ART IEEE Esra re KINGSTON, ONTAEIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1902, LAST EDITIOX AR1 STORE e w---- . oy REAL BSTATE. ACTH OF WHEAT Haskatobe vol desire 0 dwseripti INFEC- House. lv and oh, il make & sup- 'om "Be inday night and . Prices Bow it is made Princess St. I. wins wleetrio Foo Aes im- fer, Broek room, Sd wih bo Dr. Fow hs © BOY. APPLY TO J. A Smith mreet, opposite TI0 "ENJOY EVEN. twelve dollars wih voy DAD TO SUC way, Have LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Board of education, 8 pm Plunkett Greene this Svening. In an illustrated loviure much depends ap- Omidheid may do without ao grand fur poss, but munbovd sasmot-~J. G. Holland, A oruel story reps on winels, aod every bowed oils she wheels aw tiey ren. ~-- George Eliot. Says the tmchelor | Before marriage, » wor man thinks of a won; afterward, she thiuks for him. x , Man way mode for women; women for chikinew; ohdidren to begin the same gute Hikely to be jealous. Tiere wre mem. of ordinary sbility whe, # they were as high up in the aerial region as they think they are ("in the defly walks of life, heir aomes would Liced and they would be asphyxiated, This day io the world's history : Slates tank incorporated, defeated the Austrisns at Camda born, Molwits, 174): 1529; death of lady Mountstephen at Mow trenl, 1896. SETS to select from. 97 pieces. $7.50, For $5 50. to be thankinl for--her bushand is vot so United Sle; Prossieos 1770; duke sod duchess of York reach Dublin, 1899; Gen. Booth born, DINNER We have hundreds for you Bat we offer you a special set of a best English maker, Regular price ROBERTSON BROS. THE TERMS OF PEACE Will Likely Be Signed la a for bus _ THE RUMORS AT THE HAGUE THE PRO-BOER DAILY NEWS SCOUTS RUMOR. And Diseredits Any Idea of Gov- ernment Amnesty -- The Boers Have Reorganized and Are Meeting Perils of War With Stern Composure. The Hague, April 10,-A vépoft is current in official circles that terms of peace in South Africa will be sigoed in a few days It is impossible to verify the report on sny definite an- thority. London, April 10.--The pro-Boer Peily Newh scout ag iw Jetic: iF, discredits any idea of government am- misty It adds. "Nor is the sits ting in South Airiea had yor the Boers; quite the revecss. There is little doubt, that they control vrnt districts in the Cape Colony. Their commas: dants issue orders to the farmers and receive supplies. They: move about mitch? as they pleave and are scarcly distu by Gen. French's operations. Moreover, there is reason to believe there has been a recent 're-organiza- tion of the Boer fofces on common wealth lines. Commandant Marits has formed an Irousides corps, from which all drunkards. and loose livers are' rigidly excluded. The Boers bold daily prayer meetings and meet the hourly perils of the war with the stern composure of the Puritans." Lord Kitchener is preparing for more drives on the arrival of fresh troops. The Boers are most disheart ened and anxious fo surrender on a promise that they will not be banish- ed. : Gerald Balfour, resident of the board of trade, aE at Leeds | yesterday said that no negotiations were proceeding with Gen. Kitchener, who was merely facilitating a con: ference' between the Boer leaders. Mr. Balioar added that he gid not know whether the Boer leaders intended offer terms of surrender. For himself, he was not sanguine in the matter, and he advised his hearers not to be GRAND OPERA Ab SMALL, Losses and Thursday, April Auspices Kingston Ladies' Musical Club, Manager. Rudolph Von Scarpa. Sele Planist. Heserved son floor, 14 rows $1 5 rows bo; rows i%e., unreserved, 506. Ria T ao toeal ager. Seats now on sale at Heslev's. CAMERON & TELGMANN'S Spirited Military Opera EO n Cadet Special Scenery snd Appointments. FINE CAST Orchestras of 16. Under the fon of 0, F, Tely Prices -28¢., 80c., 78c. Seats os anle at HANLEY'S. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. ON WEDNESDAY EHYENING. 23¢cd, the Olstinguished Artist KATHRYN KiDDER Revival of David Garr ch's present SUE OR Sale. of seats will comMiende on Satarduy, April hh Gem PRICES ~28¢. to $1.50. On aveount of the gress intitest STEER Ee oe hE Wed st JUST WHAT YOUR EYES NEED. + We'll tell you after carefully examining them This ser- vice and advice is fee, [It effective, HOUSE 10th The Most Delightful Of All Eng- Limite | sh Binge. == (PLUNKET GREENE Assisted by Dorothy Harvey, Soprano, and 1, 8 rows FRIDAY, April 11th he Royal CHORUS of 75 GRAND OPERA MOUSE fa a Grand Immortal «THE COUNTRY GIRL" This will be the mast notable event of the positive sanguine, A news agency despatch from Pre: toria says that Mr. Steyn, nominally the president of the Orange Free State, in suflering from a disease of the eyes, which threatens to produce a total blinduoss. The news is said to be authentic, and the affliction is not of recent development, but" has became more pronounced. The charges made against the eon dact of British troops in Routh Af rice, attributed to Gen. Delarey, have not been brought up. It is probable that any sction will be ignored un lets m question on the subject it ask- ed in the house of commons, Even in this event it is hot probable that any action will be taken unless a respon: sible authority formulates charges in a more definite and more diréet form. It is pointed out that if Gen. Delarey had wished to make such allegations he had ample opportunity to com: municate them to lord Kitchener, who it is believed at the war office, would have notified the home government of the fact, which he has not done. Will Be Soon Known. Pretoria, April 9.---President Steyn, of the Orange Free State, secretary Reitz, of the Transvaal, acting |vesi- dent Sohalkburger, of the Transvaal, and Gen. Lacien Meyer, commander- in-chief of the Orange Free State fore- ws, passed through Kroomstadt, Oc ange Free State, Sunday, April 6th, on their way to Klerksdorp, South Western Transvasl, where Gen. Botha, the Transvaal commander-in-chief ar. rived Monday, April 7th. It was ex pected that Gens, Dewet snd Delarey would attend the conference to take plate there, It is understood that the r leaders are fully possessed of the British terms and that the conference then assembling was to enable the leaders to discuss these terms thor oughly, I is expected that the final decision of the burghers will be made known soon. ' Will Not Surrender In A Body. London, April 9.-The associated that the 'way is not a satisfactory factor in the transpdriation OBTAIN BEST ADVICE. Aid Them Scholarship Scheme, London, April 10.--One of the first intentions of 'Mr. Rbodes' executors is, it is reported, to invite a limited amber of gentlemen probably about a doven, to co-operéte with them in drawing up » scheme for the settle ment of the timany conditions which shall govern the distribution of 'the Oxiond schola in pursusnce of the wishes uf the testator. The execu- tors will lenve Mo stove unturned in obtaining the best adviee, both from pome and . colpnial sources, which which shall guide the men adininister- i the great fund sel apart for the Solar scheme, Fhe ministers of education in the itigh colonies which are to benefit wader the will will be consulted in the matter. Beelin, April 19.--Dr.: Mommsen, the great historian of she Roman empire, in conversation with a carféspondent here drew a parallel between Cecil Rhodes and Warren Hastings, holding the fiormer to, be an inferior copy of the latter. Both were. imperialists. Both "extended moderately their em- pive, caving hittle by what means provided their end was maintained. Rhodes was less patriotic than Has- 'tings, for though Hastings wrung vast suing from the peoples he subju- gated, he died poer, Rhodes also serv- od a company, But one of his own creation, snd chidfly for his own ends and he died a seftuple millionaire. HAVE ain IVED. Are Safely In To The Lacrosse Toronto, Npril 10.+The Allan liver Parisian, with the Teronto lacrosse eluly's team on board, arrived at Liv- erpool = yesterday. Secretary G. MN. Macdonald, who 'met the boys at the landing, wired past-president A. ¥ Rutter, as follows: "Arrived with ev- erybody well and everything satisfac: tory" The Argonauts are from Phitadelphfa despatches, that the Vespers, ex-champions of America, are likely to come to Toronto to row the prospective Henley eight late in May. The Vespers, however, have evi- dently misund Argos. The trophy only, not. on aceoun r expenses to Toronto: The Argonauts' Henley eight 'may' not be definitely selected before May. the coming summer, ag follows : June 30th and July lst, Germantown, at Manheim: July: 2nd and Jed, Merion phia, at Wissahickon, A DIPLOMATIC MOVE. But Sir Michael | Hicks-Beach Réatly™ il, gossip, int connettion with the report ed postponement of the sentation of the budget the house of commons that the indis- position of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is diplomatic and that peace is 'im: pending, and that something to do with the postpone ment. Nothing to confirm these state ments can be found. Sir Michael a chill of the liver, although condition is not serious. DEATH OF A CLERGYMAN. don, Ont. London, Ont. April 10.--~Rev. RW Williams, for many years commected with 'the western Ontario conlerences of the Methodist church, his last sta- tion being at Maidstone in the Wind- sor district, 1s dead here. Rev. Mr. Williams was formerly one of the most effective and eloguent divines of the Methodist church. He leaves a widow, two daughters and a son. To Have A New Company. Hawilfon, Ont., April 10.--Oscar Wentworth Rogers, the telephone pro- moter, has written to the finance committen of the-city council to the effect that he is about to form a com: pany, which would be prepared to es tablish 1.500 business 'phones in this city at E15 each a year, and 1.500 residence "phones at $10 a year. Ad to long, distance conpectiohs, Mr. Rogers' arrangements could be made with 1 telograph companies for the use their wires. tr. Rogers says he will have his company started within a month. Want Expert Testimony. ; Winnipeg, April 10.~The. Winnipes board of trade, last evening, passed a resolution ex ng concurrence in the view that the Intercolonial rail try 2 g f31 fi. L d °F = i $ i to Adminster glad to learn erstobd the offer of the $200 offered. was for a t of their It is annournwed that the Canadian cricket team will. play in Philadelphia at Haverford; 4th and 5th, Philadel: is Londlon, Aptil 30 It is stated, hy pre~ to the consequent prospect of relief to the estimates has 1s certainly unwell. He is suffering from his Rev. RB. W. Williams Died if Lon- hi A Spaniard Pieaged Knife lato Itatian OPENING OF LOVE WAS THE CAUSE OF THE TER- RIBLE TRAGEDY. An Inquest Being Hald as to the Cause of the Death of a Man Named Ham ~-- Other News From the Queen City. Apaf 10 Nix sew cones - of smallpox "have been reported to Dr. Bre from Rox- borough township, in Stormont. Une in Ose township, Frontenae, has been traced to Westport, iu leeds: Maple railway constriction camp, in Michi- picoten, has now only three cases in quargntine, the rest being entirely ¢ . and no new ones having shown themselves. © Otonabee township, in Peterboro, has one which comes from Ashodel : it was reported as chicken pox. There are sow four in Moss township, Middlesex, snd two in Day, near Thessalon. 5 The eoroner's inquest into the death of William €. Ham, who died in the general hospital, on Tuesday, and who was 'subsequently ound to have a bullet wound 'in bis skull was be- gun last night, but the only evidence taken was that of Dr. John MeCal lem as to Ham's admission to the hospital. It is said that an attendant at the hospital who waited on Ham, has made the statemént that several hours before death, and while still delirious the latter exclaimed: "Who fired the shot 7" A Victoria, B.C... special to the { Globe says : The White Pass railway {company is about to issue a local freight tariff. The lowest rate will be {845 from Skaguay to White Horse The lowest raie demanded hy the do { minion government on Canadian terri tory is neutralized by raiging' the rate {dollars is charged from Skaguay to | Summit, twenty-one miles. | A Budbury special says that an Ita {lian was killed by a Spaniard at { Copper Clifi, on Sunday. The former { mocused the latter of having opened {kis love letters and shot him in the {breast whereupon the Spaniard drew ja knife and plungedy it into the heart of his assailant, killing him instantly. {| The Spaniard is now lying in the {hospital and may not recover. The inames of the men are not known Toronto, WILL ARREST WOMEN. Milliners And Others In Illinois May Be Prosecuted. °h Chiengo, April 10.<Bird feathers threaten to embroil lliinois society in difficulties loading to the criminal courts. Women who wear the plum: age of songsters and milliners who sell them such ornamentation are to be arrested and prosecuted under a law providing imprisonment and fine. The task of finding the enlprits and tof bringing them to justice has been "| assumed by a group of women whose | social standing is in itself a guarantee of opportunity and ability to collect evidence in the highest circles. Mrs. J. V. Farwell, ir.. Mes. Jonn R. Case and Miss Kathleen Scudder will serve during the ensuing year as a watch committee for the Hlinois Audubon society to scrutinize the sales of millinery, the purchases "of patrons and the robbing of birds' nests It hoe been decided to press the prosecution. of the statute enacted by the lllinois legislature in M9 fix ing a penalty of fine and imprisonment for robbing the nest of aay wild bird and for the killing and having in pos session, alive or déad, any birds save those known as gamggbirds. THE REGIMENT 1S FIT. But it Has Not Volunteered ¥or Service. NB, April 10--1¢t is au thoritatively #tated that the story about the Royal Canadian regiment volunteering for service in South 'Afri en is incorrect, as a rumor which was afloat, last night, that the regiment kad been ordered to Africy for bloek- house duty. The only foundation for the report, it appears, was a compli- mentary semark made a few days ago, by Col. Biseae, the officer command ing in North America; that the Roval Cangdians were fit for foreign service. Col. Biseos, who is sa Canadian, born in Toronto, in $45, is onder orders to leave for England in the course of a week of two. Halifax, A Pusy Session. Ottawa, April 9.-Hon. Mr. Blair's hill "To wvevise ronsolidate the law respecting railways'; that of Hon. Mr. Fiupatrick, "To amend the bill of exchange acts'; a motion by Mr. Bennett to give the soldiers who. have seen service in South Alrien pro msinepes of place on the coronation contingent; and Dr. Roddick's bill for the establishment of a medical coun ¢il ia Canadp, were the most i ing bj discussed in the house to day. sitting was well attended and there was considerable activity, A MURDER AT SUDBURY LETTERS BRUTAL MURDER. Stabbed and Pounded -- Assailant Makes His Escape. nette and MoGraw streets. girl Wes stabbed and death. bed. A ident of the neighborhood, and looking out. saw 4 man striking a girl down. After felling her and running away short distance, Jewell says the assailant turned and renewed the 'at tack on cher as she lay prostrate Jewell notified the police, w found the girl dead a working girl derer has been found. TO SEE BIG CROWDS Settling in the North-West Dur. ing the Year. Winnipeg, April 10--At Selkirk, Man, the water is one fool higher than it was in the big flood of 1882. At Winnipeg it did not come within two feet of that mark, The ice jam on the Assiniboine, 'at Portage La Prairie, has not yet broken and the water continues to back up, The consecration of the new bishop of Keewatin, probably will not take place until July 'mest, shortly before the opening of the provincial synod which begine in August. A Deputy ministér of agriculture, c W. Peterson, of the north west terri tories, expects to ste 200.000 peapln settled in the territories this year. » DROVE NAIL INTO HEAD. Feared Man Would Beat Her When He Awoke. Wellington, Kan, April 10.-1In Grant county, Oklahoma, Mrs. Peo ples, a Bohemian, is reported 10 have killed her husband by driving & nail into his head. Peoples, a farmer, went home drunk, beat his wife and after ordering her fo get 'supper, went to sleep with his head leaning against a pine partition. When supper was ready the. woman tried to waken him, but failed. Fearing that he would beat her aghin, when he awoke, for not calling him, she drove a nail through the other side of the partition into the man's head, killing ham, Sh made no attempt to escape. i STARTED FOR HOME. Had Been in the Service For Long Time. London, April 10.--Gen. Plumer Jefe Cape Town on Monday on board th transport Vienna, ana homew drd bound for England en three months' feave of absence. Gen. Plumer has been on active ser vice without interruption €ihce th outhreak of the South African war He was originally entrusted with the command of the small Rhodesioh force which made a series of pluck: and unsucenssful attempts to relieve Maiekings and subsequent to the relief of that town, with the local rank of major-general, he has conducted in: pumerable cavalry operations nope in WILL NOT RETIRE. a . E A Police Magistrate Who Relytes the Charges. Windsor, Ont., April 10.-The town council of Essex has demanded the re signation of W. D. Beeman as police magistrate of that town." It is alleg ed that judgments given by the mag strate have not been according to the law and that he hos allowed himsol! to be prejudiced agaiost some eitiz ns If Mr. Beeman not step gftietly the council will ask the ator ney-general to remove him. from owe. Magistrate Beeman refuses to act on the suagestion of the couneil. He claims that the charges against fre not founded on facts. does ot To Locate Their Graves. Ottawa, April 10---Lady Minto ¥ stidressed a letter to the press, © questing thet all subseriptions to the Canadians an South Afries, to Col. Irving, CO.M.G., Oftawa, » to managers of banks and post-office throughout Canada. A Shocking Tragedy, Everett, Wash, April 10.--A shock ing tragedy occurred here last even ing, when rv. Shepard K. Buces wife of the assistant cashier of th American National hank, killed her husband, their four-year-old son am bersell in a fit of insanity. The mobilization of the Black Sea fleet, of Russia, has been fixed for thy end of July, and the depots ab Sebas topol are receiving unusually large consignments of navel stores A disavtirous flood secured at Oe tran. Moravia, on Wednesday. The water poured into a mine S00 fen deep, ated drowned thirteen of the miners. "I est You - Forget"--. But then we know you won't forget to sem your linen to BAKER'S 'STEAM LAUNDRY, bi. Detroit, April 10.~Just before mid: | night the most brutal morder of rec | ent years in this city was committed en Thirteenth street, between Antoi- | A young | pounded to | Her thrfat was cut rpm ear | to esr, a knife thrust into her brain | behind the ear and p deat in her fore | head showed that she had been club | Hurry Jowell, hoard cries and screams, | She was apparen No trace of her m him | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, { i wom | ers i Toronto, Ont, April 10 Norsk syusteely cloudy and cool with soattered shows CORSETS We believe ours Corset stock to be the best and largest in Kingston. Rather a | sweeping statement, but amply borne out by anyone who takes the trouble to compare. Years of experis ence have taught us what is worthy amd req by the women of Canada, Freaks of shape or style in Corsets find no place here. Grace of figure and comfort are the first points of excel. fence we demand in every Corset we sell. Absolute security is assured to, every patron of this Department, no matter what the style or price of Corset desired. Only thoroughly experienced sales- people are employed to sell and explain every pair, An expert fitter is permanently here at the service of any lady desiring her advice or assistance in selecting the Corset best suited to her fig- ure. Consult her whether you are ready to buy or not, This partial list of the makes we carry may inter. est © W. B. CORSETS--10 styles $1.35 to $3.50 pr. ¥. P. CORSETS 25 styles, $1.25 up. RIBBON LATTICE SETS, $1.25. We ave these lines. { i : COR- sole agents Tor NEVIN-In Brockville, on April Beh, * Enenesd only son of Willigm Nevin Fupernl takes place Friday afternoon, at 2:80 Lom big father's residence, 91 Cataragil street. Friends sod soquaintances gfe rer spectinily jovited to attend 1Torono pars Dieass copy.) ~THE ~ NORBHEIMER PIANO The Representative Plans of Cannds, Several fos dx cimas of the asove sale rated Piano am at proms on exhibitiol o8 - the wareesrns of Nobess J Reid, 228 Prin: stot. Mr Panl Helm, the Norte per ropresendative, will 1 in Kiogéton for & Tew duyr this wed and Will be pleased to moet payome interested ------------------------------ FOR SALE Canadian South African wmediorial as { sociation, formed ta Jocate graves o i i be sent | To flows out am eniate, the Rasen Thick rosie No. 32 Oniarke steed, somal fon rooms, hot wate?" in snting, lane toy, wil be sold chesp This would make two medion sized vhevils ings J S. R. McCANN. 81 Brock St. Cor. Kine St. C--O SIT Know A Good Thing. A large aod fashionable andience will greet Plunket Grom sod Devothy Harvey at the Grand opera hose tor might, ir The Pen of Constant Excellence