Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Feb 1902, p. 6

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"PING PONG" has jumped into 8 popu is almout unparalleled is the Carpenters, Tachinists - and Fellow Workmen | the BEST TOOLS in the ity, " Come let - CpppeEReRsieaniy r - ° ce » te . EicEEE, 55% 5 3 S3sszasiens ERIE ah iE 5 PIL OL EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, ¥ -- #bat is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News. In 1900 Canwda's totel exporis of wheat amounted 10 11,995,458 busbels. Olde has 26,920 working woowen, Their avers: woekly wages are $4.80, and ssviops 4 cents. G. M. Kinghorn, Montreal, a former King Aovian, is said to have dented up a wil liom dollars by | the recent sale of stock ol the Dominion cowl company The ravchues is Manitobe and Alerts bave sullered heavy losses this winter by heavy mow storms. Use ranchman in Ader sa Joes 1,000 sheep nod 115 horses. It is impowsible Ww provide shelter for cattle in » wide dominion sed to raise cattle to be sich sheve in large quantities will have sbadoned. The exports of forest products have somewhat from yrer lo year since confodei a tion, but the total last year Wos only a million more than in 1978, apd an average of 25 millions would not be far out for the whole period simoe 1870 The value of fruit, shipped from Cevuda to England in wes £16,479; the United Stales shipped fruit to the value of £469,142, but both cotntiies together did little iu contributing to the vast total import of fruit by Great Britain ia. that year, the rand total valee for 1899 reschivg £9,166,892 : By Clew's report: The Wall street situa thom proper is complex. The mouetary site- ation demas watchiog. Losus are greatly nk reserves are low; con ditions wot comduvive to the strictest salety, with April settlewents not far distant, The market will. require time to recuperate from disappointment over the Northern Securities developments, Conwiderable liquidation me resulted and more may follow, as large guen tities of stocks have been held in anticips- ton of a favorable decision. The outlook wow is for s proloaged contest between legal varbed exclusive of apples, L899, THE BEARS CAUSED winote. The are finely drawm, sod ao one can forece the final decision of the Su preme court, which it may be months perbmps years in rondering. Stock will uve to sell more clossly their merits, apd holders must congratulate themselves | that their value is now dependant upon na tional prosperity and upon udifiite " ty -of-tuterest » immues amd now uot fictious eee ---- APPOINTMENTS TO DATE. Captains And Engineers Of The White Sauadron Steamers. The Thousand Islapd and River Lawrence steamboat companis Lave made these appointments for their river steamers for the coming season Steamer New York--Master, Capt. | H. Miller; chiel engineer, Ss. F Ridgway; purser, Francis K. cell. Steamer America--Master, H. Carnegie; chief engineer, James Gillie; assistent engineer, William Hartley: purser. Charles Parker. Steamer St. Lawecnce-- Master, Capt. Milo D. Estes; chief engineer, John Dickson; assistant engineer, Barney Farrell; purser, A. W. Morehouse. Qieamer Islander -- Master, Capt. A. J. Charlebois; first officer, Capt. Robert Carnegie; purser, F. H. Vane: walker. Steamer New Island Wanderer-- Mas- ter, Capt. W. C. Huason; first. officer, Capt. James Pappa; engineer, J. W. Estes; {.rser, W. C. Davis. Steamer ~~ Ramona--Master, Capt. John Bertrand: engineer, 0. S. Wood- hull; purser, Chester E. Hudson. Steanier Pierrepont--Master, Capt. James Allen; engineer, William Kelly; purser, C. F. Mofiatt. The appointments of some of the first officers and chief and assistant engineers have not as yet been decid- ed upon. The above list is complete to date. St Pur- Capt. R. -------- Was Ill For A Month. James Brophy, tfaveller for the A. A. Allen & Co., wholesale furriers, Toronto, is able to be out again after a month's confinement im Hotel Dieu, on account of illness. He is well known in Kingston and all over the country as an exceptionally fast sprinter. He won two medals in Buf falo last summer in competition with the swiftest rumners in the States. He will be able to leave for Toronto about the end of the week. * ---------- Opening Up Sewers. A large gang of men were at work to-day opeming up the sewers on the primoipal streets in anticipation of a flood. A heavy rain just now would mean a big flood in some parts of the city unless the sewers and connections were kept well open, ---------- The Sale Of A Dredge. The dominion government has de- cided to sell the dredge Queen, which wintered at this port. E. B. Godwin, of the public works department, Ot- tawa, in the city in connection with the sale of the dredge. ---------- Date Not Fixed, : 4 | geon-captain | rifles. | during | hit a second aneeting of Jrosident and prince The final Wellington-Cornwall hoe- | key match has been postponed inde finitely, as there is mo prospect of ice | in Toronto on Wednesday night. The mild spell. will last several days. | Cornwall is not without hope of de- feating Wellingtons. Ready For The Game. This morning Kingston lady hockey: ists new ev sticks with whith to 'do' their Belleville sisters to-night. After the match the visitors will be entertained at a dance in the Whig hall. al shin of the ldics" curling Waldron being. successful by shots to six. : w ¢ THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24. | IN THE PRICE -OF DOMINION COAL STOCK. { -- The Bulls Scooped in Thousands of Dollars in The Past Few Days--To Prosecute Those Who Sell On Sunday. Montreal, Feb. 23.--The bear ment in the stock exchange had their turn, to-day, in connection with the trading in Dominion coal stock in which there has been tremendous spe culation for months. The busing of the past few days at eighty to eighty. | five i+ said to have been largely to cover short contracts, and had the shotts been able to hold on a few days longer they might have got out all right, but 'a good many got dis couraged by the way the price soar- ed and finally they gave in and took the losses, in many cases extending in to tens of thousands of dollars which lucky bulls 'were able to pocket. The Boston bears broke the price to-day and the drop extended from eighty-five to seventv-nine in the forenoon trad ing. Dominion steel reacted in sym pathy from thirty-eight to thirty-six, A deputation of the Lord's dav al liance waited on the mayor to-day | and asked that the law regarding Sunday selling in this city be enfor ced. The mayor expressed willingness to do all he could in that direction { but pointed out a few of the difficul ties, one of which is the fapt that the city give: out a contract for the right' to sell in. some of the city parks on Sunday. The police will be in structed to make a list of the Sun day sellers and prosecute where they ¥ ele refuse to obey the law. Vv.C.'S FOR TWO HEROES. Latest Recipients of Coveted Hon- or of All Soldiers. London, Feb. 21.--The latest recipi- ents of the Victoria cross for gallantry South Africa are sur T. J. Crean, of the Ist Imperial light horse, and lieutenant L. ¢. Maygar, in The former received the honor, the Gazette, the action with Dewet at Tygerskloof on December 15th, when he continued - to attend to the wounded under a heavy five at 150 yards' range, after he had been | wounded, and only desisted on being time Surgeon-captain Crean is well-known in the world of slates | sport as an Irish international rughy | forward, and went out to South Africa as a member of W. E. Macla gan's team of footballers, who visited the country about vight years ago. Lient. Maygar is decorated for. a splendid act of gallantry at Geelhout boom on November 22rd, when, as they retired, he took a dismounted comrade on his own horse, which | bolted into boggy ground. Both kad wo get down when Lieut. Maygar again. put the man on the horse's back, and telling bim to gallop for cover proceeded himself on foot under a beavy fire Entered A Protest. Toronto, Feb. 21.<~Dr. Bryce this morning received from the Ottawn | health authorities a vigorous protest against what is said to be the chiuf cause of the continuance of small-pox at Ottawasr~the permitting of lumber- men to return home from camps where they have been exposed to the disease. There are twenty-five cases still in Ottawa, and when there is a general break up of the camps, there may be a hard fight in Ottawa, An Election Petition. | Toronto, Feb. 24.--West Durham is | to have another election trial. W. | Nesbitt, K.C., this morning, fyled a petition against the return of Robert Beith, M.P., alleging, in addition and corrupt practices of bribery personation "and supplying railway tickets to voters, that Mr. Beith per sonally engaged as ennvassers and | agents persons who within the last eight years had been guilty of corrup tion. treating | ---------- To Ride On The Engine. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 24.--~Theprince | said that he found himself very com- | fortable in his car and train. Heex pressed a deire to ride in an engine | at some time during the journgy | through the country and it was ar ranged that he should do so some where in the mountains of Pennsyl- vania at the outset of his southern tour later this week. ------------------ Prince Meets President. Washington, D.C., Feb, 24.--Simple but impressive ceremonies marked the greeting extended to admisa! pric e Henry, of Prussia, to-day, by pres dent. Roosevelt and his official family, | While all of the formalities . required by etiquette were duly observed, the | was | characterized by a display of extreme cordiality on the part of both. -------- Monk Killed By A Bull, Niagara Falls, Ont., Feb. 2.---Tel esthores Seigel, a brother at the Car melite monastery at Falls View, was | killed by a bull he was feeding on | | Saturday. He had been connected with the convent and monastery for fifteen years. He came from Germeny and | was filty years of age. The bull was never known to be a vicious ap'mal. | ------ To Force Action. | Chicago, Feb. 24.--Within the next | few days a conference will be held here | for the purpose of launching a move: | ment to force congressional action on i internptional reciprocity. The appli cation of the principle of reciprocity to the trade relations between this country and all foreign govermmenis is t. : | ago on his { mannt, N.Y {| nipeg | distance i kindness of | Cape | sant { Duncan McRae, Wolfe Island, {iting friends | ander Docteur has been renewing ac- | quaintances in Cape Vincent, N.Y: for | i= sojourning among friends in vicinity Griffin, Watertown, | her { Toronto, where t through illness. | parishioners intend in the spring | erect for him a handsome presbytery lat a cost of 88.000. { orn in design and clegantly furnished 5th Victoria mounted | for his bravery | | posit only | { Charles | township. | votes shown for mayor Hugo in offivial canvass has-been eut-so | better. | turned from a visit in Lyndurst. | and Mrs. W. C, im ---- WALKED FROM WINNIPEG To Chamaunt, N.¥., Via. Kings ton--To Build a Presbytery. Wolie Island, Feb. 24. --A weary traveller crossed the island a few cays way to his home in Chau- having walked from Win- through want of funds caused He covered the weeks bv a long sickness. to Kingston in six From there he received, through the Folger Bros., a pass to On Friday evening Joseph Saunders were Home'® to their friends. A plea evening 'was spent in dancing and other amusements, aiter which a aelicions repast was partaken of. Our councillors have returned from To ronto, having gone there on business Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. "At | in connection with our jerry. At the { last session: of | Keegan was the council Gregory appointed assessor. Walsh, Philadelphia, for- island, will wed on Dr. Bates. of Vermont. now of reported to have Miss Maud merly of the April 7th, Klondvke, is the | heen married to Miss Hannah Evans, "Picton, but now of Dawson City. The | embers of the C.M. B.A. intend in the | spring to put an { foet | being taken to establish a public li | brary addition of thirty to their hall. Active steps are the me- Briceland with Frank in connection chanics' institute | has completed a nobby delivery sleigh lin connection with the meat business, Mr, and Mrs. John Laughlin are vis- in Rosiere, N.Y. Alex Herbert Leakey the Gananoque. Miss Mamie N.Y. is visiting parents. Alexander McRae and have arrived shome after their the past few days. of bride sojourn at American points Daniel firant has arrived home from he had been on busi in conpection with the fishery. George Boyd is confined to hiz home Rev. Father Spratt's to ness It will be mod throughout The plans will be got out pt The church people are singularly favored as they have a de- of over $13,000 to their credit bank ------ Sunnyside Sayings. Sunnyside, Feb. 24.--The funeral of the hate Mrs. Hugh Johnston, con ducted hy Rev. William Craig, Metho dist minister, was a large one, show ing the esteem in which she was held. Since Albert Aylesworth took pos session of the toll gate on February 1st, there have been several smow storms. but Mr. Aylesworth has work- od faithfully to keep the roads pass able for which he deserves credit Silver and Miss Alma Har are improving, Rev. Mr. onee the pell, | Conningham, suffering with inflamma- | tion of Florenie and the eyes, is getting better. Elsie Abrams are am ong the city residents at present. John Aylesworth i assessing the Jefi Counter, Toronto, .is visiting hi= father, and Miss Edith Langdon, Kingston, at Mrs. Archi bald Knight's. John Johnson, at i { present with Mr. Heaton, meditates re turning to Buffalo in the spring. He has, just returned from visiting © his Iwother at Svdenham, who has been ill. Archibald Knight has done his share in keeping the roads open this winter. John Heaton, bought a fine voung horse from Charles ° Lytton, Kingston, and a cow from Mr. Mur ray, Perth road, Alfred Knight has a fine lot of young ¢ehitle, and from them he expects to add a number of | milkers to his dairy. Duluth's Close Election. Mayor T. W. Hugo, Duluth, is. a party to an interesting contest. On | the face of the returns he was elected by a plurality of eight. A special from | Duluth to the Chicago Record-Herald says "The recount of the mayoralty vote | in Duluth is finished and the result is | more sensational than was that of the | election. Henry Truelson, the demo cratic contestant, had gained in the recount, and the margin of the eight the that both sides are claiming the election. There were 129 guestionable ballots. Outside of those Truelson has 3,620 and Hugo, 3601.7 Salem Sayings. Salem, Feb. 22. --J. D. rowkery, seriously ill for some time. is. much Mrs. Thomas Asselstine is re covering slowly. J. J. Brown has re Me. Fredenburgh, West- port, spent Sunday at Mee J. Ewing's. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. R. i. (i. Borroughs at J. Mulville's; J. McCann at Thomas 'Topping'ss Mr. | and Mrs. B. Page and W, Cameron at iW, Croskery's; Mr. and Miss Jones at J. Saundes': L. B. Baicwman at E. Myers'. Died In England. The death is anvounced at Saint | Oswald's, Putney, England, the resi- | dence of her son, of Mrs. Griffin, relict of the late Maj. W. Hewitt Griffin, as- sistant adjutant-general and auditor of the ecunty of Frontenac, once re- sident of Amherst Island, who died near Ringgon many years ago. The Jate Mrs. Griffin was eighty-six years of age. Her son is H. Hewitt Griffin, meiner of the institute of journalists. ------------ Removed To Her Home. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | W. H. Hughes, who underwent an op- eration for the : removal of her eye. was to-day removed from the general hospital to ber parents' home on Uni- versity @venue. She is rapidly recov. ering from the effects of her werives illness. 3 -------- Refused Application. on, Feb. 2.~The United States mgweme court to-day delivered its opinion in the case of Minnesota ve tha Northern itd -neaday. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REP IRTERS, The Spice of Every Day Lifte-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At | tention. Collingwood, Ont., will give $20,000 to a manuiacturing jeweler company. Hockey in Queie: league Mon treit 1, Uttawa 3; Quebec reeks 3. The trades and labor council of Lon- | the labor | don, Ont., have organied party of London. Woodstock may get one of the two new curing stations for cheese lac tories to be built shortly. The recent big smow storm cost the city of Montreal £60,000, oi which the street railway will pay half. The Ottawa fair will be held from August 22ud to 30th, which will bring it ahead of the Toronto exhibition The tourist summer hotel at erich is well under way in construc- tion aha will receive guests in June. All~ the --merchants of Walkerton, Cond: Ont., have agreed not to deliver goods | after nine o'clock on Saturday even- ings. . Edward Allan, Toronto, was, morning, sentenced to the central pri son for twenty-three months on three charges of theft. William Jack. a shoemaker, com- mitted suicide, at Banfi, NWT. by shooting, a= a result of despondency from ill-health. A young rancher, near Calgary. N. W.T.. named E. Ricmacky, has been poisoned by eating canned chicken. He died after two days illness, Miss Clara Ellis, Gananoque, has completed her course as nurse in training at the general hospital, and leiv that institution th-day. Archbishop Corrigan stumbled into an hd hole in St. Patrick's cathedral, New York, and i to his room from the injuries he re cuived. William Foley, 151 Farley avenue, Toronto, slipped and fell beneath a | this | street car on Bathurst street morning. He was probably fatally in jured A despatch to the Times, from Wel lington, N.Z.. says that premier Sed don has recived a Joseph Chamberlain declining ah of fer of a Maori regiment for Airica. The London Times announces that Flora Shaw, head of its colonial de partment and its correspondent in the | Yukon. is to marry Sir Frederick Lu gard, the high connnissioner of north | Nigeria The Galt eve and puri's gion from the members of family to use arnis as a school crest be reproduced on a pin: William .B. . Card, denies the report that he drove twas deserting solaiers across the island to the Cape. They applied to him, but he refused. - He says a resident of the village orove them across. A despatch to the London from Cape Town, says that a peace movement has been inaugurated teach permis collegiate institute have received the ment, headed by Cecil Rhodes, to in 7, Sham- | this | confined | South Galt | the Galt family eoat of | The crest will Times, | hy | lovalists, members of the Cape parlia- | w 1. H! i A £ iil : olay your medicines helped 5 LORS TERN. Oot. 18 1m. 8088. to say that { 100k i i our CA as cugbdvece mn as & doctor, for you { ve p any ee bas and 1 foe] that you cured me. The Latest Method Tred and Stricture without cutting. or ervous, Impotency. Kidney. Liver, Bladder, tomaoch, tion Free. If you ecannob write for bisak for home treatments. -- A for those Who cannot call. Sook Free. windsor, Canada. confidential --No NAMES ON 208 WOODWARD AVE. Cor. Whoex helped me more had RF. MARTIN. t Ca ty and transportation charges -y or packages Nothing sent C. A DR. GOLDBERG FABRICS. The most sought after goods to-day are the new designs for spring in Organdies, Chambrys. Scotch Zephyrs. English Cambrics, Dimities. cable from Hon. | You know from experience there is a choice now impossible to secure later. . COME AND SEE WHAT WE ARE SHOWING and if not prepared to buy now you can secure a choice and have it laid aside until required. : A SPECIAL LOT OF NOW Sar Waists of Wolie Island, | duce the imperial government to ro | duce an indemnity act and mensures | conducive to peace in South Africa. The cost of the king's coronation as | represented in the civil service esti mate is £1,006,000, the expenses of 'two processions and the alterations in the abbey: but ob viously does not cover the entertain ment of the guests by the crown and | of the colonies | the special embassies and various powers. A despatch to the London Times AT $4.50. Just received and wonderfully good value, considering the amount of work on them and the good materials used. This may include | from Pekin, says that prince Ching, | head of the Chinese foreign office, has been prevailed upon to consent to an agreement allowing Germany the ex elusive mining rights in the Shan Tung province. The royalty for China is to be seven instead of five per cent. The agreement is not yet signed The Chipman memorial hospital has heen opened in St. Stephen's, NB Tt was given by the childern of the late Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah Chip- man, "in loving memory." ~The old Chipman homestead; "The Cedars," haw been fitted into a well equipped, ! The donors are J. Mrs. How modern hospital. D. Chipman, 'lacy Tilley, land. and Mrs, Toller. Peter Ross, one of the Esque ing tug of wer team, was buried on Wed An. operation at hospital failed to save his life. understood hé was internally injured in the tug-of-war contests. makes the second vacancy on the team, young Swackhammer sucoumly ing to injuries received through arm being torn off id a threshing ma chine. i ---------- Death Of a Vietim. New York, Feb. 24.--Mrs Carolina I. R. Hall, of Newark, N.J., burned in the Park Avenue hotel fire, on Sat wrday morning, died to-day in the New York hospital, making the twen ticth death throngh the fire. She was the witow of the Rev. Dr.Samue! H. Hall, who was secretary aml tres- surer of the seaman's friend society. A ---------------- Thieves Make A Haul. Some time between Saturday night and Monday morning a thief or thieves entered the office of the Worm with piano factory and took from a cash box kept in-u drawer of a, desk about $20 in cash. There is nol trace of how the thief gained entrance. -------- Will Be No Meeting. Varsity has about quit hockey for this season. They will 's this year, as their men are Witeen laid up, and they could not wend down | a strong team 7 The Trust and Guarantee Company, street west, Toron- | of 'trust funds, | Limited, 14 Ki to, accepts all whether "under will, Jasttiage seltle- This | his | THE LOC not weet | JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. 70-72 Princess Street, Kingsion. Toronto | It is ! IN SHOES. We shall keep our promise and offer Bargains up to the last minute of the last hour of the last day of this month. Our window and bargain tables will tell the story. It's the right time to buy shoes and these are the right shoes to buy. KETT SHOE STORE © Al I of Parlor Sets AL and Couches. : IN ALL THE LATEST SHADES THIS WEEK AT ames Reid's Ask For Furniture Restorer. See that it is labelled. 7s

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