E DAILY BRITI ae 69TH YEAR. RO. 78, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1902, LAST EDITIOX R. J REID, 23%. UNDERTAKER, 2 Doors Above the Opers House. TELEPHONE 873. 'We Are Full of Snaps. "with Best Weve Irom Mattress, i "$4.50. Strictly UpstorDate Goods and Prices. Robt. & Reid, 2 doors above the Opera House. NECKTIRS-3 special lines this week onation, Mashattes, g a ' Sewell patterns, new de wivos, short bosoms, striking ratterns, stripes figores, will aot $1, $1.28 SHIRTS ~ BeYS SUITS HATS twerds and a ---- $1.25 to $10, Our hots have enrued a reputation for themeelves always up-to-date We sell Fit-Reform--that is suarantes of the cor ng of the stvie, fi 'y JENKINS 3 C114 PRINCESS STREET. men's sorts OLNNIN id AM. A CARD. EE HANNAY WI De AT TOME TO Mi wd and arise ifery SS HANNATY'S. 'S, ng Wines 2 Doors Below Barrie hain. TO-LET. THAT Soi Ro. 447 b Bru JUATED. BRIC K on. oe Mah wl good Yard at . ab Priscess Street, rr JoR SL FACTORY, p. Wood, Plevna D WOMEN TO WORK AT HONE, JR Glasgow Woollen Co, URNERAL SERVANT. APPLY IN | T. Mek riaom, _ Sun, JICR APPLY trvet. hed a1 Bh WITH Staart EN ENJOY EVEN. twelve dollars tI McWatrers & : COMPANY, YMC The Friday. Limest to night Sorrel He i» up Cory -Nevins. are you Joubert Jobin signed, Robert ment, 1900; -- For up Bright died, nrrisoning a modus vivendi for the protection of | woah agreed United States, of best Interests. Toilet Sets LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Campbell's bats. Fair directors meet at 8 pom. Hat opening wo-uighy; George Mills & Co A. basketball game to-morrow might big will uot be published on Good ote Larlge, No. #1, AO UW, meets at 8B olclock, horse for sale, by Woray, ou Mar ket wpiare on Saturday The tendeney of boarders is marks amd the pickles too often. 10 Puss Te the swt accountant who csn enst weily the sum of bis own efrors When it comes to siruguling seninst the | inevitable the bald headed man is mn a class all by Howell. It's very importani- That all men should Know The best bats wre sold By George Mills & Co. It is uieer thet no matler how rich vou | capture of can't buy bappioess, but wo matter how poor Fou are you can pet all the un | happiness you want for nothing, This dav in the workl's history: Gen poisoned by the' Boers, 18589; peace of Awmiens discovered, 1812; 1806; Leinster revi | leave for home, Hes, 1822 Florida Bruce crowned, Halifax, by upon Enidand and the 1864, Provincial Election. FOR MEMBER FOR KINGSTON, EDW. J. B. PENSE. Good Government, Building Ontario, and Kingston's All Colors Best English Makes $1.45. ROBERTSON BROS. A James Selene wiTH ¥ ries, 78¢. Bal Heats loys, GRAND JAMES Lally, Joseph Slayton, Ciswle Gilbert, oon, K Cre and 40 of OPERA J. SMALL, Lessos and Manager. LONDAY, MARCH 3st ONE NIGHT ONLY Production of "MONTE CRISTO" New York Academy of Music Produc* tion and Star Cast, Including Prederic de Belleville, O'Neill, jr.. Warren Conlan, Fdward Miss Fluteher, Virginia $1. $1.50. Seats on ate thers. 23e., 00, He. TUESDAY, APRIL Ist WM. A BRADY'S Artistic Production of Clyde Fitch's Famous Play "LOVER'S LANE' THE ORIGINAL COMPANY which presented it for § months in New York and all wammer in Chicaro. ground floor, 18 rows. 81: 4 rows, foony. 2 rows, $1: 3 rows, 765¢: bal moe, B0e. Callers 235¢, on sale FRIDAY, 10 am, ot Hee WEDNESDAY. April 2nd The World Rennwred Herrmann the Great IN A NEW AND NABVELOUS Prog A CCOMPANTED BY 1 yson 1900; | HOUSE O'NEILL in Liebler & Co's. Colossal WERE ORDERED SHOT vii Officers cers Were Court Martialed (KILLING BOER PRISONERS | THE SENTENCES {CES IMPOSED uP- ON THEM CARRIED OUT. } Rumors. Sharply and Emphatical- 1¥ De by Wolseley Him- seli-- Armistice Has Only Reference to Orange River Colony. London, Merch 27.--Lord Kitchen er's account of the fairly successiul drive in Delarey's coungry and the re- several of Gen. Methuen's guns is regarded as proof that the | Boers will be harried and hunted une til they propose terms of peace. The Dutch rumors that lord Wolse- ley has goue to the Cape to take an active part as peace maker are sharp- ly and emphatically contradicted by | those who talked with him on the eve | of his departure. A week ago it was reported that | Gen. Kitchener had had certain colo- nial officers shot for killing unarmed floer prisoners, Jt is now: learned that the facts are as follows: Four officers of wore tried by court-martial on the charge of shooting a number of Boers who had surrendered as prisoners of war. The accused were convicted, and two of them were shot and one sen toneed to twenty-five years' penal wer vitude, The fourth officer acted as king's evidence and was sentenced to deportation. Official despatches on the subject are expected to be published shortly. The Chronicle says it Jearns that the war office suspension of operations in South Africa applies only to the Orange River Colony, and only there during the conference of the Boer lead ors, Reporte from and © The Hague continue to reveal the anxiety ol the Boer delegates to have it un- derstood that peace cannot be made without their knowledge and consent. The despatches say the Dutch minis- ters at The Hague are unmistakably hopeful that peace will be made. The are reported to hive warned Mr. Kru- and Dr. Levds that better terms could be made before than after the coronation, but there is no method of confirming this rumor, Nrussels ar CALAMITY TO EMPIRE. Is Death Of Cecil Rhodes At Cape Town. . New York, March fhe Thi- bune's London correspondent says : The death of Cecil Rhodes is general ly recognized as a calamity for the empire. He had succeded in living down the prejudice excited hy the Jameson raid and, despite his secret carnoetion with the earlier stages of that intrigue against the Boer tepub lies, he was not unpopular 'with the Dutch in the colony. He would in evitably have returned to power if ho had lived to witness the fuse of the war and hig influence would have been strongly exerted in race concilia: tien. Mr. Rhodes shared with Sir Wilirid Laurier and Mr. Barton, the distinction of being a great imperial Nt among colonial statesmen. He was badly advised by bis brother, at Johannesburg "hefore the Jameson raid, and was misled by Dr. Jameson himself, who had been mintnated with the story of Clive in India. But the great services rendered by him to the empire have not heen forg ten. A newspaper here reports that when Mr. Kruger was informed of Mr, Rhodes' death he merely said : "The Lord giveth apd the Lord taketh blessed be the name of the 297 GOVERNMENT PLEASED. At The Resolution Of Montreal Board of Trade. Montreal, March 27.--The chambre de Commerce has decided to send a depu- tation to Ottawa to oppose the Bell telephone bill when it comes up for consideration before the commons. The governor-general has transmit ted to the board of trade Mr. Cham- berlain's reply to the board on the conduct of the war in South Africa, saving 'that his majesty's government has received with satisfaction their tribute to the humanity and valor dis- plaved bv his majesty's troops and their repudiation of the slanderous and malevolent criticism to which the army in South Africa has been sub- CHRISTIANS MASSACRED. A Report Comes to Hand From Honan Province. Shanghai, Match 27. Another mas sacre of fourteen native christians has secutted at Nanyahe: ir i fone the Bush Veldt carbineers flv ROCKEFELLER DYING. i Slowly Starving to Death, His Doctor Declares. New York, March 27. John D. Rockefeller bas been so transformed by a recent affliction, which has rendered him totally bald and robbed him of his moustache, evebrows and eyelashes that his friends barely recognize him. He has become as emaciated as an eastern famine sufierer and as white an the proverbial ghost. His head has become bald and the ren grey mous tache with which his friends have so long been familiar, has disappeared. His eyebrows and eyve-lishes piso have fallen out and his head and face are as smooth as thase of a baby. Smooth and hairless, he is anything in appearance but the Rockefeller that Wall strect and the Standard oil eir cles of millionaires kn Mr. Rockejeller's latest affliction came on him suddenly. "Alopecia™ it is called and medical men differ as to the cause. Some aseribe it to the parasite said to cause baldness, others attribute it directly to the nervous trouble of the stomach from which he has been an acute sufferer for years. Dr. Julian P. Thomas, an expert on food and on skin diseases, says that in kis opinion, Mr. Rockefeller's total baldness is due to his stomach trom ble, "He is being slowly starved to death," said Dr. Thomas. "His sto mach is in such condition that it ean not assimilate food and is consequent being deprived of nourishment necessary to health and vigor." HE WAS MURDERED. Carefully Planned; Alone in It. Brantford, Ont., March 27. Govern ment inspector Murray, who has been here for some days investigating the death of James Quirk, gives it as his positive belief that Quirk was mur- dered. The idea of accidental death, he says, is utterly out of the ques tion. Mr. Murray also believes that but one person committed the crime, which was carefully planned and exe cuted, the greatest precautions being taken to entirely obliterate the traces of the perpetrator of the crime. In regard 'to the crime itself, detec- tive Murray has established 54 new theory. It has been the gemoral opin ion that Quirk met his death at the top of the ladder, as his head ap peared above the opening which leads from the harness room to the hay mow. Murray, however, declares that Quirk never ascended the ladder, but that he met his death as he entered the harness room. According to the detective, Quirk was struck on the head five times with a small hatchet, which the murderer carried off with him. The murderer, according to Murray's view, placed Quirk's body in the position in which it was found The blood marks found on the lad or, the detective says, were caused we Quirk's partner, who went up to the lofs after the body was found. ARRAIGNED IN COURTS, The Wrongful Conversion of Trust Funds. Brockville, Ont., March 27.---Reuben A. MolLelland, banker, real estate deal: er and stock broker, and for several vears a member of the Brockville town council, was arraigned in the police court, vesterday, charged with mis appropriation and wrongful conversion of trust funds to the amount of #14, 200. 'The information, on which the proceedings are based, was laid by Mary Cranston Wilson, Denver, Colo., one of the executors of the estate of William Martin Doran, Cofnwall. No evidence was taken, the case being en- larged until April 10th. McLelland failed in business some (ime ago and the action is brought to recover cer: tain funds alleged to have been in the collapse of stocks, One Man lost TO WIPE OUT DEBT. Some $75,000 Subscribed Already In Toronto, Toronto, March 27.--It is announc- od in the Christian Guardian that a good beginning has been made in this city for the purpose of reducing the debt on the St. James' Methodist church, 'of Montreal, and placing it in a comfortable financial condition. © D. Massey informed the committee in charge of the matter that the Massey estate would contribute for this pur pose 850,000, on condition that the $177,000, the total amount required, be raised before June lst, 1903. Five other gentlemen, Hon. Senator Cox, Messrs. A. E. Ames, J. W. Flavelle, T. Baton, and E. R. Wood, have gen- erally subseribea 85.000 each upon the sume conditions: COUNTERFEIT BILLS. Dominion $2 Notes Are In Cireun- lation. Montreal, March 27.--A large num- ber of counterfeit Dominion ¥2 notes are reported to be in circulation in the province of Quebec. On the ob verse side are a vignette of king Ed: ward pnt a fishing scene. The bills are said to be fair imitations, cepting that the words "Dominion of Canada" are not so distinet as aon the genaine bills. The ink is also of poker unifty thas the proper os for experts it is easy to notice the discrepancies. ------------ Taffles; Taffies, Taffies, glazed goods, including. the glazed ward mellow, all fresh for Saturday. der patrons wear smiles. W. J. Crothers. * Gloves." Gus Hall lish gloves, 81; Alexan 8.25. The H. Dn. - Campbell's Hats. Bckley's celebrates Englich hats Ak To sen them: Caimploef ex re EC Fe oR THE HORRIBLE CHARGES Allegations Brought Agaiest a Stepmot ber, TRIAL FOR KILLING BABY. GIRL BEATEN AND POISONED-- CRUEL TREATMENT. Alleged That The Child Was Beat- en Twice a Day Regularly and, When She Died, The Nose Was Crushed And Head Fearfully Bruised. Mount Holly, N.J., March 27.- From her cell in the prison here, where her second child was horn seven months ago, Mrs, Mabel Fentan Haines will be placed on trial for the murder of her daughter, Gwendohn, who, at the time of her death, on March 3lst, 1901, was a trifle less than three years old. 'The trial peo mises to be sensational. It is the theory of the prosecution that Mrs Hanes deliberately Killed Gwendolin through jealousy of Mr. Haines' first wife, who was a school girl friend and afterwards a school teacher Mabel Fenton married Mr. Haines six ks alter the death of the fret Mrs ilaines. After the marriage, second Mrs. Haines Gwendolin well until after hor own first baby was born. After that, the charges say, she maltreated the first little one constantly, It is alleged she beat it, pounded its head aeainst the wall and forced it 10 stand fa corners until the chili fell to the floor from exhaustion, It i further alleged that on ole goeasion, In re dorving to Gwen dolin, the accused woman said : "It's hard to kill her.' It is asserted the the child twice sister WE it is alleged, the treated Jittle accused whipped a day, giving it a beating in the morning and arother in the afternoon. This, it is alleged, she called "Giving the brat her doses," The night the man who lived the child died, the wo in the other half of Haines house heard the child be ing beaten. Early in April the little girl died. The physician who was call ed after she was dead. found the nose crushed in and the head bruised He refused to issue a death certificate aml leit the case to the authorities There were hints al poison as well as violence and the contents of the sto mach were analyzed. The chemist found seven and a balf grains of ar scenic in the body. Public sentiment in regard to the case has somewhat chenged since Mrs. Haines was incarcerated last Mav. At that time Burlington covnty smi the adjoining county of Camden were aflame with anger against the woman But duriny the long months 'which Mrs. Haines has spent in jail, public sentiment has become calmer. The birth of her child in jail interested many women in Mrs. Haines. All the life of Mrs. Haines, who was May Fenton, hak been full of hardship bat she has always ambitious and the stubborn courage which eon quered the conditions of her early vouth hids fair to carry her through her present trial. She was bow into poverty, being one often children of very poor parents. " I'LL PAY MY RANSOM." been Miss Stone Proposes To Raise the Money: Chicago, March 27.--Miss Ellen M Stone in a otter to a prominent min ister of the Rock River conference the Methodist church, written Anmedi ytely after hiér release, sayw : "f am going to write a book, but | believe lectures will be more successful, My whole aim now is to pay the ran som. As long as 1 tive I will not rest until the money advanesd o government and my friends is paid in full, This debt is even more impor tant than saving souls. | shall lec ture next vear." of Paper Mill Tn Far North West. Tacoma, Wash, March 27. --Wiscon s'n capitalists are to combine with local business men in the building of a large paper and pulp mill in this vicinity. An option has been secured on 100.000 acres of British Columbia spruce lands lying near the water, the timber being a quality and quantity to supply an amount of pulp needed to any reasonable length of time In order to obtain the clear, fresh water requisite in the manufacture of paper, a site of about two miles up the Puyallup river has been selected for the "erection of the plant. Printing paper and manila will be the products of the mill, and it is expected to find a market Both at home end in Aus tralia and the orirn'al counties. Smallpox At Ogdensburg. Ogriensburg, N.Y. Merch 27. Frank Doran, of Deadwood, 8.D., was taken sick at a party given in honor of his return to Waddington, eighteen miles cast of here. Later it was found that ne was suffering from smallpox. Many persors were exposed to the disease. The village doctor procured a fumiga- tion outfit from Albany for emergency purposes, and while he was operating it the lamp éxploded, severely burning the operator. He may Jose his eye sight. N Menacing. Cologne, March 27.-The Frankfurter Zeitung says nothing ix known in Ber lin official eircles in regard to the re gort fu menndiug situation it the enet, nor the alleged exchange of views which was to determine the es Tnited States towards the other pow: ern there. It iw impuseible. the pape: says, to wee any, justification for sech pessimistic ideas, Hawes' Hats. Are leaitars in sivle, quality and Omish. George Mills & Co. Welington éxclosive agents for or BIG FIGHT AT BARRIE. Thieves Were Secured After Some | § sant mathe | | i i | Lively Row Out., March 27. The Roman church bere was robbed late vean Egan found the men and telephoned the police, night watch, with some citi: tay the scone Two men meg f whow was captured characters time or ysl, Barrie, Catholic ast mnt, work the wend al and ens, were seen and two swag arvested a short While transferring two the lock-up te the watch and wen assisting ed by the overpowered. The church, on found to have been thoroughly sacked and a valuable gold and other articles are missing. Une the captured men gives his name ous alteraads three the wore athaek Ison S, who were examination, ran of talk. The police hore say that Mae donald bas just been liberates frou the Central prison, and the other tw¢ have heen recogpized aw characters. helieved to two men last arrested. WOMAN AND CHILD DROWNED. A Longshoreman Tried Hard To Save Them. York, March 27M Isison, the wife a tailor, np into the East river from the foot of Gouverneur strat just before mid night fast might, with her seven weeks' ola child in ber arms, The woman am child were drowned and Michael Me Carthy. a longshoreman, also lost his lite while trying to reseue them woman guarrdllec with her hushan vesterday afternoon and then left home, taking the baby with her. had four other children New Id of Canadians For Front. 8t. John, N.B., March 27.--The 88 Parthenia sailed at midnight South Africa with hay army, and also a general cargo. members of the 2nd C.M.R., detained by sickness in Halifax sud so missed the sailing of the regular transport, took passage on the Par thenia. They were Corp, Bradley, Me dicine Hat; Lance-Corp. Wade, Lon don, Ont; and troopers Storey, Ot tawa; Hinkson and Mcliryan, north west: Brown and Mclvar, McLeod, N W.T.; Morrison, Winnipeg: Carter, Me dicine Hat, and Perry, formerly on the mounted police at Regina who were Services At Rome. March 27.-The crowd of vis Rome for holy week has be come great that many of them spent last night in Coles and the vari ous railway stations of the city. Holy Thursday mass was celebrated at St Peter's by cardinal Rampolla to-day 35,000 persors were present. Among | those present in Rome are B00 Ameri ean pessengers of the White Star liner Celtic who sre making an extended cruise. The Americans have asked for an audience with the pope House Of Commons. Ottawa, March 20.-The hone to aay adjourned at six o'clock after ad the budget by Messrs tourassa, Richardson and Fraser, The telephone bills, that the bill introduced by W and the measure brought Ly Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick on behalf of the government, to be Jaia over till next session. Rome, itors to $0 dresses on is to eay forward are Disastrous Fire. Scranton, Pa., Mareh 27.--Fire at Peckwith, this country, this morning devastated the business section of the town, burnifey over two blocks Main and the same distance on Depot streets. The fire cendiary. Losses $100,000, or is believed to be will reach in To Cost $1004000. Albany, N.Y., March 27 sembly has just passed the monument bill. The governor will sign it when it will nw and ensure the erection of g fine $100 600 monament: in Buffalo in memory of the martyred president he as MeKinles becom a Beit May Succeed. London, March 27-1 that Alfred "Beit will Rhodes on the hoard of Routh Africa fompany, suoceed Mr the Brifish Died In Scotland. Glasgow. Marh 27 Most Re Charles EE. Evers, Bomen Catholic archbivhop of Bcotlend, is dead Plenty Of Smallpox. Lansing, Mich March 27 state board of health reverts pox at 138 places in Michigan Shirts."' The small " Shirts," Cak Hall, We ean please your fancy in shirts, Se., 5c. and 81. The Bibby Co. H.D Oranges, Oranges, Oranges. Sweet and juley, the bananas, grapes, ote, W. J Campbell's Hats. The larwest stock of siviish bats chodee from at Campbell Bros IN THE SPRING You will need to Save i those Lace Curtains, Blankets and Pillow ! Shams washed. We do | it at 25c. A PAIR And do it well, too. timally | was chalice | as | Macoonald, and the others refused te | desveratc | The missing valuables an | have been hidden by the The | She | for the British | nearly is rumored faney | best brands, | Crothert. | WEATHER PROBABILITIES, {10.30 . am Fale with some Showers, Toronto, March Fralay, ad tut fair intervals lkely | Steaey & Steacy were | frow | wight | READY-to-WEAR Good "rs, pews for belated Faster bay SO THARY Nourse -xo start weeks wheal with the Easter gown and furbelows Now, evan sleventh howe. we san fit from hat to howe, and vou are as (ric ax now be. and 4 wasn't when you had to at the you out New Tailor-made Suits, New Hats, New Gloves, New Ndckwear, New Waists, New Hose, New Parasols, Jackets, Novelties. Certain seclngive style dom sw hare a of wn as onoe a thins and moh ta take the plase your arly in the season, are course, but new things come mearky every dav, Bot or twee wason, and elegant exclusive have of own cote those vou have ehows for MILLINERY | We sot the pace davs ao snd have kept it up. Don't worry if vour Gime seems short avd just the bat or bon 4 hsu't bere among the many good taste ame Fashion bas endorse flower, every bit of ribbon or foliawe you can want aud eormet #hias are hare to meet your needs and wimble far away to do your bik ; tu wad ed. Every fingers Bot thong RNIB ROC AO, | Steaey & Stoaey MARRIED. LRUSE finech 26th, bride's parents, Dougles Leng, { ter or W. MH. Cruse { both of this ity Kington, . Wednesday, dette of she Albert St, by the v, Martha M. Cross, dasehe Ww Wm J. Clark, } OL ARK In at the bes rn -------- DIED. Kingston, on March 27th, beloved wile of James wed 102 yonrs, [= MARSHE 1s Coeclin Sarah De Marsh, { Faper:l priv { bE F. Maclean | a Where Is It? YOU WANT A HOUSE OR wo =f it you What do vou want | We have thon { 1 pine fan's. dt S. R. McCANN. 51 Brock St.. Cor. Kiny St. LOT * Where you wast (0 pay ' How YER, we want tw do. vou vant do [CL and vou the ean arrange de wa rot tovethr 'WE THINK That as spring has opened so early, Land ith toads it does, Tromiving as good as everybody ought to make up, { Rpeaking of engagement perous times will bring many engage all rings, pros ments and marriages, we supply hinds of rings for this purpose. 'SMITH BROS., 350 King Street, Jewellers Opticians. Union Labor Hats. Mills & Co., Wellington Bt. Serrsrrsssassssasannd TINPORTANT | § '$ ANNOUNCEMENT We desire to call your attentin to the fact that § we have jus<i completed § arrangements for CoPPER Prate Excmaving oF ¢ Name Praves, Wedding Tavisations a and 04: Cards George | f