& Pembroke & Canadiar Commencing aye. nr Mg Until April SPECIAL GOUONST RATES NORTH PACIFIC COAST snd KOOTE. z POINTS. ($46.05. SPOKANE, Wa. $43.55. RELIES {$43.05. & ond-Class SETTLERS' Osea trod Manitoba Conadian North West. every AY MARCH hoginess offers. aK & FP and CPR FOLGER, JR Gen. Supt THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY + NEWSHORT LINE FUR SSLAND | SHOW - Toronto, Ont, rune APRN. : 10th, ith end 12th + Tickets Good Going $5.90. April 10th, $7.70. Tickets Good Going 11th and 12th, All tickets valid for rotarn, leaviee Tor Mite on or before Apeib. idth, 1902 ® rates inelute admisdon oket to w J. FP. HANLEY, Agent, DOMINION LIF. 1 FROM PORTLAND. April "RATES OF | PASSAGE Saloon, $50 ad anward? Totten; Serond Saloon, tT Singh, $90 $355, Third Classy: $25. CCFL FROM MONTREAL. . May 1"th June 2st 5 Ul bnom sosTon. Low. Erland: - + Absit 10th HORE Lope tieialiged BT NEW SERVICE ®o~iza fos... Cambroman, April 9th and May 21st. ly eliotrie Hebb, species cB. Hanley, J. P. Gllderslesve, ALT: Station. 42 Clarenos St B® CU, Gen. Arte aE Montreal aod Portland ------ A Aten Allan Lire {3580 ' aderry. Royal Mail Steamers. +. From St. John. From Halffax. - "Bate Ath Apk -Mowdey, Ap 14 N Sub 8 am. 19th ApL : Mondny, Apl 21 Jordon, Sate 80th Apl. Monday, Apl 28 ER Ty From Montr Rotisieh ov & .. Nat Sed y ui Avs tnt wie J URR. Spy RATHS OR.PASSAOGE. i i . Beeond cabs Wr La Ts eg $150 extrm Thied Ew mnk 826. Liverpoel, Derry, Fel 4 Ny Li yo New Vor to Giasgew and Londonderry Proton 50 Fa apt en wa Vi LAN meres ay Tho pe cdovomd cabs "3 nN LO. ile class, $20. le to South Africa i De J.P C imited. Picton Belleville _ Str. "Aletha" Monday, April TWh, will oats Tor Mieiom and in . Quine Ports. av 3 pom vo abel Natardavs the Melevilie, Noevirort and have BOARD OF TRADE. { President McKelvey Gives a Clear | Review of the Business of the ! Year -- The Peculiar Position the Board Occupies--The Ques- | tions Dealt With. i At last night's 'meeting of the | board of trade president McKels submitted the followin, To the members. of the Kingston board of trade In presenting a re port of the transactions of the board throughout the year now closing, | your eouneil would first call attention | to the peculiar position a board of | trade occupies in the busipess life of 6 comunity. It may be said that it has little or no specific routine du tie to perform and that its useful neds depends entirely om ite being in touch with such commercial quds tions as may arise and demand | at tention. Its doties are at one time | to afford a means for waited effort, | when: the interests of any section of the commercial life of the muniecipali ty require assistance, and at another time the board may have to act as a unit in the vast nwmber of commerce al bodies in the country, either for the purpose of advancing the direct interests of ite own municipality = or in order to take action jointly with | other units in efforts to promote the | welfare of the whole, Oeeupying such | a position and having such a consti i | tution, the board may sometimes find its. field of operations presenting lit tle or no opportunity for 'the expendi ture of effort, while gt another tine it. may take action to sapport or de- frat the greatest powers in the na tion, and may have to deal with questions not only affecting the com mereinl life it divectly represents hut perhaps extending an influence over the whole commercial life of the ew pire, The year during which véur council has held office hus not presented for consideration any new business of great direct impaetance to the «ity andy there is no important eommaorciyl transaction of local interest to re port. Reference will be made to sever al local niatters which have heen dealt with from year to yedr and have had the serious consideration of vour pre sent council, In the first place a sy nopwis of general transactions will he given. 4 K. & P. Railway. Early in the year upon represenih Fons made to your council, recogni tion 'was given to the advantage of having, a railway opened up through the section between Sharbot Lake and Carleton Place, which would afford a short cut through Lanark county in the Ottawa route and wonld also al low the development of mining, mann acturing and agricultural enterprises the scetion opened up, Petitions ve presented by your council en direing the proposal and asking the wal government aid. Subsidies have agd provincial goveraments and the y has been paved Jor opening the line. Reference shouldbe made to the fact that the K & PY railway has be- come identified with the €. I. R. and that we have, therefore, direct eon nection" with both the main lines of the cosntry. It is hoped that the kK & P., which has always proved of great value to the business interests of the city, may now become, if anv thing, a more important factor in the the city's commercial Hife. Grand Trunk Railway, iron ving a petition from the a of the Grip, asking assistapceiTa procure. an ently Mag ing service, from Kingston to poiffts cast. on the : G.T.R., your, gouneil caused fall enquiry tor be made, and at a meeting in February last resolv ed to ask. for a local train from Belleville to Brockville, leaving Belle ville about 7 a.m., belieyigg that such a service would not only Gl the ex isting need, but would also provide opportunity for passengers from points immediately west of Kingston to come to town and do business, fe- turning by afternoon train. Such o request being aid the Grand Trunk authorities, your secretary has received mu aasurance that it will have every coumidération before the approaching 'change in the time ta ble, and tht due notice wili be given of any change thought possible = or advisable. Bell Telephone Company. Legislation now under consideration at Ottawa in regard to the telephone conipanies, was nof ¢piviaered by the finance committee of the city council to ba of any direct interest to Kings ton, in view of the existing contract Tetwesn the © city anil the Bell tele- phone company, but in. the light of Lop tions received, vear council Lon th toe Ar vidws, : telophone Ao Ancreas 00, on com tates" v | petitions, the annual report: | withdraw its bill rather than submit. the eompany was | {amt na DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, APRIL ©. should not be increased withowt the ford board of trade to endorse a reso consent "of ihe governors-incoungl. Applications for leave 10 increase their rates were subsequently refused. Notwithstanding this,, the company is | increased | suid "to Bave continually their rates in many mugicipalitics and | with sew subscribers, and during the last wession of = the dominion parhia- ment nlimerous petitions were sent in from all over Canada, asking for re jel. company was then applying to further increasy its capital stock, and when the senate addad to the hill certain Cluoses in accordance with the company preferred Learning, that ngain applying to increase its capital sock at the present session of the do- Minion parliament, and this board be ing again urged by other bodies to | wake wee of the opportunity to have | the' original legislation = governing rates made efféctive, your council, re cognizing thst the virtual monopoly of hasiness and should some supervision, presented to the house of commons, the senate the govérnors-ip-eouncil, prayi that the whole matter might be care Le subject to | fully 'copsidered and the arvangément of rates made effectively subjeét to disinteresten control. The petition a! so' asked for legislation which would make telephone service accessilile to lime of supply, That thele was neea of wetion, is shown by the luniversal dis cussion Of the question in the pros, and the puamerous petitions on sidles; hive at least led the govern ment to give the general auestion of telephone service careful consicers tion. Both bills hefore the stand over this session, and it is hope! that fair and just enactments will vewilt] when parliament meets afrain. all whose premises uy be npbn a | Mining Resources. Your council recommended to the | divector of the geological survey that { the Pan-Anierican {fale exhibition would aflora a splendid oppor tunity to advertise the mineral re sources of the diwtrict, and the sug gestion was made that a map, show- ing the geological formation of the coupties. of Frontepae anil Lanark, should be prepared, Alter consineralie correspondence, Dr, Pell, the present director of the survey, made use of an existing map of the central part of the district, and extending it to in clude, the necessary. territory, prepa ed a large wall wap, showing in J» tail the formations and existing work ings, with the various rail and water connections, and this was duly hung at the exhibition, Doubtless the map served its purpose well, and #s iu dirgct results way be far-reaching. In connection with must be made to the icon smelter profositions which have come hefure the boara from vear to year. = Your council. was called upon this year to co-operate with the Lnance committee of the city council in considering a new proposal mace to the city, For tunately, ar unfortunately, as may be, the Promoters of the scheme wore found to be merely trying to obtain a roniraet with the eity for exploita tion later, aml as they failed to com- ply with. reaspnable demanas the mat- fer dropped. Your council. venture to hope that the mineral resowves of this district may (rove. themselves sufficiently: at teactive jn time, to, eapital looking for investment, and that markets may pve sa favorable that a smelter may be found a necessity in eastern On. tario, and without toubt the smelter site would then speedily find an decu- pant. Operations in. mica have provel mont successful, and Kifston invest ors are, and have been now for some time past; reaping large and steady returns. Overtime of Customs Officers. In FEebroary last your council. act ing upon recommendations made hy the hoard of trace, in Windsor, Ont. presented. to the minister of customs a petition condemning the practice of vegridring steamship, railway aad fer ry companies fo pay for the services of officers and landing waiters render ed onteide of official, hours of ordip- ary judicial deys, which, while lwing open ta other objections also, in of ject made the officials the servants of the companies pro tom, instead of ry taining them in the service of the government. The petition ur that the government assmne. the full ost of protecting the revenue, thus re leving the companies of an wiinir burden apd relieving the government from. obligations to public carriers. Many other comercial badies eh dorsed the request and I is believed the government will make the desire] |= change. bringing the practice in ac cord with that in the United States. * Copyright. The Canadian copyright act of IX, having failed to receive Dmperial sane: tion and the guestion Raving never 1 8 setisfactory settlement singe, this board was. asked hy the bound of trade of Toronto, in Decem: ber Jest, to. support that body, in urging 'opon. the governs the de | sivability of Janina ek legion nh give offect toa bill in § which ht. to | company had a | the telephone | petitions | {al parliament both | house | at Bul: | this, reference | | tution passid by that body condemn | ing e present customs tarifl, Your { eonmeil had taken metion earlier in the year in placing before the govermment its views with reference to the dif {eult position in which the Canadian { woollen industry is placed, and is of the opinion that it ix not only its { privilege: but dts duty to assist in Hf rinine about the best trade condi | tions possible, but that this aust be done by intelligent, positive and help { fl suggestions and recommendations, and mot hy negative faultfinding, and for this reason couid pot join in the Brantford resolution. A resolution of the Nelwon board of trade asking for alteration of the duties upon pig lead and its manuiacturdd products has just been presented as this report was drawn up, and bas not yet haa con sideration. X In this connection reference must be made to the frequent occasions on which customs tariff regulations be- tween Canada and Great Britain have come under your council's considera tion. An opportunity arose in Febru i gry last to make a reasonable sug- gestion to the governments of both couptries. Press dispatches had. dis closed the posmibility that the imperi in levying additional | taxes to meet the heavy war expendi ture might impose an impert duty on i wheat, and your council, adopted. a resolution to the effect that if any tax were placed by Great Britain up on products similar, to those produc ed within this country, they should be so levied so as to grant a prefer énce to products of sil the colonies Copies of the resclution were sent to the premier of Canada, and to the Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, colonial secretary. Mr. Chamberlain acknowl | edged receipt of the resolution and it was promised careful consideration {The boards of trade in Toronto, Mon | tréal and other centres took similar action shout the same time gnd the general expression of opinion could not fail to have &n effect upon any policy which may be adopted. A reso | lation of the maritime board of trade | upon which this board has just been asked to take action, will he submit ted for 'your consideration at the an nual meeting. Its suggestion that the preferential customs tariff as applied to imports from Great Britain should only apply to goods imported direct ly through Canadian ports worthy of support. seems Imperial Defence. A resolution of the British Colum bia branch of the Navy league upon this subject which has just been re ceived seems so important that it is also submitted for the opinion of the full board at the annual meéting. The stibject will probably form part of the annual meeting. The subject will probably form part of the programme for discussion at the conference of col- onial premiers at the coronation pro ceedings in London and the board might do well to express an opicion. The Post Office. Many efforts have been made to gh tain for Kingston a proper post of fice building. It has been urged that the old building could be used for concentrating the government offices, which are at present scattered on dif ferent streets, and the new building could find an excellent location on the ground between the customs house and post office. Rents saved should pay mtereit on the cost of construc on, Your council, believing, however, that half a loaf is better than bread, made recommendation this year that at least the old building might be improved by proper accom modation for parcels instead of the very small fewspaper opening bow provided on Wellington street and hy making some change in the present dangerous and objectionable doors. So far, your council's request has not heen" attended to ane the matter should again be referred to the coun cil elected for the coming vear no Manufacturing Industries. Throughout the year" eorrgspondence has taken place with a pr. of manufacturing concerns alleged to contemplate a change of lodation. In most cases it has been clear that the bonus question has been the largest element under consideration, and in pone or Awo it has transpired that catrespondence has doubtless been varried on merely to bring some other municipality to favorable terms, The most important case has been the Deering harvester company, Chicago. Correspéndence' in that matter was referred to the industries eommittee of the city coupeil, with a recempen * I'Will Cure You of RHEUMATISM. No Pay Until You Kaow It. em After 2,000 experiments I have learn- ed how to cure rheuniatism. Not to tarn bony joints into flesh again; thal is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage and for for no mouey. Simply write L will send Ferg 1 LEE Hi dation to offer at least the smelter site and tax exemption. It is under stood that Mr. Kennedy, general manager of the company. when invii- ed here, examined the suwler site and obtainkd from the city ig atives full and elaborate upon all points, including cost material, labor, . ete, ment that the ratepayers of the would be wiling in 'order the of a NO generously with' them. company's intentions, and it is not known now whether they intend to Jo cate in Canada at all. Quesn's University. Your council notes with pleasure the progress made in the new buildings on Queen's campus. The arts building do nated hy the city is now about com plete, and the two other large huikd ngs the Omtarvie government, are well yn der way. These two are to be devoted | to the science hranches and will prove | of material benefit to the whole coun ty as well as to our immediate vic nity. It is mow reported. that the sty dent. movement for raising sufficient funds to erect g proper convocation and examination hall has met with sich success that plans may be subs mitted. to the trustees at their anny al weeting at the end of April, and that the building may be under way sool. after. The facts as to the worth of Queen's to the sity and its lary annual expewshiture in the town wore laid before the ratepayers when the 0,000 grant was under discussion That grant will not regreticd Consideration of the comparative en ormons sums expended annually io Kingston by the students and profes sors and in general maintenance the buildings can only lead to the conclusion that the money was paid in support of an institution which is the best paving asset the city can ever have. be Illustrated Kingston. Your council was pleased to have the opportunity early last year to endorse a plan for the publication of an illustrated bodklet for general dis tribution as an advertisement of Kifgton's business and pleasure at tract) The matter was one which had been often discussed apd several d attempt had been made to bring dis to fruition. When, thercfore, a gentleman undertook to carry ont the work last year under the auspices of, the Whig and 'its capable pun'is} er, it was thought that the long felt want would seen be filled. Your coun cil" signified approval and agreed . to ta 2% copies of the book. It is most unfortunate that the work prov ed unsuccessful, and, if as it is al leged, that the failure resulted from the lack of general support from Kingston merchants, there would reason to doubt the advisability any further attempt in the same line It i= hoped that the idea of the work will' not he dropped. Kingston and its surroundings, with all its peints of historical and ndlitary interest, af ford excellent advertising material, and if a book were once properly com plethd and in civeulation it eould not fail to bring soma return cussion ct possibly winte A Summer Hotel, One of the chief results might le an increase in the alrbady large influx of summer visitors. Your council is com pelled to emphasize again the noed for attractive ascommodation for these visitors, and there iy good ground for the suggestion that in neglecting con sideration of this need Kingston may be overlooking one of her best oppor tunities. Manstufacturers may refrain from considering our advantages as a commercial centre as other cilies are willing to pay large bonus es to induce them to locate elsewhere but there can be wo doubt thet with prope: ani hotel a commodation large numbers of wealthy travellers would make Kingston their headquarters in the summer months, and the influx of population, even if temporary conld not but prove bene ficial in every way to Kingston. The idea is again pressed forward and the members of the board are urged to lose no opportunity that may to bring forward a reasonable plan for eensideration. During the year your secretary has answered the usual number of forms) enquiries, and has furnished outside firms and publishers with lists of Kingston merchants in certain lines of trade, and bas supplied other inform ation of various kinds required from time to time. The report was adopted so long pleasing summer Punishing The Late-Comers. The enforcement at the St. James' theatre, London, Eng., of the pew rile proventing late comers from tak- ing their seats before the fall of the cartain docs not appear to have caus ed any serious trouble. One reporter writes: "When the period for lose the doors came, a few of the gods' ovied Timé," and there was the faint tinkling of a bell. The few vacant seats were not filled until the eurtain fell on the fire act, but there was not the slightest disturbance. The exodus from the stalls between the acts was also less noticeable than usual. There being some uneertainty as to the length of the entr'arves, the oecupiers of the seats preferred to keep them rather thaw run the risk of pennltien for = di of | 'mew rules.' 7 'Operation Fatal To Doetors. Davenport. Ja. April 9-Dr.W. D. Wicdteton, chief ra for the Chi cago, Roek Ieland nnd Pacific rail way skies, aml délin of the medieal efpartment of the sate uhiversity of é resent- { information } with a state | city | 10 obtain | establishment of their proposed | Canadian branch in this ety, to deal | further | word has been received regarding the | erectind through the liberality of § BLOOD POISON. I guarantee wy Latest Mathod Trestment 10 be & positive cure tor Riood Polson. n you have shis a wiul disoase you are ip danger until compiet@ly outed: the -- 1 should be 8 warhing Lo take immediate treatment gets worse. If you have sore throat, pa falling out, blotches on body. ftabing skin or 1 give you a written guarania® 10 cure you this awful disease. cali on me. Doat el wth tehes 08 tongue 5 other withoot Mer ied oury or Potassinm, asd You Pay When Cured. 1 Eaves diplomas and certiteates w testify to my standing and abilities The original testimonials can be Seen at my 1 cannot show. any CASE NO. SHROER. 1am happy to say that your medicines b anyihing 1 ever took CASE NO. :1%004 Your treaiment bad helped me wonderfully. CASE XO risii6 Ihave confidence anyone else has, and I § that you cured me. office; SEO00.00 reward for my OTR me wan EV. W. MOGOUVERN. Oct. 15. 1598, anne BG a8 8 dogtor, tor you helped a The Latest Method Treatment Cures Varigosele and Stricture without éutt! vate, Nervous, Jmpotenay. bles. Consultation Free. Perfect system for C di as £, 8 Kidoey, Liver, Biadder, £ if et eapnot gall, write for blank for home treatment. of home treatment for those who cannot osll. Book Free. tresoling or Joss of ume: also Ohronio Pri Si omach Female and Reetal row from Windsor, © hie 4 duty and tPARSPIrATIOn chnrges Bropaid--Breryihing confidgential--No NOMIGS ON envelopes Or peokages- Nothing sens C. O. DR. GOLDBERG COWARD AVE 208 Wo Cor. Wiloex Street, DETROI arise, | You can't appreciate how thoroughly good baking can be until yourhave tried. . . ! EMPIRE SODA Best for Baking. The test of it is in the using of it. It's purity is undoubted, it's strength unvarying. Ask your grocer for Em- pire Soda, and, if you value your health, insist on gett- ing it, Price Be. per racket. £3 st RS Cures Coughs, Colds, Lung and Bronchialaffections that otter remedies won't touch. Mz. Taos. J. Surrw, Caledonia, Ont, writes: " Ayearago | had a very severe cold which eeitled in my lungs and in my throat, »¢ that | could scarcely speakionder than a whisper. | tried several medicines, but got no rebel vatil 1 used one aud a half bottles of Norway Pine Syrup, which com- pletely cured me." 25¢. a bottle or five for $1.00. withour posed, 00 Yuous sees, Wh wou FURNISHED ROGMS, WITH wear, Wilh Ali modern susvenlostas, & YE Usiverdty Aveane IN VAUGHN TERMACE. WITh Kitchen wid bath rom In vad am Na § HE HANDSOME soonpied by the MH. toreer the Whig Dw 1 B PENNA ec -------------------- NO. 1 VAUGHN © TERRACE, FROM MAY Ist. Exwesion Kitchen and all may convenes. Apply at Whig Othice or No. & of the Jerre NEW BRICK HOUSE, sest so City Park. All we lern meas Apply w G HB Clreive, Us re Verut Belington No WELLINGTON 8%, ane ---- | IIE STUART ST, § ROOMS, MODERN. HOW water heating, other stores and offioes. J. 8 Cor King and Brock Suess aa rar 244 TOOTH Apply MAY 10t Brock ! i | BRICK | Al i CONVeRIenoes «I Bibty Bo ima | i | { RESIDENCE, eondition, © thronehout. 204, Brock street irons, 'HE SHOP WITH PLATE GLASS FhuNy, Sydenhate sbrent, near hitherto ocoupied on street, by bicyals works ipguire of SLEEVE & KIRKPATRICK, street [ON THE 1st OF MAY, THAT VERY DE sirable houss, 117 Bagot winter, corner of Gore, near she Park. Large sity rooms all modern eonvenigposs, large Daisy ba wiler fumace, Apply to Felix Shaw, 118 Bagos Street AND DWELLING oF He, part Crothers' basery. Mav 1st Also OM dwolling adjolniog Miss immediately Apply 207 Division Si sop | Peowsnssion i shop and | Posesarion hood | Wm Allen, MONEY AND BUSINESS 8 ET | MONEY TO LOAN IN LAKCE OR: NNALE | vita, At Jow rates of interest on ole and farm property Loan granted oity nad county debentures. Apply to © MeOGILL, manager of Feantenss Loss i lavestwent Soclety. (fies opposite Port Clon . - sr ------ -~ @ WO. HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IR some from ens thousand a anilars Fra particalars GODWIN 8 INSURANCE over Express Ofios, Market A -------------- Liverpool, 'Londen and Globe Fire Insurance Company. $41,187,215. In addition bolders have for seus lability of all the stock Available assete 0 which the police ty the salimited holders. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY fosured ob lowest peasibie rates ore renewing ol w giving sew bhsiness get rates from BETHANY & RTHANGE. Apevia A OA TAIT. TW ---- UNDERTAKERS ERI TR MR I 8-8 CORBETT, DIRKOTOR, © 281 Kingston, Sussessor FUNERAL Sproat a FRINCYS www JAMES REID, PEE LEADING UNDERTAKEN, 254.880 Princess Street Telephone 147A. Ops day and night ---------- A. HARRISON 00. 233-235 Privcesr Prins x. FF Undertakers, Quality snd efficiency the hast owen, Phone Warerooms, 99. Night , 7. F HARRISON, #1. wile HOV Rie 9 i Provincial Election, i FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EDW. J. B. PENSE. i i | For Good Government, Building {up of Ontario, and Kingston's | best Interests. TE ! "haa sa setnaeee sees TA WAR wa eee. A VISIT. We invite wvess witinem of Kisgeios our onidiling. oval dospwer Je thie adilovery handle hun virods of, gpolionn, of, sulk puch dey ssl thy process ie very ernst J SUFED MLL Soe Press sssss asin nren ; & gold 5 ii STRACHA SELLS Atabastine, i Kaisomine, Straw Hat Polish 3 And od w E ESlephant ie dy Mixed Paint