4 One woman will do more work than two will with impure soap. Ask for the Octagon Bar 'THE. LATEST TIP ON FROCKS | ! Sunday. The fabrics employed AN ABSENCE OF THE CARNI- VAL OF COLOR. White is Now in The Zenith of its Glory--How The Gowns Are Trimmed--Spangles Are The Real Thing. Now York, March 15.-When the dances and receptions ave resumed af ter Baster for the brief season that intervenes between the first of April, and the time to take up the exodus tv the sumer resorts, the most notice able feature of the absence of which usually the carnival of color prevails after Easter in de veloping spring and summer frocks are so light in tint as well as texture the fashions will be | for festive attire and stand over ready try help us "rise and shine," but it re wains for the spring and somwmer of {190% to bring them nto popular nse {for calling and afternoon gowns. | Black spangled skirt will be worn | with separate waists of soft white «ilk, made with many rows of tucking | and this form of toilette bas 'the ad | vantage of being comme il faut for | any informal occasion after the noon | hour has rolled ground. | -------- | PRODUCE AND PRICES. i | The Standard Rates - Governing } The Local Markets. i Kingston, March | markets during the past week, 15. dozen. i Moat--Beef, forequarters, die. to Be. jab; choice cuts, 123c, a 1b,; western | beef, Bc. 10 124¢. a Ih yearling lamb, i per 18. <n the local | the | | only change was in the price of eggs, | {which dropped from 13. and 2c. to | NO CURE---NO PAY. Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Bet is Sold on This Basis to Men and Women Everywhere. Not a Cent tC oo Paid Until the Cure is Complete. The Dr. McLaughlin Electric Belt is theonly remedy in the world which can be sold a plan. It is the only never-failing cure for Rheumatism, Lame Backs, Nervousness, Ge eral Debility, Loss of Power in Young Middle-aged and Old Men, Varicodele, Weak k and Kid- neys, Drains of ¥itality, Wasted Energy, Sleep- lessness, Pains in Head, Back, Chest, ers and Limbs, Female Weakness, own Puing and all those ailments from whieh women suffer. = I don't see how any one can doubt the value of slectricity as a builder of vitality when they stop just a minute and think of what it is Soing in other lines. It's a motive power, that's set I claim that it will ran the human if ap- plied right, and I prove my claim by # ning ! 50,000 cures made during my twenty years ; experience. I apply it right, so my patients say, and they ought to know, as I've cured them. man or woman ho will secure me can have my appliatos and PAY WHEN CURED then the price will be much less than is asked for the old-style belts, I guarantee my to give a stronger current than any other body appliance. CURES THAT PROVE. Suffered From Rheumatism For Forty Years. Des M. A. MeLaughifn: Denar Sir, 1 have to ackhowiedge that your Electric Belt 4 done me wore good thas al the dodtors and other remedies 1 have ever tried. J used a Belt from Mont real which done we neo good 1 also tried another remedy which was a fall ure. | have had rhenmatism for over forty years: In Tact [| have pot been able to do any hard werk for years Now 1 can do a fair day's work. You | ave ai Nberty to publish this if you ses fit. 1 remain, yours teuly, David drslug, Cook's Creek, Man, December 13, 10 | that they come very fittingly, under a ! general head of "pastel" creams. | Black, of course, is not to be ex { cluded under any conditions, for up jon it the conturierey depend for the smarting toach upon spring frocks. Red, too, escapes the list of dis ri CR y carded colors, and those who have be- | ' Rlous sud foul. _Farmery, four and woaned the fact that we must pres Ln abi g, £2.20 . a. ently part with the rare rich shades | ungarian patent, il w % - which have been so handsome a fea owe: ot, mee and rolled oats, $5.30 | ture of winter wardrobes, will be | gy 5M B aki corn mesh, IL w pleased to see the tint in a nunber | Bo ng as, a ton; Orta, of materials, considerably toned | 24 10 on; ay 310440 $12 a down . though with plentiful distri {tom stra i 7 to 38 a ton, i butions of white. | Grain Vheat, white winter and Can- | White has constantly increased in i adian spring, 6%. to 7%. a bushel ; | favor until it has reached the zenith { local soft wheat, 650, a bushel; North- } of its glory. Even the stout woman, {ern No. 1, 8c. to 77c. a bushel; Mani- | who years agp--and not very many, § toba No. 1, hard, Sle, a bushel; buck- | either--looked with abhorrence on an | heat, Ble. a ISLE) all white gown finds nothing so well { 0c. a bushel; peas, 3c i suited to her purpose of dress as { oats, 0c. a bushel; rye, . a | Oats, 40. a h 52¢. » bushel. | sited Yo He ply fuisliod | oT rit-Calilornia naval oranges, 3. | satin cloth. The stout woman has one { 30¢,, 40c. a doz. Florida oranges, 2c. | advantage this season, that bas not jo 50¢. a doz; Jamacia oranges, 30¢. | hitherto been presented and that ix a dozen; bitter oranges, 25¢. to 30¢. | the yoke effect in skirt trimmings. a doz; pears, 20c, to 30c. a doz; Ma- | This, by the way, is an idea which laga grape 250. a Ib; cranberries, | will find favor in all kinds of skirts, 1240. to 1056. a quart; lemons, 2c. to as it serves the purpose so well of a' je. a dozen ; bananas, 20e. to close-fitting effet around the hips. 40c, a dozen; apples, $350 to $4 a The slender' woman adores it because Libl. { it affords an unbroken outline of the Vegetables--Potatoes,90c. to $1, a | and lends grace to the fi bag; Lby the carcase, 9¢. to 10c. a 1b; fore | quarters, 10c, a Ib; hindquarters, 0c, {to 13. a Ib; hogs, live weight, bc. a Fb: dressed, Te. to Se, & lb; veal, by tihe carcase, 66. a Ib; tongues, 35c each; mutton, 86 to Te. a Ib. HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Who Cares fier Husband of His Drinking Habits Writes of Her Struggle te Save Her Home. A PATHETIC LETTER. Stricture Cured. Dr. MeLangbia: Dear Sin-=lt gives me the greatest plessure to say any thing concerning your Belt. I am feel ig ke a lou let loose from a cage, wad to tell you the truth | have not felt so well for ten years. The palus have all gore. * The stricture. has disappeared, dissluess ts all gous, snd | can work well as smyone, Thiuking You a for what you have dene for me thee your Electric Nolte 1. hg to remal yours stweéraly. John ark, Out, Novembet 14, i801. "Féels an Well as We Ever Did in His Life. De. Mclaoginin: Dear Doctor, ~R garding the Beit 1 purchased from you a couple of months age, I beg to say ! am more than pleased with it, and would ,not lose the benefits 1 have received from ft for ten thoes the price, for I feel like a new man: ad well as 1 ever did in my fife. The Belt ives grand benefits, At least it did i I have great picasure in re cothmending then Gratefally yours, B Atwood, Bridgeburg, Ont, ye cember 26, 1901. CAUTION. useless and dangerous by persons | | | «burning electrode belts which are using an imitation of my cushion electrodes, My office contains hundreds of these old belts, discarded - whose hodies had been seared and scarred by the bare metal of, will make special térms to anyone having one of these old back-burners. Free Boo - beautifully Mustrated Took il full information free. Free Test DR. M.K. MCLAUGHLIN, 130 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. OFFICE HOURS--§ a.m. to 8&3) pm, TEER Beware of old style STREET. IONE, HOUR: years . . mr Modern conveniences, For yur apply mest door to MRS, CAN onions, $1.10 a bag; car rots, 40c. to 5c. a bag, turnips, 40c. to b0c. a bag; beets, Sic. a bush; cel ery, Be. to 10¢. bunch; cabbage, Jc. to | fe, a head. i Poultry--Turkeys, $1 to $1.50 each; | geese, SOc. to $1.20 cach; -ducks, 75e. to 90c. a pair; chickens, 40c. to Tbe. | a pair; fowl, 400. to 75. @ pair, Fish ---~ White, fish, blue fish, | J2e. a Ib; smelts, 124c. a 1b; | halibut, 15¢. a lb.; bloaters, 40c. a | dozen: finnan haddie, 10c, a Ib.; sal: | | won trout, 120. a Ib.; Seattle salmon, | 15c. & lb; salt salmon, salt trout and | Help the Good Name and Trade salt mackerel, 10c. a lb.; smoked cis of Canada contour gure. The yoke may be of lace, tucking of shirving, as is most suitable for the But the figure inclined to obesity has its best efiect in a yoke of the dress material stitched down | closely with several rows of stitching A charming alternoon gown hax the shirt made in this way over a hning of white iafieia The founda tion was not made independent of the outer skirt and excepting the yoke, there was no other trimming on the skirt. The jacket was a sort of cross be I give a free test to all who eall. If you ¢an't call I will send yon my p Call or write = «1 had fora long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drink. ing habits, buat I was afraid he wonld dis- cover that I was giving him medicine, and the thought unnerved me, hesito- 1 Duity bu ted for nearly a week, but one day when ria BOS Show, 118 | ho came home very much fntoxicated and y ' his week's salary nearly all spent, 1 threw off all fear a Jetersiinad to ke an LLING OR ory to save our home from the ruin i saw AND DRELI bakery. coming, at all hazards, 1 sent Tor yout sone | Tasteloss Samaria Prescription, and put it in his coffee as directed next morning and watched and prayed for the result. At noon I gave him more snd also at sup- jer. He never suspected a thing, and 1 n boldly kept right on giving it regu: larly, as 1 discovered something that get overy nerve in my my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me--a ul, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving hus- band, eomfo and everything else dear toa woman's heart; for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking o dislike to it. It was only 100 true, for before 1 hal given him the fall course ho had s! drinking alto- but. I kept. giv: ng him the mi di eine wh it was gone, and then sent for an- other lot, to have on hand if he should re- #s he had done from promises be- fore. He never has and I am writing you this letter to tell you how thankful 1 am. i honestly material very owe! MAY, THAT VERY DE $17 Bagot street, ourner of Park, Large auy rooms era hm AVOID FODDER CHEESE. » serious of he | over 4 Apply to al Dr. Fowler, Brook 9 a should were stitched with narrow bands of | dozen; frogs' legs, 30e. a Ib.; shad, | Canadian dairymhen to the undesir Fhe He few tiny black silk bus | John McKay, Brock street : Dekin | : ' Of Women's g mor rative prices during the season were also inner lapels of taffeta em | horse hides, 82 to $225 each: no white silk braid and falling below the | 12. a lb.; flounders and tomeods, be. { ability of manufacturing in Canada este of all classes, from the farmer tons. skins, Sc. to 60c. each; deer skins, 10c. | * » pecial Display * "&ee of production. there be hildren's broidered in delicate design, with the [ rendered tallow, Bc. a lh; unwashed | mS-------------- ---- . . ---- -- 8 | tween an Eton and a bodice, fitting] 00s, 0c. a Ib.; salt ciscoes, Tc. a 1b; | | I i. I. 1 N E R y ; waistline at the back were two oblong | ® Ib.; kippered herring, 40c. a dozen; | 20¥ cheese from fodder milk, éither at to the exporter, connected with the The jacket opened a smart | a Tb; beef hides, No. 1, Ge. to 6c. a| large quantity the previous embroidery effected in narrow lgee | wool, Be. a Ih; washed wool, 18¢. 'a B E 5 x {op ; } ; closely into the waistline and blousing codiish, Te. to 1850. a Ib.; lobsters, | The Montreal produce chants as ' flaps simalating a postillion efie pollick, Be. a 1b. the beginning or the end of the sea manufacture of full grass cheese little vest of white tafieta over which | 1b.; horse hides, 82 to $2.26 each ; | on's production left braid. Sewn down either side of the | Ih. Fur, mink! 82 to 82.50ox, 81 to | h i k -- ST Ie, os of "On the season, It to Ls CHITECTS. ARCHITECT, OFFICE 171 nr desi : over al new met be in the common interest that no impediment is placed in { the free sale and free consumption of | existing stocks of cheese ap to the ar vival of full grass goods on the mar { ket in Canada, even at the eost of | immediate loss of money. The experi | ence of recent years proves that the average world's production of full | grass cheese gold on English markets of Canada, United States | and New Zealand makes, the English home make, and is as large as can bie consumed in one season at prefitable prices. The mssociation does not forget the Litficuliv the Tavmer i faced with in of his stableded milk it { would be bettér to throw this class of milk away rather than manufacture it | into cheese; hat such | not necessary. Ry and scigatific fine butter van be made milk, for which there is a demand from domestic vongiderable demand for ex This associati recommen perceptibly at the front. The séams | 15¢. a lh. little neck clams, 20e. | sociation draws attention The flaps were trimmed with the Hides--These prices are given by | *°" believing this wo be inthe inter - If our cheese is to be sold at plaited chiffon was draped. There | th; beef hides, No. 2, Be Ih; commencement of the opening of the jacket were rows of | $2.50: coon, 25¢. to 7TBe.; skunk, 28¢. small black silk Buttons. to Tbe. | see The hat which completed the time was a very large affair in hlack i chiffon standing at the left side of | which was a bimch of ostrich tip. | Fhe same rich trimming composed the decoration under the brim, three tips emanating from the inside of the Fa 1b I PH NE Stan and nestling closely against | © 94¢. a Ib. Princess gowns of white crepe de | : chine, are extremely fashionable and | Dairy Retail. afiected for dinners and receptions. A | - Butter--Oremmery, 25¢. to 26¢. a lb. very becoming model has applied de- | farmers', in prints, 22. a th; in rolls signs of white chantilly lace outlined | 15¢. to 206. a 1b. | with silver sequins. Two lilies of | Cheese--124c, a Ib. black chenille assert thewuel res nt the - bustline, and another is placed severa inches below the waist, Starting | : Eggs. from the centre of the back is a panel | Wholesale--Fresh, 13ic. a dozen. of filmy black lace, decorated on the | Retaib--Fresh, 15¢. a dozen. Joft side with black velvet and flowers | with vellow centres, producing a very | striking effect. Af gracefol intervals forming a graduated flounce, are ap plied velvet flowers, which may be m | \ any favorite color, if black is not {OF reat, desired, but ~~ shading to the very { bush. , a barlvy, bush, palest tint the color. r, to B20. peas, bush., Xie. to Sc; of Cerise is | ¥ 1 pretty because the different hues fad: | ye, hush ef lo 584 ; buckwheat, jog into shell pink make such a béau I S13 4 a' hay, timothy, per Son, titul effect. The slepves are close fit | 5. to SH; straw, per ton, WN tar ting, uimost to the wrist, and have } 50; Songs Alsike, choice, 7.050 go i only the merest suggestion of an un- | Alsike, No. 2. $6.00 to $7; red clover, | dercufi and this is composed of white | 34.00 to $4.75; timothy, $2 i to = + | crepe de chine and gathered into a | 25; dressed hogs. $7.25 to $7.50; suf wristhand of white silk, embroidered | ter, in pound ro Is, 18e. to er but | ter, creambry, 2lc. to es; ehickens, | richiment of the soil. besides the price in black chenitle, with the faintest | per. pair, Oto. 8Be.; ducks, per pai { 1, haw + tracery of gold threads. } per pair, ; i - { obtainable from the stock itself Chiffon gowns besides being faicy- | 4a : to si ' durheys, per b.. 12 S 0 ! ike. have the advantage of being ever | Cc. gee o i Dey hoi So a : egE | fashionable, They have been amobyg | bbl. £3.50 y's "SA Sl ne. SPIER, per | the most conspieuows of the season's ea 0c. ho es § Dotatues.. Rm i Hades fut bor Boil Rou Joars, and 250. to be. onions, per Pon to | Honest Help Free To Men. the dee. Js ® 1 1) beets, per bag, 40c. to Bes par-| We are authorized to state by A pretty moacl in canary yellow snips, per bag. Me to 4c; cauli- | Carl Kunz, Second and Brady chiffon, s0 pale that it is scarcely flower, per doen, 6c. to 75¢ cab | streets, Davenport, lowa, that any more than a deep cream. shows ai un- bage, per dozen, 30e. to Me; celery, | an who is pervous and debilitated usually artistic color scheme by being per dozen, 40. to Hc. rhubath, doz: | or who is sufierding from any of the built over shell pink taffeta. The i en, 81; beef, forequarters, 35 to 06.: | various troubles resulting from over skirt is shirred about the hips in & | 50: beef, himduuarters, 87.50 to $9; | work, excesses or abuse, kuch as net deep yoke, the shirring extending be heel, gnedium, carcase, $5.50 to $6.50: | vous debility, exhausted vitality, lost low the waistline for about nine beef, choice, $7 to $7.50; lamb, $5.50 | vigor, unnatural drains and Jowses. en. From this | point the skirt | to. S10 Mutiza, 86 10 $7.50: veal, | lack of development, etc., can wrils hangs in unconfined fulness to the choice, 88 to 9, {to him in strict confidence and receive floor, which it touches at the front Montreal, March |e Business this | FREE OF CHARGE, full instructions and sides, Jengthening into a demi orning was exceptionally slow at how 10 be thoroughly cured. train at the back. the east end abattoir. There was a | Mr. Rung hiwsell was, lor. a long The bodice is band embroidered in fair arrival of stock, and prices | ting, 8 sufferer from above sroubls; ith yellow cen: shownd ne material change, with pro. | and after trying io vain many adver unlined, of the the exception of cattle. 3l¢. to | tisad rewedios, became aimost entire . ie., the lafter price being paid for a | isconraged and hopslos. Fioahy few head of choice, Two, prime steers | jn an old clergyman, wera sold at Te. per ib. poor and i 3 honest advice enab: Tean. cattle had. little call, being quot. | obtain a perfect . 40 3. per Ws pp | 4 cure. Kuowing 10 his tations own sorrow that so meny poor suf firers are being imposed upon by un Kunz consid- believe it will cure she worst cod | *Dairy Wholesale. . Butter--Creamery 22. to 2e. Ib; farmers', in prints, 18. to 20¢, 1b; in | rolls, 17¢. to dc, a Iby baking but tor, 1d}, a Ib, and pamphlet giv FREESANPLE of Sot, enve: econfidentinl. . Address E ., 28 Jordan Street, Fore Ta ead Toronto, Caseda. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of | consists hesides 35 OR SMALL interest on cit A. 3 | Lions - CRUTILEY BRO 132-134 PRINCESS STREET, Lisposing THOURAND DOLLARS 1% to ten thous BRAG, afd Square. London and Globe ce Company. sacpifice strupulons cleanii | ness methods, a very from this ways a good , and Markets Elsewhere. Toronto, March 17.-Wheat, white, ish; Te. to Toe: wheat, red, Te wheat, spring, 706. to T2%. goose, 67c. to G7le.; oats, I7§e. to 48§e.; over the skirt, { bt BOULTE | ise to | good prices strongly torymen to provide th both butter and cheese, and v is not possible for the farmer to work | alternative machinery for making up his fodder milk into butter, he should put it into stock, There iz: a substantial profit to the farm in feed ing to the stock the skim milk from the creamery, or oven the full milk where necessary, in the consequent en that the only leavening agent t6 use is the one of utdoubted purity and strength. EMPIRE SODA BEST FOR BAKING is absolutely pure, clean and wholesome, Most satisfactory in results. Unvarying in strength, Ask your groce- for Em. pire Soca and insist on getting it. sc. a packet, new got rates from HTRANGY, & STRANGE. Agents A RELIABLE OFFER. -- THE SUPERIORITY OF ci THE 5 KERN BURNER BOTH IN : Makes it a necessity wherever gas is used. "Try one convinced. - swat ss sl). W. OLDFIN, City Agent state that you mally aced 2 253 KING STREET * § : ld i 3 3 hi i .enld, 'or sore throat re | gue Sirs, aetin, oc sit ;