I7's Surprising what iaprovinents can be made about the house by the use of a little peint here and there. Old chairs, oll capboards, old tables and dingy woodwork painted with D THE SHERWIN-WILLIANS - PAINTS ean change the whole tone of the house. A different paint for each pur- pose. Tell us what you want to paint and we'll tell you the right paint to use, COLOR CARDS AT Corbett's Hardware. | HER HUSBAND i i WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Who Cares Her Husband of His Drinking Habits Writes of Her Struggle to Save Her Home. A PATHETIC LETTER. trying the dn treatinens on I but I'was Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. fommencing March 1st and Until April SPECIAL GOLONIST RATES 5 a A inn NORTH PACIFIC COAST snd KOOTE. NAY POINTS. Fi Ya 1 $ Se, 146, 0 5 % Car 1843.55. SPOKANE, Wa. BELEN Soest [$43.05 SETTLERS' Oar Riots" Masitobs North emt TE EE LT am THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR MONTREAL 'HORSE SHOW MONTREAL MAY 75% : oth and roth. 5 Theis eee ing Mey $6.18, Tn Pear $8.20 £7 ROR ate J. FP. HANLEY, Agent, DOMINION LI. All shove | show. st; Cambroman, May 2st J.P ou. § SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of and other public property, Now, simi- | his mind upon this subject, that he ¥ a0 Brest, Editions 250 and 4 wHiG, 12 your. BRITISH pages, r Presses. EDW. J. 8. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicer.' ABSETS OF ONTARIO. J. W. Johnson, of Belleville, one of the principals of the business college thepe, is helping Mr. Whitney in this campaign, and he bas been labouring to show that Ontario hes not a eash surplus of over two millions. He an- ticipates the falling due of all the railway annuities, which have been is- sued by the province, charges them up against the cash surplus, and so, of course, practically wipes it out He does pot think that any mumici pality figures its finapeial position out as the provinge bes done. No, the average municipality bas not so good a showing. Kingston, for instance, has just offered for sale 835.000 of consolidated debentures. In the state ment given to the monied men, for their information there is displayed the total assessment of) the city, and also the debt extending over a great many years, less the assefs in real estate, in schools, in water works, larly, if the province put its assets, in timber, in soil, in minerals, against the debt, the latter would disappear, would become so insignificant: an item as not to be worth talking ab- out. Cash surpluses must not be mixed up and confounded with assets. A cash surplus is the amount om hand after meeting 'all present liabilities. The debt of the province is a lability against its wealth and resources, which cannot be measured and must be 'worth millions upon millions. MR. WHITNEY WOOL GATHERING. The Intelligencer has been good en ough to undertake an explanation of Me, Whitney's educational policy. The leader of the opposition has been very guarded in his discussion of this sub- pct, and has not committed himself to an elaboration of his plans. So when the Intelligencer said there was one thing, (this edueational policy), in which he conld confidently appeal to the people the Whig asked what it was. The Intelligencer answers that Mr. Whitney going to abolish the school book ring. How ? What is he going to do? Have the school books written by government experts, published by the government press, and issued as nearly as may be at cost? He has not said so. He has not put bimsell on record to this effect by any resolution in the legislature, and that is where he should get in his work. As a mat ter of fact there is not much ground for complaint about the cost of books. The whole outfit (including some books that are not demanded in the public schools of Kingston and not owned by the pupils), costs only $5.77, and the average cost per annum is only B8e. Then we are told the three R's will be made the feature of the public school cause. It is made that now. How far Mr. Whitney would change the curriculum he does not know. "He has certainly made no indication of it in the legislature. He has talked a heap about the 95 per cent. of schol ars who go no further than the pub lic schools, but he has not detailed what he could do for them more thas is being done now, Finally, it is said by the Intelligen: cer, that Mr, Whitney desires to pat education "under the control of a board of competent and reliable men." Is that his scheme ? It is not proposed ? Oh, yes it is, says the In- telligencer. Where did he expound it ? In Belleville. Why did ke not do it in the legislature ? That is where men put themselves in evidence for or against say public measure ! Why did he not declare that he had changed aT The conservative aldermen of the "city coticil bave no particular reason | to sir their inconsistencies in public, but as their organ persists in over *} ising them the Whig can have no tbeap objection, The occasion for its new outhreak was the statement of Akl Craig, in defence of the position which he took on the water works boiler question. Before the meeting of the council, two weeks ago, Ald. Craig discussed the manufacture of 5 new boiler with a local firm. He did it in a non political light. He was simply anx- jous to get the work done in King ston and suggested that some reduc tion be made in the tender price. As he was on his way to the council, on Monday evening, in the city build- ings, Mr. Selyy met him and gnbounc- ed that his firm would make the boil- er for a certain figwe. AM. Craig made a note of the offer on paper, and Mr. Selby signed it. The conser vative organ asks why he did not band the memorandum to the city clerk ¥ Simply because that pro ceeding was not called for. Ald Craig did all he wis warranted in do- ing, all that the circumstances justi- fied. He urged that the contract be given to Selby & Youlden at the upset price. He did this on the ground that he had mason to believe it would be accepted, The genuine ness of it was challenged, j ust as Ald. Craig supposed it might. be, ond so he produced his memorandum. The subsequent proceedings will be remembered. The mayor advised that the address on the note be gmended, and that it be then handed to the council. This was done. The ne ceptance of the proposition was, how- ever, defeated for party purposes, and alter some members of the council, and especially the chairman of the water works committee had mutilated his own report. Mark the fesult. Ald. those who were in accord with him, moved that the amended tender be accepted and the contract awarded. The conservatives, to a man, voted the It went to the water works committee for consideration. That was two weeks ago. On Mon- day night Selby & Youlden withdrew their tender of $1,100 for the boiler, and. substituted s new one which call- ed for $1,150. The conservative or gan says it w # received ir silence. So it was. It made a deep impression, especially upon the water works com: mittee and its allies. They realized that by their temporizing policy, for political effect, the city was not the gainer. They lost both tongue and nerve until Ald. Graham got after them and moved the acceptance of the mew offer. Ounce more Ald. King seemed to he equal iG the emergency. He wanted the letter referred to his committee, whose members could there and then retive and settle the matter. Alds. Craig and Farrel supported him in this expedient, but he found that he had got out of touch with his party, and rather than allow the liberals to help him out of his dilemma he wob- bled, beat a hasty retreat, and voted, with his party, against his own sug- gestion ! Thus the council, pending the local election, is being made the scene of exploits that are simply without a parsilel. The smallest aci of business is being tinctured with politics, and since the liberals are not content to sit idly by, and say and do nothing, the conservatives will not serve and the affairs of the "people are being neglected. The wonder is that the dominant party has not moved and carried a resolution to the effect that the council stands adjourned until af- ter the 20th of May. Only something like this can keep it out of trouble. EDITORIAL NOTES. Victory is with the liberal party. ---- The "opposition is going to pieces in the province. It is passing out of sight. The Ross government is growing in public favor. Tis success at the polls, all over Ontario, is now very appar ent. -- John Wanhamaker, the merchant prince of Philadelphia and New York, spends 81,000 a day in advertising, Craig, and motion down. paring it, and that he 'was respon sible for the slosing exclamation, "God Save the Queen." fouth Renfrew conservatives will nominate an opponent to Hom. F. R. Latchiond on May 2nd. "They don't want the poor man to be wo long in suspense," says the Toronto Tele gram, which is usually full of sympa- thy with the conservative party. "Not a stick of timber, not a pound of iron or say other mineral," said Sir John: Macdonald, referring to the boundary award, "helongs to On tario." The contest in the court was one of the fiercest on record, and On tario got eventually all that belonged to her. Talk of sacrificing Ontario ! As the Hamilton Times has pointed out th tories were willing, w in pow to parcel the land in Now Ontario at & a square mile, at which rate th whole, of it would have yielded only hall u million. The less the tories say about sacrifices the better. leader of the conservative party on any platform in this country to discuss the questions of the day with him. If he meets me, and will t me to tell what Is od in caucus, I am sure that there will be a new leader of the conserva- tive party.'"' The party had tried to pound him, but they had been rubbing it in a little too hard of late. He warned them to be more careful, because he had suf- fered their abuse as long as he could. Ifit was con- tinued he would find it necessary to speak Out. 2 ALL blll bd ld bbl dha ER TTT TTT TRTITTITTT Ter feof cbeok ol dedodredech deh spec dhecle chsh robb dep dope * Neww of the District Oondensec From The Whig's Exchanges. Mrs. Eliza Shepherd, an old resident of Brockville, died Tuesday morning aged seventy years, 8 Richard Harris, a 'native of Ganano- que, died in Brockville on Saturday, aged forty-two vears. W. R. MeGarry, for several years an attendant at the Brockville asy lum, died on Sunday. He came from Mimico, Charles Wickware, Easton's Corners, died on Saturday, aged seveniy-seven years. He was father of 8S. T. Wick: wave, Brockville. Harry Wilkins, Belleville, and Muriel Jarvie, Smith's Falls, united in marriage Saturday Christ church, Belleville. At Pieton, Saturday evening, the death occurred of Mm. James C. Wil son, Glenora. The deceased lady was the oldest daughter of the late J. H Meacham, Belleville. Mrs. Albert Robinson, Belleville died on Tuesday. The deceased was born in Scotland, nearly #7ty-sever years ago, but spent the greater por tion of her life in this country. Miss Caroline Sparham, daughter of the Inte Terence P. Sparham, died ir Brockville on Monday at the home of her uncle, Lieut.-Col. Sparham. He: mother died only a few weeks ago. Miss wery at Calabogie Clippings. Calabogie, April 2.--Mr. Carswel, bas a number of men employed at hi: mill here, repairing it for the coming season. Dr. Aykroyd, dentist, of Kingston, paid his first annual trip here. April 28 and 29th. Sacramental service will be administered in the Methodist church on Sabbath even ing, May 4th. The choir has been re organized, Mrs. David Church taking charge of the organ. James McKer row leit a short time ago Tor Biseot asing, where he is employed as lumber i ¢ for Booth & Shannon Co The John brothers have secured posi tions in the mill at Cache Bay. James Gillespie paid a visit to Renfrew a» short time ago. John Dickson has re turned from Cartier. John Donaldson wears a broad smile; its & girl. A very pi ng and entertaining leo tire was given in the town hall-vn Monday evening, April th, in aid of the Methodist church, by Rev. Dr. Manly Benson, Arnprior. The sub ject was "Men Wanted." Refreshments were served at the close. Much credit is due the members of the committer for. their able management. Miss Ka Doolan is home frem Arnprior, convalescent, Way Waxford is visiting at Rov, T. J. Vickevey's. Miss Willi- son, Matawntehan, at Mrs, Richard iley" Rev. Mr. Moore has taken quietly married in Ki last to William bellsford. We are lad to mee little VARICOCELE AND STR A my Latest Treatment EERE EE the parts restores lost powers Backache, the. while CTURE proper sutrition, Lin Sirjetere it absord smarting pensation FY EE In cure you you can PAY WHEN CURED on ma a ber Te as (hat § horvuh ad to cure you, eall or write me time you call you see me Personally, DRIAL SHUsLion. number of ¥ --- Guaranteed to Cure loss of time; also Rood ty aide Stoned: Poa ood, Rates of ty DR. GOLDBERG, v call write for blank for home : cannot call. BOOK PRER All dusy wh, mo0K vin Aid Woeoward Ave, Qor, Wiloex St. DETROIT, MICH. 200000 C0000 ©P9® =r Lea & Perrins' Sauce ADVERTISEMENT COMPETITION, We beg to intimate to the numer= ous competitors in this competition that Messrs) A. McKim & Co ,the well known Newspaper Advertising Agen- , CY. Montreal, have ki: dly consented to act as judges and their decision will be mada Ranown in due-course inthe columnscf the newspape.s in which advertisement of the comp stition has 3 been appearing HT OCOD Let's Reason This Thing Out, Why 'pay regular prices for goods when you can zet 20¢. on the doar off icgular prices by <hoppiig at this store, and the regular prices are as low and often lower than other's regular prices ? Why pay for friendship ? ment ? zoods on a value basis ? 2 Per Cent. Why pay for senti- Why not buy 0 Discount Means a Big Bargain and Money- Saving Time to You on Your Spring Purchases This 207, Discount Sale is of interest to you It won't last long now. Stock is being reduced, getting to where we waat it. Don't put off the opportunity. [t will close one of these days and: then regular prices und no discount. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street. Kingston. Ont; For particulars of ie PRIZE COMPETITION for Advertisements for LEA & PERRINS SAUCE See our Issue of Saturday Next. -------- -- Ornamental Fencing !Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte All Styles of Ornae mental Fencing Yory Cheap. Flower Stands, Toe his for elicsbing please, Baskivts, Wire Guar, Railioge r scent Wire Works, 278 RING 2020090000000 000000000 OUR STOCK! Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods. ® :S. ANGLIN & CO, Post of Wellington Street. POBNGOIONORD0OOSRNSIGS 000000 POGIOS Steamboat Co., Limited. Kingston - Picton - Belleville Sr. "Aletha" Commencing Monday, Apeil 7th, will leave Switt's wheel, week dus for | mad See Bay of Quine ports. st 3 pa Un Toesdays, Thucsdays and Sa urdays ton -- anther will call at Relloville, Northpers ww. Kiagston- Rochester Sir. "North King" Mar 14h, will leave on Ben days at 5 pm. for Port of Rochester, BY, will arrive Susdevs st 10 au