Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1902, p. 8

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Easter! Easter Cards, : Easter Books, Raster Pictures. : Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books. RB. UGLOW & CO, RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. Dat is will have no effect on your house it yon pm the paint we. recommend, sod that fe HAMSAY'S, All ths wewwst shades. Ask for color enrd. Only $1.00 per gallon MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. MOTHER HENDY'S *" gicemes, Sat Care ute Duns Frowen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Brvasts, Cracked Nipples, ie Son Nore Tonia; Hails and Beatin PRICE, 25c¢. Sod by alt Drugyiste THE 5 PAL. COTO (ECOND EDITION NEWE ALSC ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, #hat is Going on in the Busine | World--The Market Waws. The Mysore (Brith Fadia) «old siving cumpnny baw declandd & dividend oF LW per dat. The profits for the pest iwudve months were L374.364. Twe more sests on the Montreal "stock sxchange have been sold Tor $13,000 he pur- shaser of ome Wing EW. Bourinot, see of Sir Jobs Bourino , the other going to G. W. Gurdlnet, sn atipriey for H. 8. Seo, 14 ie reported shit the Begin discoveries | of pew conl beds are bolieved to extend to the provinee of Antwerp. HH this i» 8 fact it will revolutionire the entire sconomies ays tori of the country. The province of Ant worp, fn Pelgiom, bus sm area of 1,093 winare wiles, A special from Parkersburg, West Virg says 150,000 sens of uialeveloped con! prirgbused recently for $2,000,000, have been pooled by the Wehush midway and West Virginia Central interows Land ls slows pro posed extension of Kanawha roed, which re ponitly Passed into Wabash control Following last year's record wheat the largest wheat sorvage ever 'sown in this state is belog plowed and seeded now. in the wheat districts oF englern Waahiag: onl Orgran, Should she senson te favorable, this year's whint crop will griat ly wacoed that of last your The con} shipments by the Dominion coal cumpniry, during the year emdihg February 28h, 1002, webs ZA12.525, wh: dn the yar enhing Febrsary 28h, 1901, the owl put was 1,997,300, in the your ending Fib yuary 28th, 1900, 1.061.706, sud the year ending February 28h, 1599, 1.145.808 Berlin is fn the midst of sn ivlusiial crivin, such as bas wot beed exporioncsl for many years. Factories have swepen dad opiree tions, ther have been contractions in time aidl feuctions in wages are reported from ell parts of Ceemany. Organizgd labor i= teaking the most energetic protests sgn the proposest teri on imports, aed dhe tition is already covered by 3,370,000 » wires, proporiions never known before io the history" of the German parliament erp, an antiovly in it was fost Pe i Confidence Is Shown. Buffalo, N.Y., March 19.-The old stoel holders of the Lackawanna steel company have over subseribed for the now stoek amounting to £15.600.000 This is indication that much confides is placed in the future of the company which is already one of the most for widable rivals of the steel trust. a XCLUSIVE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Bent White Tucked a elings. oY dtu range of these desirable and die goods, $256 33¢., 40c. 50c¢., 60c., = Corded Dimities Z id pesial 15¢., 23c. YARD. Thoronghly sponged 15¢, 90, the fashionable goods tor spring so and shrunk, in Black, $1, $125 $1.50 a THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OPPOSED TO THE BRIDGE! TO CROSS LACHINE CANAL " WATER STREET. A Record Price For a Seat on the Montreal Stock Exchange--An Constitution. Montreal, March 11.--A deputation of the transportation' mferests © Montreal, which is opposed 10. the consteuetion of anothes to Locking canal at will go to Ottawa and meet Hon. Mr Blair, Tuesday. The last .ue of was sold to-day te the highest bid: der, there being three applicants, for 6.000, which is the record price. Messrs, Forget & Co., bought the seat for an outsider. since been reported for one of the sents bought Mr. Clergue, -of Sault Ste. Marie, says his company is after the con the Mr Montreal Longueuil bridge, Allen, of the Allan line, that there were any oranges in' the cargo of the missing Huronian, in view of the fact that a report came fromy Nova Scotia, vesterday, stating that such a cargo had heen washed ashore, and supposed to be missing Allan liner. At the coming meeting in Montreal, of the amendment to the constitution ting professionals to play ba tenins with amaienrs without ing the standing of amateurs, or -------- GLAD TO BE CAPTURED. Montreal elub will propose permit- the aflert Boers Tired Of The Campaign. Harri mith, Orange Colony, The 506 Boers who end of the great drive Meyer's commande, am! were Transvaalers who had been south from the neighborh« Heidelberg What was most noticeakle about the priconers was the cheerfulness, al most the gaiety, of the rank and fik Only of the snd and depressed. BAVS belonged driven of CAUSED BY BURGLARS. Illinois Town. IL, March 19 S150.000 fire Safe blow here last Commercial | where Marissa, ers caused a night, They entered the hotel, near the public fifty persons were asleep and up the safe obtaining 32.500 The robbers escaped, leaving the building in flames. The five spread rapidly and burnsd along the ontil a dozen buildings aml several were destroyed. THE PRINCE SUBSCRIBES. Twenty-Five Pounds to port Settlers. March 19. Already Ruare, gquare residences Trans- London, £2 have transporting the Welsh settlers from Pataponia to Canada. Five thousand | pounds is the estimated requirement Among the latest suhseriptions is one for £25 from the prince of Wales. DEFEAT THE TROOPS. Sent To Subdue The Cuban Reb- | els. Hong Kong, March ~The rebels in the southern continue to detent the imperial troops sent to sub due them. - Gen.- Ma and marshall Su refer that it is impossible sup press the relollion with the their disposal, pais A' Soldier's Suicide. Platishorg, N.Y... March 19-<John W. Coughlin, a private in company NW. 28rd United State infaniry, com ntitted suicide yesterday in the squad room of his company at barracks Coughlin inserted & cart ride in a rifle, held hiz chin over the muawzle, hiz foot, the bullet tearing a hole through his brain, He was twenty-five years old, snd came from Utica, N Y. He served with credit in the Phil inpines. Bad Luck In White Satin. London, March 10. White «or tion robes, which are said to b¢ queen's preference, have been worn on only - three occasions, Curiously enough, each wearer came 16 5 violent end. Richard I was crowned in white sa- tin. Next was the unfortunate Henry Vi. Despite the strong persuasion of the earl of Pembroke, Charles 1 was also invested at his coronation in white satin. #¢ Very Sudden Death. Jersey City, N.J., March 19.-Thom- as Eo rhe, manager of the Jersey City baseball club, of the eastern league, and formerly wellknown as a member of the famous Chicago White Stockings, died suddenly pg dhe night at the home of P. T president of the casters leave Death woe due to heart fuilume. Amendment to the Lacrosse | bridge deross | Water avenue, | the | recently credited stock exchange seats | A bid of $15,000 has | yesterday at £15,000, J but the buyer says he wants $25.000. | tract for the iron and steel. work of | denies | from the | the national Incrpsse association, | an | Recently Made Prisoners London, March 15.~A despatch™rom | currendered at the | to | mostly | leaders appeared | A Serious Conflagration In An | hlew | £2,600 | Plattsbure | and touched: the trigger with | the § IN SEMI-CONSCIOUSNESS, {Rand Kimberley Is Is Nearing The Jowrney's Ena. London; March Te liberal leader in the house of { fords, who has been ill for son time i past, suffered a reds apse yo sterday ev. ening and to-day is in a semi-consci ons condition. {Joba Wodehoase, berley, has for many # declining state of health, divion being thought servic tum. He has just passed sixth birthday: Only lowd Salisbury, | among British statesmen of the first | rank, has had the same long experi { ence of ministerial office, as it is fifty first ear! of Kin his con s last au 5 seventy ! years inet he was first appointed un- | der-secretary of foreign affairs. He was one of Mr, Gladstone & chief sup- { porters in the upper house and a member of all his edbinets, DUG UP RECORDS. Interests of Canada Were Hopelessly Sacrificed. Toroto, March 19.--At this morn- | jng's wession of the Ontario survey- association, now in annual weet r heve, o Klotz, Ottéwa, who has dig up "che records of the convention of 1752 on the boundary of what is now the Lake of the Woods region and Minnesota, sai the interests of {Canada were hopelesily sacrificed be | eanse of defective taps, evidently th work of men with the haziest knowl edge of the region. The result ig that for al! time there will be a section of the territory of the United States, to which the only access is by the water Lol the lake of the Woods, froven over { every winter, or through British ter ritory. { The ors ing i POSES AS AN INSPECTOR. { French Postoffice Department Vie- tin Of a Swindle. March 19.-A smart thief pre himpeli' at the Dax post-office recently and introdweed himseli as a traveling inspector for the distriet | Tie was received by an assistant, only official present. After everviling carefully and expressing satisfaction "at arrangements, he ask {ed in an off hand manner whether 'the assistant understood telegraphy. Re iving a reply in the negative, he | walked in a transmitter and sent off { two telegraphic money orders for 6,- | 50 francs, which were duly cashed at layonne by an accomplice, MAY NEVER BE KNOWN. Paria, nied The Number Who Suffered Through The Fire. March 19.- No estimate tcould be made, to-day, of the loss of { life in the fire that started last night Lon the Bhoenix line pier in Hoboken, and it "was thought the number of dead would never Be known. Patrick Hussey, a longshoreman, died from { the efiects of his injuxics this morning 1 All the men of the British Queen have | been accounted for. Besides Hussey, | four loagshoremen. were. taken to St. { Mary's hospital and are under | treatment there. All are or Joss burned. New York, now more heen subseribed to the fund for | { | GUEVARRA SURRENDERS. Lukban Successful In His Efforts. Manila, March 19.--Gen. Lukban's in influencing Guevarra, who [ reo sently issued a proclamation declar ing himsell successor of Gen. Lukban {in the Island of Samar, to surrender, | have succossful. Gen. Smith | cables that: Guevarra has 400 rifles, | and guarantees the absolute peaceful {npss of his men. Gen. Chaffee is fg greatly pleased with what 'he consid ers closed active inwurrection, | @en. | | { hie wis been troops at | ! Following The Plough. | Millhaven, March ~ Albert Miller {| was plowing on Monday for the first i this year. Frederick Daley and family | have moved out to Norman Ham's place at Ernesttown Station. The | people irom Stella are still crossing he ice in the bay. Mrs. E. Sharp ix | recovering from her long juke. Mrs | Robert Kickey i= ill. W. Marchant, Medicine Hat, NWT oi €. Mar chant, Toronto, were visiting their ister, Mrs. E. Sharpe. Mrs. Jobn { Fleming, Stella, and Mrs. Clatk, King- +i Ston, werg recent visitors here. Mrs, 8. Smith and children, Parrott"s Pay, spent a few days with her parents. i= New Spanish Cabinet. Madrid, March 19. ~The composition {of the new cabinet is anfounced to he as. follows: Premier, senor Sagasta; minister of foreign affairs, the duke of Almodovador; minister of justies, se nor Montilla; munister of hnance, nor Rodriguez; minister of ioterior, Senor Morel; minister of war, Gen. Weyler; minister of marine; the duke of Veragua. rh March 19.-The queen re gent has signed the appointments of the sew ministry snd the cabinet of: ficers will take the outh this evening. Big Order For Remountsy Joseph, Mo., March 19.-One of the largest single orders for horses ever gwen im the county has been closed with a buyer at the South St. Jowsph horse wid pile market. The contract calls for J2000 horses to be se + i 19.~Lord Kimberley, | months been om | the | examining | MARCH 19. SS THE AFFAIRS OF THE ROUR. TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Montreal hockey Winnipeg with the "mug" noon for home. Hhe Canadian. "Sao" be 'in readiness for the vessels next Saturday The city council of Hamilion postponed consideration of the telephone agreement indefinitely, Bullock, the condemned murderer, of Stanton, N.W.T., has become despon- dent and religious. He is to be hang wd on March. 26th. David Flett, one of the old Kildon ian settlers, and father of Rod. and Maonus Flett, of the Victoria hockey club, Winnipeg, died on Tuesday, aged Seventy-one. boys leave this after ship canal will passage of has Bell Great 'Britain's Great Navy. Chitngro Record Herald z Several nations are anxious to, rival Britain on the seas. bat it is likely to be a long time heiove their anibition is gratified. There pevir was such an other fighting machine as the British navy, and naval strength is so essen {tial to the safety oi the empirg that great additions are made to it with very little demir on the part of the axpayers. Thus parliament is em- baldened to vote enormous naval ex penditures, the estimates for 1902-3 be- ing 8156275000, which is an increase of nearly $2.000000 over the estimatos for the current fiscal year, During: this year, which is now near ing its last quarter, five battleships will have been launched, and on April Ist thirteen battleships will be under construction. We have hat eighteen of these ships built and building in our navy, while the German naval programme which was decided upon in 1900 ealled for but ton additional bat i teships, from 1900 to 10015 or two a year Britain's King And Queen. King Edward has granted permis sion for the general use of the royal standard. Al along this use has been contrary 18 law. Queen Alexandra is almost as great a connoisseur as was queen Victoria The king's cigars are always Cu bans of the choicest type, 'and his daily allowance is seldom less than foar King Edward, unlike emperor Willi am, does nor carry a pen or pencil al wavs with him to jot down ideas This task is entrusted to the private secretary, who is always on hand with a pen, when any letter requires to be signed or note to be made, HLueen Alexandra declines to play for stakes at the game of bridge, as i# the craze of society women nowa days, Tn this she is loyally supportel| by the practice and precept of the | king Time To Be Dropped. Chic aero Record Herald Darling," ssid Mrs, must quit associating with that Park er girl, Don't ever permit yourself to be seen out anywhere in her company again.' "Why, Kaflippe, "you mamma," the child "what is the matter 7" "A dreadiul . thing has happened. Her mother called here this afternoon and left her card. Ii is the style that we abandoned least six months ago. They ronning dread fully behind asked, at must be Best He Could Think Of. Philadelphia Times none of the a- professor of chemistry dent: "Suppose you were called to a pa tient who had swallowed a dose of oxalic acid, what administer 7 The student to which the was addressed fis preparing for ministry and takes chemistry it is obligatory, "I would administer the he replied. ------ To Remove To North-West. Picton Garetve. Rev. and Mrs, D. G. McPhail leave Picton for the north-west, short lv after the 10th of May, terminate their ten yeare residence in Picton. The first public announce ment of this' intention was made at the mormng BOrvice on Sunday Their departure will be generally gretted by the ration, a® well as the citizens general fy. re Partially Filled With Water. During last night the steamer York partially filled with water Craig's whari, where it has been lying, and settled on the shallow bot tom. opkum from the seams, causing leak age. It was expeeted that the steam er would be pumped out by to-night, A Bweetness Of Their Own. Kamas City Sear. A sentimental editor out in Kansas, asks © "Are t any sweeter words in the English language than those 1 love you $Y Perhaps not, but the Words. - "Here's that dollar 1 borrow " are not John in eloquent and delightiul enunciation 2dveriioing, A wv Yo mor end art, . fumwcion Ww and lve We muy five without drionk, wed five with we ul bravia tue. Snesid: es without "adn, FS---------------- naval e are sow in out. biotches on $00 a writien guaranties 10 cure you without Tu wiltien ESMusLos 10 eur Jou ithe The any 1 cannot show. CASE NO. Dasoss. May 31, 1880. 1 5m%appy to say that your medicines trouble more HA anoying Tovar took' Ww MGOUVERN SB _e Oot 1908 Oa Your Su lrentmant bas aston we wonderfully. ARTHUR Di EL, Bo Rh » doctor, Jor you hoipad me Varicooele and Stricture without cutting or loss of Tie, Nervous, Impotency. Kidney, Liver, 'adeer, Siomaen, Female Consultation Free. Hf you cannot oall, write for Perioal os aystan of home treatment for those ho Sannel nes for Canadian patients fri any Se E IADSpOTIA ton charges Jrepaid-- envelopes or packages--Nothing sent C DR. GOLDBERG We have heard ths many times from people in a position to know : "You Sell More Stockings Than Any Fiem In King- sion." There is a good reason for this rapid in- crease in our HOSIERY BUSINESS. Reliable Stockings From some of the best Hosiery manu. facturers in Leicester, England. Sold at very close priess is the real reason, Ladies' Cashmere Stockings, 25¢., 35¢., 39¢., 45¢. and many others. Ladies' Fine Cotton, With Cashmere feet, 25¢. a pai. Girls' Cashmere Stockings. Ribbed or plain, 20c., 25c., 30c., 33c., 3s5c., 39¢. and up 6 qualities to choose from. Boys' ( Overstockings. Boys' Scotch Yarn Knit Stockings. Boys' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, double heels and knees. Philadélphia collages | asked & stu- | heavy { would you | question | the | becanse | sacrament," | will | which will | Jast, i New | at | Men's Cashmere Sox, 25% 35» 39¢. 3 special lines. Mon' 8 s Maing Sox, 10C., I2%C., I§¢C., 20C. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. NSN aon Vint db atabaliibiten, } : 2 3 | | ! | ] oo | Wish to State Plainly and Distinctly That we do not urge any one to by our Shoes IF ITH EY ARE NOT SUITED. We show the stock, tell all we know about them. Name the price, which is the same to everybody, and the shoes do the rest. Your money will be refunded if you want it. F. G. LOCKETT. areas VOLVLWNY £ SEE OUR- WINDOW 5% And you will see samples of the finest stock of Easter Goods primal * fine assortment at ALL PRICES. members of the congre- The thawing ice had drawn the |

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