Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Feb 1902, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22. A NCE ew WR a "Th New Came PING PONG "PING. PONG ** hax jumped inte 8 pops larity which is alisost woparniiel.d the Bistory of games. It is new to this Gmotey vei thats in aleewdy spreading for it the fn rere which has owept Faglamd for the past yenr. bt ds taking like an epidemic, and "0 sot to play " Ping Foy ** is to ba Bocially Yirei of iL" The game is dmply Lown Tennis in minia tore, played om the dining room table with small rackets and un tiny Ball over a diminu- tive net, all Senutifully made, perfectly pro- oortioned and durable. Five minutes play mplains the gaose's sucowss, apd makes clear ita foscisation. Ret only theminives engrossed, but a whole room ful of people can be kept sovrely interested For sale by in R. Uglow & Co's. 141 Princess Street. Carpenters, \ Machinists ~~AND--- Fellow Workmen We handle the BEST TOOLS 'in the city, and our prices are rock bottom. - Come let us show them to you.. A full and complete line of all goods in the Hardware line. W. A MICHELL NOV. 14th, 1901. Griffith's . 'Meathol - Liniment P.°N. Norvivt, Bm, City Treoasurec's OF fice, Toromio, Hes. "Pernt me to nler oy wpnolieit Guiculal to the eflicney of Uriffihe Menthol Lisdwens. Many aches and pains have became a Igatler of history in ofr family. We always Keep it i wind 1 consider it 'Maeilh princeps' as a lind nt Ha rerommendal 14 Lo Dany eo ™n phe All Drugntists, 208. and 1750. are. the plavers | uo | weactive goods Higtle (HE 3 PM. EDITION JECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What is Going on in the Busines World--The Market News. Ther somtinsied good demand for Canadian woollens. It is rumored that the Standard oil com all the phosphate companies is a pany is buying of Florida Sewing colton ondy British-made own in Beazil The total number tis week ws 32, seins #7 this week Inst year The openings Monday, March Fed Many will be shown the their and porketknives goods that now hold are of failures in Canada AO fast week and Toronto eeour fines of at willinery wi wba Ft a from 189% to agricultural pr an) Dave inerend Exportt of loieien (practically all Ameri ve million $13,706,056 in 1961 Switzeriand hoe, have been worked leries are twenty Bye miles io profit $75,000 8 year. The total cost of a railros from Edmonton to Whit $42.520,000, und for a road from Port Simp son to the $34,110,000 A satistaetory feature of the ry goods tradk this week is the strength developed by the cotton goods witustion. Foreign makes of fine wool goods are also very firm Owing to war between the big packing houses in Chicago, the prics of dressed meat bons been reduced 25 per cent. The best drossed Deel is now selling retwil at Te. a pound A loan of 864, 600,000 is called for to come plete the great Russian railway (0 the Pa cific ocean. Some $15,000,000 is to be ex- pended this your in grading the line avd builkling sections along the route, About the middle of January there were ad: vances in domestic ducks of fc. to 1jc. This week there were further advances in nearly ofl lines of Jef Denims were also advanced this week je. ou nearly all lines of blues and browns. The. Commercial West advoontes the re of duty from Canadian wheat:o wi to the United | points out that | prior to Rex minke which HAR ye The gal length and the at 1 for wre I with sowipment Horse would be same point, moval to take away the menace States milling industry. It the removal of the duty will net cause lower Unitxd States, because Canadi Uniteel States prices In the already former, do pressiviy and apoio the United States miller profitalde sport farmer for wheat injures the the Hritish market the Umitechk States trace, the an wheat by Liverpool market | for the Give nnd will miller a paid to the munch bigher or no profit in milling. -- price be relatively than when ther is | a a i RE - BUILDING SALE This Sale general clearance in all de- partments and a more de- termined effort to hurry "out all goods before going pack to our new store, LINEN This means much to he house-keepers of this The enormous busi- [ness of the last few weeks b 'has been our city. 'Per Cent. "The balaiice of our (12 only) Woven Suares They are well assorted in means a SALL. special Off | Blank Ivison, | Moved | Walker, | was impossible LOST LIVES IN THE FIRE WHICH DID DAMAGE IN NEW YORK. The Armory of The 71st Regiment Took Fire and Spread to an Adjacant Hotel---Names of The Dead are Given. New York, Feb, 22. Fifteen persons lost their lives and fifty or more were injured in a fire which was communi cated, early to-day, from the regiment, NG. armory to the Aveniie hotel. The armory was de stroved, entailing a loss of 86350,000, An the hotel the damage was prinei pally on thé 'tiers of rooms surround ing the elevator shaft The to the hotel building srimated af 16860 0600 The dead are © Col. Alexander er, USA. tretived): Col Charles Purdette, of Conmecticut, lst US hunteers infantry: William Horn and Denver, Colo., both em bv HB Claflin; Wilham Fennesses;, W. €G, Barnhart Chicago Norman Arson, Alabama Mrs Charlotte Bennett, twenty-thred vears old; dentifiec: bodies, Shortly bheiore one o'clock was discovered bursting of the 7ist regiment armoury, aveaue, and Mth strict. The had gained tremendous headway by the time the firemen arrived on the El The detonation from the ex plosion of powder magazines was tor rilie, but the firemen had ven warned of the danger and nove of them were injured. Ambulances were called from every hospital in the district and the firemen turned their entire"sftention to the hotel. A line of hose was quickly rushed up to the third floor while scores of guests were taken from the windows by other firemen on the outside. The firemen inside found that the hotel was rapidly illing with smoke and the firemen for a time dropped their hose and through the" building » loss ms and seven uni from: the roof Park flames search by the smoke. Their search wat | warded for on nearly every floor, in the hallway of were re and scores It to build their efforts to reach the open air. to do anything wards saving the magnificent ing Several times flames to the car street railway, quid kly extinguished Hospital records show that taken to the Now institution. Nearly that number were injured in panic stricken endeavors eo and received. medical aid on Of the scores taken from the windows of the third, fourth and filth floors many were slightly burned and were hysterical from shoek. Of the dead three were women. The death in each instance or with one exception; one man jumped from the fifth storey win to the inner court. crushed and death was instantaneous, Among the dead is Mrs Reed, wife of the proprietor of the hotel. ~ Harry L. Bennett, Toronto, jumped hom a fourth floor window. iis arms ard leg were broken. At four o'clock chief Croker who bed been inside the building «iid that ha helieved a large numbe: of dead were inside in the halls and corridors. Among those who escaped were bishop Ludden, Mgr. Kenny and a number of Catholic firiegts from Syra cuse Admiral Miller, N., {re tired} who had a room on the floor of the hotel fell unconscious his attempt to escape from the burn ing building. It is stated that he cannot recover. Admiral Miller went through the Windsor hotel fire and the Murray Hill explosion unscathed. Two men' whose names have not been learned attempted to escape from the hotel by going to the roof. Both them jumped fromthe roof and was instantly Killed, The other fatally injured Rear-admiiral Joseph N tired, who was 1 in_the fire, was not hurt st all Reed, wife of the rescued early and taken to a near by residence, She was not hurt, How the fire started is a mystery, were commum of the Metro these cated barns politan hut were twenty 159 persons York double their were Bellevue cap spot suffocation, dow one in one was Miler, re Mrs. declared this forenoon that, opinion, the blaze 'in the hotel was entirely independent of that at the ar mory. It is established, nit a fair de- gree of certainty, that the fire at the Bote! originated at the shait. From this point the 6ifth and in every direction, completely & upper floors. The ; was built hy A, spent $2000.00 en anid furnishings, Mr. Stewart designed | the hotel original Hy as a home for workingmen. -- WORST THIS SEASON, -- New York Found Itself Crippled. ~ New York, Fob, 22. After, twenty four hours of snow, sleet and rain and a 'night of high wind New York awoke today to the worst weather conditions it has faced this winter. Telegraph and telephone wires are down in all directions, train service in | aml out of the city is delayed. Sub- urban Wrolley service is praciieally at a stasadstill, gutting Park Avenue ho- T. Stewart, who Badl vy 'Lord Stratheona To Build It. Winnipeg, Fels. 22 Plans and speci: fications have been prepared by a local | block near the Hudson Bay company, | to be built by lord Strathcona. hell H Fovalkper, formerly of Sydney Miwa "hospitals have abolished clinics upon. women patients. Tlst | Park | Alabama, | the fire hurried | of | guests, who might nave reen overcome | persons | found who had been overcome in | the | was caused by burns His skull was | fifth | of | ported mortally hurt | hotel proprietor, was | Many of the police and 'fire officials | in their | north elevator | It crept up to | xixth floors and spread | its "eonstruction | architect for a magnificent apartment | ¢ fa OF THE DAY. i Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By { Reporters on Their Rounds. | The { March senate has wlhimmoed auld 1th. Men's 'suits, this city at Harrison Co's Mowiay Tuesday { train was wrecked | Ohio. It was thrown into or was killed. Miss Alice M. young Buffalo, N.X., woman steriousty disappeared. President Rossevelt's son, preumonia at Graton, Mass, removes to Washington Two men were fatally injored bv an { explosion of a heiler in a grain chop- ping mill near Brookville, Pa he latest pews received from Yalia, | Crimea, is to the effet that Toistoli is at the pont of death Patrick Kane at One ta, NY, was run o aw tnoh lengine at Utica and instantly kilbad Robt. Graham, attending the aairy chool, ha necepted a position butter waker with senator Perley, of | Manitoba. have no equal in Bibby 's special that f10. Sex chair ad and near Oberlin, a ditch. No A Colie, a prominent has my ill of has been count & yardinan r by a nus A great comforter ix a ewp of good tea Try Charm, put up in packages; mixed, black or Japan as you prefer The varnish works of Emil Calmin, | Long Island €ity, New York, were totally destroyed by fire. The plant was valued at $225,000. Senator W. D. Perley, of Wolsley, & W.T., addressed the students of the Kingston dairy school this morning, and leit on the noon train for Ota wa. Justice Britton, in the city with his family, noon to-day for Owen Sound assize court there, opening on day. J. E. Freeman, of Hartington, { brought to. the city today a carload of timber for ship-repairing purposes The consignment was for the Folger Bros. 4 The minister spending some days left at to hold Mon- of marine writes Dr. Walkem, K that the report of the commissionsrs refarding the Marine City investigation has not yet reached his hands The "'personully conductpd"" scheme of emigration Canada, organized | by the dominion government, in Brit ain, is resulting in quite large | movement Bagil Thompson, who was appoint ed governor of Cardiff: jail only a few weeks ago, has been appointed to the goyerborship oi Dartmoor con viet prison The Obie tion in favor Stated senators the Maple sagar apd sviup at Redden's R. W. Nisbet, Pine late book { keuper for the Carnovsky wood manu facturing company, has to To ronto to accept a good position in a wholesale house. Lord Lansdowne has told Germany that Britain objects to notes being | published without eonsent of parties { as it did reeently in regard to a meet ing of ambassadors at Washington. The leading physicians of Quebec city are organizing - for a complimen tary dinner shortly to be tegdered to Dr. Catellier, the painstaking and conscientious city health physician. Seli-raiging buckwheat flour Redden's. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg coal and iron company has just elos- ed a deal with Inaiana. county farm- erg, for the purchase of 4.300 aver of coal lands: The price paid was R100,000 Nothing is micer with pancakes than maple syrup. We have it in tins and bottles. Jas.(Redden & Co. John White, Chicago, brother of ex reeve William White, of Tweed, died in Chicago on the 12th inst. Deceased learned the trade of a tinsmith in Belleville with H. K. Lvon. He leaves two sons and two daughters Amelia Fischer, a Hungarian domes tic in the family of W. J. Bithans, Yonkers, N.Y., shot the five-year-old child and then tried to commit cide with 324 She feared dismissal, { and resolved ¥ die with the chila of whom she was insanely fond. The child will recover, This morning a Wolfe Island farmer | obtained from a laundry a parcel con taining two white shirts and some col lars. He placed the parcel under a table in the island market while he attended to eome business and upon looking for it again found that it had { disappeared. The police think that boys stole it. A telegram morning conveyed that the swift little owned by Dr. Abbott, had won the I 2:22 clane ii good time. The perform- ance of this mare has been remark- able. She is not five years old and has been racing only a year, yet she | has never finished outside the money | amd has a majority of firsts to her eredit. She will be \kpme to morrow, { and will start in the ice races here on March 5th and 6th. to a HOw house of the legidature represent ate of hays of the by passed a resolu United of lection on a direst people. street, gone at sui from Montreal this the intelligence mare Babeline, Tax The Railroads. A meeting of ratepayers of the county was held at C ataraqui on Fri- day night 10 di cuss questions per taining to the intorests of farmers. E. A. Milton presided as chairman. The questions dircnssed were princi pally those pertaining to taxation of rgilroads and municipal bonusing, bath being condemned. J. 1. Hay cock favored the taxing of railroads, #0 also did Dr. Edwards. R. H, Fair poke strongly against bonusing. George Bawden maintained that the farawrs should bavé a candidate in the Ontario house, who would carry out the views expressed at the newt jing, Addresses wire also delivered hy D. DB. Rogers, Wiliam Pillar, Wil lane Davis, and others. A resoloiion wat adopted condémning bonusing +! and favoring government taxation of i railroads. The feeling of the meeting | wus strongly in favor of an indepen. { dept candidates BD. DD. Rogers being { | | | i | i { i i i i eB i § three | favored. W. J. Shibley sent 8 letter lof reget: urgent hostiness kept him | sway from the meeting. J. 8. Gal* i lagher did not send regrets mor put © and other TALKING 'ABOUT BIRTHS A DECREASE IN NEARLY ALL THE CITIES, i The Births in Toronto Did Not In- | crease According to The Pop- ulation--A Marked Decrease | Noted. Toronto, Fe The turns of the registrar general"s de partment for 1900 were laid before the legislatare yesterday. They show that here were 46,127 1900, 20.497 deaths and 17.017 war inges. There ix a decrease in births in every ty except London, St Catharines, Guelph and Ottawa. population of Toronto increased the fifteen per cent... on which the births to correspond should have numbered 5419, whereas they but 4.53. "There iy no alternative, Dr. Bryce saves, 'but to conclade that the rate of 1539 of 23.4 has by same twenty por cent. in the ous cities in Ontario, althongh majority thes an crease, in Ison' Rev, Dr. Sutherland, tary of the Methodi t leaves the ity in two Ja pan. While there the doctor will con sult with the Methodist missionaries, and attend a conference of native ministers Dr. Sutbefland will re main in Japan until the middle of Juve, A George ter, Newmarket veloped in ° his Mr. try since InN and years of age. He was chaiman the Dradiord distri t. Ww. Ay Fallis, M.P.P., bh. 22 detailed re decade were San the of connt es mn 19M, over Is general secre weeks for week ago last Sunday Rev. McCulloch, Methodist minis: took a cold that de death on Thueslav will not Durham. He has been ture eight years and open 'the way for some in the legisla is willing of the ambi tious tories in his riding to enter pub- | lic life. J. J. Preston, of Manvers, likely to get the nomination The small pox situation in western Ogtario, after being a source pi to the health department at last. clearing. Dover township was the centre of an outbreak in and De. Hoagetts, there this morning, says that the four- teen houses are now under quarantine Since the first outhreak there been 302 cases in Dover township and vicinity, is Charles: Pettit of Belleville, robbed of £4 on a Grand Trank train wn the north this morning, and it i ged that John Corbett, took the money while Pettit der the influence of liquor ted at the arrival of the had S63 and was Corbett was Union station, on the ind gearched. He Pettit had not a cent Arres train The | in | ersased | mission hoard, | McCulloch had been in the winis- | was forty two | of | | again i be? Ya candidate for re-election in East | to | of grave | is | Kent, | who returned from | hirths in Ontario in | have | was Mitchell, | KRONPRINZ IN STORM'S PATH | Liner Not Likely To Reach. New | York To-Day. New York, Feb. 22.--The Kronprinz Wilhelm, with pringe Henry on hoard, has not yet reported. Whelows telegraph stations have been endea voring, since early morning, to reach the ship, but no signals have received. The weather ° outside Hook is thick. . The officials of the North CGorman- Lloyd line fear she will not be able to reach her New York pier until Sun day morning, as hoped. Queenstown, Feb. telegraph message was received terday from the Cunard line steamer Lucania, thirty miles west of Festnet The Lucania reported that in lati tude 45590 north, longitude 35.16 west, she was in communication by the Marconi system of wireless tele been the 22.-A ves Leen | insiead of on Saturday | wireless | MONDAY We Will Hold Our Annual Spring SALE OF LINENS } We have been preparing for this event and for two months past have been gathering special bargains that have been offered. The result is you will not get again this spring, Among' the lot is ' 363 Yards Pure Bleached Table Linen, Full 73 inches wide, chrice patterns and a quality never sold oi less than $1. SPECIAL PRICE MONDAY FOR THIS LOT, 76c. YARD. 269 Yards Pure Bleached Table Linen Remnants. In lengths from 2 yards, 24, 24 avd 8 yards long, all 72 inches wide. These vare from 760. to 85¢. a yard regular. SALE PRICE MONDAY, 89. YARD. 63 Dozen Pure Linen Huckaback Towels, Good size, A BPECIAL BARGAIN AT 10e, EACH, An Assorted Lot of Towels, All Pure Line, at 6¢., 7o., 80. each. These are fully one- third less than thdir regular valae. 50 Dozen Table Napkins. Regu'ar $2 qalbty ePKECIAL PRIOE MONDAY, $1.40 DOZEN An Assorted Lot of Fine Table Napkins, D flersut qualities and patterns, at SPECIAL PRICES, SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK MONDAY MORNING. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. [70-172 Princess Street, Kingston. PR aa BE a SPLENDID LOT OF LINENS at prices, All' The Better graphy with the North German-Lloyd | steamer Kronprinz Wilhelm, and ex changed greetings with prince Henry, who is on board. The Kronprinz Wil helm signalled "All well." Want The Matched Race. Kingston horsemen are trying to se- | heve on March matched race cure for the races and 6th, the Sydney Pointer, The race is for 8600. Kingston | horsemen offer a bonus of $200, free | hotel accommodation, ete.. The horse men. meet at the Revere house, Mon- ing, Up to noon today they | collected over $250 towards the. prize money for the races. If the matched race spoken of can be tainea for here, it will prove a strong atiraction, Retirement Of Judges. Ottawa, Feb. 21.--The house to-day made stoady progress with the esti mates, disposing of practically all the civil government and legislation votes. A general discussion oceurred on the | judicial system, during which Mr Haggart. congratulated the govern ment on the last the bench. The house adjourned six o'clock. -------- Death Of A Canadian. Thomas, Ont., Feb 22..J A. Decow, of the South African consta- bulary, in a letter to his parents, who lived in Middlemiss, reports the death of Richard Took, one of the number | who enlisted in this city for the fore. Took died at Bloemioatein of enteric Eight deaths has occurred up to that time in Decow's troop. St Result Of A Fight. Guthrie, Okla., Feb. 22--A fight oc curred yesterday between Oklahoma of- ficers and the band of outlaws that killed sherifi Smith and Beck at Ana darko, a month ago. As a result ove of the outlaws, Walter Swafferd, is dead and deputy sheriff W. A. Jones, Ativr, Oklahoma, is seriously wound o ---------- Dr. M'Collum Appointed. London, Feb. 22 --Dr. T. A. MeCol- Jum, Dunnville, has been appointed superintendent of the London asylum, in succession to the late Dr. B M. Bucks, at a salary: of $2000 and re sidence. = - ---------- Jake Gaudaur Injured. Rat Portage. Ont, Feb. 22 Jake Gavduur, oarsman, bad a fall while enrling yesterday breaking his should: or bone and eutting his head badly I ------------------ FX alderman O'Brien arrived 5th | between | Deveras and Looking | i i two appointments to | ] at | | | L | {i { For You. An Explanation, In order to fulfil our promise to keep ATTRAC- TIVE BARGAINS on the tables all this month at our | Odds and Ends Sale, we have laid out many lots which are not, strictly speaking, Odds and Ends, and which The Bargains Laid Out For Saturday Are Really Very Attractive ve | we did not at first intend to put into this sale, but this lis all the better for you. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ---- ERE SEFAERERNEE CIARA FREE. FREE. A CURE GUARANTEED. I will send vou a legnl guarantee cared theusamds of casex of Varieocele, Indigestion, Weak to cure you, and 1 have Rheumatism, Losses. Ner Kidneys and all troubles caused by NO CURE. NO PAY. Others claim this, but I am the only one who will inal] a valuable belt, absolutely free on trial for three months, Hi a are cured | know you will willingly pay. KH you wot cured you will have 10 pay not ons cent. My Nhe est model Flectro-Galvanic Belt does not have to be charged to get a current. This i= a very TER ntage. If you are using an old style bely; one that yi have to) charge in vinegar, one with discs covered over, send B to me /and | will send you one of my High Power Latest Model elect/o Galvanic Belts in ex- change. FREE BOOK. Write me to day for my fer illustrated book, telling all. ab- out my wonderful belt, and men's diseases, I will ny it to you free, sealed in plain envelope. It costs you nothing snd you will find ix very interesting, and an sid THE TWENTIETH CENTURY BELT. My improved Belt is the most modern and the most perfect in 'the world. Tt is stronger than any other. It will Jast longer It can be kept clean, an im possibility with any belt that hag to - be soaked in Sass. To soak s belt in vi a ruins it in a us short time. It lways soiled and unhealthy. Mine is nev. a out of order. a is alwayw easily kept clean. 18 willeost you Jove, and last loneer than any other, Write today for my free =. DR. J. A, MACDONALD ELECTRIC CO 2239 St. Catherine St., Montreal, Que. VOusness, abuse & | ! | 4

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