-diy that some one is likely to pay you to do $6 mor row. Sell made wen, like homemade furniture, may be stromy and reliable, but the polish is usunily melting, Saw Warship in Distress; Not Give Aid. Vietoria,"" B.C, "May 12 Robert Marshall, a boat puller on the schoon er Mary Taylor, one of the sealing schooners which has not yet returned to port, in a letter to a friend hore says referring to the loss of the sloop of war Condor, which went down in a gale off Cape Flattery in. December fait, that one of the schooners saw her in distress, but could nop get near ber, She was firing guns and rockets, I it is true that & schooner was in the vicinity at the time she is the only vessel which survived the pale, TO PROCEED IF THE BOERS WANT MORE WAR. Miss Bessie Abbott has been honor ed by president Loubet at a musicale at the Elysee, Paris. Paal Leicester Ford and Malcolm Webster Ford were buried in Sleepy Hollow cemetery, near New York. < ¢ Sues. Not Becoming Citizens Just Yet-- Rapid Progress To Normal Times J. H. Haslam Predicts Great- in South Africa--An Announce- Flower latival snd comedy farce, "Wood oork's Little Game," diy bull, Mav 20th 25¢. and Bbe. Plan at Uglow's, Thorsday. ment That Gave Great Satis faction--Abandonment Of Ad- NM. and Mme. Humbert, principals in a notorious French will cave, are be er Increase in Migration From Dakotas. the collier Mattewan and the Condor having both been lost in it. Up to the it with a filiny aureole of such ap propriateness as to have inspired many poets. It is the one costly wear which never wulgarises. Jewels, worn without 'judgment, can be renders ed offensive to good taste in their too apparent glitter, but lace in its comparatiyely quiet richness never obtrudes itsel!, and is re coguized in its true worth only by those of superior taste. Here are a few makes : : Irish Piinst, Carrick- macross, Alencons, Vene= tians, Black Chantillys, Escurials, Appliques. Valenciennes, mostly French. Torchons, in reals and imitas tions. : High novelties in Caudry goods, Point de Paris, Mirecourts Le Puy goods. y Collars, Scarves, Berthas, God in real and imitations of order, are in . in particulsy present no ope has been seen who saw either go down Another of the crew of the steamer Kinshiu Maru, which was sent to quarantine last week, is down with smallpox. Chicago, May. 13.-- Fifty thousand Americans will move from the United States this year to northwest Cana da," says J. H. Haslam, of Winni- peg, who has been here for several days on business. "They will da this not because they dislike the United States, but because an extraordinary land movement is {aking place, and it is affecting your farming populs- tion living between the one hund- rexith parallel and the state of Ohio. "Your overflow sopulation is after our good Canadiar farming lands, and the effect this movement may have in Americanizing northwest Canada pro- mises to be far reaching.' Mr. Haslam is the largest individual land owner, probably, of Canada. "I will admit," save Mr. Haslam, "that we Canadians have heen a lit- tle slow. Our development has not been markedly fast until recently. We have not cordially welcomed foreign ers, but the American we like to take in and make one of us, For years in the region west of Win- nipeg the American farming imple ments, machinery and other manu- factures have been rapidly taken hv our people. Your trade with ns last vear was $10,000,000 and ours $45, 000,000, "Northern IHinois farmers, lowa farmers, farmers from southerm Min nesota, are buying our unimproved lands at $4 to $8 an acre pr taking improved lamds at $35 oid £40 an acre. "They are bringing American push and ingenuity to Canadian soil, und the heavy influx is likely to change not only the physical features of the Canadian northwest, but political complexions and economic conditions. "These new settlers are not becom: ing Canadian citizens at present. That will come to a certain extent after a while. But they are bringing Ameri ean money and courage and brains to join with the courage and brains of the picneers of our coantry, and the movement is literally by train loads, without any particular encouragement the railwey companies, hg "It ought to bring about a closer bond of sympathy between this coun: try and Canada and lead to rveciprovi- ty. The balance of trade is in your favor; it must remain so, and the in tevests of the two lands, while under different governments are much the tar same, 3 "Winnipeg is to become the St. Pot. Sry imdote guvsenment stoner ershurg of this continent--the great food," medicine." a reddic ot ani and ] AW of the north. It iw modern in Silives "0 aid' the. Martiniaue irvie every sense of the word and growing YOrs 8 ¥ rapidly. Even though wa lack To . way competition and the railways Anthony Kemper, a wealthy New have poh 4 in grasping the situa Yorker, whose mind had been affected tion our. growth has. been healthy by worrying about real estate, com- ne: Tittle Et of phonon - i" mitted suicide by inhaling illuminating | "75g =H ran ial on ZR, : : large as Austria, France and Germany A train loaded with naptha explod- pre gle slong rl in the same latitude. ed at Pittsburg. Twenty persons were | our winters are not severe, our Suni killed nnd 200 so badly burned that mers delightful. We raise magnificent seventy five percent. are not expected potatoes, the best wheat on earth, to live. and experiments with corn at Fargo The Montreal moulders have ageeed indicate that we may yet have that to submit their demands for increas: cereal dif , od. wages to arbitration. Between 400 | ow. ean grow apples, we have the and 3500 men are concerned In the | ju timber, as much iron as there is : y in Northern Minnesota and soft coal In Chieavo the Thpited States OV" | of excellent quality, Our grasing lands ernment filed ita' petition for an in| G0" 00 rich and we export cattle to Junction restraining the beef trust England." from violating the interstate com- merce law, M. Corpelv, in hie politionl review estimates the French ministerial ma jority at ninety, the suceess of which, he save. places M. Waldeck Roussesn in a dilemma. The parliamentary following of the rovernment will probably entertain the premier to a banquet to take place upon Bir Wilfrid Lanrier"s re i -------- ' torn from Europe in the fall. WHAT DR. GRANT THOUGHT, | The government has notified the parties She were asking for an in Felt arly Wey Last crease In the assistance given hy the Contingent Was Sent. government to dry docks; that thore © Ottawa, May 13.--Dusi of a eul lieved 10 have sailed for New York, An attack by land and sea by Vene suelan goverument troops amd gun- boats on thé town of Carupano failed. Hon. A. F. Randolph, New Bruns wick, stricken with paralysis on Sa turday, ix in 4 precarious condition. Among the innumerable dances set in London society, that of the duchess of Westminster is expected to be the ball of the season. The engineer of the Roraima, which exploded at St. Pierre, is a Montreal man, He is now in the hospital at Fort De France. Republican leaders in the United | States senate are aceunsed of conspiring sss lsiefe) eB slolele Beware Of Promisers. ditional Stamp Duty. London, May 13.--Arnold Forster's | announcement, yesterday, in the com- mons, that the agreement between the admiralty and the White Star com pany, for the retention of certsin ves- sels as armed British cruisers was shout to be renewed for three years gave the liveliest satisfaction in the lobby. It is believed the agreement entered into with the two big Ger man steamship lines, by the prome- ters of shipping trust, is confined ex- clusively to the north Atlantic trade. Inquiries in Manchester do not can- firm the réport current that Morgan is endeavoring to purchase the Manches- ter ship canal. There, was a tendency on the stock exchange yesterday to eredit the Times' statement that peace prospects in South "Africa are not after all very rosy. There is little doubt, however, that if the ballot boxes at Vereniging declare for the war, lord Kitchener is prepared to give the voters their de- sive. Rapid progress is being made in the return to normal times in South Af rica so far as the Johannesburg gold industry is concerned. The Rand gold outpit for last month reached the to tal of 119.588 ounces, an increase of 5,461 ounces over the March om pat The total fox the four months of cur This duy in the works Death of Lint. Col. Cosby, of 'the * Bighlanders, Toronto! destruction of Dr Talmave's tober: nacle, Brooklyn, 1894, loss $1.000,000; Aves Boleyn beboaded, 1885; pops Pius 1X born, 1792: slavery wholished i Brasll, 1888: Gen. Joubert, communder of the lotees of the Traswvasl. lected vieepresident of the re public, 189%. § VHouse-cleaning Over, You Need a New CHAMBER SFT. Gome To Us dnd Save 20 PER CENT, ' Is Your Time. gt. oe. (ROBERTSON BROS, [= B'nai ie ge 1, aie Cos, 8 , Will ® ache for 'ny ew piano 136,469 outices. » ' -- Some men are now promis- E06 plirchuse. Satisfaction was expressed in bank- : Sprit : r in ban ~ 3 tava : A M atter ing and other business circles last ing thing in 'sight and ® Of Wi isdom. ow $30 in excharew for any time fired six evening when it became known that Sir Michael Hicks-Beach had announce Tt in foolish to wise glasses if vou do not need them. ed that the abandonment of addition 16 is worse thaw foolish mot to wear them de. READY FOR EMBARKING. The Steamer Corinthian Sails On May 22nd. Halifax, N.S., May 13.-The Allan line steamer Corinthian, the third trooper to convey the 6th regiment of Canadians to South' Afnca, ar rived in port last night fm Liver pool. She broughy pearly 200 pas sengers and a large quantity of freight. The Corinthian is afl fitted up ready to take horses and men on board at once. She is scheduled to sail from Halifax, for Cape Town, oa Nay 20nd. Maj.-Gen. Parsons, commanding the imperial forces in Canada, will leave Halifax for Vietoria, B.C., on Satur day, for the purpose of bmpecting the defences there, Particular attention will be paid to an examingtion of the fortifications at Esquinauit, Gen Parsons may stop off en route. at (On tawa, for a vigit of a few davs to lord Minto. Leading conservatives are Promising to secure land grants for volunteers. They are making delusive bids. The Ross government ar- ranged for these grants as a free will to the veterans, and the commissioner of crown lands is signing the certificates now. He alone is the issuer, and he will be the issuer after the elec- ¥on, for the Ross govern- ment is as sure of its re- Cs ad KIRKPATRICK'S AR STORE PLEA NOT ADMITTED. Wanted Divorce Because of Wife's ons, Advanced Opinions. Paris, May 13.--~M. Duval sued jar a divorce chiefly on the ground of his wife's advanced opinions which she propagates, urging that women owe no obedience to their husbands. The court dicided the plea was in valid, in spite of the article of the legal code on wives' obligations, but admitted as a ground for divorce her insulting remarks about the French army, M. Duval being a reserve officer, M. Harduin, the Matin's witty lead- er writer, disapproves of the court's decision, declaring that the judges pro hably disregarded the law because they feared what™ their own wives wah ld say, . T™ Presbyterian General Assembly. New York, May 13.-Arrangements have been completed for the meeting of the one hundred and fourteenth Pres byterian general asseminy, which will begin here on Thursday morning. It will be the largest gathering of repro sentatives of this great denomination that has been held in the century of that CAT Wor, g its existence. Nearly 1,000 delegates The LINTMENTS maoty all che ta have received credentinle, and. these Suintite of what » o ; will represent 225 presbhytories and £T owe 3S oi vravdmutber, : nearly thirty synods It will be, hy : is "oe pro Patnily down en. Ayr moreover, a cosmopolitan assemblage, Hiaser, ued Internals . oa: for full-blooded Indians will sit side by 8 teroully, wal mever full to kill side with missionaries from China, In every pain. Lard boides S50 1 canlors, W . OFFICE bood's _ Drag every conceivable stock; and collars promise to be. ® oman ° Cablaet Grand CEEREIPIEREERLEIEEEEEE aned little, tune fact ht ¥ pew and » are the Stan Exchange, 876 al stamp duty on checks. The Right Hon. W. J. Pirrie, man- aging director of Harland & Wolff, soouts the idea that any national in- terests of this country are menaced by the Atlantic shipping combine. It is understood that it has been de cided to equip British war vessels in future with a combination of system of boilers, one-fifth being of cylindrigal and fourdiths' of water tube type. he directors of China mutual steam navigation company have received an offer for their property. Although the offer is made hy Liverpool ship-owners it is rumqred that the real buyer is James J, Hill, of Northern Pacific rallway company, HAS SE ; CENTURY. Mrs. O'Brien, Bathurst, Celebrates Her One Hundredth Birthday. Perth, Ont., May }2.~One hundred years ago, Wednesday, an infant girl IAS OPENED OUT A was horn in county Tyrone, Ireland, } 04 218 Ontario street, KINGSTON, 26th May, al | ¢ and the celebration of the completio d n grocery, and will Rect a FAIR GROUNDS. oy that ong period occurred on the Sokal nos . rien omestead, in the township roe ns ed MILITARY RNANENT. oh patie, on that day. This girl TOU ENT ary MeGowan, and in HORSE RACES, 2:28, 2:80 AND RUN. 1816 she came to Canada with her NING RACES. parents, the family settling first = in LACROSSE MATCHES. " this town, and then moving to the a. 8 Heddon Si, BASEBALL MATORES. | township of Bathurst, whers Miss 3. MW Excursions on all hoats ard tring. Iw a b | 2 fruit teen 3 k re hw von Bn Gowan was married about seventy-five J. MORGAN SHAW, WW. H. GODWIN, : years ago to Thomas O'Brien, who ANTED. n President, Beoretary. passed away four years ago. The cere- KINGSTON SKATING RINK mony was performed | v. Fr. Me- Donnell, of Perth. To the tied pale THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 32, AT 8 O'CLOCK. were born the following children: Dirert From Teiwmpbal Tour of Groat Britain George, Seattle, Wash; John, Michi- mn; and Mrs. Joseph Brodeur, Bed SOUSA wo <1 BAND "The March King" JON PRILIP MO0RA of Press, Ottawa, is a grandson. Mrs. y CONDUCTOR, LUCILLE JOUELYN O'Brien's friends in the vicinity of the home celebrated the ocourrence by MARGUERITE DE FRITSCH is ARTHUR PRYOR... cov si 3. To defeat the measures most desired by president Roosevelt. Decorations of West End private houses for the coronation, says a Lon- don despatch, are planned on the most elaborate seale. Charles M. Schwab, John W. Gates and judge Gary, New York, announce a $40,000,000 pool in steel castings, to act with the steel (rust. Mr. and Mrs." Howprd Gould, with wo hundred of their employees, die mach to t the destruction Port Wailington, LL, by fire, King Edward has sent 25,000 francs (35,000) as his contribution to the fund being raised for the relief of the sufferers from the Martinitue disns- in new plano at Kingston evenings, MACNADGHTON <A: 107 » Ringsiom, May 13h, to Momgoubion & son Bagot #trogty Prod. and Mra, 0 A NEW THI NE [18 Now 'in conse of $0 4 new Somtwetionk; di eaitwsent, Hine firm munes, dUPlioss Betoes, ote. ob placed at once to instire fusertion in hs book, . HW SNELLING. 1908, ay | St. VICTORIA DAY Kingston, May Tih, ite x ¢ ped The dia, Japan, Africa, Siam, Korea and _ other remote parts of the world, and NEWLANDS 5 4 hy the blackest of the colored race from the south will fraternize with the lead ARCHITECT." ers of religious thought in the north BECOND FLOUR GYR + About one third of the delegates are tore, corser Privo. a guests of hospitable residents of New York, while the remainder are quarter ed in the leading hotels of the city H if COMFORTABLE treote. ENTRANCE ON RAGOT STRENN, Or. 0. W, Daly's Destal Office An Editor's Calamities, ie Mad, when Sy Windaor, Omt., May 13.--Milles White, editor of the Exeter Times, is dead at his brother's home, here, af tor saflering all winter. While walk. ing along the sidewalk he shipped and broke his left leg. Several days later, Together. hie right leg snapped near the thigh, London, May 13.-A bond of com: | while be lay in bed mon giliction had drawn British ad > - France more closelv together. The manguis of Ripon spoke, on behalf of x ing Be she British, when in the house of 5 a Fishing soda, wy lords, last evening, he expressed sym- Scrubbing hn Be pathy with France on the oceasion of I stick electric Paste the terrible disaster in Martinique. Corner Johmiton ~ The lord mayor is in communis: streets tice with the colonial and foreign of er fives in referenid to the question of . A dsrateh in the Ottawa Citizen, opening o relief hud hove, bug, up fo The arrangements for the national | ulleced 10 hove been sent from King- the present, nothing has been settled | S0ulerence of drities. and" carte | op says "Lhe Kingston lovonio. It is impossible 10 state exactly what | 108. in Detroit, from Mav 2h to | (ive works compsny, contrady to steps will be taken until further per- June Bred, are complete and opportn- | eovic ne of the alien labo law, is ticulurs are received, but it jx felg | Pity is offered the philanthropic work importing foreigners (8 tale the phiben that the appalling condition of things | £7 of Outario to attend, On 4 certi of the strikers to do work on gov. in' Martinique calls for prompt assis firate from J. J, Kew, Toronto, the | wnment contra locomotives." The t from the British government. railway rate enst of Toronto will be | jnghmomment: here says the sory ind : a fare and one-third, There gre com: | ponn bine. No persons | have yet mitioes on the care of destitute and | quien the places of the striking mas neglected children, juvenile delin Hinata. Gents, prison reform, charity sreani Tomperat u Tonndis ration, care of the feehle-minded and | oun a . a ae aie epileptics, insanity, relied of needy | init and ee sucessfully. We have families, ete. italic ui feilitien for doing bot | ¢ ue eles cago ists are building sn . Yak i ght ae . ng an has, The Clakibod nilk compmny. mghield and smmounee they will i have several miles of it pleted this season. J NALD. A2PLY IN sirees. bd 2 MES. JANES Sireets. WASHING © Street. IR RIDEAU KING: Apply Capt, -- May Investigate Bee! Trust. Chicago, May 13.0t is expected that the federal grand jury, whichi as rembled to-day, will take an intlepets dent part tnvestigating ib had of the packers, particularly "th part denling with the accsptance of rebates 3 from the railroads. While they praetice Mullin's List For This Week. cu med wines the recent filing of the injunction bill, that fact dows not hae from indicting for past offenses, The report is that the grand jury will n Be least consider the mater fromm and Division | criminal standpoint COMMON AFFLICTION. Has Brought Britain And France presenting her with many gifts, after which a grand supper was provided for the guests. Mrs. O'Brien is still remarkably healthy and active, never required a physician's attemdance and fan see to read without glasses. | WITH Btaart ¥ Sule of seats opms SATURDAY MORNING. Ma Hoth, a% Untow's Book Stare 0 f coasts seetesneee will he no change in the statute this : | eulogy on Rev. Dr. Grant Sun session. The twa large barns of Bl Balan: Ee Ema act, letter, "eoeived from Dr. gor. six miles west 6f CRatNam. Ont, : by, fh on Mondav, ont, only a few eom- were p with their contents. The Toss is 827. 000. A % child and matches 1 em the Aon. - a souncil of Ontario of the Reo) Fone oon will open in Wand. ton jo-motrow morning. Akout seven ty-fiwe delégates are expected. The will be banoveted » al to Base ball On Monday. American lengweAt Detroit, 5; Chi- cago, 4. At Uleveland, 2; St. Lows, J. At Philpdelyhin, 2; Boston, 8 At Baltimore, 9: Washington, 4. National le At Pittsburg, 4; Boston, 2. At Cincinnati, 5; Philadel this, 5. At Chicagu, 0: Br At St. Louis, 2 ) ork Fas league A "Hinist. 10 ror rich © eerrmnan ty The Strasbourg A Pattern of Sterl < Si ' SPOONS, FORKS, Ele... is graceful and p sting res fnement and simplicity. Ne carry a complete iv pation: | AC AOMSTON ¢ 00.f