i -- y - ers, We haveabout 100 pieces of the best 10-wire Pdpestries, no better made. Sold regularly at 78¢. a yard. We offer § themat oe 60c, A YARD. MADE A LAID ON YOUR FLOOR. * i .. They are in a good variety of patterns with stairs to match. i R [eFAUL Kingston Carpet J "This snbtress: Sas 1,000 aamall springs, cov grad both sides © with Fale, figted with ven gliators, very: comfortable, $16 to $18 each. Ostermoor Matirasnes $14 to $16. rove bet Purioln Mastresscs, mathe of boatthiont aud Miva fess 87, as good hs others atid for In wow promises . "vary Wegn . | Rioek. Our potierne ond desline pre extra pedty and ' . The eolor dfletts in our 't Young ment of = us A Writer Who Complains of Vari- ous Things~The Alliance is Wot AsiWell Supponted As it Should Be. Kingston correspondenes of Wegtminwter, Heeoutly the: evangelical allianes, of Kingston, nob a Nery. aggressi.e jsody, bas been turning over in ith wind hs need of action in defence of dhs. Sabbath, and in the better en forcement of the lignor law. As ihe world goes, Kingston is a respectable, sevious-looking ty, but by no means stuctly . Sebbatarian. Very soub boys will _eross the bridge and play Faschall all Sunday os the Barriefield conamons, and no. one, in suthonty, or without; will ears to interfere, yrifng tendencies and addicted (0 yachting will spend. the fairest Sunday plternoons eruising up and down the harbog. In the course of the winter qussi-social functions have beed eniroaching upen- the day, So that it may be thné jor "the al linnee to awake ot of sleep. Then the Ngonor Jaw is believed to be very loosely ohgsrved. Fvastons in vaviony wave ane practised, yet eon vietions are. rare; which, in the opin jon of some officials, is regarded ax Lad sign-which in the opinion of other giicials ix proof that ofl is lovely, The alliance may not bes able to. do much int a better enforcement of it ought to do what it but bois, aw, cam. 1 hcwever; hit tah to atate that the alliance Jag Jor: u long time consisted chiefly ol three or four men, others wha ought! to be members, declining to assist in such common christian work as van be-dope only. when men and churches. are Jovally banded te gather, . Lot the churches stand by each other, with united. front, and soon the worst evils that afflict = the community would be rooted. out. But beyond gushing, sentimcntal sposches, some good men and good churches will not go. ------ Holding A Week's Services. Beginning this evening, the chrigtion encleavorers of the city will hold =» wiok's meotings in Bethel Congrega tional church, 'The object is to awaken more intarest in. the work wnong the young people, and to ex- toned the society's dbjeets. During the week Fidresses will bo delivered hy. Rev. Br. Anthiff, Rev. Bouglas Laing, ev. Thomas Brown, Rev. Db, N. Morden, ¥. (0. Lockett and others. Church Paragraphs. Rev. R. Laird. preached at the Portsmouth Preshyterian services last evening. The wvoeal club bring early in May Abbey choir boys. A pew Y. M. CU. A Building is te he erected in Dswego, NY. It will cost about $18,000. The rearrangement of the Newburgh and' Camden, Presbyterian fields joining Camden Filth to Newburgh has gone into effect, with promise of excellent results, i William © Davies in "Oh Shining Licht' and Daniel Couper in "Jeva: sul,' were acceptable soloists 'at the services in Brock street Mathodist church yesterday. In Queen street Methodist church last: might Miss Lola Reyner sang the solo, "Come 'Unto Me, in good is arranging to the Westminster sie by a large congrapntion; Sanday was spent nt Tamworth by the bishop of Onturio, and on Tues- 4 day his Jordship will: leave for Mont- uttend the general mission weal, to dean 'board and the eonsteration of Carmichael. cathedral 'at: Easter supplemented by a gift from the ladies' nid society, has conipleted the payment of 83.500 for Si. Ueorge's 'eathedeal organ, and now that fie instrament can be completed; Rov. Dr. Antliff is preaching n series of 'morning sermons in Queen: street Methodist church on "The Whole Duty of Man." Wis ficst address yesterday was on jestice, right aetion fu busi ness, social, marital, parental and ric [Higious life: rath and rightawitnme should characterize all tings of Yn ay seats of instanoen would Geet): Iv, os Praise For The Employees. oq wid praise cannot be given to ihe conductors and other employees the depot branch street railway oar," sic a titisen on Saterday. "A in returning tho article to-her: won thould be rou of such ia he way of compelling | voice: Bhe was listened to 'with plea. | The offering of $560 44-85%. George's. }- man with man. Tt paid iw the Jong § PERSONAL MENTION. : Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. { W. Y. Poyd, Cahanogte, was m the city, Satinday, on g busines trip bo Bie Ri Cartwright has bought for - SLEL000 the residence of W. May, O'Connor street, Ottaws. os Walter: Martin and W. Guild, work: | ing at their trade as plumbers in Gan we, spent Sunday at their honws in Kingston. Alexander Murray, formerly of Lemon & . Lawrenson's, has accept- ed the position of foreman tinswith with Nugent & Co.. Princess street. Jo assidy, Chicaro, who ascom- panied the remains of his brother, Andrew, who died in Pueblo, Col. to Kingston, retwms home io-movtow. The Wissen Camsidy, New York, whe bad been in Kingston attending thé funeral of their brother, Andrew, re turned home to-day by the Cape boat, Prof. Clark, of Trinity college; To- ronto, will kL: given 'he honorary de gros of doctor. of divisity at the com: ne convocation at Queen's university. jus Lillie. Lvons, who has been visiting. relatives anit friends in Watertown, N.Y., for the last three weeks, returned this alternoon to the city. R. A. Harcourt, graduate of the Royal military college, was the guest of Hugo Craig, King street, for ihe past two days. He left this morping for Toronto. f Mins Chalmers, a recent gradmite of "the Kinguton general hospital nurses" school, is doing private work at Niles, California, whore her hirother is practising medicine, «Mrs, Hugh Morgan, Princess street, mother of W. J. Morgan, V.B., is gradually improving in health. When ithe. doctor was summoned home from | New Orleans last week, che was dan: gerously low, 4 RW. Neshit, Pine street, formerly Uouk keeper for the Carnevsky weod manufacturing company, is now locat- ted at Hartley, Man-. but expects to leave soon for the west. He is pros- pering there, - and likes the country well, J. J. Harpell, B.A... bas accepted the management: of Queen's Uuarter- Iv. He is hoping to make it a sue peda, and if experience. and his ca- pacity as business. manager of the fimeen's College Journal ean be taken as on critetion he will sindopbually lift the Quarterly inte prominence. FIRST ANNUAL SPORTS. Of the Y.M.C.A ~Libeary Now in Working Order. The last boys" social for the season was held in the Y. M. C. A, building on' Friday night. About forty boys were present. F.C. Coarsw' grama phone and "the association orchestra, supplied attractive music, and Miss Mabel Hunter contributed a charming piano 'solo: Charles Low outlined the plans for a' summer camp for the beys. Commenting on Saturday next the juniors will be taken Jor a weekly Raturday afternoon ramble through: out' the surrounding country. The camera club will be re-organized on May lst; "to extend the love: and knowledge "of the art among the wher," as the bulletin puts it. For the first time the Y. M. C. A. will hold annua} sports. The date has Been fixed for May 20th at the crio- ket field. Suitable prizes will be aw: arded fo the winners of the various events, The association library is now an assured fact. New shelves have been erected, the books ticketed "and classi fied, and placed at the disposal of the menpbers. The secretary hopes to have a tibeary of 1,000 books by the end of the year. aia -------------- Rind To The Dog Bailiff, : For some. tine past there has keen un tendency among certain unknown perscns to help dog bailiff Conley din- patch the dogs of theueity. The poisoned valuable aninkals and: fel them on the streets. But. pow. they go a step farther. They not only posonbhe dogs, but they cory the remains up to the fair grounds and throw them over the fonce into Mr. Conley's yard, trusting in his inability tw do anything else pxcept bury them. The act is not appreciated. Drew & Large House. k er 1 kod," to Fn at the rare an Saturday. night. William Dunlay, as 'obliging ¢itinens. Their PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY | OUR BUSY REPORTERS, t Te cy FRR) The Spice of Every Day Lile -- About--Nothing Escapes At- tention, court. this morning, ' ; W. Swaine, piano tuner. Orders left 4 's hook storm. {No trade it can ignore advertising, at the office of the ¢hief of police. The G, T. R. express fxom the west ernoon, the 'delay being caused hy. a freight train which partially Jes the |. The trustees of dJueen's were Lo econ {for ta-dey in Knox church, Toronto, } general assembly, concerning Is of the new constitution of the uni | Coine and see our wall papers. large variety: from which to select. signa. Orders for: kalsoming; painting and paper ring recvive prompt at- tention "N.. Lemmot's; 78 liam street, telephone 373; suceessor May Swart Set opens with 8.00: velette hy Edear Faweets, "The. Val the best expression of his geniis. Parvenues of immense, wealth. are Jovable as well. The story. is ingen jous 'and simple, entertaining and American lifes Prof. William MH. Pickering, of Har The Century in May and June, what may be called. the latest news from Moon Dead Planet?" presents 're cent ohservastions and pew phote- paper will treat of "The Canals of the Moon."" the Westminster Gazette; of London Eng. sent by Rey. Dr, Richardson, at Hart's Rives and the brilliant ac tion of Liewt. Bruce Carrathers in quite enthused by the: story, as all Canadians: who read it were, and he Bruce!" "What 4 woman of forty-five ought books by Dr. Emma Drake, issued in Canada by Willies Briges, 'Coronio. quacks and imposters for ages, and 8 lift it intd the realm of pure think mend the gories from their pulpits, that parents can give them to their which will commend this series. This Look is invaluable, to those pressing will reassure the nervous and make all happier. What the People Are Talking There was no session of the police ab 's - is so. well established that An 'umbrella awaits an owner was several hours: late yesterday ait Lirack between Brighton end Colborne. | witha committes of the Presbyterian versity, > A Ingeains, and all latest de ny wil to Savage Bros. garidng, The author: has pehioved wade + reas before the-reador, and. profound. It is a valuable picture of ward oniversity; is contributing: te the moon. The first paper "ls the grarhs: and conclusions. The = second W. J. Fair: ig in recsipi of a paper, which gives an account of the battle refusing to surrender, The doctor was wrote "Hurroo 1! for Canada's to know' is the latest of the health To take a subject shapdoned to ing. that pastors ean and do. com sons and dawghiers, is an achievement through or nearing middle hfe. Tt -------------- Injured By Powder Explosion. On Saterday Donald Fraser, Union street, and Allan Bateman, son of George A. Bateman, University ave nue, went over do the rifle ranges at Barriofield to play. The latter boy had a toy tangw with, hi, and while proceeding to 1 it ¢ wider ex- ploded. =. His. face and hands were badly burned, and his eyes were tem- porarily blinded by the powder. Young Fraser lod him part way home. When alone the unfortunate lad, being un- able to see, ran iuto a stone wall. physician dressed his wounds, His eye sight will not, it is hoped, be perman ently affected, but his fave may per haps be disfigured. - Young Bateman's right hand was also spverely burned by the explosion, A Popular Health Resort. The Grand Trunk railway system is bringing before the public, the sani tarivm: at St. Catharines, Ont. a re treat for rest and. reeuperation: A mineral spring from which the. water flows and which is used for bathing and massage purposes at this estab lishment, = was discovered years: ago, and has been the means of atifacting hundreds of the best class of people from the south to enjoy: the benefits fderived from bathing in it. ~~ Many of the cures mre simply wonderful. - It is only dering the few years that a commodious sanitariom has been established at this point. Nationality Of Convicts, Of the life prisoners in Canadian penitentinries in June last. more than sixty per cent. are incawerated in Kingston. In addition 16 those ser ving life. sentences . thers are twenty. six serving sentenses ol twenly years or more, unl inspertor Stewart sogpestd that whan » comviet under life sentence ot other: wite-has actually served twenty years or more: bis case shall be reported to the department for: consideration. rom Myers' meat market on imumber of ing ne J em whe Sacred' Jewish Holiday Begins' To-night--Its Observance. . To-day ushers in ome of the most sariclly. ohuorvd of all Jewish hoi: | % known as Pesach, and commonly | por Passover, or Jewish Bern X This holid ie, ie observed: throughout the workl by orthodox und reformed alike by the chinge in the daily diet, | Everything leavendd is removed, and | only unleavensd food is consumed. Fawily reunions ave among the plea: sant featores of the holiday, and members whe may be absent from home diring the entire year, pear at the family: fireside during the cole: bration. The poor are gives spécial at- tention, and every family which is un' able to secure the necessary food is furnished with enough for their wants by pome one of the many charitable organizations. The holiday commences at six o'clock this evening, and will Be © ob: served by the orthodox Jews of the city for cight days. The reformed Jews, of whom there are none in the Kingston, observe only soven' days, Appropriate services will be held al the Jewish quariens, corner Princess and: Montreal) strects, on the two open days of the Passover, Tuesday and: Wednesday, and an the two closing days; Manday andl Tues: day. Thess services will be conducted by Rebbi Shapiero. The Passover is. of viry ancient origin, originating shortly after the Jews left 'Egypt. Thev bad no baking or cooking uten- ails then, Lad so mixed up: thew flour with water and bakud 'it by the heat | of the sun This made the unisavensd bread, "which is the eunly fvod they eat during the sles hohday sessed WAJOR-GENERAL FRENCH. | Visitor to Kingston--Formerly Commanded Battery. Major-Gen, [George French, who thir ty. years agu commanded "A" bai tery in Kingston, arrived in the city on Saturday in company "with his wife, and wort glcsts st the Brit sh- American. He has just réturted from | the Awstralian commonwéalth, having been in command of the New = South ! Wales militia for the past six yeaps. | The Australian province's having been federated, and Mai-Gen. Hatton placed in command of all the forces, Maj. Gen. French is returning to Eng: land. It was in 1872 that Maj Gen. } French came first to Kingston, and he was two years in command of the battery. Afterwards, he returned to England, and later served in India, Mex. French is a sister of the late 7.1 CO, Jones, C.B., and an aunt of Mis, Norman Fraser, of this city, While here. the major-general and Mis. ; French called upon old friends and ' were + warmly greeted: They left at noon hy K. & PR. and CPR. for Montreal, and will sail this week for England. It was in the fall of 1873 that Maj.- Gen, French (ihen colonel) left Kings- ton, having been commissioned' to procoed to the northwest and organize den, of this city, joined this famovs the mounted police. Capt. John Dre motintéd 'body and was a member for three years: Very few of his compan- ions now marvive. When in Australia, Maj-Gen. Freuch told the militia there! to takes the Canadian northwest police as a model, for if they could beat thai body they could "beat-the world." MARINE NOTES. Getting Ready For Opening Of Navigation. Crawford's whari 1 Schooner Trade wind cleared for Oswego. Swift's © wharf; Schooner from Oswego, with coal Richardsons * slevator: Schooners | Two Brothers, Lmwra D., and. sloop | Pilot, from bay. ports. . The Welland canal opened at 9 am. to-day with fourtden' bots waiting to lock through. The first boat to lock dp was the Canadian steamer Erin. The steawer Indid with consotts Cevlon and Burmaeh, arrived at Gar- dew Island from Toronto with timber, The steamer New York will be plac- od on the Mi T. company murine rail- way for repaivs, as the Portsmouth ways are out of order. Falconer Opposition For R. & 0, Toronlo World. The Richelien and Ontario naviga- tion company will have an opposition live to compete with this summer. 'It is understood that the Felger com: pany, of Kingston, will inangurate s service between Toronto and Most read about the first of June 7 steamers will, leave Toronto in the mornings and will eater to both pes senger and freight trafic. With the opposition line in forge, cheap rates are expected -------------- Stole Baskst And Contents. A fow days a hashet, belonging tos Wolfe Foland lady, wes Stolen street, The basket contained a large purchases, which the Judy had just mode at the city stores. The theft has been investigated and prose cation may JT) -------- Hall a doen dogs are in saming --------r-- ; GET YOUR SHARE. lo Js { tos 'can ' eleven stroll i gendral lines : { tonts in standard sports, exhibitions of CANADIAN LONDON PAPER ON LACROSSE. Ponies Have a Clever Catcher-- McCarthy, the Hamilton Serim- ju mager, Coming to Kingston § The Olympian Games, "Mac" Rogers, the keyist, will appear on the roghy next fall, Angus. MeLeod, the well-known pros fessional bicyclist, is now in the Motel H business at' Sarnia. Marks, the new Poues, is | a clover : backstop. catches off the bay. with ease, throws well to the hoses. Col, Pellasy, the commander of the § Canadian troops for the coronation was once champion mile roaane Canada 'and the United Staten. A prominent: member of the yaehi clubs has purchased the boat building amd "boat livery: busintes: of Bowman Bros. ab the foot of Slueoe steset, MeCuvthy, the Hamilton Tigers scrimmages, iv coming to Kington jocomotive - works, He will he "my other addition to the Black Watch (emm next fall. Announcement is made by the Condy Telund jockey club that this voir's Suturity will 'be worth ; This race which is thé most valushh ruog in America, will be decided oh August With. A practice Daseball match was play- dl on the. cricket field on Saturday altere.oon, botween the Ponies and the ci The. soove.. resuliad. thirty-four to four in favor ef the former team. The Northern New York racing cir cuit has been arranged. The dates al jotted are: Elmira, June 1008 to 1th; Syracuse, June 17th to 20th; Geneva, June, 24th to 27th; Binghamton, July 156 to 4th; Utien, July £th to Lith; Watertown, July [8th to 18th; Byra- cise, July 2nd to 2th. 3 Toronto Telegram : Every one is ye marking how easy those English la { croage clubs Biust be when the Teron go' over and fairly smother them. This, however, is exactly what the English people would be saying pf ug if perchance they ever sent a crichet ten over to this part of the world An individaal in Scotland, known bas the "penny bookie," prowly abot schools, and induces the children © {0 Lack horses with their stray pemties; and in Edinbirgh it ix no uncommon § Leight to see &: precocious Sandy of up to his "bookmaker" and have "twa bawbees cach way" on a loser. The interantional Olympian games nt Chicago will consume a large portion § of 'September and Ostober, 190, and will he principally' divectod 'slong six World's champion eon the sports peeuliar 10° varfdons coun tries of the world; historical displays, spectacular in nature, military exe ercises; a comprehensive exhibition of sporting apparatus and equipments; an Olympian congress for the study of | nthletios, London, Fig., Express: Canadas have ing a national game indigenous to her wotlk a distinction which no other eolony can claim---ia desirous of have ing it taken up wholeheartedly in Eng? land, so that in years fo come ens counters at lacrosse between England and Canada may attract almost, if not quite, as much sttention ds do the cricket 'mntches between thik bouns try and Australia. The Canadians be Yieve that they have in lacrosse the most picturesque game played, and one. combining more. points of interest 0 spectators than either ericket football. On the fire and chaos of the rod Indians' game. they have grafied the skifl aml science of the white man, #0 that the game as played today is a weird goml ination of the charactir inties of the two races which people the broad northland of America. Le crosses is one of the few games that the aborigines. of out colonies have given to. the world. The red man taught the game to the white, and 10 he sure the white soon added neat little points of his own, and drew out niles and regs lations 10 which now even the Indian conforms. Babeball On Daturday. National Jeague--At New York, 4 Philadelphia, 6; AL Brooklyn, % Bok ton, 1, (morning); Boston, 5 Brook. lyn, 3; (afternoon). At St Louis, & Pittabory, 10, At Cincinnati, % Chis ago, 9. Sunday Baseball. National league-At St. Louis, Pittsburg, 10. eago, LL -- Died In Bradiord, Eng. MH. Hitchen, of his majesty's obs toms; has wiceived word of the death of his Brother, cha Hitchen, which oechrred on Apri , at his home | Bradiond, . Bog. aged Lom yours, Thive weeks previously he wine siricken with paralysis undef whic be. gradually sank. His first introdus" tion to public affairs was in 150, when he was elected a member of the Hoard 'of guardians, on which board | Be contipued to. sieve, 3 At Cincinnati, 2; Chi. the: rout of Ve of § OF weventydun § with bit two § its BON. Upon him lelonnt. |. Frontenac hoo $8 Ask Cook! Our Goal 15 as Clean as Though It Ware Washed and Brushed. EACH ot STANDS IY frsrLy. oon aoe Of hh earth liom. the are ohed out bY wi 1 reaches clwaon, il . ore id weverni times a RCN really dirt, slate, oie, the dealers are © Is & natural thought soal, ton, that Ahi Dest purpose, ' 10 the best advantage Here's eos] cyan solr -- rhonn, ehankeowhich will provide full elon for what iv cunts THE RATHBUN CO, NOTICE 15 heseby given the public that I propose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wine ter. Your order is solicited P. Walsh, + 55.57 Barrack St. A COSY BRIOHT