Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Feb 1902, p. 2

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yd a 2 SC h_ hh pas a = Shiloh's Consumption- Cure _ Cures Coughs and Colds at once. It has been doing this for half a century. It fas saved hundreds of thousands of Hives, «It will save yours if you giveita chance. '25 cents a bottle. If after using it you are not satisfied with results, go to your druggist and get your money back. a isle STEIN = Write to 8, C. Weis & Co., Toronto, Can,, for free trial bottle, Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach IN. COUNCIL. ------ ' The Smelter Site Refused As Matter Referred Back To The Board Of Health. : city fathers assembling their places around the council board last evening. When the clerk called ihe roll these members answered to names ©: Mayor Shaw, Alds, Carson, Craig, Graham, Kent, King, Mallen, Bears, Walkem:, White, Knapp, Dunlop, Cawmon, Bell, Hipson, Farrell The minutes of the last regular meet ing were adopted. on motion bf Alds Farrell and Walkem. Harkness, Tait, Me- Communications Couasidered. H. W. Wilson, agent oi the Lake Un tario' & Bay of Quinte navigation com pany, asking city to advertise in the company's guide book. ~Finance com- mittee. A. B. Cunningham, notifying eouncil Nema ---- that be had been instructed by Mrs. H. Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums. Portier Curtains, city. " We are carrying at this season of the year a very complete stock at prices which appeal to the closest buyer. Ff oo YAR LL | In 'Binoleums we show the: largest line to be found and at prices that mean a genuine money-saving to you. R..McFaul Kingston Carpet' Warehouse, Sale, Finish, 'February carved, 20 x 24 $16, special Bedegoh i Suilte British Bowel Pf Oak richly (2 only), wolid Oak, Shony A tation den' Oak Suite, ie $0. Lace Curtains and Draperies in| VV. A exclusive styles and not to be found elsewhere in the Oval Plate Mirror, reveier for February, $12. Only « Oval Mirror, very fine, reglar oar Cut Bolden Ouk Suite, 855, Qasr Sout Golden Onk Suite, $75, 1 Bed Suite, $238, Febru 28, February of Golden Ouk Suite, $11, Felwuary on Goldnu OukDuite, $11; Folrvary are prices that are not mvpented dure year. the 5 as and Cortaing safe in The Febraary walh list--in a few weeks wo move this stock Hamilton to take proceedings against the municipality for injuries received by - reason of a fall: on the south side of = Princess street «Board of works. A. B. Cunningham, fisted flat rate tor water service heen in the' building for six months and does not give satisfaction.~Water works committee York Central & Hudson 'u., asking city ta renew adver tisement in guide Look. --Finance eom mittee, Commander Spain, expressing thanks for. vse of city hall for investigation procecdings, re Marine City disaster. Fyled. : W. A. Gray, for the Dominion cotton mills* company, asking that the walk on. Mill street be widened, --~ Board of works. f Gray, for Dominion cotton mills company, inviting firemen to vis it cotton mill with a view to familiar izing themselves with its layout.--Fire and light committee Smythe & Lyon, for H. J. Wilkinson, applying for usual remission of taxes granted to places whore religious ser vices gre conducted; the Jews hold re ligious service in the hall over the hoard of education rooms.--Finance side committee, Report Of Finance Committee. Ald: Walkem * presented the rep of the committee on finance, rec wending payment of these accounts : James Sowards, 82.75; John Skelton, p20; Walter Gaw, $40.08; labor pay list, $490.64; Dr. Nichols, $30.50; J. W. Oldfin, 85.75; John Kidd, 83; J. Rodden & Co., 66c.; Oram & Carter, $237.80; T. McAuley, 25c.; Canadian municipal union, $i; W. T. C. Jen kins, #5; Bell telephone company, $25; P'. A. Macdonald, $110; taxes remjtted, $0.15; J. P. Hanley, $9.85. : The committee further recommended: That the clerk be aWthorized to adver: tise the last day for receiving applica- tions to be placed on the voters' list; that a municipal census of the city be taken forthwith; the cost pot te ex- ceed $75. Adopiled on motion of Alds. Walkem and Kent. In the absence of Ald. McLeod, The contents have lished. Adopted on motion of Walkews and Craig. Alds, published. Referving fo clgus two, apart ihe. smelter site fdr a small pox an wewise thing ae a valuable pice. of city tanneries, railroad tracks. It placing . erape on the door of largest tax paying ward of the city. He moved, seconded by Ald. Mallen, that clause two of struck out. 4 Ald. Tait gave credit to the commit: and so question apart for a smallpox pital, but he thought a better might be obtained elsewhere.' It would not do to place such a hospital so close to such a live industry as the cotton mill, ¥ a better building on the smelter site, that cost the city $9,000, it would not be a paying investment. Ald, araig . thoughs it. would be a sad 'mistake to locate such a building on the smelter site. The city hos: Ante. gue pore, where we have better Bs nd premises. Wo have thus ans ¢ had looked forward for some time to ar euttipe prices low on Shis are bome misfits in Brissols Some els of Axminster, | OR the placing df some suitable industry t property. The fact that even oie: patient' had received teatment there would render the property unfit foe the parpose for which it is intend Ald, Graham also opposed the plan. Phe building in view fo not, Suiabie for & mmall-pox hospital. 1f the chair man of the board of health and oth: ers who 'favored 'the place, thought they would héve 0 undergo treat oid in that seiall, unsuitable houss, there would not a word said in favor of the place. The, city should will ospita CREATES A LONG DISCUSSION The snow storm did mot prevent the on Ume in to recover damages asking for a for Clarified milk company; a meter" has River chairman, the report of the board of works was presented by Ald. Walkem, already been pub- Ald. Carson presented the report. of the city property committee, already #et ting hospital, Ald. Bellowas svrprisgd that the property committee would do 'such to give away such property as the simelter site, situated a¢ it was in close proximity to the cotton mill, the close to the two would be like}: the m the report he tee for being actuated by a sense of right in desiring. to set the site in Site If the city could not put 1 take stéps 'to siitab fo { 0 provide am fe plaoy a : > © THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4. --_-- a ¥mall-pox hospital, - - site for ' Aid. Abbott favored Belle's Island, { but "Ald. Bell pointed out that Beile's Island was on the highway of one of + the most picturesque and greatest' travelled waterways in the dontinion, { and was quite unsuitable. He thought pox in the house in which it od; better there than elos oecurr to the cot i | ton mill, whieh would closé up within | i twenty-four hours; so also would the tannery, and even the trains would cease to run past the spot. 1 Ald. Sears pointed out that the view of the city property comunitice was, their . that the house it was intended to use Abbott, | was to be held as a temporary place j of detention only. He thought that if a smitable site could be obtained, the {city might purchase the gymnasium building in re:r of the old grammag¥ school, and fit it up as a hospital. Alds. Farrell and King moved in ameadment = to the amendment, that the report be amended by insertidg a clause wo the ef- foot that the council petition the do- minion government for the ure of a auall portion of the penitentiary form, and that Hon. William Harty Le requested to use his endeavors to wards securing the same, Before the question was put, All ('arson stated that the chairman of the board of health had informed him that the~ smelter site was the only available one of many he had looked over. The building in question could Le moved to a peint at least 1.200 vals from the cotton mill or railway tracks. Ald. Farrell pressed to have his ame endment pot. Ald. Carson wanted to withdraw the oliiectionable clause, but Ald, Far rell pressed to have his amendment put before the eouncil. This was done and the amendment was lost' on this division : Yeas. --Mayor 'Shaw, Alds. Hipson, Farrell, Harkness, King Walkem.--06. Nays.--Akds. Abbott, Bell, Carson, Craig, Dunlop, Graham. Kent, Knapp, Mallen, Sears, Tait, White---12. Ald. Bell was willing. to withdraw his amendment, on condition of Ald Carson withdrawing the objectionable lause, but the last mentioned refused to do so. Ald. Bell pressed his mmendment, faving that at a later hour he would present a resolution dealing with the matter. Ald. Bell's amendment, to strike 'out the clause, was put and carried, on this division : Yeas --Mayor Shaw, Craig, Hipson," Dunlop, Farrell, 'Gra ham, Harkness, Kent, King, Mallen, Tait, Walkem, White.--14. Nave --Abbott, Carson, Scars. --4. "The matter came up again under the head of resolutions, when Alds. Bell anid Craig moved that the matter of providing a small-pex hospital he referred to the city property com mittee, to make further enquiries with a view to securing a suitable site Ald. Carson took the ground that the question should go back to the hoard of health; the property com- mittee had reported upon the matter referred to it. ; Rid. Bell was willing, if city pro- ferty committee was unable to cope with the question, to refer the matter to some other committee. Ald. Carson wanted Ald. Bell to understand that the property committee was able to deal with any uestion referred to it. The board of health had made a request for a cer tain #ite, and the commitiece had re- ported = thereon. The matter should now be referred to the board of health. y Acting mayor Walkem Ald. Carson's stand. Alds, Farrell and King moved that the dominion government ke request- edto grént a location on their pro petty to: the west of the city for the temporary logation of a small-pox hospital, and "that the Hon. William Harty be requested to use his efforts with the govermanent to obtain such site, and that the city property com niftted copmmunicate with the board of health and municipal council of the township of Kingston, with the ob- oct of obtaining their co-operation in the effort to secure said site for the joint use of the, city and town ship. ; Another hali hour was spent in re- viewing the situation again from its varied Points. ; Ald. Dunlop did nét want the {on honse situated on the border of Vie toria ward. ne Ald. Bell withdrew his original mo- tion and submitted an amendment to the reselution moved hy. Ald, Farrell, that the matter be referred back to the board of health. The amendment was carried on this division : & Yeas. --Alds. Abbott, Beil, Carson, Dunlop, Harkness, Knapp, Mallen, Sears, Tait, White~10. L Nays. --AMs. Craig. Hipson, Far- roll: Grabmn, Kent, King, Walkem--T. Ald. Farreil's motion was put and lest on this divisian. : ; Yeas. --Alds, Abbott, Craig. Hip- Farrell, Graham, Keat, King, Walkem.--S. A ia Bell. Carson, Dunlop, Harkness, Knapp. Mallen; Sears, Tait, White. 9. Alds. Bell, Knapp, sustained Let Me Tell You How to Get Well. a eels SE, i Ps will 'wend am order on ; better hockey Dr. Shoap's | wall on Xi Cornwall will meet Froptenacs in Ki - [expected FRONTENACS WIN ROUND. BEAT QUEEN'S LAST NIGHT BY FIVE TO THREE. 'a it better to isolate a case of muall- Won Out With Six Men Against Location For a Pest House-- Queen's Seven -- Frontenac- Beechgroves Won The Junior Match by Four to Three. ; With fivk minutes remaining to play, in the senior O.H.A. match, lasc night, iv looked as if Frontenacs sen ior hockey team would finish the sea- son by playing exhibition matches. Rogers, their fast right wing, had been ruled off for the rést of the game because be struck Swinerton, who had laid his stick heavily across the ex Ottawa player's mouth, Queen's with seven men against six, had a chance that seldom falls to the lot of a ho key team. The score was a te, but Queen's showed their inability to take | the game. S. Wilson and W. Harty re- lieved many anxious minds by each sooring a goal on two brilliant indi vidual runs up the ice. Frontenacs won. the match by five to three, and the romnd by eight to six. The score last night does not repre sent the play. Frontenacs played far than Queen's, and were only prevented from sooring two dozen goals by the brilliant work of "Diek™ Mills, who, by Tawful and un lawful means, kept the rubber disc from entering baiv.en the college goal posts, when it naturally should have gained admittance. Queen's goal sentinel is fully the equal of Morrison, over whom Winnipeg and Toromto: is, crazy, Then Queen's scored. their three goals when Rogers, of Yrontenacs, was off the ice at different times. The second goal got hy the college team peer went near the goal net. Every body, except the goal judge, declared | it was no score. Frontenac's second point was disputed, but unbiased op- inions showed that the goal 'was fairly scored. Frontenats forced the play all through the first half. but failed to while Queen's once put the puck where it did the most good. For tre first fifteen minutes of the second half Queen's seemed to be travelling on snowshoes instead of skates, as Fron- tenacs got the rubber past Mills three times; Then came Rogers' dismissal from the ice, the tving of the = and great excitement; and the Fron tenaes' happy finish and victory or Queen's, pgoal-keeper Mills, Knight and Scott were the stars. On the Frontenacs' side, all the players were ore comspicuous, tho Chown, Rogers, Harty and Wilson ex celled. "Wick" started Frontenacs' scoring in the second hal, on a steady run down the ice and a sho at close quarters. ny "Chancer" Elliott' was the strictest reieree ever on Kingston ice. He ruled players. off no less than twelve times, for short have heen sent off alone in the second half, as the Queen's point was more score, at fault. The ex-Ottawa player show- | ed fine form, but is capable of better work when he has a little more prac tice. W. Harty, though suffering from 'a sore' hand, played a remarkably fast game. The goals were scored thus : co Knight on Wilson Powell Wilson Krrigrht + Gillespie Harty Wilson minutes rovemds minwes winut minutds inutes minutes winates [--Goal, R. Mills; point, cover-point, Sutherland; Wilson; Queen's ~Frontenmcs ~Frantennes Frootenacs 5. ~Quetn"s ~Quicen's . ~Frontenacs Frontenacs Queen's Swinerton; centres, Knight, R. Gillespie, Seott. ) Frontenacs T--Goal, W. Mills; Murphy; cover-point, Chown; centres QS, Wilson, W. Harty; wings, Powell, Rogers. NIST HL At wings, point, Frontenacs-Beechgroves Won. In a match that was sensational in brilliant plays, the Frontenac juniors defeated the Queen's ITI night after the senior game. It "nip and tuck" at all times and the honors were very even Ihe goal keepivg of Macdonnell for Queen's was of the vePy best class, in fact the Maedon nell brothers at point and in saved Queen's from a much worse de feat. George Richardson at centre played a star game and is certainly a comer. For Froutfhace, Clarke at cover point, 'Walsh and Potter on the forwara line, did good work. At hali time the score was exactly similar to the senior game, one to nothing in favor of Queen's. When the final gong sounded: the Frontenacs were. in the lead by four goals to three Refiree "Jack" MeDowall proved an impar tial and competent official. This was the match ordered replayed on ac count of the broken puck which scored a goal last week, last was Rockwood Curlers Defeated. Kingston cuglers defeated the Rock- wood stone-howlers at the eity rink yesterday afternoon by four shots Rockwood leads by seven so far in the contest for the tankard. Rockwood No. Jones, Dennison. Clarke, skip---16. Kingston, ® No. Grant, Strachan, Drury, skip--I1%. Rockwood, No. 2-Dick, McCam mon, Potter, Davideon, skip--20 Kingston, No. 3-Slater, Henderson, Sutherland, Dalton, skip--22. Fenwick, Shaw, Sport In General. The faculty at Kalamazoo college, Mich., ia considering forbidding foot Lwpent a pall playing. Corn. week Frontenac seniors play in Friday night. Next In the watch with Princeton, it is that Merrill, Dalton, Me- Dawall and Walkem . will be with { @rieen's team. . ] Second gic] alone baseman Bonner, who is worrying the Toronto papers so mach, will sign with Chicago ball club, under certain conaitions. ~ 8 efforts will be made 10 get and "Joek'" Harfy to join are not ; Goorey's Jour, and if the 'mee mere; it's all aking rages Toronto Wellingtons western periods. Rogers shouldn't ! while I, | When stated, will apply this year for the aL I vegatia of the Canadian asso- ciation of amatesr oarsmen. The be Lief is thas Brockvi will be success ful in securing the 'meet i - 'The Toromo Telegram dbelarcs that the am repr ng Montreal i get so further to the Stanley eup than aid the Wellingtons, The probability is they wan't get near enough to th cup to read the lettering ing from the hockey now bei ad in the Quebec league, the 1 is about right. The all-American trip about the longest ever made by am team, barring those to foreign lands, The aggregation started at the of the American league season at Pro vider Rl. and played is way to Chicago From | Chicag the team toured south as jar as T and New . Orleans and return, and on Thanksgiving went direct to the Pa ceili. coast, where 1t plaved éver since. on mn. Judg g piss gram basehall was close PAE TO AID HAMILTON In Oppositlg Legislature Desired By Toronto. Mavor Shaw i in receipt of a com 'munication from mayor Hendrie, Ham ilton, calling the fact that Torento city council tended ap- plving to the Ontario legistature for an amendment to the munic ipai act, in keeping with this resolution, adopt wit by the council + "That the city wo licitor he attention to mstructed to apply for leg islation at the present the Ontario legislature amend meng, to the municipal act, so at this council can; ns hereto fore, by a vote of © two-thirds the members thereof, pass by for ex empiion taxation, excepting the - machinery, plant, of every in the city Hendrie pointe out that up on its face this scems to be a very in nt and t, but when carries "to its logy that it will benefit very the city of Toronto, disadvantage short session of for an laws from school rates, tools, ete., dustry manutavinring in Mavor imple the re yet al conclusion materially to the i only a of other cities time ago, at the the 1 that a gent request. of tion ot made in the ment act, aho sanction UCI pat associa Ontario, change municipal ters' list jority of ratepayers voting on t law, Mayor Hendrie operation of the eil in opposing asked th Kingston city the proposed leg communication was read in council last evenir red on motion of aldermen Farrell, was re Pense, M. P. proposed legis it comes up in the legis Walkem and ferred to Edw. J. B for him to oppose the lation when lature, Gentlemen Who Are Bald. Or have thin haic, should call on ref; Dorvenwead at British American hotel, Kingston, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 5th, and sce his wonderful de vices in toupees and wigs worn on jover 65,000 heads. Explanation and { demonstration free. Private apart ments at hotel. Ladies look youngwr Take the trouble of visiting Prof. Dorenwend's private show rooms and se: the many beautiful inventians in styles of human hair coverings, wigs, bangs, switches, cte., and inspect his new patent structure. { 'Heart Relief In Haif An Hour. | A lady in Néew York state, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, says "I feel like one brought back from the dead, so great i was ny sullering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this powerful treatment. | owe my life to it." Sold by E. C. Mitchell.--19. Caught In The Storm. |. eit in an, mapanied by j.his best J aunt { to Howe While re | turnin had some pleasure nday in the storm they : The vo x { had (Lo draw the outter several miles the young lady lod the they reached the city at o'clock, both were ne perished will be some time they Hov Island again iting experiences, man horse before Look Around First. Never mind the ads., "look around first" before buying furs. We intend making our present clearing sale a { memorable one for all fur buyers. It full swing. George Mills & street, now In furriers, Wellington that look at where yo { | k for nothing better than into every {every and then Jean buy best It i¢ a good know where to buy. Bibby's and buy | 1 Co | It Pays To Look Around. We you go } suit thing to Lawrence vesterday found =5 Mrs. Browett, and rbvurved ti to its | John lost by | money owner BOY BUILDING. That Is The Mission Of Good Food. There is. an abundance of proof that food can be selected that will build up ba brain as well as body One case ix that of a boy amd the deseription" hy hire wither t Khe says, "This particular se ways had a delicate stom if when he was an infant bad cholera ive fantum two or thred seasons in cession; he was exceedingly hard to raise, and was not well enough to go to school when be became old enough.' The mother says, "Fipally we eon "claded to put him on Grape-Nats ex clusively and see what the food would do for lim. We did, and to our great 'astonishment. our boy improved daily. | He is now hearty and getting along in {school snusuelly well. He still de pends upon Grape Nuts for a goodly shave of his diet. Whenever children are hungry at bed time it is always safe to jet them eat : Grape-Nute apd Jet them go to bed. "1 came to know of the value of Grape Nuts by wong it oysell, and found that T wes unusually weil nourished and gained rapidly in streagth. given Go $ Pleas do not gee my name. By the | way, we aiundonad coffee in our fam ily several yoars ago awd have always Postums since. Would as WGOENTS OF THE DAY. ARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BX OUL BUSY REPORTERS, x | The Spice of Ewery Day Lile-- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At. tention, A local tailor shop closed its doors to-day. This is certainly the boys' suit store, Bibby's Hear Dr. Montague and J. C. Al hall, Monday. B" field batteries are to gethef about forty under sirength. City clerk. Shannon has petitioped the council for an in salary. Ebony hair brushes from 4c. up, at our twenty per cent, discount sale. E. C. Mitchell, Three applications of Peck's Com Salve will cure hard or soft corns. la Mo hoxes, 18. at Wade's drug store The ladies' refveshusent commitiee wet at the, bicyfle club rooms last evening and made arrangements for the annual assembly in the Whig hall Miller's Headache Powders cure heaa- e in five minutes. In boxes 10s. and 28¢c., at Wade's drug stom, Distriet deputy Smith, of Newburgh, pays his official visit to Minden lodge, AF. & AM. this evening. Serge suits $8.50. See them at Bib- Ww Mor: ing ease Harry Wilder has returned from Tor where he took a course in the school of optics and secured a certifi cate with a very high standing All brushes in stock at twenty per ent. discount for two weeks only. E Mitchell. = David Hamilton, of the tity;Srhms purchased from J. B. Cooke a large valuable Sunnyside, on the Loughboro road, near Cataraqui J. Walsh, the king of ck wire performers, and J. Allen, comedian will make a start in the spring tour pany Miss Laura Fthel Campbell, daugh ter of John Campbell, Albert streel has ved her second eolass teacher's cergifieate from the school, Ottawa Jack" merly of onio, and farm , at on a with a first class comedy com recet \ 1 Normal McCulle Hende a few for is spending davs i y. He up to attend the fun his aunt, the late Mrs rng strect Ihe workingmen are glad to sx Joseph Hipson rvetwrnod to the city council, but they can see quite ready ly throsgh the vew fowl zeal of the gonservative party. Political zeal is ' cam Kenning cheap just now Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, medralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago. In bottles, 25c., at Wade's drug store A pleasant "At the residence of street, last was held at George Menary, York Dancing, games, made up a pleasant evening, dur ing the which refreshments were served $3.50 and and black where Home" evening ete, course of 810 blue any- worsten Nothing Bibhy's John Davie on January serges, like them Stanstead, Que. 20th, after a very brief illnes He w in the Canada Methodist church for forty-six years anel was formerly stationed dt Uata raqui and Wilton, Po vow realize the inducermgnt we i Twenty per cent dis finest hair, tooth, elotl nail shaving weeks are offering ? count of the stock of thie and the eity, for Mitchell and seven of the city al at Sydenham dhurch They are McCammon, and Knapp. nians have re tend a ball to ¢ n in Turner's hall, Gananoque Friday night. H treasures he brushes in only E. ( The men ar Methodist White, Dunlop; McLeod, Pell mnber of Ki invitations to at two mayor attendants Hora is secretary ttee in-charge Pe constables Graham and Mee Adao were en I to-day in notifving residents move show their sud " « named was on ide of th ahd the last comm from the north oily gamed on the with The strect got around the belt line yesterday on ac count of the drifting snow. The sweep + wore at work day and night. Thig ng the ears were running around t. It expected that the open thi branch is still cars were unable to was line would be The depot that were alue, atl on through E, { was in legisla \ ion Ahe pres 1 Hom. Richard Hu wi. He front row My. sof the sitting intro members of the oppesi dually by Mr. Whiteey. ------ o-------- A Steam Yacht Livery. Ap officer of the permanent sritlie yacht livery, in the summer. He has gircady pur yacht and i having two Davie' shiphuilding iH be purchesed later propelivd by either stemm or cleetnicity it is the inten tion of the officer to rent these plea sure crafts to Amerwan tourists and visitors, or to ety people who might wish au outing The Jdivery will be located at a convenient spot along the harbor fromt, aml thé military man bedicyes he has launched a scheme that will prove successful, as seat on the arin] benches Pens duced to tion indivi will manage a next chased on others blt at vard Others + The boats will W. BR. Johnston & Co., The Whole. sale Tailors, OF Toronts, received gn order lam week 10 make for the H. P Bithy Co. over ome thoisand pairs of thdusers Ready -made trousers * dertinly are taking the place of the order work to BR OVerv great exiewt. , i ------------------------ A Birthday Party. On Priday night, Willie. the seven paroid von of Mr. eed Mrs. od. E. dubbstan, Bruok street, anteriaiosd o umuber of bis friendi to a birthday pariy: Reiresbments were - repminee An ideal ledicine. 32 A New Discovery WHith Cures All Forms of Catarrh. Jowt and palatable remady let form, known as Siu druggists t shscoveries in med torch wed "pesnitn from t ty gratifying. oid tape Irottosent fabalers 4 ater on inter bh Eronter sHOUeSN. powder form were § like all msodicioes owe their r exposed to Stuar tain highly t Gam, Hood rrh germs w Blood and pawous membrane. and in this rw chentific and modern, ls woe all } thar co tarrh (ive con " and local applications' can lave oaly 'a Yepesitory offoot The wee of (balers, douches an a vwsancs aml ipcongapence and wind compare favorably = with septics given in tablet form thoy oan reach the stomach kil} eatarrh genus right where duced. Pravs lowyer and lio dpfoker ol 1 have troubled with head ar t t for 0 worms impossible 1 x ropilesr of wu throat oaused red si luterfer ing with my public hour or more of coug ating and sneesiag overy oud petaly down te work am geatially brows en watar coping loss of appetite, poor a foul Breaths which swmoved me exeseding!y My iysician mdvi rh Tablets mois wand was quickly they cleared my hond, puch amd have no wd tation g . They are not only Plesssut take. But they Soom to gol 8% te Very ro of the trouble, using them | have had no trgoe of caterrh" Druggiets well Stnart's Cotareh Tablets nt 56 ovmts Aor full sin] pack They can be carried in the pockel ad awd any, Hop. ad as olien ps Ionirach; hoon they contain wo cooning, mercury 'or Funy other Hvis tit anton Bmcause Hifi 0000000000000 "Your : The Doctor" " It's for you to decide what kind of coal you wait, Swift's ' Is the bert and eonts 0) mere than other kinds. JAMES SWIFT & 60. : : : : hones 3 00000000000 9000000009096 000 00000000 i "HONEST COAL. Conl that wil you the full sales of Your money kind that is clean a whith esery pesny " warmth sad comlort Coal for grates, stack barners, snd stoves of every kind. All kinds of Wood and Kind Hop s give Kiged wn wef, The way through--is is the omiy poy counts for Foot of Queen St.-- Phone O. SCHOOL of ART. SATURDAY, JAN. 4th, 3 Other classes usual hours. ° CHAS. E. WRENSHALL, ---------------------- a i na A NEW LIVERY BUSINESS. HAVING. PURCHASED THE BIvERY busitions und good will from BNF, MoFor fate, foot of Priscess street, | will endeavor to. conduct. iL op Sree cies prinsiplell Good hovees, good rigs. caretsl driver fu Sosstent Pacus 10. RE WilsonsProp. DR. C. E. O'CONNOR games enjoved. The le Toon toiate) ipd a large wishes of proscats, w ranichent ro amar Oltice, v= 79 Kisg Street. ;

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