Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Mar 1902, p. 8

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Goods. "CHATELAINE bags AS A SE MRI. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News Salvador exported hall a million Begs" of eolfes Inst year, The men who gather clam shells sioag the Mississippi river wid is tribataries last your gathered aud sol | pearly 46,000,000 ponies, for which they rergived more Can $205,000, ; Great Britain's exports to ile eclonies, ag cording 10 recent returns, increased in 1901 3: $51,865,000. Ita exports to forvign ¢ , fn the same period, decrensed $104.530,000. » A Statement Jub Jseied by the Domiuion coal company gives the Yotal shipreemts for thin veur wndiog February, 1902, as 2.412, B25 tomw, agaist 1.957.300 the year Twfore, 1.061,706 in' 189900, ond $1,145,562 the year IH98-9. Ax foreshadowed in dry goods reports the mills have advanced the prives of pearly all fines of cottons five (0 tem per emt, in chuiling sheetings, pillow cottogs and grey avd white cottons, Farther advances are not improbable. To Revise The Fees. Hon. J. M. Gibson, attorney-gener- al will ask the legislature this week to revise the fees paid to criers in"the courts of the province. The principal consideration proposed is to pay the eriers $2 per day instead. of SI per day for attending at assizes, general sessions, county court," and county judges' criminal court: Fair increases take place in other parts of their ser: vices. The petition of the criers of the provinee, about eighty, was present ed snd advovated by the member for Kingston. Made A Rousing Speech. Hon. Senator Sullivan attended ihe meeting of special committee ypon the proposed bill to decapitate the medical act, at the legislative building, To rohito, yesterday. He made a rousing speech in defense of university ond medical school rights to continued representation. A motion to reduce this educational oversight was lost, but final disposal of the bill was not reached. RAINY WEATHER WILL SOUN BE HERE. Dnt (4 will have no effecs on your bouse i you wee the pains we recommend, aod that Y'8. newest shades. Ask fer color "$1.00 per gallon. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. LETTERS OF REJOICING. San. 2 a, aN hy Self Opening. Umbrellas that open themselves by just touching a button on the handle 21.75 and Jenkins'. 2.75. -------------------- Spring seems to be in the air. verything ~~ Thatls THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, sii -- THE MORMONS PROSPEROUS AND THEY ARE NOT GUILTY OF POLYGAMY. The Minister Of Militia Submits a | Report to the House as to The ; Selection of Officers for The South African Campaign, Ottawa, March 12. The community in Alberta making great progress. Prof. Baunders told agricultural committee this morning that the co-operative system adopted by these people who have been in Ca- nudg only about a vear has enabled ther to outstrip any other similar community in the west. A caval a hundred and sixteen niles long provides irrigation for their 200: 000 acre tract, and will make the 2,- 500 members of the community pros pevous. The latest addition is a tract of HN.000 acres purchased hy Jassiv Knight, a wealthy Utah Mormon, Thix he has fenced in and proposes to use as a cattle ranch. The Mormon popu- lation ix drawn from all 'parts of the world, many of them coming from London. Polygamy, as far as Prof, Saunders could fee, way not practis- The minister of militia tabled turn in answer to information sought by Mr. Monk as to the selection of of- ficors for the Canadian SAC. and other Canadian regiments serving in South Africa, who were selected, and how they were chosen, The information states that the gov- ernment did not select officers for the Canadians in the S.A.C., but that they were selected for the imperial gov- ernment by the governor-general, and that the commissions were imperial; that the number of commissioned of- ficers in the Canadian ved in the ranks in the first second contingents was as follows : is Non-com officers Roval Canadian Regiment 12 Royal Canadian Dragoons 8 5 Canadian Mounted Niflen 0 1 Royal Canadian Field Artillery 4 6 Men. 6 Total 24 18 That the non-commissioned and men of .the permanent corps enlisted in the SAC. and of number 134 were non-commissioned officers in South Africa; that the non- commissioned officers of these corps were appointed by commanding of ficers, and that it is presumed that they (the commanding officers) se- lected the best men available irre. were spective of the rank they held in the | active militia up to the time of en ligtment. . Capt, Edward Sutherland, 43rd re giment, Ottawa, had been made ad- jutant of the Bisley team, 1902, Sir Wilirid Laurier and Hon. banquet of St. Georgels society in Montreal on April: 29rd. The premier and Hou. Mr. Fielding said if paclia mentary ~dutics permitted, they would necept the Thvitation. Orders from military headquarters announce for general information that the courses at the Canadian school of musketery at Rockliffe, Ottawa, will commence respectively July 1st, and on September Sth. ! on MONUMENT FOR BILLY RICE. Will Have $5,000 Spent On Him After He's Buried. Hot Springs, Ark., March 12. ~The funeral of "Billy" Rice, the famous minstrel, who died here February 25th, was schedided for yesterday, but on receipt of a telegram from W. Collins and Charles Ernest, of St. Louis, was postponed until to-day. Rice died in poverty and it was only after his widow's third appeal that the actors' fund of America contributed 850° to save him from the potter's field, A number of wealthy old time friends of Rice are here, amd a move ment started by Frank Damron and others to raise $5000 for a monu- ment, will, it is wnddrstood, ke spead ily responded to, Australia And The Navy. Sydney, March® 11.--The discussion in the house of commons with regard to a colonial contribution to the navy bas been much commented upon re, The general purport of the criticism i# to the effect that although Austra: lia does not desire to shirk any of the obligations of a colony, she is not in- clined to increase the present subsidy while remaining powerless to control the institution for which she is taxed. It is emp ized - that Australia pro- vides at her own expense an wnrival wl naval base and an unlimited coal supply. ------ $2,000 For Maud Adams. Washington, D.C... March 12. Miss Maude Adams benefits to the extent of $2000 by a bill which has passed the senate and house and gone to the tourt of claims, Buring the civil war Miss Adams' grandfather, who lived in Tiffin, Ohio, whi horses and mules to. the « y. These fell into the the confederates anid never y their destination. Now the heirs have put in & claim to recover the loss, and congress has given its phproval. Official Action, March 12 A = Th of justite Mormon | 8 re | Tes | militia who i and | officers | thie | Mr. | Fielding have been asked to attend the i PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All. Over The World. Jessie Maclathlon is giving success ful converts in Chicago: A horse suffering with glanders was { destroyed at Hamilton. The Manitoba referendum on the li | gquor act will be yoted on April 2md. A Japanese peer says Japan will not consent to a Russion Manchavia The Soo cangl was opened for the | season last Saturday, the carliest in ! many years, | Property im New York, state exempt { from taxation has increased $38.7002,. | 642 in a year. i { Lake Michigan is now clear of jee {| Navigation will soon open ob lakes | Erie and Huron. The United States life-saving sta- tions on the great lakes ar to be greatly increased. in Deceraber last 461 British work: men were killed in factories in Bir, mingham and Manchester: At Moneyglass, county Antrim, Ire land, on March lst, Henry McCloskey diea at the age of 107 years. There are in the 'Unithd States 3. 000 . light houses on the Atlantic coasts, not counting the great lakes. The countess = of Warwick was thrown from her horse while hunting vear, Harwich, and was badly bruised, Renator Platt, N.Y. has gone to Florias, to be ahsent several weeks. The trip is taken for the benefit of his health, i The New York telephone system at present dontalps 75,000 stations, and is increasing dt there of 2,000 a month. : 3 The court of Abdernev, Eng. has passed an ordoanee prohibiting cigar eite smoking on the streets and in public parks. Lockmaster James Jones, of Smith's Falls, received a bad injury on Satur cay. While jumping from a sleigh he | broke his leg. ; Mrs. Bridget McCarthy, of Ansonia. Conn., is 100 years old. She wis born {in Ireland on May 19th, 1793. She { was present at the coronation of | queen Vietoria. { The navigation on and Siorgeon river is to be deeded and improved this summer. A row be built for lake Nipis lake Nippissing | dredge will sing. | King Edward's horge, Ambush II. | the favorite for the Grand national | steeplechase at Liverpool next week, | pulled up very lame on Tuesday after {a trial. | William Ort, a miner in the Hyde park shaft of the Lackawanna com pany at Scranton fell ninety feet to | the bottom of the shaft. He was in- | stantly killed. . | A gold watch and belonging to the empress Eugenie, [wag sold recently in London jor £706. It is a magnificent piece of workmanship. | Maj. Lewis BE. Goodier has been or { dered to the Philippines in the capa | city of judge adweate, which prsition I he has been holding in Washington | lor some time. Samuel Jones, chain, formerly i a Canadian veteran, | who assisted in deiving back the Fen fians in 1866, died in Chicnzo on { March 6th. He was interrad in Mount | Carmel cemetery, . | The Windsor, Ont., public library { board has accepted plans for a build ing to be erected this vear. 'The building is to cost $20,000 and is the gift of Andrew Carnegie Dublin's new lord mayor, Timothy Charles Havington, is a 'newspaper man, He emablished the "Kerry Sen tinel,"" and was educated at Trinity college, Dublin. He was fifty-eight vears old. . The Boer envoys sail for Europe on March 2th. They say they do not want intervention hy any country, but they do ask that civilized war fare will be waged in South Africa. The employees of the Canadian gen- eral electric works, Peterboro, have organized a mutual benefit society am ong = themselves, The company has given the society, 81.000 as @ com: mencement. Continental critics' who admit that the wearing of English uniforms hy the Boers is contrary to the laws of war, exense it on the arvonnd that probably otherwise the Boers would i be naked. | A company with a capital of 83, | 000.000 has heen formed to operate the Knapp roller boats. The capacity of the proposes fleet will be 30,000,000 bushels in the season between the lake ports and Montreal. Mungo Dand. a farmer. near Max. well, Ont, during a fit of mental ab- erration commit! aujcide by shoot- ing. He was about fifty-five vears of age. He was a widower and aves a family of eight children." H. 8. New, of Indianapols, has de- clined the profiler of the office of first assistant postmaster gerieral, ténder ed him some ten days ago by presi dents Roosevelt. Mr. News business would not permit him to adeept. At Wallsend, Eng., a huge floating dock bwilt for the government of Ber- muda, was launched into the water. The liiting capacity of the dock is 17.500 tons, and its area is 69.000 square feet, The cost was 81,600,000. At River View, lL, Edward Desnitz, twenty-two vears of age. shot and in- stantly Killed Lillie Dittmaon, his Pancee, ninsteen years okd, through jealousy. After killing the girl Des fitz went a bullet into his own head, and may diel : The Chinese government hax pre. sented to the United States minister, Mr. Conger, a sirong memorial against the reenadment of the Chin- the United Sta- exclusion la To goverment partiotdarly ob the | jects to the exclusion he Philinpines and the Hawaiian Peter Hawarth, who was fying un- der singe fo death in Strangew HAS SHIP BEEN WRECKED ? ON THAT BARREN SPOT, SA- BLE ISLAND, Huronian May Have Met Her Fate on the Graveyard of the At. lantio--The Government Stea- mer Goes on a Hunt. Halifax, N.B., March 12.--it is re ported that the Allan liner Hurosian, which left Glasgow, on February 1th for St. John, NB. and has not sine been heard of. has been wrecked on Sable island. Confirmation of the ie port is, of course, impossible as there has been no communication with the island since Christmas. It seens that a west bound steamer repo-ted a large vessel, supposed to be a tes er, on the bar and this gave rise, to the belief that the Huronian may have met her fate at the "grave yard of the Atlantic." Acting upon this in formation the department of the ma- rine, vesterday, ordered the govern- ment steamer Aberdeen to prosend at once to the island. The Aberdon was all ready to start out on buoy ser vive, but agent Parsons at once had the buoys unloaded, and made pre parations for putting on board sup: plies fc. the island. Extra sujplics will be taken in case 5 wreck has oo curred. The Aberdeen will sail this afternoon and should reach Sable is- land on Thursday morning THE CABINET RESIGNS. Weyler Is Likely To Be Spanish . Dictator Madrid, March 12. Announcement was made, this morning, that the members of the cabinet, headed by senor Sagasta, would place their re signations in the hands of the queen regent some time to-day. It is pro bable that senor Marlero will be en trusted with the formation of a new cabinet. Geo, Weyler, at present min ister of war, senor Canalejas and the marquis Armigo, are certain to be included in the cabinet. Gen, Weyler seems to be well on the road to becoming dictator of Spain. It is a recognized fact that he is in- dispensable to the formation of any cabinet and he to gain strongth with every risis. The new cabinet will probably sum mon the cortes to meet on March 17th to have king Alfonso take the oath. Meantime the revolutionists through- out the country are reported to be active. seems ---- Down The River News. Thousand Island Perk, March 12. The ice bridge in this vicinity still remains good for heavy loads. D. W, Gardner has got a number of teams engaged in drawing timber from Clay- ton and Gananogue for the enlarge ment of the steamboat dock, which will be lengthened and widened with a knuckle in the middle and when com- pleted will be one of the best on the river. Several tamilics have removed irom Wells' Island to the mainland to the igland. Preparations are be ing made for building a large cottage on Watch Island opposite here. It will he a find one when completed in July. Otis Brooks, contractor, of Clayton, has the contract. Contractor J. Doll bas the contract of building" the docks, ice and boat houses, Quite a number of improvements will he be- | gun in the Columbian hotel here as soon as warm weather begins, Large quantities of goods are being drawn from Clayton for H. V. Moore. Fine View. Ira Ingersoll is building a naptha launch fer Clarence Bretsch, of Fisher's Landing. A large cottage ill be built early the coming season on the north side of Murray Hill park facing Fel bay. Crows are getting plentiful. # ------ They Liked The Butter. James Rowland & Co., New York, writes to superintendent Hart, of the | Kingston dairy school, enclosing cheque for two boxes of butter. fhe firm adds : "We find the quality look- | ing very good indeed, and we would W very much like to have regular ship ments of such butter as this; the en- | closed used score card showing the } butter to be about perfect. Is there any prospect of vou making regular shipments to this market *"' f is trial shipment was made mere- | ly for the purpose of getting expert option. As the fees and daty amount to six cents a pound, it would not prove profitable to send butter to this market, although the account sales sent show that it sold for ge. a pound. A Unus Equus Town. Bishop Potter is accused of having given currency to the, following anes dote A Chicagoan had heen taken around Bostom all day to observe her bul warks, hut had .ailed to exhibit any of those symptoms of paralysis | which are acceptable to the Bostoni- an mind, ak "Now, confess," said the Bostonian i host, after the burden and heat of the | day, "lent Boston a unique town 2' || "Unique *' mused the Westerner ; "1 beliexe that word ix derived from 1 one, and equus iwo latin words, anus, horse. town." i Francis Joseph To Abdicate. Vienna, March 12.-At a court ban I think. Boston is § mmigue | 20 into retirement." mark has cansed much speculation as | to whether the emperor meant be | would te the throne. . | ab | INCREASING ITS STRENGTH. | mirvalty re _---- S. HH. aM, Bias Velveteen vs. Millinery Velveteen. Millinery Velveteen is made for anpearances only, not for wear. S. H.a M. Bias Velveteen is made expressly for skirt binding wear from rich silk-finished velveteen, and combines durability with style and elegance: xt time you want a skirt binding use S. H. & M. Redfern -- a bias corded velvet. al mmm ai, Ladies' nglish ainproof oats. We have just received a fine Ipt of t these Coats. ALL ~¢ 7STYLES. Prices as follows 3 $3 $3.50 $4.50, $575, $6.75, $7.50, $9. Tr If you do not find the letters S-H-&M: on the back of Bias Velveteen or Brush Edge Skirt Bindings they ave not the best. oe NE Ladies' Umbrellas. Our 'complete new stock has arrived. Prices range from soc. 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $25 $2.75, $3, and up. : 81) Mcn's Umbrellas From s0c., 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, Umbrellas Au Her slaves umbrella if the cover t quite as good. as new. sr AW & SON. h PSN QIAN? WSN RING STOCK hing in and Crowd: z Us For Room. "The Sale of the "dier and Be-Gorered. The British Admiralty Is Addingt To Its Equipment, March 13-The pH sh ad ted with varioos Contras forthe vor class and 1we and batthk London ha shipbuilding struction ot | © third-class hips COMPAR HAS first Crus two For Lese Ma jeste. March 13. ~The Zeitung wa impri paper editor of the sentenced Berlin Potsdamer two months publisher of the marks, for printing a the efiect that emp reprimanded the First Guard barrack Sth last and the En BIW false story to Williams hav at their sonment, was ror December Passed Bogus Money Buffalo, s March 13. --Elner G kett, a farmer of Portville pleaded guilty counterfeit £5 gold pieces, judge Hazel in the trict court Taxes Are Extortionate. March 13. There Ha whe of passing fined United States dis Was SS) by h Canton, IN gre | dissatisfaction at the extortiona levying ¥ * Toronto 'hoe Stocks ivlemnity pushed to clear them out the quickly. which mandarins are pretext taxes tne r stalments of the Chines the of meeting Look After Strikers March 13 left Padu districts ricultural Detachment to-day, for disturbed hy ag laborers Cecil Rhodes Weaker. Cape Town, March 13. Cecil Rhodes passed 5 restless night, which has ay preciably told on his general strength "Ore chusige for We wash the ¢ OPPORTUNITY, A Consul Dead. -------- A Change For The Worse. ; St. Petersburg, March 13. A snd on J eet in the condition of coup Tolsto be LAUNDERED. J : per ur i, fal IN 3 0 3 Ww Baker' 3 ; 0 ||] sem nusime of Illumination, parce} with th | \ = | p " hing that abl and menner, If you can't "phone 21 Jeep us & postal and our wagge ' MISS THIS New York, March 13. Jochua Wily . ar, 8. consul a ublin, Ireland } F a ed . th. a abt 1ORITY O £, the has taken placd You can tak ET on in a certainty that isused. - gas is used. ih PE the best possib| call. } BAKER'SSTEAM LAUNDR

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