Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1902, p. 7

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THE DAILY wHIG, WEDNESDAY, | income from the sale of peaches does f place amon y disorders of |STORIETTES OF AR: not ususfly offer any amount to sven Vo A 10 elenk Consiunp 8 socomd an his friends, and the inference is that apoplexy th The mis | N 9 5 of strain of being courteous at all Limes ood ofl .ARMERS LIVE LONGEST; | Sie' "neasonabie und exacting | § good cook knows the br ge to be o> of i the peaches were given in place i on HUMOROUS INCIDENTS | .onl¢ more substantind food dogand ¥ THAT OCCURRED. jot by Vislons LAZY RICH SHORTEST. persons, is said by Po Fgually success althuugh thse i je reason wity the was eefiainly far Casies, was bedard The Light Side of Campaigning-- ' ihe attempt of an Mveverent aod How to Gain Health And Happi- ¢ if contrast with the cle who > Interesting Events Collected | junior « battern whos lighting apon ness -- What Profession to {or fore il to be » i «| E & From South Africa--The Colo- an old camping proud, Re: in Rp Choose in Order to Live Lexg- |. EL Sey cra od ib Lo Bovrit : don empty chine bottles apd 5 . Hovers are uot ¥ ne us | nial and the Officer. 5 Cia few don pate de foie pots traces est--A Few Painters. troubles & g : ® There are thousands of iridents of | of & certain cfack cavalry regiment That man's coeupation has much to | disease leads a fist of d & war, writes Edgar Wallace wo the Lon and in an andomed chest protestor do with h si of Bie dx the conciu- bo which atiack the 8 A he It is always prepared. don Daily Mail, which are not of sub | jgdicat general staff ston reach r 4 study by Dr. | clerks, neevous tre % 8 ad v 1 feicnt importance bo cable, which do . iy b ld Kitchener Sis] £7. Az . amon British spo- § apoplexy third, el CORRAL f Makes Jelicions broth in Lnot iit in eknetly in ong's weekly let he Wf more than one very good | cialis he pamper rich, who have [ fourth, { vers which do not make in the ight tory Giitle or pothing 1 aire their time: 1 The y i 2 wlher 1 who learns est degree for history, buy whieh, sh i me of his st whe the r are the shortest Five i of all dlnscos he | the grt ol be od Levertheless, have an interest peculiar id not recerd the bile s Panvi, hed fives the Jon art ' ) own. which renders their ex- | ander his command ax the bac kbone he Pritish spe dio ot i] who does not hive out bis i vs the Iii os ne us va and nourishing. Makes a ky lv their : * fend 2] ' on from prieted record a sheer s army, he replied loconically, in theories except apply drink here, a drink there, here a waste of good material. "Yea they are what one might Sali}, Shinai hat ape POPS : | cigar, snd somewhere ef & I y i tions that wm ported by | GREE, SN SOMNDE pt score of recherché dishes two minttes. It is so sim- 'ple to use, so very pure {here is mothing particularly lurid | spinal columns " «has spent years in coll Lin these stories which 1 wish to tell Few = people aware of the extent ing ity sti tics. and does not Te "Hin | you here, and, indeed, this letter is | to which lord Kitchener "hostles' his { jo) As are subject to dispute. ; . + with heed 8 collection of short stories than | columns. No sooner dos a col hen he tha wires it i$ to arrive 'at a imitations. 4 lazy recalling of incidents of war = won return, from trek and veport its ih: wh uncmployed yich attival in town than a wire some} et Hh the hard worked thing like the following arrives from eo cantinaes on with lis dratioery | 00 the act she chil When "will you be ready old 7 1 when they enter the serviee 3 o De healthy fot and live to an a Kheumatizo is the bane and ilnprowes as many more, BOVRIL is the vital cssénce of the best insbcute grip on p perms 10 en oy SO We AP GO. Man. that st the timo struck me as being Police dune to their i aut of the ordinary that they must For instance | remember what seem me to be a remarkable exhibi those powers with which the | morting along comes another ware, J worry their Tk «1 Sherlock Holmes made us fa- | nhv are ting 7° dolla wd a hat i ans Bf allie to do' noth comian's exis v pH hick was awhibited by the | bw hour afterwards by "Why kavelo, jog round of that}: dus he has Jew of » ) £ 3 i L ! CHAR ne ¥ 1 " st officer of one of the Rolumns to Fan nob tel + } Hee Tack 9 44 threat § BHI MaRk Fhe mail ca which 1° had the good joriune to be at ak the stivpn cor Soon the an of . healthy | A 1 of his worl mander "pref forty y the deadly sniper | 4 x open § to the relestless man in Protocia, | 08 to. on : the 1 is the prey of rheumatism The hastens to get Told i out of range of | doWmscments: that cast. 4 5 bel or oven though his ork 18 Wi a telegrath wir hives of ot an © i a oa a . s doutit x to whether we were on the a. gel hin } time whan : id he g NN ound, aud far away from. the cack of the main body, or whether A short time ago, Raa offer. Ww : ". that warms. the lives of other ack a: detached gmail | BITS. regiitiont armived at Ope Town | off hav owondels te 15} lives to a ghod old tind he w bie ar ete ¢ ail | 4 $2.3 Cit tha . 3 v ; {uw off hi ack Fv and hastened te hark. The diss] Dr: Arlid t the life that 8% | the victin of aa partyiie lead us of -hi8 3 rar + VOEY | embarkation wa vrind Git sHocosss Jeon usels d is weary of itself goes | Luiner he @ y god told the same | ¥ : . ¥. BiNers ' isruipus Bc od , goed a ne i and the regiment was quartere s own accord ¢ All the rich | wheie the d Lespy % ¢ a hoe MAS % Is 1 t t yn a5 pa by nightiall at Green Point Camp, th those who head | Gho Jie fo ¢ the owner knew. Yerl . Yi ; i ; o » a os aightforward answer RLY NGEL Mo mug # a har ths me | Sh so 1 Re aOR . line" message from "*K."7 "1 hope vou ) given in every ease, and the fact thot | uo exereiving your horses and men. | ; wi ! g lean beef. to go ond agam The fotowing : } i «indolent rich, reasons awny. attached. the policey We were hot after Dewet in the Cape Colony, and there seemed to be some whose the farmer 8 Iorage Was in every 86 shall want vou almost i fiately nf otic gave some sort of credent Io this the commending officer rep i to the stor we Came 10. Biel ot Pre ose ekereisitia Horses: aid farm, an @ fi officer rode up to | Lun all day long." . the ep and made the asaal enquiny There was an interval of two hours No; no BoelRy had passed nor stopped | thon "K's" second message canie te the faetn. The staff officer picked | hand. "What do you propose doing a ip something from the ground and ex it 91 : amined it for a moment, | AnotHor personality that figures per- | ha C whstad gots of a ' lity. a Hate you any peaches ? he nsked | haps in more stories than any other British expert at length, Yes, the farmer hag some | soldier is Gep. Tse, whose vocabu peaches, and quickly produced some ry, extensive and peculiar, & the very glad to be of servies to the of | subject of many stories. chime tilonatEon 4 i otra . ; ~ fioce and happy to supply his nesds. in the a ance towards | » farmers: body. I raw | Weird ale of ufferin in he ' ofwomans "Pa you have a good crop of peaches | Pretoriu ons of st polished of cod. bit TB 1. glee ' Frozen North. 4 every wear?' was the nexts guestion. | our' generals, seeing a solitary hors: Yo: a 4 ; . \ b . ti £8 nn pt tr g ' st ¥ pay 8 » wk wi ale is hrovight dow vn Ty y Glien Im Not such a good crop,' wis the re | man ridi about under a heavy fie in the open | Henn thas > nit : 8 13 Rou at down 4 bu & it ig too 30C5L IA ply, the farmer by no means sorry to | sent an orderly to tell ""that 'foul and nature is hoy eaitips: t} af, : : ; : i hh 9 wes +t ' yonds as follows: [get off the embarrassing question of |; get under eover if he dic wis id ey : - ti Pi 3 yy mnocent < } promised mother | the passage of Joerg and on to « the | be shot The orderly returned with which knows 1 waripered tastes. The : 'an Yaiss i & 4 <5, in il id So #0 for a | [ees dangerous topic. of horticulture. the information that the horseman a iv of - wholesoit rig a ao rod ; i CaN. UNS LOTS SM. fs 6 SEPOREOT | <1), vou es ¢ If? v gai any ire § : Sn Phnieson iver ng the or and met ith ¥ 'yes : i . . { a terrible pron Do vou eat many yoursell was the | had said many weird things ampsg fo i$ gestive apparatus ex Sir BUeCH t hard nok comment Corticelli sewing 8 wv the highest i 1 poxt question. No, they were all pre | which was the intelligence that he Was | (ravis the be At in th od and who i ak d {th 3 . v ht 4 ; Poss jos a "mm the ood and h one day when a ber of the § ORS TO pared for Muscat. . dh ten. 1 ee . i va th « void blood exercise of his | Is : aaa brokbn : proaucs ay can po * 1 uw en & he shite gémeral was pained that © gaily ti i 1 i Ys > 5 2 ¢ an we officer thought awhile, then sai e polite eral 3 ol tilly poutine stim the well-fed {now vag all bit expended and hb althoush it costs nor } to the astonished farmer, Last | he had made the mistake, and asked | Ya Tittle dissipation t f : : H - 1 ; t th issipa tor ide start ack 10 7 ue ; we him the L nicht a large hody of Boers came to | the orderly whether' Gen I as |, serfert huian hl 8 ag ha ' } uth A$ Eve tor at her knowledge, your house and as sked for food. You mmich offended. "Much offended, sir verted li I inperverted conditions have huilt, | st of furs and ren regularly, ac : , he Bd nat had none, but vou entertained thew | said Atkins g sofully: "why he told me han his own 8 i f A x \ > oO & is to ir. he sald yor X Ay HE own "JO¥ h traps and powder package removed as well as you could with the best | to go that is to say, mir, he said y evening with the wife and children, the | He started and. s i638 | vou had to offer." vorec-woll, to tell you the truth, & wa oF i ; galth and The farmer for g time protested b I couldn't 'ave said it better me , the spelling 'bee, - the J a8 he wen proved, | nno-onee, but eventually. admitted sell 1" Ca : to TOWH 10 8 the eir- | expended and one him for ghe same § Lo oaething of the sort had oc? Gen T iv a stickler for diseip ! A MR: CIF 14K; Wiha months since wo y : feel sure that curred, Asked afterwards how he | line, and during his term of command EE ers hd tense send mao | had arrived at the truth of the story, | in one of the big Free State towns h apr oe saem. dPORYY But, 88.1 want fo give the stall officer pointed to some over guve strict orders that officess aryi Bln a He farmer 18 4 nan ripe peaches which had been half bit- | ing at the station should = pepory PUPS 4 has. somethir FREE SAMPLE + penpbies giving {ten through and thrown away, and | the Ives either personally "to. him lor, And 4 wh SLI) Barticalare, teat | to a perfect litter of peach stones in e to his staff officer, or to ms A of mature rites. 2 Brive, went anve | front of the farmers stoop. }. t ext 1 longevity and.-ratio of | UY could see,' ho said, 'that some is stall officer at time was a rile ral and wm body bad been having a royal feast of | man by no means favored of natur d peaches," and as the man sid that | in the matier of good looks, added to apable of a. reat int of health neither he nor | his family ate the | which he was man of morose and To labe « emphasized by Dr. Arlidg fruit, it 'was evident somebody else | taciturn dis position. The A D.C. was | Who recites ps examples the accom had. and a good many somebodie a gilded ye with with a drawl and dsr i | ton. Look at these rotten peaches: | vacant stare. nobody weld bite these @éxcept in There arrived | in the town cox the dark. #0 i i= evident that = Uh | manda by the general an officer of worries, fe tone aiscd A to i 1am Re rid wihare i hie | pred beg SI J lS hl Th on Cn fe og Ti esi mn CREE CURE vor WEAK MEN who derives a cortain amount of his | langunge and fearloss of gold lace Sa Jife when most gen con: {8 4 ouided to cont hsband | wl Wind a It happened he was taking a -"" ik rt AY oir de { study snd spon rn ap A FREE TRIAL TO ALL . ing liguor at the club when the gens SATS 1 ; eiddiog" bo hick ' Is Not This al entered, and © was passing throug Among the = profes is CHrEYIn PO bixte | 5 a ed wb. 1. ir sunlit the room in whieh the colon | stood, | have o joni of 1 3 # he . boa : : : { oo Ghul me wel te pay mildew w he ® he noticed that the As asire ralian ¢ nature of their calling the a i tak of 1 Eo or novia} i : Fp: ; 'ry a es 't 7 ou op Sid Ji tea ng je in 4, "who the devil are you i mort, and thei I neud not he Lenouoh thes ET Pussy ; 3 oi Yom am ne " prepared Wr snd you SOLUTE be colonial rose and saluted. "Cap otherwise than regular except in are} wh g any a iF EN i HER oh i Fl read rivet oh J =< si" he replied, 3rd, Vi M i Like t chery nen & week 8 avel the 1 XA fs oh son-vinegar BELT IN. THE ! ) WORLD rop wns Bn postal card, state what Arve Not Imitators raters Who Live On| torn." "When did you arrive 77 s lends 8 typical home His and fol- | dian died wi ¥ . fra ; : 5 ' ¥ | t aot | , oo | cdo areas it pre) H snd you my Ianioue it the Reputation of the Article ou anded the general. ; : ows: natnee's dictates. Lawyers | ars} alexa Gn the thhiopren. he \ ! i . % : s the repiy it en sturdy ¢ +6. Inecssant mesital 1 be | i { } i y JL A Ea ' ! i (achsaents, > ves? "Yesterday, #ir, was «spot ridy ou le sant menta reeli int a a caidition © 1 Lok : . oll atiachmen You wen They imitate Thieves "Why have you pot reported yoursell aorivity, with victories to enthuse and i ¢ haat 5 » . f ih Ga then y mstizely ured, Jas yr ' i 1 4 8 x oy wel, st § one a for #. MH out care pa Set | to me, sic demanded T . add defeats to depres, helps to impair the jg o tha tv o Wesipan fs a { 4 Bt, mod i6 will ba" ail rh In ite of at Least Half a Dozen | ing a rider condemnatory to his Bist: cigalite of the mon. lawyer's Nii tained ue bu iH drow it d , % . fuctock she smowt perieet od ote «| mers visual organs. sinile in exciton and 'hos 1 hind rg Li bia ' Eh aN lots Bisotric Beit ever jovented, $06 is far nittators, Dr. Chase's By up ot" ie rial SEA lod. 1 went 1 shounds in excitewmmt, ar has littl ra anger pH . AN nr avertisd and GomMOn e colon. of the peaceful guint that adds to ¥ a weary todd wall es » a vinegar belts, Ib js never out of 'cedw. Iv Linseed and Turpeative Has Moje | your office; yom wo ot in, ht mans dave on earth ha techs: 45 toteek - nati 740 AN) ever osm vioeust, and never burs. i : { Boers: Whe ow they Lhe thysician 18 Rok # " oF toh cast . § J d a%\ very great sdvsntoges. It is folly Than Toree Times tbo Bale of 2 don' o know their names," said Phe: physi a Ay pa no rigged : a : 3 h | guaranteed for hres vests. Jt baw oured crentiire 'as the lnwyor While decor i" A Riche i Ha {8 Ithenmaitem aod weak men's roubles after all other vemedies fafled. Tt is PHB SALE OF TIE ro- : ' Any Rewedy Recoromer ded for | (he colonel. ~ fing his fife 10 the ene of vthers he lol her hashand pat i trp fs we, wad, best of oll, can sow be bed by ny bomewt gean of Woman 1" for men is Patent So : te yy educating Throat and Lung Troubles. : "Pescribe them then," said "Geno Tues to forget himseli, and the fonn vo x sittin 3 ky pay for that which crn be had je? 1 Non sald the solanial sesperat sponsibilities 'eoniseted with each ith the hewil of bir ich ; | 1 WILL ALSO Sk ND FREER "Well," sai @ colonial desperate, Ee pPadtits 3 that ond mai ais SEAR ee te ; i { tenorll Have you been imposed upon when | iy for he had no gift of Innguage, ah The : a n ap : ¥ 40 herself, She hn 3 strat " lock, whie Seamiben mise and an I bear Th © v x om asking for Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- | "one was an ugly look ing devil with] \ ) 4 posed to all the diss PIV seed and Turpentine=by being offered | § penstiy temper. hin patie and. most: of his waking | time i ; on imitation 7 Many have been, and | - 4Gaod," fnterrapted T dee, Pha eo rand in the wick Er sor hE Fn o h Dy 5 Thi pable work showid be in "the Sends of we know of some: who have changed | no cial officer," "And. the other, fp od omperature ot "amit I She i od : Weary man in Canad : i * the greatest and most guner shel druggist as a result: 16 is But | continued the Australian, "wis a al 4 Hien P 8 1 i fi reg ad tramp ve Dus aver sdy 4 to pc ¢ iy good ariiche within fhe reach of guery = pi t who of 3 lated to nourish the y man. Am i dra 0 aw 3 g news. 11 you have sever tried an aloo safe to deal with a druggist who © yas of a chap with an rex ase EL he damon" is. tronic) tHe} package ww . ro. . ta por donor, t t+ 40 me at ones Elcirieity is the me. fors imitations and substivates, An {Right vou are, my boy, aid the g I aber io iin ie od 3 lise: aha : Ba 4 g bre re wa ment : I 4 ot 3 ' t snd moet jmproved mennee, 1 know | cen initathts and mimutes, © An | igh vou are my bevy, Moi XS egent number of sees, sxespt go | for she had boo veo oxhomsced do fy: R 8 SUSY oat, Vo nt Rd of Svea Sr customers such questionable me I'D. Sorry to have troub Ted you 3 AEN. ; Mik eRiR % RI nel Un be, Indigent Lostcs, Wonk Boek, Kidooy aod thods. ! horn a factor in depriving the mdi ' 5 Froud My noth A bie fail. 4% ie & eertaln Nn The use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of | = profession' 'of some. of its greatest Good Advice. wl i sew bby b the asking. Lest we hear frome you be Linseed and Taepentine has become | Napoleon Vv. mili ab hi The ost. miseeable: bois dn'. ihe DR. J. AM ACDUNAL A ELECTRIC CO, are | Rerar Saline a ives on polities, secording to atlid those Bering fi tem St ther wr fui nck asedde. Bho Tr, Arfuige's figurts, Play o os we i are hy suffering from dyspep . Catherine S54, Montreal, Que. "hat is just x 3 win and lver complaint. Mere than a man. On that' point. the aris | eiy, with intervals of resi and travel § wounty-five per cnt. of the ite b the unwashed and the wididio | serve to Keep the politician {rom wear the United States piv alfliotod Y with | iaswer are for once in weivon. They [ing himself away. Amon' WRerhre | these: tee discasns: and. thes oie ke famons bai Jet Ahn | 3 sil want a Jussonssl whe al BR, Professats, dd segch sich fi, squr stomach, sick headache, teal ven | § © id no i t Kate SER sostiveness, palpitatio of { that rims state. C iperison with the idusirial classes. § the beard, © bot i ior bach, in the sxpiesyion of thet wast is Thus, reasons the British stivlent, ac guawing and burning pains at the peal Parisian gavery. Init, tou, Bigeye of the mind, i bent in the right] pit of the stomach, yellow skin, cont the ham of the tees. Whoever is abit [divastion, hos mor to do with thiol ed tongue snd disagrovable taut in to rectll both will have 10 come £5. | holth of the body then the aetiviiv] the mouth, coming up of food afie veloped in galmour, advice a prancing Laka hills up the muels. A bade | eating, Jow spicite, ote. Co to your = fs steed. The only one £ompertat to cious combination of both forme of sx | drugs soil gee 8 bottle of August > Feel Fine. of a. eoole i 1 adie being the ideal condi-§ Flower for 5 mate. Two doses will]. } tion, says elides, relimve vou. Try it. En i % Fi Fi Jerome, seam dn he factories bth patio of mortal: | Wade's drug are fpr wie, ® A it ine. nly High. The humdrum. or for hie Like the. meh Gentlenien And Ladies . Straight front and are Who hive thin hair, should call eu fl : recommended by digérim« Prof. Dovaowend at British Anorean sers., 'hotel, Kingston. on Thursday. April ; inating w Touk, fand his wonderful devie 0 } v4: fund e oder] Ae 1: ile : Ladies' tailors are par- wigs worn on ovis 65 A i dem $ Private spams a ae! cularly © pleased with ti the trouble: of} 1 Proh. Dorenwend's pavate TTR he results obtained by Se and sae the saney buts { "gud theuse of these Corsets. ' maT WHITE ans DRAB. ordin A DEVOTED SQUAW, paper § his traps he fow » help to brighten 3 . he ¥ health con clerical. | dieal ' tone. That the brain i nlishments of Gladstone, Victor Hugo, In tacdinons

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