-- ---- To ee a -- TH YEAS. NO. 46. AILY BRITISH WHIG. R J. REID, Ls UNDERTAKER, 2 Doors Above the Opera Wouse. TELEPHONE 577. Piseoant Sale. Zz 15 Per Cent. Off Regular Fe Prices. ALWAYS DELIGHT. One of these Couches will prove delight in. the home. They are Wa Elegant enough to be welcomed anywhere, and Durable enough to be used every day. Best Values Cover from $5.50 to 'See them--They are Bargains. . Ro J. REID. KIRKPATRICK'S ART STORE DISCOUNT SALE 20 Be 0if Uniramed Pictures : balance of February,; You are always welcome "at our gallery. ~ BY JOHN H. MILLS. Important Auct on Sale of Valuable Purniture, TUESDAY, Feb. 25th. THE RESIDENCE wemwood, 128 Union ----_-- furniture, vit Riou pri. rusncls amd other Car $ , Jrom Bed, Mar- JOHN H. MILLS, - ,Auctionese. MONDAY, adth Band ta att This all) be one of the best games of the | season, apd il you mise iv you will be worry, ------------------------------------ . » Army Service Corps. RECRUITS DESIRING S00 Xo. 3 Co plication 44 op%. ¥ Feb. 24th 4 A £0. B. WHITE. 'aptain Commun inding | WARTED. ™ ENERAL TWO IN THE FAMI a Iv By Murch, 100 Bagot St. --------------------------------------------------" ------r a BOA! "NICE ROOMS, WITH le rd, may be had at 24 Staert FS board. "AS HOUSEKKFPER, NURSE TO position of Ad- a AS" Wai Otte. - ---------------- S------------ Mar WORK AT Sox. "Dent. ©., Toronto. v - - a + $18 FOR COPYING LETTERS sex, Send two stamps for 3 Kaul Supply Co., 89 Dear MHOUSEMAID BY MARCH "in tw Mrs. D. KER POR OUT of taking Mull charge or further information and wages "The Litle Minister" rmT------ AUT NOYS, AT ONCE. APPLY TO Soy: LOCAL MEMORANDA, The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. The sun rises Suwday, at 647 am, and | sts at 5:41 pm The leopard cannot change his spots, buts girl can get rid of freckles. When & mam expresssd his opinion it is ne- tural to infer that what he save goes. Nominations in Ontario ill for vacancy in board of education, Momday at noon. Why is disner on board a sieambont like Easter Day ?--Because it is a movable feast. Auniversary services at Princes - Street Meahodist church, to morrow Ammual ten meaing ow Tuesday. Admission 25 cents. Be sure you read Dr. Ches's 'nrge advi on page 8, for jt contains so Valuable free gift for you, by simply calling at the Whig Office Monday i you resolve fo do right you will soon do wisely; but resolve only to do wisely, and vou will never do right Ruskin | Why ars there fewer large trees in Reot- land than there might be ?--Becnus ws ety | of the Boots "cut thwir sticks' when young. | This day in the world's history.~ British | under lord Roberts, prevent Boers reinforcing Crqaje, 1900; United Sgates troops defent Mexicans at Busem Vista, 1847; George Wash. jrton, British tewitor, born, 1732; wawacrs of Alamo, 1836; J. J. Astor died, 1800; death of Bill Nye, 1806; arrival at Ply mouth of 305 of Jumeson's raiders, 1896. Fine Belgium Crystal Glassware. e the handsome pieces ofthese goods in our window. A line we always carry and can be matched at any time. ROBERTSON BROS. NEW GRAND °"=24 CTIA te SATURDAY, FEB. 22nd Charles Probman's Authorized Version of THE GREAT COMEDY SUCCESS + (i FRANCES STEVENS so LADY BAD "» compan oy wa players. hn abe She, 78¢., $1. Box peate 81. baloom) hy ire ground floor amd five rows Repinier of baléony and wp gallery 3 5 Seats now on sale at HANLEY'S. TO-LET. PRICK DWELLING, 120 BARRIE STREET, 9 Rooms, Modern, Hot Water Heating; Facing Lily Park. Also other dw offices. tors 4.8. R. McCann, ¥ King Street, DISTRICT DASHES. News of the District Condensed From the Whig"s Exchanges. Andrew Moore, fourth concession of Comden, and « Miss Aggie J. Paul, Camden, were married on Wednesday. J. Harvey Francis, Crookston, has purchased a farm in Prince Edward county and will move to it in a cou ple of weoks. Proderick Galloway, carri maker, died at. Brockville on Friday, aged thirty-four years. A wile survives, The remains were taken to Ganano- que. * HN awrones Gemmell & Co., Perth, have purchased the mica mine on the Luke McMullan - property between Gihb's Creek and . From this a large quantity of mica bas been tak- on The home of Alexander Landon, South Augusta, was on February 19th the scene of a pretty wedding, when his daughter, Miss May Landon, was united in marriage to Byron Nash, North Dakota. i Samuel Clark, Consecon, an-old reside. died on 16th inst. The de ceased spent his whole lifetime in and and around Consecon. Two daoghters, Mrs. Mortimer Chase. and Julia, who het house for her father, survive him. _ A. Rose and L. P. Wells, whose ropertics adjoin and who were each by the great fire at Tamworth, have decided to | t up. .a large bl k to ir will contain three Pe a native of South and a =on of the late ., has become a promin- TO 'VASS BUSI i a (a KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1v02, ANOTHER HEAVY ORDER Has Been Given For Canadian H:y COING 10 SOUTH AFRICA AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN BUSY. {In Sending Forward Over Seven Million Dollars Worth of Stuff for the Soldiers--The Contract Extended For Another Five Years. Ottawa, Feb, 22 The department of agriculture has received an order for 15000 long tons of hay, equal to Jo. 20 Canadign tons, to be shipped bs South Africa during the month of March. The department has already placed the contrhets for the supply ing of the order. As agent for the purchase of agri- cultural products to the war oflice, the 'department had forwarded the following to South Africa, Hay, 96,- 220 tons; flour, 35,255 'bags; oats, 50,200 bags; beef, 40.722 cases; jams, 11,743 cases, The expenditure of the imperial war office through the agriculture depart ment for these products, including transportation, ete., has been four million dollars, and by the time the contracts now in hand have been completed, the amount will have been increased to seven millions. The dominion government has ex- tended the contract with the Ameri can bank note company for the print- ing of bank notes, stamps, etc, for another five years. THE TALK OF LONDON, Is Lord Rosebery's Latest Fling At Liberals. London, Feb. 22.--The press is ab- sorbed with the bombshell that lord Rosebery has dropped into the libe- ral camp. The comments are copious; and are what were to be expected ac- cording to the tenets of the individual papers. The. Daily News and other papers supporting Sic Henry Camp bell-Bannerman trv to meet the inci dent with smiling indifference. One o the News' captions is 'No Disrgption papers gloat over ihe a in papers gloat over the dilemna in which they think the liberals have been placed. Rumors in the lobbies of the houge of commons, in the clubs, and other political circles are plentiful, but none seems to demand special tredente or to. be worthy of record. Attempts to draw opinion from prominent politi: cians have fai'ed. The: whole position at the moment suggests that a hive of bees has overturned and that its occupants are buzzing around aimless v. "One of the most noticeable phases is {he 'curious effect the letter produced on the wording of the Times' editor ial on the subject. Its friendliness to the ex-premier might easily be ex: plained on the ground of unionist de- light at a definite split in the opposi tion ranks. Its declaration that "what the country wants is not a brand new set of principles, but a new set of men edbahle of replacing the present set, without upsetting the policy of the empire," 'precedes the significant demand that lord Rove bery's party must prove that they can be trasted to infuse business energy and capacity into the prosecu- tion of .an impe ial policy. Conclud ing, the Times says: "If the fruition of efforts in that direction may seem 10 be remote, we can only say it may come sooner than anyhody expects." This cryptic utterance has started rumors of a mew coalition between the unionists and imperial liberals under the Jeadership of the duke of Devonshire and lord Rowsa'ery, besides the possible defection of the limes in its support of the present parlia ment, LOOKING FOR SPOILS. Poking Around The Debris Of The Keeley Institute. Battle Creek, Mich., Feb. 22.--Five hundred theusand dollars in diamonds and jewelry in a space 300 by 100 feet. This beats a Kiondyke mine, yet such is the condition which confronts the people of Battle Creek. The latest estimate on the losses of the guests in the sanitarium fire places them at the above figure. Many of the valu- able diamonds were undoubtedly con: sumed in the fierce flames, but others probably fell to the basement and are now in the debris. The gold in the jewelry, even if melted, will make ex- ceedingly rich picking, and the ques- tion arises who will it belong te if found. Certainly the s would: be unable to recognize their own if pull- ed out in the shape of n ts, and it is questionable if the laborers Joulg be allowed to keep what they ---------- ~~" SECURED CONTROL. Probably Of the Dominion Steam ship Line. London, Feb. 22.~The Daily Tele- 's Liverpool correspondent says there is reason {0 believe that another transaction of the same nature as the American acquisition of the Leyland line has just taken place, American it- terests ve, it is ramored, gained something like the control of the Do- minion steamship com i is { bayonets PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. A statue to George Washington to be erwded in London, Fog The C. P. R new railway in mer. The supply of ivory is and feared. Mr. and Mrs. Kady, don, celebrated toeir on Tuesday. Chili on Monday from the works, Prussia. Bidwell deereasin, golden weddin ordered Solingen on Tuesday last A Man, acres with wheat, Mrs. Cheney (Julia Arthur) has sub scribed &0 towards the Queen torin memorial statue at = will build 200 miles of Manitoba next sum- ihe. extinction of the supply is of North Bran- 25,000 steel Faulkner, of Worseley, N. W. T., dropped dead guing to dinner farmer near Portage La Prairie, has already seeded twenty five Vie Hamilton. The troopship Victoria with the se- GREAT JOHNS Celebration of Its Quarter Contennial NEW PRESIDENT REMSEN WAS FORMALLY INAUGURAT- ED TO-DAY. o 2 Prominent Educators Present--Im- pressive Ceremonies--The Uni- versity's Remarkable Growth And Influench Baltimore, Md., Feb. 22 The cele bration of the quarter centennial of Johns Hopkins university, which be y | gan yesterday, enlminated to-day in brilliant exercises auguration of Prof. the new president of The ceremonies took place at eleven 22 Ira Remsen as HOPKDS. attending he in | There is © GLOPHOBIA. RUSSIAN AN Russia's Answer To The Late De- clarations. London. Feb 22. The Berlin cor respondetit of the Standard tosrns that the United States' note on Man churia, after handed to the Russian government, was communi cated to all" the Gther powers in1eY Russia's first answer to the | policy, - which may be read between the lines of the American note and the Anglo-Japanese agreement, has just been given. The Russian govern ment has allotted extraordinary cre dit to the amount of 50,000 roables for | x, beitig ested, | the comstruction for war ships of new types. All the vessels will be built in Russia i St. Petersburg newspapers say Rus | sia will keep her troops Manchuria regardless of the Anglo Japanese | treaty, until China guarantees protection of Russian a bad outbreak of Anglo the | interests { { i i { phobia in Russia the instifation. | "SPION KOP. } LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES. {10 am Fale Ont Feb © wot mwa change 9 Torowto, i fair today Suaday | tempuraiure SPRING, 190 New Imported Dry Goods opened out to-day. New Irish Crochet Laces New "Velencienns Laces, English and French, in all widths, : Applique Trimmibg, Laces and Gimps. New Square Mesh Laces in Ine just cond detachment of the mounted rifles on board is reported at Cape Town. The trial of Gen, Usman Pasha, on the charge of high treason. is in jro- gress at Constantinople, behind closed o'clock in music hall, the interior which was tastefully decorated back and old gold, the colors. The seating hall was taxed to university capacity of the accommodate the of in Despatches. New York, Feb. 22.-The Some Fresh Light On The Famous | Tribune's doors. Archhishop Ireland, in states that the constitution of United States | must, be crush anarchy, the enemy of liberty. Lyman J. Gage, formerly of the United States treasury, be president of the April. Oswego is to have anaition to its jail. with rubber. be expended on it. The Berlin correspondent that the Pauncefote controversy now the subject 6f diplomatic corres pondence between Germany and Great Britaim Sixty-six women ' textile factory Lancashire, Yorkshire thousand eight hundre workers, ment praying for immediate posse sion of the franchise. Gew:* Dewet, with 400 of Lind block-he two of whom were killed lev, Orange River Colony. Th The chief of police of Winnipeg has offered a reward of $100 to any pe son who will remove the veil su rounding the death of Mrs. Muelle whose mangled corpse was found « the track of the C.P.R. on Feb. 5th. on a vote had the The Italian ministry resigned Friday afternoon, after been taken on the election for wesident. of the chamber, Signer Vi fn the' president, "hitherto handed in. Senator Templeman's to the dominion cabinet great satisfaction bia. The senator is of Scotch. paren age, and was born -at Ont., in 1944. He is an upright appo! 18 ture. A-Hill is now hefore the legislature "that at». Albany, which provides woodeock, grouse and quail shall ne be sold or offered for sale time or place state. This hill, if this species of gare are nearly ext minated in the state. AMAZON TOMB DISCOVERED. Prof. Goldberg Finds Woman Vik- ing's Remains. Christiania, Feb, 22.--Prof. herg's discovery of an Amazon ton at Solor, in western Norway, contai ing the rémains of a woman between twenty end thirty years of age, alor with a complete set of arms and the skeleton of a borse, has excited i tense interest in riors. The tomb dates from the viking age, thought the woman whose must have celebrity, as and it Is remains have been found been a person of some the ancients deemed it a great hon to be buried with horse and arm Further excavations are proceeding. Call For a Plebiscite. London, Feb, 22. that the state conngil résolved, « Friday, to submit the treaty provic ing for the Incies to the h diew to obtaining its consent. believed ' that the upper minke a plebiscite of the islanders condition to treaty. It Colonel Gunther Retires. Washington, Feb. 22.-Col. Franc Gunther, senior colonel by operation of the age hmit. tary record extendi Point fifty years ago, and his ba tery in the civil war was an historical one. ---------- { } The Case Of Miss Stone. Constantinople, Feb. iti here London, Manhuttan, from Halilax, with the meranted ri' es on boand, bas sriived at Dur frat section of Canahen ban from Cape Town. an address, the amended to secretary is to United States trust company. He will take office in erected a large A padded cell will also be addea, which will be lined The sum of $17,000 will of the London Morning Post, says he knows of and Cheshire have presented a petition to parlia followers broke back through the block house line a few nights ago, ten miles west ss opened fire on the Boers r received 135 votes, but 142 blank ballots were intment giving in British Colum Pakenham, and honest politician, and the people of British Columbia have faith in his fu- at anv throughoWt New York it becomes law, will he, in force for twenty years, as Gold the learned world The discovery is pronounced the first of its kind, notwithstanding that the old sages speak often of women war A despatch to the Morning Post, from Copenhagen, says sale of the Danish West United States, to par ut, as soon as possible, with the house will the ratification "of the of artillery, | wes retived from active servies to-day Col. Gunther retires with a splendid mili- ing over a period of nearly half a centery. He was a class mate of Gen. Joseph Wheeler at West 22.-~kbe an that Rev. Mr. many students, members of the facul- ty, alumni and others who sought ad- mission. Among the invited guests were prominent educators representing scores of the leading colleges and uni- versities of the Uhited States and Canaca. Included in the number were president Conaty, of the Catholic uni- versity; presinent Wiggins, of the Uni- versity of the South; president Harris, of Bucknell; president Starr, of Ran- aalph-Macon; president Pritchett, of the Massachusetts institute of technol ogy; Prof. C. L. Edwards and presi- dent Suiith, of Trinity college; presi dent Wheeler, of the university of California; president Quirk, of Lovola principal Peterson; of McGill president Warfield, of La- © is college: university; fayette, and dean of Cornell The ceremonies were prayer, followed by several musical selections. Addresses were delivered on hehalf of the faculty, stu dents and alumni of = the university Daniel £'. Gilman, president emeritus of Johns Hopkins university, and {row president of the Carnegie institu | tion, presented the | od Po trustees, he : svinbols of au | thority, the kevs, to the university, amd a bible, to the new presitent, whom he formally introduced to the President Remsen respond ol with his inaugural address, which was full of interest and listened to with close attention by his auditors. r r r, | mn | assembly. president recited the history of. the university from the time of its foun | dation to the present. Warm tribute was paid to | Prof. Gilman, the first and only president of = the university, and to whom, more than any onc else. its remarkable growth and in fence, its flourishing condition and present high standing among educa tional institutions, are due, The speaker said that the university had been hampered in the past by 'the con ditions regarding its finances imposed by its founder, hut that, thanks to recent acts of philanthropy, the gloomy prospect had been suddenly illamined by a burst of sunshine. Johns Hopking university was en dowed by its founder. Johns Hop kins, of Baltimore, with a bequest of £3,000,000, its philosophical depart ment being opened in 1576. Pending the erection of suitable buildings at Clifton, libraries, lecture roows, lab orataries, ete., have been provided in Baltimore. The design of the univers ity, which is entirely unsectarian, to promote the higher pursuit of spe cial branches of stuay. At the present time the university has nearly 700 students Dr. Ira C. Remsen, the new presi dent, was born in Baltimore in 1846 aud" has been associated with Johos Hopkins university since its founda 1 Yon, bis college medical school, a post graduate student of Munich and Goet tingen, and for four years was proies sor of chemistry in Williams college In 15879 he founded the American Chemical Journal, and has ever sinec been sits editor," He is a member of the national academy of sciences, and foreign member of the chemical suci ety of London. By all who know him he is looked upon as a thorough or | seholar and most able educator. =. . MAY HAVE A TRIBUNAL. te i" Te ib n ng To Decide Matters Affecting Elec- tric Companies' Rights. Toronto, Feb In the Ontario lezgi lature, ye terday, the attorney general announced that the electric railway problem would be grappled with during the present session: He would not commit the government to it, but gave it as his own opinion that a' tribunal, analogows in fune- tions to the railway committee of the privy council, should be established: The attorney-general's remarks were called for hy the second reading of a bi I, introduced by Dr. McKay, of South Oxford, providing that any electriz srilway connecting any tity, or town, or village, with anv other 22 1 is is connection with and runviag rights over railwave exisihy in the terminal muricipali jes upon properly sovpen- esting the existing companies for these privileges. The bill went to the t | railway company. Death Of John Scott. Toronto, Feb. 22 John Reott, who about sixteen years ago came to Can ada from Scotland and resided for one year in Qisbec, where he managed the business of the Inte Hon. James Ross, of Quebec, and then dame to Toronto, where he continued to man- business of the Ross estate, immediate stroke of paralysis. Mr. Scott is sur vived by three sons ana four dangh ters: Mr. Scott claimed to be a ; tive of Sir Walter Scots, he. hose Al. eo haere, We have 3 pairs of, black cashmere socks for you Tak. Bisby 's. Thomas F. Crane, | opened with | London correspondent says "Inde | fatigable as ever, Henry Norman has | sicoeeded in inducing Mr. Balfour to! throw same fresh light on the famous | Spion Kop cespatches. It now seems | that Gen. Buller contented Rimself with forwarding Gep. Warren's ac count of the battle, with two opin jonk on Gen. Warren's conduct. In both of these Gen. Buller advigrsely | criticized his second in command, but | the one in which he really spoke his | mind 'was marked, 'Not necessarily for | publication." Buller refused to | write a connected story of the whole | affair. Mr. Balfour indignantly repu- | diated the suggestion that Gen. Buller | was asked to tamper with the truth in order to please the war office." } | | Gen, INQUIRY TO GO ON SOON. { Leading Medical Men Get Togeth- | er, Under King's Sanction | London, Feb, 22 of the medical Britain are The official heads | profession of Great | determined to mnite for | i | causes, LANCOT | likely { follow In the course of his remarks the new | He is a graduate of the Columi-| city, of town, ot vilage, should have: investigation into the | prevention, trentment of | The king has given his conn tenance to the movement, and it is interesting developments will shortly The the Royal college of surgeons and the | Rova!l of physicians have adoptea a resolution empowering deh draw up a detailed scheme | of work. Sir William Church, Sir William Broadbent, and others equal ly well: known are on the committee systematic and councils of gates to Huge Cost'Of English Campaign. London, "Feh. 22.--A blue book just issued contains a list of expenditures of parliamentary candidates at the last' election. A= an instance of thy | large amounts paid, Sinclair, member | for -the Romford division of Fasex, | spent. £1,926 2x in getting the seat, while his opponent, Hon. L. KR. Hol land, disbursed £2,133 10s. 6d The average cost of each vote polled was Be. Od The total amount spent in England was £307,186 13s. 114d. This falls short of the seale allowed by the cor rupt practices' act by £425,000 Killed By Cigarettes. Feh, 22. William Clyde, N.Y., died in & as the result of cigar ette smoking Straves thirty nine years old, Hali a dozen vears ago he became addicted go cigarctied and the habit grew rapi(ily 'and with such di:astrous results that ke soon under almost constant ment He gave up shrank from society and lowt bis pow er of seli control, but smoked inees santly. He died, his iades-ribable agony. Syracuse, Strauss, ol hospiial here wae wes treat emplovment, fiiends say, in Justice Gray Paralyzed. Washington, Feb. Justice Hor ace Gray, of the supreme coust, has suffered an attack of paralysis, but it is stated that there is every reason to expect his recovery. The accident | osewrred Tuesday night. His mind is clear, but he hag lost the museular control of a part of his body 2) 22 To Put In Telephones. Montreal, Feb. 22.--The manage ment of the Windsor hotel have g ded to instal 400 telephones in the | rooms of the house, which in addition to being connected with the hotel of fice, wi'l be connected with the and long di tance telephones -------------- oe cily Judging Ly the sales this week Aunt Jemima's pancake flour is going to | be very popular. The lady herseli is expected at our store next week, and will dispense free papcakes for three | dave. Jes. Redden & Co. : The Chilisn navy is in very good | condition, but needs more vessels, i | the verdict of Sir Fdward Reed, M.P., ; who hes just veturned from Valper niso, . ea | Thirty-one Italians have been refuse | od permission to land at Perth, West ern Australis, on the ground "that | they come apder contract to labor ARE YOU READY To have us call for your! bundle ? We know our | work will please you | We have the finest and | most comple e establish. | ment for turnin good laundry wor BAKER'S LAUNDRY, 'Phore 22. Princess St. | - os | gertions, Edgings and Wide Alls | over Net to match, by yard. Irish Guipure Laces and Galoons Handsome Laces, Black and Cream, with Velvet Applique. Velvet Flower Motifs for Applis queing. New Black Silk Russian Netts, for Dresses. New Shell Allover Laces with Ine fsertions to match New Lace Collars. New Olympic Viyella Albatross for Waists in Stripes, Plain Col- ors, All-Wool and thoroughly Shrunk. New Black and Colored Silks. New Shot Taffetas. New Dolly Varden Louisine Silks. New French Dress Muslins and Foulardines in Dolly Varden ef- fects. New Dress Goods. All above are exclusive styles and can only be seen at our store. New Standard Patterns for March, March Designers, 10 cents copy, $1 a year. ' ' Inspection invited STEACY & STECAY 100-108-110 Princess Street. DIED. At Bath, February 14th, 1902, wile of she late DJ. Camp Dasvbed MoTag- mother of Mrs 1vith, Jobn's church CANPRELL Elizalwih bell and cart i, Somdey Pesta NOTICE. APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED ny the until noon of March i902 of Superintendwnt matron King fron to Be waslersigned for the position of the House of Industry, Combined 25 rooms, food, fuel al ht Applicants sate experience, ol any, mmepiarions, plea me and endghone Tee Husham] at wile Without ohiliren will W. F. NICKLE, have preferice Beeretarys wilnries, por mouth, February 11th, 1802 Kiogwton MOTHER HENDY' Will Cure Burne, Frozen Rheum, Broken Breast Children's Sore Head "PRICE. 25c. SoM by sll Drugpists All Healing Olntment. Salt Nipples, Benling Lambe, Cuts Cracked Boils and PERSONAL. AMERICAN LADY WANTH A * WEALTHY d foving husband. J = on Mita YOUNG LADY WORTH £20,000, oorrevponierog with respec s 8 view to matrimony. Box INDEPENDENTLY. WEAL woukl assist lend entare; woukl marry Box 845, S54 Louis, Mo THY YOUNG LADY Budbansd in business soon. Address C., PO YOU KNOW YOUR FUTURE? IF NOT address J. Riley Allen White, 560 Iles hart, St Poul, Miss. Send 100, snd birth-dnte, with eptick reply be gives this indormath in wonderful life reading no Twenty-Six Suspended. (Mtawa, Feb Re house to a question. } premier said that pow employed printing burean ienringed, but py ving in the Mr. Monk, the persons were in the gwwernment that sore had heen January Ist, 1901, six had boon suspended, ---------------- Your Ear, ji you want a pew suil Bear in mind we are the people. Special value in $10 suits and overcoats, Bibby 's. twenty ------------------------ : Jost out in New York, Manhatign ard Waldorf ties, 50c., at Corrigan's, _ Protect Your Eyes From the sun and snow by wearing a pair of our