[Your Faith will be as strong as ours if you fry Shiloh's Consumption Cure a and we send you free trial bottle if you write fof it. SHILOH'S cogts : and will cure Con- atid all Lang Troubles Will or Cold in a day, 8. C. Wes & Co., Toronte, On. Karl's Clover Rest Tos cares ladigestion Our Wives, Mothers and Daughters. Too Many of Them Are Nerve v less, Weak, Pale and Anaemic. Pai EH dion Ps Lo ne's Celery Compound Reaches the Root of Eviry Female Tebuble $l Makes Our Wimen Btrong and Vigorous. It is a most regrettible fact, and a enlamity too, that our women, young and ola, are mmmbered amongst th most unhealthy of females in the eivi: Voeal world For delicacy ol beauty, intoliéctunl capacity, and for all graves that adern the sey, they stand peerless; "but it ig doubtful if one in ten can be found who is functionally and organically well, This absence of feminine health and vigorous vitality is due to a neglect of fia ures unevring haws. © Immo diate "reformation . Ia necessary if our nation woula have women who will become true wives and mothers with an offspring that will prove a strength to the country. For the special weaknesses to which women are now victims, Paine's Cel ery Compeund is the surest and safest remedy. The wonderful strengthening and Building-up properties of this mar vollows prescription devised by that eminent medical expert, Prof. Edward 0 Phialps, M.D, LED. and its speci fie action in correcting disorders of the female organism, are. well known to the medical profession and to the tens of thousands of women who have heen raised from weakness and disease to health and physical hapypiocss i Paine"s Celery Compound quickly gives the trad health tint to sallow and bloodless faces; it gives life and light to the eves; it gives pure, clean bloogh. to eoprse the body: it give® natural appetite, sweet sie and Snes bined cheerfulness that ix the delight of 'men, Try a bottle or two of Paine's Celery Compound, dear suffering and mubdown sister. Your gondition, your family interests and Ale wellare of society demand this ef fort "oft your part. iN To tke Weary Dyspeptic. i We Ask this Question: Why don't you remove § Switzerville, at WAS A CISE OF SUICIDE THE VERDICT OF THE CORON- ER'S JURY. A Regular Epidemic of Life-Tak- ing in Montreal--A Man Who Attempted to Cut His Throat Goes to Jail. Montreal, Apeil 8 ---This city has pad a regular epidemic of suicides for sometime past, both ameng people of high and low degree. Adam Kerr, a manufacturer, who sometime ago at tempted to smicide by eutting. his throat and failed, was to-day sen- tenced to three months in gaol The verdict of the coromer's jury in the case of ex-Ald T. C. Bulmer, Westmount, who shot himself yester day, was suicide while in. a state of mental abberation, A meeting of the executive of the Quebee and Lake Huron railway com pany has been called for this afier noon in the office of Edmund Guerin, the solicitor of the company, for the purpose, of awarding the contract for the construction of its 300 miles of line and for its equipment. It is vn derstood that Robert J. Campbell, who has been a prominent figure in many of Vanderbilt railway enter prises, will undertake the work and will contract, net only to build the railway, but hand it bver to the di fectors ready for operations. The object of the undertaking i to par ticipate in the grain carrying trade from the great lakes to the seaboard. It is understood that the lake termi. fal will be French River. 'The eapi: tal stock of the company is 235,000, 000. The charter authorizes bonding the system Jor $30,000. per mile. Mr. Lanceley's Views. Port Hope Guide. I am glad that the request of the British government for another con- tingent pf 2,000 men has been acceded to hy our parliament, We ought to send another, and another after if necessary, to take the places of the brave fellows who have fallen at their post. And this bright, fair and pros perous eolony ought to bear not only nll the expenses of these contingents, but if needs be, assist the mother land as well. While | am a Canadian and love much the land of my birth vet 1 am a Briton, and never do | desire that the local affection should so blind my vision as to be indiffer ent to the interests and wellare of the great empire of which I am a humlile subject, Rev. Salem Bland, of Otta wa was right, when a week ago he characterized the policy both of our government and opposition as decid edly "piggy." wien with the money grabbing spirit of the premier of one of the other colonies, they manifest a disposition to impoverish the already strained] imperial treasury to meet the expenses of owr soldiers. There is no thing heroie in that, Let ns hear no more about a surplus, and let our le gislators show that they are made of the same sort of stuff of which our soldiers are snade, then they will bear the entire brunt of this obligation, and 'the people of Canada will ap plaud the action. ------------ Yarker Yieldings. Yarker, April 7.e-John Freeman in about purchasing the hotel here, and Stanley Freeman will take over the livery. Our rdfiroad station is being handsomely painted: ¥. W. Benjanfin has purchased a dew 500 light dyna mo, also a new engine, for his new steam yacht. Cyrus Peters has moved his family to. Kingston. Percival Bradshaw is working in Kingston. B. 8. O'Langhlin has arrived home from New York city. 'A. W. Benjamin, from Ottawa, Mrs. S. Winter from Toronto, M. Tobia, from Kingston and Mr. Davidson and wife, from Maaitoha. Visitors returning home : Miss L. Walsh to Kingston; J. Brown to Crookston, Minn; Miss L. Brows to Lime Lake; Mise Vera Vanluven 30 Kingston; A. Kitchen and wife to Brockville: John, Warner and wife to Verona; Charles Jones and wife to Odessa; Maud O'Mara to Lhippons. Mabel "Mtntgomery to Beeville; Wil- liam Silver to Deseronto. The English chiinch Sabbath schol has a new li brary. The Methodist church Sunday school will seleet. books this week for v library, and a petition is in circula- tion for a public digvary for Yarker. The remains of Alice frish were inter red at the White church cemetary on Saturday, Kepler Catches. Kepler, April 7.--A gloom has been cast upon the community by the sud len death of George Caverly. Much Sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Mrs. Harry Buck is ill with phewmonia. Charlie Patterson left today for Nevada, his nephew, Leon aed Patterson, going with him. Miss Minnie' Johnston has returned after Visit friends in Inverary. Miss Paul.c B.C. is to give an address in he Methodist church on Thursday night in the interests of mission work. Vistars: Fdgar McKelpin, South Lake, at J. Dowsley's; - Miss Spike, Michigan, at 5. G Towley's: Mrs. Houghton, Kingston, at H. E. John. dons. Mie "eid Wartman, Cole wook, at H. Wartman's; J. Kennedy, Perth, at 8S. Guess'; Cransthn, €¢. Cranston's; To Maxwell 'at 'A. Townsend's; A. and 8, Caverley at Mrs G, . Caverley's; Mrs. W, Patterson and family have returned after visiting friends at "rockville, ; ---------------------- Latimer Locals. Latimer, April 7o--Rev. Mr. Weed, Tattorsen, will preach hore next Sun lav, Rev.:Mr. Meredith preached op " Zroest Hughson, eity, is visiting se Jarton Lolly Mise Florence Hnb- wel is -- ag a few days ise Vere Wolfe. Maude - stndies. A sugar por the kaye the other ev Sie Spuonct has re Tater on he was on with ie ---- DAILY WHIGL, TUESDAY, APRIL 8. DO NOT TAKE SUBSTITUTE. "CHAUCER"" HAS DEPARTED. Gone to Join the Toronto Base- ball Club. morning "Chaucer" Elliott, he best athletes Kingston ever turped out t for Toronto to fill a temporary engwgement with the East ern leagne base\all team of that city. "Chaueer'" has no idea of fol lowing up baseball for a livelihood, but Like many ther student who in proficient the athletic field he takes an unity of Gling in the college vacation of five wonths, Apd sinee the Ontario rughy football union has been so Kind as to professionalizé him, 'Chaucer' might just as well take advantage of all the good things which come in the way of a professional. His entrance into active professional ranks - will henceforth debar bim from the ama tear fall apd winter games; but being a veteran of the rugby field and with a reputation not oply ia Optario but in New York staie, be can well aflord to retire, and dream about the wic tories of by-gone days. One thing is his due--since the O. R. F. U. has retired him, should it not grant him a pension ? For the past decade "Chaucer" El liott has been an active spirié 1m Kingston's baseball, football and hoe: key circles, but absolutely declined to play cricket, golf, lawn tennis, howls or ping-pong. He was captain of Queen's and = Granites rughy teams and of the Ponies' baseball team, and made a fine showing as goal ing hoc key. Chaucer" was a pupil of old Guy: Curtis, and learned his lesson well. His absence from the Ponies' baseball team this sumnser will be regretted by every frequenter of the baseball diamond. He goes to Toron- to by the special regriest of Mr. Bar row, who is anxious to enrol him on his team. His position is rather a difficult one, as he is being placed on first base for hig trial. The position is a new one to him, but his friend: have every confidence that he will do well. Manager Barrow may also give him a trial behind the bat. The bes wishes of Kingston's sporting circle follow him. HOSPITAL GOVERNORS This To Solicit Subscriptions for the Nurses' Home. The April meeting of the general hospital board of governors wah held yesterday afternoon. Present 1 Chair man, Prof. Marshall; honorary secre tary, W. B. Skinner; B. W. Robertson, Rdwin Chown, Rev. 8. Tighe, T. M. Robertson and J. Mackie, In the report of the committee of management the subject of a nurses' home was again forcibly brought for ward, The plan outlined by Miss Bak er, the Victorian nurse, that a com mittee of the alumnae solicit suhserip tions from the business and other in fluential men in the city was allowed It was decided to join the hospital association recently formed for the protection of hospitals in the distri bution of government and municipal grants, and the annual fee, $5 was paid. Rev. 8S. Tighe and Dr, Haig were appointed a special committee to look into the government reports up on the hospitals of Ontario. Rev. M. Macgillivray and D. M, Mc Intvre were reappointed visiting. gov ernors. Accounts amounting to £1, 28 were ordered to be paid. The re ceipts from all sources for the month including the city grant of 31.500 amounted to $2418. Feared He Is Drowned. There is yet no word of John Wright, of Wolie Island, who disap peared on March 18th. The police are working on the case, but it is general ly supposed that the missing man has been drowned. Enquiries made to-day reveal the fact that Wright came to the city from Wolfe Island on March iSth, and was seen by various parties He crossed over the ice in the after noon, and reached the island all right the ice talking with komme friends, and whether he started over to the ¢ity again is not knows. The ice was in bad condition on that day, and it is feared he broke through and was drowned. Wright was about forty vears of age and weighed probably 160 pounds He had been second ehgiticer on the steamer Glen: garry last year. A Reward Offered. Lost, strayed or stolen--The water: ing carts belonging fo the City or the chairman of the board of works. They will be urgently wanted hy the time the fall rains come, or at least when the first snow falls. They have been missing for some time, and the person who returns them will he rewarded by receiving the thanks of the people and having his particular. street sprinkled «the next time it rings. To-day's dust was fearful, and blinded and choked those. who walked the streets. Playéd Ball On The Lawn. The boat of education, through the janitor, has taken considerable pains to make the grounds surrounding Vidtoria school touk 'presentable. Yes: terday afternoon a number of Queen's Mydenta portal thither and started to p! sthall. When the janitor urdbted 'them away they refused to go. {if they repeat the performance the names will be secured and the young men summoned before the magistrate. The board is bound to keep the lawn in good condition. An Hotel Changes Hands. To-day Leighton Guess, proprietor of the Club hotel, Wellington street, disposed of that property, through I A. Cavs, real estate agent, to Peter Ron's liguor noghte will take pos JE WONT TAKE THE MONEY 1 ' EARNED BY PRETTY GIRLS DANCING IN TIGHTS. Deacons Terribly Shocked -- The Event at Which Cash Was Raised for 4 Ball Vigeland, N.J., April 8.~Undoubted v a bel purchased with money earned bv a decollete ballet show would ring out nothing but naughtivess on the sweet Sabbath air. For this reason the members of the West Baptist church, of Vineland, have decided to do without chimes or even ope bell. And the church needs one, as some of the deacons are prone to overslecp themselves and show up late for the service, The necessity for a bell became very apparent not long ago? but there was ho money in the church treasury After discussing the matter aod dis covering a disinclination on the part of the deacons to go down into their awn pockets to find the cash, Frank Marston evolved the idea of an enter taipment. He employed a number of young women, beautiful of face and figure, and gave a performance in the town hall. The tickets sold well and a large audience was present. When the show opened gasps were heard in different parts of she hall, and feminine . voices became audible, asking the men to "come home and not, look at the huseies." Foi some reason the men did not seem anxious to run away. One dea. gon was heard to 'tell his expostulat- ing wife that he would remain solely to. got evidence against the promoter of the show. Some oi the actresses were in short skirts; Others wore tights. and altogether it was a shape. ly exhibition. The ontertainment. finally came to an end. The next day there was en ough money to purchase a bell. When the cash was offered to the treasurer of the church he refused it. A BOY SOLDIER. Kingston Boy Perhaps Youngest Canadian In South Africa. Perhaps the youngest Canadian who is serving with the empire's forces South Africa is a Kingston bey, K, W. J. Jamieson, son of Mr. and Mrs William Jamieson and grandson of Joseph Jamieson, plumber, this city. This young man will not he sixteen years of age until August next, He necompanied the last contingent of mounted rifles, going out as orderly for the hospital corps under Surg, Maj. Dafi. A letter was yesterday re ceived from Wosp.-Sergt. Guy, of the hospital corps, another Kingstonian, saving that young Jamieson was well and happy. 4 "He sleeps in the hospital," writes Mr. Guy, "and eats with the non-com missioned officers. When we leave for the front on Saturday, he will travel in the ambulance at the rear, You have got a hoy unusually brave for his age. He was in the trenches at Botha Pass, when the Boers broke through, and although the bullets were flying fast he stayed with the boys, The only thing he objected to wis not being allowed a rifle to de hig share to win a victory." His parents also received a good photograph sof their son and Mr Guy, taken outside {heir tent on Kit chener's kopje, Newcastle, Natal. No doubt this young Kingstonian will Ix heard from later on, sas he has the makings of a good soldier in him. in Terms It A Waste, Workmen are engaged pointing the rear wall of the court house, and for fear the county council will send the city council a bill for half the ex pense, several aldermen ave taking ohservations, One. of them made this statement to a Whig reporter this morning * Ko pointing necessary on the wall, and the coun ty council is simply wasting money. Do wou know it would require 5 pic axe to chop the mortar from between the stones. If the county pegple send us a bill, we'll have a few things te sav to them. 1 intend getting the city engineer to examine the wall in case we may require evidence." McDonald---Minnes. At the family residence on Princess street, this morning, the marriage took place of Jean C7 Minnes, daugh ter of the late William Minnes, to Rev, William MeDonald, B.A, Halls ville, Ont. The ceremony was perform. ed by Rev. J. A. McDonald, brother of the groom, in the presence of im fnedinte relatives only. Master Vi tor Minnes and little Margaret Me Dohald acted 'as page aad maid of honor respectively." The bride was attired in a travelling dress of navy blue. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left at 11.50 o'clock by K. & P. railway fox Hallsville. Where Credit Is Due. The proposal to invite the labor un one to take part in the Victoria day celebration came from D. EK. Starr, of Starr & Sutcliffe, whose energies have been so effective om fair and holiday committees if any. credit arises therefrom it shonld be given to Mr. Starr, not appropristed by the candidate of the opposing party and his friends, -------------- Division Court. Division court was held this morn ing, judge Price presiding. Only five cases were beard. © Mills & Gunting ham received judgment against J. 3. McKay, on ncveonnt of $i6. The other cases were adjourned. Suits. Oak Hall. Suits. Take a Took and tell ug if yon ever saw prettier suits than ours, 5. $10, $12 and $14. The H. D. Bibby Co. fast ovening Miss Kate Sailiven. Barrie street, entertained 5 number of her friends to 8 pragressive pearo party, Delicate reshments wer» served at mianight, after which the guests enjoyed a conple of bows Liniestone encampment will to aight beg dell for ite degres e. enmmpment ix Wp to When you ask for MONSOON be sure you get it. 4oc. grade; itis the most delicioustea you can buy. IN ng-- Try a packet of the AEB AN ri CRUSHED UNDER BUILDING. A Sad Accident at Napanee -- Wagar Killed. Napanee, Ont., April 7.--Everton Wagar, a young man about twenty eight years old, was instantly killed about 2.30 o'clock this afternoon, while raising a house, The building, the property of William Ferguson was standing on jack screws and these were being lowered to bring it down to the wall. Wagar was lower ing the jack on the corner faster than the man was lowering the next one This caused the building to swerve and Wagar, who was between it and a fence, instead of stepping aside like the other workmen attempted crawl 'under into the cellar. The con sequence was that the baildiug seéttiod on him across the chest and kill hire almost instantly. He was well known here and wil be recalled to a great number of com mercial travellers, who read this ac count, as he had been train porter at the Campbell house bere for about six months, resigning his posifion Saturday night last. He was a wid ower his wife and little child having died within the last year. He was insured in the Crown Life for $1,000 having paid only one monthly pre minum. An inquest is to be held as negli gence is complained of The body was taken to Paul & Ming's undertaking rooms and the funeral will 'take place Wednesday af ternoon at two o clock on - Napanee Notes. Napanee, April 8.--A. T, Pruyn a rived in town last week after spend ing the winter in Montreal. S. Pr Hinch left lagt night with a carload of effects for. Manitoba, where he ex pects to make his future home. Mrs Hinch and family will follow in al Jamieson, | week or ten days. George is home from Kingston, for a stay with her uncle and aunt, and Mrs, Thomas Jamieson, street. Saturday last was one of best runs of sap this season, sweet maple juice will be Huite plen tiful this week in consequence short Pilgrims Of For Rome. New York, April 8 tholio by bishop McDonnell, of kailed fram this city to-day. Beeaus of the fact that this the jubilee year of Leo's pontificate the number of pilgrims this Year is larger than usual and includes about fifty priests in addition fo a number of promin ent laymen. After spending ten days in the eternal city, the party will make a short tour of the continent before returning home I'he annual Ca is Apprentice wanted to learn the drug business, best wages paid to the right boy. E. C. Mitchell A Toerible Kidney Pain. Chiacles Weish, of Proton, Buffercd In tentte Pain in His Back and Kid neys. He Tried P.ssters, Pills' and Lim ments, But They Fail-d to Hel} Hum, He Is Thenkfut for the Rapid Bebe sud "Complete Caré Ubtalica Through the Use of Dr, Pitcher' Backache Kiduey Tablets. Charles 'Welsh, of Picton, Ont., i well known in that town and vigini ty. He is engineer on fhe mail pac Set plying between Picton asd Deser onto, About a year ago he was laid up with a severe attack of backache and kidoey trouble, 80 bad that he could hardly get mround. After yg everything he bould think 'of without obtaimng refiei, Dr. Pitchet's Backache Kidney Tablets, the new refuedy for kidney troubles; wns ested to bil. with what results we will aliow him to relate in his own words : "1 wat ailing with a terrible pain across my back dnd kiddeys. It cow menced gradually getting worse, su that | was obliged wo stop work. | tried plasters, oils, liniments and pills until | was almost ashamed to enter a drug store, and they all failed. J came across & man who bad been us ing Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets, and be advised me to try them, and while | used them and ever gince, 1 have never known what it was Lo bate a pain or ache in the back or kidneys. Therefore, 1 would advise any person who is troubled with kidney or backache ry hed ase Di. Pitcher's Backache K Tablets by ail means, for | can high- ty recommend | ahead of anything else, for they have made a sound man ald hardly walk wp them." Mr. | Dundas | the | and the | pilgrimage to Rome conducted | Brooklyn, | Sugg: 3 He decided to try the Tablets and A A Bye lowing, first ata, a ERNETHY (ffore to thie peoply of Kingito wwRegs] goods, be found in Ameries Haw Watson {sole agents) fol better the a No oes can Soverohen ohn Fgbcbbeiliner ellum Thee & lopesheion & Co. Chica A: Siater (The Invi & 06 Hoxton real quality o 3.1 The Heh, uhove Mon trea maka' shoes AR t guarantors to Pive: pereos wie faction ful Nap A. ABERNETHY: shim GL wa ae ae tic ' « This particular Style §t.a3 P D. & A: Corsets recommended by discrim- inating users. the results obtained by the use of these Corsets, Feel Fine. Fit Fine. Straight front and are Ladics' tailors are pare pleased with ularly MADE IN WHITE ano DRA, rice $1.00 to $2.00 pair. a ---- _-- ET Are an iavaluable remedy for all PICT 14 8 nerve food and bulding wp and he diseases and disorders arising from \ Weak Heart, Worn Out Nerves or blood enricher, renewing all the worn out and wasted tissues of the body and restoring perfect with Nervousnass, Sleeplessness, Faint and Diz Anmmia, Camoral Debility, Afto troubjes arising RILBURN'S KEART are 50a par Bo'o™ 3 box ou Jogo of Tree J LEU 1 CI. health to those who are troubled Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, 3 Spells, Listiossnoss, Palpitation of the Heart, » Effects of La Grippe and all fpogx a ria Gown system. ' AND NERVE PILLS. ox for $1.95 at all draggists, or will be send Li:-ited, Toronto, Ont. Hien on) Bop. That trouble and mules from the rear. should never be approached You are approaching all kinds. of ¢rouble when you buy. cheap "POISONOUS" gle piece of "STRANSKY' only &t , & Enamel Ware. Try a sin. ' for a sample. To be had ELLIOTT BROS .. 75 AND 77 PRINCESS ST. The best is the cheapest. Money refunded. within 30 days if not as guaranteed. Nickle-Plated Tea and Coffee \ We have a nice line of these now with in stock, including some COLD HANDLES and SILVER LINING. KELVEY. BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street.