Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1902, p. 7

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4 THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. APRIL 24. # ET eT TT J SARY THING. insects' infest the trees, they should ---- -------- 3 be sprayed with the lime mixture, or It Was Started and Worked For . 2 % How it May Be Most Efective-- other Iastial alrearly mentioned. ) | Years By the Conservative : . ~ p » 18 4 Begin it Early in Season--How | oct certain to be ad. the oi Machine--No Sympathy With 2 om an im LL Fe a rw % % 3 -r . r - i ah air and sunlight are admitied, much PROMPTS TORIES TQ CON- SPRAYING 1S A MOST NECES- | of the moss will disappear. If the oy- ho ster shell bark louse, or other scale | DEMN BALLOT STUFFING. ; branches df Ahe threes may be done it' ) wes Br mn eh lk TT a there is much moss, but as soon as By oe the tree hecomes more vigorous and ---- Atlanti the Ground Should Be Work- should 'be ploughed shallow in the One-Sided Morality Expeund- : spring, terning wnder a good dressing ers. of manure if it can be procured. If fg iond Bumeon ed, Prom he Agricultural Ke v z i t bas only oc bgp last ten | the sod. is not. too thick it might be |. Some. forcible remarks by Rev. J. HEAD OFFICE: TORONTO, CANADA #0 that spraying has beer worked up with the disc or spade | C, Farthing, of Woodstock, on the . i ; Yogardod as an Iter part of | harrow. The ground should then be |cvils of ballot-box 'stuffing and the ' 4 successinl * eulturs, Recognizing | kept thoroughly harrowed until July, | necessity of punishing the offenders are AUTHORIZ ED C API I A $3 000. 000 grthing that would pro: working in other fertitizers if the and | heing widely quoted by the: conserva- s 3 3 Yong injury to trees and {ruit, spray be poor and manure is not to be had; | (ive press. The condenmation. is just, : - hi ike *eidaut ng baw received considerable atien: | and then red clover weed sown at the | hut the time of its delivery is sug- i in Shares of $100 each, divided into _iB,000.7 perf cent, Cumulative . on at. the. Central expeciviental sate of twelve pounds per acre, and |goutive of = partizanship. Pallotbox Preference Shares, $1,600,000 ; 15,000 Common s, 81,600,000 3 " "7M 'many fungicides and in the ground rolled. A good cover crop |guffing is mot of such vecent develop ph ; aa io gr i \ sectides- have been awed to prove Slnaidi- Ahan he. fated by, aul. ment in Canada as to justify long y - 80 § ud . . pn rids i. hile experi season # | yearg of silence on the part of a moral 850 000 f 7 C i Pp f 1 5 k lime mixture sprayed work, The results would, probably, be | Li rmer and sudden bo which tries $ ' : 0 per cent. umu ative re erence toc Is A A . 1: 1 & oR a ott | kei ag oka, tig CE now offered to the Public for Sale at par Macoun o plentiful, - would be cleaner. : shih treated Jitgoysred Practica hn o Sao thous The second season, additional, but |, "The hisley of this inn danas ack # Sha hell Dark Jaise, an inet whith hy pruning shoud | be Sones - the sumed Freshorn, who was recommend-{ PAYABLE: 10 per cent. on application, 20 per cent. on allotment, 20 per cent. two months atter allotment, 25 per cent. four months after allot- P deal 3 0; app spra, '! cmt iv i ore ' i Wns =n the colder ris of Ontoria fore, the Hove ound dor in the a te the Sconttrative maging dies ' ment, and 25 per cent. six months after allotment. ; and the province of bee. The Ii spring, and the ept TOW . % i oS 4 --} 2 e ry eas me shh | mid nn, Jl, go lh | Eo oe it ret hd" J DIRECTORS wi hid yinds 4 to the e, and the wh to clover, e fruit ta % . scales are then a Vv dhe action should be better than the year be: alate] 1 a (eitha Sees. who PRESIDENT-W. C. EDWARDS, M.P,, of W. C. Edwards & Co., Limited, Lumber Manufacturers, Qttawa. oa OE Wild. sfontive the fore, but. not until the Ahed Hos | returning officers (conservative) The! VICE-PRESIDENT--R. Y. ELLIS, Vice-President of P. W. Elils & Co., Limited, Manufacturing Jewelers; spraying shoundd Te hous in the aw- heavily and the orchard be in good n Ee Re a wei. a tally 4 CHAZ, H WATHROUS, President of Waterons Engind Works Co., Limit- | J. x WARDROPE Director The New Richmond Lumber Co. Linsited, and there should be two ap- | oo ition. P h x 3 ri ope 0 , Brant Montreal, . ions #0" thet "all the scales may mor SaoPES DR the wrong name occasionally and ex-1 BH THOMPSON, Wholesale Paper Merchant, Buffalo. wn v t 3 h 1 s LM. MoINTYRE, Paper Manufacturer (late Mochadicsl Superintendent covered. Lime used in the propor RHODES' DREAN. sharks jibe good ballots for bogus 4. J. B BOKARDT, Manufacturer, Toronto, Laurentide Pulp Co. and water ane Doundei 1p, one gallon of He Realized the Cost of Its Ful- were to be spoiled by lead hing fas CHARLES LYMAN, President the Lyman-Knox Co., Limited, Montreal. |W. R. P, PARKER, Barrister-at-Law, Toronto. ' oo i i tened under the little finger with - Be I tt dtu poneible Pie | ok va Almant. wax, and drown acroms the name on Bankers~THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. : Solicitors--PARKER & BICKFORD, Turontp: Canada. 8 : the dime he. good: Thish A glimpse ol. the Inte Ceeil Rhodes the ballot as a ha being « Spebed. The Brokers---SUTHERLAND & CAMERON, Ottawa, Canada. f y is had in a letter written from Kim: Hsands wears, - in . ion of - haa al alia am emia viet ol grin yal She : : louse J le, cheap, and very . | berley soon after the British occupa ee eficted, hy slipping, ' Regiatiars of Stock and Transfer Asad: weber ve, should prove a populme tion of the city. y ny ing, stuffing and spotiing, anc one. There is, in for, no oid Te Ever a . his mind filled with according io the number of rejections NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited, Toronto, Montreal, and win . edy #0 good,, economical, and fn | visions of empire, Rhodes one day in in the election of 1100, they were very > . : i Poon, APEC oF ag, faili as this for the oyster shell | Kimberley was picturing the grandeur snecesaful. * The game was worked. in}. N.B~Since the Prospectus of the Company was issued (about the First of April), the Company haa received two offers for the puichaie of iti sitive Guatput bark fons * of British South Africa' when the rich |#¢veral constituencies and aftr the] of These offers are entirely unsolicited, and are trom parties whose standing is such as to guarantee the performance of any contract they ma Kerosene emulsion has been usually | lands should be developed under the elections were over the mow. liberal] un ertake. One of these offers covers the first year of production, and thé other covers the first three years. Either offer, if accepted, would be sufficien % purpose, and with wood British flag and the great colony goverment instituted a vigorous pro- rofitable to assure the payment of the full divi end on the Preferred Stock, provide the amount required by the Charter for a ve Fund, and eave a "the insects are running, should be tied to England by lines of secution of the offenders. Everybody lance sufficient. fo pay a large dividend on the Common Stock, if no unioreseen contingencies should arise. This does not include profits mated from but as" only. rim four or five [fast steamers and by 8 railroad to |rémembers the mamner in which Sir the sale of sulphite pulp or from the saw mill, which, it seems reasonable to suppose, would be sufficient to cover all unexpbeted contingencies. . - days in the first week in June it is Cairo. . Hibbert Tupper denounced this prose : difficult to kill Sham a! off in this A Shen a litter as horns by. sutiot in, the house of sdimmons. Did P BR 0 4 sy E C T U S . way. covering the trefs vith line des' face wms illumi by eon | Mr. Farthing then raise his voice in " you are able IE ot at the scale, and ] thusiasm. He i had just said: "The condemnation of the frauds or of Sir OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY ne following is an extract from ne of sh Jepots . the lime makes the trees white, so J eost of the struggle is as nothing to | Hibbert's efiorts to. shield the of The Atlantic Pulp and Paper Company, Limited, has been organized in Ab have, been working in the lumber Woods oF taenty years or more, that vor can see whether all the | the fruits that are to he reaped.' fenders * Not that we ever heard of, order to take advantage of the unrivalled facilities for the manufacture of A ye traveled apd examined Hunn In : e gr a ney oy Bruns scales have been coveted or not. The litter-hearers paused Lo change But Magpitoba was not the only pro pulp and paper at New Richmond, on the Bale des Chaleurs, and by its thi Land Hue ec, a worked in ae Ss n AI Bite. an am sure The advantage of dover-growing in | their hold. The fair face of an Eng- | vince in which the crimo of Ballot . best pulp 1imit 1 have ever seen or y an orchard Ahe fall is that much lish soldier lad was turned toward | box stuffing was perpetrated for the pulp and paper can be more economically - manufactured therc than any y the plant food in the soil, which Riodes, and the woundel boy's pain- eg of the tory party. other place in' America. ; os og # and 'made more | drawn lips moved. + n North Ontario the ballots of five " cess of such a coricern are: has esd | fod the constant cul Sympathy changed the expression of | polling divisions were ronpered with, The eagentials to the success of such tivation during the early part of the Roades' face ashe stepped down 'to | Twenty-one votes, cast for the liberal . Cheap and unlimited pulp wood; summer, is ed from leaching by | the dying soldier, Jeandidate, were extracted and replaced , Adequate water power cheaply developed; being: used by the growing plants, the | 'I am not afraid, to die," gasped { with the same number of votes mark . Pure water for, the manufacturer; clover thus ing a "osteh crop'! the hoy bravely, hut there is no led for the conservative candidate; and N Cheap labor; rl 4 4 \ caver erap. Where soils | one to take tare of mother." the work was so clumsily done that . oni rauspa ation charges; suffer 'from Jack of moisture in a dry "I will provide: for her," raid |the judge pronounced against it. The ! GIERt mERAFement. time, the: elover should bé ploughed Rhodes simply, as he made note of |election was voided, ) 1t will be seen that the facilities possessed by this Company assure a under as early in the spring as the the mathet hunt nd acl and In Lincoln a gang of pluggers, head point of cheapness in the production of paper never attained before, while land 1 cultivation | he strode quickly" ithe house, with |e k : af . : the situation of the mills on the Atlantic seaboard makes it possible to ship A * J Fry Rye oe ig A by a Yankes adventurer, were paid to all foreign ports by water without trans-shipment. As the Company | A Ground Wood Pulp Mill with a daily capacity of 50 tone, and' | A Sujphite Pulp Mill with a daily capacity of 40 tons, | . Rl that there is sufficient pulpwood now on the 1imits to supply the proposed mills for more than 65 years. As spruce wood will replace itself in from twenty-four to thirty years, it will be geen that there fa sufficient wood om the limits to afford a perpetual supply to a mill double the capacity of that now contemplated. & The freehold property conshsts of twenty: acres where the saw mill, dwellings, and office are situated, and 3561 acres on the bank of the Little Caseapedia River, whera it is preposed to build the #ulp and Paper Mills. THE PULP AND PAPER MILLS r charter, ha$ powers of the fullest description it is confidently belleved that On the basis of any one of these Peports a « onservative estimate shows It is proposed to ereot-- A Paper Mill with a daily capacity of 54 tons. ¢ : 5 is will | tears in his eyes, mutiering : s ¥ texken Should be ob nee. Phi os "Oh, the cost of it, the cost of it Arum Si manay so sachag jo. Yates, by proposés to confine itself almost exc lusively to the export trade, it will otherwise be trampived wll fall" . man who stole the largest tba a readily be seen that this gives it further adyantage over all other companies. Mr. George F. Hardy has estfnatod the cost of erecting the Pulp and h : 1. WOOD SUPPLY ~No paper mill in Canada has greater advant- Paper Milla and of developing tha. water power at $950,000. The balance from the sale of the Preferred Stock will be sufficient to complate the pay« capital through the leaves of ile growing ballots, The result was disastrous . 0 as disast J ¥ 1 they are ploughed under Where There Was No Honor. y rvative © i : ous, 10 ages In point of situation. Many companies do not own their own limits, he ol the condervative candidates. . o e w ete ments for the limits, water power, saw mill, ete, provide working of M which is the | Youth's Companion. ' In P & . all, boweswr, al: The old proverh shout honor am- an Darts Sound fon allo. thst of supply and price. Other companies ownir 1 fimits have to tPansport their ty of mbisture, it} One thieves has - been a staggering | 4.0 with. °F ss heeh § + wood from great distances by water or rail. Thus we find mills at Mer- | w i Jot. the clover blow An St. Louis, The thieves were Crosses were ih, In some. cases the riton and Niagara Falls are bringing their pulpwood from Central Quebec. | . THE SA MILL y 3 until te third 'week in sétain wendhers il She 'chy council 1 tthe work was 0 badly done ho Some phos pettus paper gumpunieg een Duy thelr pulp. in the manufactured There is on the property asaw mill, equipped with the latest improved fa. as oe Wo ihe nilditional | o 18 nu of street RN ay men, Li" wus decided to substitute new: bal: state. 4. mills of the antic p and Paper Company, Limited, willl be machinery, capable of turning out from 36,000 to 40,000 superficial feet of humus and nitrogen obtained by this ao it hitlg hacauae neithor mide had]. co hut both old and new were not bith gout fue thle from the Thumita, w hare there wit also be a very large | sawn lumber in ten hours, and is equipped with all nacessdr § plwer, gear . any sai soe in the | nok o She in the box The' seat was. clearly ml pout wapan ot Raiding a6 vers To 1 on Tog Be ring Casgaperia ing, shafting, ete, for the installation of another saw, which would double : v po of hat reimal o © % , eh 3 cer 3 oug e¢ center of the limits, and the y he acity. 3 ) 0 ha have bitin haglecie? bery was most amusingly disclosed. siolen for the (conservative candidate. number of tributary streams does away with the greater part ") the redken | the CANA MARKETS au and avi Jeachid | the rail Josirod 'certain fran- n Kent the liberal gandidate ran ing usually entalled In getting out pulp wood, thereby greatly decreasing renovate them, The best | chises and put up one hundred apd up. against a lot of ballot changing, the cost. The markets will be chiefly forelgn, including the Eastern States and Raat £3 \ §b fur _ fand yet won out in the election, seo ¥ a = . Great Brita, In view of the expected advances in the price of paper in sin such casen is to plant vouns thirty-five thousand dollars. as a COP 1,3. "he "axtent. of the fraud i 2. WATER POWER.~Mr. George F. Hardy of New York, the foremost | (he astern States it la-probable that the greatcr part of the output will be On" the other hand, there are] ruption fund. They were afraid, how- |. . aud against American authority on this stibject, has made a thorough examination of the | ode the trie aT aver, to pay it to the councilmen np- him was not fully known, water or that can be devel 3 on the Little C a Riv 3 | marketed there, Situated as the mills will be on the seaboard, paper orcha where THES, il ear- 3 CSC . 4 All these and other fraud ; : poy - eveloped on the Little Cascapedia River at.a poiat | can be laid down in Liverpool and New York, duty paid, at such & price as , would: jie: in 'the prime of life til the council had voted as they Socotion of she oo ra 8 rere he Immediately adjoining the proposed mill site, and his report shows that to dety competition. ? ie conservatives, a ' aw . ~ ati i @ ¢ o on. suffictent power can be developed to run mills of even greater capagity. i Freight quotations can be ween at the offices of the National Trust Joct is the only suse which wished. The corrupt councilmen, on {= o neg 3 their: part, would not vote until they Yet some of them pew, on the eve of Thi report can be seen at the office of the undersigned, or at any | company, or the undersigned rents fitabile from being Proven hg se Oro eh 8 nag had the money. By a compromise, another contest, 'will k about the office of the National Trust Company. Limited. i 0 t a few suggestions are here of therefore, the fund was placed in a necessity of watch the ballot 3. WATER SUPPLY ~Pure and clean water Is one of the most im- | ESTIMATE OF BUSINESS AND PROFITS e 5 : n boxes! The men who: i ! fered as to how to bring them back safety box which had two keys, one nen. inaugurated portant factors in connection with pulp and papér-making. The bed of the | a : " i into condition. But the results | of which was held by each party. {the ballot-switching and ballot Little Cascapedia River in rocky, and owing to Ts crontal like tna | Estimating the cost of pulp wood at $8.36 & cord, careful estimated desired cannot be got in ohe year. Neither could open the box without |stealing. can. appreciate the best purity the water in the river is suitable for making the finest grades of made for the Company show that the ETound WIC rach aiT Toot ot The trees, to * with, should be the co-operation of "the other. The {that can be done by determined and paper without the expense of filtering. which is almost invariably required over $5.89. ton, and. sulphite pulp not over $16.00 a ton. 0 Ad asl ¢ of pruned, not tee heavily at first, but councilmen voted as they had agreed. {desperate men, but. they ought = not at other mills. newspaper froth pulp, ntimated at these prices, ahuuld mot aver S168 limbs should he taken out to Then the courts interfered, and it was - he posing as purists. It does not 4. COST OF LABOR~~The labor employed in the mills and woods cost nl of al and ny a ot and sel, a open up the top and permit a five through the quarrel over the attempts i well. ii rh $ Jess than probably any other American mill, as far as known, as competent i The following estimate of the annual output of the mills has been pre« iroulition of 'dir and the admission | of both parties to get the funds that u is nevertheless necessary for the men in this section of the country, on account of the cheapness of living pared -by Mr. Wm. M. Mcintyres a practical pulp and paper man. facturer, of sunlight to it, The trées will, pro- | the whole matter became public. iberal party to guard well against ask very low wages. ) - | : . these evil oti x and is believed to be conservative and well within the mark, and includes bably, he much moss grown. and --- bei : or' as of their opponents 8. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES.~The shipping facilities of this allowances for salaries and contingencies: # both and the fruit may be of Significance Of Rings. Tee of ite mors] Company are certainly unequalled by any similar enterprise In Canada, the 16,902 tons of newspaper at $37.00 a ton facted with varions diseases. Injurious § yy ¢ inl Advertiser. less workers. That the imitation situation of the mills on the Baie dos Chaleprs giving every possible ad- fob. dL mills A vv $625,314.00 insects, 100; are Tmgat certain - 10] Prol. Frederiok Sarr, of the. univer. | 8% &tumpbtol tn the' bye-elections has | vantage for export trade, Which is probably the ~wost profitable field. 5.20414 tons of sulphite pulp St $30.00 & . nd. Es ; . } sity 'of Chicago, the latest member of om proven, but that it was sanction Arrangements can be made with Atlantic steamship lnes fo run ton £05. at mills .... x 248,835.00 J by early in Nica fod or condoned by the liberal lenders JU% steamers from New Richmond for eight months in the. year, fred rR prrl . i] thist faculty to get mowspapdr ne 4 year, as requirdd, ie SRTE200.09 the | , an trots shonld be hy astonishment statements, is rot a | disproved by the adtion of the Fos hs a the winter months favorable winter rates have been arranged with Cost of producing same: kept covered from top to bottom } ranger to fume of nis kind. Ht is jEYDment; in. trying - to punish the of the Railway Companies to St. John and Halifax, New Richmond being on 16.902 tons of newspaper, at $1654 a 'ton 286,310.88 he.» Bordeau mixture and Paris green, un: § doubtful that his assertion: made. last fenders, and the failure of the proesed- Ne Hine of the Atlantic and Lake Superior Rallway, which will be connected "82543 tons of sulphite pulp af 316 & ton 256,919.58 til the fewit is almokt fully grown. | week that the engagemont ring was on | ES was largely caused by the cons with the mills by a siding. Ed 41908188 ? Scraping the kat : e | telic of barbarity, used by angient servatives rofusing to aid in the pe io 8.. MANAGEMENT ~The Company has been fortunate in securing the -------- ve-owners. so denote the serfdom of secutions. The Beacon hag al ph] services of Mr. Wm. M. Melntyre, formerly Mechanical Superintendent with Showing a profit of ama el we sees S4ESTIRES their females slaves, excited any moro condemned unfair and dishonest the Laurentidé Pulp Company, Iimited, who will act as Manager of the 7. per cent on $1,500,000 Preference Stock ., .. <u +0 105,000.00 1 notice his ation of an aus tices .in_ elections, whether practiced by Leonstruction and operation of the mills. Mr. McIntyre has had over twenty ] , topsy class among his students, who Jott is or a frionde but J] © years' experience in pulp and paper. making, and is regarded as an authority Avaliable for Reserve Fund: and further Dividends ... HE LTL18. aubscribed to by-laws devoting their has no respect for or sympathy with on the manufacture of pulp and paper. THe ground Wood pulp And the balance of wuiphite pulpy will be bon- fodies to seience after their death, or the kind of morality expounders wha ' PROPERTIES sunaad in the paper mill of the Company. his advertisement for six i condemn_wrong-doing. in only one par- . The estimated profits from the operation of the saw mill not fn. | ty, and that the The rties and mi six-toed people. He is an enthusias- |, @ t the lesser offender, for prope a mits acquired by the Company contain about three cluded in these figures, but owing fo the enormous quantities of oedas on tid researcher in anthropology, tradi: partisan ends, hundred and two square miles, or one hundred and winety-three thousand the Himits, substantial profits should be made from the manufacture of vail, tion and heredity, and 8 few years tive hundred acreg, more or less. The wood is principally spruce. and there way ties, shingles, etc. The Laurentide Pulp' Company, Limited, tn ts ago brought hack from Central Ame- Aged Citizen Dead is also a large qUantity of cedar, pine, birch, balsam, balm of Gilead, and annual report, June 30th, 1900, stated that the Company's saw mill added to rica come fish with four eyes, two of Harti > . poplar. The Company has reports on this property made by five different the year's profits an amount squil to fis entire cost. although it Was oper- 'which were used to see under water ard 3 April 2--An oid and expert Rangers. acting independently. Copies of these may be seeft at any ated for anly three months of (he year and estimated that the fattire profits and two above. ted resident passed away this office of the National Trust Cempany, Limited, or at the office of the from this source would cover the interest on the entire pond iisue of the morning in person of Joh ndersigned. Te w = his vs of John Moore, u ' 3 Company. Familiar With The Worl seventy fifth year, been ; Aman, oy ek apt Jo om Ste, be ote as ISSUE OF STOCK A fone Going, pin fox p foe ieee. i] cot the acquiring x The said property: equipment of the pilp and paper mills, the development of the water powefi buildiog the railway', time, says the Pittshurg Bulletin, the : Siding tothe Pref pishing of sufficient working capital, the presént issue of Preference Stock is made. The whole of the Seven Per superintendent put. hima this question : i v | Cent. ive erence Stock has been authorized to be issued on the tollowing tesms : +S] vou know anything shout car- humeral | wo pentey 37 ) Ee mera : why opi {wo shares of monen per cent. Cumulative Preference Stock subscribed and paid for, there will be "Sure, I'd like to see the man that § oo" "gl % allotted by way 'of bonus one share of fully paid Common Stock. : ited say od . ow to make & V nt al : The Seven Per Cent. Preferred Stock is Cumulative; carries yearly dividends, and Ras priority over the Common Stock as to belli divide Chas th ! ag % gd oy AN rca SR 3 ro i After the payment of the dividend on the Preferred Stogk, and before an sient of dividend on the Common Stock, a further sum of one per cont. must be spp hoe Reserve Fund, uncler the charter. This fund will be for the farther desufMg of the dividends on the Preferred Stock. Applicatic ' ade in duc course for the listing of the sbares of the Company oa the Toranto snd Mongresl Stock Exchanges. : Applications for Preferred Shares should be forwarded to the NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited; Tor" "Montreal, or Winnipeg; or to SUTHERLAND & CAMERON, Brokers, Ottawa, Canada. : Checks, drafts, otc., are 0 be made payable 0 the NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Limited, nan If the whole amount applied for be : " . sas] De made the deonsit will be ote, tips paid on depo wil be appropristed towards the yum due on allotment. Where Furiher informationand F of Applicatie i CANADA OF NATIONAL TRUST CO i be obtained theffices of SCIAG & Faumnon, 4 Branng STensy, OTTAWA, We offer the Preferred Stock for sale on the above aR a hE Ty a the above terms. + . » SUTHERLAND & CAMERON, Brokers OTTAWA, CANADA. | i being entirely dependent on outside purchases, and subject to fluctuations and leave a substantial balance for contingengles. ; A : Foi

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