aden Rain tasterRates Round Trip Tickets will be issned as fob igws; SINGLE PIRST-CLASS FARE. Going Watch, ma es at, w igchusies, -- [ "TEAGHERS and STUDENTS (On surrender certificate 'waned SINGLE FIRST-C ASS FARE AND ONE-THIRD. AG jnclasive, good Ks P. and C.F. R treet. a A. FOLGER, In Gen. oo Gen Fe Apt. Oe. Bop THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY y+ FOR re EASTER HOLIDAY Round al ARES Will be Iésued as Follows : General Public SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE. y inclusive; aid 10 Marsh, 2sh to Bs, hy Jncluetsa: School Vacations of Schools wl Col- standard form of way Certificate, signed Single First.Class Fare a One=Third, wed Ek [ring Tron to 20th, inclusive, destinaition on or telove Apri 4. B, RANLEY, Agent, Qity Pasar. Depot. DOMINION LINE. Mall Steamabips. Liverpool Service. FROM PORTLAND. « March 20th, April 26th ay 3rd. and Baloo, i oo May Ord, . May 17th . April 12th April 19th Boston to the NEW SERVICE Mediterranean. Cambroman, April 9th and May 21st, fleotrie Nght, wpasions Allan Lire Londonderry. Royal Mail Steamers. i Joka, From NMallfax, Has. Monday, Mar. i bm. i Monday, Mer. 3 a 5 pl Mcnday, AA t. 9 aan. i Apli, by oh An 21 ATE OF PASSAGE. Cabin, $45. and gaad , upwards; oul raturs, New Rark te Glaagen and Londonderry i Set, Mar: 22, 9 am Sat, Sth April, 9 am, tr pin. 13 Avi, 14 A py i hi oe 0 T6uh Apell, TI a.m. n words; Ca "WALSH S Sak Bonde we 'TON WET WEATHER cause the Colds that cate Paevmonia and Consumgp- Shiloh's Consumption Cure gates the SHO crs Gimp Er] Said ine § 25cents, . . heals the you well. tmm------------ a A Write to 8, C. Weris & Co., Toronto, Can., for a free trial bottle. Don't Neglect A Backache! Backache is the first symptom of kidney trouble. Don't neglect it ! If you do serious kidney troubles are sure to follow. No remedy of modern times can give such proof of merit as DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. They cure when all others fail. Price S0¢, per box or 3 boxes for $1.28, The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont, Talking i of Clothes. What's the matter with one of those me- dium weight suits for spring wpar ? They have quality, will fit asd look well, cut in fashion. and are @roparly made, amd the price ix reasonable. Call and exmwine my stock of spring over coatings, mow patterns just arrived J. J, CRAWFORD, RASTER DISPLAY See Our Chocolate and Cream Easter Eggs, from le. to 75¢c. each. Cor. Princess & Bagot ots. Doves, Chicks, Etc. The finest A. J. REES', Princess Strest. 'Phone oe A as REMINDER. Now is the time te have yow ta the plus' 18% them dome is at LATURNEY'S There SVU it Oem unde big own supervision. 300 PRINCESS S1 a La cn eoametoNDRNE HAVE TO TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points | In Bastern Ontario--What Peo- | ple Are Doibg and What They | Are Saying. errr. Calabogie Cullings. Calabogie, March 26.-Mrs. Bpencer Church ix yery sick. Peter John slowly recovering from nieasles. Chorch brothers are busy syrup in their large buch. | Hridges is rebuikimg his big bam, blown down last fall. M. Ferguson has recovered "Jhom his lomg illness, Mr. Metiregor is en din his saw mill, sawing lumber for the farmors. ® The making Harlowe Happenings. Harlowe, March 26--The sermon of the late Mrs was preached on Sunday. Our school | clo on Friday. Biss E. Compton, teacher, has gone home for her Eas ter holidays. Sugar parties are by If no means g rare thing. On Squrday ! evening Mr. and Mra. Charles ® Bott | entertained a number of their friends. On Monday night 5 very rmoyable evening was spent at F Tatinaters. Mr. and Mra. Jake Miller colebn ave | their first anniversary by iwing "At Home' to a few young friends Thurs day evening. Mr. Headeis, Montreal; | Hopkins, Erinsville; Messrs, Ber: an, Belleville, were in the village | this week. Hert Mills, Mountain | Grove, paid our village a visit on | Sunday, before leaying for the south- ern States, where he intends to re side. Miss Rhoda McKim, North- | brooke, was the guest of her wunt | this week. Miss Edoa Mitchell, Nyers' Cave, is the guest of 8. BE. Scott. Mr. | and Mrs. S. Clancy made Kingston a | business trip last week. Mes. CO. | Clancy and Mise WM. Ritein_ were re cont visitors at C. Pott's. Thomp- | ¢pn has 'put up an ak hk to his house. DP. Parks has his new store about compléted. { funeral A. Loucks | i + i Married At Mississippi. | Mississippi, March 26. day, 19th inst.,, Rev, James Binnie was called upon to' officiate at the | marriage of Miss Maud Hughes and | William Kigkham, both of this vill ages. Only ~ thé\immediate friends were present. In the evening a number gathered at the home of the bride's | father and tripped the light fantastic | until the wee sma' hours. On March | 25th Robert Allan auctioned off his | farm stock and implements, but did | not realize very good prices. Last | week a daughter was born to Mr. and | Mrs. William Hughes. Snow Road | church and school have both been closed for two weeks on account of the small-pox, V. R. Marshall, rockville, was M town last week on business. Dr. 'Downing ~ vaccinated nearly overy one in town last week. Our hospital is empty now and the small-pox scare about over. On Wednes- | Still Crossing The Ice. Collins, Bay, March 26. <A few from | here attended the sale of the late | George Wright. Burt Clement purchas- ed 'a cow and Anthana Rankin a valu able horge. The Amherst Island stage continnes to cross' the ice. David Purdy started for Ottawa, on Wed nesday, where he das a situation on the railroad. B. Clement is 'engaged to draw the milk to Cataraqui cheese factory this summer. Mrs, Willinm Clement is on the sick lst. We were sorry to hear of the death of George Gibson's little boy, who died at the general hospital, Kingston, on Thursday. Visitors: Mrs. Albert Cle Nervous Dyspepsia me Can Never be Cured by Mere Tem- porary Aids to Digestion--The Nerves Must be Restored and Filled With Vitalizing Nerve Force. You kngw that certain drugs, such as Lipein and bismuth, bring about artificial digestion, and if you have dyspepsia or indigestion it is possible that, like hosts of others, you have taken these into the stomach, hoping that they will take the place of gas trio juice and other digestive fluids, digest the food and by resting the stomach effect a cure. Did you ever hear of a bodily organ being strengthened by inactivity? Tt is to the organ that is exercised that the new, rich blood is conveyed in or der to restore the tissues wasted hy the functions of that organ, and so the stomach that is given rest docs not get stronger, but the gastric juice gradually cedses to flow, and you are finally compelled to resort to the con tinual use of artificial digestants. If instead ol these temporary aids you seek permanent cure you must treat the nerves, because it is the nerves that control the glands of the stomach, and only when the supply of em is Hberal a digestion right- v ormed bod oper} nouriched. pay Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is no experi: ment, As you know if you have read the hungreds of testimonials that are appearing in E daily We re , ommend if for nervous spepsia and h » beanwe it. has § setually cur ed seven and hundreds of cases, Here ie an in fetter © Mrs. R. Ho Seutt; 667 | als | ly attended { through this vicinity on Thursday oo | rence, where he "held a station. William br jeden | the | Kingston, { duct service at Kingsford. | Miss E. | ul hospital, {ing health and strength, | due to Dr. MARCH 27. ee -- ment at William Clement's on' Mon day: Ernie Morsh and David Purdy at Mr , Kingston, on Sundey. Charlie ine. Parrott"s Pay: Mrs John Clement returned home to Mill: haven on Saturday. Allen Amusements. Allen, Wolfe Island, March Some of the fapmers have commenced weeding already. James RB. Mcbow fameral on Thursday to St. Mary's church; Marysville, was large Rev. Fr. Spratt passed 23 Law Miss Gertie McDonald ie visiting her sister, Mrs. George Rattray, St. Lawrence D. Bedour and Allan McDonald, Bed- ford, spent a few days Jast week at Archie McDonald's, Ada McRae, Maryswille, is visiting with Clara Mc Donald. Louis McDonald returned home last week from Wateriown, his way to James O'Brine's, St. | ¥. Charlie Dockens left last week for Watertown, N.¥., where he has secur position. Thomas Murphy is on sick list. Miss Nora Murphy, is visiting her parents in this vicinity. Joseph Murphy returned from Perth on Monday, after spend: ing the winter with his sisters. Strathcona Statements. Strathcona, March 25.--The land is { rapidly drying, farmers expect to be gin seeding very soon. Owing to the scarcity of maple trees there is not much syrup or sugar made in this sec tion. li people persist in destroying | trees they must do without the luxury of maple sugar. Rev. Mr. Dowdew has closed the Lenten services, which he held for 8 week or more. He will con A number I attended the mock parliament at New burgh. A conveyance came from New- burgh to carey 'all those who wished to attend, but scarcely had they em: barked on the retwrn trip when the vebicle collapsed and the unfortunate passengers were obliged to redch their | ho on foot. Mrs. W. Lott and Mrs. Knight, Napanee, were the guests of Mrs. Lott on Saturday. Elton { Hartman was the guest of William { Lasher lately. J. Granger is agebt for | the Gayers Bros., nurservmen, of Galt J. Lott has returned after a five weeks' sojourn in Kingston gener where she underwent a very eritical operation. Her friends en tertained small hopes of her surviving the ordeal; that she has, and ie gain is certainly Garrett, the skilful surgeon who performed the operation. No Smallpox At Folger. Folger, March 25.--Gillies Bros. camp is shut down. They got out a hig scason's work. Eight of the mill- | wrights, who were repairing the mill, have returned to Bracside. Allan Stewart igave a farewell party for James Shanks before he went buck to Manitoba. Richard Davis has come to town to live. William Alcorn has bought a house and lot from D. Wood, and intends moving in as soon as possible. Harry Callop is busy 'Imilding a house for himself. George Knight is back again cutting dry pire. He intends to cut wood all summer. 8S. Denison is through ship ping wood. Charles Warner was up to Renfrew on a business trip, latel: J. Morrow has come back to work for Gillies Bros. James Mcintosh, work- ing for Gillies Bros., all winter; has gone home, IP. W. Munroe, foreman for Gillies Bros., passed through here on his way to McDonald's Corners, where big parents reside. Rev. Mr. Huytk held service in the Canonto church on Sunday. George Warner spent Sunday' at his home at Missis- sippi, William Alcorn was on a busi- ness trip to Renfrew. James Potter is making p preparations to go to Al- berta, N.'W.T., sqon, Some people are of the inpre essionn that there was smallpox at Folger. Now, this is a sad mistake. There was no smallpox here whatever. Two of the houses were quarantined, as a young fellow from Snow Road had been at hone when his brother was taking small pox, and he came up here to work, not | knowing at the time what was the matter with his brother, But luck ily there were no cases here. The Yuarintivg was lifted on Monday. © . Dustin purchased five head of cat tle at sippi. Robert Allan's sale at Missis- Navigation Open letween Kingston and Cape Vincent, until further notice steamer Pierre pont will leave Kingston at 9 am, connecting with New York Central train from Cape Vincent at I p.m, re tara to Kingston about 8 p.m. daily (except Sunday.) The Second Car Load. Our second car of California or anges has: arrived. They are all the very best grown in California, seed Jess, sweet, juicy and tender, Try them for Easter. J. Hiscock. That New Hat. Select it to-night and avoid Satur day's rush. George Mills & Co., hat specialists, Wellington street. On Tuesday, Robert Carney, while rng the infapt. child of Mrs. (Dr ather, Tweed, had the misfor tune to fall into an open culvert at Crookston. The child's life was only saved by Mr. Carney taking the full force of the fall on his chin, loosen: a all his teeth and sustaining miner > of il all gh tH , oil Intent -- ons, 78 William street. Savage Phone tr C. Eaton, Jorma} Ath: ens, is mow located a ; od, iginin, ge he is -- and tun manufacturing, firm. we Jor 4 ces at the Grand Union get Rn i wasted suits for $6.90, "From now. until lst to WHIG, THURSDAY, { won the Stanley cup. WANT T0 GET THE COP BACK THINK IT 1S HUMILIATING TO THE STATES. And a Struggle is Likely to Oc- cur Over its Possession--DMon- treal HMockeyists May Expect | to Battle Next Year. The Montreal hockey club will pe sent gold watches to the. players who The Hamilton goli ciab is laying out a new course. The jockey club buikd ing will be the club house. King Edward's ontter Britannia, and emperor Willimm's new schooner Me teor will both run off Isle of Wight {during the Cowes regatta. The record for climbing an eighteen foot rope was broken by Edward Ku- nath of the Anchor AL., New York, who pe srformed the feat in 3 3-5 secs, Jt is stated that a credit of 40,000 marks will be Staite to the' reich stag to enable German athletes to eompete in the Olympian games at Chicago in 1904, Next week a meeting of the Ponies baseball club will be held, and ar- rangemenis made for the ' seasons play. Already some of the Ponies have come forth from their winter stalls looking as fit as ever. A couimitted of curlers will meet this evening to wind wp the business of the club for the season. The popu lar Scottish game was never before so largely patronized in Kingston. The Montreal Witness save that the football teams of thay city all money last season. Quite true, marks the Toronto Telegram, were neither a financial nor an artis tie success, and were as far behind in their playing as they were in their bank account. The big English racing yacht Sa- tanita showed a tremendous deprecia tion in value when offered at auction in London ten days ago. She cost £20,000 to build, and the best offer was £1,650, at which she was with: drawn. Satauita is the property of the knight of Kerry. The Montreal hockey team, holders of the Stanley citp, prefer a challenge next 'vear by the Toronto Wellingstons, rather than Winnipeg Victorias, whom they have beaten. "There is no doubt but what Toronto and Montreal will have a contest early in the hockey sea- gon of 1903. The Y.M.C.A. athletic club will make a big bid this season for the ¢ham pionship honors in the eanoe class, The club cleared nearly $1,000 in the management of a skating rink this winter and a large slice of the funds will he applied towards buying new canoes of the latest racing type. The Philadelphia Public Ledger says It looks as though there was going to be a good, hard try by United States vachtsmen to yank that Seawanhaka cup out of Canada this year. It has certainly been there too long, and the fact that the Canadians have held on to it so handily all this time is as creditable to them as it is a bit hu- miliating to us. As they have shown their mettle now, year aiter year, it i# high time that very serious thought were given to the problem if that cup is to return to its native land. The races this vear are to be held at Lake 8¢. Louis, Pointe Claire, Canada, and designers from both the sast and the west are to participate, thus giving the contest more of a national signi- ficanee than it has had for several years. The event will likely attract more notice in view of the faet that this is an off year in the matter of the America's cup. - Three Boston de signers have orders for boats, and they are certainly giving the designs their best attention. Y.M.C.A. Sporting Notes. On Friday night a Y.M.C.A. base ball team will be organized. The as- socintion had among its members some clever 'players, and physical di- rector Pews rightly thinks that they might just as well play under the Y.M.C.A. name as otherwise The junior working Boys were given a run around the city on Tugday night. It was a two and a hali mile spin, and the boys enjoyed it. " Caps," Oak Hall. " Caps." We have so many kinds and styles that we ont t begin to tell vou about them, 25c. to $1.25. The H. D. Bibby 20th century carpations. Johnson, tbe florist, King street. i "ov ie stun ward ev | @ BLOOD | POISON. a Renita sored, he rar RE: etely ou inte aa Doe's puta of Sai AEA original a "oon De Seon at my office} as reward for casi NO Ty Ne conbdenge a8 » doctor, for wore whan TE aoa] 1 that you cured we. TON MARTIN. The Latest Methioa roams Cures DR 1. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. (hlorodyne = mse uns = (hlorodyne (hiorodyne Chlorodyne Chlorodyne Chiorodyne From W. Vesalive, Petti y M.D, formerly Lecturer at St. pital, London--"1 have no itation in sta that 1 have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Antipas odic and a Sedative | have used ib in com sumption, Asthma, Diarrhoea, and other diseases; and 1 am perfectly satisfied with the result." "Har] Russell comsnunicated to the College of Physicians that he received & despatch from Her Majesty's Council at Manila to the effect that Cholera -- been raging fearfully, and that the only REMEDY of any service was OHLORODYNE. --See Lancet, lst December, 1864. CAUTION--BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DK J. COLLIS BROWNE was andoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNY; that the whale story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, which be regretted ta say had been sworn to.--See Thues, July 13th, 1884. Sold in bottle of 1s. Id, 2s. 9d, 4s 6d, and ils, each. Noose ws genaton without the words "Dr. "J. Collis Browne's Ohlorodyne" an the Uosores ment Stamp. Overwhelming Medical Tes timony accompanies sch "oety SOLE MANUFACTURER J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Creat Russell streag Bloamshinry, Lemdon, Fing, EE TETNE---- ever discovered. fs the best remedy known tor Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma effectually checks and arrests those Gos often fatal diseases : Diphtheria, Fever, acts like a charm in Diarrhoss and ie ais aly pwn in Cholera and Dysen effectually cute short all attacks of Epil psy, Hyntaria, Pulpitation and Spamua as the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rhoumati Gott, C . Toothache Meningitis, eto, George's Hoe TE D&A Straight Front is' Hygienic. It does not strain the abdomen nor compress the bust. The lungs and digestive organs have full play. Pressure of lacing is all put upon the hips and back muscles, forcing the shoul ders erect. Price $1.00 to $2.00 per pair. Easter Shoes Are 8s pretty and attractive as Easter flowers. The world will blossom in SPRING SHOES on Easter morning. Our NEW FOOTWEAR is ready. Everything that oes dressers want 'is here. Our LADIES SHOES are mar- vels of beauty. Not a style escapes us. A. ABERNETHY, Headquarters for Trunks and Valises. ~ STOVES STORED. We Take Down, Remove. Store and Insure Stoves and all Other Goeds in Our Line. If you have not a clean, dry place for, the pur- pose, perhaps it will pay you to have us take care of your Heating Stoves for the summer. \ MOKELVEY & & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Broek