Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Apr 1902, p. 1

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id | # : DAILY B @9TH YEAR. RO. 101 "KINGSTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, ITISH APRIL 30, 1992, LAST EDITION Fo $10 a Suit. od 48 & bargin of thie : ' on every wit, ~ John H. Mills Are you sellisg out ? if so em ploy the best--you'll be more sa- g when your sale is over. JOHN H. MILLS, t a------------------------------ Procrastinate. Delay in ordering your spring suit may couse you no little inconvenience later on. We are in a position to give you perfect satisfaction in gentlo- mens' wi : apparel. Fit guaran 5k strevt. | Toy et MA go bv ve AL A GOOD PLAIN per month. Apply w LOCAL MEMORANDA; -- The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers fo Post By. The Laschall season ie du its frst Uwoes. A divers suit is bound to suit somebody. Oue price fghter srllom siriked another Tumblers The Latest, Just Out. nin ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND xo HOUSE 3 Manager, snddeinrtares MayZand 3 THE EMINENT ACTOR Robert B. Mantell AND A SELECT COMPANY. Friday Night, « "HAMLET." SATURDAY TNATINEE, "ROMEO and JULMET." Saturday Night, "OTHELLO" Appropriate » pe Pricos~28¢., 80s, 130, 8h 30. nox. seals 1.50. titel chairs, 50uv.; balan, 2c. box wats, 78c. iy 8 onninint Bao WATKIN M1 h ACTON SALE doom, "Sein . ' Spesitoations may bu seen ob a gion Anchor Building, Market Square. 10 OPERATE RALWAS, A Great Company Is Incor- porated. S------ HILL AND OTHER CORPORA TIONS ARE IN IT. -- Report Says They Are to Build a Line From Duluth to the Yukon and Will Concentrate Freights From the Far West and Ship East by Boats. Frenton, N.J., April 30.--~The Great Northern of Canada consolidated com: pany, with a capital stock of $100, 000,000, was incol rated yesterday to operate raile in the north went. incorporators are Benja- min' P. Moore, John M t and Arthur L. Meyers. The agent of the company is the Corporation trust company, of 15 Exchange Place, Jer sey City. According to a report which accompaniea the fyling of the charter the mew company is backed by James J. Hill and the Northern Pacific and Canadian ific railroads, The specific purposes of the eorpora- tion, according to this report, is to construct 8 railway from Duluth, Minn, to Dawson City, Yukon terri- tory. The plan 'as outlined is to bring freight to Duluth from a great area in the north-west, heretofore tap- ped by no railway, and to load it on boats at Duluth for shipment to east ern points and Europe. A large portion of the projected Vine, it is said, will he through as wi , in some cases hundreds of miles from gnv other railway. It is farther asserted that the cost of con struction will bs considerably in ex- cess of $100,000000. These reports lack positive confirmation. ------------------------ MUCH SPECULATION As to. What Shake up Will be on Line. Ottawa, April 30.--Speculation is rife in the offices of the Canada At- lantic railway as regards the effect u] the official stafi of the road as result of the sale. It is accepted that, to all intents, the line will be amalgamated with the Rutland road and very largely managed by one of- ficial staff. It is not assumed that the axe will fall heavily, but that there will be a shake-up among the of- ficials snd probably reductions in present positions while several will altogether dispensed with. Those likely to bo affected more particularly wre said to be some of the higher of- ficials more than the general clerical stall. Although general | manager Chamberlain says be has no informa- tion on the subjest, it is understood that he will ei manage Ottawa will not he re moved, but rather be reduced in sta- tun and take the character of a divi- sional office, with some change in the personnel and general direction of ™ The depertment of agriculture has been advised by cable through the bigh commissioner's office, that the board of agriculture for Great Britain has made regulations under the sale of food and drugs act of 1809, where by if a sample of butter is found to contain over sixteen percent. of wat- er, it shall be considered not genuibe unless proved to the contrary. a miniat-- THOUSANDS OF SETTLERS. A Citizen Arrested For Murdering His Wife. Winnipeg, April 30.--It is stated in imam rr. circles here that 30,000 settlers will come from Iowa to take up land in the northwest territories within & year. wired Musller, was Mrested hore, Jast ni with murdering his wife, Re the night of F 4th last. It is alleged that after killing his wife, Mueller carried ber body to the C.P.R. yards here, and placed it on the track, thinking that after it was struck by sn engine, which it was, there would be no sus: pieion of ~ufurder. 'At the coroner's nquest Mueller gave his evidence i the coolest manser possible. He main- tained his innocence, seen in the C.P.R. yérds fifteen min- utes after the body was found on the A SEVERE BATTLE, Turks. a hes to reports t a force ty rebels deieated tern the says, lost 150 killed and Hours also lost heavily. either or it Py LOTTERY CIRCULARS. S---- The Country is Being Flooded With Them. Toronto, April 30.~This city is be ing flooded with cirewlars from a lot tery, styling itseli the new great money lottery, and which is operated in Bremen, Germany. The lottery claims to have the backing of the German government and offers prizes of from ninety-one to 700,000 marks. The circulars are wont to C from London, England, the lottery promoters thus obtaining the advan tage of t imperial ny pos . The post office for py bave ys pol attempted to prevent the use of the mails in this matter. The old rough-cast soviagy in which, ten years ago, Herman H. Holmes, the Philadelphia murderer; killed the children and buried the cellar, col last night and the inmates, Mrs. John White and her three children, bad a narrow escape from death. The no- toriety caused hy the Snding of the dead hodies in the cellar the of- fect of keeping the house vacant for some time, bus it had been occupied for five years back. Recently J. J. | Besalt Of Ross Policy. In New Ontario the ple declare Ross' policy wrought the following i= - re once still 'were; there ape turbine wheels; w ests hardy lumbetman into gold the labo nation; where the unpeopled land smiling El : 000000000000 0080090000000 i 0000000000000 000900000 +00 "es §§ Fi Kelso, superintendent of neglected children, purchésed the property, and in making repairs had deepened the cellar and sacked up 'the house. Yes terday's heavy rain washed away the earth beneath and. at six o'clock the house fell forward with a crash. The chimney came right through the roof and upper floor. The partitions were twisted and torn and the house left a wreck. Lieut. D. Fulier MeKinley, of the 36th Peel regiment, left the city last night for Halifax, to accept a com- mission in the 6th C.M.R., now being formed there, Lieut. McKinley's home is Bolton, but he has been studying medicine at Toronto university. Cn ------------------ THE DRE CASE. Interesting Announcement by M. : Le Roux. Chicago, April 30.---M. H ps, Le Roux tol university students that Capt. Dreyfus admitted guilt at the time he was pardoned.- * Capt. Dreyfus not only was guilty of conspiracy against the French gov- ernment, but be confessed to a nam- bet of charges and asked for mercy whon signing a petition for a par don," was the statement with which the French lawyer and lecturer aston. ished his auditors. "That Dreyfus 'was guilty can be shown, but it will not be on aceonnt of the heated public senti- ment, both in and out of France. It has been decided that in twenty-five years the whole affair will be clear. At thal time many records will be given to the public which through fear have not been seen, except by exami- ners in private." AT ADVANCED POSTS. ------ Military Changes Being Made in India London, April 30.--A despatch from Simla to the Times says lord Curzon is carrying out the 'policy of sabstitu- ting militia jor regulars at advanced posts on the northwest frontier pro- vinee, and concentrating the military strength at a few points. The con etfnetion of a railway from Khushal- gath, on the Indbe, to Thal, at the entrance to Kuram valley, has made possible the withdrawal of regulary from Kuram, leaving the Weal militia under British officers to guard the valley. BLEW OPEN THE SAFE. The Thieves Got Away After A Warm Fight, Pittsburg, April 30.--Five burglars blew open the safe in Daub & Presel- 30 0 morning. aroused ers ton, the citivens and a TO CONSIDER MATTER. Asking Help From the Dominion Government. Ottawa, April 30.--A delegation re presenting the Canadian ehpbuilding industry waited on Messrs. Sather land, Mulock and Sir Richard Cart wright to-day and asked that 'the do- minions government aid the ikaustry by a bonus of ten per cent on the contract trice. The Nova Scotia and : RY. and the ministers promised to congid- or the mstier, The village of Ottawa East is hav: ing water samples from the Rideau river analysed by the dominion ana- Jyst with a view to establishing: a water works system. The village, a prosperous subweb of Ottawa, bas made an ideflectual effort to get wa ter from the city perviee and will now seek a system of its own. A system of reservoirs will be established, and the water from the river will be filter od through a hed of sand and gravel Stand pipes will be erected for fire pro- tection purposes. Bernard Britton, convicted of stealing a bicycle, last year, from in front of the Gilmour hotel was sentenced to Central prison, to-day, for one year by judge Street, Local Wholesale men threaten to give all their business to the GP.R., if the head offices of the Canada At lantic are removed from here to Rut. land. It is rumored that the = Webb syndicate will move the offices to Rutland and make Ottawa a division al. point. NEWS OF THE WORLD What Comes To Us From An Quarters. CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The contract between the govern ment and the Ross rifle company has been signed and is now in force. Gen. Delarey's commandoes, under commandant Kemp, will meet early next week to discuss the question of Dr. E. E. Lehewess, Max Wedell and H. Morgan left London on Tuesday on a trip round the world on a motor car, The funeral of Hon. Bavid Reesor, who died on Sunday last, was held on Tuesday from his late residence in Toronto. i 'Abraham MeDonald, accused of choking his mother to death, in Neo- vember, 1900, was acquitted at the Ottawa assives. : Liberal peers have chosen ~ earl Spencer as liberal leader in the house oP s, in succession to the late earl of Kimberley. George A. Dana has been re-appoint- od sheriff of the united counties of Leods and Grenville, a position from which he had resi A All classes of society in Russia are concerned in the outbursts of turbul- ence which are mow taking place throughout the czar's dominions. Lord Curzon telegraphs that heavy beneficial rains have fallen in Bengal and Assam, and that there have been local showers in Burmah, and parts ol Madras. The British postmaster-general bas jssued a notice to the effect that on and after May lst the rate of postage to China will be one penny to all points maintaining British post offices. The Campaigne generale trans-Atlan- tique has effected a tacit understand ing with the Anglo-American shipping combination on terms identical with those accepted by the German com: of Mafeking that the Hull and Otta wa conflagration of 1900 occurred and the beleagured patriots raised a tidy sum to swell the sum. There was no way of remitting the money roised un til the arrival of the Canadian bat tery, under Col. Drury, raised the siege. A draft for £25, 14s. 6d. war given to Col. Drury. to be remitted to Ottawa, snd was duly mailed at Pretoria. It never reached Ottawa, having, doubtless, fallei into the hands of the Boers, As it was not returned to the Standard bank at Pretoria, the authorities made in quiries about it and, being satisfied that the first bill of exchange, had been lost, forwarded another araft for the amount. The draft arrived in Ot tawa to-day. It was made out to mayor Cook, who turned it over to Mr. Perley, chairman of the fire relia fund, who will send it to Col. Drury to be added to one of the South Afri- can | atriotic funds, The Chinese guna captured at Tien Tein will be brought to Ottawa and will be placed on the grounds in front of the militia departgent. The guns are of brass. panies. King Edward attended the New- market race meeting on Tuesday. He wore a grey suit, a. brown bowler, brown boots and a grey overcoat? single breasted which buttoned through the cloth, no fly being used. Another eave of small-pox has made its appearance in Hamilton, Ont. The victim is Frank Creen, Main street, east, a travelling salesman, who has been representing, a Toronto firm in the northwest and who returned home about ten dis Bago. Nine men from the military depot at St. John's; Que., loft this morming for Halifax to join the South African contingent. They were accompanisa to the Grand Trunk station by the band and the members of the depot, At the station they received a hearty send-off from the citizens. At Christie's, London, on Tuesday, the first portion of the famous Duno- Gardner collection, from South Ken: sington, was put up for sale The bidding was brisk. The most sensa- tional price reached was £1950 for a triptych of boxwood, five inches high and six inches long. A silver gilt tuder cup was sold for £4,100 which works out at £290 an ounce. The pre- vious highest price for old silver was £69 an ounce, ARE UNDER ARREST. The Marines Still Remain In Ven- ice Prison. Rome, April 30.--The officers of the U.8. eruiser Chicago, who were ar rested at Venice, remain in prison there, An application for their dis charge has been rejected. The Malian law does not allow the court to grant pardon in cases of assaults on the police. It is considered profable, however, that the prisoners will be relensed by order of the king on June ist, the date of the fete of the constitution. How It Was Caused. Washington, D.C., April 30.--Capt, Dayton, of the Chicago, cables that the resisting of arrest on the part of his crew was largely due to the prossing in of the crowd and the men not understanding the language. -------- ; SLUM WORKER ATTACKED. She is Said to be Dying From an sault. Portland, Oregon, April 30. Miss Faith Stewart, a rescue worker among the denizens of Portland's slums, is in a dying condition, at her home, a= the result of an assault made upon her on Sunday night, by five men Several dive keepers are known to be hitter against Miss Stewart, an she had indeed & number of givle to leave their places. ------ A STOCK TICKER. Asnounces That Gen. Delarey Has Surrendered. New York, April 30. ~The stock tick er this morning carried a London des patch tiowd 2:45 pan. which says : It is reported here that the Boer geners) Delarey and. three commandocs have surrendered." TALKS OF NEW REPUBLICS. Established in North-West Sec- tion of Cape Colony. London, . April 30.--A statement by Dr, 2 in 3he Neus Freie Presse ia quoted by +t enna correspondent the Times. Leyds says the South Af rican peace stiations must be re: garded as having broken down. The demand that the Boers lay down their arms and renounce independence and claim amnesty cannot be compli ed with, becanse Cape Colony and other rebels form a considerable por. tion of the combatants. Leyds alleges that there is profound dissatisfaction in Cape Colony, and asserts the de sire for independents will be manifest- ed by the establishment of several re- publics in the north-west of the col ony. A Serious Explosion. Copenhagen, April 30.--A fatal ex fosion occurred at the gas works at yborg, Fuin Jsland. to-day. Bix per pons were killed. The ex slosion set fire to the works, but the Pins was quickly extingwished, Instantly Killed. Toronto, April 30.--Wellington Laur- ence, the fourteen year-old son of Al bert Laurence, of Toronto Junction, was instantly killed in the Canadas cycle and motor company's factory. The boy was going up on the hoist and it ie su looked out of one TT Ladies' Patent Leather Boots. See the prices in Abernethy"s wim the dow. crashed beyond recognition. Life was extinct when he was picked up. spb The S88. Macina, Donaldson liner, from Glasgow, passed Father Point, inward, at 5:40 sm. Friday, May nd, is arbor day. During Moving Deserves To Be Blest. London, April 30.-The Sun, in editorial os the Ameri It was during the memorable siege | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont, April 30 Scattered shows ere fordny, worth westerly winds ami wenthes Bethany cooler te-sieht: Thursday wonturiy winds, fair amd cooker. THE TABLE There Is a Big Differ- ence lf Table Linens "and Napkins Lots of them are 'clumsily made; some are inartistically designed. Often the entire output of a careless maker don't contain a valuable or worthy thing. It is only by handling the productions of the oldest, best known and most reliable weavers and Designers "that we avoid the bad features that condemn many linen stocks. ---------------- Our linen department is well located on the first floor and it never kmows a dull season, Is it because of the worthy and large stocks or the attractive prices =~ both, maybe, but the store is the place to find out. See our window display of Liddels' celebrated Irish Linens, then come inside and examine qualities and see prices. Steacy & Steaey DIED. HOLLAND-In Kingston, Apreil 28th, Beat rice B., duugbter of Mr. and Mrs Geore Holland, aged 14 veurs Funeral will leave ber father's wesidence, 40 Hidesu street, Thursday afternoon, ad 80 - - lock: to Untarsauk cometery. Frionds and = aciuaintances are resiwotiul ly invited 0 attend LAWSON~At Elginbarg, Apel 30th, Joseph Lawson, +. aed $5 years Funeral wil loave hie late msidency, Thue day afternoon; at 3:80 o'clock MW OONVILLE Suddenly on Apsil 20th, Charis PP. son of Charles MeCouvills, aged 19 years Fuprral from his (ather's pesidhnon, (0% ship of Kingston, on Thursday metroing, for St Mare's eathedesl, at 8 v'elock, requiem mass will be where a solemn released WE LEAD, *" scion We control the agency in Kings ston for the most elegant shoe for Ladies, made in America--Reed's, of Rochester, NY. Worn with great satisfaction by the first Ladies of this city. Your oppor tunities for securing a pair of these are being lessened every pair we sell--made in Patent and Velvetta kid, in turn and welted soles. . | Prices, $4. $4.25, $5. tent Chrome Cali and Dongolws Kid--welted soles. Prices, $4. $4.56 For men's footwear we are head. quarters. See our window display. Inspection invited. 10 per cent. off to Students. ARMSTHONG'S, pincees MOTHER REND All Healing Ointment Cuts, Bale Cenched Nipples, Bolle and Besliog "PRICE. 25¢c. Fast Hamilton liberals have nomin- Pr. H, 8B. Grima for the Teginla- ture, ' Cut Glass Of Sparkling Brilli- ancy. Weshow some exceptions al values in BOWLS irom $7.60 to $20. They make aprrvoprists i - Wedding Clits.

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