Kingston & Pembroke & Cinadian "57 1 Pacific Railws = WEEK OF SPORTS Lif Go; Fon, ato WO Kingston fo Quebec $11.85, L\, AND RETURN I" GOING DATES--¥eb. 3, to 11, inclusive. FP RETURN LIMIT ~ Tickets valid rivary "lag from Quebec. gu or before Feb. 12, 1902. Full pifticulars ot K. & P. ood C. P. R . Picket Office, Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, ¥. A. FOLGER, JR. Ge. Pass. Agt. . Gem. Supt. "THE BAY OF QUINTE RMLWAY Co New SHORT LINE FUR 3 Nepanes, Dussiomto and all loos! points Trhin leaves Oity Hall Depot at 4 ps RJ. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph OF ay ; " Rl > "QUEBEC, FEBRUARY 3 fo 11. v Fir clabs round trip tickets 'will 'be sold for the above, Feb. 8rd to 11th, at $11.85. Valid for return on or before Feb. 12th. J. P, HANLEY, Agent) City Passr. Depot. a sien see HD, 230d ov $50 end "DOMINION LINE. Ral) Steatichibe, Liverpool Service FRO March Oth : Third. Clase, $35. NEW SERVICE Boston te the PORTLAND, Ottoman wo Feb. 15th - Aman marked * do pot oArry passes TES P. Meditorranesn. o a, a Ahh. 13th April Oth spacious * Li 1 d Allan Line Lon TTY. so Royal Mall Steamers, Erom St. John. From Halifax. The death-knell of Grippe is sounded ical science has given 'us the secret for dealing this ** grimmest"' of ailments a blow that will |} of n wi take place Friday, 7th inst, dior the Welshmen, Hourteen to five, _DAILY _ BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEusuARY 5. = . ---------- TELEGRAMS FROM THE 5 QUARTERS OF THY BATE, Sl, : i Matters That Interest ~Notss From All Over=Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By the Dear Fib lie. John Clemepts, Arthur, dropped dead 4 in the hospital at Guelph. Mrs. Gibson, Beamsville, wife of Wil- jiamn Gibson, ex-M.P., is dead station and registry office, are ofiered for sale. A son of Jobn Hally, Dacre, found J dead on the roadside. Foul play is char / ged. The jumeral of Rev. Father Bedard, ish priest of St. Constant, Que., bar obtained. inde') ment restori his papers, seized at the time of Dreyfus proseeution. James McMillan, ex-M.P., Welling ton, may be called to the semate in the pince oi the late Hon. G. W. Al Col. Pieyuart n, W. H. Hastings has been reappointed conservative organizer in Maniwwba to prepave for the provincial general cloc- tions, The will of the late Walter 8. Lee, Toronto, is probated. The estate am- ounts to 837.000, and is left wholly to the family. hy foothall watch between Wales and Scotland resulted in a4 win score being , Louis Wessels commando ' is active of in the Cradock district of Cape Co- lony, - It held up and partly burned a supply train last Saturday. F. L. Berque, K.C., Montreal; 3. . UE HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady Who Cares tier Husband of His Drinking Habits Writes' of Her Struggle to Save Ter Home. A PATHETIC LETTER. Prosar d oe wei dis: that I was giving him medicine, me. % oourse had gether, but I cine tiil it was gone, as Don't buy of dealers who limit |, N a man wants coal, he don't | a A o yith vey basal 1 Bave plenty, and we sell all | want all the time. THE RATHBUN *Co.f It's for you to decide what kind of coal you want, Swift's Scranton - 'ihe Radeiwill . Fredericton; Hop A fhaech, Chester, N.S., an E. R. obertson, Montague, P.E.l., have bein appointed senators. Adviees from Nome ftate that two girls connected with a dance hall re cently commitied suicide by taking catholic acid. Despondency is ascribed as the cause. They were known as the Carliste sisters. Samuel A, Bell, 3 Toromto black- smith, is charged with stealing $500 from Miss Mary Stewart. Bell was en- gaged to Mids Stewart and borrowed her money, Monday he married an other woman and was arrested. It is stated that an agreement has been signed by the steamship lines for an increased and uniform minimum saloon passenger rate, and for the ex- tension of the summer season. The agreement will become operative with- in a few days. The Cardiff committee of the tram- Way companies hax excluded the Ger- man tenders for supplying generators for the new electric system, although they 'were the lowest of any submitted. The . committee is consiaering only English and American offers. nald A. Stewart, the liberal can- dilate in Lisgar, was teacher of the hiblic school at Balderson's Corners, nard county, when R, L. Richard- gon, the independent candidate, was # pupil at the same school. Mr. Stew- art is now a farmer at Pilot Mound. The York pioneers, Toronto, at a meeting held on Tuesday, passed a re solution, -a copy of which will be for- warded to the mayor of Quebec, pro testing against the action of the coun- eil' there in allowing a monument to be erected in memory of Gen. Mont: goméry. Cegil RbBodes hag arrived at Cape Town, from England. He will appear in 'the 'supreme court oni Thursaay as co-defendant with princess Catherine Rideiwill (of the German 'branch of family), in an action cohterning notes which, it is alleged, be endorsed in favor of the princess. gaa Tn aves ot | Cold Affects ~The Liver. Sin Bévere ache Constipation, and Kidney Disorders the Re- ' fs tg if The Londen, Ont., eity hall, police | » LdcMar testimonial dinner thé. guberna- Sati Ammen 5 The City's Opportunity. Kingston, Feb. 5.--{To ithe Editor): 1 have been waiting for some days to | _ hear of the city commeil or board of | trade having taken - up the question | of atppmpting to induce the C. P. R. | to locate its proposed big | ov A { ' IS, instead] of at Montreal, os | iat present contemplated. The tom- | pany has in view the locating at | some donvenient point anmeth | workshops that will employ 7,000 men | and 1 subiilit that Kingston is the | most desirable city for such a plant. | There are miiny reasohs that can be ren is bet; other city has up the The city owns a large tract of Is lying morsh of the cotton will that is convenient. to the railroads; if suit: able 16 its neal, give the land to the company, and as mech more if such works as the company to erect. It is on the water adg within "a eoiiple of Mundred "y railroad tracks. The company; nd of also cos! docks at Kingston; what would be more des than to have 'the proposed works and coal docks to- gether The coal' 66uld 'be brought over front New York state st low cost | for ireigijtage and womnld be cenveni- ent. to the works and tracks. ! These desirable facts should be made known to the 4 without delay, If the company would prefer the site of the fair grounds, why, turn that place over 10 railroad men; if occupied hy railroad shops it would yield' a greater revenue the city | than it does ae en ! The city can aflord to make many | sacrifices if assured that the perman- | ent location is secured here of works | that will employ anywhere from 1,000 | to 7,000 men This matter pught to be taken hold of by the city's ablest men and pushed to aconclusion. If a delay is made, the result may he most disastrous. for the city. King- ston has suffered niuch in the past from the anti-expansion principle that | seems to, have 'permeated business principles 'here; let a new era dawn for the city's prosperity --RELECTOR. A Régrettable Aécident. Lansdowne, Feb. 4.-Mrs. RF. Latimer met with a bad accident last Friday. While' going out to the we ed she slipped and fell, hreak- ing Wer' leg close to ihe Bip. Having always been very active and energetic the enforced idleness now will be very trying to. her. A large load of young people drove to Gananoque Thursday night and attended the singing class toncert ther.. Prof. Beal started a third tet ol his singing class here. All speak highly of his ability as a tgacher. Rev. Mr, Tighe and Mr. Houston, who attended the 25th an- piversary of the erection of #evott Anglican church last Wednesday, have béen visiting their old parishioners around here, and met with a very warm welcome. Much regret was felt that Rev. Mr. Young was unable to come. John Heaslip, our popular bar- ber, intends moving to Kingston this week. genial "Jack" will be much missed. William Mitchell, cheese- maker; is moving into the house where Nr. Hemslip had lived. E. BE. John- ston, ill with typhoid fever, is slight- ly better. atitomatic washing machine company is preparing for in- creasing business. Miss Nixon, Lynd- hurst, is visiting at W. P. Moore's. W. H.' Leacock, painter, is quite ill. db ------------ Chintown Culiligs. Caintown, Feb. 3.---RBlake Hogeboon has returned froin Guelph on sccount of illness; hé is fast improving. Prof. Beale intends starting a singing school here. first meeting will held in the Yoo. of the Presbyterian chitich on Wee lay "evoning. C. Ten: hant drove to Redwood on a business tip last week, Wiss Maude Ackland, Forfar, is * spendi few days with friends here, Miss Nora Kincaid spent last week with friends at Temperance Lake. Wiss Jennie Donnelly, Kings tol, is visiting at 0. L.. Gibson's. Miss Mihnie Gibs in has returned home after spending a wee with friends in Toronto, r. Jolmston, our enter prising" Store keeper, is doing a splen- | ditt business. i Oblér's Gubernatorial Boom. New York, Feb. 5. 1p the guise of a, totial boom of Bird 8. Coler, former comptroller of "New York, is to be launched "in Brooklyn to-night. Mr. Colér is said to be the Hill candidate for the démotratic nomination. He is | said to "be 'willing to stand with the | afiti'Croker forces, and already has the support of the citizens' union. The ai dir tonight, according to all outward indications, "is intended as a bid for the sapport of the ' Brooklyn de mocraey, < < Due To Overwork. Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 3A Inglis, a sophomore medico, davighter % Inglis, of Detroit, shot hiracli ough the heart, instantly. Lg me 4 examinations iy on returning went to room at the Al pha. Epsiios Iota tosis, and after 'writing several letters shot Bersel. She intend, it is said, erecting exténgive | : "3 SISTER'S ADVIE Mrs. Jesse Ketchum, ot Ottawa, Induces Her Sister wo Take Powley's Liquifie IT CURED HER. {t's » question of vitality these days--whether or not your blodd LISD " "amo! of ox if you are going to escape the ro ot oe Erin nit ad bronchitis «0 common so uta. Powleys L gin, Bf a 8 Lake r sof thess winter diseases. 'Tk Orolew Co, LTD . mani, "my. favorable what 1 Vad od er aster; a ion wae' andy go is ther mi 9 (Signed) Mrs Pow! universal iiftert tow 58 thd andere tion a brief statemen! ad led ot, hich boc her to uC fein hone ota al month the ET he I change in impending 'diphtheria, in NL Fo t. | write this that Fores! : én to thy uscles in their the system to uified Osone supplies ox . of makes of of tof iv eon- ha Js KEToUN, un St, Ottawa, Ont, Liquified Ozone, We wang ou $0 know tha pe Ea. all that we Hs for itand more. Wo pul timouldls which you can Sandily veri "ate sll In Canada'from 'Cusnaias Jbpie: 4 e examine 'eiwch case © : itied Ozone is oxygen in into health, - Powlay's Ligui ood I gontain any dtug or i FU 8 DOCTORS WILL DECIDE If Baby Was Born Alive--Interest- ing Legal Point. Montreal, Feb. 5.--Upon the viabili ty of a child born during the past few months to the widow of the late Rev. John Jones, once a well known clergyman of this city, depends the disposition of an estate worth $95, P00. The deceased gentleman inherited soniething like $100,000 from his first wife. Later he married Miss E. Ross, who was many years his jumior. Dur ing the past swuner the reverend gen tleman died intestate. A short time aftér his death his widow gave birth to a son, who died about six hours after birth. In meantime, how ever, the little fellow had been bap- tized, If the little boy was born viable he beasmme his father's heir, but if on the contrary be was not born viable, then it is likely that the bulk of the estate will go to the sisters, nephews and nieces of Rev. Jobn Jones. The relatives have placed their case in the hands of Mesars. Hutchison and Oughtiréd, who yesterday took an ac tion for $95,000, the balance of the estate, They allege that the child was not viable, and that, theréfore, they arc entitled 'to share in fhe estate The widow will contest the claim, and interesting medical evidence will be elicited to ptove the contentions of the various parties, Road Masters Busy. Point Road, Feb. 4.--The snowstorm blockaded the roads throughout the township. The road masters are tho alert with gangs of men, digging them out. W. Milton had twenty bus hels of clover seed threshed hy doyle, ar., is also recovering. H. Mur ray. bas engaged with E. Deaper for the winter. Mr. Kinkard, Elgin, is about buying the estate of J. Patjer bon, "The Gore™ He iniends going inte the dairy business quite exten sively. The conservative legislature will banquet on February 19th. We givies in trousers, at $1.50 to $3.50. Bithy's. of the Whitney members Mr s health giving blood food. Ni 8D, aid 3L.00°4Y all Druggists. THE on | Mr. | Card, Napanee. J. Quinn has fully re" | Yip ored fiom a two weeks' illness. J. are showing some btanetive | they you to fixed 1 combination of drugs--no al UPHOLD PROTESTANTISM, -- A Great Gathering in Londons on Tuesday Night. London, Fab, 5.-At a meeting at Albers hall, last eveming, the gigantic building was packed with enthusiasts pledged to aphold the Protestantism of the nation and to demand the sup pression of the mass and confessional «in the Established Church into which, it is contended, they have been intro- duced through the government's abuse of patronage and by certain: bishops in defiance of the law. Viscount Mid dieton presided, supported by lord Kinnaird and lord Overtun, some niembers of parliament, prominent evangelical clergymen, and the anti ritualist bookseller Kensit, The speeches declared that. there was a conspiracy afoot to undermine the Protestant religion, and denounced the dangers of the introduction into Great Britain of bodies of celibite, militant Catholics, who profess to he driven out of their own country hy persecution. Resolutions embodying the of the meeting were passed with uoanimous fervor One of these in istod upon the retention in the sover dgn's oath of the rejection of the "distinctive errors of . the ehurch of tome." Apother eondemned successive rovernmments for allowing violations of the law, forbidding monks and Jesuits to reside in Great Britain, the oxistemee of such communities in the country being pernitions to society and dangerous to good government objects MORIN'S WINE. Creso-Phates Recommended By a Physician. * For the lust two years, 1 have been using Morip's Creso Phates Wine in my surgery for troubles of the respira tory tubes, cough, hoarseness, bronchi tis, and the tuberculous. The results obtained, with the pationts whom | have treated with the above remedy, werd swrprising. I still prescribe it every day to any one suffering with the above mentioned troubles and even during the first petiod of consump tion. A. WATTER, M.D.L. Quebec. Sale of lopelies at Jenkina' this week eannot ever be toe. much investigation over affairs i form not a patent wediclue ntall as ol in its composition, simply oxygen, d Ozone for a Stubborn Cough 8% ptitaining to QZOME CO: of TORONTO, Linited, TORGNTO and CHICAGO. babite and loss makes him pecul tible to kidney Sreubles. Fires i's Backache, then " - urinary di Discase and ~ rh DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen and javigcrate the Hidneys ~pever fail to give quick relief and cure the most obstitiate caves, Rev. MN. P. Coanjpbell, ol. the Baptist Church, Eusex. On, saga: * From m Jerse use of Dogo 8 Keloey Pills, whie 1 got a8 Bharon's drug wore, I ean aay they are & wont excellent remedy for kidney trovhten aud I recceumend Shed to sullerols trotn such com laiute," tant x. | stomach and bowel trou comreiats, and various & Br Sey : ¢ This Keystone of Health Makes Solid the Entire Human System. Based on } Common Sense w= and Backed up by . - ? The Public. other disor will gradually pear Ein flesh will set in Why ° You have probably been liv- ing on poorly selected food; that is, food thet does not comtsin the re quired elements the body needs. That sort of food, and coffee, is the direct or indirett cause of more than half "be ills the human bidy acquires Grape Nuts is a perfectly eookel food and both that and the Posto Food Coffer contain fine microscope particles of phosphate of potash G8 | way from the by sddentific food experts intorporatad inte food and driok. Thet element joins with disap the albumen in food 40 make ' T L Sm Teo A SCIENTIFIC BREAKFAST. ray { mutter, which is filling brain cotta and the nerve centres all over the Ruuan body A man or woman thus fed je scien tifieally fed and rapidiy grows is vig- j OF mand vitality, and becomes le | of conducting successfully the affairs { of Tile. To produce a periect heady and. a money making brain, the body must {have the right kind of food and the | expert food specialist knows bow to i make it. That is Grape Note, aad i Vostum Carenl Food Coed. produced si the pure food factories of the Pos tum Cerwal Co, lad, at Battle Creek, Mich.