Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Apr 1902, p. 4

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Br i Eo §S. ANGLIN & CO. THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 14. The Old Bath Tub SHERWIN-WILLIAWS Barn ENAMEL CORBETT'S HARDWARE, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts WORTH LOOKING AT, We have some larm properties that ar worth your attention ss an investwiet. = Ht pays to by. beoauss they are ns low as hey wver will be. The jncrense du value will be a plenstis to vou, Large or small farms, | located and well improved. D. A. CAYS, 346 King Street. a (aC § Q = A wn wd @ O A : Is In Good Order. ° IT COMPRISES ® Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak : and other Woods. Foot of Wellington Street. : BEE2000000000000000000 * No cultivated taste is weeded to drink the MAGI CALEDONIA WATER; i's snap and merit ree commend It to all. Sold Port Hope, suldect to THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR DAIRY BRITISH WHIG, published each ot 306-310 King Street, st Lo of your. Editions at 2.30 asd 4 » ly WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 published every Thursday morning et os ? Aiiathed in oom of She best Job Trinting work; nine improved en EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Diecr.' PARTY OF PROFESSIONS, Mr. Whitney professes to be anxious about the next election in Ontario. He fears. that there may he corrug: tion, and he is willing to do what he can to prevent it. Oh ! Hadn't he bet- tor issue orders to his party that there shall be no campaign fund, so that it may be placed beyond temp- tation, One ef the scraps within the charmed cirele y which Mr. Whitney do- minates ie attributed to the cam- paign funds, and the misuse of them, and Mr. Mabee has outlined, in his pamphlets, the talk that followed and hail for its object the dismissal of Mr. Whitney as the party leader. Mr. now recommends a vigilance commitiee in each riding to watch the electioy workers. Will that be a guarantee of purity ? Not unlessthere is a committee to watch the comimit- tee, and another, and another, until the whole conservative camp is engag- od in the vigilance business and every man on that side of polities is under surveillance. Mr, Whitney: may think he is deceiving the folks with his talk on purity, but he is not. A SERIES OF FRAUDS. It has been announced by the tory aarty that it is going to keep a spe jal watch upon the ballot boxes. These boxes represent the consciences of the electors, and they deserve to be protected. But the tory party, as Mr. Whitney well remembers, has not proven wor thy of the trust which was reposed in it. Members of it profess to abhor ballot-stufing and _ballot-stealing, while evidence is on record, that dur- ing the last ten years (going no fur- ther back), there bas, in this way, and by conservative leaders, heen de- liberate attempts to defeat and de ceive the people. The greatest political rascality of which the country has ever heard, (barring, of course, the proposal to bribe = the legislature of Ontario), is that which was hatched out by the conservative party in Manitoba ia 1606, The plan. was to have extra ballots printed and circulated among election 'agents, who were educated bow to use them. The returning of ficers, (conservative), were to engage the scrutineets in a tally up of votes, if possible, were to call off the wrong pamé occasionally and exchange the good ballots for bogus ones. In addi tion the liberal ballots were to be spoiled by lead being fastened under the little fingér with beeswax and drawn across the same on the ballot as it was being opened. The frauds were, in further elaboration of this scheme, to be effected by slipping, switching, stuffing 'and spoiling, and according to the nwmuber of rejections in the election of 1896, as rompared with the aledtion of 1900, they were very successful Are particulars = peccssary ? they are : "In North Ontario the ballots of five poling divisions were tampered with. Twenty-one voles, cast for the liberal Here 1 candidate, were extracted and replac- the saise number of votes vet some of them now, on the eve of another contest, will talk about the necessity of watching the ballot hox- ox! The wm inaugurated the ballot-switehing and ballot-srealing can appreciate the best what can be done hy determined and desperate wen, hut they ought hot io be posing as purists, Jt does not floor well wen who ------------ FOY AS A BLUFFER. Mr. Foy, the only lieutenant of Mr, Whitney who has presumed so far to offer any apology for the failings of the opposition, said at a méeting in Hastings that New Ontario was pro gressing in spite of the government. Mr. Clergue and others with their capital and energy were doing great things, and did not appreciate the legislative aid they had received. But Mr. Clergue is not giving any warrant for these assertions. He ac companied the ministers on a trip over the Algoma railway, ana into the solitudes of the north, passing several new and growing settlements. At one place, Goulois, a halt was made while the party inspected it, and found it to be beautifully located on & wiream which furnished motive power for mills and eleetric dynamos. The little place was laid out regular ly, with streets for business and resi- dentin} purposes. It had modern sew- erage and water works systems, and an hundred houses which the Clergue company had built for its working men. Around the village weve farms which are . being profitably worked. And it is but one of several places to which the railway has given origin, and which will be sustained by the wood snd agricultural enterprises of the sections in which they are situa- ted. Along the railway, toe, the minis terial party saw the forests of hard wood which, under conservative policy; would be left to rot, while now they are being converted into charcoal and used for steel making at Sault Ste Marie. "The land which had been de- nuded of its pine and pulpwood," said Mr. Clergue, "was being let go a8 useless when we came along and built a railway in return for a grant of land." That grant was the part the government had in the transac tion. The Whitney party pronounced it a "phenomenal steal," and would give the world to now recall their words. Failing in this Mr. Foy says that New Ontario owes nothing to the government and the liberal party, hut he knows better. Simply playing a game of bluff, ---------- EDITORIAL NOTES, Mark Twain has purchased and fitted up a new summer house at Tarrytown. The name is suggestive, 80 far Mr. Marter is unopposed in Nonih Toronto. Dr. Beattie has long- ings for parliamentary honours. If he wants to run up against something veal hard he will accept the conserva: five nomination. ------ The Clergue syndieate has invested £20,000,000 in industries at Sault Ste. Marie, and purposes to invest 813. 000,000 more. The 'Seo" prémises, therefore, to be the liveliest town in Canada, from a workingman's stand- point. The Bell telephone company is hav ing a hard experience of it with the new legislation it proposes. It can only blame its advisers. They were too eager for conflict with the muni- cipalities, and they are now getting in their work. The attorney general did not draft the scrap iron amendment to the municipal act, but the solicitor for the municipal association. Mr. Foy knows that. By the way didn't he vote for it? And if it was not right why did be not make it so? -- Me. Willoughby, who is seeking to signin represent Fast Northumberland in the legislature. snid at a meeting, which Messrs. Whitney and Foy ad dressed, that the ballot is a disgrace ! Didn't Bike it, eh? Well the conserva: tive party opposed it until opposi- tion aves nseless. ' 5 ---- Mr. Whitney ohjects to any of the property in New Ontario being dis- of except by public competi: tion! But his friends, before the Ontario government fought them in the courts, were selling timber limits at 85 a square mile--and on the 10 PRONOTE SETTLEMENT. -- WANTS TO LEASE TIMBER LIMITS AND LOAN MONEY. Our Foreign Trade--Increase of Twenty Million Dollars During the Past Nine Months. Ottawn, April 14.-~The foreign trade returns of Canada, prepared by the customs department, show excellons development during the nine months of the fiscal year. The imports and exports together amount to $302 49», 173 ws against R282 MT ANE last year, an increase of $20,200,721. The im- ports grew hy $13.062578, and he exports by $7,138 142. The increase in duty for the nine months amounts al- together to more than two million dollars. In March alone the imports were 817,125,582, an increase of $2. 541,643. The exports appear to have grown slightly, while the duty collee- tions are $394,715 more than for March, 1901. Orders from militia headquarters state that in future all tenders for works of maintenance and repairs to military buildings which accompany service requisition and applications for works are to be forwarded to headquarters in envelopes sealed' by the contractors themselves. The enve- lope should be marked in the upper left hand corner, "Tender for (state nature of service)." The Dominion éolonization -ecom- pany, with headquarters in Montreal, 1s applying for a charter of incorpor- ation for the purpose ol acquiring, improving and leasing timber limits and lands in all parts of the domin- ion of Canadd, The company also applive for power to establish set tlers and to advance them money for the forming of their establishment un- der the most advantageous conditions to promote colonization. Miss Adeline Shenick, for thirty-two years a teacher in the Ottawa model school, and who retired on January 1st, died, last night. aged sixty-four years, #& victim of cancer; Miss She- nick was a bachelor of arts and a bachelor of science and one of the best known educators in Ottawa. She was head mistress of the model school. A few days ago Miss Shenick was given a retiring allowance of #1.- 200 from the Ontario government. The body will be taken to London, Ont., for interment. Mrs. Hector Verret, wife of the pri- vate secretary to the minister of jus- tice, died last night, aged twenty-two. She was a native of Ottawa and was married two years ago. MISS STONE AT HOME. Tells Story Of Capture By Bri- gands To Newspaper Men. New York, April 14.---Miss Helen M. Stone, the now famous missionary, whose capture by Bulgarian brigands created such a sensation all over the civilized world, arrived in New York yesterdey, on board the Deutschland While the ship was still at quaran- tine it was boarded by scores of newspaper men anxious to get the story of her adventures from her own ips. Speaking of her capture, Miss Stone said © "We were passing through the mountain regions of Bulgaria, a party of about ten of us, when A as if they sprang up from the rocks, we were surrounded by a band of about thirty-five or forty savage looking men. They quickly closed about us and asked which of the party of wo: men were married. At first Mrs. Oosh- eva, a widow, was selected to go with me, and then, because of her feeble condition, she was left behind, and Mrs. Tsilka was taken in her place. "Usually our halting places were in huts or caves which the brigands knew where to find. The threats and tants that were given us daily were sometimes almost unbearable, vet there were never any acts of brutal cruelty beyond the terrible hardships. I was forced to write the letters that you -all have read in the newspapers, but I had to do it or die. "Seven weoks before we were freed," said Miss Stone, "Mrs. Tsilka gave birth to a dear little black eyed girl baby, and after that our lot was a little easier, because all Turks have a great fear of a curse that they think will fall upon them if they harm a mother with a baby." Miss Stone denied that their cap- ture was due to travelling without a proper guard, as alleged by the Tur- kish government, I they had been ac- companied by men armed thers would have been bloodshed and they would have been captered just the same. Opinion Of A Conservative. St. Thomas Journal. Inspector James L. Hughes, of To: ronto, is said to have expressed the opinion to a Detroit reporter that the Ross government would win in the coming contest, Mr. Hughes is well known to be a conservative. He has taken the stump against the liberal government of Ontario, and once was an Of ition = candidate. Evidently his faith in the t opposition is . It is not a matter of DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From The Whig's Exchanges. Smith's Falls is entirely free of small POX once more. A pipe organ has been placed in St. John's Apghican rhurch, Madoe. Miss Woods. domestic Brockville, is a victim of small-pox wr a mild type, Lhe ratepayers of bhganville will build a stone bridge over the Boone chere at a cost ol ie Smith's Falls and Perth men wiil form a club and build a bandsoue club house néar the ferry. A Jersey cow, owned by E. Brice land, Wolle Island, gave birth to a cali weighing ninety-five pounds. Isaac Prindle, one of the oldest re. sidents of Tweed, died on Thursday morning in his sixtysecond year. Mrs. Mary Halliday died on Satur day, near Mountain View; Prince FEd- ward county, i sixty-nine vears. Charles Markell, Morrisburg, has been sent to the penitentiary for three years for housebreaking and roblery. R. W. Copeland, who purchased the Wardrobe house at Westport, has dis- posed of the same to P, McParland, Perth. A. N. Corbett, a former resident of Thomasburg, Out,, died last week at Coronado Beach, San Diego county, California. The oldest resident of Madoe town- ship, B. Vanleck, died last week, He was ninety-eight years ten months and three days old. Within the past ten days four of the oldest residents of Madoc town. ship were buried. Their combined ages made a total of 355 years, C. J. Wills, in Belleville for the past twenty-three years, leaves on Monday for Midland, Ont., where he has secured a good position. On Friday Smith Wiltse, aged seven- ty-six years, died at the home of his son, C. D. Wiltse, Athens. A family of grown-up children survive. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, Hazzard's Corners, recently celebrated the six- tieth anniversary of their wedding day and are still both hale and hear- ty On Monday, in Portland, Miss Ab- bie, daughter of John Barker, was married to Robert B. Preston, son of John Preston, Smith's Falls. He is a wealthy farmer and brother of Ih Preston, Newhoro, Rev. Dr. T. G, Williams, Montreal, met with a painful accident at Smith's Falls. He tripped on a loose plank and fell heavily forward. His face was badly cut, his nose painful ly injured and he bled freely. THAT ALL MAY BE ONE. Andit Would be a Benefit to Com- munity. Lanark Notes in Almonte Gazette, Sunday saw a large, devout-dress ed-in-spring-fashion congregation at morning and evening services in the town hall, It was the opening of the new arrangements whereby Zion Cone gregationalists and Old St. Andrew's Presbyterians ghall worship together during the coming sumer. As Pres Lbyterian and Congregationalist sat side by side, singing the hymns fami liar to both, reading from the word that each acknowledges the source of his inspirations for the better life, invoking the presence of & common God; uttering in prayer the sme sentiments, desires, hopes and aspir ations: pleading for the Divine will to be done, it seemed a great pity that any denominational nonsense the trash of a few minor differences in church government that do not amount to a row of pins at best-- should keep these christian people from always worshipping together in in this boasted age of enlightenment. Lanark has five Protestant churches and five ministers. There is not a single one of these churches but has an almost hopeless struggle to keep its head above water in a monetary sense, und it takes continual prod- ding at the giving spirit to hand out the cash necessary to keep payments up to the scratch for salaries, and the myriad--some of them very ques tionable--schemes of the church Lan ark is altogether too small a place 16 support so many.ghurch organizations and the people would show their practical govd sense by throwing their interests t@gether and joining in the establishment of one common church, Then would the . best svirit of citizenship be cultivated and the work of the Master advanced in the true sense. -------- Tribute From. Over The Border. Detroit Fria Press Dominion soldiers have earned and secured much glory as participants on behalf of Fngland in the South Afri- ean war. Wherever placed they have met the highest requirements of duty and in -actual conflict displayed the superb bravery that distinguishes a doniinant race. Ever the erities in the mother eountry make candid ad mission that the most intelligent and efficient soldiery enlisted for the empire in this struggle came from among our neighbors across the bor der, who their services at the beginning and have voluntarily come forward with more meh as the emer. gencies of the protracted strife de ---------- Warrants Were Issued. Late on Saterday afternoon war rants were sworn out jor the arrest of two. young Kingstonians, with holdingup Joh Carruthers, OUR Xi [RY STOCK Has again been reinforced by many new lines. Some of the newest ideas in the market are here. New Pattern Hats, New Straw Shapes, > New Flowers and Foilage. Our Dress Goods Stock Is complete with the new weaves and material all the popular colors. You can buy Dress Goods® us right in value and right in materials and hav pick of a large assortment. New Lines Ln In Zephyrs, Ginghams, Organdies, Chambrays, Etc. All the new cologings. Large range of styles and desigos at close prices. STARR & SUTCLIFFE'S, 118 and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont! ' : - -- -------- For This Week We will continue to offer your choice of the MEN'S & WINE BOOTS in our window * for A. ABERNETHY, Princess Street. The Only Pure And Wholesome Porter --_-- Labatt's Lonoox Prescribed by the Leading Physicians For all Convalescents. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. Lomi SPRING SALE--Parlor Sets and Couches in fancy as- sorted shades. These are sellers at a reduced price. Mali orders promptly attended to. Packing Free. Use cur Furniture Restorer, JAMES REID, ™ 4200, ea. PROFITABLE SPECULATION || #eesesssesessennnanees WHY SPECULATE IN THE STOCK NAR B can't command Suetend ket or in sny other wey when You one | Wha we'll deserve ib Try muke your mossy work for vou. We have a ' us for your next method of speeslation that bv saler and more profitable thar any svar before devised. Send vour naw and address apd we will mail you a pamphlet giving fall information Adkdrain A HM & Co Site BOOS Park How Beildine, New York City, New York - i Suits or _-- LADIES, =n oe | or i on ed | RK E E oon I COMPOUND PENNYROYAL TEA. Beery mother aud indy dha wee it. Used = ty Bhs: sheds of Sule, viz. wien fur sein by all Shegmies, or deer. THE T. A SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO, TORONTO CAM. er ---- ------------------------------ DR. C. E. O'CONNOR revident Surgeon, New York, Eye an Bar lafrmary. Specialin, Eye, Par, Nos Office,» =~ = HENRY P. SMITH, Architect, ste, Anchor Building Market Square. Phone 345. Did It In Seli Defence. Copper Chiff, April 14.-The coron e's jury empanelled to endgaive into . em tonto Kp. Buss ology EE oo mse oF SR Ices © Re dics Dominios Business Collegn, TORONTO J. J Crawford, Morchan: Tailor, a a DAVID HALL, Practical Plumber. Steam and Gas Fittif' Baths, lowers, wach basion abv a arg, Bthd up at lowest Drives; don a Joy, AH jobs prempuy 279 King 8S¢ tended Lo. 66 Brock St. fonee. Poatitin acoosed Bemedetie, of ing a letter addressed to bit ond im in the leg wih 3 me Benedette, therstpon, ean " knife and stabbed his aviannot to the heart, Benedette's wound is rion, : 'Phone 338.

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