Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Feb 1902, p. 7

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I provide you with ¥ (dn to the menu, B incomparable flavor to {® gravies, stews, ete. _ prepared against any emergency. 4 a Lest food for inva- 548 : itious soup to add OVRI L adds an you have BOVRIL the house you are SHIT CO CERES RR ER Ee) HORA Rn is PATIENTLY "BORE DISGRACE Letter From a Lady Whose £ $ i How She Cured Him With a Secret borne the dis vations due conild give m to x it, i and mixed it in his the. was eretly, I Ackago is work regularly, and home. After he told Ww od 1 told im a * as he had not the of hisown accord. women affeied a: 1 Sahat, su owe or wealed on ve sacredly confideni jal pb. Address THE 23 Jurdan Street, 10 YOUR MEMORY. experience i and a continu touch with modern bvai: principles aa far as the concerned, have com: attention of the public their approval. We are a lu and solid busi aude we guarantoe he quali our dengs and medicines. We g fest and best Stock of and toilet vequisites ever retail drag business, A WORD A ELERY COMPOUND. it Lion Yetom: 0 our tw h have a ha pletely ¢ when he his sa for SY ------ . THE NEW BR. & O. N. COM- PANY'S STEAMER Is, In Its Native Element--The Finest Inland Steamer In America--Description Of The Big Vessel. On February 3rd, shortly after three o'clock, the hullvof what is to bs the finest inland steamer as yet produced in America, pow being built by the Pertram engine works, for the Rich- lion & Ontario navigation company, dropped into its native element in the presence of a large and enthusiastic erowd of spectators. "Dropped" is a literally correct expression of what took place. The veseel wis built on the flat eastern pier of the Bertram ship yard amd instead of sliding into the water stern foremost ax was for merly the practite, she was launched the of the launching wavs stopping short four feet above t water, leaving that diviance for the hull to drop before i hed the for our readers walter, rather ice, ; i ure no doubt aware that at this time harbors of of the inland Cunada are frozen over, but the ice had been broken up sufficiently to prevent any injurious results and had the beneficial effect of neutralizing the Lig splash which usually accompanies a side launch Amongst: the large number of spec tators we noticed: Hon. J. Israel Tarte, senator Cox, senator Jooes, mavor Howland, Hon, Jams R Stratton; William Wainwright, Lieut.- ol. Henshaw, William' Hanson, E. B. Garneau, Molson, C.F. Gilder Gilbert Johnston, John Bert Angstrom, J. Kérr Oshorne, Lieut.-Col. H. Fe latt, Lisutr.-Col. Mason, Elias Rogers, William Macken Donald Maen, James Playiair, Waldie, 'BR. MW. Bertram. W. 1D. &, A. E. Awes, "William Cer alderman Lawh, 4. H. Henry Peally ¥. B, tiwler, , laighton McCarthy, MV, A Boswell, CW Che report of a cannen was the sig nal for launching and as soon as the commenced to move on the ways, Mrs. H. M. Pellatt, the wile of Lient,-Col, Pellatt, one of the'To ronto directors of the company, which the steamer, let wo the red and ribbons which held the hottle of champagne away from the hall, aml is full rick the hard steel wed the sparkling eontents ran down the bow, the lady's blessing, "Success to the Montreal," rang ont in a few seconds the great steel-plated hotdy had slid over the side the whari and dropped inte Toronto har Lior. An enthusiastic cheer grected the pedormance, and everybody hedved a sigh of reiief that all had gone so wel The new steamer is being built for the line between Montreal and Quebec and will replace «the present steamer Montreal, which will be employed clse- where. The dimensions are, length, MO ft; width of hall, 43 {t.; width over guaras, 75 ft. 6 in; moulaed depth, 18 it. The hull, incluaing the main deck, is entirely of open hearth stefl, and has eight water-tight bulk- heads. The bottom has considerable aend rise and forward the hull is cut away under water from thy water line at the stem for a distance of jor- ty feet to the point where the sweep of the forebody reaches the keel, The stern is also slightly raised so that the rudder hangs over a foot above the line of the bottom; hoth of these departures from ola practice being de signed to give greater facility in turn- sideways ene or the vear, please, Spencer, noble vessel whit force s ear, and ol mg the ve: sel. The machinery consists - of a. three: evlinder, three-crank, inclined, triple axpansinn engine, the diameter of the evlinders- being 32, 53 and S8 inches respectively, with a stroke of 6 ft. 6 The engine is estimated at 3,000 horse-power. The wheels are twenty five feat in diameter and have eleven feathering curved steel buckets each. This form of side-wheel engine was in- troduced three vears ago by the Bertram company in the steamer To- vonto, and gave so much satisfaction that it has wince been adopted on the stopmer "Tashmoo" on the Detroit viver, on the R. & 0. steamer Kings- ton, which café ouf Inst season, and on the two large New steamers « now building for the Detroit and Buffalo service; On the Toromtd's service trial trip it gave a consumption 'of L658 pounds of coal per horsepower per hour, the lowest consumplion at tained by a paddle wheel engine. There are six "Scotch Type' cylin: der boilers, cach of eleven feet dinme ter and twelve feet long, with two Morrison corrugated furnaces forty two tuches in diameter fitted with the Howden hot draft system. The work ing pressure of steam will be 185 pounds The electric light plant will furnish current for 1,200 sixteen-can- dle-power lamps, and the pumps will ply running water lo évery state room, There will also be steam steer hy gear, sténm windlass," steam winches forward © ana aft, and steam beat 'in the cabins. th the hody of the hull the forward art ix laid out for sleeping quarters the crew and second-class passen ore, the centre for the boilers and ec and the stern. for kitchen, tore rooms amd messrooms for the Lr, ¥ On the main deck aft is the dining room for 120 first-class passengers, with pantry attached. In front of this wl opposite the passenger gangways woraraaTEae halle with the purses's office. and bagpage room on one side and smoking room on the other. The har saloon is immediately forward of the cutrance hall. All of the main deck' space forward of © this is' for freigh +, except that occupied hy the erogine and smoke stacks, some rooms on the sides jor offices, and a second: clase' pe ssonger conipartment forward. The freight capacity is estimated at S00 tense ot The arrangement of the loons ard staterooms on the seeond af per | now ny sa: t and the. money order. He packed his grip is much the A ¥ i that a third tier Gf staterooms, giv: ing 100 more rooms, can be huilt over the other two, if the traffic should tify. While in all material requisites the new steamer will be in the very front rank of modern construction, it is be Hieved that in detoration she will out clare all predecessors, The entrance hall will tile floor, and large paintings of Fremeh Canadian with dark mahogany woodwork on the sides In divingroom the stained-glass windows will be the leading feature. Both the dining room and entrance ball will be in modern French stvie In the upper saloon the rich Wilton carpet will be of three shades of erim son. The stair and gellery railings will be of bronzé leaf work, surmount ed with mahogany hand rails The furniture will dark mahogany and crimson plush, and it, as well as thé general ornamentation of the up ver saloon will be in Louis XV style The body of the large. richly mouldad panels, which form a large portion of the sides of the saloon, wit] be cover eh with green waters and the dome ceiling which @ives the most ex temmive area for decoration in steam ers of this class, has had an addition al arch worked into it which will give an entirely new and unsurpassed ef feet It will be more ric bly orna mentea than wal, with heavy scroll work and ite leading feature will he two large allegorical paintings, re oresenting the periods of the day. The butilders" hope to have the he? route in tin "Hmmer travel have rablwr subjects the be of steamer on for next season's A CORRUGATING WORLD. The Exefition Of The Earth--The Great Future. By a Bowker. ¢ In that long bygone seon, when the earth was without form when there was no chalk dry land, but mass of plutonic I orst of which w ddwn, the bulk of thi mst have considerably that it is at the present tine time th "rs, and void, no eoal, r mol ihe outer only a sen slow] § planet Woo been were no i TN and basaltic tir the 'cooling tar | i no | a dense smoke immerse urface in cinm proce rian grav erates this vapourous shrowd becom and ttenuated, hitherto mist-veiled tars, now and the sun, moon length For a time a period of comparative quietude now appears to reign, and the vast deposits of chalk and lime ate slowly formed hy apon the bed of the minute shells innumerable tions of vast myriads of shell-fish--perfectly formed analagous in form to 'the shells of the seashore, but that several a pin's point. But now the cooling process has penetrated deeper into the barth's crust, which commences to shrink and wrinkle. And what a terrific disorder and uproar must attend this eorrugn tion of its surface. Whole chains of mountains are now fosed up from beneath; the first deposited rocks, granile and other primary formations being violently - impelled upwards, higher and highég,, through the solid and more retdutly formed de posits, How appalling must have been the tumult and violent * commotion which réigned over the entire earth when the Alps or the Himalayas were forced 'up, with a wild, grinding roar, from the depths beneath, Huge masses are detached, and bound earthwacds again with résounding crash: mighty avalanches of solid rock, vast moun taing themselves, leap downwards to the trembling earth with thunderous, detonating crash. Lakes are upheaved and tilted over, deluging the land with a furious cataract of fronzied, rushing waters. The ocean is one great boiling surge, mighty raging waves, wountaing high, madly driven hithe and thither; here flooding continents in universal ruin; here forced out of their bed by a prodigious upheaval of land; here meeting, with titanic im pact, the opposing onrush of other displaced : oceans; the colossal curling billows, with the road of thunder, crashing into each other and trans forming the turbulent waters seathing ocean of boiling foam And gradually the agitated earth calms down, the shrinl r ceases, the newly formed plains and table lands are clothed in the herbage and when, as time advances, the earth has ui tained her prime, man is placed there on to live a life of probation prepar atory to a future state But alas, too many devote their en i112 regard to the evanescent hfe, and forget that the great future ic for eternity, their lot in the hereafter be ing determined by their life the present. Ah! 'but if they would only in faith grasp the hand oi the Re- deemer, who died for thew, and east the burdens of theil spon Him, their lot in that land of the hereafter will be ope of pleasures untold, and altogether bevond coneeption. hore more and shin begin at the deposition the genera HOP specimens Boeans of of mer common SO hintte could be arranged upon less mto a in sins Drew Money On Laundry Mark. Chicago Tribune, The initials of his name inscribed on the inside of his collar served as id entification for a travelling man at the post offices yesterday and enabled him to secure cash on a $50 money order." He had received a letter from his house directing him © go to Grand Rapids, Mich., and inclosing and stopped at the post office on his y to the railway station. He had iit a few minutes, and when the clerk anded identification, the man was to furnish it. After appealing ing with the clerk in vain he > 4 da ore assistant postmaster { At the official's request the | toavelling man removed his collar. There were the initials corresponding GIVE WHAT YOU ASK FOR SERMON -ON DISHONESTY OF SUBSTITUTION. Paying Trikfite to a Very Desira- ble Motto~--Put Confidence In Retailers That Make no Offer | of What is ** Just as Good." New York Outs dogrnal th J. Mithanw's read the announ of YOU ay story ars § motto, amd, pisaadte 8 dishonest and chants very among mer } 3 that of substituting one article lor another. Ope busine his all his me 10 certain to and he spends his CRers artic mak HONEY inl ae © a large profit, : that customers may be plenti When somer asks for the in t is dishonest to Don't buy else just as a cou qu atl say to him, as that We have od amd Ii the wl cheap of g n, n » his customer wall me fet him not steal the trade of a man whose energy helps to his fet him his poclmt all of 1} h he to heomesty an mitich ch FY nething good sell it ans Sut build eit to mit up not oi pre shar busines awn wl origi in with other There are wares that profitable o simply because men pus and perseve momely h their business with intelligene: It isoungrateil as well as di for the sake of a little extra profit to cut into the leg : of the ad vertising manufactur rance honest timate busy Incidentally the Tk artwed good" has no i has invested nothing nab name to rain mterest to th article just bayer should remember thes that ut th asks for, treats wih put his confidence in like the man quoted article, gives to just what he honestly, ctailer who, the Customer the gratitude for head of ahd shows which whol the builds ssful S8iness energy up a and makes the retailer ENE To Prevent Gypsies Wandering. Lowdon Express r Owing to the num} by nilering VPSies of the providing r of erimes the interior that ality committed fnanian minister drafted a bill ist settle in the lo aw h o he on the in Yoree, The inetha avent passed. It is estihm of gypsies in S060 (0) day the new law gypsies threaten of the hill b ated that Roumania exceeds Over Gaiters. All kinds t at trouble ing the number Abernethy's What Are Piles ? Ask Scores of People Who Endure the Wretched Itching, Burning Sensations of Piles And Do Not Know the Nature of Their Disease or the Remedy to Ap- ply. Piles, of hemorrhoids, as they --are sometimes calied, are small tumors, which form iu and about the orifice of the rectum. They are caused by enlarged and inflanied condition of the veins, which afe very muimerous this part of .the body. Internal me situated along the veins carry blood from the intestines to the iver; external piles, on the veins which surround the rectiun. Piles sare frequent among people who have a predispos- tion to rheymatisw gout Such persons are sulject to constipation and vo, obstruction in { blood from th it common ca Cox the, rectum, bladder gans, ovanan tuguors and nearly diseases of the li are followed 3 piles, and they are very liable to ap pear during pregnancy and immedia tely after child birth. la bleeding piles the hemorrhage somttimes so 10 death, but protriding piles are prob ably more dreaded, because it is be lieved that nothing short of 5 surgi cal operation will ture th As a rule, every form of piles becomes tunes acutely inflamed, and extremely painful. The itching and burning usually increases at night, and the misery which many people endure is beyond description. The magical power which Di Chase's Ointment has over each and every kind of piles gives it mastery over this disease, even in its chronic form, and it is not at ail unusual to an in piles wisich of occurres or 3 the passage of tines, the most and uterine of profuse. as { boar of it curing where cruel, expen- | | sive and damgerous operations have failed J of ith the name on the money order ad ik! 1 was comers sufficient iden tification and the cash was turned over, Under The Nerve Lash. The torture and torment of tim' of pervous prostration ner: vous y po one can rightly esd: mate who has . 8 Nader ra ast ese elon - hh M. Willinme, of Fordwich, a bervous i a not been under the ; ita way into jou, as time, and gradually w favor with the ial well as with the tion of i by 1+ at | THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBAUARY 12. NO CURE---NO PAY. { Dr. McLaughlin's Men and Women Everywhere. Paid Until the Cure is 3 give you | glad | Feels as Well as He Ever Did in His Life. Drj Melangiulus De girding the it 1" pu a couple of moatt Doctdr, 1» hosed from yo s ago, 1 beg to say am more sed would have re price than | cember a 1901 ; CAUTION. ©: useless and da will make special terms to anyone | free ¢ ity iti ivie a rous hy persons wi Free Book= win ii olay Ad WH tN Pea Ror io --- Electric Sold Not The Dr. MeLau remedy in the world which ean a plan. It is the Rheumatism, and 01d Men, Viric neys, Drains of Vit lessness, Pains in He on This Rasis to a Cent to oe Complete. ghlin Electric Belt is the onl on suc only never-failing cure for ut Lame Back, Nervousness, General bility, Loss of Power in Youn; , Middle k a a 7, Sleep- oulders sacele, Weak ality, Wasted Ene or Back," Chest, and Limbs, Female Weakness, Bearing-down Pains and ail those ailments from which women suffer, 1 don't see how of electricity as a stop ee a minute in other lines. It's I claim that it will plied right, and 1 S000 cures made experience, Suffered From Hheamatism For Forty Yeurs, Dr, M. A, Mel hin: Dear Sir,-1 have to acknowice that your Rie gs Belt has te p good than «1 Ft thie viors aud other remedies 1 have ever tilsd, | un a Belt from Mont teal which done me no good tried another remedy which was a fail ¥ i » had rhenwutisin for over | g In fact | have not been | d ty hard work for years | w Go a fair day's work You fe rly to publish this If yon see ¥ in, yours tridy, David irving ek, Man, Devewher 13, 1901 iso Cook's 1 t old style, burning elect trodes. My office contains hundreds one of these old back-burners. il who eall rated Kk with If you can't call 1 will 1 full formation free, OFFICE HOURS -9 a.m. fo £3 p. ni. asked for the old-#tyle, | me the lug | well for ten years your rode belts which are vs ng an mits © bodies had been seared and scarred by the any one can doubt the value builder of vitality when they and think of what it is doi 1» motive power, that's cottiod run the human body if ap- prove my claim by showin during my twenty years o I apply it right, so my patients say, and they ought to know. as I've cured them. An man or woman who will secure me can have my appliance and PAY WHEN CURED wn i then the price will be much less than is to give a stronger current than any other body appliance. CURES THAT PROVE. belts, T guranteed my belt Stricture Cured. Moelaughiin: Dear Sip, -It gros greatest pleasure to say any- hing concerning rour Belt. 1 um feel Hike un Hon let joose from a cage, and » tell you the truth | have not felt so The pains have all one The stricture bas disappenred. izztuesy Is all gowe. avd | chu work as ell as anvene Thanking you again or what you have done for me through our Electric Belt, | to Temato. Perth, Dr stucerely John 3 fark, » November 14, 1901 Yut lon of my belts, discarded as bare metal electrodes. | =Free Test these old gend you my Call or write \ DR. M.K. McLLAUGHLIN, 130 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. RUSSIA'S SECRET POLICE. Highly Body O! 8 Nearly Omniscient ( cago Daily rine Chur wor to have said that he was not representative of tl and that the embassy better than a house « mg graml dukes in this tha the si ppo The off tl A in a orl Trained pies, News ousoll, the France, is 1 wan am ported t¢ the in hassn real Par was nothing call for visit here 18 more truth | nitiated l presentative « hi of the ar wou tox con keepin yout the ren France confided } who has vith the Rs in Russian, s French capital Like all the viners; } czar 8 ret and a most | the dieposal The wt of DIONA YE Not work i who also t he Niki 8 Nove so AB The ambassa FOCIvty 8 for i avd 1 formation women for Lord Roberts' Curiosity | "Rk York -- | | Timms Richard Harding Davis relates this Lineddent which happened while be was | acting 'as correspondent i English Roer war : during the | i iA regiment of Scottish Highlanders, noted dor their bravery in action, during the heat of one serap, were suddenly seen to break ranks and run | in all directions. The officers as well i shared in the sfampede, and appar (ently made no attempts to urge the { mea under them into line. Their be havior was a surprise to everybody ol tom the field, and after the fight was fires of disease ard healing the raw aloerous skin. Ask your friends and oH about Pr. Chase's a : "in ¥ 8 "ear ly large of people as only actanl Sh box cents a at mail i It will not fail you. | all dealers, or | Lover the colonel of the regiment was {suinmoned before Gen. Roberts. "What the detee was the matter | {with veurygerinent sabied Bobs' "Well." Neptied the colonel, "we are wearing Eilts. you know. and we Stevend cursaites into a feld full of | wasps" nests." { i i Every brush in the store at 20 per Cont. discount for this week only. E. C. Mitchell. "ONCE A Y (YOU CAN SAVE 20 PER CENT. ON KITCHEN ENAMELLED EAR WARE AND THA IS DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE. the our jand deli cou don acp McKELVEY 69 and 71 B F 'amous cooks always require best of cooking utensils and line of granite is a fine one no mistake. If you want to ght Bridget or Eliza you Id Ae go about it in a better way and at the same time not lete the treasury. & BIRCH ' rock Street. ' T ment, arc now to hand. _-- ET ------ ~ SPCAL ANNOUNCEMENT KERN BURNERS, delayed in ship In order to make room for same we will dispose of our stock of AUER L'GHTS AT GOST. Pear Shape, 55c. Large, with Shade, 65c. J. W. OLDFIN, 283 King' Street, Labatt's ----_---- LONDON ALE and PORTER AWARDE GOLD MEDAL A" For their excellent qual JAS. D THE BUFFALO EXPOSITION. 1901, ities in comparison with similar exhibits from all parts of America, McPARLAND, AGENT. Everybody Sings Tho Praises o "Dur Shoes, They are uarantee D. J. McDerm \ N To Be The Best In Al Leathers. ott, "ia io Roviey's, * t ded

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