£548 ' Pw. : Mr. Gough has just given pe EERE TAS i - H. REED, Gardever, 528 Dan Prominent Chicago Physicians These # express their opinions. cola 8 Ser: TSE AER ELT Is. a thing . le . that 1s to Shion "a we et md hot Tet RE macives' run down; they do this, thé grip microbe can't I A says: "There has been marked increase in the last two weeks ia the dd the mucous membrane, Acute bronchitis snd tonsilitis are pre t, flis like these are common under the same conditions that make influenza epidenic, Pneumonia has not made itself felt so markedly as yet, but it is to be feared." . Dr. says: "Any person who has a hard cold should look out for himself, as it is impossible to tell the symptoms of a hard cold from those of influenza in its eaclior sta The complications and after effects are 80 serious that everybody shoul be careful." How to Guard Against Grip. _ . When you feel out of sorts, when yonr head aches, your eyes water, and every bone in your body is sore, you have the ip. We wish we had the power to tell you all about Powley's fiquisied Ozone--that it will cure the grip in a remarkably short :d vou of all the pains and fever, It is the new.way of curing this disease, 4: scientific: seay sof feeding the blood gRyges it's natural food--and making the system healthy. 0 germ can operate in a healthy body ake ozone whenever you feel the least it sick; it will keep you so that you won't have any of the diseases caused by hia cher geable weather. You've tried drugs, tried stiny Nature's way, Ozofie--ub drugs, no alcohol, not a medicine, simply oxygen, a stable form, prepared for the first time so that the system can receive and use it. Read fhese Statements! from Canadian People. commenced taking (zone and find "In the of 1900 L a ac + gifion work 00 t telling on me by a short time I am quite a different person, and ter, In my family consider it without an equal. fin oure foe the grip, So roat, colds, etc. 1 lave al reed it to a great many. when they have used it, give 1 great praise, ; ) DE. J. E. Price, L. DiS, Walkerton, Ont." three winters 1 have had ax yery severe attack of LaGri become that my: friends gave up hope of my life. out of itself, my case, b "all seemed of Bo SA inally in m twent : ) t left me With a severe ds while ahi - adver ents in the paper, and seein that the Ozone so much good We resolved toglive it & dal_M) mother alec at this time aud it left her with » heart We the Ozone, had finished one bottle Ozone, and} last the disease was tried to help 2 £2 - : i : £ : g i and by the time we We continued the us ugh and lump in m as ever, We owe our li ed the preparation to many z i I EF B is aragaits. Tho Quon Co. of Torvate, 3 , Seventy years is a long time, CHILDREN, (NVALIDS, a bean bn the highest owe robust THE DAILY WHIG, THE STRMNCE CLAS Made to Serve the Ring at the Coronation. SURWYAL OF OLD. CUSTOR. A STRUGGLE BETWEEN OLD AND MODERN IDEAS. ---- The Court of Claims Decides The the!» Various claus 0 the soveréign on the great day have again and again been put forward, sometimes with SuCcess, sumetimes without. 'the whole subject of the court of claims is too abstruse 10 be dealt with in an article of this kind. It may assert a nght of ices at the cor- nial, as 3 condition by which manors es tates are held, Such tenures are very common in feudal history, but they been derived from the here the officers of the palace usurped the chief suthori- ty of the state. In England all lands oye supposed to be held either medi- ately or immediately from the king. Put into the least obscure of law- yer's language: 'Tenure by grand ser jeanty is where a man holds his lands or tenements of the sovereign by such services as he ought to do in his own person, as to carry the banner of the king or his lance, or to lead his army or to be his marshal, or to carry his sword before him at the coronation, oF to be his server ot the coronation, or his carver, or his butler," and so on, as we shall see. So much for turally the nal tenants © do not) relish in the great stant struggle vals and modern common sense . dowed at the commencement of this article. The office of brand panneter, for in- stance, has long ppeared. His duty it was to preside over the pan- try, and to bring from thence the salt-cellars, spoons, and knives, used by the sovereign at the coronation feast, receiving the same afterwards as his fee. The office was anciently held by the Beauchamps, earls of Warwick, as the tenure of the manor of Kib- worth Beauchamp, in the county of Leicester. On the extinction of that family it was granted by Elizabeth to her . favorite Robert Dudley, earl of i but on his dying without idge, lord of the manor of Kibwor - ch. , but the claim was disallowed. Sir William Halford, Bart. renewed the claim on the same ounds at the coronation of George. 11., equally unsuccessful. Likewise extinct are the claims to the office of sewer, whe' brought . up and arr the dishes at the coronm- ation banquet. At the. coronation of Elizabeth, queen of VII., "the lorde Fitz-water, sewer, OF dapifer, attended in his surcote with sleeves, and a boode about his neck, and his towel above, and served messes. "The claims to the office of carver have gone the same way. In Shere of Richard 1I., the offjoe was cla by John of Geunt, king of Castile and Leon, duke of Lancaster, in right of his earldom of Lincoln, and the duties were performed by his deputy, the earl of Stafiord. But at the coronation of William and Mary the claims of John, earl of Lincoln, to this office were disallowed. There are always a number of claims which die and are resurrected and die again. Who of the general public shall be able to say for certain, until Vs, Lentire claim was disailowed at the cor- | temptation be suflicient to say that the petitions | P ia | twelve citizens of London claim their Advice Essex manor, that of Heydon, is held 4 by tenure of serjennty, on ©OB- i holding the on fw s table a dillegrout, chancellor ng, who ac did not eat the are so well known at that they call for lit- i mention. ¢ take only ome Out of many, the admitted privilege of the barons of the Cingue Ports, who claim to carry over the sovereign in the cor onation procession a Canopy of cloth purple silk, with a gilt at each corner, suppo with silver, barons to every stafi, and to carry & canopy in like manner over the queen; having for their fee the canopies, bells, and staves, with the privilege of din- ing at a table on the king's right band. The service originated as a re ward [i ith which the Cinque Ports had. assisted John in his unfortunate voyages to and from Nor- mandy. Then the lord mayor and four stav the chief butler of Eng- ait at a table next the he left side of the hall. right to assist land, and to SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 232. Cures CONSUMPTION READ WHAT A WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST SAYS Do you know that this dread disease may be cured? This is because the new methods of treatment are entirely different from and better than the old methods. One of the greatest aids that physicians have for the successful treat ment and cure of consumption and all forms of wasting disease is eo mF ® preparation--told you how it has told you about this relieved and cured him, and recommended you to try it--but you had given up all hope and neglected to do so, just-because all other remedies had failed. Don't be discouraged. Go to your druggist, get a bottle of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion, take it according to directions, and the chances are you will write us a letter similar to the following, which came to us unsolicited : Possibly some one Dear Sirs :----Six months ago 1 was told by three doctors that J had quick consumption. 1 tried to take cod liver oil, sth raw and in the form of emulsion, but could not retain ¥. Angier's Petroleum was prescribed, and agreed with me perfectly. When 1 began taking it T weighed 102 pounds. Now I weigh 161 pounds; cough all gone, no more night sweats, no more hemorrhages. 1 consider myself in perfect health, Your remedy saved my life. B. H. WALTON, Druggist, Medford, Mass. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion soothes and cleanses the alimentary tract and puts the digestive organs in a healthy condition to perform their functions naturally. Appetite is healthfully stima- lated, and the process of digestion, assimilation, and nutrition is greatly improved. It is pleasant to take, does not repeat or cause nausea, agrees with fhe most delicate stomach, and aids digestion. Bland, soothing, creamy, it can be taken plain, or in water, milk, wine, chocolate or other vehicle. CAUTION :--Angier's is the original Petroleum Emulsion. 1 1a made from a special oll obtained from particular wells, and is purified by our own pr The Jing and hing od by Angler's Petroleum Emulsion ear be obtained from imitations made from ordinary petroleum. get ANGIER'S Petroleum Emulsion. AR druggists sell it. Two sizes, 50 cts, and $1.00 a bettie. at ahdres on postal card will bing you rea coy of 0 vebanbl boa nmstind, © SHV UL and Langs." Tt tolls how to care for the Throat, Lungs and Digestive Organs. It also gives good advice as to Diet, Hyglene and Baercises. The latter ls illustrated. ICAL COMPANY, Be sure you ANGIER CHEM BOSTON, MASS. ese claims were shally made, and the records of the ex- chequer afforded a ent for them; but the matter was left to the king's discretion, who yielded to their re- quests for the following singular rea sons, as expressed io the language of old times * The king "eonsidering the great fondness and subsidy that his progen- ators habundantly tyme aste founde of the citie of London, and trusting for the like fondness and sub- je tyme commy] amongest the said citizens, and ¢ ake their hear- tis merier, and well willyng to do hym true service and to helpe hym hereafter in his necessities, benignlic to accomp- lish their desires, decreed and ordeign- od that they should doo service in the said offices" before by them demanded, according to desires all things. The mayor of Oxford and the burgesses of that city also assist in the butlery, receiving three ma cupe as their fees. The mayor of Ox- ford receives in addition a gilt cup, and so does the lord of the manor of Great Wimondley in Hertiordshire--at least the latter did, taking at the same time the title of chi cup-bear- @ this kind, however modest in its pretensions, would be complete without a reference to the chief butler of England The office was grated by William the Congueror to one of his éompanions in arms, wil Fam de Albini, and united by tenure of grand serjeanty with the castle and manor of Buckenham, and certain other manors in the county of Nor- folk. The Alhini family was present ly advanced to the earldom of Arun del, and in the Arundel family OW represented by the duke of Noriolk) office has henceforth remained. The f claimed by the chief butler are the best gold cup and cover, with all th vessels and wine remaining below «the bar on the day of the coronation. The Tr No chronicles of of Hepry: 1¥uy-butsince, that gold cup and cover have beer by $he dukes of Norfolk, Turn ing from the banquet to the religious ceremony, 'it may be of 'Interest to note, by way of conclusion, the curi- ous claim established by the dean and chapter. of Westminster. as successors to the abbot. : Their services is to instruct the sov- §, ereign in the rites and cersmanies used at the coronation; to assist the arch: bishop of Cahterbury in celebrating the / Worth free of any char, The following letter contalas an offer of an absolute gift 10 you. You don't have to buy anything te get it. It is a bid for your trlendship, and it overlooked it will be a 108s to you and a disap peintment to us. 11 you don't desire to sell the is likely that » youth or maiden would feel re 2 PO us_your name and address on the below request, and we will take pleasure in sending you ¢ this SOLID. ARIZONA SILVER LL. With the Sugar Shell we will send you 8 Boxes of Standard at 25 cents each, Then return our money and we will give you, absolutely free, a Butter Knife, a Pickle Fork, a Set of 6 Solid Arizona Silver Teaspoons and a beautiful King Edward VII. Coronation Brooch. Our Solid Arizona Silver Premiums are fast superseding Sterling Silver for Tableware. They look as well and wear Toriger, and are guaranteed for 50 years. The elegant Coronation Brooch will be appreciated by every loyal British subject. It is com- posed of a magnificent Royal Parle Amethyst mounted on an exquisitely designed rooch overlaid with fine gold. This is not an opportunity to put ofl. ust sign return the attached request to-day. ~ The Sugar Shell and Medicines will be promptly mailed, postpaid ; and remember, even if you fail to sell the oods, you at least have an elegant Sugar Shell worth 75 cents for simply making the effort. As we don't intend to keep this offer open long, we would ask you to favor us with an immediate reply. A GIFT TO EVERY LADY answering this Advertisement. SUGAR SH Electine Remedies to sell, if you can, REQUEST FOR SUGAR SHELL AND MEDICINES. ~ you the money, with Pickls Fork, Six Pull-Sise Soli Coronation Brooch. 1f 1 fail to sell the Medicine and retain the Suger Shell as s gift from you. NAME ADDRESS 7c Ontario . 'Following When Several hundred peo- ple have tested a new remedy, and found it good, there isa to try it.: But thousands of men all ~ % w Ti t EFL HH i Lise 2 +