17's Surprising what fisprovments can be made about the house by the use cf a little pzint here and there. Old chairs, old cupboards, old tables and dingy woodwork painted with THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS can change the whole tone of the house. : Ei A different paint for each pur- pose. Tell us what you want to paint and we'll tell you the right paint to use. seems COLOR CARDS AT Corbett's Hardware. " The Toronte General Trusts Corporation Oftes snd Sele Deposit Vaults, % 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO pe BLOVOO00 880000. i Capital, Ronerve Fund President : JOEN HOSKIN. Q.0., L&D ' Vice-Presidents : HON 8.0. WOOD, W i. BEATTY, Eso J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director AD. LANGMUIR, Assistant Matagw JAMES DAVEY, Bectretary. Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signacare of SICH HTADACHE. {OUR STOCK: 8 Isin Good Order. 3 ® IT COMPRISES : ; * Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak 8 and other Woods. is. ANGLIN & CO. 2 © Foot of Wellington Street. . % ° -. * . ® giives to try and prove that they | : ! trative dealings. which have been cre. THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR { DAILY BRITISH WHiG, each ovesipg, at 306-8310 King Street, (90 per 'year. Editions st 230 sad o clack. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 13 published every Thurwisy moriing st at 4 pages, $a yeas. Attached ix one of the best Job Printing Offices in Cpoeds; rapid, stsiish and cheap work. mine improved presses FDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. THE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbe Dicor.' DISTORTION OF FACTS. eveditéd with conduct bg a respectable campaign. But how can this be when he is given to the most transparent misrepresentations In an address at St. Mary's be vharged that the ballots in the West Elgin election case had been burned. Lpurposely, "to hide evidences of elee- tion corruption." He made that statement in the face of two well known facts : (1) That the bailots had been alreagly scrutinized by the cotirt and the charges in regard to thom, made by one Pritchett, disproved, and (2 that a commission of judges had enquired into thé barning of the bal lots and that their report had heen that the destruction was inadvertent, and without design and purpose, There is nothing to be gained by a deliberate distortion of the facts, and Mr. Foy ought to be above it. dewires to be PROGRESS VS, NON-PROGRESS The opposition leaders and opposi- tion. papers. see. very. mach adisturbed J aver the New Ontario policy of the government. Mr. Whitney attacks it at every turn, He will Bave it that the C.P.R. was the first thing to hwom the territory. the railway « yestion was settled the strife the The new Long after about boundary went on, Mr. Foy is a respectable man, and | THE DAILY W H1G, MONDAY, MAY & EDITORIAL TIPS ! Register. : Exerv eligible young man «honid He can get it by ! | have a vote, re gistering. | Mr. Shaw is referred th as a young man! It's a goofl while since Mor gan was a boy Mr. Whitney is too much of g scold The clectors do not like it. They pre fer the glad hand which did =o much, Mr. Males save, for the late Sir John i Macdonald, According to the Mail something is about 10 happen, Not a doubt of it It will repetition of what bas happened at every election in Ontario during the last thirty years, be a The Ontario opposition vere upon Mr. Dryden, because he contested with o ranch in North Da hit not a word is said about ex-M.P.P., Toromo, of the same company. How. is that ! ---- The promise of Mr. Whitney, that he will repeal the act which taxes the rich corporations for revehye pur poses, is regaraed as a bid for their support and sympathy. His party wants funds. Will the rich corpora tions not advance them ? is very se is kota. Mr. Crawford, who is vice president ---- Look at the splendid building that is mow going up for the school ° of mines, and note the last splendid re cognition which the city has had from. the government. Would that build ing ho there if the conservatives were in power ? Not if the Toromt, World 'raflects their ideas ---- British Columbia has of £1,600.000, and proposes to borrow an overdraft feeision in regard of the . western | boundary wad not settled until 1851, | and the northern anil | IMM, and amtil these dates the pro vines war pot. warranted in speeding land boundary i its money in developing the La | Moreover the title to the timber and | Un the assisted minerals was only conceded to tario in ISS. In 1880 and 180 Port Arthur railway with subsidies, und only this year the commissioner of crown lands had driven the last spike of) a railway that connected Port Arthur with Win- nipeg, and opened up 5 vast grea, in cluding the Rainy river valley. and tovering a distance of 285 miles. So that Mr. Hoss has a right to vlaim, that all alone, and nn: his government has been velaping New Ontario, while gll along Mr. Whitney has been opposing that policy, wud doing what he could to re tard it. What he may tell the folks in New Ontario this week, during his trip, is a mutter of no importance. Actions speak louder than words, and he and his allies have been persistent stumbling blocks in the way of pr gress in New Ontario. was from the begin. de AN HONEST TESTIMONY. When the conservative papers are inclined to be so abusive, and to de- preciate the adwinistration of Hon, Mr. Ross and his government, gener: ally, it is well to read what an in- dependent paper said when ap elec tion 'was not pending. The following extract is from the Toronto Telegram: "The financial eritics of the opposi- tion may go through the motions of an avtmek on the financial and ad ministrative records of the Ontario government, but their speeches are not likely to alter the general public belief that the record of. the liberal party in Ontario in these respects is, on the while, creditable. It is as truly the dut of honest journalism to praise the good work of a party as to condemn its evil works. The re 'sources of the . province of Ontarfo have been on the whole wisely hand! ed. The revenues of the province of Ontario have been fairly distributed and its expenditures there has been a constant endeavor to secure efficiency in results without extravagance in outlay. There ig no profit for the op- position in wholesale denunciation of the government in regard to adminis. i ditable to the dominant party and profitable to the provinee. It would he well for Toronto if its administrators | bad guarded the public resources as carefully and spent the pubiic mony ax frugally ax the resources of Om. tario ~ have been gubrded and the { money of Ontario has been spent. Tt | would be good tactics for the consery- 1 wonld do as well or better than the | grits have done in handling the pub- H.-H. Worsey Writes of Famous £3,000,000. And that kind of finance ing is considered all right while On tario, by the Whitney faction, i= said to be badly managed becanse it has a cush sarplus of $2,500,000, Sr---- the only member Mr. the opposition who Marter is not of his party in the last jegislatire. should he alone be reaa out of party ? The Tory said he was fectly secure. "We believe," contemporary, "that he has a genuine voted against Why the per said our grievance." Inspector Hughes, of Toronto, leaves a place and a salary of $3,300 4 year to engage wholly in literary and lec ture work. He is said to have heétn nagged owt of office, bist the nagging does not seem to bave afiected him much when he already has in hand work enough to occupy his time for the next three vears. ------ . "We want," said The Tory, hefore the election campaign began, "to show the people of Ontario that the conservative party is still capable of conceiving great ideas, still capable of engindoving great enterprises." The party, however, has entered the cam- paign without a platform, and is fighting a losing battle. -- in England and telling the people there bow they shoulda fix the tarifi. He suggests a ten per cent. duty on all foreign im- ports. That would make the cotton and woollen industries thrive, would: n't it? Taxing the materials would cheapen the cost of production, eh? Col: Denison is raw ---- Mr. Carscallen, of Hamilton, is tell ing the electors that he tried to get dn export duty put on nickel matte and he was defeated by the govern ment, What hax the opposition or the government in Ontario to do with an export. duty * That is the ques tion to which Mr. Carscallen should give his mind before he next talks up- on this subject. SAW DR. MACKAY'S GRAVE. Formosa Missionary. H. 0. Horsey writes to the Globe from Fingapore to the effect that he visited the grave of Df. Mackay, the famous missionary of North Formpsa, on Christmas day. He says that " almost in sight of his former resi dence, and now that of his family, just in the rear thereof, on a "sinal knoll, rest the remains of George L Mackay, surrounded by those of his Chinese disciples and native preachers who were called away before his sum- | mons came. Quite close by is the | Eu lic resources or spending the public money, but the opposition does not strengthen itself by ite Jeehle and in- | : atm] attempts to prove that the Hox whom he had lived and suffered to liberals have bandied the public ve Luplif ropean cemetery, walled in on all sides, but Dr. McKay's wish to dio | and lie side by side with the natives' op ko +) xa + + + + she turned to power, +" can keep any party alive is 4 that is so comprehensive ax to mand the approbation of the people. the electorate without outlining sone banks OPPOSITION LACKS * POLICY WHITNEY AND HIS FOLLOW: ERS DO NOT AGREE. The Tax on Corporations--Pre- mier Ross Discusses the Vexed Subject -- Rousing Meeting at Dundas. | Dundas, May 3.--Premicr Ross spoke here last mignt in the inverests of RA. Thompson: wi is opposing A K. Wardell, father of the lute conser sative whip, Mr. Ross carried his sisbience with him, and concluded with one of his well-known bursts of wloglienoce. "the conservatives have po definite policy prepounded by their Jeader, he began, "so that the various can didates gre expressing themselves vith asdegree of freedom ax to what ihe party will do, should they get into that most refreshing. You how Mr. Marter was obliged to leave his party because he could not agree with its development policy. That is, be found his party had no development policy. He wanted de velopment, amd New Ontario advan ced, and he leit his party. That is a clear case of desertion because the Paty was anprogressive. "then we had the ease of four con servative membefs last session voting for suhwidies for raiiwavs, while the leader of the party voted against i wer, know deodrbbob bob ode deeded de ood Think It Out. . Every elector is asked to reflect on the record of the Ontario administration and to decide these questions : "Is it able ? '""Has it done good work? "Is it honest ?" Between now and election day read and Lear about it and we are satisfied how the ballots will be marked 3 on May 29th. Ross will be --- them the dog wag the wail 7 wg the patty ? ls those who favor railway subsidies Mir. Whitn.y, who opposes them ? "Then, the other aay, Mr. Fraser, the conservative candidate in West Kent, declared himself in favor of taxing corporations, while Mr. Whit ney, speaking from the same plat form, declared he was opposed te it Who is who, and what is what ? If the conservatives get into power, will Mr. Fraser's opinion prevail, and the corporations be taxed ¥ - Will Mr Fox's opinion prevail, and railways be subsidized, or will Mr. Carscallen's opinion prevail if he is elected 7' Mr. Whitney is opposed to Mr, Dry: den investing money in a Dakota ran bh, yet he takes Mr. Crawford Does the {ail wag the dog or Wh, ave lead of tOnsery ative round with him, who is vice-president of the Dakota ranch. Then Myr. Col qubhoun bolts outright because the purty has apparently turned him down. Our opponents not having any policy, not putting anything definite before the rountry, are playing at six and sevens. The only policy that i policy and fom whole that ix bigger than the party, A great party cammot go to plan that will appeal to the imaging tion, the conviction, the judgment of better people. That is what we are trying to do. Tax On Corporations. 4 The premier explained the tax corpgrations, and the parties tudes to it. Last year, he said, the of Ontario, with assets of £218.000,000, were taxed $3470, ora tax of about one dollar on every 85.000 of the assets, or one-fifth of a mill on the dollar. A farmer with a farm gssessed at $5,500 would pay at least 350 of an assessment. Why should not the capitalist who has in vested his money in bank stock alo comribute something for maintaining the institutions of the country, well as the . ajriculturist ? The theory of government is that the bur len of taxation shoald rest mainly on the wealthier classes. Our banks pay usually a dividend of sight per on atu vent the-seeurity of -their investment ix largely owing to the contributions of the government in protecting pro perty and in developing the resources of the country. Why should they not contribute something to that wos perity in which they share so largely 7 Then, if we turn to the msurance companies, we find that they have been prosperous very largely from tune same -- cause. - The assets of the Can ada Life, as an illustration, are given at $22.000.000. The revenne tax on this comjany last year was §11.505, or a tax of one dollar wpon every $2,000 of ita assets, or one-twenticth of 'one per cent. This eettainly is not & beavy buiden for a company whose security depends upon the prospority of the whole people. Mr. Whitny says that this tax most altimately come out of the people, that is, the polievholders and the stockholders of the different companies. it does, the amount is so trifling as to he all but imperceptible to the persons paging the yax. Take the statement furnished to me by an ex pert im insurance : "At the passing of the revenue act the annual pre mine for an ordinary alldife policy of 8},000 ot thirty years of age in the Canada Life was 82255. Now, if this DISTRICT DASHES. | | Neww of the District Oondensed From The Whig's Exchanges. Willian Swafford. 6G. 7. R. station agent at Ion. has purchased the Wicks farm nearby, for 84.500 Farmers are being wacned the operations of who hire the fare through the country Hd. E. Scot, Napanee. an electrica! student of Motil, has obtained a po sition with the Electrical company, New York. Al. H. Donnelly has sept in Bis re- signation as head of Almonte separate school, at the close of the sinter va cation. It Mr. Donuoelly's intention LO enter Upon a university course Owing to indifferent health. Dy. Karn intends to leave Picton shortly. fr. A.W. Heaslip, Hillsdale, who has Lev with Dir Rare for several mwanths, will eontinue the practice. John Allen, son of Bryee Allen, Na pance, student at Queen's sniversity, left for Ashtabuta, Ohio, last week, where he has secured a position on a lake steamer for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and family, Cressy, have left for the north-west. Mis. Wright and family will remain in Winnipeg for a time, and Mr. Wright will procesd farther west. ror Gananoque rifle club has heen reorganized. The officers are © Presi nent, mayor. Emery; seeretary, W. 8 Bowden: treasurer, . V. Ketchum: executive committes, the three officers named. Capt. JJ. B. Robinson and G. N. Asselstine, At the Perth asoizes in the case Of Taylor vs. Bell Telephoge company, the pigintifi recovered a verdict for 8950 damages. A lineman was eutting down a ground wire and allowed a loop to hang over the stree Plain Ul, a retired merchant, not seeing the wire drove under it, caught the (op of bis buggy, and was upset. His in juries were painful, but not perman ent. against swindlvrs, drive them flone LEH western is GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Watkin Mills. name of Watkin Mills needs no to the Ning memory of hic delight three vears stil of those fortunate enough to be present on that occasion. Formorrow he will present * a most saperh programme, tod by Mons Parlovitz, the distinguished Polish planist, and Owen A. Smily, the clover entertainer, who, like Mr. Mills, is a pronounced favorite here A large and brilliant audience is already assur ed. The troduction and the recital here lingers in the citizens of ston, ial ago minds The Royal Box. The theage goers of this city, on Wednesday, will eee the most complite production ever given on the local stage The attraction is Charles Coghlan's great o masterpiece * The Royal Box," The scenery, eostumes and all accessories used in the metro politan: presentation of the play will be carried en tour, and the citizens of Kingston may rest assured that they will sec a perfect production in every way. A strong east of well known players, | nufubering twenty-one, headed by Ned Howard Fowler, as Clarence, and Miss Pearl Landers as Celia Pryse, . -- "All On Account Of Eliza." All the characters in "" All on Ac count of Eliza." Louis Mann's and Clara Lipman's latest, were sketched from life. Leo Ditrichstein, who wrote the comedy, did his work in a little country village in the western part of New York state. " All on Account of Eliza '* will be seen at the Grand Thursday next. » on BOOKS CLOSE MAY 7TH. A Share of Common Given With Two of Preferred. The subscription books of the lantic pulp and paper company, ited, will close at 4 pam.. day next, May 7th. The brokers Messrs Satherland & Cameron, Otta wa, have been offering $850,000 of wey en per cent cumiilative preference stock for sale at par. From the pros pectus which has been published in these columns, it will be wen that they are offering as a bonus to pre ferred stockholders one share of fully paid commen stock with every two shares of preferred stock subscribed and paid for. Further information and - application forms may he had from the National trust company, limited, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg or from Sutherland & Cameron, Ot tdwa, Canada. Mrs. Hugo's Funeral. Dulath Exchange The funeral of the late Jeanne Lani gan Hugd, ®ile of mayor T. W. Hugo, was held Monddy afternoon from the home at 221 Sixth avenue west, Pr. A. WW. Ryan pastor of St Paul's Episqepid church, conducted the service. For mally years Mr. Hugo had been one of this church's greatest workers. The floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful. The council and At lim on Wednes Well, even if imavor Hugo ix a member, sont floral various city departments, as well as the masonic and other erders of which designs. "The council adopted resolugions of respec) and condolence, and then, after transacting v the anost argent hos. ness, adiourned az a mark of respect for the mayor in his sorrow. All the city offices were clomid daring the funeral services; amd since noon, Saturday, the flags on all city build ings have been at half-mast. Dr. Levis is at Utrecht interviewing Nr. Kruger. 3 STATE OF Ono, CITY OF TOLEPO, LUCAS g! 3 NTY, maken To-morrow, 20 An easy way to save nn Embracing all that's s'yles. Colored Percales a and Silks. Low neck and latest ideas You'll want t saving purt is that we can about a third below regula thing special. Tuesday, IS THE LAST DAY OF THE Per Cent, Discount Sale. 10n€y is to take advantage of FOR SPRING, the newest in ideas and nd Muslins, W hits Lawns short sleeves is one of t o see them anyway, and t sell you this lot of wais r prices, We don't expect your opportunity to-morrow. SHIRT WAIST3 this Jot to last long at these prices. They are some- STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, HS » nd 130 Princess Street. Kingston, Ont, Er : ' EXPE ERT Say that the cut, fit and work- manship 'of our clothing is ab- solutely correct. If we knew - of any way to improve it, we would do so at once We aim to give our customers the best of every- thing--and think we do. The New Cornwall and Imperial Suits are attracting smart dress. ers. Carpets, spring, so have marked for of 20 cents off each dollar. Eb gant New Patterns in Wool ax also go at the big redaction of 20 er « Saud 4 yards wide Bcowh Least While they last at ove-fifth off enact do Bpecial value ia New Lass Cu Japana:e Floor Matting. Tapestry Carpets, BBo. to 65c a vard now 20 per cent Wool Carpets, 86¢. to $1 a yard, vn .w 20 per cen ofl, Hemp Carpets, 126. to 80¢, a yard, vow 20 per soot, off Kemanants Tapestry, 5 to 16 yar's, now 25 per vent. «ff 2x8, 8x8. 8x8}, 8x4, 8x4} 4x4 from $3.25 0 $i8 enh) a ---- TE ---- JUDGES | Of course the latest kink i the last wrinkle of style is here, {as usual, Suits. at §7, $8, $9, 1810, $12, 813 and £14 and Prices count naught unless | you see the clothes, so, we say | come, see. for THE H. D. BIBBY CO., C' OTHERS and HABFRDASHERS. Carpets, At Greatly Reduced Prices. We are positively giving up the carpet end of our business and much desire to clear the entire stock this cash buyers at a reduction fl id Tapestry Art Floor Squares, sizes These ent ens, Bue, B0c; ant The, » yard, Har, tains, Art Bunds, Cutan Poles and For a big Carpet Bareato try CRUILEY BROS. 132-134 PRINC CURE YOURSE Une Big © [o7 un gos dnd LF} o * NICAL TAUT 2 RELIEVES PAIN AND RELIABLE MONTHLY REGULATOR Superior to Apiol, Pes yrogal atl Taney. 3 = Agents i Lruax, Sows & Co. Mortreal, Ie FOR SALE. A (BRICK MOUSE, BEVEN BED-ROUMS, REAL ESTATE. 18 OFFERING GREAT BAR fo this lise. 115 Broek street. ; wments. Apply on he re ESS STREET, butter market, Why buy the on that ; you are not tain of, when can get & nice print for 25¢. from the Clarified Milk Co. ? Their butter is guarentesd to be good. Its flavor fis as perfect sleill ean make it "Phone 567, or call at the office, corner of Brock and Bagot streets The Kingston dag & Mek 389-391-393 Princes toe Tron, Soc. per 100 4 uy oi Hubbers oe you as THE HANDSOME STORY strand, ome lately oo Co. the no