Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Mar 1902, p. 1

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THE DAILY BI LETTERS "@9TE YEAB. NO. 59. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, ES M Rk i Bo A ARCH 11, 1v02 Pk we - ITISH WHIG. EDITION R J REID, LJ UNDERTAKER, 2 Doors Above the Opera House, TELEPHONE 877. Here's a Snap For You. All Hardwood Extension Tables only $3 50. Regul- _ ar price $5.50. High Back Leather Diners only $125. The Number is Limited. Robt. J. Reid, . Bdoors above the Opera House. BY DAN H. MILLS Auction Sale Of Fine Household Furniture, Piano, Parlor Furniture, Hap- py Thought Range, Etc., Etc. 1 HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS FROM Wil Moore, 3s to sell at hin residence, Se. wrenee cottage, 143 King Street west, on ESDAY, March 12th, the effects, wie i ' on Pox, Book Coase, (2 Parlor Sets), Contre Tables, elo, eto, Brass Nock, npmnese V Ornaments, Solid , dive' [es Table, Cushions, jevors, a fine lot of Plotures, Walnut aod other* Extension Tables, fine Wahut Side board, Ash Sidebousrd, Leal Table, Lace, Chenille and other Curtains, What not Dinner Set, Ten Set, Sewing Machine, fine Hat Iall Chair, Ladies' Sucretarica Plave Lamp Walowt and ings, Mattresses, Ouk Dreselmg © Come and eretary, Marble Top Bedroom Sot, Table sid Work Basket, Stud Fine Wardrobe, Rug Sols, anhor enny Chairs, Refrigerator, a Posel, Library of ty T at 10.90 am, sharp. and i of Dishes, Brussles and other Stair Carpats, Hix . Cutlery, Side Cough, Iron PAR. Dtautin, hak, sve se etme cash, Sele p . 'JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. 5 Spot Cash INT SALE { ka ART rick's "'srone Will baContinued Until March Sth, You are invited to cali and see the unusual bargains we are offerng in FINE AKT TO CONTRACTORS. WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE wold to moon of the 18th inst, several trades necesdiry in making alters wil Improvements to the build: i of King eed Brock Su, "or ai tender not necessarily ao POWER & SON, wg LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whi Readers to Post Themselves By. Jenkins' my hater. 7 A good intention clothes twill with power. Emerson The sun rises Wednesday at 6.17 a,00, and sets nt 6.02 pm. He who is lira and resolute in will moulds the world to himself. --~Goethe Judge Wilkinson revises voter's lial, coun ¢il chamber, 10 uw, Tesdaw Snakes are tenacious of life live for six months without food Eighty canaries are ported from Germany 10 this commtry Eugupe the first public bank was that of Vei®, founded in 1171 Do net, for one repulse, forego the purposes that you resolved 10 effect --Shnkespoure. "Thin day the workl's history: Lord Salisbury, in beball of Geeat Britain, re- fuses peace with independence to the Hoers, 1900; Charles Sommer dind, 1574: Tasso, poet, born, 1544; Brivieh, under Gen. Bra tant, occupy Aliwal North, 1900; first vol unter corps raised in Eoglamd, 1794. Dinner Sels. Toa Sefs. Toilet Sets, CHEAPER. THAN EVER. COME AND SEE. ROBERTSON BROS. GRAND "a. . J. SMALL, Lesses aud Manager. WED'Y, MARCH 12th N perfect presentation of the most brilliant sqtire of the day. Amelia Bingham's Special Co. CLYDE FITCH'S oresgest.., so that thousand venrly im In modern in Exactly as presented for 200 nights at the Bijou Theatre, Now York. PRICKES-280., 500, 70c., 81, $1.50. Seats now on sale as HANLEY'S, FRIDAY, MARCH 14th Most Important Operstie Event of the Senson, Klaw & Erlanger Opera Co. Prosenting . JEROME SYKES, In Bmith & DeKoven's Comic Cpova, With an incomparable cast - of artists, in cluding kdennor Kent, Julius Steger, Almira Forrest, Harry Maedonough, Marion Bent, Arthur T. Enrnest, Fraok Todd, Joseph Frohoff, 0. J, McCormick, Grace Uimeron, Adolph' Zink, Lillian Seville,' Louis Casavant, Marie Christie, Alice Evartson, Athert Svkes, Willilsm Havens, Elward Vivi, and others. Klaw & Erlanger Orchestra. Sig. A. D. Novellis, Musical Director America's largest operatic oteuhimiion 5 0c, T 50 Box 3 Architects. Kingston, March 8th, 1902 A CARD. i hE RARE Mf 47 sow. 30 aS sire enclustye, ad artistic milkinery All orders will prompt attention at HANNAY'S, 21 Willem 2 Doors Below Barrie Street. J WANTED. APPLY TO MRS HUNT 1 street. A HANDY MAN TO ASSIST -IN PACKING room. Apply 10 Ed Chown & Son -------------- A CDOK, NO WASHING OR TRONING. AP ww Mrs. Camplell, 109 Bagot Street ee sy oS tn - TO WORK AT HOME, or hes Glasgow Woollen Co., FOR A SMALL FAC Apply to J. A. Bud ---- go fr be hed at 84 AND | teelve WITH Stuart LARKIN & CO'S UNPARALLELED PREMIUMS. A $10 BOX OF SOAY, FILLED TO CHOICE and a premigm worth hall the outlay, de livered, ald charges paid, in Kingston, for 13. Ask for booklet and take your choige of any one of a dozen artic as premium. All who have tried have been well sat RK. 8. DOBBS, 195 Johnston 8t Secind-hand (loods Bough'. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Ladies' avid Gent's Cast-off Clowhiog. Stoves aud Furniture bought aod sold. Call or ackiress 333 Princess street, next to St. An drww's church. Orders promptly aitenocd to. J. THGMPSON DRUNKENNESS CURED. IR YOUR HUSBAND, SON, FATHER OR brother a drapkard ? H so, send de. post awe for free sample of our King Cure she drink habit, with full directions, It odorless, tasteless snd a permanent which costs wothing for a bee trial. Cure Co., Box 607, Toronto, P.O. en. ete in ee ett UPHOLSTERERS. MATTRESSES MADE T0 ORDER. OLD ones made over os good as mew: Carpets clenned: + aid. MeCORM WR & taken up, GAVINE, 216 Bagot street. FOR SALE. 20 LBS. COOSE FEATHERS, IN SPLEN. he tities to suit. Usd at 420 Jobnetom betwen the hours of 9 am, and 1 pm FOR SALE. ~~ A Soon WLOH cow, 4 YEARS OLD. t quarts milk & dav. Ap pry + Stovwt, after five for is cure King i | 'A_ Setting Of Tn: Teeth In | | they | "THE CLIMBERS." FOXY QUILLER WILL NOT BE DETERRED Britain. THE CAPTURE OF METHUEN DELAREY, IT IS SAID, WILL TREAT HIM WELL. | Lord Roberts Asks For a Suspen- sion. Of Judgment--Praise :For Delarey in View Of His Scien- tific Tactics--~It Was a Sur- prise To Methuen's Forces. London, March 11.--A feeling akin to that created during the memorable week of disasters early in the South African war, was aroused by the news made public yesterday, of the rapture of lord Methuen, the rout of his eol umn of 1,200 men, and the capture of four guns by Gen. Delarey. There can be traced in many quarters the same sentiment that was so prominent, as well as a setting of teeth and an in- creased dertermination not to be de terred in the main aim. Lord Roberts' appeal, in the honse of lords, for a suspension of judg ment on Gen, Methuen is generally ac cepted without hesitation, indeed, sympathy for Gen. Methuen personally geems to outweigh in some quarters consideration of the military effects of his reverse. His popularity is unques tionable, and gratification is accord ingly expressed, that he has fallen in to the hands of Gen. Delarey, who is regarded as being a human man, and, who, it is believed, is certain to treat him well. The success of Gen. De larev's tactics elicits praise from the Daily Telegraph. which says editorial ly : "+The Boer commander in his latest as well as his previous exploit of a few weeks ago near Kroonstadt, has shown what no other leader on the side of the enemy has evér done, a mastery of daring, yet severely scien tific tactics, which would do credit to any professional soldier. If Delarey | were steeped in Clause, Witz and Jo | mini he couid not have struck with { more skill or design or certainty in action." It does not eseape notice that on the face of these details, Gen. Me thuen and his stafl were absolutely unaware of Delarey's presence in the neighborhood, which prompts the Standard and other papers to ask, notwithstanding their professed re solve to suspend judgement what the British were doing. Furthermore, it is remarked that the Boers were in no: wise overwhelming strength being ap- parently but 1,500 to the British 1, 200. This, says the Standard, is undeni- ably a severs shock to Pritish sells respect, but - probably the"bitterest draught in the dose is the fact that more than 500 British moutited troops were chased by the Boers for foor miles from the scene of action. This, exclaims the pro-Boer Daily News is 'terrible, a most humiliating state ment for any Englishman to read, Lord Methuen's capture is believed here to mean the beginning of a Lew | phase in the South African war ; Although none of the war oflice offi- cials will permit himself to be quoted onthe subject, the opinion is general in military circles that the Boers will hold Gen. Methuen as a hostage or the safety of commandant Kritzinger and certain of the Cape rebels who stood in the shadow of exevution Were such a move to be made it is feared that it would put an end to | lord Kitchener's drastic measures. which included the execution of rebel prisoners. : J There are now prisoners in the hands of the British in South Africa, several men who are to be tried and whose deaths it is now feared would mean harm to Methuen. The killed include Lieuts. G. R. Ven ning and T. P. W. Nesham, of the Roval artillery, who were both killed while serving their guns with case shot. Advices received last night say that the force under Gem. Delarey was al- most entirely dressed in British uni forme. This made it impossible for the infantry to distinguish between their own men dnd; the enemy when the mountea troops were driven in on them. The enemy numbered 1,500 men. They had one fifteen-pounder and a pom-pom. Delarey, Calliers, Kemp, Tromp end other command ants were present. In a private tele gram just received ford Kitchener adds © "1 find Methuen has a fractur ed thigh, but he is reported as doing well." Paul Sanford Methuen, third baron Methoen, is descended from John Me thuen, lord chancellor of Treland. He {was born on September lst, 1845, and succeeded. his father on the latter's death in 1501, He was educated at Eton, became ' a lieutenant in the Scots Guards in 1564. He served with aistinction in Egvpt and South Afri ca and has been frequently decorated and mentioned in despatches for brav- ery. Cr-------- What Redmond Says. New York, March 11.-- Regarding news of the eapture by the Boers of Gen. Methuen, William Redmond, who is in this city in the interests of the Irish nationalists, is quoted as havi "1 am not at all surprised a ir Smt . that 1 "minister at PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The theatre at Pretoria is to open on March 25th The Allan lim. steamer from Liverpool, artived vn Monday The bank of St. Petersburg at Azov is insolvent. The government has taken charge of its affairs. John Absieyva, Humwilton ter, was killed while tearing down the Grand Trunk freigut re Numudian, at Halifax a carpen a verandah at sheds Hon, Richard Harcourt yas the un Monk liberals animous choie of the ne assembly. Pete Wilson, Selkirk, Man, who out working on Lake Winnipeg, has fallen heir to $40,000 by the death of a relative The opposition in parliament is pre paring for a vigorous onslaught on the government's management of the Intercolonial railway. The Transvaal chamber of mines re ports that the output of gold from Witwatcrarand for the month of Feb- ruary was S1LAO3 ounces Hon. Mr. Blair, minister of rail wavs, announces that a hill for the appointment of a railway commission will be mtroduced this session Germany is the oaly power refusing to agree to the reduction of the for eign garrison at Tien Tein and the restoration of control to China, lepresentative William Henry Moody of the sixth congressional district of Massachusetts, has been appointed sec retary in the navy department, At Ardmore, LT., in a saloon near Rush Springs, J. G. Green and James Meliee quarrelled and in the fight that followed both men were killed It that Sir J. Forrest, of become high com missioner commonwealth in london for England May. George Manneka, farmer, of Bland ford, Ont., is dead of injuries received through falling through, the floor of the hayloft. Manneka and leaves a family. {ussia, yiclbing wo tence, now undertakes from Manchuria within months, China still insists will do so within a year Mrs. Minnie Gordon, Owen Sound, has jwsued a writ against the CPR for 210.000 damages for death of her husband, Thomas J. Gordon, who lost life in an explosion Walter Smith, Owen Sound, switch man in the CPR. vards, at North lav, Unt., was instantly killed on Monday night while uncoupling engine from the Soo train The Alan line officials 'have received no news in regard to their steamship Huronian, which leit Glasgow, Febru ary 11th, for St. John, N.B., and is now about ten days overdue. While Mr. and Mrs. Main were driv- ing from Sweet's Corners to Lard Isl and. their child, of some six weeks, wos smothered to death. was too closely wrapped up. rumored Melbourne, will of the He leaves China's to withdraw eighteen that <he pers Premier Roblin and attorney-generad addressed a mass meeting at Winnipeg on Monday night on the | Campbell subject of the referendum, and will speak at other points this week. Josstie Morrison. convieted of mur the second degree for the kill a of Mrs, Clara W. Castle, Eldora do, Kansas, a year ~ ago, as been granted a new trial by the supreme court; Small-pox shows little Nine cases were reported to-day Dr. Bryce, the provincial health spector, six in Sandwich West, Windsor, and three at Rockland, near Ottawa. The Italian chamber of deputies met Mondav and elected signor Bian president, by a vote of 402 The ministerialists also elected their candidates for vice presidents and secretaries. Robert Oliver, Toronto. an emplovee of the Grand Trunk, badly iniured in a eollision. near Princeton, Oat. last Anguset, in which a quantity of dyna mite exploded, has issued a writ ask ing 810.000 damages. The Manitoba land and investment company has closed a deal for 150,000 acres north snd north-west of Lan genhnrg and Yorkton. just across the border in Assiniboia. American set tlers are the purchasers. Rev. E. B. Chestnut, Preshvicrian Cartuke. wag received in to the Baptist church at Toronto. Mr Chestnut recently resigned in Carluke hecanse he was unable to consistently administer infant baptism. The democratic sheriff connty, N.Y., defies ahatement. in on cheri ana the wIOreme court's order, has barricaded his nil | and threatens to shoot anvore of the republican sheriff's party who at tempts to dispossess him Hamilton, Ont. capnalists just vlosed a deal for 300 feet valuable water [frontage west of ferry dock at the Canadian "Foo' snd will construct 5 gigantic fueling and merchandised dock. representing an investment of 250.000 When the Canadidn anmatenr athletic nnion's committer meets on the 22nd inet, an effort will he made to revise the rules to permit of the éntrancein- to the union of a mamber of Ontario bovlies, which are still ont, and will only enter on certain conditions. The case of thé princess Radriwill, arrested on February 26th, on a charee of forging the name of Ceril Rhodes to several notes, was called in Care Town ¢owrt on Monday. The bearing was adiourned, however. on account of the indisposition of the princess, vi Brandon beat the Rat Portace hoe kev team five to four on ¥onday have of the Winnipeg to-night it wins the inter state championrhip: if not the Vie torins, Wirniveg, Prandon, and Rat Portage will be tind. At the aanonl mesting of the To their candidate for the legislative was married the The child to near to | of Hamilton | ROSEBERY AT GLASGOW Presence Crested Tremendous Eathasiasm THE AMBITION OF THE NEW LIBERAL LEAGUE. To Live And Work Inside The forms--Chamberlain's Opinion Of Lord « Rosebery's Political Words. London, March visited Glasgow excited tremendous siasm Enough applications made for seats to fill the hall, in which he spoke, six times over. His speech was virtually a reiteration of his previous addresses. He declared 1. Lond yesterday, Losehery and his enthu were presence ghip of the liberal party and' that he could not, even if he wished, supplant Sir 'Henyy Campbell Bannerman in the house of commons. He did not desire the leadership in the house of lords The ambition of the new liberal league | was not 'to be excluded from the par iw the party, attempting to in the only direction it believed to be sound. Lord mischief said at slate 1 can Chesterfield, 1 minister now | efficiency, education, permeate } "I what 1 the no clearer said that if 1 were should write On the temperance Rose also said makers distort Liverpool, about it wry can clean make slate and housing as the most Registration probably have to be followed pressing re would | forms reform | urgent.' I Mr. Chamberlain, replying to a re solution passed by the council of the | liberal of Liver 1 in connection spesclies, its unabated confidence {leaders of the liberal I said © "1 share the meeting at the patriotic of 1 Re hes, although | { unable his conclusions of which has been detach leader and I heartily cpression of continued ood enough Devonshire unionist association { pool and district, { lord Rosebery's recent ex pressing in the unionist tone sehery"s spe to accept the attempt in some | view } rie yuarterg to the liberal unionists from their | from the unionist allianes appreciate the e confidence which you are to express in she duke and myseli," of DOES $250,000 DAMAGE. Worst Fire Since Burning Of The Opera Comique. Paris, March 11.--The biggest blaze which has been seen in Paris since the burning of the opera Comique, in' 1887, hroke out last night in the corner of a block of warehouses in the { Montmartre. The warehouses { occupied by ten firms, floors of the buildings were filled with velvet and' Four tue were wollen goods injured £50 000 were seriously damage is estimated at CARRIED PEOPLE ,TO DEATH. Disaster On The Western Coast Of Central America. March 11.--The company's steamer New Central American and Mexican ports, brought news of a dis | aster be la Libertad and a | point thirty miles north of Acajutla A tidal wave burst over everything on that the March | San Francisco, Pa cific mail port, from tween section of coast on San Francisco fifty-three hodies already been recovered and buried Funston In Chicago. Chicago, 1ll., March 1!.--Brigadier general k erick Funston is in Chi cago to-day and this evening he will be the guest honor at | of foremost the west E. Adams will act as togstmaster and Henry D. Ester rook, judge Wil liam R. Day, of Canton; 0.; Myron-1 Herrick, of Cleveland, and George R Peck, of Chicago, are expected to de liver addresses republican organization Quite A Cyclone. Neb, March 11.--A storm notthwést swept through the portion of Omaha at | am {Wires were blown down, windows i shattered, severale buildings unroofed Five skylights, each weighing more | than 3 pounds, were biown down at {the Collisium building. The Monmonth Park M.E. church was hlown to pieces as was the building in Cutting street occupied by the Rutherford marble works - ! Omaha, the | northern from Wilson-Mason Wedding. Boston, Mass, March 11 Fashion able society poople of New York, Bos ton, Newport and other cities thronged Immanuel church at noon Muson, davghter of Dr. and Mrs. A Lawrence Mason, of this city, and Richard T. Wilson, jr., of New York. Though largely atiended, the wedding WANK VEY unCCrsmoOnions, owing 1o its being lent. : ~An Atrocious Murder. _ Camden, N.J., March 11. News has jast been received here of the atro- \eious murder of Mrs. Frank Cowie, at nine o'clock, this morning, at West. mount, Camden county. ® ale no details obtainable, : Te Escape Arvest. : lo, March 11.--Authony Smith, 1, eh dealer, shot himeel if in the head yesterday (0 ssoape arrest on a trivial charge. He will die. A Norwegi ve be ht SE fr» bee CHARGED WITH DYNAMITING. | NO DESIGN IN -LEADERSHIP | tings of Party--The Most Pressing Re- | | phew, Luther Hall, who, it that he had no design on the leader- | | Hall is said to ft meant to live and work iuside | it | | specifically the | {| action At al 1 simply | ment by al { general election, go it is not the most | | evidence party, | { against satisfaction of the | lord | and the lower | The | Desperado Arrives In Cornwall -~ Hearing This Waek March 1 I. W. Musray Foronto, inspector. of the prwincial detective force, has arrived with Mel vin Hall: the Dundas county terror, recently arvested N X Hall fought ngs tox time, but hi the sponge and agree Canada to stand his trial taken before mitted for trial will probably come be McMahon at the spring sit the high jury | which will open heve March 17th Hall is muscular man, thirty seven years of age, and inspector Mur ray says that he poweriul men in the provine uthdr he is charged with ephl of Carnwall near Ogdensburg, a iy threw up He will be a magistrate and ¥ com fore judge cotirt (wath on a bay is one of the Among things sey cases larceny, besides | dynamiting of the house of John Me Phee, Matilda His is claimed township was the prisoner's accomplice in many of his misdeeds, was found guilty her last fall, and was sentenced to vears in Kingston penitentiary the leader a gang which practically terrorized the front townships of Dundas scounty for several years seven he of MISS STONE'S CASE. Deny That Any Demand Has Been Made On Turkey. Washing t March 11.--It here that made upon Miss Stone's by n, is agam stated been no Turkey in case. The Leishman, mand has connection with taken from to be developed note to the Turkish ounted to nothing more that United intended to make a thorough in the incidents connected with the kidnapping, and at the con of that redress to minister Constantinople, any rights which hereafter, and b government than States reported was nserve might am a state the went vestigation of clusion look for would upor investigation the party | whom the responsibility with | 3 } the whe may be added that RO iar the the Very against Bulgarians and Turks THE BOER AMMUNITION A Veteran Officer Refers To Recent Captu e New York, March 11 Li the Tribu ture of a large Boer sto Reitz that The m cap uni ble to tion near officer reminds a its hiding place wely indicated in a pamphlet wil gt the outbreak the writer of the pamphlet forecast remarkable the nature and scope of the Boer operations, and that for the final stage of guerilla_warfare a large supply woitld he established in ad The Canadian Scouts have the hiding place of the reserves of Dewet's ammunition in the district to which his burghers heen returning constantly veteran army Was pathy of war Thi with [ECUTHCY med station TAD found sworet have ON TRAIL OF GAYNOR. Directs Secret Service Men to Find Him. Washington March eatch and depend upon it "We You have them twice 1 Ceaynor We to follow will Cirvene Car thoi around with if we hawe the world." or general Richards, of the | made | phatic { Mr { to capture ith, and when the Newport sailed for | had | i be | great a banguet | to be given by the Marquette club, the | of { Former congressman George | to-day at the wedding of Miss Marion | | States attorney general's office this vigorous statement in em manner to Attorney ge Richard a correspondent Knox has to leave nothing neral directed undone the fugitive contractor that the Savannah esse must The defendants forced the government attorney-general asserts in the to however the stand trial, expense aml trouble to Asks Removal Of Minister Wu. Pekin, March 11.--A prominent Man chu censor has memorialized the throne for the removal of Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister to the I'n ted States, The as that Wu Ting Fang corrnptly retained, os tenudbly for repairs to the Chinese lo gation in Washington, 80.000 of the Tien funded by thé Ame rican censor sorts Txin silver re government A Mean Act. Ottawa, March 1] The liscipies of the Holiness are greatly exer Stittaville movement the acti young men who removed the organ from their church and dumped it hagide the Canadian Pacific way tracks The instrument damaged it is understond ation will taken out against perpetrators of the deed wed over mn of some rail was that the and be Result Of Skylarking. Halifax, N.8., March 11 While sky larking with a phchiork at Port Gil Lert, Thghy county, Adolpbus Melan wom, acciaentally of the prongé of the fork intg the Pvp of Lis sinter, a voung woman, who died wus a result of the injury There isa case of Smith's Falls. ALL PERFECTLY LAUNDERED. fi You can take the first piece your fingers {i drove one smallpox at on in a Baker's parce{ with the certainty that it is FECT. drop us a postal and our waggon BAKERY STEAM LAUNDRY £5 ¥ Melvin | govern- | i WEATHER PROBABILITI®®, March 11, (10 aan )<Fair bor twesaping showsty to storms Hkely. extradition proeexd- | d* to come to] most | the | ne | | de- | LATEST STYLES LADIES' SUITS TAILOR-MADE OPENED OUT TO-DAY. PRICES--$6, $10, $12, $15, $18 and $20. | Separate Skirts hi $3.50, $4, $5: $6, | New Spring Jackets For Ladies' and Misses, | $5. $5.50, $6 up to $9. Standard Patterns for April, Designer for April, Designer, 10¢c. copy ; $1 year, STEACY & STEACY BORN nla March a son, WILSON 1Howe wt th, the wik J mother, wel, on A. UGrabam, Weoddneanda y k Fn wpoctiully after te Ma Eye For Tired Eyes Is obtained by our scientifically fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to-do as much work and possibly more without tiring than they ever did. Satisfaction guare anteed. Eyes tested free. SMITH BROS., Xess. CLARIFIED MILK. \ PURE MILK 1S OUR MOTTO. OUR POSITION WARRANTS LS IN | guaranteeing our supply to be of the high of purity (mr gvstem of handiin by appr te ' DAIRY milk cream ort tet wn the yard 4 fre the BEST SA) ITIES we Soor i TARY ANI Clarified butter are wore fair whl in each § ly ws purposes delivering var MILK ITTLER throughout uy ite vio to ail wilding snd plant 8 'THE CLARIFIED MIIK CO. | Of Kingston, Limited. | Cor. Brock and Baget Sts. "Phone 567 | fe. 0. W. Daly's Dertal Office May, when be returns thy of a a fier OW We the entire a Ren. inet Our Will be reoquged | Prom abrowd he orrect ime in SRR ~ } i ! = 0 grat imposes. A watch stat doesn't toll the correct tine is jot 84 bad as no watch ot ali, if your watch is inclin- od to be nu-teady 1a 11 bebits, brig it to 9s aed we will pul is 1a pousper shape ats very sinall BRN RRRS é Eg | $A ©. JOMNSTON & BROS

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