Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Mar 1902, p. 8

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_ THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. PRONTO OFT TRUST sara | 1a TREADGOLD DEATE! CAME AT ee Cecil Rhocles Passed Away At LEGAL FIGHT OVER THE AR- YUKON DELEGATION TO ASK RANGEMENTS. , SIFTON TO MAKE CHANGES. 1H 5 P EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. Cape Town. Yukon Bishoprie--Movement To Create New Roman Catholic Bishop--Canadian Wins Prige-- Welland Canal Opening. Ottawa, March 26.--Ald. Arthur Wil son, Dawson City, and J. F Sugrue, a Klondyke miner, are a to wait Stockholders in The Canada Cycle and Motor Coulpany Want to Get Out of the Wreck and are Suing the Promotors. Toronto, March 26.--~The great legal fight over the cirenmstances attend- ing the promotion of the bicycle trust which has had such a disastrous col on Hon. Mr, Sifton to-morrow to ask lupse was begun, this morning, at : : the vermment to make changes in Osgoode Hall, when George Bedell, A the Treadgold concession in regard to on behall of himself and some forty | the water privileges and the price other stockholders in the Canada charged for the water to miners on evele and motor company, took out a the creeks of the Klondyke river. They writ 'against E. B. Ryckmen, jr. were met here by governor Ross, snd George. A. Cox, Lyman M. Jones, a couple of Kiondyke property min- Warren ¥Y. Soper, Mrs, Susie Denton ers, who have been in the city for Massey, Chester D. Massey and J. H. some time. Housser, the three last mentioned be- It is said (that at an early date the ing the executive mnd executors of the Yukon territory will be erected to a late Walter "Massey. The persons men- bishopric of the Catholic church in tioned were the promotors of the Canada. Rev. Fr. P. E. Gendreau, at Say. wv an trust and # declaration is sought to present vicar-gemeral, will press this 'ov * ot 133 hold them responsible as promoters point at the Catholic congress, to be datusk 2 and agents for a discovery of the pro- Mr. Rhodes died pecweinlly at 5:57 | held at Edmonton in a few days. Hits are cuitons: of erimint for | fit% which, if js alleged, they failed tor pn: He slept during the afternoon, It is now definitely announced that thy neargasization ol ---- a. un rn oH disclose. The shareholders also sue | but his breathing becarie more diffi- | navigation will be opened on the Wel Bir copy. whirohy te comb oy ne for the sum of $34A000, alleged to jeult and his strength perceptibly di: land canal on April 2ist. On the St. tomo. ohtigntions: will be famdat into un | Nave been paid in cush to the promo- | minished, until be passed. away. Lawrence canals navigation is ex obligation: by an imus of $I2A00,000 five | 1OT® in excess of the aaotnt paid by ee ed to open by the 25th of April or the per cent. Bret god mortghge wotes pad from them for the various businesses: PITH OF THE NEWS. Ist of May 1902 to 1905. taken over, and an accounting for $3.- Sree Orders Bon militia headquarters y 000.000 in common stock issued to | The Very Latest News Clulled From | state that reference to the new form All Over The Woxld. Miss Ellen Stone, the American mis- COMMERCIAL MATTERS, Lin What is Going on in the Busines J World--The Market News, Southern pig iron producers ron empinte an wivance of $2 s we io Vie price 'of thelr product, At the suoval meeting of the Cunard Mendip company a dividend of four per out. was declared, Twaniy five . thousand poveds siirlmg was withdraws from ihe re serve fund NM. FP. Davis, of Ottawa, seks a two-vear lvase of Jhe surplus water gvaileble from the summit Jovel of tbe Boulanpes cmual cast are all offered at of the 'willage of Cedars, pavieg $3.000 "benutital BOOKS. | rly and evpendive $780,000 in develop once and look through | men: work. _ Great Easter Sale of CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRAYER BOOKS sand A & M. Hymn Books--in We carry 'the finest stock of 'Prayer Books made by the Oxford Half-Price. Al : 3 Come at CECIL RHODES! Loudon, March 26.--s\ despatch from Cape Town anmoumces that Cecil Rhodes died this afternoon, shortly after five clock. The remorkeble strengths of Dominion cond vhiwk was again demovstrnted is the open the Montreal stock market to to another high price previoes GREATEST SALE . OF . HOSIERY lines. i SE wedvance two points sbuve the it woderstumds British trans At their i Post : thet a po seid them without any consideration what- of tender for medical supplies that 2 . . ever. The companies taken over were the dates for rendering accounts as must strict. lantie steamship lines have settled rates between Great come an. accomplished fact. Hillerences, aod thet. an asresment on saloon Britain and the sont Ait and the United States ia fikily 0 be the bicycle department of the Massey Harris company, Lozier and cogpany; Welland Vale company, St. Catha- vines; Goold company, Brantford; and the Gendron company of this city. has started from Salounica for sionary, Thence she will sail for Am- London, grica. An official bulletin on "the subject of cholera, at Mecca and Medina, ad specified in condition VII, ly be complied with, even if the ser vice has covered only a portion of the quarterly: period. J. H. Ritchie, county crown attor- We Have Ever Held Will Take Place ney, has won a prize of 5300 offered by Miss Percy Haswell, of Baltimore, for the best society drama, a vehicle for her next year's tour. Mr. Ritchie's production is entitled **Wordlings," and treats of society in New York at the present time and the evils of in- ternational marriages. PUT OUT FOR KISSING PUPIL. Principal Discharged For Indulg- ing in Fatherly ( aress. Brazil, Ind, March 26 The de mand made by the city school board last Saturday for the resignation of P'rol. Muncie, principal of the Meri- dian street school building, bhecaute of the charge made by Miss Monce, a pupil, that he kissed her, has preci pitated a legal fight between the board and the principal. Prof. Muncie was forced to quit school and the pupils struck in sym- pathy with him. He has retained the services of the ablest lawyers in the city to prosecute the board for dam: ages. The school hoard secured coun- sel, stating ils determination to fight the case to the bitter end. Prof. MNincie pesitively declines to resign. He resumed his duties this morning, despite the instructions of the board to the superintendent to emy doy his successor. He still insists that he is _uilty of no wrong; that the caress was merely in a fatherly manner. He has a wife. and six chil- dren, is gn influential church member, and has always borne a good repu- tation. The United States are the biggest export ars of refined sugar inte Conanda, its amount beivg VLBT7.992 pounds to the value of $3,500.74 in 1900, and 17,658,520" pou, salud at S54N.660 in 1901. Germany leads in wersling ws the raw material, with 71. STR S22 pounds at & value of $1.642574 in FO0ny, mod 114,196,467 pounds, valued at 22,300,680 in 1901 Justice Ferguson and a jury are hearing. to-day. the libel suit of Bate man againkt the Mail printing vom pany, which has been gravelling from eaurt to court in preliminary proceed- ings since November, 1900. On the 20k of that month the Mail and Em- pire published a Vancouver despatch, purporting to give the career of a "high roller" named Capt. Louis Bateman, who, it was alleged, had been cashioved from the imperial army for cheating at cards. At that time Lieut. Lee Bateman was in Vancou- ver, making preparations, as he gwore this morning, to open a brok- er's office and the story, which he as manifestly aimed at him, did him great harm. He swore in court, this morning, that he was not cashiered but was gazetted out in the regular way. He is now under cross examination with the object of show- ing that his reputation was not, in matters of ~ morality, all it should have been. The Canadian mits that 1,120 deaths from that dis- ease have occurred at the two cities mentioned. It is reported from' Salonica, says the Vienna corréspondent of the Lon- don Telegraph, that the Turkish au- thorities have arrested pastor Tsilka on suspicion of complicity in the ab- duction of Miss Stone. The Bradley Hil hill, appropriating $100,000 for the erection in Buffalo of a monument to the late president Me- Kinley was passed by the New York state senate Wednesday afternoon, by a vote of thirty-two to two. The coronation naval review has been . officially fixed for June 25th. About 133 British gnd twenty foreign warships, including Americans, Ger- mans, Italians, Portuguese, Ditch, Swadish, French, Russian and pos- sibly Spanish, will participate. Fire ecansed by a terrific explosion of gasoline in the grain floors of the dyeing works of William C. Pinkel, at No. 128 Seneca 'street. Buffalo, N.Y. | shortly hefore noon did several thou- sand dollars worth of damages and probably fatally burned one man. ? To-morrow, Thursday. Some days ago we heard of a large quantity of Fine Cashmere Hosiery that was about to be sold in Montreal in order to close a' business, We attended at once and were one of the successful bidders. Our portion has arrived and opens up better than we expected. As the lot was bought for cash we have placed a price 'on them that will turn fthem into cash before night, as we consider it the best lot we ever saw for the money. 1,200 PAIRS Ladies' Black Cashmere Stockings. Pure Wool Cashmere,' spring weight, full fashioned foot and leg, double French heels, perfectly smooth, and a quality sold usually at 6oc. a pair. Sizes--g in., 9% in. and 10 in. Sale Price To-morrow For This Lot 38c¢. Pair. 2 Pairs for 75c¢. All Sales for Cash Only. Sale Opens at 9:30 O'clock. J. LAIDLAW & SON. ASN ASS ANSP NINAPI or RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. Boy it will have uo effect on yom house if you use the paint we; recommend, snd that is HAMBAY'S, All the newest shades. Ask for color eard. Only $1.60 per gallon. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. SECOND HAND GOODS BOUGHT LIE GH CASH PRICE PAID FOR i a Gems & Stoves rd Flius bought sold. Call or hee Prins _atrosty w New York's Great Dairy Record. Washington, March 26 The com: plete census statisties of dairy busi ness was announced to-day. New York reports the largest number of dairy cows, 1,501,608; the largest value of dairy products, 3554%,155, and the largest number of gallons of milk produced, milk sold, cream sold and butter, as well as cheese made. sorts was A Leader. See our clay worsted suits in blue and black, $10 and $12.50, The H. D. Bibby Co. street; pext to St. An- svtenged J. THOMPSON, order of Chosen Friends. this morning, decided to hold their annual weeting in London, in hc pe £m al the last week of March, 1903. The proposals fo increase the rates on the old members is being vigorously op- Ur le N posed and is #till under debate. Will we carry gloves of inferior quality. No matter what style of a . glove you purchase from us it can be depended upon in every way. CLERGUE PERMITTED To Divert Lake Superior Water Into His Power Canal. Detroit, Mich., March 26.--H. Von Schon, chief engineer of the Clergue: American syndicate, who is in the city, says his company has practical- ly secured Permission from the gov. ernment to divert the water of Lake Superior into its power canal, the company agreeing to maintain the levels on. their present scale. Mr. Von Schoen has no fear that this camnot be dome. He says it ix a plain matter of dollars in our pocket not to allow the Lake Superior level to lower, even as much as one inch, for all our machinery is to be regula- teif as to efficiency. on a basis of a sixtetn-foot head, which is that se- cured from the preseng level of nine. teen feet, the mean of Lake Superior. BALFOUR AND BULLER. --- -- An Acrimonious Correspondence Between Them. London, March 26.--An acrimonious correspondence between A. J. Balfour and Gen. Buller has been published. Mr. Balfour contends that Gen. Buller was in chief command at the battle of Spion Kop, while Gen. Buller denies thix assertion. To his contention, Mr. Baliour adds : ""Theré is no reason why all the Spion Kop despatches should not be published." To this Gen. Buller rejoins that he hopes the despatches will be published without manipulation. Yesterday Mr. Balfour replied to Gen. Buller, protesting against the latter's insinua- tion and declaring that "the only manipitlation which had been exercised with regard to Gen. Buller's despatch was the excision of a single sentence criticising Sir Charles Warren, whilst the omissions from lord Roberts' des- patches relating to operations in Na: tal were made, said Mr. Baliour, "solely for the purpose of, if possible, sparing vour feelings and maintaining your military reputation." ] RAILWAY PROPOSALS. Made In The British Columbia Legislature. Victoria, t., March 26.--~The Can adian North®n contract was brought down in the legislature yesterday, by the government. It provides that the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific rail way company will build from Butte Inlet, via the Yellow head pass to connect with the Canadian Northern system, if the government gives a cash bonus of $4,000. 84.500 and 84, 800 for the coast, central and east ern sections respectively, and 20,000 acres of land a mile, reserving the Wash, March 26.--Count | ¢oal and timber and petroleum and Matsuka, ex-premier of Japan, is mineral lands to be exempted from here. He said ©: "The Japanese fully | taxation for ten years. The cash sub realize that it is to their best inter | 5idy shall be repaid to the province ests to foster the amicable relations | after ter years from . the completion existing between the United States. of the railway by the 'annual payment This will not be a hard task, for the of two per cent. on the gross earn- United States has immense interests | 08% of the railways. in the far dast, not only in Japan, at. in in regions where the friendship of ill be of great value. The in- Japs in a trade between the two coun- tries has been remarkable. The prow pects are that trade will continue to grow very fast. Naturaily I hope that the relations will be marked by resi "procity."' HOPE FOR RECIPROCITY. What The Ex-Pren Premier of Has To Say. Japan Sealt le, _ LADIES' UNDRESSED KID GLOVES, self and colo: stitching, superior French make, teed for $1.25. LADIES' "2 - DOME FASTENER'S" © +. GLOVES, dark and l.ght shades of 'tans, only $1 pair. LADIES "WHITE . DRESSED KID 2 oo LOVES, with white and black stitch. 3 ' o new goods, $1.25 pair. surERIOR QUALITY FRENCH GLACE KID GLOVES in black, white and colors, 2 and 3 fastenings, fully warrant- ed, only $ -25 pair, JEFFRIES-FITZSIMMONS. Century Athletic Club Accepts Latter"s Terms, New York, March 26.-The Century athletic Jub, of Los Angelés, Cal, has come to the terms made by Rob- ert Fitzsimmons. Late last night the chib telegraphed to. Fitzsimmons that it would offer seventy-five per cent. of the gross glte receipt for a fight be tween him and Jeffries, ahout Mav 10th, and guarsnteed that it would not he less than $25.000.° Thé club demands a deposit from the fighters of $2500 to insure good faith. Fitz Timmons asked until April lst to con rider the proposition, which the elub granted. Lynched For Assault. La Junta, Colorado, March 25. Mrs. Henrietta Miller, a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., seventy-six years of age, was criminally assaulted by a negro in the railroad yards bere to day. When she regained her senses she dr herself to the depot and reported the circumstances. The Chica- go train had not yet left, and W, H. Wallace, a Pullman porter, was imme- diately arrested on suspicion. The old lady identified him. A mob at Fowl er sixteen miles west of La Junta, took Wallace from sheriff Farr, who was taking him to Pueblo, and start: od back to La Junta with him. He was lynched in the corner of the court house square, being hanged to an elee- tric light pole by a yelling mob of 4, 000 persons. After the banging his body was riddled with bullets. The prisoner made no resistance, but died protesting hix innocence, THE NEW LACED BOOT Received At The Lockett Shoe Stare Four cases, 240 pairs, "LADIES' DONGOLA LACE BOOTS," neat extension soles, brown or black stitch. ; Price 82 and $2 50. "THE EMPRESS LACE SHOES," new styles. Price 83, 83.60 84. - "THE HAGER SHOES," Laced, and "OX- FORD'S." Price 82, 82.50, 83, MAID SAVES SILVER. Servant Snatches Valuable Ware From Robber. Kenosha, Wis, March = 26.~The pluck of a honsemaid saved 8. GG. Simmons, the wellknown" millionaire hatiken and misulaguires of this city, Tram being hy victim of a daring (he man had opened a ey leading into the butler's pan- try in the Simgons residence and was in the act of carrying off a sil ver service of great value when the girl, thinking robber was 5 rat, went into the room and, rushing to window, seized the wlver tray from the hands of the robber. He kept hold of a silver pitcher valued at $50, but the remainder of the service was rescued hy the maid. France At St. Louis. Paris, March 26. {he dhambar of | Florida, very special line of GLORIA SII SILK PARASOLS, fast colors, steel rod, new handies, neat, small roll. Foreigners In Japan. Yokohama, March 26.--The authori ties here have aroused the rescmiment of those who refuse to pay the house tax. They have distrained movey of the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank, and the. Chartered bank of Indin, To day they seized money and property at Jardine, Netheson & & Co's Pt at other places of business and at resi donces. The officials refuse to. secopt payment of the tax under heosant. a oairatinge, ate a from, ioveignses of of the y Satins. the latter bave been .. Easter Green Goods. Biren the twenty-nine varieties of to be had st Carnoveky's on on Saturday mext will be pew pota- uda. New For Pit Reform wits and overcoats. Redistribution Bil. March ' 26.~The re- its second

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