RUGS] ALL KINDS, RICH HANDSOME 'DISCOURSING. UPON INIQUI- TIES OF THE GRITS. It Was An PBasy and General Topic For Discussion But So Far the Leaders Have No Evi- « dence to Sustain Charges. There were several addresses g at the Frontenac conservatives' meet ing on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Ed wards declared that the popular vole was in favor of the conservatives, but the grits, with the aid of their ma chine and money, managed to remain in power. Our political enemies, said RUGS in every size but not necessarily expensive. In the spies, ort the eneuion of ; the Smyrna we show every size,| J. =. Gallagher, M.P.P., who will from the smallest up to the | set be the conseriatis toi full room size. These Rugs friction in the ranks. The conservative are exactly. alike on both] rusty iheonghout the FOR sides, have a rich deep pile hppa ale gr gd Whitney and are almost everlasting in | who was wOibg Jo S000 flack ta wear. ROYAL WILTON (he conservatives should carry the Rice in rich deep colour | province ths tims. The 473 jovery- effects, Axminster Rugs in|] ont Bt OH Rent in power three different ities to tar dans orn cover everything, from the running the Goi of vediondy. run. smallest nook to the largest He pointed out that the* government Loo8. SOAR showing of | hain SPI, J order to got an UARES in wool » and cotton, in all sizés and very handsome patterns, mak- ing altogether the largest and most beautiful collection of "Rugs ever shown. fea how the provincial fimanees reat ' lv stood, he thought it would 'be a R. McFaul good thing 'if the grit governnicnt Kingston Carpet Warehouse. party said, and who was going ead as and his followers he allowed to get a peep into the treasury. Then, if the conservatives couldn't straighten uy the affairs of the province, let them be put out. Mr. Gallagher fold his hearers that the best men in Ontario legislature were sitting on the oppo sition benches, without being given a chance to show their talents, and there were enough among thém to fill three or four eabinets, ie, four ont of every five were gualified to be min ietérs of the crown. leferring to the premier, Mr. Gal lagher declared he was on the fence, and afraid of his prohibition bill. The temperance people, the speaker thought, would assist in defeating the Ross government. As to himsell he wanted to be elected by a sweeping majority, as that gave a member more influence. He hoped thdt success would be the fate of the conservative party this time. H. A. Calvin, M.P., said that he would not discourse upon the inguit- ies of the Ontario government, as everybody knew about its wickedness. He pointed out that thé people did not appreciate the importance of On tario's forests, from which one-third of the provincial revenue was derived Was enough being got from these for ests, he asked? He could not tell, himself. Quebee's revenue from her for ests last year, he said, was more than that of Ontario, M. Avery, M.P., for Addington, said that never before were the people as anxious for a change of government in Ontario as now. He thanked Nr. Gallagher for the assistance he gave to him in his recent eléction cam- paign. He won by 384 majority, and that in spite of the "heelers'" ' It would have been cover 400 had the the ballots been county hy a judge As to the protest against his election, he was prepared to fight it, and even to contest. the seat over again. Refer- ring to the dominion government, Yours, Mr. Avery declared that it was ten tines as corrupt as the deceased tory F. HARKISON--€O.. government, UNDERTAKING; ETC. The followin was put out, amd that Mr Whitney SUITES. -- Our working PARLOR bave since Upholsterers Parlor Suites 1st, we have immense. stock, the best ever had, We wish to reduce the stark some what, and on Parlor Suites omly, until March 10th, will glve sate prices as during Feliu ary sale Those who bought snything during February will know what. thay means. Only uwutil March 10th. heen on January and now an we REPAIR WORK -Upholstering Parlor Couches, or renovating Mattresses, do hiv ot once, before wy are so Tasy (hat it becomes hard to keep engagemenis * We will do all this work cheaper just to got it done before: the rudh comes on. Suites, Why not now CARPETS New English stirs aod Drusscls, just in. - stock of Axmin CURTAINS Just passed through the toms, a very large assortment of Swiss and Irish Lace, ilo. and Tapestry, just in from Unites! Sates * Toms Our stock is a whad ft was Lost fear, ous were elected chair- ¥ men of the fownships: Kingston- Hugh Rankin; Portland, J. E. Free wan; Wolfe Island, James McGlynn; Pittshurg, Daniel MeLean; Storring- toh, John Gibison; Loughboro; John Graham; Bedford, A. W. Gray; Gar- den Island, Sgnford Calvin; Howe Island, J. Coxe; Portsmouth, John Seaily. An Aged Horse Dead. In the sudden death on Saturday afternoon, of Anthony MeGuire's aged pony, a faithful little béast has pass ed away. She was born in this city forty-seven years-ago; and ever since has rendered good service. She was looked upon as one of the family, be- loved and petted by all. Nothing was too. good for her, antl kind treatment and good usage fwolonged ber days, In return she rendered the most faith ful of service, and was in the harness the day she died. Mr. MeGuire, was using the animal as a delivery horse, and while proceeding along the street on Saturday afternoon she suddenly dropped dead. Few horses ever reach the age of forty-seven years, and still fewer have such good masters as Anthony MvGuire. That horse de serves a decent burial, and she will no doubt get it. Mr. McGuire feels very sad at the loss of his old Iriend. ens the phlegm, soothes the in- flkmed tissues of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and produces a quick and permanent cure in all "Ihave Norway Pine ha and colds Ey Bm a Soy RR Thoniar y Ont. 2g and soc. a bottle atall dealers, A Good Thing. (German Syrup is the special preserip- tion of Dr." A. Boschee, a celebrated German physician, and is acknowledg: ed to be one of the most fortunate dis- coveries in medicine. It. quickly cures squghs, colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it dean 3he_aahbe of the affection and eying the parts in a tro healthy condition. It js sy ax: perimental medicine, but has stood the test of years, giving satisfaction in very case, which its rapidly i ing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles ' sold annually. thee's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in ha oi gp go cough Price relieve any inary ¢ Y i 75a For sale at Wade's drug store. Lost The Case, , A case has been heard in the adic alty court. at Savdwich, in which Henry Wineman, of Detroit, demanded . bo from Capt. Gilcheists of Sev ¥ dd, as the result of a cdllision. between | J. F. Card, Winenitin's boat, and the Hiawatha. which be- longs to the defendant, in Lake Hur Of , Was 8 withess for the defence. plaintiff lost the | case. : Your boots. We repair all kinds of rubber Be A. Abernethy, 123-125 FRONTEMAC CONSERVATIVE. _ : ven | Lwere passed. -- ME A MINISTER OF MARINE. Sutherland's Success in Pu ting Through Estimates. The unprecedented speed with which the dominion house has passed the estimates of the marine and fisheries | department ix the talk of the lobl jes. This is Mr. Sotherland's first session as minister of marine and fisheries, but he had posted himsell so thorough lv, touching the appropriations ask- ed for by bis department, well prepared with explanations, responded so readily to the tion's desire for information, that in the short space of five and a half hours estimates to the amount of over a million and a half of dollars The fact that Mr. Su- his 'serenity and was 80 and oppo therland preserves ellows nothing to ruffle his temper partly accounts for the ease with which his ektimates went through. It i+ alwo apparent that be is bent up- A making his admipistration of the marine deparunent a marked success, During the short period of time he bas at its head he has made tonsiderahle progress, and the favor able opiniune passed upon him by Messrs. Hackett, Calvin and other conservative members evidence that appreciation of his efforts is not con: ined to supporters of the government. -- Every Herring | Must hang on its own gill, and every tub must stand on its own bot- tom. We judge of nuts by their ker nels, and lasses by their hearts; not that we undervalue facial beauty, we don't still a fair face may turn out a foul bargain. Every herving must hang on its own gill. The world was never so practical as to-day. Can't, humbug, facing both ways, gre doom. ed. A gentleman living in Westineath suffered severely from bronchitis. His urged him to take Fastern He was disgusted, and used strong language. She persisted. One day he surprised her by saying what testily, "Give me some of Cros hegy's Eastern Balm." Result : Since then he will use no other. bein Frater Balm, SOME nm -------- Broke Into Mail Car. About half past eight o'clock Sun day evening, night watchman John Page, at the K. & P. round house, observed a young man emerging from a K. & P. mail car standing on a sid ing near the round house. Suspecting the young man of wrong-doing, he gave chase, whereupon the culprit put forth his speediest efforts and manag od to escape. Investigation brought to light the fact that the mail car had heen entered and a logker brok en open. Nothing of value was taken, but a couple of cancelling stamps with tvpe, etc., were missing. They are no use to ahy one whatever except the mail elerk. An Outfit Required. A loeal railway mail clerk. states that not in years have the stage ariv ors experienced so much difficulty in making their daily trips. Few people realize the hardships these faithful puthlie servants. go through in keeping up some king of a postal serviee. On Saturday last the man irom Syden ham had to abandon his stage ana come through on foot. A complete outfit for these men ix said to be plenty of horses ana rigs, a liberal pply of bandages aud liniments, a fui coat, an umbrella, a pair of whates, snowshoes, and a small boat. A Suggestion Made. In ecohnection with the proposed local passenger train from Belleville to trockville in the morning, a traveller writes ; "If this train leit Brockville on the return in the evening at 6:30 o'clock and reached Belleville at 8:30, the five o'clock mixed could be dis- pensed with and the G.T.R. would see the end of the faultfinding that train imgenders. The one crew and the one engine could do all the work and 1 venture say that nothing the G.T.R. could do would be more to their advantage and the satisfaction of the public." to Held Up A Rig Oa Princess Street While Robert Givens. driver of D. A. Shaw's grocery delivery sléigh, was passing the corner of Barrie and Princess strecis, about eleven o'clock on Batanday night, he was held up by two men, who demanded Kis money amd goods. Mr. Givens, who is not a voung man, shouted listily for assist ance. A policeman, who happened to he in the vicinity, ran to his aid. When they saw the blue coated guar- dian of the law coming, the highway- wen took to their heels and disappear- wih, Many Applications In. There are about twenty-five appli cants fyled with the secretary of the house of industry for the allied popi- tions of superintendent and watron. The appointment will be made a wock from to day. EE EE GET MAD. When Friends Tell The Truth. Many people become coffee topers before they realize it, and would be angry if thus described even by a lose friend. Jt will pay anyone to examine care fully foto whether or pot coflee has gained the mastery over them. A coffee toper may suspect that his or her ails come from coffee drinking, but they will invariably charge the disease to some other cause, for right would be practically jmpossible to give up coffes, so they hope against hope that it does not hurt them, but it goes on with its work just the same a the result ix complete collapse snd | nervous prostration; lasting some times for years, unless the pois on that causes the disease is discon tin There are hundreds of thousands of illustrations of the truth of this state ment. ' Fi Any addicted to coffee can make the change from common coffee to Postum Food Cofice without tron- ble provided the Postum is properly prepared so as to bring out the color, flavor and food value. It has a rich black, brown color and changes to te golden brows when good cream is added. : The change will work wonders in any one whose nervous system or sto- uch has heen unbalanced or disturb 3 . - THE DAILY _ [INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. down in the heart they reglize that it' amid my WHIG, MONDA PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS, ¢ . The Spice of Every, Day Life-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. This night a year gale struck Kingston. For the vear in the lion month of March came a lamb, In washing woollens and' flannels, the soft soap made from Lever's Dry Soap (a powder), will be found very satisfactory. Wheeled vehicles heve again made their appearance in large numbers. Many of the streets bare of snow, and sleighing a thing of the past is Citizens® were entertained to a dis play of lightning Saturday night; the first- of the year. It 1 to denote warm weather, but some How or other the connections seems to have missdd a cog this time. of the city streets are entirely week ago, a terrible succession in like second most thereon 13 supposed Some aevoid of corporation Away snow to-day there shppin The March number of the North American Review is of extraordinary value, th?re being. scarcely gn article in it which does wot throw light on some topic of ylively interest at the present tyme. At Saturday's county conservatives Col ted for coining striking expressions, refevred to the city's 1 presentative at Toronto as "the good, and immortal Mr. Pense."' Mich interesting information re garding the present political xitaa tion "in Germany will be found in an article on 'Germany's Political Turn ing Point," contributed by Well Von Schierbrand to the March number of the North American Review None of public holid fall on Sunday this year. G day will be on March 23th, day on Saturday, Dominion day Tuesday, Labor day the first Monday day on a Thurs vo to-day laborers were carting Princess street, while enough to make snow. A off is not the no meeting of Hunter, and original pious ys will d Fri Vieioria on our in September, Thanksgiving Thursday and Christmas day.' Though the Grand Trunk railway vatem . carried over 30,000 tourists and sportsmen into district of Canada's summer play grounds last vear it is starting out this vear with a vigorous poliev of adverti y- to endeavor to still further influx of pleasure-seckers who annual ly travel over this system -------- PERSONAL MENTION, on one 3 Or he merease (OF Iovements Of The People -- What They Are Saying And Doing. Mr. and Mrs, James Noxon, Taron- to, are spending a few days in the City. Warden Spoor secretary the tive association, sition. A. Chester Keyes, of Hoag's drug store, ill for a few days. is again be hind the counter dispensing relief to the suffering. F. G. Lockett, of the Lockett shoe store, returned on Saturday afternoon from Toronto, whither he went on a business trip. Patrick Mallen, Pine street, has leit for the other side, where he has secur ed a good job cake buking. Many friends regretted his departure, Mys. Grant and Mrs. Bruce Carrn- thers attend a fashionable tea, on Friday afternoon, given by Mrs. Ed ward Moore, Ottawa. Hon. Clifford Sifton, accompanied hy his wife and family and senator William Gibson of Beamsville, have loft on a fortnight's visit to Vir ginia, R. J. Hartley has been elected pre sident of the house of commons press gallery. He is a genial journalist and his selection is a matter of hearty congratulation. Miss Bawden, of the representative . was nominated as Frontenac conserva but declined the po this city, will be of the Frontenao teachers' association at the Ontario educational association convention in Torento the first week of April. The papers are endorsing John King, K. C., of Toronto, for a vacant jirdgeship in Ontario. The government could not do better than select "him He has wide experience of municipal and commercial law and is an auth ority on Jaw of libel and slander Englishmen Smoke Up. On Saturday night the second anni versary of the relief of Ladysmith, lodge Leceister, S.0.E.B.S., 1 very successful and enjoyable smok ing eoneert in the lodge room, corner of Montreal and Princess streets. Ab- out seventy members and friends were present. Cards and other games were freely enjoyed. During the evening re- freshments were served, and the time went = swiftly along, enlivened by songs from the following gentlemen : R. Holding, John Saunders, J. Tay lor, J. C. Swain, John Swain, H. Hughes, J. F. Litton, R. Caswell, Sergt. Graves, W. J. Glass, F. Sum merville, W. Paieman, J. Marshall. F. Aimes and G. Saunders, the two last from Cananogue. Reecitations were also given by Mr. Runnette, instru- mental selections by F. Salisbury and Sergt. Turner. The proceedings. closed with the national anthem shortly be- fore the hour of twelve midnight. The members of the lodge wish to return their most hearty thanks to ail who took part in the entertainment and in providing refreshments, thus helping to make the event such a success. ------------ Two Elders In Trouble. A strange scene was witnessed near Chalmers church after the Sunday ev: ening service! The sidewalk was en veloped in darkness, and when turn- ing on to Earl street, one of the oi ders stumbled: into the ditch formed | between the walk and the smowbank. was out crestiallen and | amusement. But along came another elder, and he, too, dis- | al in the darkness. Finally, he was found crawling on his hands and | knees in the 'pit hole," and was ten- | derly lifted ' ¢ posiion. There were no sombre looks | on the faces of the Preshyterisn wor- shippers as they wended their way homeward, chucklisg over the uniir- tunate predicament of their elders and thinking of that proverb which says: * Pouder the path of thy fest," MARCH 3. VISIT OF TRUE BLUES. Gananoque Lodges Here on Sat. urday Night. i } might, On members Saturday SCV i of Gananoque True Blues, Nos. 13 and 16, came wo Kingston to fratermize with their brethren hore They were met at the GTR. station the Kingston lodges and t » and druin band. The ( y'adso brough halt rowan Urange James acti man, and gramme. Addresses kin; county distriet Joseph Q introduced a fing pro given by Capt. Gas master; Robert Elliott; Edward Bennett ana past county masters D.D.G.M., True Blues of Frontenae: J. W) Galloway, D True Blues of South Leeds C. Hall. worshipiul master Ganano que True Blues. The spe point ed out the henefiis of and Troe Blueism. Capt. Gaskin thought that a government grant should Iw given to the Frue Blue orphanage at Picton, the same as to other like in stitutions, Selections were. given by the bands gramophone selections by John Jar accordion solo by C. Attwood: re by Misses Rosevear, Smea Me Runnett songs by Misses Lem Messrs. Wil were give master; (rould, . Lireer, South haoN, vie vitations ton, Jamieson, aud and Campbell mon and Jamieson, tard, Phillips, Attwood, McCammon, Phillips, Byron, Wilkison, and Run nett, the latter three being of Gana nogues violin and mouth organ duet hy Misses Case and Ales The ladies of tho loeal lodge served refreshments A happy time wa spent ill midnight, when the visiting hreilfren were accompaniea to the rail way station. RIS. ana A Winter's Tale. The winter now drawing has, like the proverbial rural tea meeting, been a great It ha heen as steady as the most rabid tem perance reformer, and as continuous | as the man who daily passes into the drinking house for his drop. The wir ter began just as soon as the arrival of December was announced, and in the three months following, thére were not more than half a dozen mild davs until last week. A steady winter deed ! The thermometer did not drop ue low as in past winters, but the linging of the mercury around the zero mark for days and weeks amp made up for that, Dr. Knight, of Queen's, reports that the highest local temperature in Jan was thirty-eight degrees and the eleven below zero. In southern Ontario the temperature was from one to two degrees below the average of former years. During Felruary, King average maximum temperatuge twenty-seven 8, and the minimum degrees A taste of weather has been had during thé past and perhaps it was just as well it came to vanquish the snow piles. But or three weeks more of cold weather would be welcomed to a close, SUCOOR in uary lowest tons deg 10.3 ney was average goodly week, two Big Saturday Trade. Notwithstanding the bad condition of the roads and the small number of people who came into the consequence, Saturday's was the best sone weeks, "One peeuliarity about it was that the business was--searly confined to the day "time, little being done at night," said merchant "ff our night trade had been a# rood as the day trade; it would have been a remarkable Saturday. I am thot onghly satisfied with the-busine I did." Business nfen all the city gave voice to the same opinion -- country city as a trade experienced in all one over Boston Lyric Opera Company. 3 he Tue day Joston Lyric ganization attraction' to-night and night the opera company, a in its eighth success ful year. The company is a large one, numbering fifty people, a large and efficient chorus forty well trained voices, and an augmented orches Monday evening, "Il Trovatore } and 'The be given IN famous t i stand Ot now of tra will Yohewian Girl" on Tuesaay. On Sale Tuesday The makings of ond hupdred pairs of fine worsted and Scotch trouserings, these are all high class goods and were purchased recontly below their value consequently we are able to place be fore our regular #6.50 and trousers for. 85 spot cash while they last Fit guaranteed. C Liv ingston & Co. customers a7 To Open Next Week. The reform reading Golden Lion block, have been renovated fitted wp in Tuxurions style. The floor has heen carpeted, walls pape gas fixtures placed in posit They are and and will be opened next wes k rooms, and now Cosy of Something New In Pork And Beans, Clark's pork and beans, with "Chili" sauce, are the latest and best Price only 10e. per large tin. ---------------- ft ie just a vear ago that Kingston had the smallpox scare, and tion was ordered by the board health THAT CHAPTER, A Chapter on Scott's Emul- sion often holds a prominent position in the histories . of weak children. The gist of that chapter usually reads like this: "Child weak and thin-- began with small doses of vaccina { Seott's Emulsion three times a | day--after a week appetite im- proved--soon a little stronger --child more lively--weighs more". And is reported well and strong. Send for Free Sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronte, so it goes till the child --_ VARIOUS FIELDS OF SPOR. OTTAWA HOCKEY TEAM TO PLAY FRONTENACS. English Cricketers to Coach To- ronta Club--Interest in La- crosse Victoria's Protest Against Montreal Looked on With Disiavor. A professions! cricketer will be en gaged to the Brantford ericket ol this the Kevs " league in Pittsburg two more matches coach stil lead the hockey Pa., having won than the "ATC team. Knotty" Lee. who Gananoque basebsil team the Concord, N.H., pitched for last year will je team next month. W. H. Moffatt his Sidney Pic < 3s {0 race Pointer ggainet Mr. Wena ling's Deveras at Kingston, for $200, two days after the races of this week Fhe ground of the Montreal Vi protest is that the puck was regulation. The protest is looked pon' by most hockey clubs' with dis ' torias rot favor Reports irom all over the province show easier preparations and greater interest than has been the due largely to the C.L.A in lacrosse cise In many the remarkable suceess of series last year. Haugh Porter, an Atwood player, lost the sight of his Thursday night, blow across SeasONR, hockey eve on receiving terrible of the nose and right eve from a hockey stick. It ix thought he may become totally blind The 0 the bridge the athletie Queen = university #1 stating that * in played with I'he d6 ted man who wields column pen for jouraal is wrong cach of the three matches McGill, Queen's score fir st in Queen's favor The Toronto ferry has practically decided to build an eight a six-lap track of the va riety the dsland oval this sprin Thurman Coleman; of Long Claw Leicestershire, England, i the of the 'professional ericket coach to be employed by the Toronto erio- ket club Winnipeg Tel the Victonia next challengers for will not be the Wellingtons. The but the forward tropger., Wood will replace Scanlan on the left wing and Bain John stone will play centre instead of Cad ham and Wood : Frontenacs have concluded arrange ments with the hockey team to play herve next Friday night, and this match should be the fastest play eel here this season The Ottawas without wibt the best team of Quebec union, and would have the hampionship had been stronger at the beginning season. - In their last two matches, they defeated hoth Montreal and Vie torias in Montreal. Frontenaes heavy for h, as the will o to Toronto as expected, but lay in New York A sentative Kingston team will he nla od the ice was live two matches each result company or Aueer on son, name Fhe ram obese that rves the cup the the be am to the Stanley that plaved defence will line meet same he same, will and Ottawa are the won they of the eastern ar the not will paving a guarantes nial Ottawa tean trong repres nm AN AWFUL NAME. No 'Canadian Yeomanry' For Him if You Please. A Kingstonian, active service with Baden-Powell's constabu lary in South Africa, ha interesting letter home past few weeks, sa) captured 135 Boers, besides cutt] ete: The true kind of a soldier, he does not complain of hardship, They had only bully ardtack for Christmas--and half rations at that buat he finds no fault I'he do not mind it," he "for tunes are coming "I hear they other Canadian co that who i on written an Within the 5, they have he beef and hoys writes, better out he sending ntingent,' they call it Yeomanry. Ii they ar have out here to Canada But 1 like them, for the here male and -Hguees the wil are an con the like they tinues, d Canadian the yeomanry will be a disgrace know they not Canadians we are 3 have have selves likewise the HIB NTY do an awful name, just writer ix pow in fort Spruit io. 5, be the Vet He is in ommand of a squad, and the fort they are in was made by them In it is oxi jeer, and the inside ix stone work two feet thick: It is built high enough an elevation of the rifle for 2.500 Two line of wire nd. it The with tin, to give the alarm if anyone re against them. These forts are built all along the reilway line, and about three spuarters of a mile apart. Trenches ron from one fort to. an other, These are guarded at night by nig who in the trenches six fort apart. The niggers work the railway dwing the day 'I hear that Colt Durban," the "I thought he Squth Af ~good joh o Morgan have a bet bovs here." Fhe tween rives Hos jos and deing garrison duty wa of to get ard entanglement outside wires are re on Met writer TON ©) in "avy out to be gets a know #f vor, 1 of the ome ifn 1 <3 tedd m vith on Marine Notes The same ro oar Capt. Ira Cuppernull ter of the amer St season, will be in chastge private yacht heing built fn Ne for Mr. Costello, wha spends mers at Round island A W. Hepburn, Picton, has chased ihe stemner © Rival from Collinge Bay rafting company. It | said the Rival will be fitted out as a | passenger steamer and put in the Bay of Quinte service An effort will be made to have Gan anoyue harbor dredged to » depth {that will permit steamers of deep | draft, such as the Kingston, to land f without difficulty. Hon. Mr. Tarte { will be asked to give the matter at- { tention. sles iii the wie ns who waz mas Lawrence last of a new wv York his warm pri the is { { { { A large mupher of the city milliners terday or to Toronto, {1 be present at the sonual millinery openings, Ww beginnmg . to-day, will continue for several wesks, vit we iny for -- Does Not Believe in Drugs. Mrs. Lansdale. of London, Oat, Under went Treatment at West Croyden Hospital, England, Without Re. sults Cured By the New No-Drug System. ude. for the een wrought In for pablication listressing Case. the subject of which caused me medial skill wm rimanest relief, go ta Bugland v. I did so, and it comRiry, biban Crayden Hospital, on ny return 16 Ane sparing left 1 , and | falled to regain th ay wl vigor. of other days that bad hoped for yoars ago a complication of Hirer, ¥ together with mani one ve atnfully' then my w= heen ug this ti er with medical hiain permanent re s ago | was taken Ww in the face « Bospital in this efty, wh ¢ three weeks, and this to the whe again ln omy aud altogether | was consider: having heard the end bf April a trial, hot of Omone. 1 determined to give The second bottle made me sick those whe had used the Oot something of action, teld his was the n g condenved thanks to my than 1 have And now am better rears ¥ wands everywhere Plossed As e been. I am yours, Rig Mrs. M, Laovsdale, Hamilton Rd, Londen, Ont We hear constantly of cases $ike that of [ausdsle, and we know that Powley's nigiad Ozone remarkable pawer these sults, It inereases PYY RE wer of the Blood] corms of disease and olmi- ne from the system is a na- way. . It will pay you to try can ohtaly It at your drug- gists for 50 cents and $1. 0000000000000 "Your The Doctor' It's for you to decide what kind of coal you want, Coal Is the best and costs no nore than other kinds, JAMES SWIFT -& $0. 'Phone 135. 9000000000 cri pF "h HONEST COAL. Coal that you th your money kind 4hat js which warmth and comfort Coal for grates, slack All kiesls Foot of Queen St ~--'Phone 9. full value of The in fom will is the only clenn all the give hired we sell way through evely penny vou poy COuDts and stoves of Wood and Kinds burners, of every kiod lings, BRIGHT {3 FIRE for everyone intenae beat of make fuselt felt with plissurs sold westher. Its just the kind w with, too. Let we your tio with BOOTH'S COAL Those 188. Poot of Weel Street. APIOLINE CHAPOTEAUT You LADIES Over, RELIEVES PAIN AND iS A Sar, RELIABLE MONTHLY REGULATOR Superior to Apinl, Pennyroyal std Taney, Agente Lywan, Sows & Co, Mortreal, LADIES, THREE DOZEN FREE PR CHARCOTS ASTIGERN PARTILLES i miaiifule in trovbies peculiar to the biy remedy. Newer diva ppoint Hors Comvenient, Partiowiars with fren N Youd Bid Faw