Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY W HIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 3° ttre net RE -- -- PAINT _That CAN be walked on. Many socalled floor paints won't stand suchuse. . . . Te SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SeeciaL FLoor PAINT Is made for floors and nothing else, It #& made to walk on and ~ stand being walked on. Color cards for the asking. ie Corbett's Hardware, Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts, : RS MALT BREAKPAST 05D A Strong and Basy Winner. S------ 2 For the past ten years milless and speculators with g very limited knowl edge of the chemistry and physical value of grain foods, have placed on the market preparations cvnder vari our ames; some of these preparations they designate as "health foods." No greater delusions or snares have ever been foisted on the public Food esperts, analytical chemiuts end physicians qualified to speak on the subject, uite agree that Malt Breakfast Food the only. true health food now before the public, This Mnling of scientific men should imtucne pnd direct those now making use of poorly prepared breakiast ce reals, The exquisite deliciousness of Malt Breakfast Food, its palatableness, its strengthening virtues and its econo- mical features all combine 10 make it popular; it is a strong and easy winner with "all classes of our peodle, Your grocer delights to recommend Malt Breakfast Food. i% SOUR STOCK: Is In Good Order. IT COMPRISES Pine, Hemlock, Maple, Oak and other Woods. S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington Street. 00o0fovsosssnrsnsrase ansrenness Danger does not lurk in all drinkigg waters but in the MAGI CALEDO- NiA there is positive safe ty always. At all best clubs; hotels and Gro~ cers, STRACHAN SELLS Alabastine, Kalsomine, Straw Hat Polish And Blephant Re: dy Mixed Paint THESE ARE SPECIALS. RI-P-AN-S i a Deeb] otha aes an occasions! tee of . Rianne Tabuls. For sale bv Dro The FiveCont packet is enowh for ocension, The family bottle, 60 } a supnly for a wear. | THE WHIG--68th YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG,™ | published each eveming, st 300-310 King Street, at Edivions st 230 4 ©' dor WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, published avery Thursday mocning st $1 » one of the bewi rapid, rtyhish nproved presses yar Attached iv Offices in PB co work; mio 1éh Vrintiog ond cheap 'Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' SCANDAL IN MONTREAL. The Montreal covneil has not gdded to the respect in which it is generally beld hy its interference with the pun shiment of the municipal election tele graphers. Four of them were sent to jail by the recorder, by the desire to chéck rasgeality at the polls, to restrain the very evident desire of 5 corrupt element to thwart | the desires of the honest electorate The oficnders were om'y imprisoned, while 4 friend, unnamed and unknown, hustled around and arrenged for 'wir | release. According to the Star two chovpues of 8500 ea h were put in as payment of the fines, and these were "at once returned by the city treas- urer to the devoted friend." Accord- ing to the Herald the fines were mitted by the city council, though a who was moved re to right-doing. The scandal There is simply indefensible. will never be a clean election alleged purists, will deliberately in terlere with the cause ofjuntion ariel stand between the court and the. cor ruptors. Perhaps there never was a clearer wilful trifling with political immorality. The offences for which the telegraphers were adiudged guilty have been condoned by the these men gt case of election It looks power body whose terapted to nullify. some of those in their work, and showed ciation of the as profited by their most appre same in a fis graceful way. ------ JOHN CAMERON'S GOOD BYE, John has said good to journalism, entered upon bye his Cameron and of London. He does not say that he with the emotions that fill the of the journalist from day to day. He cannot do that, He will still have the longings for a look into the onder to what Kis Tirethren of the press are talking about. He will still have the desire, at times, to discuss the issues of the day. He will still feel pt home when within the charmed boon companions, and when he hears the ® over breast exchange in soe circle of them recount the oceurrences of day with ruaning quent flashings of wit. vears ago Mr. Cameron founded that very excellent paper, the London Ad vertiser, and it has been one of the most virile agencies for the propaga- tion of trath in Western Canada. It has been reflecting all the while thé mind of the man, and it will be amaz- ing if he can now content himself with the calmness of life that dominates in the postimaster's inner room. Oeeasion ally he will have to get near enough to the printing press to hear the whirr in his ear. Occas- comment and fre Twenty-eight that must be music ionally he must elimb high enough to hear the laughter in the sanctum, which i# hotter than medicine. Oceasionsily he must leave the postal busines to the juniors and get a sniff of the air that the journalist breathes and the fresh- ness of which he expresses in his work. The hunter never loses his scent for game, nor the journalist his scent for news, % A ------------ EDITORIAL NOTES. The United States surplus of revenue over expenditure this year will he £100,000,000. What is to be done with the vast accumulations ¥ Better rve- duce the tases. The Mail wsignalized its thirtieth anniversary by issuing a splendid il lustrated number. The Mail is a good newspaper, and is improving all the while--except in its polities. The Philadelphia Ledger has it that reciprocity with the United States is an insistent question in Canada. Is it? Outside of John Charlton, whe i# the public man in Canada who is troubling about it ? Rixty bills of more or less dovbtiul import weve dropped or abandoned by the legislature of Quebec in its bur: vied clos: It was what one has call ed, as he viewed the result, "a great slaughter of the innocents." a Mr. Whitney is vexed because Mr, Ross will not call him in and discuss elections. Did he not storm a while ago and say he di'n't wanted to be consulted about the government's business ? He ought to be tonsistent. The manufacturers of the United million dollars' worth of raw material EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROTRIETOR. | I"IE DAILY WHIG. | majority of its members were pledged | while the men in power, including the | if | new duties as postmaster of the tity | Prohibition is not dead, but it slay he killed by its friends it hae found that although sen. Miles is considerable of g soldier, { that he hax earned on the field all the { hepors which he | poor outfit that ghove all be cannot So the idey is that bern carries, he is a very at a social! function, and pour" at i a five p'clock tea. | he ought to go. | The talk ahout a change of the { king's birthday, from November to a i more fitting seas n for outdoor cvle | bration, is pure cannot be changed nonwnse, Birthdays by royal decrees Dates of ob with and gets of parliament. | servane may be changed, rey doubtful results. -- Gi. F. Marter local polities with ony member of the and satisfy the for what was but is ready to discuss anywhere, he voted opposition, people that { fair and just in the concession to the | Manitoba Pulp and Paper Company | He intimates that he is { tion in North Toronto by a large ma jority. sure of clee -------- Rev. Mr. Starr, of Toronto, the temperance folks to seize the legis- | lature and so pass a prohibition law | that would stand eny test. He apparently, that the legislature has limited power, and that anvthing beyond the Manitoba act, founded om its terms, may wents for gets, or an act not be in tra vires, cake Ih Chartrand, in Le Soleil, timates that public writing | generating, and that a school of our i nalism should he established. There is no substitute for the newspaper office, and no training which can take the | place of bard matterof fact experi Fine. Jommalists cannot be made hy machinery. ne is de { + The people who have | plating the defeat of Hon. Mr. Latch by Mr. T. W. Me: | Garry are doomed to disappointment | The Mercury, | intimates that in Me. be sure been contem ford in Renfrew which knows the riding, McGarry the con of one more And Me Garry is willing to be offered up ! | servatives will | name to the list of martyrs. Spitting in public places is made a serious offence in New York and thirty five persons were fined 85 each in one day. They were given to understand that a second offence would involve ¢ fine of $300, or both. It is time Kingston had to correct a very filthy habit, and n- or a year's imprisonment, a law one in which too many people dulge NO INCONVENIENCE. The Ball Thrives Very Close To Heart. lerlin, April 3.--~The thirty-first con- gress of the German chirurgical asso ciation opened here yesterday with a discussion of the first treatment of the wounded in battle. Proi. Von Bruns, detailing the reformed practice, resulting from experiments in Cubg and Soath Africa, declared that anti septic bandages were undoubtedly idea! for the battle field, superseoding anti septic treatment. Prof. Bergmann in troduced several patients to illustrate the desirability, as far as possible, of not molesting wounds by probing and other operations. The most remarka- { ble case was that of a man who at tempted to commit suicide with ao small calibre gun. The bullet pene trated the heart, but the wound heal ed quickly. Bubsequently "X" 'rays revealed the bullet lving on the right ventrile, bounding with each beat Eventually it became encased and now moves rhythmically with the heart, not causing the least inconvenivnce. What's The Trouble. Is it Sick Headache ¥ Is it Bilious nese ? ls it Slaggish Liver ? Ig your skin sallow ? Do you fee] more dead than alive? Your system needs ton- ing Your Liver isn't doing its work ~Don"t resort to strong drugs--Dr, Ae' s Little Pills, 10 cents for 40 doses, will work wonders for vou. Large vials 25 ets. Sold A Henry Wade and E. C. Mitchell - Russia In Conciliatory Mood. London, April 3.---A despatch from Pekin to the Times says that Russia is still concilintory, and has agreed not to make her withdrawal from Niu Chwang entively conditional on the previous abolition of the provisional government of Tien Thin, but promis- es to withdraw within eight months aftér the signature of the conviontion. --------e---------- Was A Big Day. George Mills & Co., the popular Wellington Street batters, say that their sale of hats on Saturday last was unusually large and far exceeded their expectations. "Suits," Oak Hall. "Suits." Youths' suits, "specials" in fine Price 810. The H. D. Bib- Hunting Stocks. Our English stock ties just arrived, Just patterns 30, T8e, 9c. J States are importing wore tian & only | him, 10 CONCEAL A ROBBERY COLORED BUTLER TEIED TO WIPE OUT A FAMILY. Williams H. Lane Had Stolen Money From Mrs, Furbush, a Wealthy Woman, And Know- ing That He Was to Be Jailed, He Murdered Her And Then Philadelphia, April 3---Fearing that wondd be arrested for theft, Wil liam H. Lape, a colored butler, shot and killed his employer, Mrs. Ella J, Furbush, ber twelve-year-old daughter Madelite, and probably wounded an other, Eloise, aged seven years at their home, No. 652 North Fifteenth street, Lane, who is twenty-five years age, escaped from the house and four hours later was arrested, while wait ing Camden, N.J., to board a train for Bridgeton, N.J. He was brought to this eity, was identified by ise and confessed his erime. Mrs. Purbush lived with her two daughters in a well furnished house. Lane had been her butler since Christ- mas. Mrs. Furbush had been missing small amounts of money recently and finally informed the police, who he gan an investigation, which was in progress when the tragedy occurred. Lane was suspected and a warrant was sworn out for his arrest, According to Lane's confession he saw Mrs, Barba last Monday night counting a large roll of hills. Know ing where she kept the money, he stole $70. Mrs. Furbush missed the money and questioned Lane, but he denied all knowledge of it. Expecting that the theft would he charged to and that Mrs. Furbogh would ave him acrest "Lane plannned murder, robbery and a At eleven o'clock he went to the third floor and found Mes. Furbush in one of the middle rooms. He shot her twice. She died instantly. Eloise, in another room, hearing the noise, ran to see what wis the matter. As she entered Lane shot her in the ahdo wen. She fell and he thought he had killed her also, Without attracting the 'attenticn of another servant, Lane went to the front door and called in Madeline, skating on roller skates on the side walk. He told her that her mother wanted her, and without the slight- est suspicion of what had happened the child climbed the stairs without removing the skates. She went into a room adjoining that in which he mother lay dead Lane followed her, and as she called her mother, he shot her, killing her instantly, Lane in his confession, savs he then robbed the house of '#130, two watches and a pocketbook While he was searching for the jew- elry he was interrupted hy the arri val of two policemen, who had n warrant for his arrest on the charge of larceny. They asked to see Mrs. Furbueh, and Lane showed them to the sitting room, said he would call his mistress. The butler hastily don ned his overcoat and escaped by the rear. The policemen hearing a moan, began looking about, and found Eloise. To the policemen she said : "William shot my mother and sister and tried to kill me." She was sent to a hospital. The police traced Lane to the Pennsyl vania railroad station at Camden, N, J., where he was recognized bv one of the policemen he had admitted to the house. The officers hustled him on a ferry boat, and brought him police headquarters. Before going to Camden he had pur chased a suit of clothes, a light over coat, a valise and a box of cigars, He wore the new clothes and had his old suit to his gister's home in Burlington, N.J. At Camden station he telegraphed another at Bridgeport, that he was coming to see her At the police station Lane said he was sorry for what he had done. He was surprised to hear that Eloise was alive. He said he always liked her and hesitated to kill her, but "it was ne cessary to do 0." "Now that I have been caught," he added. "TI hope she will recover. | am also sorry for Mrs. Furbush and Ma deline, hut poverty tempted me to do it, and I must now suffer." Lane was afterward taken to the hospital where Eloice identified him. Lane said all the child said was true Lane is the son of a preacher who lives in Brodgeton. SHOWER OF FROGS. of my to sent sinter The Little Fellows Came Down Soon After Rain Storm. Albion, N.¥Y., April 3.-~This village experienced a shower of frogs and angle worms yesterday. Shortly after a hard rain many frogs were found in the vicinity of the Central depot. The ground was.govered with little frogs, some jumping about, while others lay dead beside the rails badly mangled and others on the rails with their lives crushed out by passing trains. The living frogs soon departed and their places were taken hy angle wornig, the ground heing covered with a mass of long, thin young worms. Soon they departed and nothing re maimed but a nomber of dead frogs and worms, the lives of the latter he. ing erushed out by being trampled upon. See Jenkins' Boys' Suits. Every suit carries with it the touch of good workmanship and style, per fect fitting, %1.25 up. Lots For Sale. Lots of new ing suite and top coats, $6.50, to $14. The H. D. Bib by Co. "What Women Like ih Men," "What | Men Like in Women," and "Hushands and Wives." are a series of interesting by Rafford Pike, the third of appears in the Co fitan for . Hopkinson Smith, Tsrael , Pret Harte and Maarten Maartens are among the other con: Jtributors to this oumber, which is "he Ancio-Japunens. Aisne [ saders, SHOULD SUBMIT CLAIMS. Troubles Among Inventors 4 Wireless Telesraphy Berlin, - April 4. W. Bargemann, who represents Messrs. Siemons and Halske, made a statement regarding the legal proceadings which the firm | contemplates to protect. what it con its rights against other oper ators of wireless telegraphy systems The firm owns the patent. of Dr Braun. Mr. Bargemenn said that Messrs. SBiemons and Halske will in stitute procetddings in the law courts oi England against the Marconi com pany when their present case against the Allgemic Alektrizitet company, which holds the Staby patents,' issu This case, which is hefore the German courts, is a. claim for 1.500 marks for each case of intereference with thes company's rights, making an estimated total of over three million marks. A similar claim will be made against the Marconi wireless ¢om pany. Mr. Bargemann explains that the whole question turns upon which inventor discoverad the applicability of the electric circuit to wireless tele graphy. Dr. Braun claims that he can establish, bevomd controversy, that he was the discoverer of the circuit sys tem. The advantage of their circuit over the direct is that it enables di rect communication over practically any distance as compared with fifteen kilometers or thereabouts by direct, which, he says is the ntmost possible In spite of these claims, it how ever doubtful whether litigation will really decide the matter as the Unit ed States, English and German gos ernments are trving to arrange that all three inventors should submit their claims to a contemplated scien tific conference on the whole question of wireless telegraphy. This eonfer- nee, it hoped; WAT Be Bald in Per in. of ed. in, BRITISHERS WOUNDED. During A Drunken In 'Pekin. Pekin, April 3 Brawl There was a «drunken brawl! between soldiers in a canteen here yesterday. It in four English soldiers being severely wound ed by bayonets widded by French and Germans. The attention of the min isters has been called to the increase of disveputable hoyses here. The Chi nese place no restrictions on these places The number of murders in Tien Tain in the past vear has caused much criticism of the provisional military government All the soldiers forming guard there, except the Am ericans and English, are allowed to carry their side arms when off duty resulted Vanderbilt System Extension. Pa., April 3--The Van derbilt system of this to he extended through to the Atlanti with a terminal at Newport The Pittsburg & Lake Erie railroad, operating between Cleve land and the Convelsville region t« Fayette City, is to be extended to Brownsville, Pa., and from there a survey of. 140 miles to Staunton, Va., is being made. At Staunton the road i# to connect with the Chesapeake an Ohio, partially under the the Pennsylvania. This will give ('on neslville coke and Pittsburg coal an other outlet to the coast, and will give Pittsburg an om road for Cuban and South American ores Pittsburg, city is coast News control of In Honor Of Dr. Hale. Mase, April 3.--1t would he find a parallel' in all the nation's history {or the ovation ten dered to Dr. Edward Everett Hale on the occasion of his eighticth birthday Neither a hero of war a public man in the general acceptance of the but an apostle peace who cares for no title other than that of a christian minister, Dr, Hale the recipient of a public testimonial in which the participants included the foremost vepresentatives of the tional, patriotic, commer cial, industrial. charitable, histories]. scientific, and literary life the union, : toston, difficult to to-day nor term, of was Ld educa religious, of A Great Railroad. Duluth, Minn, April 3.-A to the News Tribune claims authority for the statement that the banque Francaise and Colonial, of Paris Belgium, have agreed take 00,000 bands for the toba and Gul railroad on the of ninetv-five per The proposed road will run from Inluth to Omaha and Kansas City Work will eom mence immediately, Seca and $12 Mani basis © building Made A Valuable Find. Berlin, April 3.~In 4 ceived at the colonial bureau, Schlechter, the botanst, declares bas discovered an shwdance of ber and gutia perch, trees in German New: Guinea, By this discovery Herr Schlechter wins the 6 #9-marks prize ofiered by the colonial society lor the first person to find sich trees in the German colonies. cablegram re Herr he rub ---------------------- Binghamton Doctor Accused. Binghamton, N.Y. Avril 2 -William Carter, the halfbrecd Indian, under arvest for the attempted murder of Charies Carman at Port Crane, made a confession under oath in which he addmits the crime and glloges that he shot Carman al the instigation of Br. CC. J. Tiffany, who paid bim to kill Carman. New Railroad At Clayton. Clayton, N.¥Y., April 3.~A party. of gentlemen from New York were in the village recently. with 5, vitw to secure a franchise for an elecwic railroad to run from Watertown to Clayton. The advantage chiefly mentoned was of a short route. The villas will probab- iy be asked for a franchise, See Jenkins' Hats. The Larchmont contidgies to be ane of pur lenders, wide has with three buttons on the side, { pearl or black. i -------------------- Gloves. "Oak Hal." Gloves. Gloves from the world best makers $1, 81.95, $1.50. The [H. ID. Ribby Co. Wellinzton Ruthven 'a, lost, hy I of er nd a . bo with a b Sd in the died on years. WX 300 YARDS WHITE Regular value 25c. yard. 110 YARDS BLACK TAFFETA Extra fine fini-h. Regular Toe selling of the along, MEN'S COLORED 260 YARDS WIDE CORD WHITE MUSLIN. Regular value 30c. yard. BLACK DRESS SILK. Regular value 75¢, yard. SHIRTS, at less than makers BOYS' COLORED SHIRTS, STARR & SUTCLIF Us and 120° Princess Street. SPECIAL FOR RIDAY ORGANDIE MUSLIN. Friday 15¢. yard. DIMITY Friday 19¢c. yard. PEAU. DE SOIE Friday 55c. yard. SILK, value $1. Friday 73c. ya MEN'S AND BO} price, S0CS mer wid 2 24 inches SHIRTS, $: gnc each, FE'S, Kingaton, Ont, IRON od JAMES REI BEDS. Our spring st fron Beds have a ) They are come dosignn; Brae Mattensech and arrived for your rossd of pretty ty and White Bprives to Enamel fit Have your Parlor Setis or old chairs rn kinds of carey coversd, aa we do al Repairing and upholstering s Inrge assorgs went of covers to choose from and LEADING UNDERTAKER, The Toronte General Trasts Corporation Oftice and Safe Deposit Vaults, 9 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 81,000,000 » 880,000. Capital, Reserve Fund President : JOHN HOSKIN, QO, Vice- Presidents (ON. B.C. WOOD, W.H. BEATTY, Esq J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director A.D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Manager JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. Authorized to ot Exvcutor, Ad sinistrator, Trus ver, Commit ee of Lupatic, a iarfian kdgqusdator. | asignes, Eu. rent. prices LL.D. Deposit safes to All sizes and «t reasonable Parcels receives | or safe Suntody. Bonds and ot valuables Guarantews 'ad Idbured againét loss Solicitor a bringing Estates, Adminis rations, ete. Qorporstion are ontinumg ir the OTe han of the For further information wee the Oor | pular ¥ aration's Manua wl REMINDER. Now is the time to have yoe Waggons, Carriages repaired aw painted and the place to ge them done is at LATURNEY'S where every thing is done unde ais own supervision. 300 PRINCESS Si Telephone 152, REAL ESTATE. GED. CLIFF IS OFFERING GREAT BAR ing in this line '15 Brock Sa FIRED A THOUSAND BULLETS Into a Georgia Miscreant"s Body | ~Walter Allen Taken From Jail. | April 3.~-Walter Allon, a | with attempting Adamson, taken whe Rowe, negro, charged assault Miss Bl fiftern-venr-old girl wax the jail by 1.006 people ed down the prison doors vel bith to an electric light pole in the principal portion of the city A vol tey was fired afterwards and fully |} 0 hedlets entered negro' body All the men who took part.in the hang ing were ammasked Mine Adamson] belongs to one of the most prominent | families in Home | Lia. to SHOT a | Trem Bat tor amd hang In varieiy, timeliness, and interest and in the ability and distinction of | the writers who contributed them, the April North American Review equals j the very best issues of this great Am} erican magazipe, Apropos of the st.} tention lavished wpon prince Howry, Mark Twain asks "Doss the Race of | Man Love a Lord ¥ and answirs in} the affirmative in naive humor, Sip! Richard Temple, whose death wan re! cently announced, is the author of a) warmly appreciative charcyet ization | of lord Randolph Churchill, In a po | per, "South Africa and Eorope," by the Inte Jean de Bloch, the question | in divevssed "Bow far the revelatione | of the Boer war as 10 the sonditions of modern warfare will affect the pros | pects of permanent peace in Furope,'" John Murphy, Newloro, died this morn og, aged eghiy-three years. Talking 3, J, CRAWFORD, =~ STOP BURNING DOLLARS | BURN AIR np SPRING Asd With Ut Stewk of Gems' WE We { SALE OF THE IO 1 1A win in Patent Our Ladies' Foo wear, First-Class snd 1 4 t wis dre sdeontiog the - of Kristen Inspects on bv FT0 10% or STUDENTS. Armstrong's.. 184 Princess Street, 5 of Clothes. ne wy "1 ar ! spring overs dq mek Princess & Bagot ste, THAT'S WHAT YOU USE THE candascant Gas Light. Faves 55 por end Frioms right YOU po 1» Buvavior to all others of your ges bilix BRECK & HALLIDAY, SOLE AGENTS. The Ale that's always good. "AT ALL DEALERS. Boise agent lor Kingston, J. 8, Henderson,

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