tis | Grady-Haly after i yl Smit AUER iii ES et oA APIA 5 tie rion (EFT FOR SOUTH AFRICA SEVERAL MEN WERE ASKED TO STEP OUT. One of Them Had Married Since Ha Enlisted -- He Will Return to Ottawa--The Regiment Em- barked on Steamer Cestrian. Halifax, NS. May S.--While the troops for South Africa were on per: ade yesterday, two men G. A. Smith and E. Beeman, Ottawa, were order ed br Gen, O'Grady-Haly to drop out. This was on account of a tele gram from the minister of militia, The reason given for Smith's retire ment iv that he married after enlist ing. The couse of Beeman's dismissal is nos known. Chiptean and Pringle, two Ontario recrits will be left be i ital . R., and part of fhe . index command. of Col. Williams, with Maj. O'Farrel, se. cond in command, em whol on he roOPs Cegtrinn at ten o'e this : wn yg will "sik likely lative port before this avening or ear: fy in the morning, T! nds of ivi ilaina lined the routs concent ri- tion camp to the b the other ents gave their depart. ing a Loff. The od the men to ams arched at 4. thei Maj.-Gen. 0' i the 3rd, as very 'much pleas ---------------------- HEIRS OF MILLIONAIRE RICE. Residents of High Bluff Grand- Children of Lucy Rice, Winnipeg Free Pros. : The late millionaire Rice, of York, for the murder of whom Pat. rick 'is soon to suffer the penalty of his orime, loft some heirs in this country who may prove to be the nearest and who reside in the High Bluff district. They are Mrs. John A, Lee, Mrs. Joseph Thompson and Am- os Sparks and are of the six grand: children of Lucy Rice, an American born lady, who married a Canadian New of J gs district above mentioned 4 whose tragic death has brought him { Bparks many years ago. Her husband owned a large estate in By- town (Ottawa), 'and whom Sparks street was called after. Mr. and Mre. Sparks moved west to Frontenac county and located there, where their sons, Amos, Irs and Reuben wer born. Amost left Arkansas state when very young n bec hy AaRcher Ira married in th county. of Frontemde and bad six whom the residents of & Sotile years after Mr. Sparks, sr. died, his wife soid their ol phon removed w eben amnd Siete sho has since. died, Shé often talked about her rich bro: ther who resided in New York, and is beyond. doubt the Lucy Rice referred to in despatches as being closely re: lated to the late deceased millionaire, LHL e-- SEALED TENDENS ADDRESSED TO TUE undersigned and endorses] "Tender for a) a ATURDAY,. MAY 17th, he Ohwaistry, for he cheayen of the nasue # Sendeting Will be retoroed been silered indo and Bustoess ad- Yinto pr |} worth, as -------------------- Guest Of A Beotbiack. Professor Zubelin, of Thicago, gave the glowmor, Zabel, Polly" in the course of an address in ton last weok. He declared that Boston enjoyed a peculiar distinetion among western , and told the following story to illustrate the point: A Boston atlemian, who was visiting Sap ariae, had occasion to employ the services of a boothlack one morning, and when the operation had been duly petioried afitead the boy the gy, aty nickel, * yowr » » bald the boo , back the poin. "The price of a shipe is ten cents." "What 1" exclab the gen: teman, "We pay only five cents in Boston," "Oh, be you from Bostou ? came the quick. reply. "Then consider yourself my guest." e------ What Facts Show. lle The Kansas City Journal biblical -authority for the declaration that the geod young. 'Seth, says. "lived 912 oar. Tos lived 905 Cainan lived 910 years, Maha- only good" ane in the lot, Ah ch ter pe. Wg: "not, for ook him, and all 'the days of Enoch were 363 years." Being good, lived a lit: tle period of only 365 years, while the others, being given to sin, lived to to mal x is aI%aye Be to us that preachers pay so little atientioh to the facts of the bible,' " fe Aa w Cli i 8 : Claseview, May. S--~Our cheose inc: tory has : start} ations How the season, with a » § + with Thomas. itr 'ataraqui, as maker and ; : ir Hh Cina runny te Mes shingle mill is per the idea of the government rail- way into the Temidkatriog district. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. MAY 8, 3 ---- A Nipissing Doctor Wanted $147, But Got. Only $20, Toronto, May B.--~The appeal of Dr. Shaw, of the village of Bonfield, Ni- pissing, brought action to set aside the judgment of a Nipisiing court and to' recover $147595, whith he alleged was owing to him by the township of Boufield for vaccinating 300 school school children and attending other parties was dismi by the court of appeal with costs. ¢ defendants de. nied that they had engaged Dr. Shaw as their medical health officer, but ad: mitted employing hime and voted him $20 in payment for his services. The trial jud; anted him $20 without costs, and "this® was the judgment agninst which he L Lr -- Mr. Whitney Praising Mr. Ross. Wamiiton Herald. "i Ld No highe course cond man desire that that should praise it. And commendation of hi# jealous river that is the tribute premier Ross re- ceived ay North Bay when Mr. Whit- ney commended in an ungualified man- In fact, «.. opposition J eriticism consisted of comg there wits too much delay. ) this a othe avowals, which may be good politics at North Bay, Mr. Whitney owes to ihe people of Toronto and of Ontario generally. an explanation, Why did he permit, or instract--for private members do not make motions on questions of policy on their own initistive--one of his supporters in the house to move an amendment which, if it meant any- thing ecifie, - meant delay of the Temiskaming railway project for at least 8 year, id if it didn't mean anything, more specific was a motion of want of lence in the govern: ment for taking up at all? Was a little local popularity for Mr. Powell so desirable that Mr. Whit ney, to secure it, could afford to place his whole following in a false position J The government has chosen such strong. positions on the Temiskaming railway and other questions that their opponents, in order to he different, and avoid the charge of having no licy, have been forced into a num: r of weak and unfortunate atii- tudes, Mr. Ross, with his energy, ag. gressivémess, and originality, solves the problems which arise so quickly and. satisfactorily. that by the time his opponents come to the point there is no place left for them to: stand, This is the whole trouble with Mr. Whitney and his. lieutenants, whom no wns is aconsing of not really meaning well, 's only ints that nn -- Not Worth Eating. Dr. Joba Kere, 'an inspector of wehools in' Scotland, tells the follow: ing story: "Ap inspector in the ex: amination of a clase in easy grithme- tic observed that one boy had not answered a single question correctly, Wishing to discover if the boy was hopelossly stupid, J uindentionally 'set sboing a ge laugh' inkt himself by one of his Or The school was 'in a fishing village and the question was on gp subject with hich he presuined the boy was fami iar, "Suppose," the inspector said, "thérg was a salmon that weighed ten pounds, and it was to be sold gt two pence per pound, what would the salmon be worth ¥"' To this the boy at once peplied : "It wudna bé worth eating." Tamworth Tales. Tamworth, May 7.--~A. C. Douglass left on Thursday for Victoria, B.C. Thomas Barry has made big improve: ments in his store and other build. ings with a pew coat of paint. W. A. York hae his shoe completed and will move in on Monday. Mrs. W. A. Puller returned on Saturday in company. with Mrs. James Ballentyne. Montreal. Thomas Cunningham died on Mo night. The funeral took lace on Wednesday to the Roman atholic church, Erinsville, and was largel attended. Mr. Ketchner, of T yi buying tatoes for the foreign matket. . Smith was in town on Wednesday. The brick work on new stores will soon be com- pleted.' Mrs. Sampson Shields is im: proving. i msn The Bishop Was Stumped. London Rx i A good in told of the bishop of New Caledania, now on a visit to England. He recently "addressed . o large assembly of Sunday school chil- deen, and wound up by asking in a very paternal way: "And now is there a-n-n-y little Bov or anny lit tle girl who would like to ask me a question 1" A thin, shell voice "Please sir, why did the down Jacob's called out : walk ladder when AT FORT ALBANY IN HUDSON BAY REGION, Ascension Day Observed ---Sentenc- ed for Stealing Whiskey and Coppérs -- Flurry on Wall Street Will Not Affect Canada Atlantic. Ottawa, May S.--Ascension day was ohwerved here as 8 government and bank holiday. Al the departments were closed. Religious services were neld in the Anglican and Roman Ca tholic churches. Archbishop Faleonio, pegnl delegate to Canads, officiated at the Basthica. Sister 8t. Martin, sister St. Per petra and sister St. Julés, order of Grey puns, left this afternoon for Fort Albany, a Hudson Bay com- ed post, on the shores of Hudson y. They will establish g convent at that point, amd conduct it in con. mection with a school and orphange for Indian and halidreeds' children, The convent will be most northerly established by the order, with excep tion of one at Dawson. The party will proceed hy way. of Temiscamigue and should reach their destination in six weeks, Percy Ralph, who has been in the police net several times, was semten- cod today by magistrate O'Keefe to four months in Central isan for stealing five bottles of whiskey and a dollar in coppers, At the CAR. head office, to-day, it is stated that the flarry on Wall street over the Neils stocks will not in any way effect the sale of Canada Atlantic. Dr. Webb is expected here in a few days to attend to further de- tails in connection with the transfer line which is to be amalphmatiod, HAS WON HER PLACE. ¥ ---- Miss Laut Was Formerly of Win- nipeg, Man. Miss Agnes -C. Laut, anthor of "Heralds of Empire," published by D. Appleton & Co., is a most interest- ing young woman, who has won her Place in literature through sheer pluck and _ ability. She resides in Ottaws, but is a native 'of Winnipeg. While in her Junior year st the Manitoba wni- versity, Miss Laut's 'health failed; her future seem ad fapronising. With a hope 'that it uld lead to heneficial results, she spent the summer in' the mountaing, among the Rockies. There, in the bright fresh life of the moun- taineer, Miss Laut rode gradually batk to life and health. Close to an Indian reservation; she gathered much of the material used in her first no- vel, "Lords of the North." Miss Laut was attracted to the journalistic field. While Sngaged with the Winnipeg Free Pree, wrote political - 'editorials which' attracted much attention and were widely copi- ed, altho neither the sex nor the name of the author was known. Two and a half years ago Miss Laut left the Free Press to go to New York, to do special correspondence for lar- ger papers, largely sketch work and articles descriptive of Canadian scen- ery and travel. Her winters have been mostly spent in New York, while the summers have seen her engaged out- doors gaining material for articles. Eight weeks werd spent in cruising along the coast northward from St. John's in a government mail-boat. Last suinmer, in company with two other women, and taking with them fourteen pack-horses with provisions, a boy aml guides. Miss Laut spent months in the glacier regions of the Selkirks. "Heralds of Empire," her latest work, is a story of the explorer Rad- isson, who juggled with empires, and who changed allegiance as would hie coat; and of the days of Puritan: ism and witcheraft. It is told in the quaint English of the period; and is all the more charming and entertain- ing for that reason. Despite ite 'ad- ventures and occasional heir raising episodes, one experiences a sense * of completences and satisfaction 'in the reading. Hope On. There sus never g doy #0 misty and grey 4 the blue wes not somewhere above it: There wns pever u mountain top 0 That some flower oot. love it. There ha mver 's night so dreary and ri That the stars were mot somewhere ere jo never a cloud so heavy 'bet it has not a silver Holos, There is pever a welling time, weary and That will not some time have sn ghding : The most beautiful part of the landsenpe where : The sunshine and shadows are blending. Into every lilo sino shadows will fell, But heaven wmds the sunshine of ova: Through the rifts in the douds we will, Sée the eaintiful bide wbove. Then 100 ue bope, thourh "he way may Ant the darkness be gmtherine tast, For the tues of the road is a little wav Whee the home lights will owt a -- King Edward's Crown. is on at Rev. Edward Everett Hale Talks at Chicago. Chicago, May 8.1 will give you three practical working rules," seid Dr. Edward Everett Hale tw an audi- ence of university men in the chapel HY "Keep out in the open air as much af possible, "Have faith in your neighbor. "Make a practice of engaging in conversation each day with someone whom you know to be your ssperior. "Upon the fiest of these, 1 es pecial emphasis. Live in the open; see God's world; get away from this. confinement . within walls and these books. When in touch with. na ture, von are in tune with the infinite, holding silent communication with the Creator.' MADMAN HELD THROTTLE. Thrilling Experience of Passengers Aboard Train. Flint, Micki; May 8.---Tearing along at sixty miles an hour, and whizzing past stations where the train. ought to have stopped, was the thrilling ex: pevience of the passengers on board the Grand Trunk Western on Satur day night. The conductor and brake man, noticing that ~~ something was wrong, applied the emergency brake, and the train was brought to a standstill in the vards here. Investiga- tion 'developed the faet that the engi- neer, William Brown, of Port Huron, had become demented and that the lives of the passengers were at the merey of a madman. Brown was taken to a hospital at Battle Creek, MORE MARCONI EXPERIMENTS ---- If They Fail Canada Will Have Pile of Stones. Ottawa, May 8,--~When the item of £70,000 for the Marcomi station in Cape Breton was under discussion in the house the finance. minister said that the whole thing was in the na ture of .a further experiment, If it failed, all Canada would have for her money would be a pile of stone and mortar: but, i it succeeded; as every: body hoped it would, the result would be a great reduction. in éable rates. Women And Jewels. Jewels, candy, flowers, man--that is the order of a woman's preferences, Even that greatest of all jewels, houlth, is often ruined in thd strenuous efforts to save the money to purchase theut. If a woman will risk ber health to get a coveted gem, then let her for tify herself against the insidwous con: sequences of coughs; colds and bron- chial affections by the regular use of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, It will promptly arrest consumption in its carly st and heal the affected lungs and bronchial 1 and drive the dread disease from system. It is not a cure-all, but it is a certain cure for coughs, colds and all bron: chial troubles; You can get this reli- able remedy at Wade's drug store, Home For Actors Dedicated. New York, May 8. ~The members of the theatrical profession who have labored so. earnestly in support of the project for a home for aged and indi gent actors saw. their efforts growned with success to-day with the handsome dtructure evected at West Brighton, Staten Island, was formally dedi: cated, The dedication was accom: panied: with interesting exercises, con ducted in the presence of many dis tinguished artists. The speakers in cluded mayor Seth Low, bishop. Pot tor and Joseph Jefferson. The «Rev, Dr. Houghton, of the *" Little Church Around The Corner,' 'was the officiat- ing clergyman, Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hegrty eating: is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pills: immediately aiter dinner. Don't forget this. Try Caramel chewing tobacco. Exhaustion of Nerve Force Is Common In Springtime. Paing's Celery Compound Banishes Nervous Prostra- tion, Hysteria and Sleep- lessness. Any intelligent man or woman ean easily detect victims of nervous trou: bles by taking a ten minute walk op any of the crowded streets of our cities or towns. The observer will pote countenances full of feverish anx iety, harvessed looks, unsteady hands; faltering steps, twitching muscles, pal: lid faces, and startled, anxious looks when unusual noises are made. Such if people are, without doubt, victims of nervous wation, hysteria, or inso- thetic system. It is unnecessary to dilate minutely on the causes of nervousnces, ugh ness cares and di i , haste alter riches and household worries, sexual and alcholic , watching and anxiety, and loss of and dear E i i t | : it fi lbs i 4 hi i ; f 1 i § & Is ¥ i 1 it is 3 i i i E il ed BE ol il i ¥ § t i HE wl i i it | ¥ £1 ; i : i : i i -- Bot up Block Hest, ¥ loglon DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. (hlorodvne - Chiorodyne - (hlorodyne ® (Chlorodyne - Chlorodyne Chlorodyne From W. Vesaliue, Pettigrew, M.D. dormerly Lecturer at St. George's pital, London--*I have mo hesitation ia. stesing thet 1 bite Saver medicine so eflicacious as an Anti-spasnodieand a Sedative I have used sumption, Asthma, Diarrhoes, and other diseases; and 1 am perfectly with themtwilte, to the Oallige oF Physica lek Dd fa 0 the Moot that Ohiolern has despatch f Her Majesty's Council at M been oa fearfully, and that the anly of sap swvie CHLORODYNE. ~See Lancet, lst mber, 1864 CAUTION----BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. i CAUTION-Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DR. J. COLLIS 4 BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE: that the whale story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, which be regretted te say had been sworn to.--Ses Times, July 19th, 1864 Sald in bettle of 1s. lid, 2a 9d, 4a 6d, and 114 each. None ls guntiss without the words "Dr. J. 'Collis Browne's: Chlovrodyne™ on: the ment. Stamp. Overwhe Medical Tes acoompanios sch Hetle, i SOLE MANUFACTUR J.T. DAVENPORT, 53 Great Russell steesle 1 The Straight Front is Hygienic. It does not strain the organs have full play. Pressure of Jacing is all put upon the hips and back muscles, forcing the shoul' ders erect, "Price $1.00 to 52.00 per pair.) ~ Save Labor By com/ng to us for Labor. Saving Implements.' Mowers, tec St UP Grass Knives, Rakes, Trowels and all other Gardening Tools. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. Springs and Mattresses For Comfort and Ease. Sickles, -