DO YOU PLAY Ping Pon The Rage of London R. UGLOW & CO, 141 Princess Street, RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. But it will have no effect on your hous # you ase the paint we recommend, and that is RAMSAY'S, Al the newest shades. Ask for color card, Oply $1.00 per gallon. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. UNERRING LAWS govern the vise and fali of market values, as they dis the ebb and flow of the tudes. To be successful in Wall Streel, barring accident or luck in one's catewlafyons, one should be familiar sith the va- vious phenomena, thus efecting puctuations, Our cloth boand. dnstrated goo {axe "tiuide to Investors, which we pudiuh Bo Sree Natron. contains exhaustive analysis of conditions, which govern vas tad in such manner ws 10 be clear Lo uny complete informe is dealt A upen fom to thir thirty Fine for adn A Rt Pace wark are better hl tied to deat " ily, than those whe have pot. Wl you pe Tr ih a copy, also fo matt yon free Daily Market Letter, Wo fool confident it will be to your rout 10.040. Huet & Freese natihed QR) tain 53 B'way, NE STOOKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON, . Ootarie, pe ye Dr. 0. W, Daly's Dertal Office lhe Jeopsned in May, when he returns COMMERCIAL. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. i (12.30 pw) Marsh - 13. Wheat, orthern winter, 1 Calitornia, oe. 84. i old, Ss 83d... peas, pork, 124; won, long, k baton, long clear, heavy, dent, Tight, don: Australi fow, £S PRODUCE MAREPTS. Murch 13. Hone ripe. w $3.90; pum $41; ! nan rales, 450 $3.00 bakes 70 'wo $1. Ph Santiuon, hurd, 900 ,townsiip, 20e 270; eggs, 1 ---- RR fo Tavis sarin 38 EEE: ot ee se Melbourne, THE 5 PL. EDITON SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, Wiat is Going on in the Busines World---~The Market News, The tramways of Lomion inst year carfied N20, 000 passengers wed the traflic re a were £416,000 delegation Fluglinh will visit Canada shortly A turers, the conditions of the cotton industry in Can ada The Penmsylveria. railway will spend $20, O00 in tunnels weder the North apd East rivers, obtain au entrance to New York, . The customs davies on tes imported New York last vear smounicd to $9 000 000 All impure adulreraimd de stroved south suanily bo wtady cotion to ota and tens Were Arican pikes olaed Tor abs i $4.50 per dhowen, ihe some place com Chicago are guobal a o #7 je. Plums from mand $3 a doen sales of British irom to the Un il Btubes sre reportod, Ove "steamship bas heen chartered to take 3,000 tons to Balti steamship Florida, Luited States « reports the gold of 1901, compared with previous and prodicts thyt! Australia will soon again head the list of the world's gold producers. The 1861, 2.628.506 ounces; 1871, L.087,087, ounces; 1884, 1.625.687 oundes; 1891, 1,663,465 ounces; 1899, 4.438.140 ounces; 1900, 4,177,500 ounces; 1901, 4. 833,681. The value of the miners] production in On tario in 1901, was $11,822,525; in 1900 it was $0,208,624, Much of the incredie is in the products of newlliferous mines and works, the value of which is about 100 per cent. move than in the previous year. Most of the nowmetallic products also show in' crowed values, but these are offset in the yield of petroleum, snd a reduction in the quantity "nf yalua of vetroleum products Not A "Baby, But A Ham. While cutting ice around the steam er North King, Capt. Thomas Clancy struck a box with his pike pole, and brought it to the surface. The dis coverer was sure he had captured the chest of gold for which he has explor ed the bottom of the harbor for years, After gazing at the box with a smile of satidfaction, Thomas became aware that a strange odor was coming from the supposed treasure chest. He decid el that a coroner was the man who should possess the find, but first mad a careful investigation. However, he didn't find a dead baby as he expect ed, but only a decayed ham. nck Extensive LC msl od more and the 3.2 dobu FP. Bray, the production yours, figures are: Jubilee Concert And Banquet. Sydenhumin street Methodist church jubilee opens Friday evening with a grand entertainment by the Sabbath school, consisting of drills, exercises, choruses, ete. This will, no doubt, an unusually fine affair, the admis sion is 20¢., doors open at 7:30. Pro gramme at eight o'clock. Everyone is invi Sunday the Rev. William i of Toronto, preaches the we sermons. Monday even. ing the ju! ilee banquet, followed by a grand platform meeting in the church. Admission to both banquet and plat form meeting only 28¢c. All dre invit- ed, he Had A Good Sale. Yesterday and today J. H. Mills, auctioneer, conducted a sale of house hold effects at the home of W. J. Moore, King street west, There was an unusually large attendance and spleodid prices were received. A kit chen range brought $27; antique pie ture frames, £1.10 each; carpets, seventy cents a yard; bed room sets $18 and 820 each, and everything in proportion. In addition there was ahout £130 worth of silverware dis- posed of, and over 8100 worth of erockery. Found Dead In Bed. Whithy, Ont., March 13.-~Charles Gimlet, twenty-three years of age, the adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Gimlet this town, was found dead in bed this morning. He had for a long time keen troubled with a varicose vein, and it is supposed a clot of hlood formed, paralvong the brain. Gimlet was a popular young man. Two Tons Of Mail. The average weight of mail handld hy the Kingston post office is about two tons, one ton of which comes in at night and is handled by only four clerks, It is a small building in which to handle such ,, quantity of matter. The depmitment's order to weigh "the mail is sll being carveied out, Finished A Contract. Messrs. Greenlee, Martin and Frapt: lin's cheese factory, "Pine Hill" Joyceville, has been entirely renova- ted and equipped during the past few weeks, he pow one of the finest factories inthe district: Lemmon & Lawrenson, of this city, have just finished the contract work. Appointed Missionaries. The western settion of the Proshy- torian home mission committee has made the following among other ap intments as student missionaries : Mapator: i Suk Purvis, * . ahafiey, 'onachic, Woods, Samuel Couch. THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 13. [T WAS A TERRIBLE FALL. BODY WHIRLED THROUGH THE | AIR. ) Struck On a Tiled Flor and Proved Be Of In juries Teo a PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Erie Kis Lake is clear off { Ont Melancholy Character -- Frank | Reynolds Was The Victim. Toronto, March 13. People in eastern corridor of the city hall, mormne. at 11:30 o'clock, saw with harror the body of a man came burl ing through the air fiom the upper stories of the building. 'Thé man fell on his head in the on g tiled floor and his injuries were of a terrible nature. He died a min ute two after Lelp reached him this or in the On been withdrawn tude business 1m by Friday at Fhe civil engineers" bill gixlat ur w hoped to com Ontario legislature Larie do has It the {1 pm the | | at Boston, well of the stair | The body proved to be that of Frank | who lived on and four a laborer, Wolseley street with his wile children. "The story of the ont the npper flats wa whis" had been drinking, started down stairs from the second flat and trip ping, gripped the bannisters. In do ing 20 he over-balanced and fell twen tv nine feet to the ground floor, The long standing feud among yaedical men, the provines over, to the stion whether the madical council shall be composed almost tirely of elective or largely of appointive members as at present was settled by the legislature this miorning. It was to submit Pr. Jessop's bill providing for elec tipn of members to a referendum of the doctors of the province at the time of the next 'election for the coun eil allowed to vote. Business progressed very rapidly at the legislature this morning, there be ing an understanding that the house shall get through hefore morning, so that members may attend the funeral of Mrs. Ross. The pall bearers at the funeral will be the six members of the cabinet, so that there will be of the house whe thor business is finished or not. Reynolds, the ns ies en members, decided no session SHIELDS' STATEMENT. He Could Give No Facts For The Present. Halifax, N.S., March 13 Shields, general monager oi the minion cond company, was askea to the truth of the statement out Montreal to the the company's profits for year reach at least and that dividends of six per cont the bonds, and eight per cent. on Use preferred stock would be paid He that the statement did not emanate from him. He knew nothing about the dividends of the company and was not interviewed on the sub ject when in Montreal. Questioned re garding the statements that a vast containing over a billion tons of coal. had been located on the company's areas, Mr. had read a telegram from Cape Bre ton, while in Montreal, reporting a discovery which, if 'true, would in crease the value of the coal arcas greatly, but he would not be in a position to speak positively on the matter until after he had re- turned to Cape Breton. Do ax sent ellect that the 82.000 000, from would on replied deposit, CHICAGO MAD. Coronation. Chicago, March 13.-Wealthy dents of Chicago are raging over cruel liberty that has with their dignity. An has sent them a quantity of engraved invitations to the coronation of king Edward, many of them mailed in Lon don Issued inthe name of family - of Great Britain and of Imperial India," summons the recipient Abbey to viéw the coronation of bert Edward, ete. In very small of the eard, the ericans may costume." resi a been and Ireland Al the bottom iven that Am in "aboriginal type, at hint is g appear THE FORCE RESIGNED. The Negligence. Galt, Cat., March 13.~As a result of the investigation intu the burs lary of William Bernbardt's ligeor here, a fortnigh ne bers of the local police, chief - Abern, tendered their resigna- tions, and at a special meeting of the vouncil, last evening, the resignations were accepted, to go into effect oh Ap rl 15th. A committee was ap to advertise for a new force, The po lice, not implicated in the burglary, were charged with Feing negligent in their duties. One of the Town's pe cial constables is alleznd to ve the real culprit, but he has skipped out men PREFER ARGENTINA. Welsh Colonists Will Stay It @iven Fair Treatment. London, March 13.-~The correspond nt at Buenos Ayres of the Daily Mail | pasted | Canada in South Africa, with quarters at Cape Town. { landing it. | eity, | And The company's | | wang has heen | through { by the | port to Capt. Wags Issue Bogus Invitations to {of the Viehshun | tario at tinst awarded a contract Doctors in arrears are also to he ! There was a deop in Dominion steel, cmon, to-day, going off as as two poings. There are 21 000 men out early settlement. At Pittsburg, Pa.. the strike is growing serious on of the importation of son-union from other places Rev, T. Dewitt his berth on painters' accoupt men confined to accouny illness, through San Antonio, Texas, on his way to Washington, Jardine, commissioner for Un the Paris exposition, has heen appointed commercial agent fou head railway . has for a new constructed at Emerald Talmage of to-day, 4. 6 The Pacific Canadian hotel, to be Lake, hetween Field and the big | falls at Yo- ho. The shape peg. rested after their long trip and got quite familiar with the rink. in inif condition; betting even. SWEPT TO HIS DEATH. hockey bovs are in splendid for to-night's match in Winni The Montrealers are thoroughly Ice much | { visit | MONEY IN CUBA | gaciile. | | This is the Opinion of Sir William | on strike i Hopes are expressed of an | | the { expended in that country is having a | | the consecration of | Montreal, | tin will come B.C., in the mountains half way | | So Pronounced By Man Against hae | | of Ontario during the recent bye-elec | tions in that | bitterly contes | Miller At Port Hope Knocked Into | to-morrow | | company off into the | ton street, | pod at Helms' i been carried out Cornelius | present | | 000 pur: Shields said he | Swift Current. PortHope, Ont., March 13.--William Douglas, miller at the Harold Barrett 's mills, logs at the dam, water below. The current him beneath and 'carried him He was for an instant seen going under the bricge at Wal- Unless" the body has stop dam, it has probably into the lake. De censed had heen an employee of Barrett mills for thirty-seven years, and was gixty-four vears of age He leaves a widow, two of the drew away. before sons danghters DENVER WANTS THE FIGHT. $20,000 Or Of Receipts. Denver, Col, March 13 athletic club will offer + or sixty-five per cent. gross receipts for the Jeffries -Fitzshno- mons fight. The officials talk of hold ing the contest if they succeed at Arlington park in this and will construct an amphi theatre to seat 20,000 people. APOLOGIES MADE. Difficulty Has Settled. March 13.- between Russian sol Ninch The a ! $20, liscum Been Washington, that the trouble diers amd American soldiers at settled profiering of apoldgies commandant at the the Russian Eg | CHINESE REBELS DEFEATED. | Marshal taken | Englishman | { who recently arrived at the i mand of the imperial forces, "the royal Su, In Command, Achieves Success. March 13.--Marshal Su, scene of Kwang Si rebellion and took com has de the rebels at Lung Chow the rising in Hong Hong, the feated expects to suppress a tmonth. the invitation | to Westminster | | Savannah, where | prejudices exist against them. Members Were Accused Of | Won't Go South. Quebee, March 13.~There is nothing new ip the Gavnor and Green case, but there is a rumor in circulation that both accused would willingly stand their trial in the state of New York, hut will not agree to go to they believe strong If they are forced to go to that state, and extradition proceedings are taken jor that - purpose, they will, undoubtedly, fight all extradition proceedings, in | which they expect to be successiul. store 'ncluding | i under i heavy punishme nt ainted | cables that at an influential meeting | of Weish settlers at Chebut it was de ciled that if they were protection and a reliable form of gov- ernment, the colony would take up vy at Chacle Chael. in the Rio Ne vo territory, Argentina, instead of emigrating to Canada. ; Boer Attack Feared. New Orleens, La. March 13.~The | afficers of the British mule transports | here at the attitude given police | Punished Filipinos, Manila, March 13The volunteers, Gen. Cailles, bave inflicted om a foree of in surgents in La Guana province. They have killed fifteen of the enemy and captive thiftv-one rifles, Lieut. Hagerdon, guartermaster of the 28th infantry, has been placed in confinement, charged with cmbezzle- ment. Had Another Fight. St. Petersburg, March 13.<A de spatch received here, to-day, at the war office, announces another fight, on March 3rd, between Russian troops and 300 Tunguses, north Hobandsy, Manchuria: 200 Tunguses were killed; including their loader. Two Russians were wounded. Death Of M. M. Thompson. Belleville, March 13M. M. Thomp- son, manager of the Trenton elec trie and water power company, died lust night from pustimonia. The de ceased, ahovt fifty-six' years of age, ie survived by his wife, one son and ane dang iter hata . ! To Get A Long Sleep. » New York, March 13 --Androw J. Watrons, a wellknown newspaper writer, committed suicide to-day, by shooting. He had bess a suffeger from insomnia for some time I ------------. New Troawre. We received "a new lot of worsted trousers i 6, B50 Fancy sir ows and Pade, 2 Price 1.20, $4. 'The H. D. Barfigghe commander = i prejurice hi A | only political, while taking up some | was knocked | { this reply : the | HAVING A GOOD EFFECT IS DOING MUCH GOOD. Vanhorne--New Bishop's Con- secration Will Take Place on April 25th. Montreal, March 12 William Van Horne arrived last night alter a te Cuba, where he was looking | after the interests of the company building railways, in which he is largely interestea. Bir William says large sums of money now being Sir marked beneficial effect, i It has been officially decided that | dean Carmichael, of * the diocese of | take place om St April 25th next. The elec hefore the house consideration on some | has vet to he fixed be bishopeoadjutor shall Mark's day, of | bishops for date which { tween pow and the day appointed for | consecration, P tion of the choice of | there | a watler of course, necessary confirma » the synod will, 1s no reason to doubt, follow as | and A CORRECT REPORT. Whom It Was Aimed. New York Times. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. the Canadian premier, was on a speechamaking tour province and the pro- Quebec. The elections were ed, and efforts were made Goth by the liberals and conser vatives to stir up race and religious A Quebec liberal, whose acquaintance with Sir Wilfrid was sent this telegram to vince of his leader "Report in circulation in this county that your children have not been baptized, Telegraph denial." To which despatch the premier sent "Sorry to say report is correct. Ii bave no children." { Modern Christian's Prayer. | Caroline A. Walker, and two | | With Sixty-Five Per Cent. of the | | { in | It is stated | | Bless the satisfactorily { | Amd when Su | | evening i | | | Increase the contributions | ment; | well received i beauties, Oh, comm to Thes in praver once Lord, more Bat par Thy wm that 1 do not kneel before gracious presence-for my knees are much walking. In my obair sore | oo in- | . stem FH sy at ease and humbly bow my head Thy vineyard, Thou dowt | he minstrel show ers ME OUE town " church put down s baked a wans for Weduewmlay's spire An "Old Time Supper" it I'y feweod three dolls for And mosh a cake which we is evipr to be, our aemial - fat will raffle there Now, with Thy boundless wisdom so sub | het, } Knowest that these duties all take | y to fight my sapirit's foes ; Bo time to mend my husband's | clothes, My. children' roam the streets till might, I have no time But, Thou, Wilt count prayers. from mourn | td tench them to do right Lord, considering my eaves, them righteous, sid heed my bean supper and the minstrel show, of all to go. ire ramme advertise, merchants till they fd put it in the hearts > In our | Bex ap I've chased those hic Whene'er they saw me cominm--yes they did to our fair there ZY pry who assearble and the people the And bless the Bless Thou, grabber tent, The flower table and cake that's serd May our whist club be to Thy service The dapeing party gaver than the rest; Thou best bestowed those then that Thou blest bless ings pray Amen We will bless our souls They Also Contributed. .O0.C.F. concert on Tuesday the following talent also as sisted, their names being inadvertant lv omitted from the published report Mrs. Charles Sullivan, who rendered a charming solo, entitled "Starlight," Miss Kone, playing the accompani Messrs. T. Wright and Sullivan contributed comic which were At the songs, Hopes For A Settlement. { Naples, March 13.--Mgr. Abaretti, | apostolic delegate extraogdinary to | the Philippines, sailed for New York { to-day. Speaking to some friends | just before sailing, Mgr Abaretti | said : "I hope I will not return with- | ont having the Philippines question | settled. Ask For A Subsidy. Ottawa, March 13.--The New Cn tario delegates waited on the govern ment, to-day, and asked for a sub-¢ sidy the St, railway. ot msc nt Swell Coats. The rainproof coats we are showing in our ready-to-wear departments are Prices, $12, 815, and $8, Livingston Bros. for Joe Mr. Mulfield, superintendent of mo- tive power of the RK. was in the eity yesterday and today He saw she pretty girls at the Grand last night with C. Bermingham gnd J. L. Whiting. Numerous drummers have been in the city this week, and they report business as being exceptionally quiet. Bad roads and dull weather are given as the cause. this afternoom, Queen's senate met to covsided the projffosal of reeciving into the university federstion the Kingeton ladies' niusical club, Teams sro =till eroscing between the city amd Wolle Icland. although the jee is gradually becaming honeycomb ed and ussaie for travel. George Mackie, manager of the Brit- ish- American hotel, was not as well to-day as heretofore. He is daily be coming weaker. Hoa Mr. Harty, who went 10 ,0t tawa yesterday, will go to Toronte tomight to attend the funers! of Mrs Ross. Hoo. William Harty, B. W. Folger, James Redden, J. M. Howat, sent messages of sympathy to Hon. G. W. Ross, COST, ase Wis ! EFFERT | ainproof oats. We have just received a fine lot of these Coats. «¢ 7STYLES. '¢ Prices as follows : 3, $3.50, $4.50, $5.75. $6.75, $7.50, $9. Ladies' Umbrellas. Our complete new stock has arrived. Prices range from soc., 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3. and up. Mcn's Umbrellas From soc., 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, and up, Umbrellas Re-Covered, Don't throw away your umbrella if the cover is worn. We can re-cover it quite as good as new. ] ] | | oT JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. The New $350. Slater Boots FOR GENTLEMEN Are Now In. font The new shapes are both stylish and comfortable. They can be had only at the LOCKETT SHOE STORE. SOLE LOCAL AGENTS FOR "The Shower Shee" THE SUPERIORITY OF ----THE---- | ) B KERN BURNER BOTH IN Gas Saving and Yolume of Illumination Makes it a necessity wherever gas is used, Try one and be (oavinced.