rT ---- 69TH YEAR. NO. 109, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1902, E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. LAST EDITION LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkine my better, Rend Livisuwion's sdvi on lest page. short, The ned of as excuse in the stepmother of mvention All day Seturday, grest hat bergeins at Camptell Brow. Crosby & Thormton's orchestra ssssmbly Whig hall this evening. The contagion of ao great spirit is the '| greatest form of education, CELEBRATION The roar of the lion ean be beard farther than the sound of any other ving creature. Longshoretoen ve. Oddiellows, frst league game, cricket field, to-morrow aflernoon. "Yeu," enid bis wife, petulopily. "HM I don't get we bonnet | wan't I'll keep vou in hot water" "Then you'll find I'm like au egg, aod thet hot water will hasden me This dav in the worlds history: Boer delegates at New York, 1900; Stonewall Juckwon died, 1568; 101 houses Burned at Hull, Que, 1886; capture of Batoche, 1685: Hon George Brows died, 1880. Loronatio mers The Latest, Just Qut. It takes the editor to meke n long story | '| Bt. DEATH BY EARTHQUAKE Town OF St Pierre Martinique, Wipcd Out THOUSANDS WERE KILLED A STEAMSHIP LOST WITH ALL ON BOARD. : Another Report Says the Town Was Destroyed by the Vol- canic Eruption -- The Steamer Lost Belonged to Quebec. London, May 9.~ihe earthquakes in Martinique destroyed the town of St. Pierre. Almost all its inhabi- tants, 25,300, were killed. The ship- ping was wrecked and the Quebec steamship company's steamer lo raima was lost with all on board. A despatch to the-Times, from Et. Thomas, confirms the report that' St. Pierre, Martinkfue, and its inhabi- tants, with all the shipping in the harbor, have been totally destroyed by a volcanic eruption. A despatch to the Daily Mail, from St. Pierre, Martinique, dated Thurs day, stated that the eruption of Mount Pelee continued. The Guerin factory was overwhelmed with boiling mud on Monday. Twenty-four per sons are known to have been killed. The despatch added that there had been no earthquakes up to the time the despatch was sent. Not Likely Many On Board. New York, May 9.--The Quebec line steamship Roraima, reported lost with all on board, in the harbor of Pierre, Martinifpe, sailed hearse on April 26th for West Indian ports, with ga general eargo and passengers, most of whom, it is thought, landed PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. W. M. Horsey, former mayor, has heen appointed police magistrate at Bowmanville. * The Toronto typographical - union has come to a satislactory arrange ment with the various newspaper pub. fishers, > West Simcoe liberals have nominat- ed William Williams, Collingwood, who will give his answer in a couple of days. Lieut. -Col. J. P. McMillan, Guelph, will likely go a veteran of 66 ed out of Halifax o'clock on Thursday evening. will have two candidates ent were is A TP SE oe Sir John's Opinion. Sir John Carling, speak- ing at the convocation of the Western university, London, a couple of years ago, said of our school sys- tem : 'It is the best in No other can ee -------------------------- ize: at Levis, on May 20th, and sai on the Parisian on June 7th. A. E. Hagerman, manager of Yonge street branch of the Ontarie bank, Toronto, Toronto manager of to England with the coronation contingent. He is The troopship Cestrian with the Ca- nadian mounted rifles on board pass- harbor at eight It is announced that the socialists in Hamil ton, Lockhart ¥. Gordon, in the cast, and ero feos in the west. Onders for te coronation conting- at Ottawa on Thurs day night. The contingent will mobil- ------------------------------ the has been appointed of the new Sover- THE SHIPPING COMBINE The Text Of The Agreement Is Published. LINES CONCERNED IN II THE CUNARD COMPANY LIKE. LY TO BE ABSORBED, The Capitalization of the New Concern--The Big Slice That the Organizers Are to Pull Out for Their Service--An Ar- rangement Made With the Bel- fast Firm. London, May 9.~The text of the agreement between Mr. Morgan and the steamship companies, which have entered the great shipping combine, is published to-day. It is noted that the vompanies concerned are the White Star, Dominion, Atlantic Transport, Leyland and Rigards, Mills & Uo. The Cunard line does not appear in the. list, but a belief still exists that it will, eventually, be absorbed. The object of the agreement is stated to be the acquisition, before December 31st, of the maritime properties and business of the companies named by a corporation to be organized by J. P. Morgan & Co., under the laws of the state of New York or any other state of the American union. It Has been announced that the total capacity of the new corporation is $170,000,000, of which 860,000,000 is ten per cent. common stock, $60, 1{ 000,000, six per cent. cumulative, pre ferred, and $30,000,000 four and one- half per cent. debentures. The valua » | tion of the properties to be acquired is fixed at ten times 'the net income of the companies for the year 1900. The receive for their services THE MINERS WAITING. For the Operators to Decide as to Arbitration. Scranton, Pa, May 9-The execu tive. committee of the United mine workers met, in secrel session, at Car penters' hall, at 9:15 o'clock, this morning. President John Mitchell de clared that so far as he was able w say the situation was unchanged. Me refused to say whether or not he had received any replies from the anthra cite operators on the arbitration pro weal made at yesterday's conference 'he whole situation now rests apoa the operators' replies and is very un certain. The Answer Received. . Scranton, Pa., May 9.~The anthra| 'cite operators have refused to arbi' trate. The miners representatives are considering the advisability of a strike. GERST PAYS $1,000. He Pleaded Guilty to Misappro- priating Money. Buffalo, May 9.--Formur city treas urer. Philip Gerst, indicted for com- phicity in the defaleations in his of fice, which resulted in his bondsmen being forced to make good to the ex- tent of about $40,000, pleaded guilty to violating section 470 of the pena! code, which provides that any official who missppropriates public money, or causes others to misappropriate it, is guilty of 4 felony. There were thirteen indictments against; him. The specific indictment to which he pleaded charged him with anpropriating 865. On motion of district attorney Penney the other in dictments were dismissed Gerst was fined 81,000, which - he raid, and was released. AN UNIDENTIFIED BODY. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, -- Toronto, Omit, May Sh, (10 sm Sues winds and gales to-day. RoTibwest to apith, geowrally fair, smd ecol, » wight. Saturday fair smd cool Goodness Of This Store Shows Not here or there, but every- where, in every part of the build: ing, the real excellence and econ omy of Steacy"s Merchandise must at once appeal to all dis erimiinating shoppers. e are experts in the matter of store keeping, and are ever busy with modern ideas, like the skilled art st who is inspired to new touches Do you wonder why so many buyers turn to this store ? Because there's character in every 'bit of merchandise, . be cause there are also the Virtues of newness, individuality and fairest prices. New Shirt Waigts. New Underskirts. KINGSTON, 26ih May, af ihe FAIR GROUNDS. : eign bank, and will assume his duties June lst. The government well-boring machine, while boring for water at Portage ia Prairie, Man., struck a bed of coal at Morgans Remains Had Been in Water Some Weeks. Toronto, May 9.~Farly thissmorn- ing the bodv of & man was found on before the steamship reached Martini- que. She was reported sailing from St. Thomas for St. Croix on May 9nd. From St. Croix she was sche 850,000,000 of debentures, $2.500.600 of preferred stock, and $35,000,000 of common stock. The agreement with Harland & Wolff New New Hosiery and Gloves. White Underwear. New Tailor «+ Made Separate - MILITARY. TOURNAMENT RACES, 2:28, 280 AND RUN- NING RACES, 2 LACROSSE MATCHES. ; BASEBALL MATCHES. Excursions on BI boats and trains. J. MORGAN SHAW, W. KH. GODWIN, President, Seorvtary ~NEW BUTCHER SHOP. A gon co Kin Bure wes | --------------------------------------------. A ------------------------------------------ i ee B, a ---------------- er ------------ A FEW SNANT GIRIS AND ONE SMART work. Apply KINGS AH vi TON Ss, WTH at 94 Smart et A GENERAL SERYANT BY, JUNE 3ND. Good - A FROM 20TH MAY Mest hate AL OF THEY h The «| due ROBERTSON BROS. FHSAA, If you see a man with a pleasant smile on his face, ¥ ' make up your mind he has#® ;on one of those comfortable Registration of Manhood Suf- frage Voters. THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS FOR Subdivisions Nos. 1, 2 8 snd 4 will beid co the evening of the 12th inet. in commit room, adjoining the al Chambers from 7:30 until, 9 o'clock for that growin anly, intwed of Mn eomnsit Chun: y y Ironworkers' Helpers' Union. THE IRON WORKERS HELPERS UNION No. 8412, will hold a special meeting . in the Uniom_ Jiell, Wellington wireet, on SAT- URDAY AFTERNOON, ot threw o'clock. All members will please attend. : J. B. AHERN, JAS. SCRUTON, . Secretary. President. BRITISH SETTLE CLAIM. Flagship Grafton Goes To Gudte- mala For $1,000,000. Victoria, B.C., May 9--H. M. 8. Grafton, the new flagship of the Pa- cific station, which arrived here yes® terday, was at San Jose de Guate- mala, on April 18th, the day o which so many' lives were lost. Po officers who were ashore at the time had parrow escapes from being struck by falling buildings. The Grafton called at San Jose to enforce the collection of a loan. of a million dollars made to the Guatema- lan government by British capitalists. An armed party went ashore and the ship was cleared for action. When the government saw that 'the officers meant business the claim was settled. French ships were also there to enforce the of loans French and German capitalists, An party was also landed at Coquimoo to put down a little riot in which some of the crew of the ship were implicated, they being attacked by natives, {. ® 33 RESUJT OF FIGHTING. Death and Capture of Quite a duled to sail for Demarara in British Guinea. It is likely that she touched at Martinique on her way back to ward this port. She was an iron, single screw, of 2,712 tons, 'and was 340 feet long. She was huilt * at Glasgow in 1883 and was originally the British steamship Ghasee. Tidings From Fort De France. Paris, May 9.--The commander of the French cruiser Sunichel has tele: graphed to the minister of marine, from Fort de France, island of Marti nique, under date of Thursday, May Sth, at 10 pm. as follows: "Have just returned from St. Pierre, which has been completely destroyed hy an immense mass of fire which fell on the town at about eight in the morning. The entire population (about 25,000 souls) is ® to have perished. | have brought back the few survivors, about thirty. All the shipping in the harbor has heen destroyed by fire, The eruption continues." L Horrors Of Civilized History. St. Pierre was located on the north-west coast of Martinikgue, one of the larger islands of the Lesser An tilles, calied by the natives Madiana. It was one of the most thriving ports of the whole island, and of late had become the chief port of commercial importance, although Fort de France was the capital of the island. The people of the city were well educated, outside of the coohe class es, a lyceum having been in existence wince the decree of May dnd, 1551 Two normal schools were located at St. Pierre, one for boys and one for irls. ¥ he ieland of Martinigue is very mountainous. It is irregular wn form, high, rocky and volcanic, with fie or six extinct craters. Severe cartifjuakes have been experienced there Pefote, and several of them have been very disastrous. Near St. Pierre, a few miles in the interior of the island, is the highest mountain, Mont Pelee, which is 4,438 feet above sea. This mountain, sftor o long period of inaction, burst forth in violent volcanic eruption in August of 1851. A railway was begun from Fort de Frane to St. Pierre in 1875. The port was the scene of great commor- cial activity. An export trade of 50. 000,000 france yearly was carried on by tee island with France, the major portion of which passed through Ee jorre. It was estimated that at least 40.000,000 francs worth of ex- ports went out of the port every year, These exports Juctuded the fine Mar- tinue suger molasses and a wih quantity of coffee, the sugar being in great demand in the United States. Over 50.000 tons of this was exported yearly. Ranges ~ of low; voleanic bills ex tended from Mont Pelee to the port of Sig *. with broad fertile val them. The island IT . and shout eel is . wrelve wide, with ga of 167679 at the last census. Its 988 as area is was said to havea 000 people. Le = a depth of 138 feet of commercial value. The executive of the minister to the annual meeting Halifax next month. Samuel Neff, Troy, Ont., took dose of carbolic acid in mistake, and although the doctors did could for him, be died within & oe Africa. In 'the British house of commons was in consultation with the trade on the combination * ol goods. and the very chilly with a cloudy sky. al degrees of frost last night. School and banks observe the holiday, temperature is ¥ 0] n onto, has decided to ask for a stand ard scale of 30 eight hours per June lst, also for time amd for overtime, and double time Sundays and holidays. The general committee of the ma chinists' union has arrived in Winni peg to present the to the management say they will not am¥itrate as settlement made on that basis, year, has proved entirely unsatisfac tory. Rev. Mr. Houlding, and two military escort; a half a missionary Chi-Li. They are being escorted Pao Ting-Fu by the military guard The people where they were located had threatened to kill them. signor the dtalian ambassador at ton to resume parlers on the subject. claims terminal for the Canadian line, arguments which had heen andressed to him re the Canadian govern ment. The Cornwall lacrosse club has ar ranged for an international 'military demonstration on Victoria day, 24th. The Highland cadets are com- ing from Montreal, with two bands, and the 41h separate company, Na- tional Guards, of Ogdensburs. N.X., also will be there, running an excur- sion dawn the United States side. That ardent imperi , Col. Deni- son, Toronto, is not letting the grass grow under his feet in of his mission on behalf of a British em- of Liverpool newspaper society, on Wed reaay sight, and the Canadien club Thursday night. while. on Sunday, with Mr. Chamberlain, and An examination will be made to see if the deposit is Canatlian manufacturers' association has decid- ed to invite the premiers of the dif ferent. provinces, and also a British in a all, they hours. He was eighty-four years old, One of Ms sons, Charles, is in South on Thursday, Gerald Balfour said he board of 4 jon of thi alleged British «hip owners to kegp up the freights on British 1t is arbor day in Manitoba to-day There were sever- but nearly all business houses are remain fle electrical workers' union, Tor- cents per hour and day, to take effect for men's grievances The members the last wnjanions in charee of a have reached Shun: teh-Fu from the disturbed district of to In the chamber of deputies at Rome, Privetti, the foreign minister said, in reply to an intérpetation re garding the negotiations for a com- mercial treaty between Italy and the |. United States; that he had instructed Washing- the exchange of pour | Lord Strathcona. the Canadisn high commissioner, replying" to the deputa- tion which waited on him to urge the as the Enrlish proposed new fast promised to lay the Mav ire defence fund. He addressed the provides that that Belfast firm will obtain all orders of the trust for new ships, engines and repairs that. may be required outside the United States while Harland and Wolff agree not i, build ships for eny company outside the trust, except the Hamlburg-Ameri- can line, for ten years. A DELIBERATE MURDER. The Murderer Has Been Convicted at Kamloops, B.C. Kamloops, B.C..! May 9.--At the spring assizes for the district of Yale, in progress here, before justice Walk em, Louis Paquette was found guilty of murdering Frederick Legere, the jrey Beiflg out only ten minutes. His {ordehip deferred sentence wmtil the close of the assizes: The crime for which Paquette was found guilty was committed on April 6th and was a most deliberate one, Paguetts shoot * | ing Legere as the latter was engaged in making a shakedown for him. Pa- quette tried to murder lLegere's wife also, but she escaped from the house The only excuse he gave for the crime was that he was in love with Mrs. Legere. Paquette is about fiity years of age and, it is said, that he comes from a prominent French-Canadian family in Quebec. BOERS TOOK EVERYTHING. _ {They Even Stripped the Dead Sol- diers. St. Thomas, Ont, May 9.~Lieut Col. Stacey has received a letter from his son, Earl, now serving in «| South Africa, and who was through the severe fighting at Hart's River, in . | which the young man says : 'All the men killed and wounded were killed or wounded inside of fifty yards of me, and those killed were 'within ten yards of me. 1 bad to surrender at . | last, Only two of us were not wouna- | ed, McBeth and myself. 1 fired all my ammunition. The Boers stripped me of everything and also stripped the clothing off our dead comrades." An Alaska Story. Vancouver, R.C., May 9-G. FP Lischke. the man who hronght out the story of the finding of two petrified ships "wowe ~ time ago on the high mountaing of Alaska, has arrived in Vancouver on the steamer City of Se attle. The story was received from Indians and on account of the intelli gence it is believed™d. R. Mountified, agent of the N. A. T. company, at Port Yukon, will go up in the spring to investigate, A petrified forest is re- ported in the vicinity, 150 miles up the Porcupine river, then 100 miles north toward the Arctic om a bridge of the Rockies, Lost Her Propellor. London, May 0.--A despatch to Lloyds from Melbourne says a boat crew from the missing transport Bo. veric has arrived at Freemantle. The vessel lost her propellor when 1,500 miles from Freemantle. She in in need of assistance. The Boveric left Mel borne, on March 2st, with ninety and 1.000 horses, and is se Yemen days overiwe at Durham, Na tal. Will Adopt The Sy Perlin, May 9-Tt is stated here that the United States navy depart ment has decided to adopt, the Braun. the sonth shor of near the Fastern gap. The body which had apparently been in the 'wa morgue, unidentified. man of about forty: five feet, eight inches tall, about 150 pounds weight clean shaven, slightly bald, and fairly well dressed. Some of was hadly bruised. ------ COURT ADJOURNED. a -- And Several of the Arbitrators Have Gone Home. Montreal, proceedings in the ease of the C.P.R teackmen s grievances have been ad journed for a, week or ten days, and chancellor the trackmen"s union, have gone their homes. When the court is re opened the case of the men of the Pa cific division will be taken up. Danger At Cape Race. 8¢. John's, Nid, May 9-~The spring navigation through northern waters has now begun and Cape Race s again a danger spot. During the dense fog last Monday a large, four masted steamer almost ran ashore near Renews, a few miles north of Cape Race. A fishing boat signalled the liner as she passed of her danger and this only saved the steamer, vhick had to go astern full speed to escape the rocks Will Hold Investigation. Victoria, B.C., May 9.--In the legis iature, yesterday, McBride's motion of censure on the government's policy, regarding the foreshore fishing rights, was defeated by seventeen to fifteen The cases of the settlers on the E & N. railway belt was debated, 'and the government promised an investigs tion, The settlers claim the right to the coal and minerals and the cases have been dragging along for years. A Story Denied. Rome, May 9 According to a let ter, received here from Turin, king Victor Emanuel was attacked by a workman while walking, yesterday, The assailant, the latter says, was arrested before doing his majesty ans harm, but ubsequently escaped Court officials here deny the story. Charged With Embezzlement Washingtonton, May 9 H. A. Bar rows, late disbursing officer of the census bureau, was arrested hore, charged with the embeszlement of §7, 500 in government funds. A Case Of Diphtheria. Halifax, N.B., May 9.--Hospital Sergt. Pringle, of the CM.R., who comes from Ottawa, bas been remios ed to the infectrous hospital, suffer [ ng with diphtheria. An Inch Of Snow. Winnipeg, May 9.--It has been snow- ing in Brandon all morning and there is pow over an inch of "beautiful" on the ground. Birawberries, Je. Carnovsky's. Toronto istand, ter about three weeks, is now ab' the Tt is that of a the pockets were turned inside out and the nose May 9--The arbitration Boyd and Mr. Wilson, of to Skirts, New Ready-to-wear Hata, Children's Headwear. Ewerything that is new and worth having in woman's and children's wear can be found at O'DONNELL Kingston, ¥ + Caroline, second uphter of O'Dgurell, ex stare por of provincial penileniinry Fumwrnl privwe THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA. A NEW ThoLbrinmse Wea sORY IS NOW n course of preparation. Opders for ew gunmections, aduitional equipoent, ohunges of firm fumes, duplicate names, eto, should be plaged at once 0 insures insertion in this hook H. W. SNELLING, Local Manager May th, on Kingston, 1902 ETT TI. --------h An Equilibrist's Awful Fall. Nashville, Tenn, May 9----Whils vight thousand persons were watching of Achille Phelion, at the carnival, the egquilibrist fell from the cable at the top of the spiral tower and plunged headlomg to 'the viatform beneath. He clutched frantic fly at the cable and wires as he fell, wt failed to grasp either His head ruck a ladder on the platform, frae ring the bones on the right side of I¢ is feared his injuries are frat agle's the his fare fatal A Farmer Drowned: Pastings, Ont., May 4. Richard King, a farmer of Percy township, was accidentally - arowned late last right. King had been running an en ine which. was being used to pump i the locks, where new gates are fing put in Nobody saw the acci emt, hpt, it is supposed, that tha foll from a high plank when alking across to the dredge Trent, n hoard of which he slept. The body found. King leaves go wife and wn was amily Confirmation Caps. A special line of black caps with straight peak and fancy crown, Me, 15¢. Jenkins American Alpine Hats. In yong men's shapes, all the new colors $2. Campbell Bros. Paul Leicester FPord, the author, was shot and Killed at his home in New York city, on Thursday, by bis brother, Malcolm, who thes shot him self, Livingstons' trouser sale is the talk of the city. i Special | Favorife i : In a Gentleman's Watch is our thin model Plain Case fitted with one of our special movements, 5 F No charge for engrave -