Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Mar 1902, p. 2

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have receivim weation at great siding aloof from country." to securing a return for ping a military college gests that before , a , admitted to the school mts should give a joint aaduation he will serve wimber of years as a officer in the corps of litia. Some regulation wuld, in his opinion, be the future the college is existence as a military cost the od Advice. siderable beings in the ose suffering from dyspep- r complaint. More than Ju vent. of the people in tates are alllicted with istases and their effects, » stomach, sick headache, stivoness, palpitation of beart-burn, water-hrach, d bumning pains at the stomach, yellow skin, coat- disagreeable taste in + coming up of food after w spirits, ete. Go to your and get a bottle of August * 75 conte. Two doses will t Try it. For saie at (ug store. olice Court Tips. wlive court this morning M j was charged with vagraney: bund last night asleep in the station. The magistrate to jail for fifty days. Conley was charged with a dog ownid by E. Godwin. en that Conley impounded a ed by the plaintiff, and it was that he had stolen it. The brought out the fact that tad been performing his duties rhe magistrate supported Con- threw out the case. Men Made Welcome. . McKelvey, who has devoted ime and energy to fitting up orm assovistion rooms in the Lion bl + has extended an tion to all "young men to use pm at any and all times, Daily political literature, games, will be provided for their accom- jon. '| rooms could not have made cosier or neater, and the ddent of the senior club is deser 2 of the thanks of every liberal in witon for the good work he has " Well Worth Hearing. iignora Cina Ciaparelli, the so- wo of the Eugene Cowles opera { comeort company, to appear at + Grand Thursday night, is a na ¢ of Italy, and her musical educa n was received in the conservator of Rome and Milan. Her debut 8 made in the principal theatre of was immediate taken up urt and nobility, appear in the best concerts and in HIG, WEDNESDAY; MARCH 19. WAS FOUND SUILTY. JURY RECOMMENDED HIM TO MERCY. Allowed Him Of On d Sentence--Action of vs. The Rideau Lakes sation Company. ase of the king vs. John sed at the assizes, the jury - mcoused guilty, but recom- im strongly to mercy. The as somewhat of a surprise. tyre, in his address to held that there was not suf e that Hayes had made 8 to or intimidated the a trackmen. The defence ad shown that the best of isted between the villagers alway men. For the prose r, Johnston declared that the erowd with him had on the railway company's were not justified in r the trackmen's car. The + Ardendale station: with ¥ ont, ship' charged strongly 08. The jury retired at we o'clock, and after de an hour and a half, re- their verdict i Jlowed Hayes his liberty dme, and instructed him eourt this morning when ald be passed. Hayes appeared with Me. Melntyre. The latter ¢ | on bebalf of Originally four charges we against Hayes, but la had been dismissed. The was the last. © trial | i f IN THE SPORTING WORLD. | Many A Budget of News From Quarters. The English cricket team won only one of the five test matches with Au- stralia. The Toronto lacrosse team will play three matches in Ireland during its} tour abroad, 3 Torohto "baschall will play twelve exhibition mat with home teams, beginning April 13th. Nasturtium, the American Derby candidate, is said to have lost weight and that his staying powers have to be taken on trust. The hockey put wp by the Winnipeg team against RM oatieal is said not to he compared with that played against Toronto Wellingtons, The London jockey club has refused Tod Sloan's application for a license team { to ride on English tracks this season od last fall at great ex: of the Mr. Johns secused, on oO aral, because able to take the case at In view of that justice ul allowed Hayes his libes il. It was thought that { been heard of the matter, lway company determined ¢ final indictment. Mr. Mc- wl bis lordship to be lenient seused, who was fully aware charge of which he was ty was no trivial matter dship stated that the actions Even and the crowd that was ith him at the Ardendale station spoke louder than the oaths of the accused's witnesses in the box. He paid a great tribute to the jury, by declaring that it was a good thing to know that in the county of Frontenac there was a body of men who had the intelligence, the propriety, and the iearlessncss to declare a verdiot of guilt in face of the evidence of ten or twelve men of respectabili in the county. The extreme penalty for Hayes' offence was a fine of $100 or three months in jail, but he would be most lenient. and allow Hayes to go on suspended sentence. His lordship wanted it clearly understood, how- ever, that the ease was not an unim- portant one. It was rather of great importance to the community, as the action of the accused and the villagers endangered life ana railway property. A man had a right to sympathize with strikers, but had no right te in- terfere with other men who were earn ing their money honestly, ana in the resent case guarding against loss of ife and wreck. Against Navigation Company. The action of Davis vs. the Rideau lakes navigation company, was begun yesterday afternoon. Plaintiffs sued de fendants for $1,217 for rebuilding the steamer Rideau King and for repairs. They held a note from Capt. D. Noon an for the amount, payable at the Ontario bank. This note had fallen due and was refused remewal by the bank. The plaintifis then looked to the navigation company for payment, which being refused, action was taken. The plaintiffs set forth that Capt. Noonan 'was acting for the company a8 managing director, and that al though the note was. given by him, vet the company was responsible. The boats were running inthe company's name, and the public would naturally think that the company either owned or had chartered them. The defence held that the company had not taken over the boats till last 'summer. Capt. Noonan had given the note in pay- ment for rebuilding and repairs, and they were not responsible for the am- ount due. The boats "belonged to Capt Noonan until that time; he had ordered the work in his own name, and given his own note. Therefore he alone was responsible. Judgment was reserved. BE. H Smythe appeared for =the plaintiffs, and Mr. Whiting for the defendants. The Proposal Made. The electric light "arbitration and the outlook for the city pbt ng the lant is causing much discussion. any citizens say the by-law offering £173,000 for the plant should be voted on and the money tendeged so that the city can share in profits from the time of tendering. These profits would go far to renew the machinery, which, by the time the law courts have all been traversed, will not be as valuable as at the time the arbi tration was concluded. BODY AND BRAINS. ened little bodies and ns or es and no ig he one of produce big health and heathy beaing mulsion, bodies take Scott's except for training and trials. England won the intemmational rughy match with Scotland by two thes to one. Scotland won at associ ation football ; from Wales, by five goald to one. Joseph Lally, of Cornwall, darother of the famous Frank Lall or of lacrosse in that historic town, has issued a little book giving a history of the game in eastern Canada. Nicholson, Montreal's goal, saved the Winnipeg match for his team on Monday might. The Winnipeg forward line fairly rained in shots upon him in the second half, but only one goal got by him. "An effort is to be made to have To- ronto selected as the place for hold- ing the grand American handicap next wear, which is being held this vear at Kansas City, and which is, the big gest live bird tournament held in Am- erica. At the Chicago fog show the King- ston cocker dog winmers were: Dr. OC. X. 'ord's, 'Otterburn Evangeline," first limit, first open; Miss Macdon- nell's 'Braeside Blue jacket," first limit, first open, first winners, and silver cup for best cocker in the show, A complimentary banquet was ten dered to the Peierbore hockey team, champions of the intermediate series of the OHA, by Hon. J. R. Stat: ton. It was a grand affair. About ane hundred guests were in attendance including mayor Denne and other pros mineat citizens. The Kingston golf club has sels these officers for the coming Captain, G. E. Hague; secretary-trea surer, L. W. Shannon; committee, Capt. Symons, Profs. Watson, Me Naughton and Cappon; A. B, Cun ningham and J. B. Carruthers. Ca- dets and Queen's college students' fee was fixed at $2. OF THE DAY. cr -- INCIDENTS Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Any line. Gildersleeve & Kirkpat- rick, ocean steamship agents. Monkey Bram Soap is a cieaner and polisher combined, but won't wash clothes. The robins came too soon. It's up to them to go 'way beck and sit down. The library committee contemplates making some changes in the public sthool library. Eastern Balm is now the staple re medy for Coughs and Colds, etc. Be sure you get the genui article-- Eastern Balm. Cataraqui lodge, No. 10, 1.0.0.F., met last night and initiated three new candidates, besides conferring the third degree upon five others, The watering carts should be ready for early work. A month's annoy- ance usually precedes the appearance of these desirable aids to good living. An air of expectancy seems to per- vade the Y.M.C.A. building, and the general secretary appears to have im- bibed a good deal of this feeling. Some interesting developments are expected. Princess street is almost totally dry and in fine condition for wheeling. Of coursé the weather is a little too told yet for bieycling, but despite thie quite a number of wheels have made their appearance Gananoque and Napanee lodges of Oddfellows have accepted the invita tion to pay a fraternal visit to Ca- taraqui lodge, No. 10, next Tuesday evening. They will be entertained at supper in the letter part of the even: ing. PERSONAL MENTION. Tovements Of The People -- What They Ave Saying And Doing "Chummy" Hill, the well-known Toronto footballist and hockeyist, was in the city'yesterday, calling on friends. Pr. Johnston, Merrickville, som of James Johnston, university avenue, continues critically ill of pneumonia. The turning point has not yet been reached. This morning R. J. Elliott, district master, left for Smith's Falls to at- tend the Orange grand lodge of On tario east. He will be the only dele gate g esent from Kingston. H. V. Lyons, who about a year ago removed to Toronto, is in the city logking up a house. He will return to the city with his family to take up residence, having resumed his old duotios with James Richardson & Sona. D. J. MeKinnon, of Alexandria, will again represent Lowell & Christinas, the well-known Montreal and London, Bug.. cheese dealers, at this wea son's sessions of the Krontensae cheese ! board. Though young in years Mr McKinnon is 'old in experience; and | his" success in the business world is due to natural shility and strict ap | plication to duty. . - May Build Club House. At the bicvele e¢hib hanquet last evening, Sidney Smith, secretary, sug: gested 4 se = that is likely to bear BANQUET LAST NIGHT AT GRAND UNION HOTEL. A Jolly Time Spent by The Guests--The Different Toasts Proposed and Honored--A Well Managed Affair. The first anhual Banguet of the Kingston bicycle chil hockey team, held last evening at the Grand Union hotel, will long be remembered by those who had the pleasure of being prescut as one of the happiest events ol their life. The affair was capably arvanged and passed off without a ditch, About sixty guests sat down to the tastefully arranged tables, which looked beautiful before the om- rush of banqueters despoiled "their ar rangement. The dining hall was tastefully decorated with red and blue the bicycle club colors; host Devlin had gone to comsiderable trowble tw make the room look bright and cheer- ful, und succeeded admirably. In the absence of the club's presi- demt, R. J. Wilson, now living in Oshawa, F. J. Hoag, -a past presi dent, presided, and he made a capable and most successful presiding officer. On his right weie seated Edw, J. B. Pense, MP.P., and J. C. Hamer, while supporting him on his left were mayor Shaw, J. T. Sutherland, of the Frontenacs, and E. C. Dean, of the Ramblers. A couple of hours were given up to a thorough discussion of the well-arranged menu, after which chairman Hoag | proposed the first toast, "The King," which was receiv. ed with the national anthem. "The Parliaments of Canada' was next proposed by chairman Hoag, which Edw, J. B. Pense responded and did full justice to. "The Barr and Cor- poration" was proposed by E. C Dean, mayor Shaw responding. Earl Ashley proposed "The OHA" J. T Sutherland replying. "The QD.H.L." was proposed by . W. Bearance, cap tain of the Ramblers, responses being made by J. Hamer, manager of the Ramblers, i. H. Ball, man- ager of the ie James Laird paid tribute to "The Ramblers," to which E. €. Dean, W. Bearance and ¢. Hamer made reply. To chair man Hoag fell the honor of proposing "The Kingston Bicycle Club," to which Sidney Smith made an appro priate reply. Mr. Pense took the liberty of proposing a toast not in cluded in the programme and offered that of the health of chairman Hoag, to which that gentleman made re sponse. "The Ladies" were done full bonor and justice by James Devlin, and which he loft unsaid W. Tait and F. Koen filled in. Chairman Hoag proposed the toast to "The Host and Hostess," to which James Devlin made an appropriate reply. During the evening songs were con- tributed by Joseph Brennan, J. Cou- sins and E. Koen, the banqueters en- joving the sweet singing. At a con: ventional hour the assemblage broke up, after singing the national anthem, The banquet was well arranged and carried out and reflected credit upon those at the head of affairs. It was a pleasant gathering dhe all present carried away pleasant recollections of the successiul affair When the bicyelists undertake to do anything it is always well done. Indigestion, That Menace' To Hu- man Happiness. Pitleas in its assaults, and no res pector of persons, has met ite conquer- er in South American Nervine. This reat stomach and nerve remedy stim ulates digestion, tones the nerves, aids circulation, drives out impurities, dis- pels emaciation, and brings back the glow of perfect health. Cures husdreds of ."chronies"' that have baffled physi cians. Sold by Henry Wade and E. . Mitchell --68, Wise Advice. Against Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, Grippe, Consumption, Weak- ness and all troubles of your respira- tory arses, use Morin's Creso-phates Wine which will not f&il to cure you. Stops The Cough And Works Off The Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets curé a cold in ome day. No cure, no pay. Price 25¢. es, 42 Clar- issuer. Marriage licenses 7 » street, Gildersleeve, Food for Athletes -- Rebuilds Brain and Muscle. A young athlete, commenting on the need of well selected food to - build up & man after overstudy, says "Pwo years ago I retarned home from the university with my health quite un down from over-study and severe athletic "training. 1 needed 8 good rest to put me right; but instead of taking it, went to work in an office with very confining duties. "My bealth grew no better; I felt unfit for work and at night would lie awake soveral hours before sleep would come, The appetite was gone entire . One morning a new dish appear- ed on the table, Grape Nuts with cream. We all thought it an excellent food, and 1 not_oanly mjoyed breskiast that day, but dinner apd supper as well "This rather surprised me. Since that I have made the food a rogulat article of diet. 1 keep 8 box on t the office and often lunch on Grape { Nats and cream instead of going home dines ; was wot long before 1 had gained fiftben pounds, and T koow it food that I ean stand so w "Although it was in the summer use of this Physical Maahood. Ne form of athletic evercise demands such Griucs phyaionl coadition as prive Byery musels in the body musi bo fully veloped sel sipple, and the heart and stomach must art to perfectiv Whether we' endorse price fightin Brboy tumgs or not 0 know the ot such phveis it is wevertheless intervetis manner by which men wirive cal perfection 2 Specimens of Jamms Jolfitiek, he presen heavyweight of she world, sd oppovent, Tom Sharkey, in pagiistic encomter that has plate, both pursued much the of tratwing, and the first aust tant part of this traning was stomach in comiition, a Ww keep the &- digestion absolutely ot, so that every muscle aed porve would be at its highest cupadlities. . This w not doe medicine, but both of smd a well-known sald by drunrises Dyspepwia Tablets torments quires for healthy ¢ Champion Jelerien "Sraart's pepsia Tablets prevent ity, stomach aml insure perfor keep man in fipe Sign James vf world. The gallant Sghter, art's Dyspepsia Table fort after coting. They rest the stomach ol restdge it 0 a healthful condition, I heurtily woommend hem." Signed, Thomas J. Sharkey. The advantage of the daily use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Toblets is that ibey keep people well and ward sickness and are equally valuable to well persons as to the dyspe thes. Another advantage is that these ta lets ocomtein wo eathartics, of poisons of any obararter; but simply direstive ferments which are found in every healthy stomach, ond when digestion is imperfect it is becatse the stomach lacks some of these ecluments spd Stuart's Dyspepeis Tablets supply it They are no heap catha but a perfects lv sale and efficient dicestive and the dee ned for them is preater than the sale of all other so-called dyspepsia cures combined. No ly could possibly reach such a place in ewterm @XoePt as reswit. of positive some must © eet impor the by a wevet winposed of the stomach rev Pym strengthen the digestion They physical condition os, chasppion of the rkey. saves: "Stee remove all discom sold the koe a Stuart Tab ay make weak stor tomache Full-size! packages are gists nt 60 cents, mml oan possibly form is to Jet after cach mes) machs strong aod keep vigorous, HISTORICAL SOCIETY, The Origin of The Names of Places In Canada. At the historical society meeting last evening, James McArthur read a paper on the origin of the names of Canadian cities, towns counties, The names of plac he said, were not of arbitrary fixture, but demanded careful historical consideration Mr. MoArthur dealt principally with place et in Ontario, whose names he show ed to be derived from places in the old country, from great statesmen, ete. The paper was of great interest to students of history, and showed most careful research and a wide knowledge of affairs Rev. Prof. Perguson sai t was lamentable that so many ins ant places in the United States should be named after ancient sacred places, stich as Corinth. It was really, de secration. Canada had a few of such cases. The speaker expressed the hope that in this country the old Indian names would be retamed. It was only in this way that we could trace owt the tribal locations of the Indians. Dean Smith also spoky about the alsurd names given to small hamlets and villages. He instanced Athens pe an example. It was he suid, to give that name to the vil. lage which bears it Fortunately, there wete not many cases in Canada of this kind. The society tendered a of thanks to Mr: McArthur for his inter- esting paper. A resolution was passe ed, expressing sympathy with United States consul = Twitchell and Mr, George: in their "recent bereavements, The next paper to be read before the society, will "Landmarks "of Kingston" by Mr of the city's oldest re nte r will be of great interest Spring Importation For 1802, Prevost has received all his sprin importations, consisting o } and English tweeds: also a fin tion of worsteds; cheviots and serges for suitings and spring overcoating, In pantings, 'he is showing a gress j variety of patterns. A first-class fis guaranteed. and ridiculous, vote be Grorge His pa when 1 started the use of the food, ft the indoor work. My bealth is but 1 was eating muse than you recom much at a time and more than the system requir regular 'feed' of four heaping témspoons, the old of quite a famous family. the be formished He reqpirsts name can application

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