THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, Cured of Piles. Hinkle The ort he Indianapolis, writ eh i we on ba he ehunios th ward a Pyramid § by "under the Weather" wil You Can Never Be in This Cone | dition if You Are a User of MALT BREAKFAST FOOD. In the great majority. of cases, "in aor the weather" méany that you are a vietim of stomack troubles, indiges- tion or dospepsia. . You feel irritable, wiserable. despondent and have little relish for yonr meals. Your difficul ties have arisen from improper dieting, more especially at the morning meal, Starchy, heavy and indigestible foods put young and old "under the wea: ther." Thouranis Breakinst morning livered from ap sondition, and blessed with perfect di gestion, strong neeves and eléar brim, Malt Preakiast Food owing Lo Ah pri digested character and quickly into. Malt the de who have uled Foor regularly at meal have been happily is One serving of this health giving food containg as | much nutriment as a dozen servings of oatmeal, wheat. i you are fast, Pood. fora {to use a stranger to The hnmblest home 'elm of it. Your Grocer doth it . THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GOGOA Prepared from he ness selected, Cocoa, acd a wished everyw I of ou ere or oacy etal , Nutritive Sima, oP 0li0a VANES PS Ltd, Homomeo- pathic "ongmiata" London, EPPS 3 COCOA EAKFAST -SUPPE SECOND-HAND GOODS | Bought and Sold. Michert cash price wid for moond ba ne "tok of boots and el at, | furniture, ~ wtoves a ot of household § Dfop a. post ™ we will ids you. " 271 and 273 Princess Strest ZACKS, stablishment. A Jarre stock of new poallery and, Relrashing and Ti The i Caled = a gi $ Caledonia Water | Té-always a sale beverage. Superior to every other. , gent's fur instruments | Kingston Thstitulion, WHOLESOME & SWEE ARTE ER a Eel), ¢ fe on Bom a rn Rd THE ay oa CURE FOR ASTHMA cures is oe ne Alla n "under-the- weather' | pasily thaested | undertaking | = | performed. Line W HIG -68th YEAR, i hy BRITISH WHIO, sath evening , at S04 Joao King at BS per veer ot 5:30 and ¢ o'clock. WEFKLY B 13 pages, tablished overy Thursday a. 12 at Attached is one of the hest Job Print jag Oifieos in Canada: rapid. stylish and | theap work. nine fmproved pre ves. FOW. 1. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR I'TIE DAILY WHIG. 'Opiter per Orbem Dicor,' THE LONDON SAMPLE ROOM It turys ont that the manufacturers in London, to which Un to contsibute $5,000, undertak will de the fesderal and pro Asso It should be a branch of ihe of and be under sample roo toric is willing "wil be a somewhat costly The annual outlay about E20 004, ing upon it bier and ite succes pends pon the eooperation of ceveral governments, vincind, and the Manufu turers Cintion trade and the deat banend commerce, divation and von trol of Canada's high commissioner. To be gure it will require as a local howd, an expert' und several assistants, but it will not amount to much Gn: less it is made a means of sdverii ing | Canada's resources and products {Bio other means can doy The United | States consul in | suggested that American goods should 'he exhibited in Canada, attrac ly, Lin order {has their 'vials and merit might be fully appreciated. The idea is a correct L the articles in ore" 10 ars Migdgna nt upon them, and England's room should be a complete one if the trade of the mother country substantially developed. | encouragement in as a Canadian city my Tha huyer must see is to be England's this, matter a Canada has been is { thing to Le expected, { her regard in a right and dutiful way, and the should show her appreciation hy ci'ity for the expansion of her mother country ng every fa trade re lations between and this great | colony. wheat granules or eracked You are missing a daily treat | Male Reenk: | SSWORTH LOOKING INTO. The Montreal peeny, according to the Montreal Star, to submit to the city el an elaborate street, railway com is about coun: scheme for removing the "The | ur contemporary, 1f-snow from streets on which the ears run, company," says "proposes to intro the work, should he done be | tween two and o'clock in the morning. The company claims that it cin do the work thoroughly for | ty-five per cent. owt, and, for a fixed [duce special machinery jor {which it suggests, five twen less than the present is willing to unaertake it annual payment, or upon an agreement that the city pays half the cost." The subject is of special interest to the people here, because the streets traversed by the street i railway are made more or | passille by the manner in which the | track has been cleared of snow. The obstructions have been removed from some places, but Princess street, in the west, is in a very bad condition, {and ns things go it will be some time | before the immense drifts have been i feducedt. ~~ The street railway should investigate the Montreal plan, and | perhaps it can undertake the removal {of the surplus show ip & quicker aad i cheaper way than the work is naw The machinery which Mon i# about to adopt may not and the city may fina | pasier and more satisfactory to let the | company the work and pay half f the expense; - less im- | tréal be, | expensive, it do i WHICH IS HIS PARTY? 1 The idea that Mr. Whitney ered" the school of mines deal going through the legislature, that he ex- {ot ard yet confloread it, is en- | ough to minke a 'sad man hilarious. When it is recalled that the matter | wan freely discussed in the press, that the Worl, then as now, opposed the and that the { Matter was one of dowmon talk in parliamentary circles, this "discovery" | hocomes: really remarkable. Of a piece with it is the Mail's de- { elaration that Principal Grant is loyal to "his party." Which is it? Some years aged, during a certain lo- cal election, Dr, Grant was quoted as lieing favorable io" a superintendent in preference' to a minister of education. "discoy 1 The tory press accepted Mis opinions as favourable to their cause. For the time being the conservative = mudt have been his party. Later, when the premidrship of the dominion was ua. der consideration, Dy. Grant is under: stood fo have favoured Sit Charles Tapper, and he would not, therefore, be considered #s 'a liberal in his {op derdeies, al "Has party ¢ al for the while ah unsétiled term. AS a writer on prohibition, and as dne who favours "i [The sample | : x + { making sacrifices in order to show | A VERY SUDDEN DEATH. The death of Judge Lister, mulden ly, wutls atiestion ihe fact, often emphasized, that public life is its effects. Mr. physical power, to destructive in was a man of great ! aid he used it freely during the many | years he was a member of parliament The strain of polities was heavier up on him than the practice of the law, dev and had been very saccvssiul tor' the wench promise of a jong and But he had scarcely settled dow n, as a representa- of the judiciary, than he felt the pains whose be not A to have of angina pec to which ~ he was oted, m which he Ite readily, sptend elevation with the useful career, ae and tive significance aud He attacks understand, Sees had several light the toris last with fatal results are alway the § Overwork and anxiety They affect and the end comes often terrible heart breaking 1 of life itself, 'with This the Judge Lister's case. He was at work He was cheerful, / He when his case without warning and abirnpiness, Ws case in and seem' died within all day. ingly in good health. a few hours of the excited alarm. record of the man is an honor. ahle-one. He rose steaaily in usefulness time and in power," and proved, at the bar, in parliament, and on the bench, that he was a man of great talent, of bility, of clear head 'and courageous spirit.' He was, withal, so agreeable that his death must be deeply felt by all who knew him. EDITORIAL NOTES, Toronto wants legislation that may affect other municipalities, and should have something it. is swelling to It now calls £138,500,000. America's pension list immense proportions. for an expenditure of There were 4,000 added beneficiaries in 1901. -- Dewet is the greatest fact that he has outwitted so far marks but the Kitchener's forces as a wonder of the age -- that is that against disease, him The all the rage in England and especially against smallpox reported insurance is in a of six hundrea cases month there is room for this kind in Canada. Lady Cook (Tennesee C. Claflin), is writing to the press on chastity. It does not to be handlea in a new 'and What ob-ect of this propaganda anyway ¥ 3 -------- insurance seem original way. is the Le Progress, published in Essex, has become a conservative paper, preciation of the veneration which this party hae for the French race. What does the Hamilton Spectator think about it? Mr. Tarte, speaking at a banquet in Montreal, said a member of the gov- ernment had to kicking. But he was that he liked to do And he does. i sit #0 constituted a little Kicking himuelf. Radical feeling has reached a climax in Chicago, where a labour organiza tion has resolved that those who have not amassed a competency 45 years of age should he shot into practice, at a «doctriae, put would the workingmen who reached the lim it! THE SMALLPOX. Anti-Vaccination Doctor In Bos- ton Dying Of The Disease. Boston, Feb. 11.--A sensation was caused Saturday night by the an nouncement ~ of the board of health that Dr. Immanuel Pfeiffer, who vol untarily exposed himself to © smallpox at the hospital at Gallopes island, about two weeks ago, possibly live. He is one of ents of vaccination in the state, recently appeared beiore the legisla tive copmittee to urge repeal of the compulsory vaccination law. Having the courage of his ¢onvietions he went to Gallapes islana and comploetaly ex- posed himseli to smallpox, Df. Peiffer gained notoriety some time ago by fasting for a month. EER AS The Prohibition Bill. The Brockville Recorder says such a prohibition bill as the one now pro- posed--the Manitoba hill-was never Submétiel to the people. The question were asked in € Boite was: Ao you' in favor of t prohibition af. he Manufacture, importation, and Apiriiunye and alt liquors, Ri Resorder is right. Th g uestion the referendum will ask wil Yike- Hog "Ave you in favor of the pro bition of the sale, at bars, of pirit- it Ti wine, cider, the strongest oppon only appl Ceing of tioned 'laces for the sale mors. Any citizen ean buy all dodger in the | world. He may be caught eventually, | 1 | fs KING COALS ~ CENTENNIAL | AN HISTORICAL EXPERIMENT Lisker i first un building a new fireplace, i ! companions eirclad {bottom of the fon top, { breathlessly for results. i i ! the practical use of i nial, the city i the coal industry in ! where | dresses they | eventful night of February to say about | still exists, | | { stolen at to the \roll, of | which | | IN-FILL'S TAVERN. e The Practical Value of Anthracite Coal Demonstrated Ome Hun- dred Years Ago--A Gathering In The Old Inn. ; Wilkesbarre, Pa., Feb. 11.~ Onn bun dred years ago to-day the leading residents of the town of Wilke hare gathered in Fell's tavern amd success fully demonstrated the practical value of anthracite coal as fuel. The winter wus severe, and rumors having reach ed the town that the "black roek," which was found _pbout the town in plenty, was a fuel and gave good heat, it was decided to try it. AL the landlord of the tavern hesi owing to the expense incurrea hut afer volunteered to stand Fell consented tated, several friends their ghare, Mr orate was built and most of the no tuble persons in the town assembled [at the tavern to sve the event, which Iwas sucevseful beyond their most sen- guine expectations. Nr. Pell and his eagerly about the piled wood upon the grating, dumped coul and after igniting if, watched After awhile the coal was seen to fall apart, but the 'greater part of it glowed, and: soon after burned mer ily." Alter the incident of that night anthracite coal new fireplace, some of was assured. To-day, in eelebration of the centen- officials of Wilkesbarre prominently identified with Pennsylvania and other states. assembled in the room, the historic experiment wos made and listened to papers and ad commemorative of the event iThe grate which was used on the 11th, 1502, It was the centre of much attraction at the Centennial exposi tion in Philadelphia in 1876, and was the close of the exhibition. Detectives recpvered it after weeks of search. Later it was 'stolen again and was again recovered. Tha wail first held it crumbled some {time ago, but was vé-built and male to look just like the original. ana men COME TO ROSEBERY'S AID. | Lord Crewe To Start a Political | daughter, | howse, \) | With | the | rising | gaining the liberal leadership. | . | bell-Bannerman's Rosebery"s capture | in certain if he Salon. London, Feb. 1.--The earl of Crewe, who married lord Rosebery's youngest has purchased Warneliffe Curzon street, Mayfair, for It directly faces the site of duchess of Marlborough's slowly town mansion, but has a. much more extensive area. Lord Crewe intends to start a peli tical salon to aid lord Rosebery in re Social influence counts enormously in Eng lish politics, and as Sir Henry Camp party has little of the leadership brought to ex £450,000 can be ert himself. in ap- | | friends to a box of cigars, {ing a friend gave Cigar Was Loaded. Windsor, Ont., Feb. 11.--<About two months ago a young man, of Leaming ton, got married and treated * his He got the half a dozen man neet The cigar manufacturer to make loaded cigars. The young him one. { exploded and strack him in the eye. stand considerable | {| man | worthless | ation { brought in ! Such | mean the wiping out. of four-fifths of | | never again br | Both of his feet were amputated {one of the Ocleans hospitals the The It is a question whether or not young man will lose his eyesight. who gave him the cigars is The unfortunate man has instructed an action to be broaght against the cigar manufagturer to re cover from him the damage which he has sustained. It is the first time an of this kind has ever been Canada and its outcome watched with considerable in by the legal [raternity. will" be terest Giant Has Feet Cut Off. Paris, Feb. 11.--Constantiv, said to the tallest man giant in the world (eight feet three inches in height) will seen on the exhibition platform, owing 16 decay of. the bones he in Constan tin was a great favorite with the dimé | museum public in America. | Cunningham, Indiana's Biggest Man Dies. Alexandria, Ind., Feb. 11. -- John of thix city, the heavie€y | man in Indiana, died at his home on is il with the | wisease in its worst form, and cannot | and | West Washipgton street, on Saturday. Cunningham weighed 400 pounds, and up to a few days ago was a veritable Samson, being a great wrestler and very strong. He could carry eight { bushels of wheat at a load Matched For An Heiress, Hot Springs, Ack., Fehr 11.<To « cide which should become the hes band of preity Celeste Kinsey, heiress to £200,000, br. James MoCune. of Pittsburg, and Wiliam Kulp, jivin in a suburb of Philddelphigxmatcte le { mickels in the rotunda of the Arling ton hot I Kulp won. An Interesting Divorce Question. Columbus, Ohio, Fels. 11.- Mrs. Em ma Dorn has brought divorce proceed: ins against William E. Dorn, a pro minent merchant. Mrs. Dorn com plains thet when her mother came to visit her her husband would not visit the house except at night, when it was time to go to bed. Smallpox In A Small Town. Cold Water, Ohio, Feb. 11.-This lit the town, with But 600 inhabitants has just recovered from an epidemic of smallpox during which 351 persons suffered from the *iscase and pot a single death was . The symp- toms were not of a virulent form. ---------------------- Carnegie Varies His Gifts. Lewistown, Me, Feb. 11.--The new church here was dedicated FEBRUARY A tet Ey -- The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Winnipeg is agitating street cars The United States express company has increased the pay of ts messen- gers. At Oswego in building . permits ngs cost S192065 The reassembling sugar conferspes till next Monday Right Rev. Henry Brougham Bous Geld, bishop of Pretoria, is dead. He: was born in 832 Mrs. R. Davis hy a trolley car in Utica, Saturday and killed Henry Irving, the actor, his "sixty-fourth birthiday ter, NX. on Thursday. jast It ix said at Osgoode ball that Hon 3. 7F RITOW, RO , Goderich, will receive the next judicial apfwintment Fhree women were overcous by coal gas in Little Falls, N.Y, on Saturday Anna Haight is dying A seantling pierced M Book's thich at a Hamilton ice-house, and he was taken to the hospital in a serious condition, By a decision of the United States court of © appeal about 200 soldiers sent to penitentiary hy courts-martial will be liberated A fire in the engine department of the Rutland car shops, Malone; NX; on Tharsday, did great damage, and the loss is heavw. Lord Kitchéner's © weekly report shows sixty-nine Boers kilied and 571 taken prisoners; which together with wounded, totals 717. James BE. Philipps, Wabash, Ont, dead of heart failure at his home this morning. He was born in Camden, and leavea a wife and family An Italian named Gasparoli was shot and killed at Sault Ste. Marie, by a fellow countryman, whose house he was trying to break into George Cadbury, who has bought the 4 London Daily News, will make social reform a feature of his journal, and exclude betting and turf news William West, the old-time minstrel, who in bis day was one of the great (st fun-makers of the burnt-cork pro fission, is dying of cancer in the Jaw. John C, the Buffalo patrol man, missing December 1st, has heen found in a Chicago hospital suf fering from injuries received in a rail road accident A private letter from South Africa to the Daily Province newspaper of Vancouver, B.(., speaks of a threat ened mutiny the Canadian troops in South Africa, Capt. J. L. Costigan, ficer of H. M. gun wharf, 8., died this morning. He tive of Scotland and came station six years Ite engagement is announced Hamilton, of Mi « Ethel Lover cond daughter of Mrs. W. J. Lover ing, to W. (i. Angus, late of Montreal and now of Hami ton. It- is stated that it improbable that the new trans-Atlantic passenger fates under the agriement between the various steamship lines will be adopt ed before next Angust Four masked men entered the office of George Hill, a contractor of Fliza bethport, N.Y., on Thursday and after gagging the watchman, ried off 82,500 in money. The ( PP. R. Express from John, with immigrants from the stenmer lonian, was wrecked near Moose Head Lake, One passenger was killed and twelve were injured The Madrid cabinet has authorized the duke of 'Almodovar; minister of foreign affairs, to sign a treaty of friendship with the United States, ai ter it has been considered by the council of state Karl Grey has sai'ed on the stem ship Germanic, on his way to vi it ford Minto, where the countess has precer'ed him. He is intimately sociated with Cecil Rhodes in commer (ial enterprises. The agreement for Sunday 19% there granted were [52 The Luild of the Brussels has been postponed down on was knocked NY celebrated Roches at one Nicolai, since among of N na- this ordnance Halifax, WAS A to ago in iw inst cat St as submitted by the county and city committees for the separation of the county of Oxford and city of Woodstock, was formally agreed to Monday night by the res pective committees, . ; Capt Norton hes given notjee to ask Mr. Broderick whet he r the Bri ish wt owill dw tistdy fretitate an inquiry into all the cireumstences connecte | with the purchased of re mounts in the United Stats The operation for the separation of the Hindoo twins, Rodiea and Doo: diea, with Barnum and Bailey's cir ons, Was photographed by cinemato araph operators. The pictures sre to he used for the information of scien tists only. Earl Grey starting publie land on reformed lis the best liquors are sold and fits, af or paying five per cent shareholders, are to be devoted to eal objects of public atility. Mrs, Charles Kearson, Galt, who resided with her daughter, Ed. Codling, is dead of injuries tained by falling down the steps, Mrs Kearson was born in Ba varia, nearly sixty-seven years ago Her mother was a woman of title. Khe leaves ten children. Tie German semioflicis sl derial of ford Cranborne & state iment with re gard to the attitude of Great Britain towards the United Stated in 1808, caused con A ire wary ise in dow. The matter will pot te log rest on this side, for lord Cranborne = to be questioned on the sybject a -------- governme is interested in a trest houses all over Eng In them only 1 all pro- to io Ont. Mrs sus eellar fom. How She Died. Watertown, N. Y.. Feb. 11. Christian science is heli he for the death of Miss Way M. Dodge, fifty soars oid. a leader of the christian scientists here, and a healer according to Mrs, Fdde's doctrines. Her death was due to typhoid fever. Mine Dodge 'would not vield to her relatives' en treaties to see a physician, and when on the day of her death her wishes were disregarded and a doctor was called, she refined to allow her tem pergiure fo be taken or to be tremt- od. Re died heliavine she was dot il has, The New Remedy Kidney Dr. Piteheor's | Backache Kidney Tablets are prepared from the preseription | of Dr. Zina Pitcher | (formerly Professor | of Materia Medica | Diseases, Michigan College of Medicine, Detroit, Mich, U BSA) which he nsed with wonderful sue- | oes for over twelve | years in private | f practice and in the Hl Western Hospital, lB Detroit. These Tablets are | therefore a thor oughly tried and tested remedy of a famous kidney spee- | falist who has de- voted his life to the study of diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs. They, contain specific n- gredients not found in any other kidiiey remedy, and it is not sur- prising, there fore, that they make cures in very many cases where other : remedies had proved alto- gether ineffectual. Dr. Pitcher. .does not elaim that his Backache Kidney Tablets will eure everything. They are designed for diseases and disorders of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs, and symptoms traceable to derangement of these organs, such as: Backache, Lame or Weak Back, Pain in the Back or between the -- Take This Troubles. Shoulders, Swelling of the Feet and Legs, Bloating, P:{finess under the Eyes, Pufly aud Pasty Appearance of the Face, Dropsy, Bright's Disease and Diabetes (except in the last stages), Gravel, Btone in the Bladder, Brick Dust Deposits in the Urine, Sealding or Irritation of the Urine, Freuent Calls during the Day or Night, Ine i fammation of the Bladder or Cystitis, { Catarrh of the Bladder, Milky Color of the Urine, High Celored or Foul Smelling Urine, Sudden Swoppiige of the Flow of Urine, Scamy Flow of Urine, Dribbling, Rheumatismg Neu. | ralgia, Pains in the Joints ogg Hig 1, | Urig Acid in the Blood, Heavy Feel ing or Pain in the Head, Impure Blood, Drowsiness, Rapid Loss of Flesh, Great Thirst, Excessive Quan- | tity of Urine, Specks floating before ! the Eyes, Bad Taste in the Mog® = (espeeizlly in the mornings, Cos pation, Torpid Liver, Dra in the Loins, Sense of Wei sure in the Region of Kidney Trcubles of Old wetting of Children, Kidn of Women, and all symptomatic indie cations of Kidney Derangement. In these days of much adve ertised "oure-adls," it is well that the publie should use care and caution in the purchase of remedies, It stands to reason that a remedy that coufines itself to a parti mga of dis- enses more for those special diseases than a medicine that elaims to everything. When your back bothers yom or vour kidnevs are ont of order taka Dr. tcher's Backachee Kidney Tablefya specific remedy for these eo! plaints, ular r 18 potent enre As A Personal invitation. You Are Invited to Come to Our Store on WEDNES- DAY For The Special Purpose of Viewing Our Spring Wash Fabrics Now don't say some other time will do Come Wednesday, because that's the only day you will see them all. bring your pocket-book and cause we know you'll feel a possibly you may not be able to resist to show you the daimtiest, WASH FABRICS AND ever 'looked on--a gatheri Popular Store. give even a hint of the styl STARR & We won't describe Don't buy a thing unless you want too, but put an extra bill in, be- strong temptation to buy, We're going prettiest lot of SPRING ACCESSORIES that you worthy of Kingston's them. We won't look. ng es.. Just cbme and SUTCLIFFE'S, jis and 120 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, ----y tude VALLI VALVE AVN OY teed. $= $ : $ : : CANDIES! TOYE'S SPECIAL LINE OF CHOCOLATES 25. CANNOT BE BEATEN TRY A BOX ..w TRAE M1 VLVLPLVN VLVVAE as ARDS - BE AR AY = a Pound {995311 34293023430 STRAIGHT BUSINESS | W. Murray, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Square. DR. C. E. O'CONNOR Late "resident Surgeon, New York, ne and and Ear infrmary. Bpecialion, Kye, Par , and Throat. Midge, | « 29% Kiag Street, WE'LL FLY THROUGH THE "- And Inside Of Ten Years, Says Sir Hiram Maxi. London, Feb. 118i Hiram Maxim | says the day of the practical fying machine is not more than ten years of. wm a sigeed arti le he declares bimeg {a8 dojiows 'With the Improvements now havi, it becomes a reiatiiely easy watisf to consi ct a iru Ming seachine, and | feei ware thar such mech ines will make their appearance and bsome a part of the military armament of the nation jeside of the next tem venrs. Faperi megs with fying machiise are enor mously expensive: in fact, the exponce his for gb 26 be horse by a "ingle indie idonl of moderate means "} think we can aly say, with lord Rav! igh, that fivieg sachin are only a ynesiion of a Job of tse and a Too, the | lot of mover; and at the prevent time 1 am desing wp 10 enable me to | i} thie same old che: E jeuries in order ve another bite le SCHOOL of ART. Classes will be resumed after va. cation on SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, Other classes usual hoyrs, CHAS. E, WRENSWALYL, Principal ---- A -- ------ ------------ 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION CARPENTERS' 1902, OFF TOOLS. Ask For Tracing SMeamps. ST RACHAN'S HARDWARE AUCTION SALES "Hr | Household Furniture. ALLEN & BROWN HAVE CONDUCTED il sadenl whem bhavoy checker watch Shes of receivers Lo bale fhe making prompt sed satisfactory Terns very netaons, REAL ESTATE SNAPS GET IN ON JHE ORNS FOG Bi Tore the advance r {My 1 vet aliidd AR as I buss seme aperiel inv toes bu goat sale latoame Peels in wiore of ily pre perv. Teorge hn, F158 Brook street wAOLES, THREE DOZEN RET elu CH ShaRcoTs Anrie EN novia : EEE NIT Peder re os he vem FADD. Wood Bla, Vow