£2 A DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 10. BABIN ST A beh NATAL BAY OF GEV. DOOER{= sor Le OE IN RUBBISH PIE STE LE i } rigpapcingiog from by agitation Towing | F20w «Sow ne sie the | prbhichtion, | gnd haw breen ESWARLISH HEAD oF BALVATION ARMY Boisted in this work by some of the MAY H CIrIMS OF 4 'CELEBRATES THE DAY. most notable men in England. HEIRS TO MILLIONS. Has Reached = His Seventy Third TOWNSHIP COUNCILS. Leonasd Case Estate, Property in : Year--Received Many Messages | Loughboro Township Couneil. the Heart of Cleveland Valued i of Congratulation -- A Sketch | Sydenham, April 7.-Sums voted: at $8,000,000 -- One Hundred Cures Coughs and Colds of His Great Life's Worle--The | Henry Clow, cedar, plagk for town nd Ninety Descendants. i atonce. [thas bees doing Growth of the Army. hip, 820; 'W. H. Smith, Hb on Stor} yilifiiown. N. Y.. April 19-Un- | ; SE x Ns vington boundary $5; James Graham, | o5 hed rubbish 3 this half 3 century. 5 pO i X earthed among high in the Joft of for a TIA k Londons Apriti 10: teneral Wilkie breaking gravel, 81%; © H Thurston, | op old Barn in Hen County, Ohio, seventy- : ¢ has saved bGundreds of Bl nT pe th He hroakify eave oneal Sraorion Fawhere it bas been hidden from View thousands of fives, It will received Loldgraas" from' every corer Shyu shoveling sow on: Portland 1 for many years. an ancient bible bids # giveits of the earth felisitating him Gpon the fp ore 82: ¢. HB. Rutledge, assess | fair to establish the claims of many Save yous cof event. Pe has recovered from his ser- |p salary $40: Prank. Granger. hygirs to an estate of many millions. chance. 25 cents a bottle. ious: ile' of the past winter, and |p 0ding culvert. on the Bedford. roud According to the statement of M. 16 after ityouarenot the severn work of receiving his [ga PW. Webster, taxes: remitted ony J. Dunham, of this city, who has just v 7 ye friends gnd avténding the jubilee meet applied on sidewalk, 89.75. Taxes re- retired "from & two months trip ; 7 sesults, go to ings 'of the Salvation 'army did mot | oiesed = CL McCullough and "Mrs. through the 'west and north-west, in 'your ; and get yous | sem to-fatigne him. I is gomounieed | Thomas Abrams, $2. Statute labor | effort to locate descendants of Ab- bak 0 that his visit to Ameries, which was | storied : Miss Dean; $3.90; 3 solam Case, the vast estate of the y money back oe oo oo Aldefersed Pecause of his ines, Will 1 ke 89 46+ Mrs. Durie; value, 8.92 late Leonard Case, Cleveland," Ohio a oo take Place probably. next tal = | an chansyy Appobed: towadbip off | fin eventually enrich hundreds of A ONS -- There are : 'General Booth: was Born" at Not- J eepe o+ © #1 his descendants, owing 'to the discov pi oN i 5 acer Writs to 8.C. | y & Co., Toreato, | tingham in 1889; and became a minis ay ery of the. pld bible. a whole ot women {and men Can, Jaf fl iad butte: ter-of the Mathodise New Conmection | J, Moroland, Adam Amey, 8. Towsley, (Mi, leaving one heir to his N too) whose health would be if tin 1850. Ta 1861 he hegon Wis career | ote 8. Martin, M. Buck, William and in » leaving one heir to his b Su tla bi . hei as an evangelift, and Kis pathway led | focledge, C. Clark, Miles © Pixley, millions, a son, Lébnard Case, jr. The ; they didn't have trou ew 1th their ge, Aled citer. dphn-ruck, W. 1. ohiers ou huthe lg, Sot 30 JE, Joa backs. The back is the vital part of Shales, Willi La: 1 : J A hales. William iam MeAnley, | of Cleveland valued at 5.000.000, t »u the body that requires Th O'Connor John Wobd, Shem be a atnong. thy She. hupdred sud nd strength. A weak Spal ninety" descondhnts ather's 3 - Dawes Ne nel. op ford §. tivothers and' sisters, covering five " 1 back weakens you all Hi. Buck, William Snook, John Fre. {geporatiofs. over. You may have burn, €. Young, J.-H. Roberts, Rab- Ever since the death of Leonard $x: Clark,.: deg liright, We lh Smith, | Case, Jr; the switte has been he E. Ashley, Wesley Bills, George Peters. | tH*I® of Jegal investiyations, but no Dveracers, highways--R.. Joyce, 'W. satisipetory resultd 'could be obtained . Nichol, M. Ruttan, C, Joyner, 'J. | Weause of the fact that the old fami PF. "Meltor V Harker, . J; ly bible, containing cértain recors's could not be found. As it contaimd Alexander the names of all the Cases its dis Charles Cranston, James fovary as decidedly essential to 'the "J Bri i § ton of # rs. * - rian rma A. | In the old barg Joft of Sarah Seare.| leg and arm muscles VERMEIL.) TAT. TN } Mord: ; edge In / 3 ! id E. in, Joseph kading, in Huzon county, Ohio, it was b 4 ike iz, 0 Turns Bad Blood LU Ri Ennis, Charles Shales, John Miller, | Wkily discovered, and, according to likeapriz efghterd " . A 40 ial EIS 0 Thomas. George Brooks," A. | ME: Dunham, it is the key to the eu those muscles won' Rich Red Blood. a oom RI | tan Black, William { teblishtent of the heirs' claus. do you any good if Ritchie, Theodore Darling, B. Page, mpeg onr i J. Guthtle, g Kemp, ies Korn | Rubber Goods Company's Affairs our back is weak. = Te viewers Timothy Lawrence, Locined Case. px. died in Chae 8. 'Martin, F. Grange, 8. P. Buek, W. | on in 'the Rubber goods manufactur Omega Oil all that is : ' Tobias Young, George Peters, L.| Chanles RK. Flint. The stogkhoiders uscles of the back hh $7.70. on by the system being clogged Freeman," Robert Ferguson, Ednmind | are divided into two factions over the m es th 5 ' ». ath, 1909 accumulated ur ing the winter. enid the started Jn daly, ¥ tie Jacquith, Jobin Freeman, Robert § obtain proxies for the annual met : : : : 00 2 Jitters is the Sark Te an Bis Holder. - Adjourned till May 26th. | ing which takes place at Jersey. City Rub it in at night remedy you require. : iSaty Yinef. was the gefm Gf. the Sul. ments to the bylaws are to he votal y ors is to. take place. An effort is to] it for you, . Keep up this treatment for a little while, and" ih Great Britain and Treland, the | bor commuted or a by-law passed | Go (A FERRE BC UC LF le in| 'more Omega Oil outside and less drugs inside, they will be dinavia, Belgiom, Italy, Japan, West | On motion of Mr. Jelfvey $4.50 to} oi of directors, The rubber goods you'll feel ifs good effects. It 3 ? 3 h 1s . 000 officer' 'employed exclusively in | examine Bushes. bridge, with' powes and shoes. There is $3,000,000 and ment ought to be good for. Lr inal a ele 0 + "1 have used - od | week, The organ of the army wos | lime between the 4th and Sth cones: ing. en Sg ee A Outsworn Slang. ; pliblished weekly in England at the [the reve to examine the road at Toronto Globe. This spring you will need CARER | Janis Brawley, A. A. Sills, B. Wood, | New York, April 10.-A contest is 4 ature supplies in something to take away that : : H. 'Raymond, John Johnston, George| ing compuny, the rival of the United 1 tired, listless feeling brought : 7 1 Wogan, J. W.. Silver, Charles Clark, | States rubber company, organized hy needed to make the Wr 4 ; : : Stiaa whi ; : i var i. Pixley, Johy Duck, William Smith, | business policy of the concern and strong. It is a green- Sekote, valid, » o Joavine Tor with impurities which have | hin 10 10 2 There mn ~ east inf. MN. Smith. BE. Lawrence, Kennéth | both sides have been busy trying to colored, oily liniment, Tous am scdmission tidket to Ji le Burdock B ¥ 8 BANLEY, : to-day, when ceriain proposed auiend > before retiring, or get § 5 y vation army, which name he adopted Hinchinbrooke Council. : y y E some one cise to do i has vig cfd] as a ib in 1878. The afthy spread over all{ Picadilly, March ' 29.--Members all on 'and 'the: annual clection of direct p me icine. t has been used y the wotld, until dow it numbers over | presotit. A' petition fram J. Whalen de fo chan " 3 2 d d ] a 2 n b . ate i . 3 " ge the organization . ' Hn thousands 'for a quarter - of 8,000 vorps and outposts established | and others, asked to have atatute ta | 07 JC SOE SEL (he stockbol | FORE back won't hurt any more. If weak women will use a century with 'unequalled United 'State, 'France, Aubtralasin, | compelling people 'to perform their | . : Spr , he 5 a " Senn rl ¥ its management instead "of leaving 7 es and nex da India, Africa, Canada, Holland, Scan | work; © mo ' action' taken. the. control" vested entirely in the Petter off. You sim ly ith tanto the por y t y Abel 15 faitien, © South América and othe i ivi Avril 2600 ' ca and other | be laid out on road division 8. Un Ho . x Hover take 4 shutite ow Omers OF. 1 yor HERE Is PROOF. parts of the world. It has about 15. | motion of Mr. Finn, covnvitlor "Jeffrey Manuinctuning rns Wo for everything a Tins dag paste EL bo any oy , he fis labore, and the namber of its | to set, and that the commissi { id Mrs. J. T. Skine of foo services is upwards of SU.000° each | crown' lands be roqumted to have the $17,000,000 common stock outstand established by general Booth in 1550 | sions reestablished, from lot 14, north under the {ithe oF the War Cry. It ix | to lot 23. 7 On motion of Mr. Howes, ral he ters, i o- J EB } i . : The worst use of slang is not when ; rab hitiquartees, 'dud. Sihulage. Elbow Crock bridge, ales Mill north it i¢ fresh and piquant, but when it with a eciecdlation OV nearly 1,000,000. | cillors Walker and Jeflrey. Voted : the = exclasion of good English." Such, Inv 1890 general Bool published the | Work on the road ; Thise, | "XPressions as "1 can see his finish, oully at duel of the colonial und for: | of 0. Clow's, with power te set. 0 8 cin' Hondquarters. At present there | motion of Mr. Walker £20 20 be Jaid becomes stale and passes into the re 4 are nearly fart. wedhly War Crys, | out on the' south boundary by coun- gular vocabulary 'of the people, to ons or] 3 Broen, $1.50; "Mrs. Knox, charity when they 'are first uttered, are often WIN: " Sag EE . 3 a. Xai . x used with considerable humorous 'of was 1 Slug oR CR ER SR Ted L GOLDMEDAL Wal hal, etery law suit, ood settling same, ed and valgarived by the habitual . \ 1 ¥ $5.3. Officers appointed : of 'turn down" for veject, "cull = VS The Highest Award st (he Aare . ! Inactive Liver Patbmasters «<b: ~J. Goodiellow, down" for mild rebuke, "roast" for f ] d | we A. Hamikon, Ww. Shellington, A: | 5 wi pb Billi rn inne p A ° Hegre 3 : ) fi 4 10! av . - = tala ions. SEE eliotn wl os orl YEA Pan-American Bring: Bilioushess, Indigestion wid | Campmall, Wit. Kenshon, J. E: Camp: drculation, , along with ther-ragyed 1s Most Painful Bodily Derangemenie | 200 88% ST alion," Sam." Hannan, { oa noes. E i 3 situ! Dadily "Lrangem le 1B. , 8. , , he" Woundirfal Curapive L fla b. K yng Harper, C. Aylesworth, | poy ey Fears "Gla~Gatarsh Filty Xposi 101 tie, R. Thompson, onoy- of a A. Buckly, T. Jay liolde; Jus, Jeffrey, BUFFALO, N.Y,, 1901 ~ & . 6 + Genge, G. Haddock, D. C. Snider Pr. Agnew's Oatarthal Powder cures : ¢ h » » . R SPRING ] Dr. { hase S Kid- y Bush, Pe Vitin- 3. Vila, J. Haley, him. Want any stronger Svidencs of { | BF ALSO WINS a FLEA Liver Pi s a Mae Thos. | De otal Hiuoane 7 Want the . Ty ' j ney.-il : ill: «| Broo, L. Switeer," R. 'MeCullotigh, | trath of "the case tonfiried ?' Write fo The K Ig C Med | And} With It Osr First-Class " \ ea 3 Thos: Howey J Cronk, Wesley, Wag George Lavin, Shamokin, Pa. . He £1 . 1 ) S ommemorative / d ar, Hi Bmith, R. Vaiivolkenbuogh, tt y ras : Stock of Ladies' and Not only is the liver the largest and | Silly G. Seott, fF Conley, "P. Ned- saps: yoo si Haha Sg igh AR The Highest Award at the * one of the most important organs in Geo. Gray, G. A. Smith, H. | Sold by Henry Wade and E. C INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION y_Togiwear. ihe human holy, but Nhe enn sat ub Hower, J. Goud, Mitchell--48 ~~ : TORONTO, ONT. 1901 puree + - | 8. 3 ! efeey , ------------ W WE CONT THE oF PO- | fering. When the liver is clogged by | Snider, - Geo. Ayerst, A. Salat in hte ig a "1 the inactivity of the kidpeys and bow} J. - Salon, JON Smith, ; Nor. Hinghton Ondate: At. Wel]. WRITE POR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS Our a hT8E niiie | bls, 16 becomes: torpid aud fails $0. fil- | mens Cronk, C. A. Sills, D. J: Howes, | The graduating 'class of the: Royal VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO, - BELLOWS FALLS, VT. the shoe rade "of Kingubon. ter the bile from the blood, thug pros | C, Wagar, A. Rendon, Wm. Hicks, F. military college is in Montreal. unger . a, Inspection: sed ducing bilionsness "and a general ix: | Wagar, R. Bou W. Alpers, A the care of Profs. Butler and Martin, 1 OFF TO paiement of she digestive system. | Bush, Won. ; ; "Tle study the intricacies of eine inci ENT ¢ the laboratories of McGill with the $ lets 5 A nh homes uid of apparatus thi i lacking from ; J aching of © the -1 A , Jas. Moran. the syuipment of the Royal military Armstron Se "of fully . abd Rehoa Viewernis-S. Harper, = J. college, They will be in that ity 184 Princess Tae | ower the stomach' i 'eye | Quinn,. C. McKnight, John Kennedyle] "til to-night. under the insfrection b ¢ ul | Jas. Kennedy, B: Peters, Geo. Howes, of Povey and Prof. Durley. . comp ys " Wm. Black, J. Hamilton, Marmens aa, Wagar, Wesley Wagar, $10 For Being Drunk. Foes) Cannot Break CG. Reynolds," A. Buckley, B. Botung, | The charge preferred last week Ex J. 'Wigher; John Moran, Thos. Breen, | against #in Ontario" street woman jor sr. A being drunk and disorderly, was Th 23 at the Waist line. Sat PASSAGE. ; asl in brought wp at the police court a ded "| Provincial Election, == roan min bo. El J SE Te pide fo ; H : " ' 4 i a Sergt. Nes of a corsetis, vba $ me Testy, | 2 TH Ani 1. BRIEF ' a ro Chase's "Kidney Xive H. Fi amine ne, oe nl hit gave evide against "her. She 5 of, if it breaks at the Waist FOR FOR re hw proved © wonderfully . pans and "after | wou fined $10 sud: costs; or one moth 8 lire, it is rendered uncomfor- KINGSTON, 3 sucesssinl in uring the most chronic : eal 'wisi os in_jail. The fins was paid. | k oT table and useless. es L cases of liver laint, biliowsnoss ir pespects ; $c rn EA oases. of liver ositpiaing, bilicumen y party ot Ah . Ee The Crest Corset - : : i is didconnected fu frout at the Waist live, and has elastic / gores at Sach ie, 50 it cansot ! ve ? : Break at the Waist, the gates and 4 : Sui ) " ace: and § uitable for any day and all oa a happen." Fora FAY the day, good to work in, walk rea a . in on rest in. It is shapely, comfortable and durable, and ad it caniniot Break at the Waist, it is the cheapest corset a lady canbe. se Age wt > next time a corset, ry CRESTS