Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1902, p. 6

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THE THE 5 PIL EDITION, Por Pert o sos |powERs aSKED FOR ELEC. | SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO | TRIC LINES. i ON PAGE FIVE. DAILY WHIG, WeDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, Ts n ! | WINNIPEG BOARD OF TRADE | Young People . of St. James Church Are Very Clever. {ELECTED ITS OFFICERS FOR bs aid | THE NEXT YEAR. when olden Sra rasbibrsie "130 Pairs 2 A UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT "To Members of Alimnl' Conference. BOOKS, Fhodamental Ideas of Christianity, © Prindpsl Cuird, 2 Volumes, $3.25 The Messages of the Prophetic and. Priest 17 Distorinne, McFadyen, $1.25, i Yule Lectures on Pronching, Beecher, $1.75. A Primer of ths Bible, W. H. Bennett, 9c Tite Book of Common Order, $1.25 From Apostle te Priest, Faloomer, $1. The Parables of Our Lord, Donde, $1 University Addewses. Caird, $1.75 University Sermons, Caind, 81.75 The Exile "od the Restoration, Davidsim, 20 Forty Church History, Dartiett, The Ascent of Man, Drammond, Members cordially invited to "Hore Standing room only was to at the city hall "last evening, i "Ye scenes and ye songs of ve { time" was given by the talented | The Body of an Unknown Woman way Committee--Members Ac- | ladies ana gentlemen of St Jans | Mangled by Passing Trains -- used of Acting for Opponents | hurch, The frst wove pmol an | 4 °C0000L, Will Wot be Nas --An Apology Offered. forest. Miss L. Jamieson made a capi] ed by the Liberals. Toronto, Feb. 5.~The biggest fight | (al school mistress, and the bright Winnipeg. Feb. 5. ~The annual meet 'of the season, in the railway com- | faced little scholars did their separate ing of the board of trade was held of | mittee, began this morning when Tor | parts well. Fethie Booth, as the "bad | ye erday, 'at which alderman John | onto and Hamilton electric railway | hoy," was incorrigible, and Briar Tan- | Russell was elected president for the The supplies of bay, costs, Suur, ete, ship- | bill came up. This, it is stated, is the dv, in the unenviable part of the | new year, A communication from ped to South Africa by (by department of | first of a system of through e'ectrie | "dunce," was stupidity personified. A {the Halifax Joard of trade, asking auriouitire for the war offi amount to 35, | lines between the chief cities of the charming quarteite, "The Old Oaken | support of the Winnipegeboard in pe- HN0,000 up wo date. province and extraordinary powers Bucket," was given by Messrs. Tandy, | titioning parliament to hand over the Large sew quartz ledges, with very good'| op. auked, such as leave to rum at Dalby, Forester and Keeley. This was | pmanagement of the Intercolonial road indications, bave already loess found, and Pos miles an hour along highways, | made very. realistic by the presence of | (5 C.P.R., was réceived and referred { the general belief is thot the Klondvke will | she right to comstruet six mile bran- | & bona fide old, well, curb and sweep. | 15 the council for consideration become ope of the largest ming comps io the | chow: on each side of the A Virginia reel was next presented. | Smallpox outbreaks are" reported world 1 main' line, and practically a pe [This pretty dance delighted all; the | from Algoma lumber camps For she first three weeks in Joouary rail through the con he temperature to-day is five de pernal franchise rich costumes of the young lagies and wat earuings in Censds were 81630.000. an | goo tion of agreements with four of | gentlemen were very much admired; | grees below zero with a fine snow full incrense of 470000, or 34.7 per eat is ing the township municipalities along the | the powdered hair added greatly to \be United States the total was $28,519,001, A. Haskin, K.C:, and G. L. [the "old time" eficct. Those who Early this morning an an increase of $2.121,687 or WB pr coat | goaunton, K.C., appearsd for the pro gracefully took part were, Misses FP. | ypkpown woman was found in the C.P jar: dunt your, wiles surtiugs woty: 11 moters and Mr. Staunton said noth Crawiond, B. Ockley, K. Wilson. B. {R vards. The woman had been rye 190. {ing was asked that wax not in one or Dowsley, L. Aykroyd, and Messrs over and baaly mangled hy sdme war | ther of the railway bills: recently MeRinnon, Tandy Greaves, Maemowsine grain going through, but which one passed x i © | Peppett and Murphy. A solo, "1 Can: {pot yet ascertainea. Mr. Pattulo, Hon. Mr. Dryden and | nwt Sing the Old Songs," was sweetly | The Portage La Prairie liberals, in . 1G. P. Graham put up a strong fight rendered by Miss M. Bailey, who [convention last night, wound up their snd poe un: fa against bill as introduced, saymg | graciously responded to a hearty en | meeting by passing the following reso i rie the whole country = was: interésted in | OFC. | lotion : "That in the opinion of this the bill. Mr. Padtullo said there was | general alarm over the rate at which | the highways were being taken with- Children's ANP Girls' Fine Wool Drawers. i i ry : | Quite a Warm Time in the Rail- by COMMERCIAL MATTERS. * | What is Going on in the Busines | World--The Market News. California sent over $1,000,000 worth canued fruit 10 Germany last year CHOP 20 S000 They include all sizes from 'the smallest children's numbers on up to young ladies' sizes and range in value from 30c., 33¢., 35¢. 39¢., 45¢., 49¢. Your Choice For This Lot 25c. a Pair. Ae $s vist oar ------------ Uglow & Co. Ru INCESS STREET. NEW LOT OF STICKS The Best'We Have Had This Season. ALL A CHOICE LOTFOR ~~ 29C Come and get your pick. SKATES at a big re- duction to clear them out. W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. ud the boay ol pr ont. greater thas in Regurding the situdtion of the dairy ket in Toronto, tilobe states that offerings are very scarce aud that the bulk | of the butter marketed sty of bei gowns, or ml meets a poor sa that there is a god made duiries obtaindile, The Canadian general electric company has closed a large preliminary contract for the squipment fur the pew plant of the Cana dign Niagors power company, at Niagra | Falls, These comtracts look to the installa | tion of three of the largest generators ever | built in Canade, ensuring a large amount o | power on the Canadian side, An agrecment between the Dominion cotton and Merchants' cotton companies hep freely talked about in stock exchenge cir cles, for a couple of days, as the result of which ruipous competition will be ave Domirdon cotton stock has advanced $16 a share within a few days snd the above is wiven as the reason for the rise. There was | donsiderable jorkeving in the mmrket today | wind the shares fluctuated five points within a | few minutes | : | The market for seeds fa still dull, trade be. | Not Attempting to Rescue a Com- ing slow and prices of red clover from 15 | rade When Captured. to 20. emier. Aldke has advanced slightly London, Fob. S.TDhe Tunes says. it for the hetter gendes { has adthority for stating that the changed. Alsike is auotd at outskie | Jo coment in 8 telegram received poifite at 86 to $7.25 Red { through Lafian's agency, from Rreto # L 3 fy 0 Ra tH » y sasier at $4.60 t $4.80, and timothy | rin, under date of December 19th) to unchanged at $2.50 to $3.28 the effect IE the the bedug which is stale hy Globe stifles "The Home of the Pioneer," was a | meeting the election to be held on the quaint scene. In the old colony days | 13th inst. will be illegally held; that in Plymouth, the land of the pil- | this meeting not only protests against ott suleguard "or 'compensation; for | grims, a fairer Puritan maiden could | the repudiation on the part of the gov railway Jgwirposes. | hardly have been found than Miss Mil- {ernment of town election, but de tithe course of a discussion on ibd 1 dred - Magmorine, - who sang with |clines respectiully place a candi to her old mother at date in the- field." id clauses, Mr. Staunton said | plaintive voice, | THE THORNDIKE DIAMONDS. Overstockings ! Made from. good quality Black Fingering Yarn and quite elastic, with or without heels, all sizes from children's up to ladies, 25c¢.; 30c¢., 35c¢., 40c, and up, according to size. to a brief | >: had been prepared for members by- the | the winning wheel, a sad heart- opponents' of the bill. Mr. Pattulio story. For grace, beayty and elegance warmly resented "this and told "Mr. nothing fould have sur- of costume, | been | Staunton it was high time for some passed the stately minuet. The young | Presented by Egypt s Khedive to | one to prepare a bref for the public. | ladies carried themselves with a sweet | General Sherman. He asked for the withdrawal of the | digmity and the gay costumes of their | | ohjeationable remarks and an apology] handsome cavaliers brought back the { which Mr. Staunton tendered. The "age of chivalry and the sword . 3 I nl » Ye, i | discussion "was unfinished when the | Misses V. Mugell, P. Crawford, Wo comunitiee arose. 10 Anslee's. Lhe wost interesting diamonds in Joston belong to Mrs. Thorndike, daughier of the late Gen. W. T. Sher man, and long a favorite in diplomatic | society at Washington. The general {| Maomorine, Greaves and Dowsley were | was greatly admired by the khedive of | the gallanta. | Egypt. When Mrs. Thorndike's sister, One of the brightest and most am- | Minnie Shérman, was ~~ married to wiing sages was The Old Folks' Con- | Lieut. T. W. Fitch, his majesty, de cert," when old long forgot: | sirous of expressing his friendship for ten, were gavly brought to life again | the old warrior, selected from his and sung with great spirit. A "Sum- | treasary diamonds val at $200,000, mer Bower' was a beautiful tableaux. | had them set as a necklace, and sent the grouping of the figures heing ef | the ornament to the bride | fective and natural, Miss Madeline | But United States cus ded Dowsley: and = B. Odkley, were four dames, while Messis. McKinnon, KRITZINGER NOT A HERO. songs, sod timothy is now un clover i» ako gorgeous in an unfeeling BEAL ESTATE SNAPS. Children's Heavy Cashmere Thewe ranges diy GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR BE- Partios ving money to t with me as I have iptestmenta to offer in good ls Wm store or dwelling pro- George Cif, 115 Brovk street. cover the majority of practically good samples higher prices, wll quite so high ee le oe pis pte Lat I | RE- BUILDING SALE This Sale means a general clearance in all de- partments and a more de- termined effort to hurry out all goods beforé going back to our naw store, - { LINEN SALE. " This means much to f the house-keepers of this . ci'y. The enormous busi- | ness of the last few weeks 'has been our special values. ® .P®= Ladies, buy your Linens for | spring now at Waldron's and save 20 to © 49% Per Cent. Off "The balance of our (12 only) Woven t Squares. They are well assorted in ¢ size and marked cheap. All patterns in ; Brussels and Tapestry Carpets one-fifth of the offerings though | would bring a little and poorer ualithes would that Kritznger was cap- tured while attempting to rescue a cowrade, is without foundation, and that Kritzinger was shot while him sell attempting to cross the block | house line. | A blue book, containing recent mail | ed despatches fom lord Kitchener, | gives the following quotation from a letter sent by lord Kitghener to ex | president Steyn; "I have been asked by Dewet why some of his | ers have remained unanswered. | to inform vour honor that until Gen, | Dewet is cleared from complicity in | the brutal murder of Mr. vou will easily understand that 1 find i it difiault. to carry out any corres pondence with him." The British pursuit of has been successful to the extent his last gun has besn captured Gon. let Pewet that and Gen {cipal lientenants, has been routed. Lord Kitchener news in a despatch dated Tuesday, Fe sent the latest from Pretoria, sbruoary 4th, as fol lows : ""Bynir column while pro- j ceeding towards Lebenburgvlei, after { a night march, attacked and routed a | considerable foree of the enemy under commandant Wessels. We captured his fifteen pounder and a pom-pom taken | from Firman's column. and a Boer pom-pom. That was the last gun Dewet had. We also captured three waggons of ammunition, 150 hores jand 1000 mules. The Boer casualties were five men killed, six wounded and twenty-severt captured. Among { killed was field cornet Wessels. Ajnong { the prisoners is Capt. Muller, of the Staats artillery "The enemy nalties alig scouts near Middle Colony, i captured thirteen Plumer | near Amersioort (Trapsvaal) captured | seven prisoners and 500 head of cattle. | Gen. Gilbert Hamilton captwgpd thirty two prispners."' Our cas- N ational was scattered The wer, Cape prisoners were Applications-For Priva: te Bills. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. been given of 108 applic ations to parliament for private legislation, as against 102 Jast year, The small-pox outpreak has cost the city so far ¥19.500. There are vleven divorce | to date. Three of them are from Mon- {treal, one from. the north-west, six {from Ontario abd one irom British { Columbia. -- Preaching Holy War. Peshawur, Punjaub, Feb. 5.--There is | consideralsle unrest in Cabul and ele {where ir; Afghanistan. The fanatical { feared, Habda Mullah, the rising which ended in the Tirah campaign, is pregehing a holy war. He is said to have ar acer of Ai- ghavistan under his ipfluency. Halwa will officiate at the fmeer's formal in Sta, Jlation on Marci 20th. Other fa- iKizs and mullahs are stirring up agi- | @tion in the Malakand and other dis I'triote. & prominent in Killed In An Explosion. Pittsburg, Feb. 5.~By the axplosion of the boilers of the tow boat John N. Ailes, pear Jock No. 2, at 1.30 o'clock, this morning, onle man' was killed outright, four prd'bably fatally injured dnd several arg still missing. Six others were rescued from the icy watery, and two of these, Maria Wal kor, the cook, and Jame: Williains, fireman, are dangeroy sly injured. Over Gaiters. All kinds at cost st Abernethy's. Lee Le Nearly all. Napanee wrvived in the city today. The bockey team can down tc, meet the at the Kingste n_rink, and the curlers to meet the Reckwoods. Besides there were shout "fifty to attend the opera. This evening others will come down for the Sreial mee meeting of Roval an Xiursdny wight. Fell Ascasum Loon ae: Bars 'glee club » : 8st ni Fring So dogs home, Winnipeg. is in the! A visting bis parents. © Morgendal | { commandant Wessels, one of bis prin- | the | 5.--iNotice has | bills listed | | element; is predominant and trouble is | sae] purpose 4 Sunes, | Campion stopped gracefully forward and sang "The Last Rose of Sum- mer," so charmingly; that an encore | was insited upon. "Mother oose' : (Luceil, Roache) and a pretty drill by | fifteann children, a concert of | unusual variey. Miss Dutton recited a verse preceding each scene, {ate the subject, in clear and expres | sive voice. This part had beed as | signed Carew Roache, who through | illness. was, unable to attend closed I beg | Funeral Gun-Carriage. | Lowdon Modern Society The newest attraction at the of London, is the gun-carriage bore queen Victoria's coffin Windsor to Frogmore. It.is one of three which were employed, the other | two having been placed at Edinburgh castle. This one has be: time within the precincts of London's | ancient fortress, but it was almost unnoticed in its temporary position | near Traitors' gate, It wus only the | other day that its | front of the White tower was ready { for its reception. It now stands on a | concrete platform raised on a trian- | ular mound of earth, and has | | { i i which from nt ann suitable inscription with a black bor- der, setting forth how *'this gun car- riage bore 'the remains of her most excellent majesty Victoria, queen Great Britain and Ireland, ete., in the funeral protession at Windsor, Febru- ary 2nd, 191." Jt is so placed that the rave of the rising sun shall fall upon the limber every morning, and | ns it stands close to the entrance to the ammouries, and near the gatewav | of the Bloody Tower, it cannot fail to he observed by all visitors, i -- ; To Learn Staff Duties. The following officers have volunteer- {ed to attend the course of in #tafl duties which begins at the Royal military college, Kingston, on { March Mth: Lieut.-Col. W. E, Hoa fging, RO.; Lieut.-Col. A: G. €Camp- bell, 31st regiment; Maj. R. Costigan, ord field battery: Maj. E. A. C. Hos mer, C.M.R.: Maj. J. Sth Hussars; Mai. F. X, regent: Maj. W. H. iment; Maj. L. 1. O | field battery; Capt. T. Dunning, 62nd regiment; Capt. T. W. Lawlor, 12th ifield bhatiery: Lieat.-Col. F. C. L. { Beers, 21st regiment. The course will last till about June 10th. Officers will be allowed transport to and from i Kingston and a per diem allowance of $2.50 in lien of subsistence. Carriere, 85th Floyd, 4th reg: Ducharme, 13th Millhaven Matters. Millhaven, Feb. 5.--The farmers spent yesterday in breaking roads, as the late storm left them entirely ihloeked. Miss Clara - Collins, ill, | slightly improved. Visitors: fra Amey and sister. Moscow: with friends here; | Frederick Laidley, wife and daughter, Mre. H. Marshall, Stella, and Mis. 1. j Conningham, Bath, at Frederick Wemp's. Rev. Charles E. Bland, B.D. { trea], ana bis brother... Rev. Bland. B.A. Ottawa, are attending Queen's alumni They are stopping with G. Y. -A snow storm in north Texas and heavy rains in sonth Texas are re- ported. The snow will be of able benefit 10 the wheat crop, which was almost a total failure last vear. 5 "Rubbish" is the term used for the charge that the fire * in Waterbury, Conn, war incenciary in origin. It {Was due fo | wiring. Mrs. Rebweea Fuilvizer, Hartford, Ind, who would have been 100 years old om March 12th, swicided by chok- ng herself with a handkerchicr nly «ix men at St. Lowie, all fire | men, Jost their lives in last night's fire. of the erin have been a James Asthans. RA. Water s Ont dyin city attending eonderence. Salem G. in the city appropri- | tower | 1 for a long | station m | a of | instruction | A. McDougall, | je | Mon- | conference. | Chown. | incalenl- | defective electric Light | | toms department fell upon the wedding giit and held it for a ransom of $20, 00, the amount of the legal ten per cent, duty. Here was a pretty how d'vou-do, for weither the bridegroom nor the general could scrape together | the sum demanded The bride wept, the newspapers gossipedand the hus | band grew pale with mortification. But | there was naturally a sympathetic | feeling the part of every American | woman at the thought of a poverty: | stricken bride unable to gare upon | $200,000 in diamonds that actually be to her A public subscription was started; then the national govern ment became interested, and finally congress stepped in and, goaded to chivalrous rescue by its wives and daughters, remitted the duty by spe cial enactment Can vou not imagine the rejoicings of the Fitehes and Shermans when the splendid gemé were at last placed on | the beautiful neek for which they were intended, and the pride with which their owner allowed them to be placed { for safe keeping in the United States | treasury ? But you certainly cannot imagine her horror when a great ugly hrute a tax collector from some Pennsylvania" "eounty in 'which she | lived, sauntered in and demanded an annual tax more than equaling the lisutenant's salary for an entire year! That settled it; there was nothing to, do but send the white elephant back to the khedive. Conevive the mental | condition of an American woman ob» liged to givé up one-fifth of a million dollars in diamonds ! But, if you will believe me, she couldn't get rid of them even 'in this way. Back they eame, by return mail or something of that sort, with a letter from his Egvptian majesty suggesting that the necklace be taken apart and the dia monds divided among Gen. Sherman's daughters, delicately insinuating i thus the burden of taxation s would not be heavily felt And | that is how Mrs. Thorndike happens to own one-fourth of them. General Theatrical News. Lulu Glaser depies that she boxed {the ears of the aavance man in Otta wa. She says the only hit she made there was with the amusement-going public. "Wang," De Woli Hopper's old sue- cess, ix keeping the Australians on the broad. grin. with much increase of ma- terial substance to its managers. Like many other good ideas for which they are not always given cre tdit, the "continuous performance' principle in amusement ie centuries old in China and Japan. There a play sometimes lasts for days ana a patron has the privilege of coming in and staving as long as be likes For all the talk about the fertility of playwrights even London only pro- duesd about fifty new plays last year, The carl of Dysart has offered 330, 000 toward a S2500.000 national opera house in six months { The present theatrical sensation | Italy. "King Harlequin," a satire on | the doings of royalty, may have an American production next fall Senator Ahern. who is working to ass a piay censorship bill in, New ork's legislature, has written a let- {ter giving. some. reasons for such a measure. Among other things, he says there ure too many plave cater ing to indecency, combinations of scene' splendor and suggestive sensa tionalism, or pompous pageants of shameless sensuality. on | longed ol four that 80 in i We have a long letter ron a Howe {Islander denying, some of the state mente of a correspondent shout a re ioent event at Mr. Goodiviend's.. The | electors visited him to congratuliite {him on bis election: no ladies attend: Led, nor were 4 ituous i ured. i Biddles § to-day; twenty-five re latives att 3 JAPANESE CATARRH CURE Given ihtant_ relil, sova_siops Sia drop. pings in the throat and Besle the disessed parts. Cures chromic oases, becties is sures the out, that's physicians edorse it. Ome gg tigen. yon wf worth, postymid from The ©. - nn Co. ited. Tat Charrh St, Torommo And Wool Stockings. JOHN LAIDLAW & SO 170472 Princess. Street, Kingston. LAE. Before STOCK. TAKING A Great Chance to |SAVE MONEY. For the next TWO WEEKS all our stock of BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS and VALISES we will offer at cost price to clear before our annual STOCK TAKING. A, ABERNETHY, 125 PRINCESS STREET. --_ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. T E KERN BURNERS, delayed in shipg ment, arc now to hand. In order to raake room™ for same we will dispose of our stock of AUER LIGHTS AT COST. Pear Shape, 55c. Large, with Shade, 65c. J. W. OLDFIN, 253Xins Street. A Pleased Customer Is Our Best Advertisement. Our Fancy Calkes, : And Pastry Please All Customers. TOYE. Market Square.

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